Home page and conversation index
Each of the items below are one "conversation," which includes proper dialogue as well as other game text such as Thought Cabinet descriptions. For each conversation, this page lists the description as it appears in the game files, as well as the characters (including skills) who participate. One way to find a relevant conversation might be to use CTRL+F (CMD+F on Mac) to search the page for a character name or setting/topic keyword. The dialogue search page can also be used to find conversations from a word or phrase.
Each conversation can be explored more fully using two additional pages. There is a "flat transcript," a table with relevant information (dialogue, character name, logical flags) for each step in the conversation. This transcript might be useful to search for a specific keyword or phrase through the whole conversation. A more useful tool is the interactive explorer, which presents the same information but allows the user to make choices and simulate game flags to see different possibilities in the branching conversational paths.
The hangover feels really bad. You have to take the edge off. Find a bottle of alcohol, put it in your hand (equip it in the HELD slot in your INVENTORY), and the magic will happen by its own!
Due to some confusion over the game René and Gaston are playing, you threw one of their pétanque *boules* far in the sea. The shot was excellent, but now you owe them a *boule*... or at least similar-looking metal sphere.
You tried to punch Cuno and failed catastrophically. Now you need to make a truce with him to gain access to his knowledge. Offer him something he might like. Smokes? A "Man from Hjelmdall" book?
Seems like your green snakeskin shoe is missing its partner. You should find it before you go venturing into the wild unknown. Two shoes are better than one -- unite them again.
The cafeteria manager of the Whirling-in-Rags might know something about the murder that happened in the yard. Ask him about it.
Inspect the body hanging in the back yard of the Whirling-in-Rags. This is a preliminary inspection, you just need to suppress the urge to throw up and approach it.
You need to report your missing badge to the 41st Precinct as soon as possible. The lieutenant said that you can use the radio in his motorcar to call your station.
You need to find 20 reál to pay for your room at the Whirling, or it will be locked after 21.00. As long as you don't have a free place to stay you have to do this every night.
You need to pay for the damages you caused in the Whirling-in-Rags, or you won't have a place to stay tonight. Ask around for money and be careful with your spending. If you're unsure how much you owe, ask Garte.
You need to get your hands on some cigarettes and then smoke them... for those massive bonuses. Find a pack, put it in your hand (equip it in the HELD slot in your INVENTORY), and the smokes will do the rest.
Somehow make it so that the bloated corpse isn't up there any more. Shoot it down or ask for help. Do something, you're a cop.
The working class woman you met in front of the bookstore admitted that her husband is missing. Chances are the guy is drinking somewhere with his buddies. Find him and bring him home, if possible.
Sylvie asked you to talk to Garte and tell him she's sorry. Go to the cafeteria manager and relay the news, maybe it will help you somehow?
Lieutenant Kitsuragi does not want you to hear about something called the *pale*, probably thinking it will prove traumatic. Return to Joyce once he is not there, and ask her about it. *Or* get him to step away for a second.
It's unclear how you should go about finding a tiny piece of plastic in a world as huge as this. Maybe you'll just *stumble* across it, down the line? Miracles happen.
You have seen an exceptionally beautiful wall in Martinaise, near the pier, and have decided to add to its beauty, artistically. This will take a brush first? Who would have one? Then paint, and then the act itself.
There's a locked trash container behind the Whirling-in-Rags. The manager, Garte, should have a key. Alternatively, you could use brute force to pry the lid open. You just need a prybar.
Find the representative of the logistics company who owns the harbour, and ask her about the murder. She should be around here somewhere...
Enter the harbour and seek an audience with the local Débardeur's Union leader, Evrart Claire -- you need to ask him about the murder in his District.
The hanged man is down. Perform a closer inspection of his body, arriving at cause of death. This will need a form to be filled, in three parts.
Garte has told you some unruly Union men gather in the mess hall of the Whirling-in-Rags. They're not there today, but most likely they'll eventually show up -- keep an eye out for them.
Go upstairs and knock on the door #3 to talk to the supposed victim of the hanged man. See what she has to say to you.
Titus said Ruby -- the instigator of the lynching -- has a shack she rents on the coast. First go across the waterlock (south of Martinaise), then walk down the coast until you find a little fishing village. Ask around, the locals must have seen her.
Return to the Whirling after the whole Instigator debacle. Someone there has something to answer to.
Go to the islet in the bay. There could be a boat in the fishing village, on the coast. Ask there.
You discovered a serial number on the victim's ceramic armour boots. Run the number using Lieutenant Kitsuragi's shortwave in his motor carriage.
Someone's using Terminal B to smuggle raw ingredients of drugs into Revachol. Joyce said there are 3 drivers at the intersection. Talk to them, one of them *must* know something about the drug trade.
Kim suggested you call the station lazareth in order to sort out your health issues. You can use his motor carriage to make the call, although you don't feel hopeful.
People say the commercial building on the plaza is cursed; no business will ever thrive there without going bankrupt. You promised Plaisance you'll look into it. Enter the sealed door behind the bookstore and find out what happened to the companies there.
Officers of the RCM carry a ledger with paperwork -- find yours so you'd be able to take official notes. Look around the yard. Something makes you think it's there.
The victim's clothes were in the trash container out back, neatly folded. Who could have put them there, and why? Only the Whirling staff was supposed to have the key.
You and your Conceptualization skill have decided to style that paperwork so it'd be cooler somehow. Be on the lookout, but know -- this will take *time*.
This case needs an official name. Go to your INVENTORY, and INTERACT with the Damaged Ledger to give it one. (Finding the right line may take some time.)
You reek of death. Wash it off. There's a bathtub in your room in the Whirling-in-Rags. A good place to visit once you can have some privacy.
Help Revachol Ice City cut their losses by plugging out the giant ice bear fridge. It's located in the cellar of the Doomed Commercial Area.
Kim can answer any lingering questions you may have about the case and the RCM. Join him on the Whirling-in-Rags' balcony after 22:00, when you're calling it a day.
Some locusts have gone missing, and the Insulindian phasmid has yet to be found. Perhaps you can use your detective skills to help out the cryptozoologists?
A half-insane joyrider has jumped over the canal. See if you can find evidence of his reckless activity in west, on the coast.
You have a date with Lilienne. Get to Land's End -- in the northern tip of the peninsula -- quickly, she's not going to wait for you forever.
There is something she wants to tell you -- you just have to present her with your badge to hear it. *Or* perhaps if you did her a favour she could wave off the formality? Whatever the case, you need to know what she knows.
You have a photo of the hanged man's tattoos. Maybe someone can decipher them, tell you what they mean? You should probably talk to about two people about them for this.
Evrart asked you to open the basement door behind the greenhouse in the backyard, to intimidate the occupant. Do what you have to do, Evrart has promised to give you info on the case in return.
Get Isobel and Lilienne in the nameless fishing village down the coast to sign Evrart's document. Once the signatures are secured, mail the document to Evrart's accountant using the mail box on the plaza in front of the Whirling.
Joyce has said she will tell you about the discovery of the Insulindian isola, one day. You have a feeling you need to tell her things in return -- things you do for Evrart, maybe?
Once you're done with it, send the corpse to Processing (Lieutenant Kitsuragi will take care of it). Check twice to see whether you're done with all corpse-related tasks -- after you've sent the body away, you can't take it back.
The hangover is coming on *mega* strong now. You need more speed in your bloodstream. Find some, put it in your hand (equip it in the HELD slot in your INVENTORY), and off we go!
Someone reported the hanging to the RCM. Maybe if you find out who it was, it may shed new light on the events. You have an idea where to start, but the caller could have been anyone.
When Kim's not around to stop you, ask Klaasje about what she heard from her room the night before you emerged into Reality. She must know something.
There are strange doors in the Whirling. No one knows where they lead. Find a way in and see what's hidden there, in the hostel cafeteria's forgotten corners.
You need to find a sufficiently tragic tape, then play it on a boombox to memorize the lyrics. Then ask the cafeteria manager to perform. (Preferably in the evening. More people at the bar then.)
Dicemaker said that your order will be ready in 8 hours. Pick it up from the Doomed Commercial Area and be sure to have some money with you.
You finally met up with the mysterious smoker on the balcony. He said the one you really want to talk to is his friend. This friend is waiting for you inside, in apartment #28 -- go and and meet him right now (he won't be there later).
You should find out what is this *anodic dance* music people are listening to these days. Maybe if you were to stumble upon some young adults later on? This is a long term side-thing, don't fret it.
Hardie gave you a recording where the hanged man supposedly testifies to his intent to rape and pillage. Have a listen on a playback device -- either in your room; or find one from a pawnshop.
The ravers asked you to help turn the church into a dance club, but there are already some people inside. Find out who those people are and what they want.
Klaasje told you she can't talk about him now, but you need *specifics* -- height, build, etc, to confirm your autopsy. Ask a little later, when she has collected herself.
Noid doesn't want to talk to you, the sines are not in sync. Guess you need to help him and his friends out somehow, prove that you're one of the crew. Who knows what he'll tell you?
Ruby was the organizer of the hanging. She's also *missing*, but the Hardie boys will be tight-lipped about her location. You need to get them to open up. Have you *fully* explored the Whirling? Analysed the site of the murder? Truly and *thoroughly* interrogated Klaasje? All this might make convincing them easier.
What's so *special* about the borscht the strikers are eating? The cook in the *Whirling-in-Rags* is making it -- you can find him in the kitchen. Look into it.
There's a buoy West of the boardwalk on the coast, somewhere in the reeds. It has Miss Oranje's fake documents in it...
There has to be some way to talk to this person, you just haven't found it yet. (It's definitely not about sines.) What if you just try again, find your way out of this maze of things to say?
A person present at the lynching is also involved with the drug trade through the harbour, which links them to Hardie's boys. See what Titus has to say about it.
Acele refused to talk about her friends. Maybe she'll open up later -- after you've helped them set up the nightclub.
There is a hidden way to arrest Klaasje and have Kim take her to Precinct 57 for safe keeping. She is not to be trusted.
There is a secret way to solve the deadlock. It's not easy, includes a lot of back and forth between the two sides, but it's possible. Everything is always possible.
Ruby said you were a notoriously corrupt cop. La Puta Madre's peone. That's why she was scared of you. When you get the chance, call your station to find out more -- *if* you dare.
What it says on the can.
Lilienne mentioned they might have been there on a raft -- the twins are on the concrete yard in the middle of the village.
Find fuel, then put it in the generator upstairs (to power the console -- to open the door). There could be fuel on the island, tucked away somewhere -- explore, look around.
Ask Titus Hardie and his boys to take care of the Pigs -- the woman catatonic on the boardwalk. It's their district, their mess -- their responsibility.
Acele said Evrart is connected to the drug operation in the church. Maybe you can use this to manipulate him.
You need at least three examples of proof to show that you have him anyway. There is little point in his resistance.
Put the Advanced Race Theory idea into a free *internalizing* slot in your head. (If there are no free slots, free one up). Then pass some time and when it's internalized, return to Measurehead. This is how thinking is done!
Those FALN track pants looked enticing, but you and Cuno were not *close* yet. You need to figure out what's going on with him and then you can get your hands on some performance gear.
Hardie and the boys know the whole story. It'll be difficult to get it out of him. Have you thoroughly inspected the body? Looked around for a witness? Gotten friendly with the Union boss and the company rep? *Really* gotten to Klaasje?
Lena gave you a commemorative pin to pawn when you were desperate for cash. The *honourable* thing to do would be to return it to her -- buy it back and return it to her once you have money.
Lena gave you a commemorative pin to pawn when you were desperate for cash. You could pay her back once your financial situation isn't quite as pitiful. Finished when you give Lena what the pawnbroker paid you for the pin.
You have no idea where you are. Lena encouraged you to ask others to explain the world to you in greater detail -- perhaps try a rich person? Rich people are educated.
The working class woman said that you're a bit of a cockatoo. What if it's true? Go read up on cockatoos in the bookstore, maybe you'll discover something new about yourself as well.
Garte was fixing a stuffed bird. You've found another stuffed bird, not the same bird but not broken either. Take it to him in the Whirling-in-Rags. Perhaps he can hang it up on the wall.
Another dead body, this time on the Martinaise boardwalk on the coast. You don't have time to look into it. Someone at the lieutenant's station can handle it. Call and let them know what you found -- after you've examined the body for clues.
Another dead body, this time on the Martinaise boardwalk on the coast. Search the man's remains and follow the leads to see if you can verify his identity.
Dolores Dei was fond of figurines. She deserves more. You should offer her any and all you have one day, if you meet her in person. What an odd task to give yourself -- but here we are.
You need to find the firearm that killed the hanged man. Something tells you it will take *some* time. You could start by identifying the bullet, so you'd know the weapon that shot it. After that, keep your eyes open. And be patient.
Your damaged physique has earned its rest, no matter what thoughts and dreams it may bring.
According to Gary, Seolites are using advanced technology to spy on people all around the world. Maybe you should ask Kim if he can get you information about yourself from the Seolite database.
The question yet to be *totally* answered -- is Whirling-in-Rags a part of the Doomed Commercial Area? Talk to Garte about this, see what he thinks.
Soona's research has led you to discover a 2 mm origin point of pale in the Dolorian Church of Humanity down the coast. This might be negatively affecting the entire neighbourhood, including the Doomed Commercial Area where Dicemaker works. Tell her about it.
Soona's research has led you to discover a 2 mm origin point of pale in the Dolorian Church of Humanity down the coast. This might be negatively affecting the entire neighbourhood, including the Doomed Commercial Area where Plaisance works. Tell her about it.
The large blast door blocks your path forward. You have to get it open. Maybe from the console? If there's a button...
Idiot Doom Spiral stole a cool jacket at one point... and then lost it again. The story of his life. According to the man, the jacket was last seen somewhere around the boardwalk, maybe at the abandoned fish market?
The young woman with the wheelbarrow at the corner of the Whirling-in-Rags told you that she had to take a break from gardening because of the cadaver smell. But what if she was lying? After all, what kind of *gardening* is done in *March*?
You really just want one piece of the armour... it's enough. Find and locate one piece and this one's done.
You want all of the armour pieces. Deck yourself out in full metal battle-hardened glory. NOTE! This might take a while. Like, a *long* while.
The cleaning lady said the apartment should be empty, but there's definitely someone inside. Could it be *counterculture people*? Investigate and report back to the cleaning lady in the apartment building's hallway.
Use the boat to return to mainland.
You need to buy yourself more time to find whatever you're missing in the corpse. A fridge would allow you to preserve the body longer. Ask the Whirling, Frittte, or maybe Cuno, or some other local kids?
The ageing cryptozoologist has been out in the reeds for too long, and his wife, Lena, is very worried. Maybe you can find him when you happen to be on the coast?
Where could the shot that killed the hanged man have come from -- if not from the roof? This will take some checking out of locations.
Enter flat #12 in the Capeside apartment building and get Cuno's speed. Sharing it with him will cement your friendship. And who knows what secrets it will lead to?
Soona will cooperate with the ravers' nightclub plan... if you help her out with the research project first. Find the filament memory with an off-site copy from her old workplace and bring it back to her, then wait for further instructions. If you run into any problems you can always ask for Soona's help.
You can feel it -- this music could hit so much harder. It just needs a few tweaks... Walk back to the canal and see if you can find any tapes that could work as a melody, then bring them back to Egg Head for remixing.
In order to succeed 1) the body has to be down, 2) autopsy has to be finished, 3) and Kim has to be absent (he wouldn't approve). This will be *devilishly* tricky, so don't beat yourself up if you manage to send the body to the processing without getting hold of the boots.
Go to it, carefully... it may be dangerous.
You met a mysterious stranger smoking on the balcony of the apartment building north of Martinaise. He knows something about the murder. Find out where he lives and question him again.
Why did he do this thing? Why???
Someone's been running around with your sidearm pretending to be a police officer. You must meet her near the old fish market at 22:00 and get your service weapon back. Just walk past the fishing village until you see the boardwalk.
Someone must know something about your lost firearm. Maybe a district authority, like someone high up in the Union? Or someone local, who saw you with it before you passed out -- the Whirling's absent bartender? You could also ask the local pawnshop.
You need to interrogate the men in the Union booth, find out what they know about the hanging in Martinaise.
You refused the tape Hardie offered you, wherein the hanged man supposedly testified his intent to rape and pillage. Does Klaasje know anything about the recording? You should ask her -- unless you like loose ends.
Something looked off about the game the old men are playing on the plaza -- one of them (Gaston?) was cheating. Cheating in sports in unacceptable. Address this!
It's waiting for you -- wheat-free, vegan deliciousness. Gary said he can give it to you once he's in the Whirling.
Get in front of Kineema's headlights to read the halogen watermarks in your ledger. This may yield some information about who you are.
Police officers get *briefed* about the cases they're given. Sometimes they *forget* the briefing, though, and need to be briefed again! Click on Kim and ask him about the case.
Perhaps another mercenary can tell you more about the hanged man's tattoos, the so called 'Scab Leader' at the harbour gates. It won't count as one of the people informing you about the tattoos, but could be... interesting?
The Horrific Necktie is getting ready for the end game. For the love of god do not remove it till 'the magic' happens.
Go to her room, search it once more. Upstairs, in the bedroom -- the window. Perhaps it will yield *something*?
Find the cryptid called the *Insulindian phasmid* in Martinaise -- confirm its existence.
There is an extra special *fourth* substance in Martinaise, that no one talks about. Find it, slurp it. You may even start noticing bottles tucked away in Martinaise once you've seen one in your hand.
The old guy in the uniform playing pétanque on the plaza -- he looks like a war veteran. Maybe he can tell you something about the may bells. Show them to him.
Garte + Sylvie = ?? Something's going on here. You need to help a brother out with his love-woes. Go to Garte and give him some solid advice. Tell him how it *is* with women.
The hanged man's armour seems to be missing. Find out what happened to it. The kid throwing rocks at the corpse seems to be a good place to start. (Ask him about the body first.)
To get to the coast you need to use the panel to close the water lock. It's been blocked, pending repairs, which should be done by Wednesday morning. (This will open up a new area in Martinaise.)
You have to gain authority in Titus' eyes for the investigation to advance. Soften him up first. Maybe investigate the crime scene, or the body? Look for a witness? Get help from the Union boss, or the company rep? Tie them to any other crimes?
The photo you found in the nightwatchman's booth -- the one with a happy couple. Ask René about it, he looked uncharacteristically happy in the picture.
Check the traps for Morell the cryptozoologist, so he and his friend Gary can get some rest. There are four traps in total. After checking them all, return to Morell with the news.
You've volunteered to restock the empty trap for the cryptozoologists. They even gave you fresh box of locusts. This could, after some messing around, *probably* lead to the discovery?
Ruby was in the cinderblock village but left Monday. She could be anywhere on the peninsula, north of the village. Look inside the church. Ask around, there are people to the west of the mural. Or, I don't know... ask a girl on a date? Then ask her? Ask the wind maybe?
The gloves of the hanged man armour might still be around in the neighbourhood. Try to locate them.
Apparently there was a pissing match between Precinct 41 (yours) and Precinct 57 (Kim's). Ask Kim about this after the initial inspection of the dead body is done.
There's a dead body on the Martinaise boardwalk down the coast. Return to it with the lieutenant and decide what to do with it.
It is possible to determine the real cause of the hanged man's death -- before it's too late. You've just done it!
You'll get so much more police work done, if you don't waste time chatting with old men. Just leave these two to their game.
You see the waves, the sea, a church...
Nice bed. You could sleep here -- later, once night has come.
There are rumours that the previous forewoman of the Union just disappeared, right before the Claires took over. Her daughter called in on the election eve and said she wasn't running any more -- or coming to work. What happened?
You can't build communism alone. It's time to join your revolutionary brethren, develop your political consciousness, and put Mazovian theory into practice. But where have all the communists gone?
Things down here are a *mess*. Someone really ought to do something about it. First, though, you and some other moralists should probably form a committee to decide whose job it is.
The Wind spoke to you at the Feld Mural. The Children of the Sea know something that will assist you in finding Ruby. But who are the Children and what do they know?
No more messing around. It's time to get rich for real! Just play the market right and you'll be a millionaire by the end of the week. Then you can get what your heart desires. Whatever it is...
A true kingsman *cannot* stomach the grotesque parody of Old Revachol your home has become. *Assez*! Find a way to turn back time, save the Suzerainty and give *love* a second chance.
The dialogue between you and the door to your room. It is locked unless you've paid for damages.
The shack door dialogue, if you have gained access to the shack where you can sleep. It's locked until you get it from the Washerwoman.
The door to Kim's room on floor two of Whirling-in-Rags
Savoir Faire convinces you on the merits of being an Ultraliberal -- Gossamer State.
Rhetoric talks about Communism --The World Republic.
Drama informs you are a Boring Cop.
Composure confirms that you're a Superstar Cop.
Empathy informs you that you are a Moralist. Kingdom of Conscience awaits.
Shivers is all about being an Apocalypse Cop. Thou art the harbinger of doom, embrace thine destiny.
Suggestion tells you all about being a Sorry Cop. ... I am SORRY!!! Sorry for everything! Sorry for being *me*!
Authority discusses how you are... The rarest of police officers
Endurance explains you are a Fascist. It's all about the Revacholian Nationhood.
Pain Threshold turns you into THE DESTROYER! (a thought for punching and not taking damage). Anti-Object Task Force.
Visual Calculus wants you to research Enemy Technology. Get it after equipping any piece of the dead man's armour.
Physical Instrument is really adamant about yelling at you. something-something triggers the thought
A thought for becoming a speed addict.
A thought for becoming an alcoholic.
A thought for becoming a wonderful pyrholidon addict.
Global afterthought dialogue to pick up smoking.
Conceptualization is really interested in your Art Cop ideas
Inland Empire -- Happens on a counter now.
For when the thought is FIXED. Logic tries to get you to kill yourself if you have a gun and bullets, and tells you you're stupid if you don't.
Broke into Cuno's parents' room and communist apartment and Gary's apartment and church – counter. Global thought after 2.
Endurance -- about staying clean. Not an initiation dialogue, but UPON FIXING thought?
MAGNESIUM BASED LIFE FORM INITIATION triggered in Cuno dialogue; as an Obsession!
A washbasin An interactable dialogue where you can shave your beard/muttonchops! This changes the portrait in the mirror dialogue, and the one on UI.
The bullet you find in the shack, hinting that someone else has been staying here. Secretly.
The floorboards creak under your step.
This intricate heat engine hums quietly, giving out pleasant warmth.
A shivers afterthought appears after you've clicked through the other orbs available inside the shack. It's a discussion of how it feels to have a new centre of operations, a free home
Old science fiction magazines. Books about birdwatching. An almanac from '39.
Using a thermodynamic expander-condenser cycle... nice.
Mainframe. Related to Doomed-Soona-questline related stuff.
Tiago the Crab Man.
Soona the Palediver.
Viscal concerning the stained glass window. You can put important things together.
Wires running across the floor...
Someone's siphoning electrical current from outside -- into this antenna.
The bowl is filled with water. A live wire runs directly into it.
The antenna, Ream ESKER AR-1, is buzzing with energy.
A cracked pane of glass, colourful.
It came from the stained glass window. Still has letters on it too...
Could these wires work as contact microphones?
Feels like there's someone above you, watching you from the dark.
Waterbasin dialogue for solving the "Move the waterbasins" task.
this pops up and tells you you should give dolores dei your figurine
The blackboard is filled with complex equations. They look recent.
Something to do with radio frequencies?
A strange stillness fills you as you look ahead. You should *walk* here, not run.
This grotesque wooden figure looks half-finished.
Feels like it's trying to become one with the church.
This figure was added later. It's not part of the original church.
Two decks of reel-to-reel tapes spinning on empty.
A portable Harmon Wowshi tape recorder.
Cold wind blows in from the broken gallery... makes your skin crawl.
Frost has drawn flowers on the glass, obscuring the view.
A prayer book has been left open.
Excerpts from the Perikarnassian litany of love.
This looks like a tiny chemistry lab.
What's happening here?
Those Nosaphed bottles...
Tanks of distilled water.
Cool, so this is where they've set up the drug lab.
A strange taste on your lips. Like blood -- or strawberries.
Is it possible it's... *recording* something?
Aha, the drug lab! Can't wait for the profits to start rolling in...
More of the forked lightning pattern you saw outside.
A figure drawn in frost on the window, depicting a deer.
A cracked pane of glass.
Bark beetles? No, it looks intentional. Some long forgotten style.
A spider has spun its web around this wood-carved pillar.
Someone has left some crumbly looking eternite panels leaning against this wall. Most suspicious.
it's the door to Cuno's shack (an empty interactable node to get it working programming-wise)
An empty tube of *Magnesolam* magnesium supplement.
A magnesium supplement you rub on your chest to live a happy magnesium-rich life.
A silver plate with traces of bone yellow powder.
The poster says: GET OUT OF THE WAY -- OR GET FUCKED UP!
Cured pig's head. It looks mummified.
That's actually a FALN slogan, from an aggressive youth oriented campaign.
It's crawling with locusts in here!
Cuno must have taken the locusts from the trap. Get task to confront him.
The sound of melting snow dripping off the roof... it's strange.
Discussing the speed with Kim.
IF we ever get Kim Barks working, whoop-dee-doy!
The smell of the sea makes you dizzy.
A gust of briny wind washes over you.
The neon sign glistens in the morning light: WHIRLING-IN-RAGS.
both shoes on, finishes task
Daughter of the book shop clerk is standing outside with a small book stand in order to make the shop more inviting. You chat her up.
Barks from a working class man with a drinking problem. Triggers an authority orb if you've met the working class woman.
[Aimée.] A dialogue with a woman who has a job. And a husband. And kids.
Start drinking (Electrochem).
AUTHORITY: It's a working class woman's drunk husband.
A coin-operated viewer on the plaza. It offers a view to the sunken sea-fort.
A coin-operated viewer on the plaza. It offers a view to the church.
This coin operated viewer has been banged up, inoperable.
A drunk girl who has fallen down the stairs near the waterfront. You can steal her tare bag. She mumbles something about bottles..
the afterthought where you learn it all...
The ad reads: "Broken Window? Tibbs has windows!"
Etched into the wood, barely visible: *REMEMBER THE* ...the rest is lost to time.
This Shivers initiates the coat quest. It is an Easy check.
What it says on the box.
Barks for WR protester post-mercenary tribunal. The Women's Rights protester is drunk, lying in the sand. He uses the tare drunk/working class drunk idle animation.
Seems that after the strike the women's rights activist has radicalised and... gotten sloshed.
tape interactable in inventory; smallest church in saint-saens with all the dialogue necessary. item pickup in world.
Putting the pants on gives a one time +1 to Kingdom of Conscience, you moralist douche. This is edited now.
The faded remains of a poster with the date '46. A name is faintly legible: "Arn... v ...ck."
A cluster of polychromatic flyers blow by in the breeze.
A faint smell of soldering, melted insulation -- nylon and ozone.
Afterthought reaction orbital to those flyers, man. Do it. Talk to your stupid brain.
A message has been carved into the wall: "TRANCE NATION, EYCK NATION."
The low rumble of a bass beat. Your heart repeats it.
An old poster hidden below new ones: "Arno van Eyck '49 -- THE PALISEUM."
Odd that you didn't catch this graffito earlier: "VAN EYCK OVERDRIVE!" it says.
Sounds like an obscure live performance in a dirty underground bunker.
Below the grime a dark-neon poster reads "Van Eyck TOTALLY TRANCENDENT."
idiot doom spiral story reaction orb -- the faln rider (not) appearing at the canal at night.
If it snows when you cross the desolate beach, Shivers tells you a little about Revachol.
Dialogue that comes up as the player walks along the street. Fantasy of the other side of the pavement.
Someone has left their music collection beneath the tarpaulin.
Someone has broken down the fence *and* the barbed wire.
There's a boat tucked away underneath the tarpaulin cover.
Traffic beyond the gate. More abandoned motor lorries.
The ice just off the coast crackles, shifting.
Through the broken glass: dusty shelves and a forgotten chair.
Sounds of life in the north. A washboard scrubs filth from fabric.
This boat is floating freely in the water, unmoored.
Cinderblocks, charred. A makeshift firepit with magazines for lighting.
Looking back at you from the rust coloured water: you.
CONVO: Dead industry polluted the waters. Though the boom is long forgotten, the damage continues.
Rust-eaten letters read: "MAZUT."
The sign says: 'Entrée interdite.'
The boathouse is shoddily constructed. A strong breeze might blow it over.
Fake house plants made of plastic.
The water runs from the west. The source is upstream. A broken pipe?
A school of fish huddle around the fence post. Then scatter into the dark.
Maybe a way underground? Maybe she’s down there?
Full of holes. Could the posts hide... treasure? Look inside.
Could the Instigator be hiding in the boathouse? No… that’d be too easy.
There's a slit in the concrete here... a sewer?
A conversation with SF about the inside of the building and hiding.
That tarp will keep out neither rain, nor snow, nor wind.
A makeshift roof. Vagrants have tried to make the boardwalk habitable.
A coin operated weighing machine. Hasn't been used for a decade.
Dusty pews in the shadows. Many seem to be missing.
An altar shrouded in dark. Or something like that – it’s too dark to tell.
It must have taken a lot of patience to do this.
From up there, one would have a great view of the ice floes out back.
Yellow moss on these stones... They're probably stolen from someone's garden.
Painted with pastels. Someone is trying to bring cheer into the world.
This barrel has been recently discarded. It still smells of fuel oil.
A dead phone. A smashed receiver; like someone hung up too hard.
Buzz. Hum. The electricity flows through the wires with audible power.
White curtains have been drawn shut. No looking in.
The beams are splintered. The bridge didn't collapse on its own. Artillery broke it.
A door. A building. A hiding place. Could the Instigator be inside?!
Conversation with PhysInt.
Construction material. Whoever planned to build this house left in a hurry.
The ice bobs up and down, creaking as it rubs against adjacent ice.
There is a seagull flying somewhere along the coast. The area there should have an afterthought orbital.
These heavy military blockades are riddled with bullet holes, crumbling.
You see a dark red chair in the dim light of the room.
The Red Chair Dialogue with Inland Empire.
A cold breeze is enough to make the wall planks creak.
A breaker box to power the radio pylon above you. Maybe there's something inside?
It's not only shut -- it's filled with concrete. No getting in here.
The sign says: "No Entry." Someone's scribbled an inverted star on it.
Paint peels from the swing set in coin-sized flakes.
Ahead: decades old concrete defences. Children play on them now.
Birds in the birch tree -- barely audible coos come from above.
Footprints in the snow. They lead away from the accident.
You see dust covered linens. Dried tulips on a bed.
A creaking ahead -- a broken axle grinding.
The shot couldn't have come from here. Trees block the way.
The bushes are too thick and thorny to pass through.
A whetting stone, well worn and covered in rust.
The planks creak beneath your weight.
The ladder leads to a school of fish swimming in the kelp.
You can't see into the house from this angle.
A flower trough where nothing really grows. Maybe in Spring.
Hard to see the details -- the colours, all warm and welcoming, are cozy though.
What are *these* doing in the fish?
It's locked tight.
A bottle, drained of all its booze, is frozen to the ice.
There's something stashed beneath the boat.
Convo with Logic about the scene of the party
Rain has washed up the foundations and it's melting away in the sea breeze.
The door is not only barred shut -- it is inaccessible.
There's absolutely no way in through this door.
A buoy bobs in the water. The number on it says: 11.
Could this be the buoy Klaasje told you about?
No boat in the boat house today.
Ancient paint is peeling off the roof of this shaded bench, covered in rust.
An old ticket-taker booth. No longer in operation.
These soggy logs smell of ignition fluid -- still they won't light up.
Tiny cages, carefully constructed.
Someone must have worked hard to smash the plastic dome.
A drawbridge -- for ease of transportation across the ice.
These rusty gears used to turn the whole machine.
A rusted, broken control box for the radio relay tower.
Tiny inlets there -- off in the far distance, where the posts trail toward...
Glass windows of gigantic proportion.
Another power box. It charges nothing now. It's empty.
A big wine canister -- it's open and empty.
The boardwalk rises to your south. It casts its long shadow over you.
You feel the shadow of a very large building fall on you.
The ice here is thick enough to walk on.
It's a long way down to your death from here. 20 metres at least.
The boards crack dangerously as you run. Be careful here.
Bars cover these long, dusty windows.
The gusts of wind, the height feels dizzying.
This is the bunker window.
The radio relay hums with electricity.
The fence blocks the path. No way on from here.
Vagrants have recently painted the tarp red. Water drips from it.
More tribalistic markings -- this post is covered in little humanoids.
A pole screwed into the ice keeps the tent erect.
Trash from some unending party.
The swing is missing -- no one's been here for a long time.
"Glory," says the graffito, "to the ghosts of us!"
Inside you hear the cosy sound of some kind of heater, sputtering.
A little black swallow circles above you. You hear it chirrup.
The rear tyre of a motor carriage adorns these reeds.
That's a Noland 'Vingt-Cinq', an unsuccessful model.
Relax, it's not yours. You didn't crash every MC in Revachol. (Hopefully.)
It's almost impossible to get a fire going this near to the ocean.
This section of the coast hasn't been used in decades.
People paid money to park here? No one would pay now...
You can imagine why. Calls become *terrible* sometimes.
The wheel of a motor carriage has been discarded in the reeds.
Relax, it's not yours. Not every crashed MC is yours. (Hopefully.)
A Noland 'Vingt-Cinq', an unpopular model from the Thirties.
Moonshine probably. Smells like tasty fermentation.
This is someone's home away from home. Just like yours.
The building before you housed the engine. Must have been a big one.
To your right, a white-bellied cormorant eyes you suspiciously.
You should come back here when it snows... A strange feeling. It passes quickly.
Nothing on the boardwalk suggests the sniper shot came from here. Maybe something will turn up later?
No trace of the hanged man's shooting *on* the boardwalk -- maybe look *under* it again?
There's no way you'll reach the Coalition with this piece of junk...
Stop everything and direct all attention to that wall -- it's sublime!
You examine Gary's racist mugs.
Whoever lives here admires fair-haired fantasy heroes with big muscles.
A book titled "The Hidden World of Walking Sticks" lies open.
The smell of disinfectant in the room. Smells like chemicals.
A small suitcase full of clothes. Guests are staying over?
Kim tells you he's not comfortable being there.
Another splattering of bullet holes on this wall.
These barrels are half-full of rainwater.
A rickety old water tower.
quick comments with kim or not about the other bullet holes in this wall.
You can open this door when you get the key from Manana.
Your hear the sound of running water. Someone's washing dishes.
This must be Gary's apartment. You should ask Lena about it.
A garden hose. This won't be of use until the snow melts.
Chairs and tables eaten by rain and rot.
Just a closed door, but you look at it suspiciously.
You can almost feel the warmth of the red sun on the flag.
Flag of Revachol the Suzerain.
1. You try to get comfortable, but the bed is less than ideal. 2. You begin to drift off, but have trouble getting to sleep.
1. You have a conversation with the hanged man dressed in your disco outfit. 2. You find out that you have failed Elysium. THE CORRECT VERSION
Electrochemistry informs you that you're low on amphetamines in your bloodstream.
The dialogue between You and your bed. You can sleep, not sleep, read your ledger.
Don't Call Abigail -- a member of the Union of Moribund Alcoholics, who talks about (not calling) Abigail.
Rosemary (previously known as Under Control) -- the member of the Union of Moribund Alcoholics who sells you booze, smokes etc.
Idiot Doom Spiral Guy welcomes the return of Tequila Sunset! Tells the story of how you drove the car into the sea and drank with these drunks, and other tales of everything (in exchange of alcohol): cocaine skull, headless falnrider etc.
kim switch about wearing stuffz
horrific necktie reacting to the bottle and urging you to buy it because otherwise buying the medicial spirit lacks foreshadowing and is too missable.
Stuff Rosemary says.
Lines from our very own: IDIOT... *DOOM* SPI-IIIIIIIIIIIRAL!!!!
Just *please* don't call her, alright?"
On the traffic island in the jam, an old monument of Filippe III The Squanderer pointing towards an unknown location in the sea. The chest region seems to have suffered chip damage.
CUTSCENE where you attempt to contact Coalition Warship Archer with NOID. PART OF THE MORALIST DREAM QUEST
This poster reads "SHOULD THE STARS ALSO GO OUT?"
CUTSCENE where you attempt to contact Coalition Warship Archer with SOONA. PART OF THE MORALIST DREAM QUEST
After the Tribunal, Harry reflects on the re-conceptualization of the horseback monument by Idiot Doom Spiral. (ULTRALIBERAL DREAM QUEST)
These reeds are in the north, at Land's End. The interactable reeds you can search when Morell tells you to check the phasmid traps. There are traps in these reeds.
These reeds are somewhere near Feld. The interactable reeds you can search when Morell tells you to check the phasmid traps. There are traps in these reeds.
These reeds are near your sunken car. The interactable reeds you can search when Morell tells you to check the phasmid traps. There are traps in these reeds.
Here you can find Klaasje's buoy if you know about it.
Visual Calculus notes that this is a good place to hide things.
The speaker is connected to the radio. The music is seasoned with static.
A big old karaoke mic just waiting for someone to sing into it.
This is where the lyrics would be.
This feels right. You *belong* here.
A sign reads: "Mess hall reserved for Union members. Doors open: 16:00."
Inside you catch a glimpse of Union paraphernalia: a strike poster, some red pennants.
This is a water cooler. A large bubble is rising to the surface.
The menu has been wiped clean. Only the word MONDAY is written on it.
The soft purr of an electric juicer comes from the kitchen. Someone is working.
The door is bolted. A sign reads: "Kitchen reserved for personnel until 13.00."
A woman's hand wrote yesterday's menu. Today's starts in a man's handwriting.
This Royal Pinball machine is unplugged.
royalism themed afterthought
A bottle of rum has been knocked over. Beautiful, dark liquid is spilling out...
Summer door closed for the winter.
A wildly succesful barking moneyman exclaims lots of comments about money.
Sing karaoke!
The dishes are drying. They smell of chemicals and pine trees.
The tomatoes are so thinly sliced, you can see through them.
There's a door there, partially obscured by posters.
Could it lead to the same room as the kitchen door?
It used to lead to the pinball repair shop.
Kim has a sweet ride, the Coupris Kineema - the sports version of the Coupris 40 police motor-carriage. You should definitely talk about it.
Your wildly successful phone call to Sylvie Malaiika.
Lieutenant Kitsuragi's Coupris Kineema. With the built in shortwave radio and a trunk full of goodies, here lies the answer to the question that's been bothering you - what tore me from the soft abyss this morning. * Gain item: Crowbar * Gain item: bodybags * Gain item: Chaincutters * Gain item: Fire extinguisher * Gain secret task: Cut something. * Gain task: Get a Primer-book.
Your first contact with the colleagues back in station 41. * Report your badge missing * Report your gun missing * Get laughed at * Beg your station for additional funds * Get a panic attack * Get an aweseome Firewalker persona * Get the "Find your badge" quest * Get the "Find your gun" quest. * Get the "Check the local pawnshops" quest.
1. Ask Alice to run the serial number you got from the boot. 2. Come back the next day to get results and ask for Alice to try to get more personal info on the mercenary (finish task to run serial number, gain task to get personal info from serial number). 3. Come back the next day to get personal info (finish task to get personal info from serial number).
You report to the station that you have found a dead body from the boardwalk.
Calling Jamrock Public Library to see if you can find out anything about the dead man found at the boardwalk. You'll get Working Class Woman's home address from here.
Here you can complete TASK.call_station_lazareth and get mocked by Nix Gottlieb.
the dialogue where-in you've turned on the lights of the kineema and you can look at the halogen watermarks stuff on your ledger
Speedfreaks FM confirmed that the kids heard the Speedfreaks. He doesn't know what that means or how it relates to your case, but suggests you go back to the FELD Mural.
You notice a set of a motor carriage tracks backing into the fence.
There's a broken pinball machine in the corner. A woman in a wheelchair is attempting to revive it. Talking to her will give you a short introduction to the world you're in.
The same address the lead programmer of Fortress Accident was looking for...
Smells like buckwheat and onions here.
1. Learn Morell is missing. 2. Report on looking for Morell. 3. Cryptids white check. 4. Ask about Gary. 5. Finish Cryptozoologists case.
Garte says the phone is disconnected.
Lena checks with Garte about the phone.
White check leading to the first batch of cryptids.
Lena's barks for when it's Day 2 or later and the player hasn't gotten the TASK.get_morell_back_to_lena
An easy PERCEPTION check highlights a scattering of bullet holes in the wall. Pass a medium VISUAL CALCULUS and the interact appears as a ghostly mass execution perpetrated by dotted lines against a row of figures facing the wall. Either way, dialogue with the object has you and Lt Kitsuragi figure out it was an execution after the amphibious assault. You may relive it as an INLAND EMPIRE dream sequence later.
PART OF THE MORALIST DREAM QUEST. You come across the Sunday friend enjoying the historical scenery. You also have the chance to apologise if you accused him earlier.
The curtains hanging in front of the back room. Curious trinkets attached. Very suspect. Can open, but Plaisance doesn't like that.
"The Greatest Innocence" by João Paolo Salomao Lopez de Fuego.
From A to Zrieek! Guide to a Well-Behaved Cockatoo. (Helen)
Man from Hjelmdall and the Devil Woman.
Super-popular binoclard fantasy board game (module), feat. faeries and welkin and pygmies and such fantasy folk. The non-grimdark pastoral-bucolic version with maps & miniatures. Basic Wirral info.
A vaguely androgynous portrait of a man.
Ghostly silhouettes of hairdriers.
No sane person would ever put their head in to such machine.
Looks like Guillaume Le Million... that hair poster.
A primer-book (quest item for Arx)
A quaint picture book brochure. Very colourful.
Different maps attached to the wall. Including the Map of Martinaise (fast travel?)
A shelf full of Hjelmdall books. There are so many.
Shelf of romance books.
Shelf of crime books.
A mountain of different board games.
Merely looking at that unmanly haircut threatens your masculinity.
Gift books and molten candy.
Another boring book. Just discarded here.
The book collects the national recipes of Arda. They are all about lake trout.
It's a... *Tome of Fascist Magic*. Rather candid.
Shelf full of biographies of famous people.
Shelf of paranormal books.
Must be Jan Kaus again.
An introductory race creation and dweorg cultural backstory manual available to purchase in the board game mountain.
Hjelmdallermann: the Man from Hjelmdall. A latter introductory book for beginners.
Medicinal Purposes of the Pale.
A speaker. The big kind they use for live music.
Smells like sweat and laundry detergent. Plus a trace of ether.
"Coupris L'Ange" engine starting fluid.
"Dick Mullen and the Mistaken Identity". Dick Mullen is mistaken for someone (an identity).
Excrutiating Love Story book. Graad-y black-and-white-rainbow book. Ends with lensgrinder in somewhere. "Sixteen Days in Coldest April." something thought it was a romance book, but its misplaced.
Information about: colonies of Revachol.
Everyone knows the most interesting thing about fascists was their magic.
From A to Zrieek! Guide to a Well-Behaved Cockatoo. After you have bought it. (Helen)
Primerbook interaction!
Second Shivers in the coat quest. Points you to the Harbour. Normal diff.
Old sports magazines, tucked away in a dark corner.
It's the back door of "Crime, Romance, and Biographies of Famous People". You can look at it, use a key object on it or try to force it open.
It's the back door of "Crime, Romance, and Biographies of Famous People", if you come from THE OTHER SIDE, from inside the Doomed Commercial Area.
because the map is possibly a readable items, it might need some sort of an interaction dialogue?
Inside the book shop. Speaking with the proprietor.
First follow-up convo with Kim where you discover keys under the stone.
Kim barks when you step in the courtyard.
The balcony overlooks the scene of the hanging but he's not a witness. He told as much to the investigator before, who you can ascertain was from Whitewater: foreshadowing for the HONOUR COURT's arrival later. EDITED VERSION
A balcony with a view to the yard -- *and* the hanging.
First follow-up convo with Kim where you discover keys under the stone. Difficult perception finds the stone.
Barks on the balcony.
That smoker up there could be a witness. Talk to him.
Barks inside the apartment building.
Barks inside Whirling.
1. Find Ruby's journal here. 2. Use to stow away Ruby's body if she killed herself.
You are caught in the ray of the Pale Compressor and talk to Ruby. You can: 1. Ask about the Compressor. 2. Ask about the murder and why Ruby went into hiding. 3. Try to destroy the Compressor. 4. Try to stop Ruby from killing herself if you destroy the Compressor. 5. Let Ruby go.
There's something in the air, an unnatural buzzing.
A dialogue with Pain Threshold foreshadowing end game.
Kim wants you to let him in.
Old file folders in the cart, documents silvery with mould.
This portrait is covered in cobwebs. You can: 1. Compare to weapons cache. 2. Learn about Mazov. 3. React depending on political persuasion. 4. Speculate about who may have stayed here (foreshadows deserter).
Revolutionary propaganda on the bunk bed: ancient flyers and brochures.
Stale fabric smell and dust. No one's slept here in months, maybe years.
Boot prints in the sand. One of the soles appears more worn than the other.
You can see the beach through this slit window.
You decide that the shot that killed the merc couldn't have come from this bunker.
The same slit window you saw from the outside.
Here you can learn about Ruby's involvement with La Puta Madre.
Canisters filled with what appears to be water. The label says "Distilled."
A pile of nasal sprays. Brand name: "Nosaphed Ultra."
Here you can present your case to Ruby and find yourself left without much of a case.
Putting the hat on gives a one time +1 to Mazovian Socio-Economics, you communist failure.
Door interactable, open the door, let Kim in. Kim possibly hidden behind fog of war.
You should take out your flashlight...
Alternate path into Feld building.
Antiquated office furniture. Last-century, maybe?
Brought down and forgotten, so long ago...
This collapse nearly sealed the basement. One can barely squeeze by.
This overturned table is covered in orange mildew. Crawling with something...
Dark water trails into the distance. There is no way out.
A concrete pipe, buried in sand and dust.
It feels... strange.
It's getting louder, the buzzing sound...
In the beam of the flashlight -- a crevice in the wall...
A series of thick, dusty panes of glass.
A brief convo with Interfacing about the times they made computer parts with glass
Cooking utensils. She has prepared herself porridge with bananas.
The tunnel collapsed. You'll have to find another way around.
It's so dark. Time to get out the flashlight.
This prevents the player from leaving the main lair -- only fires if they have dealt with Ruby but not read her journal.
This prevents the player from leaving the main lair -- only fires if they have dealt with Ruby but not read her journal.
These pots and plates are full of dust and spider-webs.
The Washing Woman who gives you access to the alternate sleeping location -- the shack. Includes fishing village mood and Evrart quest stuff.
The lullaby the Washerwoman is singing to herself.
Automatically starts after Acele's dialogue ends with her line "Crying is good. Get it out and then maybe we can talk, okay?"
Noid dialogue -- happens mostly inside church.
Entering the tent and leaving Kim behind.
this is where the "ask about acele's associates" and "what's your name" branches are located.
this is where the "recording device", "what are you doing here on the ice?" and "questioning" branches are located.
this is where "the drug lab plan conclusion", "what did you see in the church" and "what's your plan for the church" branches are located
this is where andre's dialogues about the "church/padlock", "who are inside the church" and "tent equipment" are.
Kim barks after you have RETURNETH from the TENT.
Kim reacts to the church getting shot up by the police a few months ago. Creates question option in Kim Main Dialogue.
Side-dialogue. Has the Physical Instrument check that makes Andre's Composure dance check easier and initiates the TO:DO - Make Van Eyck's jam more hard core
You failed the red check to get Kim to dance, and now you have to try to make amends or lose Kim's friendship forever.
Talking to the speedfreaks' leader
A kick drum pulse. The music is coming from somewhere on the ice.
The sign reads: "Saint-Brune 1147."
this dialogue for pushing over eternite for you know very darksoulsy shortcut, yes, gut design.
Initiating the Get Into The Church TO-DO
Stickers -- just like the one from the church padlock.
this is where andre's two white checks are -- "try to logic and figure out what they're hiding/planning" and "JUST DANCE"
Things Acele says, when on ice.
Things egghead says in the tent,
Things Noid says inside the church.
Things Noid says inside the church.
Things Noid says inside the church.
Before you, a drawbridge. It can only be lowered from the other side.
Lead-in to the speedfreaks, out on the ice
A dialogue featuring you, Kim, Lilienne the Netpicker, about the sun (if it's rising, setting or high in the sky) -- what the sun is, what means. THE SETTING SUN
Cigarette butts, cleaned away under a rock: brand Tioumoutiri.
This ladder is too rusty to climb. The sea air has eaten away at it.
Someone's made a campfire here, a long time ago.
the conclusion dialogue where you conclude the shot did not come from land's end. this fires only if you have TASK.check_lands_end
The chain trails off into the ocean -- to who knows where.
The door to the jammed supply depot near Land's End. The door is jammed and locked. You can't open it. EVER.
You take a mental note: Tioumoutiri. Seems important somehow.
This relay tower coordinates boat traffic in the bay -- barely.
René is in the shade, the forlorn option who's losing at the game.
Playing pétanque.
Playing pétanque and cheating.
Florid and jolly, Gaston Martin is standing in a sunspot and loudly eating a giant ham sandwich.
Asking about the case and discussing women.
Red check to impress René with a hero-story of your own.
* Rat or don't rat out cheating Gaston * What Game is this?
The Case
Sandwich orgy
Eating Gaston's ham-sandwich.
René pétanque-ball RC.
You ask René about crater and get the streamlined history lesson without any messy checks or hubs within hubs withing hubs. Sweet and short.
René has passed away and Gaston is sitting on a bench.
An orb to appear on the fifth day (or after triubnal) and address the disappearance of the pétanquista, if the player hasn't talked to either of them.
Ask René if he knows a way to turn back time
Windows covered in old newspaper clippings.
Downstairs at the Whirling In Rags there's a sleeping dockworker. Interfacing people can steal his wallet and work pass, Phys inst can wake him up by yelling and then get some info on the Union and the strike.
A dialogue with a kojko cook Gorący Kubek. He doesn't speak a word from your language, but for some reason understands all your questions about disposing the corpse??
The steel door in the back of the kitchen. Leads to the storage area with the elevator.
An aroma of spices, alcohol, and tomato hangs in the air...
You can use the stove to boil the hanged man's boots when Kim is not around.
A dialogue with a bored teenage girl who works as a shop clerk.
Right next to the glass-doored fridge.
The counter.
A small cabinet on the wall, right next to the posters.
Alcohol + cigarettes behind the counter.
Yellow roses. Dozens of them. Tulips too.
The yellow roses in the window -- those aren't the flowers that were left for Klaasje.
The sign says: 'Employees Only.'
A melancholy pop song plays on the radio.
your old posse; formerly: horse faced woman
your old posse. formerly near FELD electrics building with his kid
It's time to face your colleagues. This is the dialogue that autostarts once you step to the villlage square, the others just bark and stand there.
the defence part with the big defence hub etc
the end where you ask your final questions.
1. You experience the lovely elevator and wonder what it was used for. 2. You can go up and down.
This pinball says 'Franconigerian'. The theme is horses and swords.
This pinball is 'White Deora'. The backglass shows a female figure in mourning.
1. Let's play pinball. 2. Kim "Pinball" Kitsuragi back story.
Boxes of tools and replacement parts line the shelves.
1. Doomed felt. 2. This is not just a hole -- this is a peephole.
There's a tiny hole in the wall. You see a bedroom on the other side.
1. This was a pinball workshop. 2. Was the Whirling-in-Rags part of the doomed commercial area task gained.
1. See tracks from what seem to be boots. 2. Reveals not odd-soled if you return after suspecting Ruby. (Anti-red-herring.)
Kim doesn't like pinball.
From the inside, the door opens easily.
The pinball machine has been taken apart and gutted.
Small windows, taped shut with black plastic. You can't see outside.
A note: "NB! The spare key is tied to the bush outside the corner room window!"
So there was a key in the Union box? Dammit...
Schematics for a pinball machine -- futurism themed.
An afterthought to Ruby's scene whether she kills herself or runs away.
Hot air rises up from the sewer: sour, acidic and strangely comforting.
A thought orb to pop up just before the Mercenary Tribunal
An afterthought to Ruby's scene whether she kills herself or runs away -- exists outside Ruby by Rosemary as redundancy
Dead working class husband who has fallen through the blanks and cut himself open and it's generally a very gruesome and sad death.
dead working class husband library card
Careful there... These floorboards look rotten and weak.
A TRASH CAN OH BOY. Its an interaction.
This coin-operated viewer has been out of order for years.
If Kim wasn't with you when you first discovered the body then you're going to have to tell him about it. (Jumps here from Kim's main; then jumps back).
Stop messing with the coin-viewer and hold on to something. The wind is so strong...
The door is back, like you never opened it...
The door is still here, closed. Feels strange somehow. You can't get in.
Walk into the water. Now.
Now do it -- walk into the *water*.
She's crossing the street in the water. Click on her
This is the consolation dream if you did not get to see stained glass window inside church
...the lieutenant is no longer here. Go outside, to the beach.
...the kid is no longer here. Go outside, to the beach.
...something is different. Go outside, to the beach.
Go down to the chain, there's something there...
A striking young woman in a silver body-suit smokes in the hostel hallway. She addresses you as if you were a police officer. You may use your finger pistols for a SUGGESTION red-check. Failure gives you some forewarning about what's going on.
Looks like she left a nice long stub in the ashtray. It's still smoking.
ashtray dialogue / TASK find smokes
This is the weekend edition of the satirical newspaper "Trompe le Monde".
A sign on the door says the balcony is closed for spring.
When the dialogue with Klaasje is over you can go and click and her door.
A radio tuned to an interisolar weather-station.
Nothing on the front page rings a bell. Strange...
There's something on the table...
The letter "R" wears a crown. On the ribbon below: "A Light Above Descending."
This kids' ladder is rickety but still climbable.
The ladder's for kids -- it wouldn't hold the weight of a grown man.
Someone is trying to grow herbs in this greenhouse.
You can click on the trash container. This lets you see the padlock has a Whirling-in-Rags logo on it -> go to Garte -> ask for key -> open container - > get your paperwork
This is the logo of the Municipality of Revachol.
Easy perception shows prints. Then a medium VISUAL CALCULUS reveals a numbered scheme of footprints. Interaction with the scheme lets you deduce how many vigilantes there were at the hanging, when it happened etc.
Smells like spoiled meat and curdled dairy. A human being decomposes.
Kim asks you what you think might have happened at the canal.
You look at and ask Roy about the Man from Hjelmdall T-Shirt.
By inspecting the bullet, you can find out that: 1. The bullet came from a breech-loaded rifle. 2. The bullet was shot from some distance, so this was probably not a mercy kill (white check.) 3. The rifle used was a model mass-produced during the revolutionary war, and the surplus rifles/ammo are still a favourite with third-world guerrillas and Jamrock bangers.
This winch mechanism has been oxidizing for some years.
If Kim is not there, you can take off the boots once the body is down.
instant photo of the hanged man's tattoos by Kim Kitsuragi
Woke up, bro.
This is phase two of the hanged man, after getting him down. 1. Kim performs autopsy 2. More talk with inland
You can look at these boots closely if you dare.
This is the final phase of the hanged man: 1. White check to find bullet 2. Failure to find fridge 3. Bagging him and taking it away
Perform a closer inspection of the ledger found in the trash (your official paperwork). Find: 1. serial number 2. forms 3. notes on cases 4. wife's letter 5. toilet smell
A corpse hangs from the pine-tree: a middle aged man in white armour boots and tighty whities. A medium PERCEPTION white-check lets you find a bullet hole in the back of his mouth, a low LOGIC white check that he was killed before hanging. A low THOUGHT CABINET w-c sees that the bullet is antique.
Tyre tracks lead to a sunken motor carriage.
Kim makes a note of the abandoned building in the little yard in COAST
The wind is corralled by the four-story buildings around this yard.
A set of disorderly footprints heading Southeast.
Seems the walker was either very confused or drunk out of his mind.
Your lost badge.
You find tire tracks indicating that a car leapt over the canal.
You talk to Roy, the pawnbroker, about items you'd like to sell, your missing side arm, his drug habit, the People's Pile, and/or the traffic menace.
You look at and ask Roy about a street light.
You look at and ask Roy about the figurines on the accessory stand.
Roy's Pawnshop. Fast Cash for Faster Times.
The counter is partially encased in bullet-resistant acrylic glass.
Roy greets you.
Mostly military wear, with a few more eccentric fashions thrown in.
Kim wants to talk to you.
Kim suggests you can get money by selling things here.
The spirited chirps and clicks of swallows fill the air.
Kim reacts to you clicking on the glass.
In the dark, a film projector is whirring away.
You look at and ask Roy about the boombox.
A man is eating salami on the water lock.
Barks for the Man on Water Lock.
Barry the Butcher barks.
Barks for workers loitering by the canal after fixing the water lock.
The hawthorn tree on Rue de Saint-Ghislaine. A reel of bronze magnetic tape is caught in its branches. It's a part of Egg Head's "make the music harder core" task. Interfacing White Check to get it.
this is the button-switch-lever-thing that closes the waterlock once it's been fixed on day 3
A bust of a woman. The plaque simply says DEI.
Is this the water lock Lena mentioned?
Some kind of machine. An antique cash register?
The belly of this boat shines like it was recently painted.
Rue de Saint-Ghislaine -> Roundabout North
Docking reserved for residents of: Rue de Saint-Ghislaine 33A
Looks like there was more construction here -- once, decades ago.
Capeside Apartments
Shadows on the water... green plants under the calm surface.
The lynching hub The tattoos hub
Little talk to Kim where he discusses undertaking the jam mystery w you
Times part of hub, solves TASK.reality lowdown
Your room in the Whirling isn't much bigger than this sloop.
The sea breeze carries more than salt: meat. Not rotten, not fresh; grilled.
One wrong step is death, right? Probably death. (This is a conversation with VisCalc on the state of the ruin.)
This is worth more than you'll ever earn in all your life.
Inside, the frame of a motorcycle-in-repair and the tools used to disassemble it.
This is an afterthought dialogue with VisCalc.
Above, tarps flap in the wind. Forgotten hammers and nails rust.
The door is locked. You can't get in.
The chair's new. Someone lives back here.
Joyce has sailed to village once you're looking for instigator. She's talking to net picker about sailing. Extra content about village and why she sailed there. GREETING HERE!
*Went to the village on the coast, officer. See you there! -- Joyce* says the note on the post.
Reality hub
EVRART HUB and all such relevant information. Also tells you Discovery of Insulinde story.
Barks for Cindy the skull for when you haven't talked to her *AND* you're approaching her from below.
A lonely cormorant surveys the sea, indifferent to your approach.
There's a girl up there -- did she spill the paint?
Rhetoric smells a communist around here. Part of the Communist Dream Quest
Savoir Faire spots Cindy and gives you a pep talk before you try to negotiate for her art.
Joyce is on her boat. She welcomes you and tells you about the situation, her role in it, what happened w hanged man. 1. Finishes task: find wild pines rep 2. Finishes task: reality lowdown 2. Gives task: investigate traffic jam 3. Volition white to get 130 real
Those are some big letters on that truck.
Ruins full of snow. No one lives here anymore.
Footfall within. Not human.
A helpline to the company that controls the drawbridge.
You run across an aspiring graffito artist. She can serve as an introduction to Joyce, and also tells you a little about crime in Martinaise. You can get a brush from her to use on the mother of all walls, and an idea for what to use as paint.
If you succeeded the final Authority check to warn Kim.
If you didn't make the authority check.
Newly replaced glass, shining in the morning light.
This Stereo 8 player has been reunited with its right speaker.
You see gleaming white enamel. No bottles inside...
You hear traffic outside. Back in the world again...
The bed still smells of your sweat and blood.
The alarm is set for 6:50 AM.
Look! The door is open! You can walk right into Kim's room.
checking out some of kim's official paperwork on his room desk
Medicinal supplies on the cupboard: Merchurochrome, a scalpel, antibiotics...
She's left you a note on her table
There's a giant graffito on the plaza outside: Un jour je serai de retour près de toi
Dialogue with Hardie and the surviving boys
A dialogue with Eugene and Alain after Titus got killed in the Tribunal
barks for Eugene as Titus did not get shot
barks of Alain as Titus did not get shot
barks for Alain if Titus got shit in tribunal
CUNO'S main hub inside whirling and on the island. It's like KIM MAIN
Looks like she's left something on the table...
Ouch, that leg hurts... maybe if you don't *run* it'll be okay?
You can view the racist lorryman's cabin to get a load of his racist paraphernalia.
Dialogue about if you are down the racism. Triggers some distance after leaving the lorry driver (it's hooked up to the Kim switchboard).
The Instigator is gone but you can still explore the cabin of her abandoned vehicle. This yields some MAJOR foreshadowing.
The lead seals that secure the goods have been broken off.
A bold slogan "HUMANOX" covers the truck.
logic afterthought about the humanitarian guy being all suspicious and whatnot
barks for the bark god, blood for the blood throne!
Goods from the lorry haphazardly litter the surroundings.
A glossy magazine: "Most Able-Bodied Men". This issue hosts a top 10 list.
Oh, no! They're *much* hunkier than you!
A sticker on the bin reads: "RCM Emergencies Desk no 8-100-2. Mankind, be vigilant!"
Three Ts! How idiomatic.
Afterthought dialogue if you told the lorry driver to fuck off.
A post-lorry-search dialogue with Kim, going over the necessary information and coming to some conclusions.
This guy looks like trouble. Better ignore him for now.
Can't they afford curtains?
An ancient fountain. It doesn't pump water anymore. There's a tree in it.
Only a dog and no more.
Up there? The phasmid, perhaps? No... you know it's but a dog.
A sewer grate: a gateway to the river of filth.
You shouldn't feel threatened by handsome men. Don't be silly.
JUMP JAMS! -- A populaire Musique Mag.
Empty, but for cigarette ash and the crumbs of fried foods.
You can examine and appreciate this car with Kim.
A conversation with EletroChem that encourages you to commit an act of public indecency for Superstar point
Scribbled between the thighs of a page-three girl: *L’ORIGINE DU DISCO*
A foreign car. Kept in good condition.
A small, old, shrivelled up mesque woman with thinning hair sits awkwardly on the ledge of a lorry. An empty, glazed look adorns her eyes. She murmurs while nodding her head to the music coming from a radio in her lorry cabin. She wears a squared truck-driver flannel shirt with sleeves wrapped up to her elbows and blue denim dungarees tucked in yellow-brown (Caterpillar) boots.
Stop. Between those trucks down there -- smokes. Go get 'em!
Butter sign down!
Tyre tracks leading onto the roof. The slush and rain has almost washed them off.
Things Siileng says.
You chat up a truck driver of the racist persuasion.
Ask the racist lorryman if he knows how to turn back time. Spoiler alert - he doesn't.
Siileng, the humanitarian aid guy!
This says: 'Food Gift from the People of MESSINA'.
Plastic-wrapped macaronis stamped with 'Humanitarian Aid'.
This says: 'Speakers from the People of Samara'.
This says: 'Humanitarian Aid Tunafish. NOT FOR RESALE'.
You see a middle-aged woman with a tea-length skirt, rubber boots and a rain jacket. Brown, curly hair, a sword on her side. She doesn't notice you.
This is the boat you can get from the Net picker. This boat takes you to the Sea Fortress island.VILLAGE ORB / ask boat from netpicker
The underside of the boat has recently been tarred.
Joyce barks for when she's in the village. I dared not to move it to her actual folder, cause it's already been inputted and I didn't wanna fuck it up.
A faint scent of cinnamon still lingers in the air.
Industrial coal pellets burn with an orange glow.
You think the fire iron is a phasmid.
One of Netpicker's kids not running around in the village, instead she sits on the sofa. You can exchange a few words with her.
Two of Netpicker's kids standing around in the village, shuffling on their feet, kicking rocks and yelling barks or somesuch.
Words have been painted on the roof of the building.
Conceptualization afterthought about the words on the roof!
You can talk to them before and get nothing, but when you hear the twins have been to the island they tell you details about it.
It feels safe and warm in here -- not like outside.
The street sign is illegible below the graffito.
This is the village version of halogen watermarks, in front of kineema there
You should ask the owner before you take this boat to the island.
This is the interaction dialogue with Lilly's Little Sandcastle, where she hid the gloves.
This door is closed for today. Time to put the kids to sleep.
This is the fifth Shivers in the coat quest. It is Very Difficult.
Fires after you've heard the Twins testimony with Kim. He reveals he knows the station. Weird if true, worth giving them a call.
Cuno throws stones and sometimes responds to Cunoesse
Cunoesse eggs Cuno on.
Talk to Cunoesse to find out she's a girl. "I have nothing interesting say, talk to Cuno!" Or approach her from the backyard to catch her off-guard and have something-resembling an actual dialogue with her.
* All greeting except "Making amends". * Throwing up advice. * Buy pants.
* Who is Cuno? * Make amends with Cuno.
* Ask Cuno about the hanged man.
Ask if Cuno knows a place you could stash the dead body.
* Ask Cuno about the yard.
Figure Cuno out WC * opens getting speed * ... buying pants
Talk to Cuno about the content relating to his shack (after you've been inside)
Cuno's City of Locusts related content. * Futile. * I've been to shack and clicked on it.
Cuno's speed quest. * Futile * Initiation * Reporting
OBSOLETE Now Cuno lockout is handled in greeting.
Cunoesse barking at Cuno from behind the fence
Cuno squats on the ground, high on speed.
This is the bust of Kras Mazov. Finishes "Find out if you're Kras Mazov" task.
The sponsor, in Smoker's apartment #28.
Cuno's dad, loitering on the bed. Drugs. Sleeping with his eyes open. His face reminds you Cuno 30 years later. Also seems like he's dead. Hairy ginger chest, in undewear. Kim reacts. Hearing redcheck while he gurgles, success: he's trying to call you pigs. I talked to your dad boolean. / I was somehow able to not evade your dad.
DOOR, APARTMENT #11 (turns into door. can lockpick and get into?) 1. Use the wirecutters to cut the chain. If you don't have them, the door suggests it. The chain is very flimsy. Exactly the same structure as other doors. 1. Observe the padlock. - the weakness here is in chain. Option to get a task if you do not have the chaincutters.
APARTMENT #10. A door leading to the apt with a real estate agent.
Second meeting with the smoker on the balcony -- he's standing right in front of his apartment door, smoking.
You hear distant traffic. Night is falling on the city.
A maroon glow of light pollution rises from the east.
Buckets of paint on a layer of old newspapers.
An exquisite canopy bed made of metal.
A quarterly business magazine.
Approaching the door from outside.
Some leftovers kept warm on a stove top.
Cleaning lady inside the apartment building. Part of her greeting is in PIER / APARTMENTS PIER DOOR dialogue.
An exit to the backyard. Approaching the door from inside.
An exit to the pier. Approaching the door from inside.
Kim barks after you discover that the door is locked.
A short conversation with the real estate agent. She tells you about some apartments.
2 bottles of speed on the table, in plain sight. A straw in the bottle. Low-quality trucker speed. Drugs have charges, this is a low-charge one. 0 bonus to your electrochem base-count of how many times you can use the drug. FIND THE SPEED finishes when you click on the table. While you're taking that shit, Kim is already checking the other room. Kitsuragi love goes down if you take the drugs. Table diag despaws after you've taken the drugs. Habit-initiation dialogue. Electrochem tells you blast one already in this dialogue. Ask Argo (abt cigarette initiation dial). It should also teach you to put it in your hold slot. Global afterthought, electrochem pops up
Can't grab it it's upstairs orb - TO BE WRITTEN
This is a shivers orb showing the former tenant.
The sea below looks cold and winter-grey.
The refrigerator has been cleaned out.
An old grocery list on the table. And checks.
Logic wonders what happened in this apartment.
A note reads: "Foreclosed by Martinaise Realty Associates."
Apt #8; their mailbox is overflowing.
The door #9 is locked.
Feels eerie here, like someone's tracking you through a peephole...
A flamboyant poster of a white star. Real lithography.
Photos of revolutionaries posing with guns.
Someone has drawn a five-pointed star on the wall.
The symbol of communism.
This box is filled with cleaning chemicals. Smells of laundry detergent.
A cereal box. Looks mouldy.
Glossy erotica covers the wall, wrinkled from moisture.
Moss crawls on those bathroom tiles... actual moss.
These shower curtains are covered in some sort of slime
An old shoe rack. Boots, sneakers and old slippers.
Hmm... These shoes come in three different sizes.
Waves crashing in the darkness.
Revolutionaries *love* to pose with their guns.
Putting the shoes on gives a one time +1 to Indirect Modes of Taxation, you capitalist swine.
putting on the labourer pants make orb appear, similar to your own pants at beginning of game; in order to find gum wrapper in pocket
the chewing gum wrapper you can interact with whether you've messed with the ledger or not
After you have failed the redcheck when telling WCW about her dead husband.
Upon picking up the speed, electrochem chimes in. Needs a wa to go away if you give it up to cuno or take it yourself?
Books of 'critical theory' on the monstrosities of capital, and such.
*Kuuno de Ruyter* is the name on unfinished homework.
It's from two years ago.
Apt #12. A loud, rumbling snore comes from within.
The snoring is... scary somehow. You should leave.
Eviction notices and missing pets are plastered on top of each other.
The graffito says: "A firing squad for the rich."
The air stinks with something sour...
Looks like a fine mattress.
Could it be *the phasmid*? No… Probably not.
Don't be ridiculous. You can hear it swarming with bugs.
Someone's growing rosemary, thyme -- and a cactus.
The breaker box is full of cigarette butts and electric wires.
This is the door to apartment #29.
The curtains shift. Just a little. Someone is watching from within.
Voices from within. Singing along to some buoyant dance track.
This is the door to apartment #30.
Someone's been sleeping here -- recently.
The girl outside?
Enough coal to last for several winters. Smells of chemicals.
A hundred tiny feet scurrying beneath the grate. The rats of the city.
Fire! Suddenly you feel the box is on *fire*... why?
A textbook for high school. Mathematics. Trigonometry mostly.
Posters of contemporary pop stars adorn the walls.
Someone here is an avid reader of science fiction.
Packages of humanitarian aid macaronis.
An empty pack of Red Astra cigarettes hidden under the bed.
Expensive men's perfume lingers in the air.
An old photo of the same apartment, dated year '01.
Dishes soaked up in a pot.
Old takeaway food boxes.
Dates for open lectures at a local university.
Flyers for underground parties.
A blister pack of medicine peeks out of the box. You should take it!
Kim bark after you enter the Communist Student room
Mammi Mia! JACKPOT!
Someone has torn down the wall.
Just a door. Nothing for you here right now.
A tinge of sadness -- this is a kids' room...
The clock is ticking away with an odd cheerfulness.
Its ticking makes you anxious. Rings hollow in the room.
Cold is rushing in through the uninsulated balcony door.
A chalk-drawn height chart for children's growth over the years.
The same brand of cigarettes you found in the trash next to the deceased.
#28 -- A door to be remembered...
Sponsor's barks inside apartment building.
Complete silence. Whoever lives here isn't home.
Don't run, okay? Take it slow when exploring the apartment. Be respectful.
Door leading to the Storage Room where the Secret Communist Meeting takes place. (PART OF THE COMMUNIST DREAM QUEST)
The Student Communist and his underground reading group (PART OF THE COMMUNIST DREAM QUEST)
Vol. 1 No. 2 of *La Fumée*, Martinaise's leading quarterly journal of radical Mazovian thought (PART OF THE COMMUNIST DREAM QUEST)
An Introduction to the Theories of Ignus Nilsen (PART OF THE COMMUNIST DREAM QUEST)
This poster reads: "Under the cobblestones, communism!"
A rickety easel, surrounded by pots of gouache.
At the bottom of the pot, an isle of black sludge rises from a shadowy sea.
Try not to think about the cracks spidering out across the floor...
Cindy's, no doubt.
Yep, this must be Steban's apartment.
Steban's barks in the underground reading room
Echo Maker's barks in the underground reading room
Working Class Woman in her room, apartment #20.
This one says: "NO WAR BUT CLASS WAR!"
Downstairs ltn Kim Kitsuragi - precinct 57th's finest - is waiting to solve THE HANGED MAN with you as an inter-district co-op. It would appear Precinct 41 sent you to investigate the lynching of a "Whitewater mercenary" in "Martinaise". And that you are indeed a police officer. Kim briefs you on the case and your relationship begins - likely on the wrong foot, but not necessarily.
These are the rest of Kims MAIN dialogues with you after he's in the squad.
Kim tells you he has a menu for questions after he's in the team.
1. Kim smokes. 2. How did the day go? 3. What are our powers and what is the RCM? 4. What is the Moralintern? 5. What do you think of Martinaise, Kim?
Kim wants to call it a day.
this is a crazy-ass exit-from-whirling door, god dammit.
Guess you have no choice but to talk to the Union leader.
Kim blinks red when he's joined your team near the stairs. He wants to tell you the vigilantes have showed up and that you should talk to them -- but be careful. (Final warning about RCM non-presence in Martinaise.)
The Gardener turns out to be a Union fixer. Slightly different model and portrait. Short *smug* dialogue directing you to Hardie, referencing last dialogue.
Titus Hardie, leader of the militant union wing Hardie Boys. Mass dialogue + Gardener and Boys: 1) Admit they lynched the man because of a rape. 2) WHITE: Rhetoric to get them to tell you Klaasje was victim (Evrart makes easier -- leads to Klaasje, Klaasje betrays) 3) React to Klaasje's betrayal 4) WHITE: Suggestion to get them to counterbetray and reveal Assassination 5) something to get them to reveal Instigator (Ruby)
Somewhere in the room are the previous owner's spare keys to the pinball workshop (door in kitchen). This is the (perc check hidden) dialogue where you find them. (One path to hidden access to roof)1) Mis-connect to instigator because of room
Titus barks:
ALAIN barks:
Eugene barks:
Elizabeth barks:
Angus barks:
Shanky barks:
The Lynching HUB
* Tracks viscal in the hanged man's sequence allows you to connect these guys to the tracks on the crime scene.
* Back from Klaasje. * Get the doorgunner mixtape
* The Pigs * Working class husband.
*Why didn't anyone hear the shot?* On plaza once "convince hardie boys to tell you where ruby is = done" and Klaasje is not arrested and Skillset Compromised is done too.
It's a bowl. There's spit in it, reeking of tobacco.
a quick switch if you tried to shoot yourself with an empty gun
* Evrart * Play * Bullet
Generic set of Glen barks after the whole dialogue sequence above is completed.
Generic set of Eugene barks after the whole dialogue sequence above is completed.
The logic white check where you present your theory of how Ruby killed Lely and get the Hardie boys to give up her approximate location.
Photos of men in overalls, toting guns and Union placards.
You see hawthorn bushes outside. Hmm...
Orb for wondering whether the Hardies are a communist cell. PART OF THE COMMUNIST DREAM QUEST.
"EVERY WORKER = MEMBER OF THE BOARD" is written at the top of the flyers.
And at the bottom: the Union logo and "DEMAND DEMOCRACY"!
Evrart Claire is the head of the Dockworkers' Union. Wealthy, lazy, smart cat - player. In this dialogue you can: * Enlist Evrart's aid to get the body down (he asks measurehead to do it). * Get bent and earn a daily income by doing so (corrupt cop). * Find out about the neighbourhood.
The desk has been cleaned out for the night.
A simpleton dockyard-worker. Only person besides Evrart and Mega-Rich left in the container yard. He's making a banner.
"You seem to be very helpful, I got a favour to ask."
"You seem to know thing about me... Can I ask you about something?"
"You called, me *Mr. Du Bois*, why?"
"Aren't you going to ask me how I got in here?"
"Let's talk about my lost gun." & "Can I have my lost gun now?"
"I wanna discuss some matters regarding the union with you."
"I wanna talk to you about the murder."
This is not a fishing rod, is it? It's...
Here be the container door with which you converse good Sir, getting rhetorical awards you the ability to *drum-roll* enter the container!
A smart man doesn't leave any incriminating documents behind.
a quick table interaction where you find a different key card to get out of the harbour at night.
Look -- something forgotten on the coffee table.
"I met Joyce."
Interaction with the documents Evrart asks you to sign.
A taxidermy fish that tells time.
A stair made of pallets leading up...
The coffee in the giant thermoses is still lukewarm.
Leo's barks
Is that the Insulidian phasmid? Quick, try to catch it!
Quick attempt to catch the fishing rod...
Replacement barks for Leo to test out.
You get to attempt to smell Evrart and ask him about underground communism
Read the Stock Certificate traded with MRLBG
Dialogue with a man so rich that light literally bends around his face.
You see a policeman-cloak -- jump to it. Get it. If you're above, to be precise! Otherwise, you can just pick it up or whatever.
You see faded industrial lettering on the platform: KVALSUND.
A standard office file cabinet. The drawers seem to be locked.
Someone either had the most depressing solo-party... or there's a sequence killer on the loose.
This is a "Dewy" typewriter -- the model name is on the back.
Someone is habitually chilling next to the radio.
A giant assprint on the pillow and a pattern of coffee rings on the armrest...
A combination phone-and-punchclock setup.
The door is locked and cannot be opened from this side without a pass card.
putting jacket on +1 to revacholian nationhood you fascist man
This doorway is going to collapse soon.
Restoration pillars keep the ruins together.
This whole building is unstable. Don't run. Be careful.
This building was hit by shells from a naval cannon, a long time ago.
René's booth dialogue shall be in here
A composite eye of halogen lights watches you, emitting a low buzz.
A panel that controls the cranes reads "Éteindre," "Allumer."
This speaker tower is silent. There is no work to organize in the yard below.
The shipyard ahead is oddly quiet. The great machines are sleeping.
The musk of oil and rust comes from the chasm in front of you. Smells like blood.
This is the third Shivers in the coat quest. It is a challenging orb.
very likely we need this panel to make mega-rich-light-bendy-guy container move.
For ten cents you can attempt an interfacing WC and call to a video rental you used to rent films from.
Someone left the coffee machine on.
The dark liquid in the pot looks almost sentient.
The radio is emitting strange buzzing sounds.
At least three packs worth of cigarette butts.
Numerous empty bottles of *Commodore Red* and *Potent Pilsner*.
All around you, great machines in quiescence.
A pile of cargo belts used for heavy lifting -- one says VERMILLION.
White pine trees are printed onto the screen covering. Looks like a forest under snow.
The banner sags under the weight of rain and snow: white waves on red.
Collecting rainwater.
Industrial sized thermos. Smells like burnt coffee.
KVALSUND means *Whale Fjord* in Ardan.
You can remove the transceiver from this radio as part of the MORALIST DREAM QUEST
Savoir Faire hears wealth humming in the container -- whether it's raised or lowered. Also gives you instant access to MRLBG.
rain shivers
Enormous *boules* worthy of a real man.
There is something down there...
You hear the distant squall of seabirds.
Some great tectonic force has cracked the pavement, like an eggshell.
This is a book about pâté.
This book is on the subject of raising your offspring properly.
This book... you don’t really understand what it is about, nor does it seem important.
A book about boiadeiro culture. It promotes freedom and *roaming upstream*.
A book about the future. The government reads your mind using radio technology.
A book about conquering the world by concentrating really hard.
A soggy softcover. The sea air has ruined it.
This book has a rose, a pistol and a half naked dame on its cover.
On the cover stands a very muscular man, surrounded by flames.
The book is titled: 'Man from Hjelmdall and the Wild Fire.'
The street sign reads: "FUCK THE POLICE."
"PIGS GO HOME!" The street name is illegible.
Rue de Saint-Ghislaine 8B
Closed for winter. Please use main entrance.
To: Roundabout North
To: Capeside apts; Martinaise pier
To: Rue de Saint-Ghislaine
Maybe a sea monster did this to the plaza?
The damage looks like it could've been caused by an earthquake.
The musty smell of a potato cellar in spring emanates from the air vent.
A splatter of bullet holes lines the wall.
esprit the corps afterthought
A heap of snow melts in this wheelbarrow.
Afterthought when Lena has told you about this cryptid.
There are bottles inside. You could pick them up if you had a bag!
If you had a bag in your hand, perhaps you could collect these bottles and sell them.
A stash of hangover medication!
The book appears to be erotica. But without actual erotica.
The book says you must attain a *Franconigerian hardbody*. At the nearest gym.
It takes willpower to even read the author's name: Jan Kaus. From Igaunia.
You memorize the title: Loos, '87: Radio City. Seems important.
A mailbox on the plaza.
The Gardener stands on the corner of Whirling and is there to help you navigate the streets of Martinaise. Later it turns out she's a Union spy. You get to know from here that Joyce is in town.
Near Kineema, two young gentlemen wishing to introduce Martinaise to the SKULLS brand are idling away, looking at the beast of a motor carriage. It is possible to get their jackets if you succeed the red check.
This what happens when you put either of their jackets on, ya cool cad!
a bench where you (and Kim) can sit and wait for an X amount of time so the player won't get softlocked-stuck in the game for lacking content until daychange!
This is a doorbell intercom that lets you call up all the failed businesses in the Doomed Commercial Area.
This is an industrial oven on the first floor of Doomed. You can interact with it and contact Dicemaker.
Doomed cellar, breaker box. DONE. Get task finished for locate a fridge if you need to plug the fridge back in.
Doomed cellar, a pistachio green ice cream maker next to the breaker box with a radio computer's filament memory inside. Difficulty: heroic, turns into easy if you've read the note from the Ice Bear Fridge.
1. Has a note inside that points to the frozen ice cream maker that has the filament memory stored inside. 2. Reacting to the fact that there's a giant ice bear fridge still running them a loss. 3. This is where you put the hanged man. If hub reached then this is an instant solution for TASK.find_fridge / If has TASK.find_fridge then this is the solution. 4. The fridge can be turned off from the breaker box.
Intercom wires running into the breaker box.
A cellar window: people's feet shuffling by on the street.
A frozen ice cream maker that's still running.
Weapons hidden inside the wall. Kim reacts to the room (revolution etc) and you obtain an antique rifle that it seems to have a bullet in it. Lootable item: antique_rifle. You can get a bullet and compare it with the hanged man's.
Two rusty rifles are hidden above the piping; they look inoperable.
Someone has stuck some busted guns beneath the ceiling.
The wind howls in from the coal chute above.
An ice cream maker, defrosted and unplugged.
Sand is dripping from a punchbag...
Worn-out wallbars. They look unsafe.
You can lift the barbell.
The hallway is blocked by old windowpanes and debris.
But where are the clothes it used to display?
Fortress Accident's whiteboard. Has three sections: game-related concept art, production schedule and Soona's notes.
The flashlight casts a strange shadow. There is a hidden doorway here...
Shoes in a puddle of melting snow.
Safety Curtains blocking entrance to Dicemaker. (p.s. they are made of metal not wood, apparently)
Different radio frequencies cover the fireplace like Kedran mosaic tiles.
Skis with "Slipstream" printed on the laminated top layer.
Poor animals. No rest for their bodies after death.
Steel rotor blades bearing a "Slipstream" logo.
This ice cream maker has been turned off and is slowly melting.
Slipstream conceptualizing
Wild animals stare at you in the dark, stuffed and mounted.
A naked mannequin torso. A strange yellow colour.
Looks like the remains of the "24h Window" repair shop.
A large demijohn full of strange liquid...
Is it potable?
The liquid has a chemical smell. It burns your nose hair.
After breaking down the back door in the bookstore you and Kim discover yourself in a gym.
Smells like leather and sweat.
Is this Contact Mike, the boxing champion?
Blue velvet, soft to the touch. Moth-bitten.
Is this Emma's Atelier?
Airship rotors covered in spider webs. They remind you of blades.
Scribbled across a notebook: 'Developers of the most advanced RPG in the universe.'
Kim talks to you about Fortress Accident.
The floorboards creak.
Does someone live here?
Read the note you found from the giant ice bear fridge in the doomed commercial area.
New thought: The Precarious World
Fires when you remain in the dark with Kim
The wall collapsed. It's inaccessible now.
Spoken when entering the hidden weapon cache with Kim
The poster says: '*Citius* *Fortis*...' The rest is worn off.
The store on the other side is closed for the night. Come back tomorrow?
This tray is full of dice -- colourful polyhedral dice. Hundreds of them.
The candy dispenser has been repurposed to contain thousands of dice.
Horse-Faced-Woman (Minot)
Man with Sunglasses (Vicquemare)
Smoker on the balcony, sitting in the bar.
What a hell... *are* we from the same station?
Barks in Whirling.
Payphone, for calling folk. Call everyone.
Blood drips from your knuckles to the sand: drip, drip, drip...
Dreamless sleep, finally!
Ancient Reptilian Brain won't let you forget how low you've fallen.
Dream in which you are the world-detector.
You are the murderer here dream.
Rhetoric tells you it's time to bone up on dialectical materialism and get organized.
Empathy tells you it's time to take responsibility... by convening a committee to spread responsibility around.
Savoir Faire tells you it's time to stop playing the market and make some real cash so you can fulfil your heart's desire.
Endurance urges you to find a way to turn back time -- in the name of Revachol, in the name of love.
Morell, the husband of Lena, is a cryptozoologist trying to find the Insulindian phasmid.
Gary the Cryptofascist is a friend of Morell's. Also trying to find the cryptid. Wears armour stolen from the hanged man under his clothes. Has Man from Hjelmdall books etc.
Morell checks to see if Gary is doing something useful.
Gary pretends to be doing something useful.
These reeds are by Morell and Gary's abandoned camp site. The interactable reeds you can search when Morell tells you to check the phasmid traps. There are traps in these reeds.
That some good pie to eat and get healthy.
Here you can find information on Morell's favourite cryptids.
kim and seolite conspiracy inland empire orb
Things Gary says on the coast.
Things Gary says in Whirling
Morel says this stuff in Whirling.
Ask Gary if he knows how to turn back time.
The Pigs! Evrart arranges you to meet the woman who has been posing as a police officer. She's carrying an attachment of sirens and police lights. She's got your gun.
Trant Heidelstam is chilling near the FELD building, with kid, piggy-bank. You can: 1. Learn about the FELD building. 2. Get useless advice.
Just some old invoices -- everything valuable was looted long ago.
The glass is covered with grime and dust. You can barely see out.
The lingering stench of rotting lobster pots.
Dried-up gut-slime and fish scales coat the floorboards.
This is what it feels to equip your gun after such a long time.
You smell something awfully familiar...
You've discovered Idiot Doom Spiral's missing jacket.
You can't see anything but the depths of the darkness behind these slits...
an inventory interaction so you can't sell the filthy garbage because clothing items cannot be sold, oiii.
The central support beam has been destroyed by artillery fire.
Stones fall. It's a long way down...
THE PIGS Current Red Check
Things Trant says to Mikael near the feld building.
1. Observe the mural. 2. Shivers White Check to see stairs, which then allows you to use the ladder to get to the roof.
Savoir Faire White Check to climb up.
Meeting Klaasje again, on the roof 0) Intro 1) Your name and 2) why u here? (orbs and drugs from room) 3) Wildflower 5) did you hear me night before / last time we saw 6) Looking for Ruby
These tyres are falling apart. They're at least 50 years old.
This great blast door must weigh over 10 tons. Rust peels off it.
Klaasje's medicine cabinet. 1) Find speed (Saint-Batiste goodstuff) 2) Find barbiturates, benzos, SOS and narcan 3) check to steal speed if kim there
Hotel bill calculations. Looks like she's had an extended stay.
Piles of dirty clothes; a woman's.
This room has *Sad* all over it -- reminds you of your own
She's made around four months of payments for this room.
This window has been recently replaced. High perception to notice. This dialogue gets a viscal and becomes trivial once someone admits Assassination
The smell of cigarette smoke in the air: *Astra* Menthol.
This is the door on the roof. Phys Inst white get in
Look! A handful of dried white wildflowers...
hand eye coordination bubble to catch the wildflowers
The bed has been hastily made.
In the yard below a corpse lies under the pine tree.
In the yard below a corpse hangs from the pine tree.
You see the yard below. The corpse is no longer there.
The trivial version of the window -- for when you know about Assassination
You feel someone watching you, behind the glass door -- a woman.
...the wind brushes them off the roof. They're gone.
3) What happened? (rape) 4) Volition white (manipulating you)
5) heard tape / gonna hear tape 6) Lely details
Kim reacts to you losing your shit (Composure fail) when the Hardie boys said the victim is a young woman called Klaasje in the Whirling-in-Rags.
narcomania afterthought
This dialogue is attached to the "dried_may_bells" item.
this should blink ONLY DOWNSTAIRS and after Klaasje rape hub exit
6) hardie confessed, whole story (ruby leader) 7) drama white (ruby suspect)
how old are you afterthought
11) Shivers white
did in by love afterthought
A red thread. Made of nylon. It leads out of the room and onto the roof...
Red thread. Made of nylon. It leads into the room...
The thread is tied to the antenna.
The thread is tied to a bookcase on the wall.
Something odd about this windowpane... Can't make out what from this side.
Cold coffee and an ashtray that looks like a hedgehog.
ltn Kitsuragi suggests you talk to the manager of the Whirling-in-Rags first. Garte is a hub of knowledge on the area and the case and you will come back to him later. He is also a problem, asking you to pay for the night, to pay for "the damages". It does not reflect well on you.
Not enough fuel. You'll have to look elsewhere.
You see her footprints on the water...
This is Garte's main dialogue for the rest of the game
where is home, what is home afterthought
orbital that pops up if you, the player, try to BREAK the system by spending *all* of the money you can get *anywhere* in Martinaise so you cannot pay Garte for the room at all. oh, believe me, we will take this into account and you will get a game over.
At the plaza, near Kim's Kineema you may talk to an anxious truck driver. The man's come to stretch his legs. Here you will find information on: traffic jam, the closed gates, the other truck drivers, FALN. + Learn some background on the geography of Le Caillou. Possibly acquire one piece of the FALN clothing set. (Includes poetry white check.)
tommy barks after jam mystery done
You're gonna need to boat yourself back somehow after everything is done.
These stairs feel ancient... soldier's feet ran up them long ago.
(afterthought on silence and sounds)
Some fuel has leaked out of the barrel. Black, viscous.
Warm air -- from the inside of the building. It's warmer there than out here.
The rusted chain trails off into the ocean...
(afterthought about chain)
This barrel says: ICM. You see a star with little specks in it.
Be careful not to fall... the cliff face looks steep.
The little birch from the coin operated viewer. Still holding on.
This barrel has run empty. There's almost nothing inside.
Kim reacts to fuel empty if task is on w/ BARK
You recognize this little birch. From the coin-operated viewer.
(afterthought on ICM)
This was once an armament rest.
(generator, rewired – insert fuel here (use controls to activate electricity and open door if fuel in). kim remarks on wiring.)
(mattress interactable) (this is where you sleep)
This reading lamp is unpowered.
bookshelf with critical theory (communist books) under gun
blast door interactable dialogue. (this is closed, no way to open, open from console if has fuel in)
Careful. These stairs have collapsed.
old electronic console – turn on lights and open blast door if fuel in generator
Canned food, sugar, and other foodstuffs.
Twin cannons were attached here. Medium distance, large calibre.
The reading lamp emits a soft glow.
A moth-bitten bed sheet keeps the wind out.
Warm blood trickles down your armpit. The ligature is off... it's *nothing*.
you can read the book (MAYBE)
The distant sound of cargo ships... Signal horns echo on the water.
You feel eyes on your back. Someone's watching, but you can't say where...
The winch is broken, rust has eaten what remains of the chain.
The depot that supplied this chain is long gone from the coast.
(walk into water dialogue, foreshadowing for dream)
A weathered artillery map showing coordinates in the Bay of Revachol.
Small white maybells, blossoming in the sand.
Meet the Deserter, gun in hand, by the extinguished fire. AUTHORITY (PSYCHE) red check
Interact with the Insulindian phasmid.
Load to this from dream seafort dolores dei dialogue end.
This is the inventory interaction folder for the readable item: Klaasje's Passport!
Getting him to admit to it by piling on evidence. DRAMA (INT) red check
Kim talks to you on the side and says you got him, push motive angle.
Why did he do it and how it happened. REACTION (MOT) red check
Extra open threads LOGIC (INT) red check
Arrest him finally PERCEPTION (HEARING) red check
Orb that checks how much armour you've collected after you pick up the helmet.
The tractor tyre used in this makeshift dinghy has a hole in it.
test case orb for wearing the full faln set if you have all of the items.
To protect boats coming in? But who comes here anymore...
It must have been a direct hit to take out such a huge chunk.
A makeshift bridge. The bombs were powerful enough to break the foundation.
No guard rails... you look down. This is a safety hazard.
Old building material. Left behind.
There's a lingering trace of mazut in the air.
This is it.
No way to get up there. The stairs are gone
The inside of the fortress... You make out the console and the blast door.
When the wheel moves, the massive machine must move with it.
Dishes stained with sauce and fire. A survivor's kitchen.
A waterlogged book. The pages are drying, but it'll be illegible forever now.
A specialized telescope. Helps mark the distance to faraway targets.
A huge killing structure.
The reeds sway strangely... No, it's nothing.
The house stands -- barely.
The pain in your pelvis makes you wince. Then you continue.
The ice cracks under your feet. Be careful not to fall through...
Small bell-shaped flowers are blossoming in the sand. The snow must be weaker.
Flowers growing out of the sand, from under the snow. Winter's over soon!
There are flowers here already in bloom. Winter will be over soon.
The air smells sweet. And scary, somehow.
The smell of the sea fills the air.
Cuno reacts to fuel empty if task is on w/ BARK
Cold air seeps in through the embrasure.
An old medicine cabinet, newly stocked with drouamine.
This hatch is jammed shut.
Water rushes below -- far down below.
Walk slow. It might be dangerous...
A firing slit. You can't see inside.
No way to jump down here without breaking a few bones.
(in front of double embrasure looking over the bay, into whirling window, ends check island task, shot was made here)
Small white flowers blossom all around you...
A rubber dinghy. It's deflated, broken.
Books. Mostly *fantastique* and historical fiction.
You see candles planted on a broken rangefinder.
Previously known as Scab Leader. Wears a huge and intimidating set of armour. He is drunk and pissed off at his friend getting killed. He carries a big-ass gun.
"Hey, who is this third guy? I didn't know there was three of you!"
"They didn't do it!"
"You are all drunk!"
"Your Wild Pines boss would never approve of this!"
"Does Krenel give you the right to conduct tribunal?"
"Look, I've gotten to know the hanged man too a bit over the course of this investigation..."
"Where is Klaasje? Maybe she can calmly explain this and help diffuse the situation."
Scab Leader, a large mercenary in disguise. Shouts a lot about LETTING US WORK, doesn't actually provide much information for now, except being suspicious and shouting.
A jolly, easy-going man at the very bottom entrance to the gates. He gives information about the scabs, the strike, the union boss, Measurehead and being a boiadeiro.
An übermensch monolith guarding the button to the harbour office door. Into "science"-anthropometry based racial theory.
There's a mysterious pair of eerie eyes peeking through the gap between the main gates.
One of Measurehead's awesomely hot companions who barks mocking stuff at you (on clicking).
One of Measurehead's awesomely hot companions who barks mocking stuff at you (on clicking).
Rumbling and creaking can be heard from behind the large gates.
There's no lockpicking or door-kicking this one.
Barks for WR protester. If it comes out interesting and fun, and not some sort of boring shit unimaginative garbage.
Third of Measurehead's awesomely hot companions who also maybe barks mocking stuff at you (on clicking). Or might not, if she's the one sitting behind Measurehead, out of your reach.
Interactable object (the gap in the gates) leads to a dialogue with the spooky pair of eyes.
Kim's reaction to You trying to punch Measurehead and failing at it.
A hermetically sealed door. Locked by electronic means.
The lorries probably stored fuel here; now, they store booze.
It says: G.R.I.H.
The Greater Revachol Industrial Harbour.
a whole bunch of scabs barks for one location
a whole bunch of scabs barks for another location
a whole bunch of scabs barks for a third location
a whole bunch of scabs barks for some other location
a whole bunch of scabs barks for one more location
a whole bunch of scab barks for a location somewhere
Scab leader need to bark different, not funny or weak things.
Rhetoric smells a communist around here. Part of the Communist Dream Quest
Ask Measurhead if he knows way to turn back time and have converstaion about True Men in his mum's office.,
Kim rejoins the party after Harry and Measurehead exit (Measurhead's) Mum's office.
Adrift in an alcohol induced oblivion, the faculties of your mind speak to you.
The ceiling fan is spinning like the blades of some rickety old airship about to fall on you. A truly horrendous neck-tie has somehow attached itself to one of the blades.
A mirror hangs on the bathroom wall, above a bent and broken sink.
An infernal machine comes to a halt somewhere outside.
This reel-to-reel tape player is still on, rolling empty.
You must value privacy. The door has been locked from the inside.
Looks like someone tore out the tape while the song was playing.
Words fail to describe how rank it smells in here. They should have sent a poet.
The calendar says it's March. The year is '51.
These are your sleek pants. Put them on and find THE KEY to get out of your room.
This magnum-sized bottle of "Commodore Red" is empty.
You see bottles in the bathtub: wine, beer and sweet liqueurs.
A medium Viscal sees the shards are facing outwards.
tape now interactable in inventory, if you have the boombox. Lely-Kortenaer banter for interrogate Klaasje sequence
You can take a bath and wash that corpse stench off.
You can click on tape player -- it has broken down while you were gone. Can't listen to any tapes now, best you find a new one from Roy.
Kim's reaction to the mess in your room after you've listened to tape and he was present etc.
Kim tries not to look at your broken down bathroom door.
The conversation you and Kim are gonna have the first time he sees you with your new and powerful visage, Icebreaker.
When you lose enough Health (Endurance), you have a heart attack. This is the freebie/tutorial.
When you lose enough Morale (Volition), you feel like giving up. This is the freebie/tutorial.
This is the folder where all of those NewspaperEndgame Game Over nodes live and procreate!