ltn Kitsuragi suggests you talk to the manager of the Whirling-in-Rags first. Garte is a hub of knowledge on the area and the case and you will come back to him later. He is also a problem, asking you to pay for the night, to pay for "the damages". It does not reflect well on you.
This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.
ID | Character | Dialogue | Conditions | Links |
0 | None |
1 | None |
2 | Encyclopedia | The IIR or interisolary reál is the global reserve currency. Whatever part of the world you're in right now, it's safe to assume he means you owe him some money. |
3 | You | "I don't owe you shit." |
4 | You | "What's *real*?" |
5 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Oh, excuse me. You owe me 130 *reál*." He pronounces the 'r' with a mock aristocratic accent. |
6 | You | "By *real* do you mean some form of street cred?" |
7 | You | "Oh, I understand, you mean I owe you money." |
8 | You | "*Reál* sounds like some fancy skin care product... but why would I owe you one hundred and thirty of them?" | Variable["whirling.garte_conze_real_is_skin_care"] == true |
9 | You | "You're under arrest." |
10 | You | Did I just hear my tie speak to me *twice*? | Variable["whirling.necktie_personified"] and CheckEquipped("neck_tie") |
11 | Horrific Necktie | No one is saying that. No one is saying the tie can talk -- that would be ludicrous. It's just that... you should arrest him. It would be *wiser*. He wants to take your money. |
12 | None |
13 | You | I'm not comfortable with this. (Try to somehow tuck the tie away.) |
14 | You | Great advice, I'm considering it. (Give the tie an affirmative tug.) |
15 | You | No way, I have duties. I'm a cop, I'm not talking to a tie. (Take the tie off.) |
16 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Oh!" He puffs with indignation. "You don't owe me *shit*? Well, officer, you're right -- you *don't* owe me shit, you owe me MONEY." |
17 | Kim Kitsuragi | He turns to you, calmly. "We do not need to assert ourselves here. We only need instructions from him. This is the proprietor, remember?" |
18 | You | "No! He called me a f****t!" |
19 | You | "Sounded like extortion to me." |
20 | You | "Alright, calm down. What is this about?" |
21 | Kim Kitsuragi | "But, you see, he didn't." |
22 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | A man in his late twenties stands behind the counter, inspecting a stuffed seabird. As you approach, he gives you a sideways glance, then looks down again. |
23 | Empathy | That was disdain in his eyes. Even now he's purposefully ignoring you. |
24 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
25 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["reputation.superstar_cop"] >=2 |
26 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["reputation.superstar_cop"] >=2) == false |
27 | Empathy | That was disdain in his eyes. Even now he is purposefully ignoring you. Looks like he's not a fan. |
28 | None |
29 | You | Look at the stuffed bird. |
30 | You | "Are you the bartender?" |
31 | You | [Leave.] |
32 | You | "Something tells me you don't like me." | Variable["whirling.garte_empathy_disdain"] and Variable["reputation.superstar_cop"] <2 |
33 | You | "What's wrong? Don't you like The Officer?" | Variable["whirling.garte_empathy_disdain"] and Variable["whirling.klaasjeone_conceptualization_officer"] and Variable["reputation.superstar_cop"] >=2 |
34 | You | "I sense you're not a fan of mine." | Variable["whirling.garte_empathy_disdain"] and Variable["whirling.klaasjeone_conceptualization_officer"] == false and Variable["reputation.superstar_cop"] >=2 |
35 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Oh no," he says without looking up. "You're a hero. A real hero cop." |
36 | You | "So not only am I a cop, but I'm also a hero?" |
37 | Logic | Could the massive property damage upstairs have anything to do with this? |
38 | You | "Wait, did you just say I was a *cop*?" | Variable["tc.you_are_cop"] == false |
39 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Yes, you are! A real decorated hero." |
40 | You | "What did I do?" |
41 | You | "You're being sarcastic." |
42 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What did you *not* do? First you took the body down, then you solved the murder, then you *didn't* trash my hostel room. Maybe you even negotiated the strike..." |
43 | You | "I'm guessing I didn't do any of those things?" |
44 | You | "Oh my god, I did all those things?" |
45 | You | "I do not appreciate your tone. This is no way to talk to an officer." |
46 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "No -- you see -- actually you didn't. You haven't done anything even remotely useful since you got here." |
47 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "You're right, you didn't. And it's only taken you *three days* not to." |
48 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Oh, it's not?!" He raises his shoulders like he's about to say something more, but then gets a hold of himself. |
49 | You | "What have I been doing all that time? Have you seen me around?" |
50 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "No, I haven't *seen you around*. I'm not always here." He looks down again and keeps plucking at the bird. |
51 | None |
52 | Authority | He has no respect for you personally, but this man sees himself as a law-abiding citizen -- and you a representative of that law. He tries to avoid outright conflict. |
53 | You | "What have I been doing then? Have you seen me around?" |
54 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "No, I'm not the *bartender*. I'm the cafeteria manager." |
55 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What kind of question is that?" |
56 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Am I? Or did you ride in, take the body down, solve the murder, and *not* trash my hostel room?" |
57 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | The man plucks at the seabird, frowning. | Variable["whirling.garte_altgreeting_done"] |
58 | You | "I didn't know I was a cop. Are you sure?" |
59 | You | "That makes sense. Ever since I got up, I've felt something in me..." (Look at your hands and feel it flowing through your veins.) "Now I know it's *The Law*." |
60 | You | "I can't be a police officer... This is insane." |
61 | You | "Nothing. I just wanted to hear you say it." |
62 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I don't know. Am I?" He looks at you, taking stock of your cop-ness and finding it lacking. |
63 | Esprit de Corps | Not far from here a 34-year-old man called Jean Vicquemare reluctantly picks his facial hair while a dark-haired woman in an officer's suit waits for an answer. A typical police station morning hums in the background: telephones ringing, the whirr of a roll'o'dex... |
64 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
65 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_esprit_judging"] |
66 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_esprit_judging"]) == false |
67 | Esprit de Corps | "Have you seen the way he dresses?" The man asks. "It's like he's not even a cop anymore. Shows up in here looking like a clown, reeking of alcohol. Screams at everyone... I'm done with that guy." |
68 | Esprit de Corps | "Let him sort it out for himself." |
69 | None |
70 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Are you serious right now?" |
71 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "It is, isn't it?" He looks at you, shaking his head in disbelief. |
72 | None |
73 | You | "The responsibility has taken its toll on my body, but I will take up the mantle once more. This is who I am." |
74 | You | "Of course -- if by "The Law" you mean *blood alcohol level*." |
75 | You | "Of course I'm not serious." |
76 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I really don't know what to say to that." He looks down at the seabird. |
77 | None |
78 | You | "What's the difference?" |
79 | You | "You look like a bartender." | Variable["TASK.get_a_drink"] == false |
80 | You | "Understood." |
81 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "That period of my life is over. Not everyone who stands behind a counter is a bartender, okay? I'm the cafeteria manager." |
82 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I have three cafeterias to manage. *Three*. Sylvie tends the bar here, not me, I'm only standing in." |
83 | You | "Where did this Sylvie go?" |
84 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Mhm." |
85 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "She just, you know..." He shrugs. |
86 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | He rolls his eyes. |
87 | None |
88 | Drama | His eyes dart from left to right. This man isn't lying, but he *is* hiding something. |
89 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "So *now* you're a cop? Forget it." |
90 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
91 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["tc.you_are_cop"] |
92 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["tc.you_are_cop"]) == false |
93 | None |
94 | None |
95 | None |
96 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | A competent work of taxidermy, the white and brown seabird lies among piles of coasters and drying mugs, one of its wings broken. The man is trying to mend it. |
97 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Looks like the bird was ripped off the shield that was used to mount it -- most likely on a wall. |
98 | Perception (Sight) | A small engraved steel tag says: "The Great Skua (Stercorarius skua)." |
99 | Inland Empire | Something about it makes you feel bitter... |
100 | You | "What happened to the bird?" |
101 | You | "Can I help you with that?" |
102 | You | Say nothing. |
103 | None |
104 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Look, your *buddy* is over there." He looks at the doors, where a man in a bomber jacket is tapping his foot on the floor. |
105 | Encyclopedia | This is a great skua. The seabird is the symbol for the discovery of the Insulindian isola, the part of the world you are in right now. |
106 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
107 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_skua_TC"] |
108 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_skua_TC"]) == false |
109 | Perception (Sight) | The small steel tag says as much: "The Great Skua (Stercorarius skua)." |
110 | You | "That's the great skua, right?" | Variable["whirling.garte_skua_perc"] or Variable["whirling.garte_skua_TC"] |
111 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Why don't you go and talk to him, okay?" |
112 | You | "What do you mean, 'my *buddy*'?" |
113 | You | "I talk to whomever I please." |
114 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | He pretends not to hear you, concentrating on the bird instead. |
115 | None |
116 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | A man in his late twenties with a thin, unimpressive beard notices you approaching. He drops the ledger he was holding and turns to the lieutenant. | IsKimHere() |
117 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Mr... Garte, right?" The lieutenant glances into his little notebook. "You run this place?" |
118 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I am Kim Kitsuragi from Precinct 57. This is an inter-district investigation, so joining me from Precinct 41..." He looks to you, realizing he still doesn't know your name. |
119 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Yes," he responds tersely. |
120 | You | "The harbinger of ruin." |
121 | You | "As I said, Detective Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau." | Variable["tc.raphael_ambrosius_costeau"] |
122 | You | "It's probably Harry." | Variable["tc.harry"] == true |
123 | You | Say nothing. |
124 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What?" |
125 | You | "Nothing. I just wanted to see what happens if I say that. Now I do." |
126 | You | "The gloaming. I *am* it." |
127 | You | "Never mind." |
128 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I have *no idea* what that means." |
129 | You | "I have been to the precipice. I have seen the end." |
130 | You | "This duskland will be gone soon. It makes no difference if you understand or not." |
131 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What is this, a joke to you? Is *this* what you get when you call the police now? *This* guy?" He points at you. "We've been waiting for a week here!" |
132 | You | "Never mind." |
133 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Sir, I understand your concern, but we're here to do a job, and for us to do it, I need you to stay calm." |
134 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Never mind? *Gloaming*? What is this? Is *this* what you get when you call the police now?" He points at you. "*This* guy? Lieutenant, we've been waiting for a week here!" |
135 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What is this, a joke to you? Is *this* what you get when you call the police now? *This* guy?" He turns to the lieutenant. "We've been waiting for a week here!" |
136 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
137 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_empathy_disdain"] |
138 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_empathy_disdain"]) == false |
139 | Empathy | Could he be irritated with you? He avoids eye contact altogether. Like you're not even there. |
140 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Right... Now, I know it took us a while to arrive at the scene. It also took you a while to call us and report the dead body -- it *was* you who placed the call, yes?" |
141 | You | "I'm currently in-between names." |
142 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Fantastic." |
143 | You | "It's like when you've left your band, but you haven't decided on a solo artist name yet." |
144 | You | Kim is about to say something. Let him. |
145 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "That's wonderful! Really. I think so. But there's a dead body out back. No one wants to work in these conditions! It's been a week!" |
146 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What's that supposed to mean -- probably?" |
147 | None |
148 | Authority | For a moment, the Cafeteria Manager fidgets under the lieutenant's gaze. Then he gives in. |
149 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
150 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_alt_cafeteriamanager"] |
151 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_alt_cafeteriamanager"]) == false |
152 | Authority | For a moment, the man fidgets under the lieutenant's gaze. Then he gives in. |
153 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Yes, of course." He takes a step back. |
154 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I know it took us a while to arrive at the scene. But it also took you a while to call us. It was you who placed the call, correct?" |
155 | You | "It means I'm not ruling out "Harry" at this juncture." |
156 | You | "I have forgotten my name." |
157 | You | "I don't like your tone." |
158 | None |
159 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What is this, a joke to you? There's a dead body out back, and it's been there for a week now! No one wants to work in these conditions!" |
160 | None |
161 | None |
162 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "And I don't like the dead body that's been hanging out there for a week!" He gestures somewhere outside. "No one wants to work in these conditions!" |
163 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "No, I only just got here. It was probably Sylvie who called you. She usually works the bar here. I'm only temporarily taking over her duties." |
164 | None |
165 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Do you have her number?" |
166 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "As a matter of fact, I do." He looks behind a pile of coasters, finds a slip of paper, and hands it to the lieutenant. |
167 | Kim Kitsuragi | "You said you just got here -- from where? Are you a local?" |
168 | You | "Where exactly is the body?" | Variable["yard.hanged_seen"] == false |
169 | You | "Who killed him?" |
170 | You | "What is your problem with me?" | Variable["whirling.garte_disdain_talkedabout"] == false and Variable["whirling.garte_empathy_disdain"] |
171 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
172 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_alt_logic_sylvie"] |
173 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_alt_logic_sylvie"]) == false |
174 | You | "She just... what?" |
175 | None |
176 | You | "Okay, then." |
177 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Mhm." |
178 | None |
179 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | He looks down at the stuffed bird, quietly shaking his head. |
180 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What? Of Martinaise -- no. I live in Jamrock. I only *sometimes* come here to keep an eye on the place. This is just one of the many, many cafeterias I manage." |
181 | Kim Kitsuragi | "But you still know your way around, yes? In case we need directions." |
182 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Yes, I know where *some* things are. But, as I said, I don't live here. I just used to work here. And I'm not going to start working here again, if that's what you think." |
183 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I didn't imply that." He turns to you. "Detective?" |
184 | You | "What?" |
185 | You | "Who, me?" |
186 | You | "Yes?" |
187 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
188 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["tc.raphael_ambrosius_costeau"] |
189 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["tc.raphael_ambrosius_costeau"]) == false |
190 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Yes, Detective Costeau." He says the name with a purposefully straight face. "I have everything. You?" |
191 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Mhm." He checks his little notebook. "I have everything. You?" |
192 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I have everything. You?" He looks in his little notebook. |
193 | Kim Kitsuragi | "It's your turn." He takes a respectful little step back. |
194 | You | "No, I'm good." (Pass on the questions.) |
195 | You | "Oh, you mean, do I have *questions*?" (Ask them.) |
196 | You | "Oh, you mean questions?" |
197 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Yes, yes, he means do you have questions for me. Like a police officer would." The cafeteria manager is clearly agitated again. |
198 | Logic | He probably means this is where you step in and ask your questions. |
199 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
200 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_reaction_queastions"] |
201 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_reaction_queastions"]) == false |
202 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant nods at you affirmatively, then glances at the exit. "The body was behind the building, right -- how do we get there?" |
203 | You | "Right then. Questions. I got this." | Variable["whirling.garte_reaction_queastions"] |
204 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | His face expresses profound doubt in your *having this*. |
205 | None |
206 | You | "Why did Sylvie go away?" |
207 | You | "You know, I actually can't think of a single thing." | Variable["whirling.garte_at_least_one_question_asked"] == false |
208 | You | "That's all." | Variable["whirling.garte_at_least_one_question_asked"] |
209 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Behind this building, there's a courtyard." He points to the kitchen behind him. "They hoisted him up on a tree there." |
210 | You | "And how do we get there then?" |
211 | Encyclopedia | This man means the heavy cavalry of Innocence Franconegro, sweeping over the plains and nations of the enemies of mankind, 5th Century style. Unified currency and the concept of *cool* came in their wake. They wore lamellar and carried guns. But first and foremost, Franconigerian heavy cavalry was really, really wide. That hole in the fence must be *enormous*. |
212 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "That's easy! See that door there?" He points to the west. "First you exit through that. Then to your right you should see a big hole in the fence -- a really big one. You can get to the courtyard through there. No need for the keys. The hole is big enough for the Franconigerian cavalry to fit through." |
213 | Empathy | Does he want you to feel *guilty* of making that hole? It's implied in his voice. |
214 | None |
215 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I don't know who killed him, I'm not the police. That's your job." |
216 | You | "Did you kill him?" |
217 | You | "Before you said *they* hoisted him up on a tree. Who did you mean by *they*?" | Variable["whirling.garte_logic_hoisted"] |
218 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What are you -- crazy? Of course I didn't *kill* him." |
219 | You | "Did you kill him, Garte?" |
220 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "No, I didn't." |
221 | You | "You can tell me, Garte. You killed him, right?" |
222 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I didn't." He turns to the lieutenant: "I don't appreciate this. What is this?" |
223 | You | "Why did you have to kill him?" |
224 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Do I have to answer him?" He asks the lieutenant. "Is this mandatory?" |
225 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant stands motionless, his expression unreadable. |
226 | You | "Did he hurt you? Is that why? Did you get some kind of sick *kick* out of killing him?" |
227 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What are you, an idiot?! I told you I haven't killed anyone!" |
228 | You | "Anyone? Have you killed someone else then?" |
229 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | He ignores you. |
230 | You | "Did you kill Sylvie?" |
231 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Fuck you, man." |
232 | Kim Kitsuragi | "That's enough." You can't tell who the remark is aimed at, you or Garte. |
233 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Oh." He's a bit surprised you caught that. "People are saying it was the Union dockworkers. That it was a lynching." |
234 | You | "Who exactly is saying that?" |
235 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "The locals. Customers, the people who eat here. A lot of dockworkers eat here. Sylvie told me everyone knows the dockworkers did it." |
236 | You | "Why would the dockworkers lynch this man?" |
237 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Did the Débardeurs themselves tell her this, or is it a rumour?" |
238 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I don't really know. You'll have to ask her." |
239 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I would suppose it's because they have nothing better to do." |
240 | Kim Kitsuragi | "You mean the strike?" |
241 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Yes, the *strike*," he makes little quotation marks with his fingers. "The man they hanged was a security guard for the harbour company, I hear -- a mercenary. The unionistas probably thought they'd send a message." |
242 | Empathy | A very silent wave comes from the lieutenant, like the distant echo of a drum-roll. It's approval. |
243 | You | "I have another question." |
244 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant turns the page in the little notebook he's been scribbling in. |
245 | None |
246 | None |
247 | None |
248 | You | "Okay. I believe you." |
249 | You | "You have not entirely convinced me." |
250 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Thank you ever so much." |
251 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "That's a real pity." He stares angrily at you. |
252 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
253 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_murder_questioned"] |
254 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_murder_questioned"]) == false |
255 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Haven't you asked me that already? What is it with you and this woman? She has nothing to do with this. " |
256 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
257 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_asked_about_sylvie_before"] |
258 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_asked_about_sylvie_before"]) == false |
259 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "She went away because *none of your business*." |
260 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Okay, you got me. She went away because of the dead body out back -- and because I asked for her number. That's why Sylvie went away. I hope you appreciate that..." |
261 | You | "Mystery solved!" |
262 | You | "Didn't go well?" |
263 | You | "No, before I asked you *where*. Now I'm asking you *why* she left." |
264 | You | "You're right." |
265 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Thank you," the lieutenant says. He opens his little notebook at the cover. The number is safely tucked away in a small pocket. |
266 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I asked an employee out. She didn't want to come, but felt obliged to. It was a bad idea. Now what is so god damn fascinating about that for you? It's got nothing to do with the lynching." |
267 | You | "Everything has something to do with everything." |
268 | You | "You're right. I probably shouldn't have asked." |
269 | None |
270 | Half Light | Suddenly you tense up, blood is being pushed to your muscles. You should hound him on this, hound him *hard*, the prey drive says. |
271 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
272 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_half_light_adrenalinequestioning"] |
273 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_half_light_adrenalinequestioning"]) == false |
274 | None |
275 | You | "Okay, I'm not gonna hound you on this." |
276 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Oh, thank you." |
277 | Half Light | More. Press on, push through... |
278 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
279 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_half_light_volition_stopped"] |
280 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_half_light_volition_stopped"]) == false |
281 | None |
282 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Oh." He's a bit surprised you caught that. "I meant the Union dockworkers. You know, the guys who *everyone* is saying killed him. Which no one is saying about me -- because I didn't." |
283 | You | "Who is this everyone?" |
284 | You | "She pertains to the coming apocalypse." | Variable["whirling.garte_harbinger"] == true |
285 | You | "Am I not a cop? Everything is my business." | Variable["whirling.garte_rhetoric_your_business"] |
286 | You | "Fine." |
287 | Rhetoric | Have they not been telling you you're a cop? |
288 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Extra fine." |
289 | None |
290 | None |
291 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Does she? Maybe she does... maybe she *pertains* to the apocalypse." He snorts. "Sylvie is not here because I asked for her number. The dead body out back didn't help either, but it was mostly me. I hope you appreciate that..." |
292 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Yes, I am." |
293 | None |
294 | You | "I don't know. I just went for it." |
295 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Is it? Because I thought you were supposed to be investigating the lynching, not my employer conduct." |
296 | You | "This stuff gets on my nerves. I am a feminist." | Variable["whirling.garte_feminist"] == false |
297 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What?" |
298 | You | "That's right. If there's one thing I know about myself it's that I'm a *total*, raging feminist." |
299 | You | "Do you have a phallus in your ear? I said I'm a feminist." |
300 | You | "You heard me." |
301 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Forget it." |
302 | You | "I guess I like to be thorough." |
303 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Good for you. Was there something else? I'd like to get back to what I was doing." |
304 | None |
305 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Why would I have a problem with you? You're a hero cop." |
306 | None |
307 | You | "Are you the bartender?" | Variable["whirling.garte_bartender_asked"] == false |
308 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
309 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_bartender_later"] |
310 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_bartender_later"]) == false |
311 | None |
312 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
313 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_bartender_later"] |
314 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_bartender_later"]) == false |
315 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I have *three* cafeterias I manage. Three. Get over it." |
316 | None |
317 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Let's go." |
318 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I knew it." |
319 | Kim Kitsuragi | "That's good. But there is a timetable for this investigation, dictated to us by the stages of decomposition. And it says we need to move on." |
320 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Is that so? Mr. Feminist..." He catches the rest before it leaves his mouth, probably thinking it's best not to say anything. |
321 | None |
322 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
323 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_feminist"] |
324 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_feminist"]) == false |
325 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Not so fast Mr. Feminist." He points to you. "You owe me 130 reál." |
326 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Not so fast." He points to you. "You owe me 130 reál." |
327 | None |
328 | You | Slip away unnoticed. | IsHourBetween(7, 21) |
329 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "No, you don't owe me street cred. You owe me money. You owe this establishment 130 reál." He points to the red ledger on the counter. |
330 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Wow, you're a genius! Yes, that's right -- money. You owe this establishment 130 reál." He points to the red ledger on the counter. |
331 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "You owe me *money*, not a skin care product. Money. You owe this establishment 130 reál." He points to the red ledger on the counter. |
332 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "You can't arrest me, I haven't done anything." |
333 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
334 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.necktie_personified"] and CheckEquipped("neck_tie") |
335 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.necktie_personified"] and CheckEquipped("neck_tie")) == false |
336 | Inland Empire | No one is saying the multi-patterned necktie you found tied to the ceiling fan can *talk*. No one. It must be merely *imagination*, but... |
337 | Horrific Necktie | Let's bail! Time to push the EJECT button. Sounds like a *responsibility*. You don't like those. |
338 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
339 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_vanishment_succeeded"] |
340 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_vanishment_succeeded"]) == false |
341 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Real mature, man! Real mature." |
342 | Savoir Faire | One moment you're running like the wind, then you've suddenly turned around and are giving him the finger. Furiously, with both hands. Why?! |
343 | You | The lady in the wheel-chair is right behind me, isn't she? |
344 | You | "Fuck you, asshole!" |
345 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "WATCH OUT!!" |
346 | You | Why did I do this? Why did I have use *both* my hands to flip him off? Why both... |
347 | None |
348 | Horrific Necktie | Who does that CLOWN think he is? Arrest him! |
349 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
350 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.necktie_personified"] and CheckEquipped("neck_tie") |
351 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.necktie_personified"] and CheckEquipped("neck_tie")) == false |
352 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "You know, I get this all the time. Some hobo comes in here, or some backpacking asshole off the boat. The next day when they can't make their fees they get *aggressive*. I just never thought I'd be in this shit with a cop. Please, just give me the money..." |
353 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
354 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_necktie_talked"] |
355 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_necktie_talked"]) == false |
356 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
357 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_necktie_talked"] |
358 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_necktie_talked"]) == false |
359 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant watches you fiddle with your horrific tie, sweat stains forming under your armpits. He puts his hand on your shoulder. |
360 | None |
361 | You | "What do I owe this place for?" |
362 | You | "But what exactly *is* money?" |
363 | Horrific Necktie | Somehow the knot is stuck so you can't get it off. The lieutenant watches you struggle with it, the sweat dripping from your brow. He puts his hand on your shoulder: |
364 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant looks at you tugging on your garish tie. He puts his hand on your shoulder: |
365 | Kim Kitsuragi | "If you don't have the money, it's okay. None of us are in this for the wages." |
366 | You | Put this man in his place. |
367 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
368 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_arrest_authority_success"] |
369 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_arrest_authority_success"]) == false |
370 | Authority | The words leave your mouth as if walking up the stairs -- everything is going fine until you reach the end and take one step too many: |
371 | You | "I fucking well can, *bitch*!" |
372 | You | "Okay, you're not under arrest." |
373 | You | "I don't know why I said that. I thought it's something a cop would say." |
374 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I don't really need you to *say* anything, I just need the money." |
375 | None |
376 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Tsk..." He rolls his eyes. |
377 | None |
378 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Oh, so apparently I'm a *bitch* now. Okay, I'll be the 'bitch', and you'll be the broke cop who owes me money, and no one will arrest anyone because that's insane. How's that?" |
379 | Authority | That's cop for: "I haven't offered to pay because I don't have any money either." |
380 | None |
381 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Let's see." He dramatically turns a page in the ledger. "Three nights at a tariff of 20 reál comes to 60 reál. Then there's the window you *annihilated* -- the hole in the window was the first thing I saw when I came to work, so don't try to tell me you didn't! That will be 40 reál in damages." |
382 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Another thing you've annihilated is half the bar -- you've run a tab of 30 reál. Actually more, but we'll round it down to 30 for your hard work maintaining the stability and order of Revachol. That's 60 + 40 + 30 = 130 reál. And yes, reál is still money." |
383 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
384 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garthe_sayd_they_killed"] |
385 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garthe_sayd_they_killed"]) == false |
386 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Money is what grown up people use to pay for things. Things like this hostel room or..." He peeks into the ledger: "...or eight bottles of 'Potent Blend' and nine packs of 'Royal Extra'. We use it for everything, really." |
387 | You | (Proceed, but don't show him the coins. They're *yours*.) | MoneyAmount() >= 40 |
388 | You | (Proceed and show him the coins you found.) "Is this money?" | MoneyAmount() >= 40 |
389 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What are you, brain-damaged?" |
390 | You | "Actually, I might be." |
391 | You | "Since I woke up I have trouble remembering even the most basic concepts of reality." |
392 | You | "No, I'm just getting my bearings." |
393 | None |
394 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Yes. It is." |
395 | You | (Count them and give them to him.) "That's 10 plus 10 plus 20 equals 40. I'm now down to 90, right?" |
396 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "No, you see..." There's a tinge of sadness in his voice. "That's 40 *cents*. Cents are a form of currency one hundred times smaller than the reál. I'm not even going to take this. Come back when you have 130 reál." |
397 | You | "One *hundred* times smaller?" |
398 | You | "But that's horrible." |
399 | You | "Okay." |
400 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Yes." |
401 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "It is." He stands silently looking at the coppers on the counter. |
402 | Conceptualization | Isn't it... evil? The order of magnitude between what is asked of a person -- and what they have? |
403 | You | "Darkness rides." (Pick up the coins.) | Variable["whirling.garte_conceptualization_darkness"] |
404 | Suggestion | For a moment, his antipathy is overcome by compassion for the sheer smallness of the money. |
405 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "It does, doesn't it." |
406 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | He stands silently looking at the coppers on the counter. |
407 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
408 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_conceptualization_darkness"] |
409 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_conceptualization_darkness"]) == false |
410 | You | Keep it to yourself and pick up the coins. |
411 | Kim Kitsuragi | There's a shuffle of nylon as Lieutenant Kitsuragi looks for something in the pockets of his orange bomber. |
412 | None |
413 | You | Keep the money. |
414 | None |
415 | None |
416 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
417 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_esprit_kitsuragi_cash"] |
418 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_esprit_kitsuragi_cash"]) == false |
419 | You | "What happens now?" | Variable["whirling.garte_hasorhasnt_money_said"] |
420 | You | "Where can I get money?" |
421 | You | "Why do I need it?" |
422 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Are you serious? From your work, I don't know... you can take bribes, I guess." He looks at the lieutenant. "I'm sorry. I don't think cops take bribes." |
423 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Some do take recompense." The lieutenant is dead serious. "But only to survive." |
424 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "For survival, to pay *me*. Unless you want to become a *hobo*? Do you want to become a hobo? There's nowhere else to stay in Martinaise and it's a cold spring outside. Money doesn't make you happy but it lets you be *un*happy for a while longer." |
425 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "If you run out of money, you die. It's like that for all of us -- me too. That's why I need you to pay me." He stops and says, mostly to himself: "I'm not an asshole." |
426 | None |
427 | Ancient Reptilian Brain | Back so soon? |
428 | You | I had an accident. |
429 | You | So worth it. |
430 | You | This did not need to happen. I gave no such commands to my body. |
431 | Ancient Reptilian Brain | Those are the mysteries of the Spinal Cord. The Spinal Cord has yet to reveal itself to you -- its mysteries are unholy mysteries. |
432 | You | I don't know... that just comes off as a lazy effort at re-conceptualizing the antics of a shambling drunk. |
433 | Ancient Reptilian Brain | If it comes off like that, it's because it *is*. And you *are*. |
434 | Ancient Reptilian Brain | It was no accident. Those were *disco moves* from your Spinal Cord. The Spinal Cord has yet to reveal itself to you -- its mysteries are unholy mysteries. |
435 | None |
436 | Limbic System | How's it going out there? Are the tiny apes screaming about money yet? |
437 | Ancient Reptilian Brain | I was wrong to let you go. I should have kept you here... is it bright where you are? Is it TERRIFYING? Have you felt THE LOVE?! |
438 | Ancient Reptilian Brain | Admit it, you just missed the quarter-light. The darkness on the edge of town. |
439 | You | Wow, there's more of you? Hidden? I'm so cool. |
440 | Ancient Reptilian Brain | You are *way* cool, cooler than the bottom of the sea. Too cool for this world. |
441 | You | "I sure as hell haven't felt no love!" |
442 | You | "It's okay. It's going fine." |
443 | You | "What do you mean?" |
444 | You | "It's not going very well." |
445 | You | "I'm doing fine." |
446 | You | "I think the tiny apes have started screaming, yes." |
447 | You | "But what if I don't have any?" (Proceed.) | MoneyAmount() == 0 |
448 | None |
449 | None |
450 | None |
451 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What are you, a philosopher?" |
452 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | He turns to the lieutenant. "I'm sorry, but he has to pay, I can't let him stay here any longer if he doesn't. If he doesn't have the money by tonight, then..." He shrugs. |
453 | You | "I don't have a home." |
454 | You | "I don't remember where my home is." |
455 | You | "Isn't there somewhere else I can stay around here?" |
456 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "You mean somewhere else to run up a huge debt? I don't think so. The Union squeezed most places out of business to fund the strike. You're better off home." |
457 | You | "I'll see what I can do." |
458 | You | "Fuck this place. I'll take my chances on the streets." |
459 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Officer..." A pattern of creases appears on his forehead. "You really need to take this up with your station, I have a shortwave radio in my car. Call them, ask for assistance. We have to get this investigation started now." |
460 | Kim Kitsuragi | "No, don't, there's no need..." A pattern of creases appears on his forehead. "You really need to take this up with your station, I have a shortwave radio in my car. Call them, ask for assistance. We have to get this investigation started now." |
461 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I'm sorry I couldn't help more." Creases line his forehead, above the spectacles. "You should take this up with your station, I have a shortwave radio in my car, okay? We have to get this investigation started now." |
462 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Sir, leash in your tongue." The lieutenant's voice is controlled, yet threatening. Like it's coming from a different person. |
463 | Authority | The words nail the Cafeteria Manager to his place. Unmoving he stares down at the counter with his cheeks reddish. |
464 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
465 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_alt_cafeteriamanager"] |
466 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_alt_cafeteriamanager"]) == false |
467 | Authority | The words nail the man to his place. Unmoving, he stares down at the counter with his cheeks reddish. |
468 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Officer," he turns to you. "You need to contact your station. Ask your people for assistance with the money you owe this place. There is a shortwave radio in my car, when you get the time, use it. We need to get this investigation started now." |
469 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I'm sorry, but I can't let him stay here if he doesn't pay... He's three days on the slip. If he doesn't have the money by tonight, he'll have to work this from home." |
470 | You | "Isn't there somewhere else I can stay around here?" |
471 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "You can look, but... the Union squeezed most people out of business to fund the strike. So, I don't know... your best shot is just going home." |
472 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Okay..." The lieutenant lets out a heavy sigh. "Let's go. Goodbye, sir." |
473 | You | "I'll see what I can do." |
474 | You | "I don't remember where my home is." |
475 | Kim Kitsuragi | "No, there's no need..." The lieutenant is silent for a moment. "Let's go. Goodbye, sir." |
476 | You | "I don't have a home." |
477 | You | "Fuck this place. I'll take my chances on the streets." |
478 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Good luck." |
479 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | The man stands silently behind the counter, with his eyes fixed on the broken taxidermy, then on the ledger. He does not know what to say anymore. |
480 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | The man starts to say something, but then thinks better of it. "Good luck." |
481 | None |
482 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | The man wants to say something, then thinks better of it. "Good luck." |
483 | None |
484 | Authority | From the bottom of your blue soul, a term emerges: |
485 | You | "'Refusal to aid an officer of the peace.' You are impeding me from carrying out a murder investigation with your inane requests for money." |
486 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "But it's not inane, I just... you owe me money." |
487 | Kim Kitsuragi | "It is crude of you. A man has been killed. File a request for compensation with Station 41. We need to work now." |
488 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Okay, you'll only have to pay for the window. And the drinks. That's 70. I'll get the rest from your stupid station." |
489 | You | "I have no memory of drinking them. I'm not paying for the drinks." | Variable["whirling.garte_debt_drinks_down"] == false |
490 | You | "I won't pay for the window." | Variable["whirling.garte_flipoff_window_talk"] == false |
491 | You | "Cool." [Leave.] |
492 | You | "Goodbye and thank you for your cooperation." [Leave.] |
493 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Fine, I'll take it off the bill! You want to sleep in a post-apocalyptic shit-hole, go ahead! But I'm not giving you another room." |
494 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "The ledger does! The ledger has a memory!" He points to the book. "The drinks are non-negotiable, there's no way your station will pay for them." |
495 | None |
496 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
497 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_debt_window_and_room_down"] |
498 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_debt_window_and_room_down"]) == false |
499 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "No, not *cool*. You still owe me 30 for the drinks. If you don't have it by tonight I'm not letting you back up there..." He points upstairs. |
500 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "You still owe me 70. If you don't have it by tonight I'm not letting you back up there," he points upstairs. |
501 | None |
502 | None |
503 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
504 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_debt_window_and_room_down"] |
505 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_debt_window_and_room_down"]) == false |
506 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Don't thank me. You still owe me 70. If you don't have it by tonight I'm not letting you back up there," he points upstairs. |
507 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Don't thank me. You still owe me 30 for the drinks! If you don't have it by tonight I'm not letting you back up there..." He points upstairs. |
508 | You | "I wonder what Sylvie has to say about that?" | Variable["whirling.garte_employer_conduct"] == true |
509 | You | "You have admitted to *sexual* crimes. You will be taken to *sex* prison." | Variable["tc.radical_feminist_equipped"] == true |
510 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | He laughs. "What in the name of God..." |
511 | You | "Sounds like you think *sex* is more than a social construct. Tell me, do you think women are mentally inferior to men?" |
512 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Are you trying to frighten me now?" He turns to the lieutenant: "What is this?" |
513 | You | "You tell me what this is? Did you *rape* her?" |
514 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Fine, fuck this. I'll do it myself, I'll call your station... what was it, 41? I'll ask them to pay for the room. The drinks and the window you still have to pay for. That's 70. Are we done, officers?" |
515 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Okay, okay..." He settles down. "I know what is going on -- and okay. I'll call your station... what did you say it was?" |
516 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Forty one," the lieutenant steps in. |
517 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I'll call them for recompensation for the room. But you still owe me 70 for the drinks and the window. And I do *not* think women are mentally inferior to men." |
518 | You | "This is me threatening you with excruciating legal procedures, because you're impeding my investigation." |
519 | Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife | "It doesn't look like it is, sweetie. Are you okay?" An old woman appears out of the blackness. |
520 | Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife | "It doesn't look so, sweetie. Are you okay?" An old woman appears out of the blackness. |
521 | Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife | "Did one of these "tiny apes" have a pale green face?" An old woman appears out of the blackness. |
522 | You | "Yes!" |
523 | Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife | "It's a joke, sweetie. I didn't actually think you saw the Kind Green Ape of South Safre in a hostel in Martinaise. That would be ridiculous. Are you okay?" |
524 | Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife | "That is too bad." An old woman appears out of the blackness. "We all need a little love. Are you okay?" |
525 | Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife | "What do you mean what do I mean?" An old woman appears out of the blackness. "Are you okay?" |
526 | You | "No, I don't think so." |
527 | You | "What?" |
528 | None |
529 | None |
530 | Pain Threshold | With your back against the cold mosaic floor you feel the pain recede. You just need to get up and dust yourself off... |
531 | Savoir Faire | No. You have sustained a trauma to your lower neck. In addition, you have strained your left trapezius muscle. Pain surges down your back when you move. |
532 | You | "No, are *you* okay?" |
533 | You | "Ouch." |
534 | You | "I'm not very okay." |
535 | Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife | "The chair took the brunt of it. Don't worry." |
536 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Sir, I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry, this has always been a cop-friendly place..." The man seems shaken by the incident. |
537 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Officer, maybe you're better off working this from home for now? You live in Jamrock, right? It's not that far away." |
538 | None |
539 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Not *entirely* cool. You still owe me 60 reál for three nights stay. If you don't have it by tonight, I can't let you back up there..." He points upstairs, toward your room. |
540 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Not *entirely* cool. You still owe me 100 reál. If you don't have it by tonight, I can't let you back up there..." He points upstairs, toward your room. |
541 | None |
542 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
543 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_debt_window_and_drinks_down"] |
544 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_debt_window_and_drinks_down"]) == false |
545 | You | "I won't pay for that window... ouch." (Grab your side.) | Variable["whirling.garte_pain_tolerated"] |
546 | You | "Cool." |
547 | You | "Thank you for your cooperation." |
548 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Okay, fine. I'll take it off your bill! Sleep in a post-apocalyptic hell-hole if you want to. Just know I won't give you another room." |
549 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Don't thank me yet. You still owe me 100 reál. If you don't have it by tonight, I just can't let you up there..." He points upstairs, toward your room. |
550 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Don't thank me yet. You still owe me 60 reál for three nights stay. If you don't have it by tonight, I just can't let you up there..." He points upstairs, toward your room. |
551 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
552 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_debt_window_and_drinks_down"] |
553 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_debt_window_and_drinks_down"]) == false |
554 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "And for god's sake watch out for yourself." |
555 | None |
556 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
557 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_noquestions"] |
558 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_noquestions"]) == false |
559 | Kim Kitsuragi | "And how do we get there?" |
560 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "See that door there?" He points west, toward the pinball table. "Go out and turn right. There's a..." He pauses and sighs. "There's a big hole in the fence. No need for a key, just go through that hole and you'll be in the courtyard." |
561 | Empathy | Are you supposed to feel guilty about the hole? His sigh tells you: yes. |
562 | None |
563 | None |
564 | None |
565 | You | "Who, me?" |
566 | None |
567 | You | "I'm not a feminist, I just wanted to see the look on your face." |
568 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What are you, a chauvinist then? Hah!" |
569 | Rhetoric | He smiles until he realizes his comeback wasn't very good. Then he frowns again. |
570 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
571 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_esprit_kitsuragi_cash"] |
572 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_esprit_kitsuragi_cash"]) == false |
573 | Esprit de Corps | That's cop for: "I haven't offered to pay because I don't have any money either." |
574 | None |
575 | Composure | He's very animated all of a sudden. This seems like a touchy subject. |
576 | You | "This is the second time you've avoided the subject." | Variable["whirling.garte_intro_sylvie_asked"] |
577 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Oh my god! What is your *obsession* with this Sylvie person? Get over it!" |
578 | Empathy | Maybe it's he who's obsessed with "this Sylvie person"? Certainly sounds like it. |
579 | You | "What is gold and orange like a forest fire, but smells like liquor?" | Variable["whirling.kim_intro_tequila_one"] |
580 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Are you kidding me?" |
581 | You | "No, man. Help me out: what is golden-orange and smells like liquor?" |
582 | You | Kim is about to say something. Let him. |
583 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "It's you, it's obviously you. *You* smell like liquor. And you're orange." |
584 | Kim Kitsuragi | "That's enough now, sir. Good day." |
585 | You | "Can I have a drink?" | Variable["TASK.get_a_drink"] == true |
586 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "No," he leans in for emphasis, "you cannot." |
587 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Officer... I was thinking more along the lines of your name." |
588 | You | "But you can still pour me a drink, right?" | Variable["TASK.get_a_drink"] == true |
589 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I could if I were a bartender. But I'm not, I'm the cafeteria manager. So I won't." |
590 | Suggestion | There may be some way to get a drink out of him (even for you) but this is not it. |
591 | Savoir Faire | As you blow this joint -- behind you a whiny voice shouts: |
592 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
593 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_tc_real"] |
594 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_tc_real"]) == false |
595 | None |
596 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Isn't it a bit too late for that?" |
597 | You | "Okay, I'm not gonna hound you on this." |
598 | None |
599 | Conceptualization | See -- everyone agrees it's your colour scheme. We're on the right track with this name thing. |
600 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | He turns to the lieutenant. "Is this what you get when you call the police now? We've been waiting for a week here!" |
601 | Rhetoric | Ask him about the body's location *before* asking if he killed him. People give up information in the more innocuous questions, which you can later use in the more sinister ones, not vice versa. |
602 | Drama | He thinks you're stupid, sire. |
603 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
604 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_rhetoric_sequencing_trick"] |
605 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_rhetoric_sequencing_trick"]) == false |
606 | Reaction Speed | He doesn't know? He just said "they" hoisted him up on a tree -- who is this they? |
607 | Savoir Faire | That's true, yes. And it's worrying. But let's not *fixate* on it. Look at that stupid bartender instead -- he has no idea what's going on! You and your fuck-you-fingers floating in the air. Barkeep's got his mouth agape like an idiot. You showed him. |
608 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "The drinks are on the house, okay? There were *a lot* of drinks on the tab. I still have to charge you for three nights and the broken window, though -- that's 100 square." |
609 | Rhetoric | He's shaken. Barter now and he'll cave in. |
610 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "You're right. It's not." |
611 | You | Pick up the coins. |
612 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | He demonstratively suppresses a world-weary sigh. |
613 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Ma'am, are you alright?" |
614 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Are you sure, ma'am?" |
615 | Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife | "Yes, yes -- check on him!" |
616 | Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife | "Oh, I'm fine. He just tripped over my chair -- check on him!" She looks at you with concern. |
617 | You | "I don't think I have *any* money." (Proceed.) | MoneyAmount() < 40 |
618 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
619 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_logic_hoisted"] |
620 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_logic_hoisted"]) == false |
621 | None |
622 | None |
623 | None |
624 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "No, I'm not the *bartender*. I'm the cafeteria manager." |
625 | You | "What's the difference?" |
626 | You | "You look like a bartender." |
627 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "That period of my life is over. Not everyone who stands behind a counter is a bartender, okay? I'm the cafeteria manager." |
628 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I have *three* cafeterias I manage. Three. Get over it." |
629 | Empathy | He's very animated all of a sudden. This is clearly a touchy subject for him. |
630 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I hope it is." |
631 | You | "But you can still pour me a drink, right?" | Variable["TASK.get_a_drink"] == true |
632 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "I could if I were a bartender. But I'm not, I'm the cafeteria manager. So I won't." |
633 | Suggestion | There may be some way to get a drink out of him (even for you) but this is not it. |
634 | None |
635 | None |
636 | You | "Understood." |
637 | You | "So not only am I a cop, but I'm also a hero?" |
638 | Authority | He has no respect for you personally, but this man sees himself as a law-abiding citizen -- and you a representative of that law. |
639 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Yes, you are!" He looks at you with mock admiration. "A real decorated hero." |
640 | You | "What did I do?" |
641 | You | "You're being sarcastic." |
642 | You | "I do not appreciate your tone. This is no way to talk to an officer." |
643 | None |
644 | You | "What have I been doing all that time? Have you seen me around?" |
645 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Am I? Or did you ride in, take the body down, solve the murder, and *not* trash my hostel room?" |
646 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What did you *not* do? First you took the body down, then you solved the murder, then you *didn't* trash my hostel room. Maybe you even negotiated the strike?" |
647 | You | "I'm guessing I didn't do any of those things?" |
648 | None |
649 | You | "Oh my god, I did all those things?" |
650 | You | "What have I been doing then? Have you seen me around?" |
651 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "No -- you see -- actually you didn't. You haven't done anything even remotely useful since you got here." |
652 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "No, I haven't *seen you around*. I just got here, remember?" He looks at you, then at the lieutenant. "Was there anything else?" |
653 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "Oh, it's not?!" He raises his shoulders like he's about to say something more, but then gets a hold of himself. |
654 | None |
655 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "You're right. It's not." |
656 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "You're right, you didn't. And it's only taken you *three days* not to." |
657 | Rhetoric | This is it! He said *they* hoisted him up on a tree -- who is this *they* if he doesn't know? |
658 | You | "Do you have a fridge?" | IsTaskActive("TASK.fridge_victims_body")--[[ Variable[ ]] |
659 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | "What?!" |
660 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Khm..." The lieutenant coughs in your direction. "Not now." |
661 | Suggestion | Now is not a good time to ask him about the corpse-fridge. |
662 | None |
663 | Reaction Speed | This sounds like something you can *use* -- to call this Sylvie later... |
664 | Volition | No, don't listen to him. It's madness -- just *talk*. |
665 | None |
666 | Empathy | There's something there and it's not good. That's all you know for now. |
667 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
668 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | IsTHCPresent("shit_together") |
669 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (IsTHCPresent("shit_together")) == false |
670 | Tutorial Agent | You've gained a Thought! When this dialogue is over, go to your THOUGHT CABINET and INTERNALIZE it for special bonuses and effects. |
671 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
672 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.dreamone_apes"] |
673 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.dreamone_apes"]) == false |
674 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
675 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["whirling.garte_tc_real"] |
676 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["whirling.garte_tc_real"]) == false |
677 | Conceptualization | Reál? Must be cosmetics. Probably a body milk. |
678 | Empathy | Everything is cool between you and this guy. He's a big fan. Make some small talk. |
679 | Savoir Faire | Everything goes dark. |
680 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager |
681 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | Variable["tc.turn_off_tutorial_node"] |
682 | Garte, the Cafeteria Manager | (Variable["tc.turn_off_tutorial_node"]) == false |