You look at and ask Roy about the boombox.
This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.
ID | Character | Dialogue | Conditions | Links |
0 | None |
1 | None |
2 | Shelf of Boomboxes | The boomboxes on the shelf look well-loved and well-travelled. Chipped, dented, they stare at you with the unblinking eyes of their tape reels. |
3 | None |
4 | You | "Shopkeep, this Stereo 8 approved machine here..." | Variable["canal.boombox_price"] == false |
5 | You | "Are you sure this is all in working order?" | Variable["canal.interfacing_check_it_works"] == true |
6 | You | "I want to buy that boombox." | Variable["canal.boombox_price"] == true and CheckItem("boombox") == false and Variable["canal.roy_boombox_haggling_done"] == false |
7 | You | That's all. [Leave.] |
8 | Bird's Nest Roy | " the Harmon Wowshi W02 -- made in Vesper, designed in Seol," he says. "Plays all reel-to-reel formats: 2mm, 8mm, 12mm. It's even got a little radio in there. It'll set you back 12 reál." |
9 | None |
10 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Absolutely. I've tested each one myself with recordings of speech, found sounds, and music from a variety of genres. Even though," he grimaces, "I don't really like music." |
11 | None |
12 | Bird's Nest Roy | "And here you are. Quality sound reproduction on the go. It'll play anything. Wherever. Turn *any* tape into a conversation of sounds and shapes." |
13 | You | "Don't like music? What do you like then?" |
14 | Bird's Nest Roy | "The stuff I record myself -- silverware shaking in drawers as motorcars race by, nocturnal animals climbing on the roof, airship rotors, that kind of thing." |
15 | None |
16 | You | "Can I get a discount on this boombox? A *police* discount." | Variable["canal.boombox_price"] == true and Variable["TASK.listen_to_merc_tape"] and Variable["canal.roy_boombox_haggling_done"] == false |
17 | You | "Can I just play a tape on one of the boomboxes real quick?" | Variable["TASK.listen_to_merc_tape"] == true and CheckItem("boombox") == false |
18 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Sorry, man. I can't be giving out freebies. Never have, won't now." |
19 | None |
20 | You | "Fair enough, business man. Twelve it is." |
21 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Twelve is a good number. Good internal balance." He studies the light on the wall. "Twelve has integrity." |
22 | None |
23 | Bird's Nest Roy | "A discount? I do have to keep the lights on, man. It's twelve reál." |
24 | None |
25 | Shelf of Boomboxes | One especially catches your eye. Deep gold and amber plastic with a big old handle on top. A classic boombox that says: "STEREO 8 approved." |
26 | You | "What I really want to know is... could this device come handy in my police work?" | Variable["TASK.listen_to_merc_tape"] == false |
27 | Bird's Nest Roy | "If police work means playing tapes, sure. You can use it for that. Or any other time you'd need to play a tape." |
28 | Inland Empire | Like at a beach party. With sand and sun and seagulls dancing on the breeze. |
29 | You | "Got it. Back to this guy..." (Tap the boombox on its speaker.) |
30 | Bird's Nest Roy | "He is a good one, that. Weather resistant." |
31 | Kim Kitsuragi |
32 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.boombox_mainhub_reached"] |
33 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.boombox_mainhub_reached"]) == false |
34 | Shelf of Boomboxes | The boomboxes wait on the shelves. And your boombox -- that gold and amber Harmon Wowshi -- stares at you longingly with its tape reel eyes. |
35 | You | "You're right. It's really The End that I need it for: a Requiem For All Lifeforms." | IsTHCPresent("apocalypse_cop") |
36 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Theoretically, yes. But we don't have time right now. It's generally: murder investigation first, *then* beach party." |
37 | You | "Actually, it doesn't have to be a beach. With a boombox like that, I'll bring the party into the streets!" |
38 | You | (Turn to Kim.) "Theoretically: could I bring it to a beach party?" |
39 | You | "Thanks for clearing that up, Roy." |
40 | None |
41 | None |
42 | Bird's Nest Roy | "For sure. It's a consumer device with professional applications." |
43 | Bird's Nest Roy | "I don't like beaches. They accumulate too many photons, it's always chaos out there. But live your life, man. You can use it at a beach party if you want." |
44 | Bird's Nest Roy | "You can play it anywhere you like. And I guess since you're are a police officer, no one can arrest you for it." |
45 | Bird's Nest Roy | "It'll play that," the man nods. "Any Requiem really. Also dirges. Madrigals. Chants. As long as it's on tape." |
46 | Half Light | A man like that in a neighbourhood like this? In a rickety house falling into the sea? There's fear in him. Use it to your advantage. |
47 | Rhetoric | He seems like an *experimental* man. And what sonic experience is more experimental than the *Doorgunner Megamix*? Certainly he'd give you a discount if he knew you'd play that. |
48 | Conceptualization | Remember -- he doesn't like music. He likes *sounds*. The *Doorgunner Megamix* is his type of tape! Certainly he'd give you a discount if he knew you'd play something so *experimental*. |
49 | Suggestion | Just don't ask him for the smallest amount. You'll insult him. The others will work. |
50 | Kim Kitsuragi |
51 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.halflight_roy_is_afraid"] |
52 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.halflight_roy_is_afraid"]) == false |
53 | Kim Kitsuragi |
54 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.checkfired_roy_digs_doorgunner"] |
55 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.checkfired_roy_digs_doorgunner"]) == false |
56 | You | "How does ten reál sound?" |
57 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Actually, yes. Let's. Eight is an even better number than twelve. Even more internal balance." He observes the light on the wall and adds: "Better integrity too." |
58 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Sounds like a ripoff, but okay. I can make it ten -- but no lower." |
59 | You | "Let's make it eight reál." |
60 | You | "Aren't you afraid of *masked gunmen*? The roof falling in? Killer waves? Aircraft accidents? Botched surgeries? I'll buy it for four reál." | Variable["canal.halflight_roy_is_afraid"] == true |
61 | You | "I'm not just doing *any* police work -- I've got *THE DOORGUNNER MEGAMIX* here! An era-defining work. Let's do four reál." | Variable["canal.checkfired_roy_digs_doorgunner"] == true |
62 | You | "Let me hit you with this: four reál. Huh? Whaddya say?" | Variable["canal.checkfired_roy_digs_doorgunner"] == false and Variable["canal.halflight_roy_is_afraid"] == false |
63 | Bird's Nest Roy | "No, not really. I expect momentous change at any moment... But it seems that *you* are." He almost sounds concerned and seems to weigh your offer. |
64 | Bird's Nest Roy | He purses his lips. "Four reál is offensively low... but just this once. For the *musique concrète* cop." |
65 | Bird's Nest Roy | "I say: it's twelve reál. Four is a total ripoff. It's not even a number." |
66 | Kim Kitsuragi |
67 | Kim Kitsuragi | CheckItem("boombox") |
68 | Kim Kitsuragi | (CheckItem("boombox")) == false |
69 | Shelf of Boomboxes | All the old boomboxes are there, blinking and waiting to whirl. All but one: yours. |
70 | Kim Kitsuragi |
71 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.roy_not_like_music"] == true |
72 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.roy_not_like_music"] == true) == false |
73 | Kim Kitsuragi |
74 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.empathy_do_not_say_four"] |
75 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.empathy_do_not_say_four"]) == false |
76 | Suggestion | What did I say? And what did you do? Damn it, man. You're buying it for twelve now, I guess. |
77 | Inland Empire | This is you. Gold and orange. A sunset suite. |
78 | Interfacing | Just make sure it works before you buy it. |
79 | Kim Kitsuragi |
80 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.inland_beach_party"] |
81 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.inland_beach_party"]) == false |
82 | Kim Kitsuragi |
83 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["TASK.listen_to_merc_tape"] |
84 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["TASK.listen_to_merc_tape"]) == false |
85 | Kim Kitsuragi |
86 | Kim Kitsuragi | IsKimHere() |
87 | Kim Kitsuragi | (IsKimHere()) == false |
88 | None |
89 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I don't think the 'Doorgunner Megamix' will be good party material. Something about the name..." |
90 | None |
91 | You | "You're right, Kitsuragi. Work first. Party later." |
92 | Conceptualization | Sounds like he's already heard the Requiem For All Lifeforms and wasn't that impressed. |
93 | Kim Kitsuragi | "That is the unofficial RCM motto, yes." |
94 | Encyclopedia | It's not, sadly. |
95 | Reaction Speed | Careful. You can only do this once. |
96 | Half Light | Succcess!!! Sort of. Whatever gets the job done, right? |
97 | You | "Thanks for the discount, man. Here's the money for the boombox." | Variable["canal.boombox_price"] == true and CheckItem("boombox") == false and Variable["canal.roy_boombox_costs_ten"] == true |
98 | You | "Thanks for the discount, man. Here's the money for the boombox." | Variable["canal.boombox_price"] == true and CheckItem("boombox") == false and Variable["canal.roy_boombox_costs_eight"] == true |
99 | You | "Thanks for the discount, man. Here's the money for the boombox." | Variable["canal.boombox_price"] == true and CheckItem("boombox") == false and Variable["canal.roy_boombox_costs_four"] == true |
100 | You | "I need to buy that boombox." | Variable["canal.boombox_price"] == true and CheckItem("boombox") == false and Variable["canal.roy_boombox_haggling_done"] == true and Variable["canal.boombox_haggling_failed"] |
101 | You | "Okay Kim. I'll just rock out with Roy then." |
102 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Fine." He nods decisively. "Four reál it is." |
103 | You | Stand on the tips of your toes to see more... |
104 | You | [Leave.] |
105 | Conceptualization | That's odd. Why doesn't he like music? |
106 | Kim Kitsuragi |
107 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.roy_concept_why_doesnt_he_like_music"] |
108 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.roy_concept_why_doesnt_he_like_music"]) == false |
109 | None |
110 | Conceptualization | Hmm... maybe you should ditch music as well, get into these more *experimental* sounds he's describing? |