You can open this door when you get the key from Manana.
This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.
ID | Character | Dialogue | Conditions | Links |
0 | None |
1 | None |
2 | Door, Basement Apartment | This must be it. The basement door is weather-worn. The copper nails holding the upholstery in place have turned green from sea air and there's a knocker, shaped like a lion's head. |
3 | None |
4 | You | Carefully knock. |
5 | You | Use Mañana's key to unlock the door. | CheckItem("key_basement_apartment") and Variable["coast.gary_apartment"] == false |
6 | You | [Leave.] |
7 | Door, Basement Apartment | You knock silently. The upholstery muffles the sound. No response comes from the apartment. |
8 | None |
9 | You | Press your ear against the door. |
10 | Kim Kitsuragi |
11 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["auto.is_raining"] |
12 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["auto.is_raining"]) == false |
13 | Door, Basement Apartment | The door is slick with rain. You don't hear any movement inside. |
14 | Door, Basement Apartment | The leather upholstery is worn and rough against your jaw. You don't hear any movement. |
15 | Door, Basement Apartment | Finally, the door unlocks with a small clack. Thoughts race through your head... |
16 | Perception (Hearing) | The sound of the key turning still echoes in the yard. Hopefully no one heard. |
17 | Kim Kitsuragi |
18 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["coast.gary_apartment"] |
19 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["coast.gary_apartment"]) == false |
20 | Kim Kitsuragi |
21 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["backyard.gary_apartment_entered"] |
22 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["backyard.gary_apartment_entered"]) == false |
23 | Door, Basement Apartment | The door to cryptofascist's shabby apartment. It has been locked again. |
24 | None |
25 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I guess no one is in." The lieutenant looks uncomfortable. |
26 | Kim Kitsuragi |
27 | Kim Kitsuragi | IsKimHere() |
28 | Kim Kitsuragi | (IsKimHere()) == false |
29 | You | "Lieutenant, what is your opinion of this task we're undertaking?" | Variable["backyard.weasel_saw_kim_fidgeting"] == true and IsKimHere() == true |
30 | Kim Kitsuragi |
31 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["cargo.evrart_kim_expresses_understanding_worknig_with_evrart_is_necessarry"] |
32 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["cargo.evrart_kim_expresses_understanding_worknig_with_evrart_is_necessarry"]) == false |
33 | Kim Kitsuragi | "As I already said," the lieutenant replies, adjusting his glasses. "I understand this can't be avoided." |
34 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Let's be honest, this isn't what I joined the RCM for. But -- every day tells you something new about yourself..." the lieutenant replies, still inspecting the padded door. |
35 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Apparently, working with the local Union boss to get info on an investigation is not something I'm squeamish about." |
36 | Kim Kitsuragi |
37 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["pier.joyce_said_there_will_be_a_tribunal"] |
38 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["pier.joyce_said_there_will_be_a_tribunal"]) == false |
39 | None |
40 | You | "So you don't mind if I unlock the door?" |
41 | You | "Got it!" |
42 | Kim Kitsuragi | "If the merc tribunal happens before we solve this..." His eyes meet yours. "We're looking at casualties. What's one unlocked door compared to that?" |
43 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I mind that a local thug is using the RCM for his busywork, but if this gets us to the bottom of this hanging then I'm willing to look over it." |
44 | Kim Kitsuragi | "On the other hand..." He looks at the surrounding windows uncomfortably. "We *could* just leave and tell Evrart we opened the door. No one seems to be tailing us to see if we actually did it." |
45 | None |
46 | None |
47 | Suggestion | Well buddy, you opened it. No need to go inside. It would be *rude*. |
48 | Physical Instrument | Good job. Let's go now. I'm sure there's *nothing* interesting in there. |
49 | Interfacing | There's *nothing* else to do than leave and tell Evrart. No *conceivable* reason for you to intrude on the premises. |
50 | Shivers | As you hold the opened door you can feel the air moving. A little draft. A whistle... |
51 | Endurance | The Royal Lion. Guillaume's Kitten. This knocker will last a lifetime and then some. |
52 | Inland Empire | You feel eyes on you, watching you from the windows overlooking the yard. |
53 | You | "Lie to Evrart? That's also an option?" |
54 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Yes, presenting a fabrication is known to get results here and there." He crosses his arms. "You took this task. You make the call." |
55 | Interfacing | The door is right here. You can just open it and be done with this. |
56 | Kim Kitsuragi |
57 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["cargo.evrart_interfacing_open_and_be_done"] |
58 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["cargo.evrart_interfacing_open_and_be_done"]) == false |
59 | Inland Empire | Besides, if you never open it, you're never gonna find out, what's *behind* the door. |
60 | Door, Basement Apartment | You try to be as silent as you can. It takes a bit of rattling of the handle to loosen the bolt. |
61 | Logic | There *might* be important information in the apartment... I mean... there *might*... |
62 | Inland Empire | Only *curiosity* could account for stepping over that threshold. Maybe there's treasure in there? A white alligator? A fountain of quicksilver? |
63 | Kim Kitsuragi |
64 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana"] |
65 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana"]) == false |
66 | Kim Kitsuragi |
67 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana_done"] |
68 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana_done"]) == false |
69 | Kim Kitsuragi | "But we do need to get the key from this 'Mañana' Evrart mentioned." The lieutenant glances at the door. "Cause we are *not* gonna break the lock." |
70 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant merely nods in response. |
71 | None |
72 | None |
73 | None |
74 | Kim Kitsuragi |
75 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana"] |
76 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana"]) == false |
77 | Kim Kitsuragi |
78 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana_done"] |
79 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana_done"]) == false |
80 | Kim Kitsuragi | "It is," the lieutenant remarks. "However, we should definitely get the key from this 'Mañana' Evrart mentioned. That would drastically increase our credibility." |
81 | Kim Kitsuragi |
82 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["cargo.garrydoor_hub_reached"] |
83 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["cargo.garrydoor_hub_reached"]) == false |
84 | Door, Basement Apartment | The door to the 'Weasel's' Den', guarded by the lionhead-knocker. Both have seen better days. |
85 | Kim Kitsuragi |
86 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["coast.reeds_checked_counter"] >=1 |
87 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["coast.reeds_checked_counter"] >=1) == false |
88 | Endurance | The Royal Lion. Guillaume's Kitten. This knocker will last a lifetime and then some. |
89 | Door, Basement Apartment | The door has braved the elements for decades. The copper nails holding the upholstery in place have turned green from sea air and so is the knocker, shaped like a lion's head. |
90 | None |
91 | You | Press your ear against the door. |
92 | You | Knock on the door. |
93 | You | [Leave.] |
94 | You | Use Mañana's key to unlock the door. | CheckItem("key_basement_apartment") |
95 | Kim Kitsuragi |
96 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["yard.garrydoor_knocked_or_tried_key"] |
97 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["yard.garrydoor_knocked_or_tried_key"]) == false |
98 | Door, Basement Apartment | Someone is moving around in the apartment. You hear the water being turned off and the sound of dishes clinking together. |
99 | Door, Basement Apartment | Not a sound. The silence is eerie. |
100 | Logic | The tenant must be cleaning up. That means you're too late. Nothing more to do here, better report back to Evrart. |
101 | None |
102 | Inland Empire | Even the darkness is holding it's breath inside the apartment. |
103 | Door, Basement Apartment | Something hits the ground and shatters inside the apartment. |
104 | Perception (Hearing) | A plate, glass or a mug. |
105 | Door, Basement Apartment | Then a running tap is turned off and the complete absence of sounds feels... tense. |
106 | None |
107 | Door, Basement Apartment | The key stops mid-way in the lock. Something's blocking its path. You hear a dish smashing and shattering inside the apartment, then everything falls very silent. |
108 | Kim Kitsuragi |
109 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["yard.garrydoor_knocked_or_tried_key"] |
110 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["yard.garrydoor_knocked_or_tried_key"]) == false |
111 | Interfacing | The tenant's key is in the lock. |
112 | None |
113 | Door, Basement Apartment | The key stops mid-way in the lock. Something's blocking its path. Not a sound is coming from the apartment. |
114 | Kim Kitsuragi |
115 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["yard.garrydoor_knocked_or_tried_key"] |
116 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["yard.garrydoor_knocked_or_tried_key"]) == false |
117 | None |
118 | Door, Basement Apartment | No answer. |
119 | You | "I know you're in there!" | Variable["yard.garrydoor_knocked_or_tried_key"] == true |
120 | Kim Kitsuragi | "That already defeats the point, doesn't it?" The lieutenant glances at the surrounding windows. "Let's get out of here." |
121 | Kim Kitsuragi |
122 | Kim Kitsuragi | IsKimHere() |
123 | Kim Kitsuragi | (IsKimHere()) == false |
124 | Door, Basement Apartment | No answer. |
125 | None |
126 | Kim Kitsuragi |
127 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["TASK.open_gary_door_cancelled"] |
128 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["TASK.open_gary_door_cancelled"]) == false |
129 | Logic | You're too late -- the weasel's already back in its den. Let's see what Evrart thinks about it. |
130 | Savoir Faire | You're *pretty* sure the owner of the apartment isn't here. It's safe-ish. |
131 | Perception (Hearing) | In fact, it's oddly silent in the yard around you. No birds chirp. |
132 | Drama | I don't know... you're a *pretty* good liar. Are you as good an *infiltrator* as you are a liar? |
133 | Kim Kitsuragi |
134 | Kim Kitsuragi | CheckItem("key_basement_apartment") |
135 | Kim Kitsuragi | (CheckItem("key_basement_apartment")) == false |
136 | Kim Kitsuragi |
137 | Kim Kitsuragi | IsKimHere() |
138 | Kim Kitsuragi | (IsKimHere()) == false |
139 | Door, Basement Apartment | This must be the door Evrart mentioned. You still need to get the key from Mañana first though. |
140 | Kim Kitsuragi | "That's probably the door Evrart mentioned. We still need to get the key from this Mañana first though." |
141 | Kim Kitsuragi |
142 | Kim Kitsuragi | CheckItem("key_basement_apartment") |
143 | Kim Kitsuragi | (CheckItem("key_basement_apartment")) == false |
144 | Door, Basement Apartment | This must be the door Evrart mentioned. You still need to get the key from Mañana first though. |
145 | Kim Kitsuragi |
146 | Kim Kitsuragi | IsKimHere() |
147 | Kim Kitsuragi | (IsKimHere()) == false |
148 | Kim Kitsuragi | "That's probably the door Evrart mentioned. We still need to get the key from this Mañana first though." |
149 | Door, Basement Apartment | As you turn to leave, you hear footsteps on the other side -- yes, someone's definitely home. |
150 | Kim Kitsuragi |
151 | Kim Kitsuragi | IsKimHere() |
152 | Kim Kitsuragi | (IsKimHere()) == false |
153 | Kim Kitsuragi | "We should leave," the lieutenant whispers, "and go talk with Evrart, tell him what happened -- that we couldn't open the door. Maybe there's a workaround." |
154 | Logic | Maybe it's a good thing you didn't get to open this stranger's door? Go talk with Evrart, tell him what happened. |
155 | Kim Kitsuragi |
156 | Kim Kitsuragi | IsKimHere() |
157 | Kim Kitsuragi | (IsKimHere()) == false |
158 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant looks first at the door, then back at you, then signals you to back off from the door. |
159 | Half Light | You should leave. Leave! Before anything happens... |
160 | Kim Kitsuragi |
161 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["cargo.garrydoor_broke_into"] |
162 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["cargo.garrydoor_broke_into"]) == false |
163 | Door, Basement Apartment | The door is closed again. Nothing to do here anymore. |
164 | Perception (Hearing) | You hear someone inside, walking from room to room... whoever lives here must be back home. |
165 | Kim Kitsuragi |
166 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["apt.master_investigator_doors_opened"] >=3 |
167 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["apt.master_investigator_doors_opened"] >=3) == false |
168 | Kim Kitsuragi |