When the dialogue with Klaasje is over you can go and click and her door.
This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.
ID | Character | Dialogue | Conditions | Links |
0 | None |
1 | None |
2 | Door, Room #3 | The door is closed. |
3 | You | Try the handle. | Variable["whirling.klaasje_exit_to_room"] == true |
4 | You | Knock. | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_knocked_once"] == false and Variable["whirling.klaasje_exit_to_room"] == true |
5 | You | [Leave.] |
6 | None |
7 | Door, Room #3 | This door can only be opened with a key or from the inside. |
8 | Electrochemistry | As you hold the metal you sense the warmth left there by her hand. |
9 | None |
10 | Door, Room #3 | There is no answer. |
11 | Perception (Hearing) | You hear the shower being turned on, somewhere inside. |
12 | Inland Empire | A tremendous loneliness comes over you. Everybody in the world is doing something without you. |
13 | None |
14 | None |
15 | None | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_inland_loneliness"] |
16 | None | (Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_inland_loneliness"]) == false |
17 | You | "I'm so alone." |
18 | You | "Why are you doing this? Don't do this to me..." |
19 | You | Swallow the emotion. |
20 | You | Knock again. | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_knocked_once"] and Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_knocked_twice"] == false and Variable["whirling.klaasje_exit_to_room"] == true |
21 | Door, Room #3 | Still no answer. |
22 | Door, Room #3 | Still nothing. |
23 | You | Knock again, much harder. | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_knocked_twice"] and Variable["whirling.klaasje_exit_to_room"] == true |
24 | Half Light | You should punch a fucking hole in it. |
25 | None |
26 | None | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_half_punch_a_hole_in_it"] |
27 | None | (Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_half_punch_a_hole_in_it"]) == false |
28 | None |
29 | None |
30 | You | "Fucking whore!" |
31 | You | Punch the door. |
32 | You | Suppress the urge. | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_whore_yelled"] == false |
33 | Half Light | The murmur in your ears recedes slowly, your breathing normalizes. That's one lucky door. |
34 | None |
35 | Half Light | That felt good. Everyone is a whore. Now punch a hole in the door. |
36 | Volition | Don't. Everyone is a whore? What does that even mean? Breathe in and walk away. |
37 | None |
38 | None |
39 | You | Breathe in. | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_volition_stop"] |
40 | Half Light | You hear the murmur of blood in your ears. Your back slowly relaxes when you breathe out. That's one lucky door. |
41 | Door, Room #3 | You slam your fist into the vinyl. It does not produce a hole. The door sits sturdily in the frame and your fist hurts. This was all a very good, normal thing to do. |
42 | None |
43 | Door, Room #3 | The door is mute and indifferent. Your despair is a joke to it. |
44 | Door, Room #3 | The door is indifferent to your loneliness. The world does not care. |
45 | You | "Beauty, don't abandon me in all this ugliness!" |
46 | Door, Room #3 | The door does not care. |
47 | None |
48 | None | Variable["whirling.necktie_personified"] and CheckEquipped("neck_tie") |
49 | None | (Variable["whirling.necktie_personified"] and CheckEquipped("neck_tie")) == false |
50 | Horrific Necktie | The door probably thinks you're a has-been loser too. You feel your funny necktie becoming tighter and tighter around your neck... |
51 | None |
52 | None |
53 | None |
54 | None |
55 | None | Variable["TASK.interrogate_klaasje"] |
56 | None | (Variable["TASK.interrogate_klaasje"]) == false |
57 | None |
58 | Door, Room #3 | The door is closed. |
59 | None |
60 | None | IsHourBetween(23,6) |
61 | None | (IsHourBetween(23,6)) == false |
62 | You | Knock. |
63 | You | [Leave.] |
64 | None |
65 | None | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_punched"] |
66 | None | (Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_punched"]) == false |
67 | Perception (Sight) | There's still a dent in the vinyl -- where you punched it before. |
68 | You | Run your finger across the dent. | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_perc_nick_in_vinyl"] |
69 | Door, Room #3 | This little depression is all you could inflict on the door. |
70 | None |
71 | None | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_inland_loneliness"] |
72 | None | (Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_inland_loneliness"]) == false |
73 | None |
74 | None | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_whore_yelled"] |
75 | None | (Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_whore_yelled"]) == false |
76 | Pain Threshold | The words still echo in the hallway... |
77 | None |
78 | You | Fucking whore. | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_halflight_whore_return"] |
79 | You | Just knock again. |
80 | Half Light | There we go-- *fucking whore*. What a nice thing to say, Harry. Everything is A-Okay with you. |
81 | Door, Room #3 | The door feels cold. |
82 | None |
83 | Inland Empire | You're just as alone as the last time. Whatever kept you company in this world -- what kept you safe -- has left your side, never to return again. |
84 | None |
85 | Inland Empire | "Why are you doing this? Don't do this to me, please!" Remember? Who *was* that meant for? |
86 | Inland Empire | Beauty has abandoned you in this ugliness, honcho. And then some! You cannot even remember the *name* of beauty; what beauty was... |
87 | Inland Empire | You swallow, like you swallowed the last time. Whatever bitter emotion was swimming to the surface then -- and now -- subsides. Submerges. Sinks back into you. |
88 | None |
89 | None | IsTHCPresent("white_mourning") or Variable["inventory.ledger_white_mourning"] |
90 | None | (IsTHCPresent("white_mourning") or Variable["inventory.ledger_white_mourning"]) == false |
91 | None |
92 | None | IsTHCPresent("caustic_echo") or Variable["inventory.ledger_caustic_echo"] |
93 | None | (IsTHCPresent("caustic_echo") or Variable["inventory.ledger_caustic_echo"]) == false |
94 | Inland Empire | White Mourning. It was mourning all along. You should've seen it coming, it was right behind her eyes... |
95 | You | Knock... |
96 | Inland Empire | Caustic Echo. It was darkness all along. But you were young and it was summer. You just had to take a dive... |
97 | You | Knock... |
98 | Door, Room #3 | There is no answer -- it's nighttime, officer. |
99 | Electrochemistry | A young woman like this is probably out partying the night away. Drink and drugs, sweet drugs are involved. Loneliness begone... |
100 | None |
101 | None | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_echem_partying"] |
102 | None | (Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_echem_partying"]) == false |
103 | Shivers | In the Jamrock Quarter, The Paliseum for music, company and men... or the Door To The River, for death and synthetic opiates. Or, way in the East in Couron, in a starlit *boƮte de nuits* like *La Cherte*... far from here and you, shivering dog. |
104 | None |
105 | None |
106 | None | IsKimHere() |
107 | None | (IsKimHere()) == false |
108 | Kim Kitsuragi | "We should come back in the morning." |
109 | Door, Room #3 | "Who is it?" A woman's voice answers -- muffled by the door. |
110 | Drama | Tired. Controlled. |
111 | None |
112 | None | IsKimHere() |
113 | None | (IsKimHere()) == false |
114 | Kim Kitsuragi | "This is the police. Can we come in?" |
115 | Esprit de Corps | Somewhere not far from here the lieutenant is preparing her file. "Klaasje Amandou," he writes. You realize the detective should be here for what comes next. It could prove... *dangerous* to go in alone. |
116 | None |
117 | Door, Room #3 | "Come on up -- the door is open!" She shouts: "I'm drying my hair..." |
118 | None |
119 | None | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_inlandcomment_dont_do_this"] |
120 | None | (Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_inlandcomment_dont_do_this"]) == false |
121 | None |
122 | None | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_inlandcomment_alone"] |
123 | None | (Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_inlandcomment_alone"]) == false |
124 | None |
125 | None | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_inlandcomment_beauty_dont_abandon_in_ugliness"] |
126 | None | (Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_inlandcomment_beauty_dont_abandon_in_ugliness"]) == false |
127 | None |
128 | None | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_inlandcomment_swallowed"] |
129 | None | (Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_inlandcomment_swallowed"]) == false |
130 | None |
131 | None | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_second_day_inland_reactivity_passive"] |
132 | None | (Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_second_day_inland_reactivity_passive"]) == false |
133 | None |
134 | None |
135 | None | Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_halflight_whore_return"] |
136 | None | (Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_halflight_whore_return"]) == false |
137 | Perception (Hearing) | Sounds like it's coming from upstairs somewhere -- you could snoop around before going up... |
138 | None |
139 | None | Variable["whirling.klaasje_exit_to_room"] |
140 | None | (Variable["whirling.klaasje_exit_to_room"]) == false |
141 | Door, Room #3 | The door is closed. |
142 | Physical Instrument | Not to mention *great* exercise! |
143 | None |
144 | None | IsKimHere() |
145 | None | (IsKimHere()) == false |
146 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant gives you a quick glance. |
147 | Empathy | He doesn't like where this is going. |
148 | None |
149 | None | IsKimHere() |
150 | None | (IsKimHere()) == false |
151 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Hey! What is your problem?" |
152 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Stop that!" The lieutenant sounds angry. |
153 | None |
154 | None | IsKimHere() |
155 | None | (IsKimHere()) == false |