New thought: The Precarious World
This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.
ID | Character | Dialogue | Conditions | Links |
0 | None |
1 | None |
2 | You | [Leave.] |
3 | Novelty Dicemaker |
4 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_greeting_done"] |
5 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_greeting_done"]) == false |
6 | You | "What happened to the gym?" | Variable["doomed.seen_gym"] == true |
7 | You | "I found a strange machine..." | Variable["doomed.seen_radiocomputer"] |
8 | You | "There was a terrifying taxidermied bear in the cellar." | Variable["doomed.seen_revachol_ice_city"] == true |
9 | You | "There used to be a hair salon here, right?" | Variable["doomed.seen_orlandos"] == true |
10 | You | "Actually, I had other questions..." |
11 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Good. I hope it clarified things a bit. What else?" |
12 | You | "What's up with the broken windows?" | Variable["doomed.seen_windows"] == true |
13 | You | "Did someone here make stuffed animals? I saw mounts lying around." | Variable["doomed.seen_mannequin_atelier"] |
14 | You | "I found creepy mannequins..." | Variable["doomed.seen_mannequin_atelier"] |
15 | You | "What's with the rotor blades and skis?" | Variable["doomed.seen_blades"] == true and Variable["doomed.seen_skis"] == true |
16 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Hello, I'm Neha." A bird-like woman sits on a throne of tools, with emerald light shining through her hair. |
17 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Did you try knocking on my window? I must have missed you, I've been listening to my *milieus*." She taps on her headphones. |
18 | You | "Why are you asking me about *dice*?" (Move on.) |
19 | You | "Never mind, I'll be back later." [Leave.] |
20 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I'm a novelty dicemaker," she says. "Tell me the name of your role-playing system and I'll make the die you need. That's why you're here, yes?" |
21 | None |
22 | Conceptualization | It almost looks as if the stones and dice are a natural part of the room, growing out of the shelves like stalagmites. |
23 | Novelty Dicemaker | "A 'normal' die? I'm a novelty dicemaker, I don't make 'normal' dice." |
24 | You | "What do you do then?" |
25 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Polyhedral dice. Dice that have more than four sides. Octahedrons, trapezohedrons, dodecahedrons... But also barrel dice and teetotum balls." |
26 | None |
27 | You | "I'm looking for something to help with my work." | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_police_dice_asked"] == false |
28 | You | "Do you know the *Wirrâl Untethered* setting? I want a die for that." | Variable["doomed.moodboard_read_slogans"] == true or Variable["doomed.moodboard_dev_schedule_hub_reached"] == true |
29 | You | "I want a die for the Wirrâl setting, sweet and basic." | Variable["tc.wirral"] == true |
30 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Ah, yes, Fortress Accident." She shakes her head lightly. "It's too bad they never finished their game..." |
31 | Novelty Dicemaker | "That's a classic, yes. A standard role-playing die with plant motifs. Now for the material: Most of my customers opt for an exotic wood -- for this I would suggest East-Semenese Snakewood." |
32 | You | "Actually, I need more time to think about it." |
33 | Novelty Dicemaker | "No need to rush. Take a look around, see if anything inspires you." She nods towards the shelves full of precious stones. |
34 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I'm thinking something made from alligator jawbone, cast in black resin. The reptile bone is as white as ice and dead as... well... death," she smiles. "For seven reál I could have it ready in eight hours." |
35 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I think I have just the right one for you." She opens the top drawer of her work desk and takes something out -- two polyhedrons, red and blue, are cradled in her palm. |
36 | Esprit de Corps | Police colours. |
37 | You | "Because I'm a police officer, right?" | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_logic_red_and_blue_colours_of_police"] == true |
38 | You | "Uh, I don't get it..." |
39 | Novelty Dicemaker | "You're a police officer, right? Here, catch!" She tosses you the dice. "They're a gift from me." |
40 | You | Catch the dice! |
41 | You | Let them fall on the ground. |
42 | Novelty Dicemaker |
43 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_redcheck_catch_the_dice"] |
44 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_redcheck_catch_the_dice"]) == false |
45 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Mr. Smooth Moves! You snatch the dice out of the air with one hand, just like you're in a movie. |
46 | Novelty Dicemaker | Two tiny pieces of carved stone drop to the floor and scatter in opposite directions, like pearls from a broken string. The blue one disappears down the pit in the centre of the room... |
47 | Logic | A beautiful woman tossing you a gift? Whatever you do, don't overthink it. |
48 | You | "I don't play fetch." |
49 | You | Pick up the red die. |
50 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Right." She tries to smile. |
51 | Novelty Dicemaker | "That one is made of bloodstone with a lapis lazuli inlay. The other one was the inverse. They were a set, you see. But now the set is broken." |
52 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It's a shame. They might've have brought you luck, and you'll definitely need luck in Martinaise." She closes her desk drawer. |
53 | You | Wink at the dicemaker. |
54 | You | Say nothing. Act like you've done this a thousand times. |
55 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Here, catch!" She tosses you the dice. "They're a gift from me." |
56 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Ah, down the drain, like your career," jokes the dicemaker, her eyes tracking the remaining polyhedron. Then she catches your eye. "I apologize, officer. That comment was unnecessary." |
57 | Novelty Dicemaker | "You'll definitely need luck in Martinaise." She closes her desk drawer. "Was there anything else?" |
58 | Novelty Dicemaker | "What are the odds?" The dicemaker gives you a warm smile. "The red one is made of bloodstone with a lapis lazuli inlay and the blue one is the inverse. Think of them as your lucky charm, officer..." |
59 | Hand/Eye Coordination | She smiled at you. She smiled! You truly are Mr. Smooth Moves! |
60 | You | Leave the die on the floor. |
61 | Novelty Dicemaker | Her knuckles pop audibly from her nervous habit of playing with her hands. The soft chatter from the headphones continues unabated. |
62 | Inland Empire | Is she pitying you? Good god, she's pitying you. |
63 | You | "I'm not a dog." |
64 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I see that." |
65 | You | "And I'm definitely not anyone's bitch." |
66 | Novelty Dicemaker | The dicemaker coughs, her hands playing with her ring again. She doesn't say a word. |
67 | Authority | That's right. You'll make your own luck. |
68 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Not the most original, I know," she smiles, almost apologizing, "but sometimes the obvious choice is obvious because it's best." |
69 | Hand/Eye Coordination | You overthink it. Your hands can't agree what to do and the two dice drop to the floor and scatter in opposite directions, like pearls from a broken string. The blue one disappears down the pit in the centre of the room... |
70 | You | "You must have me confused with someone else -- I haven't knocked on your window." |
71 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Then how did you get inside? By the south entrance?" She blinks. "You know what, it doesn't even matter. What matters is that you're finally here. Let's talk dice -- did you have something specific in mind?" |
72 | You | "Okay. I'd like to order a die from you." |
73 | You | "I'm not interested in buying dice right now. I'm a police officer and I need to ask some questions." |
74 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Of course," she nods -- this is what she's here for. "Tell me what you have in mind." |
75 | You | "Just a normal die for me, please. Very *regular*." |
76 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Of course, I can see that. I just thought you were a police officer looking for dice..." She tilts her bird-like head. "How else can I help you then?" |
77 | None |
78 | You | "What do you know about the man who was lynched behind the Whirling-in-Rags?" |
79 | You | Why hasn't her business failed... | Variable["TASK.ask_about_the_curse_subtask_done"] == true |
80 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Anything else, officer?" |
81 | None |
82 | You | "I'm sorry, I don't actually know what die I want..." |
83 | You | "Do you have any *cursed dice*?" |
84 | Novelty Dicemaker | "A star that fell from the firmament? Those cost more than seven reál. Are you sure?" |
85 | You | "Yes, I'm a star myself, a *superstar* -- and superstars don't care about money." |
86 | You | "No, I'm afraid it's not worth it, sorry." |
87 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Yes, you definitely have the proper attitude. How about a pair of 100-sided dice? Made of ivory and inlaid with lodestone, a naturally occurring magnet, to complement your magnetic personality." |
88 | Novelty Dicemaker | "What do you mean by *cursed*?" |
89 | You | "Abraq-ad-abra, perished like this world!" |
90 | You | "As cursed as this commercial area." | Variable["tc.doomed_commercial_area"] == true |
91 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Alright, how about I surprise you? Come back in eight hours with seven reál and I'll give you your *cursed die*." |
92 | You | "As cursed as my life." |
93 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Alright. Maybe some other die then?" |
94 | None |
95 | None |
96 | You | "It's a deal." (Order the die.) |
97 | You | "Actually, I need to think about it first." (Back off.) |
98 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Great! See you in eight hours then." She takes a small notebook from her table and writes something down. "Was there anything else?" |
99 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Maybe you have some other ideas for dice?" |
100 | None |
101 | You | "Tell me about your most extraordinary die!" |
102 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Ten reál and I can get these ready in eight hours." |
103 | You | "It's a deal." (Order the dice set.) |
104 | None |
105 | You | "I need to think about it first." (Back off.) |
106 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Great! See you in eight hours then." She takes a small notebook from her table and writes something down, her expression pleased. "Was there anything else?" |
107 | You | "But do magnetic dice even roll properly?" |
108 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It's true, magnetic dice are definitely different. When rolled together, the magnetic fields of the pips interact with each other to push and pull on each other as they are rolled. Just like all magnetic personalities do." |
109 | Encyclopedia | Pieces of lodestone were used as the first magnetic compasses, from which they derive their other name: *course stones*. |
110 | None |
111 | Suggestion | That's a stone for leaders. |
112 | Novelty Dicemaker |
113 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_encyclo_lodestone"] |
114 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_encyclo_lodestone"]) == false |
115 | Novelty Dicemaker | "How about an amber die?" she suggests. |
116 | You | "Amber, a poor man's gold?" |
117 | You | "No, amber sounds too boring." |
118 | Novelty Dicemaker | The dicemaker laughs. "Who told you that amber was cheap? It's beautiful, really, and has been treasured since the ancient times." |
119 | Novelty Dicemaker | "For seven reál I'll craft you a 13-sided die from a piece of amber with a fossilised insect. It's perfect for those who can't seem to let go of their past." |
120 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Great! See you in eight hours then." She takes a small notebook from her table and writes something down. "Was there anything else?" |
121 | You | "It's a deal." (Order the die.) |
122 | You | "I need to think about it." (Back off.) |
123 | None |
124 | None |
125 | None |
126 | You | "It's a deal." (Order the die.) |
127 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Great! See you in eight hours then." She takes a small notebook from her table and writes something down. "Was there anything else?" |
128 | You | "I need to think about it." (Back off.) |
129 | None |
130 | None |
131 | Novelty Dicemaker | "For seven reál I could have it ready in eight hours." |
132 | You | "What's a standard role-playing die?" | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_knows_rpg_die"] == false |
133 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It's an *icositetrahedron* -- a 24-sided die that can produce results for a 2-sided, 3-sided, 4-sided, 6-sided, and 12-sided die with a single roll. Technically you can also use it for many other sizes, but you may need to re-roll results." |
134 | None |
135 | You | "It's a deal." (Order the die.) |
136 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Great! See you in eight hours then." She takes a small notebook from her table and writes something down. "Was there anything else?" |
137 | You | "Hm... I should maybe get a different one." (Back off.) |
138 | None |
139 | You | "What's a *standard* role-playing die?" | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_knows_rpg_die"] == false |
140 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It's an *icositetrahedron* -- a 24-sided die that can produce results for a 2-sided, 3-sided, 4-sided, 6-sided, and 12-sided die with a single roll. Technically you can also use it for many other sizes, but you may need to re-roll results." |
141 | None |
142 | None |
143 | You | "Why do you need to cast it in resin?" |
144 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Untreated bone is porous and prone to chipping. Cast it in something hard like resin, though, and *voila*, it's perfect." |
145 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I'm sorry. I'm a bit overloaded just now so I can only produce one die per customer." |
146 | Novelty Dicemaker |
147 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["TASK.pick_up_your_die"] |
148 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["TASK.pick_up_your_die"]) == false |
149 | None |
150 | Novelty Dicemaker |
151 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_main_hub_reached"] |
152 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_main_hub_reached"]) == false |
153 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Oh, it's you again. Did you try knocking on my window before? Are you looking for a die?" |
154 | Novelty Dicemaker |
155 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_said_did_not_knock_on_her_window"] |
156 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_said_did_not_knock_on_her_window"]) == false |
157 | Novelty Dicemaker | "You're back," the bird-like woman says, looking up from her table. "Did you decide what kind of die you want?" |
158 | Novelty Dicemaker | "As you wish. Till next time," she nods, turning back to her table. |
159 | None |
160 | None |
161 | Novelty Dicemaker |
162 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_police_dice_end_hub_reached"] |
163 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_police_dice_end_hub_reached"]) == false |
164 | Novelty Dicemaker | "How can I help you, officer?" |
165 | You | "I came back to pick up my die." | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_order_deadline"] < TotalHourCount() and Variable["TASK.pick_up_your_die"] == true and Variable["TASK.pick_up_your_die_done"] == false |
166 | Novelty Dicemaker |
167 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_ordered_superstar_die"] |
168 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_ordered_superstar_die"]) == false |
169 | You | (Give her the money.) "Here you go." |
170 | Novelty Dicemaker |
171 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_ordered_anti_wirral_die"] |
172 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_ordered_anti_wirral_die"]) == false |
173 | You | "Actually, I don't have the money on me right now." |
174 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I don't do orders on credit. Come back when you have the full amount." |
175 | None |
176 | None |
177 | None |
178 | You | (Give her the money.) "Here you go." |
179 | Novelty Dicemaker | "This was an especially fun set to make," she says as she opens her drawer and hands you a sparkling pair of dice. |
180 | None |
181 | Novelty Dicemaker | "One universal die for *Wirrâl Untethered*," the dicemaker opens her desk drawer and hands you a die. |
182 | Novelty Dicemaker |
183 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_ordered_wirral_die"] |
184 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_ordered_wirral_die"]) == false |
185 | Novelty Dicemaker |
186 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_ordered_apocalypse_die"] |
187 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_ordered_apocalypse_die"]) == false |
188 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Here's the *cursed* die you ordered," the dicemaker opens her desk drawer and hands you a tiny black sphere with six phrases written on it. |
189 | Novelty Dicemaker | "One standard Wirrâl role-playing die," the dicemaker opens her desk drawer and hands you a die. |
190 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Here's your amber die," the dicemaker opens her desk drawer and hands you a die the colour of dark syrup. |
191 | Novelty Dicemaker |
192 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_whitecheck_shivers"] |
193 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_whitecheck_shivers"]) == false |
194 | You | "Hey, Neha... The curse is real and I figured out why it has spared you." |
195 | Shivers | A gust of cold air sweeps through the chimney. The stones and minerals on the shelves rattle as though agitated. For a moment it almost feels as though you're *outside* the building, exposed to the atmosphere... |
196 | Shivers | You feel nothing. If anything, it's uncomfortably *warm* in here. |
197 | You | "What is this?" |
198 | You | "This is not a die." |
199 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It's a die," confirms the dicemaker with a subtle smile on her face. "Try rolling it." |
200 | You | "No, I'm not deranged. I don't want to roll a *cursed die*." |
201 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Wait, you're not scared, are you?" The dicemaker starts laughing. "Officer, you don't actually think I put a spell on it, do you?" |
202 | Novelty Dicemaker | You throw the ball on the floor and it ends with one of the phrases facing upwards: 'god is indifferent'. |
203 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I'm not a witch, you know. We live in a rational world. There is no *black magic*." |
204 | You | "Better safe than sorry." |
205 | You | "I've already learned about horrors like *pale* and I can't take any further risks." | Variable["tc.pale"] == true |
206 | You | "I'm not *scared*, I just don't *feel* like rolling it." |
207 | You | "There are *definitely* dark-magiks." |
208 | You | "No, you're a malignant *Entity*. A die-crafting witch." |
209 | Novelty Dicemaker |
210 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_said_she_is_responsible_for_doomed"] |
211 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_said_she_is_responsible_for_doomed"]) == false |
212 | Novelty Dicemaker | "You're right," she simmers down. "The pale is terrible indeed. But I didn't curse the die. I don't believe in curses." |
213 | Novelty Dicemaker | "So now I'm a witch too. Rhymes well with the whole me-being-a-culprit theme." |
214 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It's a sphere *pretending* to be a six-sided die -- each roll will end with one of the phrases facing up. The die originates in Iilmaraa, where it was used for cleromancy..." |
215 | You | Read the phrases. |
216 | None |
217 | Novelty Dicemaker | The phrases read: 'God is indifferent', 'Take all', 'Lose all', '50/50', 'Nothing happens', and 'pale'. |
218 | Novelty Dicemaker | She looks at the result. "Good. Now roll again, detective." |
219 | You | Roll the die again. |
220 | You | "I don't want to roll again." |
221 | Novelty Dicemaker | It lands on exactly the same result -- *god is indifferent* it declares again. |
222 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Why?" Neha starts laughing. "You're not scared, officer, are you?" |
223 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I'm not a witch, mister, and neither is this die cursed," she assures you. "We live in a rational world -- there is no *black magic*." |
224 | None |
225 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Right. But it isn't cursed, honestly. I'll tell you what it does." |
226 | None |
227 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Fortress Accident, the radio game studio..." She closes her eyes as some remnant of a memory lights up her face. |
228 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Oh boy, the fabled Revachol Ice City -- you're in for a treat here!" She smiles and leans closer, hands on her knees, like a stand-up comedian ready to tell a story. |
229 | Novelty Dicemaker | "You mean Mr. Fabron, the taxidermist? No, he mostly just did drugs." |
230 | Novelty Dicemaker | "There used to be a fashion atelier here, but I have forgotten the head designer's name... They were doing well for a couple of years, until the insect rights activists came." |
231 | Novelty Dicemaker | "They were made by a company called Slipstream. After they 'pivoted' from making rotor blades to skis, their chief executive took off on a 'vacation'... with all their money." She rests her chin on her hand with an impish smile. |
232 | None |
233 | You | "I was wondering about the Whirling-in-Rags. Is it part of the same building complex?" | Variable["doomed.doorbell_clicked_whirling"] == true |
234 | You | "I saw a name 'East Delta Pinball' on the doorbell." | Variable["doomed.doorbell_clicked_pinball"] == true and Variable["auto.visited_pinball_room"] == false and Variable["auto.visited_pinball_workshop"] == false |
235 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Right, it used to be a gaming arcade. This is an *ancient* failure -- before my time. I'm not surprised, however." |
236 | You | "What do you mean *liberal*? What happened?" |
237 | You | "I heard that they ran out of money." | Variable["doomed.radiocomputer_fortress_ran_out_of_money"] == true |
238 | You | "Cool, very cool about the debris -- but what's a *snuff milieu*?" |
239 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It's a sub rosa radio station that broadcasts real murders, with real victims. Some people pay good money to get off on it." |
240 | Novelty Dicemaker |
241 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsKimHere() |
242 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsKimHere()) == false |
243 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Don't worry, the ICP has a separate division that deals exclusively with unlicensed sub rosas," the lieutenant turns to you. "This isn't our problem." |
244 | Electrochemistry | But *what* drugs exactly? |
245 | Novelty Dicemaker |
246 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_electrochem_what_drugs"] |
247 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_electrochem_what_drugs"]) == false |
248 | None |
249 | You | "I need to know what drugs he was doing... for my... police report." |
250 | You | Let it pass. |
251 | Novelty Dicemaker | "He got high on some weird taxidermy chemicals... I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Eventually they caused him to lose control of his bladder. The smell was awful." |
252 | Empathy | You can almost see it -- a small, sickly old man hunched behind his work desk, his pants stained with old piss, stuffing a sad stiff-legged raccoon dog. The entire scene looks tragic. |
253 | You | "I didn't know insects had any rights -- or activists." |
254 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Yeah, the atelier didn't know it either. They produced a certain collection that used chitin among the materials. Apparently chitin is made in the Occident, where it's extracted from beetle wings." |
255 | You | "Insect rights activists? What in the name of..." |
256 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Mhmh -- the atelier produced a certain collection that used chitin among the materials. Apparently chitin is made in the Occident, where it's extracted from beetle wings." |
257 | None |
258 | You | "I'm glad that someone took care of the little guys. I like insects." (Nod.) |
259 | You | "But insects don't have any... brains or... feelings." |
260 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Actually, insects *do* have brains," she corrects you. "But yes, I understand what you're saying. I think the protesters took it a little too far." |
261 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Hm. Really?" She looks at the windowsill, where a dead fly is lying on its back, legs curled up in a bowtie. "Anyway..." |
262 | Novelty Dicemaker | "And -- naturally -- all the most fashionable tastemakers refused to be seen in chitin from then on. The atelier went bankrupt before they could finish the collection." |
263 | You | "They got what they deserved -- making clothes out of beetle wings is a *terrible* idea!" |
264 | Novelty Dicemaker | "At least it had some spark to it. Most young designers just combine lace with leather and call it original." She shifts in her simple workwear shirt. |
265 | You | "I'm sure the bear was doing its best." |
266 | You | "The bear was scary. Every time I saw that bear I felt *scared*, like it could become alive any moment now." |
267 | Novelty Dicemaker | "The taxidermist who made it said it was his *vision beast*. He said he met his *vision beast* while high on desiccants. He called it 'Megatherion'." |
268 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Maybe. Because the taxidermist who made that bear definitely wasn't. Doing his best, I mean." |
269 | You | "I killed the bear." (You unplugged it.) | Variable["doomed.breakerbox_red_wire_plugged_out"] |
270 | Novelty Dicemaker | "You did *what*?" She rolls her swivel chair an inch closer to you, unsure whether she heard you right. |
271 | You | "I murdered it. With my own bare hands I laid it to rest. It's my trophy now." |
272 | You | "I unplugged the fridge to help Revachol Ice City cut their losses." |
273 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Really? You broke it? What a shame. It was a *terrifying* beast, but I was fond of it." |
274 | Novelty Dicemaker | "But Slipstream is history now. All their remaining assets got seized by the bailiffs in '47. I have no idea why those skis and blades are still lying around in the house..." |
275 | You | "Interesting. What do these transmissions say?" |
276 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Megatherion," nods the dicemaker, "a mega wild beast." |
277 | You | "Megatherion?" |
278 | You | "What's a vision beast?" |
279 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It's an imaginary beast that guides you through life..." |
280 | Novelty Dicemaker |
281 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["whirling.necktie_personified"] == true and CheckEquipped("neck_tie") == true |
282 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["whirling.necktie_personified"] == true and CheckEquipped("neck_tie") == true) == false |
283 | Horrific Necktie | The horrific necktie tightens around your neck, strangely excited... But it doesn't feel particularly *fun* this time around. |
284 | You | "Do you ever feel like your vision beast is trying to *blackmail* the fun out of you?" |
285 | Novelty Dicemaker | "No, officer. I don't have a vision beast." |
286 | You | "What's a mega wild beast?" |
287 | Novelty Dicemaker | " telling you to do more drugs, mostly." |
288 | You | "Hey, do you think that vision beast could guide me toward some *amphetamines*?" | Variable["TASK.get_speed"] == true and Variable["TASK.get_speed_done"] == false |
289 | None |
290 | You | "I don't do drugs." |
291 | You | "I do drugs. I've got a vision beast myself." |
292 | You | "I don't have a comment on drugs." |
293 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Understandable. You shouldn't do them," nods the dicemaker. "You're a police officer, after all..." |
294 | You | (Grab your necktie and mumble.) "Not... now... you beast!" | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_horrific_necktie_vision_beast"] == true |
295 | Novelty Dicemaker | "What?" |
296 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I don't, officer. You should stay away from drugs, and vision beasts..." |
297 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Very good, you shouldn't do them," nods the dicemaker. "You're a police officer, after all..." |
298 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Do you?" The dicemaker raises an eyebrow. "Well, good luck keeping it under control..." |
299 | You | "I had to kill the bear to *become* the bear." |
300 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I can see," she nods, pointing to your war-paint, "the stripes." |
301 | Novelty Dicemaker |
302 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.furnace_warpainted_your_face"] |
303 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.furnace_warpainted_your_face"]) == false |
304 | You | "Those stripes are what keeps me human." |
305 | You | "The bear put up quite a fight." |
306 | You | "Nothing!" (Cough and let go of the tie.) |
307 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I can see," she nods, eyeing you up and down. |
308 | Novelty Dicemaker | "The usual, I imagine -- that he's been thinking up all kinds of new business plans and can't *wait* to get *started* on them just as soon as he returns..." Her smile widens, before she sees the lieutenant's face behind you. |
309 | You | "I don't care about their other ideas, I just want to hear about the bear. Did the bear work?" |
310 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Of course not. The bear was terrifying. No one wants ice-cream *guarded* by a hostile apex predator. To make matters worse, the fridge didn't work too well either, and half the ice cream came out malformed and partially melted." |
311 | You | "Alright, what about the other ideas?" |
312 | Novelty Dicemaker | "There was really just one, and it involved picking out the prettiest girls in the neighbourhood and paying them 20 cents per hour to man the booth." |
313 | Novelty Dicemaker | "And by 'man the booth' I mean 'slump behind the counter with a face that could maim you if you ever dared to disturb their bored magazine-browsing.'" She leans back, disapproving. |
314 | You | "I don't have an opinion on employing teens, I just want to know -- did it work out for the business?" |
315 | You | "That's an award-winning idea! How else do you choose people around you?" |
316 | You | "What did they expect? Twenty cents per hour is dog's pay. I'm surprised they showed up to work at all." |
317 | You | "I know a girl just like that. She works in Frittte as a cashier and she's not particularly friendly." | Variable["gates.fritte_main_hub_reached"] == true |
318 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Employing sulky teenage girls is a widespread practice, yes. Unfortunately they always come in packs -- I'm talking about acne-ridden *girlfriends* and gorilla-like *boyfriends* loitering near the shop. At least that's what happened with Revachol Ice City." |
319 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It didn't. Occasionally the girls had their friends over, which doubled the amount of hairspray, skin problems, and mood swings behind the counter." |
320 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Yes, some people spend their whole lives chasing the 'hot one'." She makes quotation marks with her fingers. "You should have joined the gorilla-like boyfriends loitering near the stand, ready to scare off customers and hit on the girls." |
321 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Oh, but they did -- they did show up to work, and not alone. There were also acne-ridden *girlfriends* and gorilla-like *boyfriends* loitering near the ice cream stand." |
322 | None |
323 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Eventually Revachol Ice City lost a price war to its rival, Glacé 5000. Glacé 5000 sold caramel sundaes for only five cents a piece. Out of regular fridges." |
324 | You | "How come?" |
325 | Novelty Dicemaker | "He said that the bear was his *vision beast*. He said he met his *vision beast* while high on desiccants. He called it 'Megatherion.'" |
326 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Anyway, now you know the story of the fallen ice cream empire." She seems almost sad, finishing the story. Some dust beams swirl in the afternoon air. Her eyes follow it idly. |
327 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Normal people don't have vision beasts. Only drug-addled madmen like the taxidermist do." |
328 | You | "That was a hypothetical question." |
329 | You | "Of course they don't. I'm a normal person and I don't have a vision beast." |
330 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Right," says the dicemaker. She doesn't look entirely convinced. |
331 | You | "What about horrific neckties? Do normal people have horrific neckties?" |
332 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Neckties?" Her eyes move to the piss-coloured cloth tied around your neck. "I guess they do sometimes, officer... But I don't understand how it's relevant to our discussion." |
333 | Novelty Dicemaker | "The taxidermist who made it said it was his *vision beast*. He said he met his *vision beast* while high on desiccants. He called it 'Megatherion.'" |
334 | You | "Very cool, but I don't want to hear about bears anymore. Let's move on." |
335 | Novelty Dicemaker | "That bear was one mighty mammal. The taxidermist who made it said it was his *vision beast*. He said he met his *vision beast* while high on desiccants. He called it 'Megatherion.'" |
336 | None |
337 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Oh, I totally understand." |
338 | Novelty Dicemaker | "The taxidermist who made it said it was his *vision beast*. He said he met his *vision beast* while high on desiccants. He called it 'Megatherion.'" |
339 | None |
340 | You | "That's horrible. Were they arrested?" |
341 | You | "Wait, people do that?" |
342 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I believe the ICP got them. They have a special division that deals exclusively with sub rosas." |
343 | Encyclopedia | It's the copopedia reporting in: ICP stands for International Collaboration Police. |
344 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Honestly, I think it's quite funny. I think he's still sending out holiday transmissions from Touloula or Tioumoutiri or Khasht-Kor, or wherever he is." |
345 | You | "That's illegal -- running off with company's money like that. Why hasn't he been arrested?" |
346 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Sure, it's illegal, but it's not exactly anything *extraordinary* in business. Besides, Slipstream is history now. All their remaining assets got seized by the bailiffs in '47. I have no idea why those skis and blades are still lying around." |
347 | Novelty Dicemaker | "And you know how all kinds of political movements are *big* in the Occident. The activists shut down the biggest chitin suppliers, which of course caused the price to skyrocket." |
348 | You | "They had some kind of an accident with the backup copy, right?" | Variable["doomed.radiocomputer_fortress_accident_why_failed_clicked"] == true |
349 | Novelty Dicemaker | "An accident? I wouldn't know anything about that. I just heard they ran out of money and couldn't get the project done on time." |
350 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Money and time," she nods. "The usual." |
351 | Novelty Dicemaker | "The usual. They ran out of money and couldn't get the project done on time." |
352 | You | "What went wrong?" |
353 | None |
354 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Well, I did hear them talking at times..." She looks at the hallway, as if she can still hear them chit-chat behind her curtains on a cigarette break. |
355 | Novelty Dicemaker | "In the end they just didn't get it done. They didn't have enough willpower to produce something *truly historic* -- and to show up to work on time." |
356 | None |
357 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Not the wisest decision: You would have lost all your savings." She tosses a pair of dice on the table; one of them stops near the edge of the metallic desk. |
358 | You | "You're right, they should have just tried harder. They had everything needed to succeed." |
359 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Still, not everyone is going to make it." She tosses a pair of dice on the table; one of them stops near the edge of the metallic desk. "That's the nature of the game." |
360 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Why would Slipstream SCA have a hundred-years-old recording as their doorbell message? It doesn't make any sense." |
361 | You | Start taking off your clothes. You need to *connect*. |
362 | You | Leave it at that. |
363 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Excuse me, what are you doing?" The dicemaker stares at you while you start to fuss with your pants. |
364 | Novelty Dicemaker | She has begun to idly clean one of her carving tools with a dirty kerchief, the tool's sharp edge shining in the light of her desk lamp. |
365 | You | "Is it just me or is it hot in here?" |
366 | You | "It's part of this special *technique* I have." |
367 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Didn't we already talk about this?" she asks, as the wind continues to seep in through the cracks in the old chimney. |
368 | You | "It's because you're not *in* the same building as the others. This isn't *technically* the Doomed Commercial Area." |
369 | Novelty Dicemaker | "What are you talking about?" she says, shaking her head. "My address is exactly the same -- Rue de Saint-Ghislaine 10." |
370 | Novelty Dicemaker | "This doesn't make any sense." She looks around the makeshift nest that she has carved out for herself, bewildered. |
371 | Novelty Dicemaker | "No, I don't feel *hot*. We're in a derelict smokestack. If anything then it's *cold* here!" |
372 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Can you please employ this special *technique* somewhere else? I work here and my work requires concentration. Half-naked people don't help with that." She turns away, so that you can zip up your pants again. |
373 | You | "Never mind, that was a terrible idea." (Do up your pants.) |
374 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Undressing in a stranger's place of business? Yes, it was -- an unbelievably bad idea." She trembles, as if trying to shake it off. |
375 | None |
376 | You | "I'm trying to lower my body temperature." |
377 | Novelty Dicemaker | "And *why* would you do that?!" |
378 | None |
379 | You | "Let's say I have my own methods... Unusual methods." |
380 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Are you saying my business was spared because of a *technicality*? Where is this coming from?" |
381 | You | "I'm just using logic -- it's windy in here. You probably haven't properly sealed the chimney crown." (Point above.) |
382 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Hmm," she says, looking up. "You're right, I should take a trip to the roof once the snow is gone." |
383 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Except I've weighted the die. When you try rolling it, you realize that each time it gets you exactly the same result -- *God is indifferent*. This is our curse." |
384 | None |
385 | You | "This is mega cool, but can I get one that actually works?" |
386 | You | "Thanks, I'll keep it." |
387 | Conceptualization | It's even worse than she says. God is dead -- We live in a forsaken age. |
388 | You | "You're saying that the end result doesn't matter." | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_concept_god_is_dead"] == true |
389 | Novelty Dicemaker | "In the face of death -- no, not really." |
390 | You | "What a relief." |
391 | You | "That's so depressing." |
392 | Novelty Dicemaker | "You were the one who asked for a cursed die," she points out. |
393 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It is, isn't it? There's something liberating about knowing it's just we humans, no all powerful forces guiding us, watching us, *judging* us." |
394 | You | "I don't agree with you." |
395 | Novelty Dicemaker | "You don't?" she raises her brows. |
396 | You | "As long as there is mankind, there is also meaning." |
397 | You | "It matters as long as we're alive." |
398 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Yes, but how will mankind last?" |
399 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Don't answer that, actually. Meaning is whatever you want to make of it. That's the nature of meaning." |
400 | You | "Can I get a normal version of this die? One that isn't modified to land on a single result?" |
401 | You | "I guess I'll keep the die then." |
402 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Good luck, officer," she says with a mischievous smile, before turning back to her table. |
403 | Novelty Dicemaker | "No, I don't have another die. You'll have to do with this one." |
404 | None |
405 | You | "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the die." |
406 | You | "Doesn't really fly with my vibe, too morbid." |
407 | None |
408 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Sorry, I don't have another one ready. You were the one who asked for a cursed die." |
409 | None |
410 | None |
411 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I guess you can find some temporary solace in that, yes." |
412 | You | "Can I get a normal version of this die? One that isn't modified to land on a single result?" |
413 | You | "Still, thanks for the die." |
414 | None |
415 | None |
416 | None |
417 | None |
418 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Not in this die, rest assured. It isn't cursed. I can tell you what it does." |
419 | You | "So you confess?" |
420 | You | "I am nothing if not consistent." |
421 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Fantastic. Can the witch *Entity* tell you what the cursed die does then?" |
422 | You | "Yes, it's better to know how the evil works." |
423 | You | "No, I don't want to know, it's too dangerous." |
424 | You | "Yes, I've got my warpaint protecting me from the evil." (Point to your face.) | Variable["doomed.furnace_warpainted_your_face"] == true |
425 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Too bad, I'm going to tell you anyway." |
426 | None |
427 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Oh, now I'm evil, too -- lovely." |
428 | You | Cast the cursed die. |
429 | None |
430 | None |
431 | None |
432 | You | "Hold on, what do you mean by *milieus*?" |
433 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Mostly they just teach you to swear in different languages, but some of the stations can be quite interesting. I was so absorbed, I must have missed you knocking." |
434 | None |
435 | You | "Maybe. I'm not really sure why I'm here, honestly." |
436 | You | "No, I was looking for something else..." (Squint your eyes mysteriously.) "*Answers*." |
437 | You | "Sure, I like role-playing games and I need some dice." |
438 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Very good," she says. "My rate is 10 reál per set, unless you want something really unusual..." |
439 | Novelty Dicemaker | "How strange," she says. "Well, if you're interested, my rate is 10 reál per set, unless you want something really unusual..." |
440 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Take a look around and see if there's any particular stone you want to use." The walls around her are covered with rows of precious stones and minerals. |
441 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Answers? How strange. These days people only come to me for dice and role-playing games..." |
442 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I'm not sure how helpful I'll be, but go ahead and ask." The walls around her are covered with rows of precious stones and minerals. |
443 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Oh, it's you." She turns around. "I'm surprised to see you here this late. What can I help you with?" |
444 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Oh, it's you again. Are you looking for a die?" |
445 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Hello again." She turns around. "You must really like walking through the dark. What can I help you with?" |
446 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Yes, a milieu is like a call-in station. You need a two-way radio to access one. That's why I have these." She pats the headphones on the table. |
447 | None |
448 | Inland Empire | Could this be the malicious Entity? Perhaps it's wise to go along with this *masquerade* for now... |
449 | Novelty Dicemaker | "So, what kind of die are you looking for?" |
450 | None |
451 | None |
452 | None |
453 | None |
454 | None |
455 | None |
456 | None |
457 | You | "Hey, where are we anyway? What is this place?" (Look around the room.) |
458 | Novelty Dicemaker | "We're inside the chimney of an old central furnace. It's strange, I know." She looks at the ruddy bricks that make up the walls -- even though they've been repainted there are still signs of coal-black soot here and there. |
459 | Novelty Dicemaker | "But when I arrived here, all the other rooms were taken, so I had to build myself a makeshift home. Besides, I don't really have to pay any rent here, so that's a plus." |
460 | You | "Do you know what happened to other tenants? Everyone else is gone." | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_asked_about_chimney"] == true and Variable["doomed.dicemaker_business_hub_reached"] == false |
461 | Novelty Dicemaker | "More or less." She adjusts the yellow scarf that covers her hair. "Are you interested in anyone specific?" |
462 | None |
463 | You | "I've heard this place is cursed. Did you know that people call it the Doomed Commercial Area?" | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_asked_about_chimney"] == true and Variable["TASK.ask_about_the_curse_subtask"] == true and Variable["TASK.ask_about_the_curse_subtask_done"] == false |
464 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It didn't. If anything, it made the youth situation in Martinaise even worse. At some point, someone started a rumour that the punching bag downstairs was full of *amphetamines*." |
465 | None |
466 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Eventually the Coalition took away the funding and the club went bankrupt. This was a few years ago. It's gotten much more peaceful around the plaza ever since." |
467 | You | "A strange thing happened when I tried calling a company named Slipstream SCA -- someone answered." | Variable["doomed.doorbell_clicked_slipstream"] == true |
468 | You | "I don't want hear about this sick shit anymore." |
469 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Good call." She lets the thought go. |
470 | You | "So you're telling me that you have a doorbell there -- which one?" | Variable["doomed.doorbell_clicked_empty_card"] == false |
471 | You | "So you're telling me that the doorbell with the empty name card was yours?" | Variable["doomed.doorbell_clicked_empty_card"] == true |
472 | Novelty Dicemaker | "The one with an empty name card, it's the last one in the list. As I said, it's quite useless right now, it doesn't work yet." |
473 | Logic | The doorbell with the empty name card must belong to her then. |
474 | Novelty Dicemaker |
475 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.doorbell_clicked_empty_card"] |
476 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.doorbell_clicked_empty_card"]) == false |
477 | Novelty Dicemaker | "That's right, I haven't even written my name there -- as I said, it's quite useless right now, it doesn't work yet." |
478 | Novelty Dicemaker | She looks like she doesn't really believe you. "It can't be true. They don't work here anymore, they've been gone for *years*." |
479 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Are you sure it was Slipstream SCA? Was it a *woman*? Maybe it was Plaisance from the bookstore..." |
480 | You | "First, it wasn't Plaisance, I know her and would have recognized her voice." | Variable["doomed.plais_greeting_done"] == true |
481 | You | "She said she was from Tricentennial Electrics." |
482 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Alright. But did this person say anything?" She still sounds sceptical. |
483 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Tricentennial Electrics?" There's a moment before she recognizes the name. |
484 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It used to be a major electric company one hundred years ago. Are you sure it wasn't just some kids playing a prank on you?" |
485 | You | "No, this used to be a coal plant." (Touch the safety curtains.) "You're in a chimney of *another* building." |
486 | You | "No one's really ever safe from the failure." |
487 | You | "Rest assured, no psychic attacks will reach you here." | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_inland_protection_against_the_curse"] == false |
488 | You | "Actually, it's only your workshop that's protected. You should still do something to defend your person." | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_inland_protection_against_the_curse"] == true |
489 | Inland Empire | Don't let her become complacent! She still needs to ward *her soul* against the evil forces! |
490 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I've heard the stories," she nods, as the wind howls in from the furnace shaft above. "But I don't think those stories are true." |
491 | You | "Plaisance is the one who sent me. She's convinced that the place is swarming with malicious energies." |
492 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Plaisance, the bookshop lady?" She raises her brows. "I've heard that her business is doing rather well. Have the *energies* spared her somehow?" |
493 | You | "Plaisance is a wise woman. She has Semenese trinkets protecting her against the curse." | Variable["tc.wards_plais"] == true |
494 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Alright. But it's not just the bookstore that's still up and running. What about the Whirling-in-Rags? Some people say it's part of the building complex." |
495 | You | "Actually, the bookstore isn't doing that well. There are hardly any customers and she has to exploit her own daughter to keep the company going." | Variable["doomed.plais_annettehub_reached"] == true and Variable["doomed.plais_greeting_done"] == true |
496 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Ah, the Semenese trinkets, of course..." She nods as if this explains everything. |
497 | You | "You're right, the Whirling doesn't really look like it's cursed." |
498 | You | "I don't know why the bookstore hasn't gone bankrupt yet -- that's what I'm here to investigate." |
499 | You | "The curse is just biding its time before it strikes again. Sooner or later everyone will fail -- even her." |
500 | You | "Yes, but it's still a separate building. The malicious energies can't reach there." |
501 | Novelty Dicemaker | "And then there's me..." She sighs, looking at her messy work table. All kinds of tools lie there scattered, from knives to carving files to wire cutters. |
502 | You | "No, the Whirling isn't doing well either: its waitress just took off and customers have trouble paying bills." |
503 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I've been here for 14 years, selling novelty dice to role-playing enthusiasts. Not exactly a million reál business idea, yet somehow I've survived despite the talk of malicious energies. Strange, isn't it?" |
504 | You | "I yelled to summon the ghost of the Doomed Commercial Area and you were the one who answered." |
505 | Encyclopedia | Role-playing games? You know role-playing games: Wirrâl, Wirrâl Untethered, um, what else... |
506 | Encyclopedia | Role-playing games? You know Wirrâl. Does that count? |
507 | Encyclopedia | Role-playing games? You know the one made by Fortress Accident. Does that count? |
508 | Novelty Dicemaker |
509 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["tc.wirral"] |
510 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["tc.wirral"]) == false |
511 | Novelty Dicemaker |
512 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.moodboard_read_slogans"] and Variable["doomed.fortress_accident_kim_switch_done"] |
513 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.moodboard_read_slogans"] and Variable["doomed.fortress_accident_kim_switch_done"]) == false |
514 | Novelty Dicemaker |
515 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.moodboard_read_slogans"] and Variable["doomed.fortress_accident_kim_switch_done"] |
516 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.moodboard_read_slogans"] and Variable["doomed.fortress_accident_kim_switch_done"]) == false |
517 | None |
518 | None |
519 | You | "How did that community project work out?" (Conclude.) |
520 | You | "And who was Artemitep?" |
521 | You | "Maybe that's what Cuno needs -- a community-centric boxing club." | Variable["yard.cuno_greeting_done"] |
522 | You | "Judging from the kids I've met so far, it didn't really work, did it?" (Conclude.) | Variable["yard.cunoesse_backyard_greeting_done"] or Variable["yard.cuno_greeting_done"] or Variable["yard.hanged_seen"] |
523 | Novelty Dicemaker | "A kind man... from Zsiemsk. I heard he had some trouble with the law when he was younger, and that's why he wanted to start the gym, as his way of giving back." |
524 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Hm, Cuno." Her eyes narrow in the dim light. "Who's Cuno?" |
525 | You | "He's sort of the king around here." |
526 | You | "He's a little ginger gremlin who likes to defile dead bodies." |
527 | You | "Indeed, who *is* Cuno... Your guess is as good as mine." |
528 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Oh, you mean the kid with the sailor's mouth. Yes, I've heard him yelling profanities in the backyard..." She looks out of the window, her face reflecting back in the dark. |
529 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I think it will take more than a gym to help that kid." |
530 | Novelty Dicemaker | "They certainly took their work very seriously. Even if they seemed to be... chronically *liberal* with their schedules." |
531 | Conceptualization | Ice... death... loss... sounds like you. |
532 | You | "That sounds like me." |
533 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I had a feeling." She smiles, but says nothing more. |
534 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Come on now. Be a little creative." |
535 | Novelty Dicemaker | "What are the odds?" The dicemaker winks back at you. "The red one is made of bloodstone with a lapis lazuli inlay and the blue one is the inverse. I believe these dice are your lucky charm, officer..." |
536 | Hand/Eye Coordination | She winked back at you! Can you believe it? You truly are Mr. Smooth Moves! |
537 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Now, was there anything else?" |
538 | You | "I met one of their investors. He said they lacked the will to finish anything." | Variable["cargo.mrlb_fortress_accident"] == true |
539 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Ha, the salty investors..." Something green sparkles in her eyes. "Well yes, they couldn't get the project done on time and thus lost the funding." |
540 | You | "That's too bad. I would have supported them -- the project looked great." |
541 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Ah, of course they left it plugged in. Even in death the bear is costing them money." |
542 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Excellent. That will be 10 reál for one set of magnetic dice." |
543 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Very good. That will be seven reál for one custom die." |
544 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Sure!" She laughs. "Now can the *Entity* explain what your cursed die does?" |
545 | You | "It has a different address in the heart of the city." |
546 | Novelty Dicemaker | She squints at you, a little astonished at what she's hearing. "And what technique is that?!" You still haven't gotten your zipper open. |
547 | You | "Okay, hear me out: Sometimes I get these *feelings*..." |
548 | You | "You know what? Forget it. It was a bad idea." (Do up your pants.) |
549 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Officer, this isn't how *mature* adults deal with their *feelings*." |
550 | You | "No, not like that. It's like I can feel the *wind* or, I don't know, the *air pressure*, and then the air *tells* me things." |
551 | Novelty Dicemaker | "The air pressure told you to take your pants off in my studio?" |
552 | You | "Yes, exactly." |
553 | You | "No, no, I'm not explaining this very well." |
554 | Shivers | *Now* you feel something, the cold damp of shame washing over you. |
555 | You | "Can we please just forget this ever happened?" (Do up your pants.) |
556 | None |
557 | Novelty Dicemaker | "*Gladly*." The dicemaker turns away so that you can do up your pants. |
558 | Novelty Dicemaker |
559 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsKimHere() |
560 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsKimHere()) == false |
561 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Officer!" The lieutenant exclaims sharply. |
562 | Novelty Dicemaker |
563 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsKimHere() |
564 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsKimHere()) == false |
565 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Miss, I apologize for my colleague's behaviour. He's still recovering from an *unusual* medical episode..." |
566 | Electrochemistry | A wise and noble beast, guiding you toward the land where the streets are paved... with drugs! |
567 | Novelty Dicemaker |
568 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["TASK.get_speed"] == true and Variable["TASK.get_speed_done"] == false |
569 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["TASK.get_speed"] == true and Variable["TASK.get_speed_done"] == false) == false |
570 | Electrochemistry | Maybe this wise and noble beast can guide you toward those *amphetamines* you've been craving. |
571 | Electrochemistry | Even you can probably do better than that. |
572 | Novelty Dicemaker |
573 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsNighttime() |
574 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsNighttime()) == false |
575 | Novelty Dicemaker |
576 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsDaytime() |
577 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsDaytime()) == false |
578 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Oh, yes -- you mean the kid with the sailor's mouth? Yes, I've heard him yelling profanities in the backyard..." She looks out of the window; it's oddly quiet there at the moment. |
579 | Novelty Dicemaker | "They were an interesting bunch. We talked about role-playing systems every now and then. Once I even saw two of them get into fisticuffs over Wirrâl..." |
580 | You | "Well, showing up to work on time *is* incredibly hard." |
581 | Novelty Dicemaker | "And so is producing something extraordinary." Her eyes wander to the shelves full of die prototypes and discarded models. |
582 | You | "I think I found the *actual* source of the curse." | IsTaskActive("TASK.tell_dicemaker_of_actual_source") and Variable["TASK.doomed_investigation_done"] and Variable["TASK.help_soona_with_her_project_done"] |
583 | Novelty Dicemaker |
584 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["TASK.find_the_witch"] |
585 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["TASK.find_the_witch"]) == false |
586 | Visual Calculus | She's got a direct view to the backyard. You should interrogate her about the lynching. |
587 | Inland Empire | Plaisance was right... There's an entity living in the chimney! You should ask her about the curse. |
588 | Novelty Dicemaker |
589 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["TASK.find_the_witch"] |
590 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["TASK.find_the_witch"]) == false |
591 | Authority | Does it mean she's *unlawfully* occupying a part of the house? Shameful! |
592 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Nothing, really. I didn't know him." |
593 | Inland Empire | Who cares about the dead body? Ask her about the curse already! |
594 | You | "I have more questions about this building." | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_asked_about_chimney"] == true and Variable["doomed.dicemaker_business_hub_reached"] == true |
595 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It wasn't merely a gym, it was *Artemitep's Boxing Club* -- a community project created to steer at-risk youths away from drugs and crime." |
596 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Yes, I think it was called Androgynous Orlando or something similar. They weren't a big hit around here -- turns out that working class men don't like genderless haircuts. They're scared of that word." |
597 | None |
598 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I'm listening." |
599 | Encyclopedia | Hm, what's a snuff milieu? |
600 | Half Light | Trust me, you don't want to know. |
601 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Anything else?" |
602 | You | "I found the building's intercom, but it's not working." | Variable["doomed.doorbell_main_hub_reached"] == true and Variable["doomed.dicemaker_doorbell_minihub_reached"] == false |
603 | Physical Instrument | You wouldn't like it either. The others would laugh at you. |
604 | Conceptualization | A bit of experimenting every now and then isn't bad. |
605 | Composure | It's not about the haircut, it's about the *confidence*. |
606 | You | "What's wrong with a bit of experimenting? The customers should have been more open-minded." |
607 | You | "I would *never* let anyone androgynous touch my hair, not even if my life depended on it." |
608 | You | "I guess I'm a simple man, I don't really have any opinions on hair styles." |
609 | Novelty Dicemaker | "You're right, it looks like you haven't let anyone near your hair in a long time." She tilts her head, looking at your shaggy mane. |
610 | None |
611 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I guess it just wasn't the time yet." She tucks a strand of hair under the headscarf. |
612 | Authority | She's right -- when was the last time? You should get an un-androgynous crew cut. |
613 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Me neither. I just want it off my face." She tucks a strand of hair under her headscarf. |
614 | None |
615 | None |
616 | You | "This is still just a theory, but hear me out: I think I know why your business hasn't failed." |
617 | Novelty Dicemaker | "And what, does it mean that I'm safe from failure?" |
618 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Does it mean that I'm safe from failure?" |
619 | Novelty Dicemaker | She starts laughing, her fingers trying to rub away the exhaustion from her face. |
620 | You | "What?" |
621 | You | (Look away.) "I want to talk about something else now." |
622 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Do you know what this is?" She raises her hand to reveal a piece of metal shining on her index finger. |
623 | You | "Your lucky charm? Some kind of a ward?" |
624 | You | "It looks like a regular piece of jewellery to me." |
625 | You | "I don't care what it is, I only came to tell you about why you haven't failed yet." |
626 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It's a mourning ring," she replies. "I made this when my first company failed. It was a small jewellery shop right here in the East Delta Commerce Centre, built with the little I inherited from my parents..." |
627 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I drove it into the ground within a year. I didn't have what you would call a *viable* business plan." |
628 | You | "See? The curse is real! I bet you didn't run this little jewellery shop from the protective depths of the chimney?" |
629 | You | "Why are you telling me this?" |
630 | Novelty Dicemaker | "No, you're right, I didn't." She laughs again, but it sounds rather small and sad. |
631 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It wasn't just the jewellery shop either. I always thought that it was just the world, that you were supposed to try again and again until you finally succeed." |
632 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It's a mourning ring," she replies, talking over your voice. "I made this when my first company failed. It was a small jewellery shop right here in the East Delta Commerce Centre, built with the little I inherited from my parents..." |
633 | Novelty Dicemaker | "And now you're telling me, what?" She closes her eyes. "That it was all because I didn't run my little shops and ventures from a dump inside an abandoned chimney?" |
634 | You | "Don't call it a dump, you've made it nice and cosy here." |
635 | You | "I'm sorry. I don't know what to say. It's entropy." |
636 | You | "Yes. Coincidence is all that safeguards us." |
637 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Yeah." She stares out of the window, not really hearing your words. "Or maybe it's the entire world that's cursed? It's such a precarious place. Nothing ever works out the way you wanted." |
638 | Novelty Dicemaker | "But anyway... thanks for sharing your theories, officer." She gives you a tired smile. |
639 | None |
640 | Novelty Dicemaker |
641 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_whitecheck_success"] |
642 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_whitecheck_success"]) == false |
643 | Novelty Dicemaker | "You mean the curse that I'm spared of because I live outside its immediate reach?" |
644 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I thought we agreed that the curse isn't real." |
645 | You | "Yes, well... about that." |
646 | You | "It's a bit more complicated than I first thought it would be." |
647 | None |
648 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I'm listening." She leans back in her chair, arms crossed across the chest. |
649 | You | (Just say it.) "There's a two-millimetre hole in reality located in a church on the other side of the canal. I think it may be related to pale." |
650 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Excuse me?" She sits up, visibly agitated. "A two-millimetre hole in reality? This can't be true." |
651 | Novelty Dicemaker |
652 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsKimHere() |
653 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsKimHere()) == false |
654 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I'm afraid it is, ma'am. Soona Luukanen-Kilde, the former lead programmer of Fortress Accident, made the discovery." |
655 | You | "I'm afraid it is. Soona Luukanen-Kilde, the former lead programmer of Fortress Accident, made the discovery." |
656 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Soona is involved in this?" She appears to take this in while the chatter from her headphones continues unabated... |
657 | You | "Now that I think about it... It sounds too preposterous to say out loud." |
658 | Novelty Dicemaker | "What? You came all the way up here to tell me that you *can't* tell me because I won't like the answer?" |
659 | Novelty Dicemaker |
660 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsDaytime() |
661 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsDaytime()) == false |
662 | Novelty Dicemaker | "So it's even worse than I thought. It's not just the commercial area that's cursed, it's *the entire world*." |
663 | Perception (Sight) | She looks outside the window where the night has fallen on the yard. |
664 | Perception (Sight) | She looks outside the window where daylight has filled the yard. |
665 | None |
666 | You | "What? No, I wouldn't go as far to say that the entire world is doomed." |
667 | You | "It's what I have preached the whole time -- and no one listened." | IsTHCPresent("apocalypse_cop") |
668 | You | "Don't worry about it. You've been doing fine so far. I'm sure it's nothing." |
669 | Novelty Dicemaker | "You mean considering the fact that the world is collapsing on my porch?" She gives you a rueful smile and takes a look around... |
670 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Just Martinaise?" She gives you a rueful smile and takes a look around... |
671 | Novelty Dicemaker | "In any case, thank you for stopping by. It's good to have an answer, even if I can't claim to understand it fully." |
672 | Novelty Dicemaker | "A 'curse' is something superstitious, but a two-millimetre hole in reality?" She gives you a rueful smile. "We all know what it means -- it's pale." |
673 | None |
674 | You | "Wait... how do you explain what happened to all those companies then?" |
675 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It's just capitalism." She shrugs. "We only hear about tales of success, so it's often surprising to realize how many ventures actually fail." |
676 | You | "Hold on, the Whirling is part of the Doomed Commercial Area?!" | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_whirling_part_of_complex"] == false |
677 | Novelty Dicemaker | "You could say so. Both houses were built at the same time and under the East Delta Commerce Centre project." |
678 | Half Light | It's because she's in cahoots with the demons! |
679 | Drama | Maybe it's just because she's so talented that she's been able to woo the curse? |
680 | You | "Plaisance thinks it's because you're the *source* of it. A malignant entity." |
681 | You | "It's because you're competent, and dedicated to your craft. The curse doesn't affect people like you." |
682 | You | "The curse will get to you, have no doubt about it. It just doesn't care about earthly time frames." |
683 | You | "I'll be the first to admit there are many inconsistencies in this so-called 'curse'." |
684 | Novelty Dicemaker | The dicemaker erupts in laughter. "Is that what you think, officer? That the curse is real?" |
685 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Malignant *entity*, what does that even mean?" The dicemaker laughs. "Some kind of sorceress? What about you, officer? Do you think I'm the *malignant entity*?" |
686 | Novelty Dicemaker | The dicemaker erupts in laughter. "What, so the curse only affects people with poor work ethics? What you're describing isn't a *curse*, it's *capitalism*." |
687 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I was just about to ask..." She leans forward in her chair to study your face. "What do *you* think? Do you think the curse is real?" |
688 | Half Light | The jig is up! The she-demon knows you've uncovered her true identity. |
689 | You | "Honestly, I'm still not sure... This world is a puzzling place." |
690 | None |
691 | You | "I think it still might be *you* that's causing this." (Narrow your eyes -- very mysteriously.) |
692 | You | "I'm starting to see that there is no curse, only business decisions and natural market fluctuations." |
693 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Exactly." She pinches the root of her nose. "Truth is always so disappointingly mundane and boring." |
694 | Novelty Dicemaker | "But I'm glad we got this sorted out. Anything else I can help you with today?" |
695 | None |
696 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Is it now?" She squints at you from her desk. "I've always thought it's a rather mundane and boring place with no supra-natural surprises in sight." |
697 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Well, if you ever find a way to explain all those *inconsistencies* in the curse, let me know." She turns back to her work. |
698 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Mm, so I'm the grand dragon in the cave..." She seems mildly entertained by this suggestion. "Might I ask what supports this claim?" |
699 | You | "There is something ghostly about you, *ethereal* even..." (Squint your eyes suspiciously.) |
700 | You | "I don't have time for explanations, not amidst all those *visions* I'm getting." |
701 | You | "You're the last man standing. You must be responsible." |
702 | None |
703 | Inland Empire | No, it's the troubled colour of her energetic vibrations! |
704 | You | "No, I mean it -- your energetic vibrations are off. I sense tragedies in your past, darling." |
705 | Novelty Dicemaker | "*Ethereal*?" She throws her head back and laughs. "Thank you, but I think it's just the lighting." |
706 | Novelty Dicemaker |
707 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_inland_aura"] |
708 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_inland_aura"]) == false |
709 | You | Let it go. |
710 | None |
711 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Of course you do." She listens to your antics with a forbearing smile on her face. "Show me a person in Martinaise who *doesn't* have any tragedies in their past and then we'll talk." |
712 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I *am* responsible for making sound business decisions, yes, but not for my fellow tenants' misfortune." |
713 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Of course." She pinches the root of her nose. "How convenient." |
714 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Well, if you ever find a way to explain all those *inconsistencies* in the curse then let me know." She turns back to her work. |
715 | None |
716 | None |
717 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Oh my," she says in mock despair. "I've revealed myself!" |
718 | Novelty Dicemaker | "You better call the exorcists." |
719 | You | "I believe the name you're looking for is the Remote Viewers Division." | Variable["tc.rvd"] == true or IsTHCPresent("remote_viewer") |
720 | You | "I don't have to call anyone, I'm a ghostwhisperer myself." |
721 | None |
722 | You | "It is not my job to intervene in matters supra-natural, for I am merely a police officer." |
723 | Novelty Dicemaker | "What's that? A union for clairvoyants? They have unions for everything nowadays." |
724 | You | "No, it's a special division in the police for investigating supra-natural activities." |
725 | Novelty Dicemaker | She just stares at you for a moment with an astonished look on her face, blinking her dark eyes. |
726 | Novelty Dicemaker |
727 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsKimHere() |
728 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsKimHere()) == false |
729 | Kim Kitsuragi | "It's not real, ma'am. He's making it up." |
730 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Yes, I figured." She turns back to you. |
731 | None |
732 | Rhetoric | This is not going very well, is it -- word wise? |
733 | Novelty Dicemaker |
734 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["TASK.ask_about_the_curse_subtask"] == true and Variable["TASK.ask_about_the_curse_subtask_done"] == false |
735 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["TASK.ask_about_the_curse_subtask"] == true and Variable["TASK.ask_about_the_curse_subtask_done"] == false) == false |
736 | Inland Empire | Who cares about the dead body? We might be dealing with a *malignant entity* here! |
737 | Novelty Dicemaker |
738 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["TASK.find_the_witch"] == true and Variable["TASK.find_the_witch_done"] == false |
739 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["TASK.find_the_witch"] == true and Variable["TASK.find_the_witch_done"] == false) == false |
740 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant looks at his notebook, then the woman under the large window... |
741 | Novelty Dicemaker |
742 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsKimHere() |
743 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsKimHere()) == false |
744 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Your window looks directly onto the courtyard. You're saying you didn't see or hear *anything* unusual last Sunday evening?" |
745 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I'm sorry, detective, but -- as you know -- I usually have my headphones on when I'm working. It shuts out most of the daily ruckus behind my window." |
746 | You | "Seriously? You've got a great view of the courtyard and you didn't see or hear *anything* Sunday night?" |
747 | None |
748 | You | "Well, that settles that, then." |
749 | None |
750 | You | "What do you mean by the 'daily ruckus'?" |
751 | You | "And you never took your eyes off the work to look out of the window?" |
752 | You | "I see. Thank you for your answers." (Conclude.) |
753 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I might have," she admits, "but in this case all I would have seen is my own reflection staring back from the darkness." |
754 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It's really hard to make anything out in the yard when it's dark outside. Besides... I rarely get up to look out the window when I'm in the zone." |
755 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Well, there's always something going on in the Whirling's backyard..." She stops to try and come up with an example. |
756 | Novelty Dicemaker | "During daytime there are usually those kids... And lately I've been seeing a lot of drunk workers hanging about. Must be because of the strike." |
757 | None |
758 | None |
759 | Novelty Dicemaker | She looks up at the window... Pale light comes in. "But I never saw anyone during that fateful Sunday night, I'm afraid." |
760 | None |
761 | Novelty Dicemaker | She nods. |
762 | None |
763 | Novelty Dicemaker |
764 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_encyclo_snuff_milieu"] |
765 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_encyclo_snuff_milieu"]) == false |
766 | None |
767 | You | "It's a shame about those windows. I'm not even going to ask about that milieu..." |
768 | Novelty Dicemaker | "They seemed to believe they were historical individuals on some *grand* quest." |
769 | You | "From what I've seen so far the project *did* look quite impressive..." |
770 | You | "Really? They must have been on a gigantic ego trip." |
771 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Yes, but when the money started to run out they just began to complain a lot about capitalism. You know, how the markets are *rigged* to keep out new businesses, and so on." |
772 | None |
773 | Conceptualization | Indeed, what were the other ideas? |
774 | None |
775 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Oh, right!" She rubs her forehead; her scarf has left a faint line on her dusky skin. "I hope you didn't try to ring me." |
776 | None |
777 | Novelty Dicemaker | "My advice..." She raises her finger. "Don't base your business on a fad -- hypnotism, floriography, triktrak, especially *pinball*." |
778 | None |
779 | Novelty Dicemaker | "You could say so. Both houses were built at the same time and under the East Delta Commerce Centre project. That explains why you can call the Whirling from the intercom, albeit I doubt that anyone responds." |
780 | None |
781 | None |
782 | You | "I have a few more questions about the building." |
783 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Sure, I'm listening." |
784 | None |
785 | You | "Actually... the Slipstream SCA mystery might be a *recording*. I called again later and got exactly the same message." | Variable["doomed.doorbell_whitecheck_success"] == true and Variable["doomed.dicemaker_told_her_about_slipstream_anomaly"] == true |
786 | You | "You're right, I probably just got made fun of." |
787 | You | "It may have been some sort of... rare electrical anomaly." |
788 | Novelty Dicemaker | "The kids these days..." She shakes her head. "We were just one of them and now they're terrorizing us. No solidarity." |
789 | Novelty Dicemaker | "A prank is more likely, no? The kids these days..." She shakes her head. "We were just one of them and now they're terrorizing us. No solidarity." |
790 | None |
791 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I'm still convinced it was nothing more than some elaborate prank." |
792 | None |
793 | You | "I have more questions about the intercom." | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_doorbell_minihub_reached"] == true |
794 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I'm pretty sure it still doesn't work, but sure, what do you want to know?" |
795 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Oh, this one's a mess." She sighs. "There used to be a company that promised to repair windows 24 hours a day. What could go wrong with this one, right?" |
796 | Inland Empire | Time has come to face the Source. Fear not, for the forces of the universe are supporting you in this psychic quest. |
797 | Rhetoric | But it doesn't: this is merely a sarcastic response. |
798 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I think none of those doorbells work, including mine. I'm still in the middle of connecting the wires -- sorry about the confusion." |
799 | Novelty Dicemaker | "If you ever find a way to explain all those *inconsistencies* in the curse then let me know." She turns back to her work. |
800 | None |
801 | You | "East Delta Pinball -- is that now the Whirling?" | Variable["doomed.doorbell_clicked_pinball"] == true and Variable["auto.visited_pinball_room"] == true or Variable["auto.visited_pinball_workshop"] == true |
802 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Yes. I've heard it used to be a gaming arcade. This is an *ancient* failure -- before my time. I'm not surprised, however." |
803 | Novelty Dicemaker | "My advice..." She raises her finger. "Don't base your business on a fad -- hypnotism, floriography, triktrak, especially *pinball*." |
804 | Novelty Dicemaker |
805 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["TASK.find_out_if_whirling_part_of_doomed"] or Variable["TASK.find_out_if_whirling_part_of_doomed_done"] |
806 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["TASK.find_out_if_whirling_part_of_doomed"] or Variable["TASK.find_out_if_whirling_part_of_doomed_done"]) == false |
807 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Yes. I guess so. The arcade is an *ancient* failure -- before my time. I'm not surprised, however." |
808 | Novelty Dicemaker |
809 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["TASK.doomed_investigation"] and Variable["TASK.doomed_investigation_done"] == false |
810 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["TASK.doomed_investigation"] and Variable["TASK.doomed_investigation_done"] == false) == false |
811 | Novelty Dicemaker | "We're inside the chimney of an old central furnace. It's strange, I know." She looks at the ruddy bricks that make up the walls -- even though they've been repainted there are still signs of coal-black soot here and there. |
812 | Novelty Dicemaker |
813 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsKimHere() |
814 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsKimHere()) == false |
815 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Creative." The lieutenant looks around the spacious room, its ceiling fading into shadows above. |
816 | None |
817 | None |
818 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Turns out the business was actually set up as a front for an illicit group that was producing *snuff milieus* -- who would have guessed..." |
819 | Novelty Dicemaker | "And they never cleaned up the debris either. Now it's just littering the hallway and I have no idea how to get rid of it on my own." |
820 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Yeah, don't." She looks down, then up again. |
821 | Drama | Nothing changes in her tone as she says that -- as if it's just another piece of information to lay out for the world. |
822 | Electrochemistry | What does she mean -- to *get off* on it? |
823 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Good luck with that. It's not easy catching those perpetrators." Then she lets the thought go. |
824 | None |
825 | Novelty Dicemaker | "People do that," she nods. "I believe the ICP got them. They have a special division that deals exclusively with sub rosas." |
826 | Novelty Dicemaker | "In any case, I don't think it's your job to worry about what happens on milieus. I probably shouldn't have even mentioned it -- things like that are better forgotten." |
827 | None |
828 | Novelty Dicemaker |
829 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsKimHere() |
830 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsKimHere()) == false |
831 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Men like that are a curse." The lieutenant is stern. |
832 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Sure. But Slipstream is history now. All their remaining assets got seized by the bailiffs in '47." |
833 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I have no idea why those skis and blades are still lying around in the house... Not much use now, I guess." |
834 | Novelty Dicemaker | "The usual, I imagine -- that he's been thinking up all kinds of new business plans and can't *wait* to get *started* on them just as soon as he returns..." She laughs and turns around in her chair. |
835 | You | (Look at your feet.) "Unhonourable..." | IsTHCFixed("honour") |
836 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Maybe." She doesn't really seem to care that much about honour. "But Slipsteam's history now. All their remaining assets got seized by the bailiffs in '47." |
837 | Drama | She sounds almost mocking when she says that. |
838 | Novelty Dicemaker | "That's what I thought. Because when the money started to run out they just began to complain a lot about capitalism. You know, how the markets are rigged to keep out new businesses, and so on." |
839 | Authority | She's right, showing up to work on time is important. |
840 | Electrochemistry | Showing up to work on time is *hard* -- no, scratch that, showing up to work *at all* is difficult (especially if you've been drinking). |
841 | Novelty Dicemaker | "The place was owned by two guys who had some rather *innovative* ideas about marketing. The bear was one of them. Now, ask me about their *other* ideas." |
842 | Suggestion | Sounds like she really didn't like those girls. |
843 | Rhetoric | Sounds like she really doesn't know how to be a female ally! |
844 | Novelty Dicemaker |
845 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsTHCPresent("radical_feminist_agenda") |
846 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsTHCPresent("radical_feminist_agenda")) == false |
847 | None |
848 | Reaction Speed | Frittte does the same thing. |
849 | Novelty Dicemaker |
850 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["gates.fritte_main_hub_reached"] |
851 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["gates.fritte_main_hub_reached"]) == false |
852 | You | "You should learn how to *support* other women, not bring them down." | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_rhetoric_female_ally"] |
853 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I'm not talking just about *women*. There were also *men* -- miniature gorilla-like *boyfriends* loitering near the ice cream stand." |
854 | Novelty Dicemaker | "And they already had *the bear*..." She closes her eyes as if remembering something painful. |
855 | You | "What about the bear?" |
856 | You | "It didn't work out?" |
857 | Novelty Dicemaker | "*The bear*..." she repeats, pressing thumbs into her temples, like trying to suppress a headache. |
858 | Novelty Dicemaker | "As if they didn't already have *the bear*..." She closes her eyes as if remembering something painful. |
859 | You | (Nod solemnly.) "It's the market doing its job." |
860 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Maybe. Because the taxidermist who made the bear definitely wasn't. Doing his job, I mean." |
861 | Novelty Dicemaker |
862 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsNighttime() |
863 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsNighttime()) == false |
864 | Novelty Dicemaker |
865 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsAfternoon() |
866 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsAfternoon()) == false |
867 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Anyway, now you know the story of the fallen ice cream empire." She seems almost sad, finishing the story. |
868 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Anyway, now you know the story of the fallen ice cream empire." She seems almost sad, finishing the story. Some dust beams swirl in the morning light. Her eyes follow it idly. |
869 | Inland Empire | No, it was something else... It was *eerie*. |
870 | Drama | It was too real to be just a prank. Either we're dealing with a professional actress, or... |
871 | Composure | Whatever happened, keep your cool. It's probably better to admit that it was a harmless prank. |
872 | None |
873 | You | "No, it was something else -- something *eerie*..." (Narrow your eyes.) |
874 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Pranks can be eerie." She looks as if she's still convinced it's nothing to be worried about. |
875 | You | "The zipper... it's stuck!" |
876 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Oh no, not the *zipper*." She rolls over to the other end of her table with her chair, looking for something to grab from the tool box. |
877 | Novelty Dicemaker |
878 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsKimHere() |
879 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsKimHere()) == false |
880 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Miss, I apologize for my colleague's behaviour. He's still recovering from an *unusual* medical episode..." |
881 | Rhetoric | That doesn't really excuse it, does it. |
882 | Novelty Dicemaker |
883 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsKimHere() |
884 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsKimHere()) == false |
885 | Kim Kitsuragi | "My money's on *electrical anomaly*. I've heard of these. Especially in an old building like this..." He looks around. |
886 | Novelty Dicemaker | "The Wirrâl Untethered die is a variation of a standard role-playing die, only instead of plants it uses motifs of ice and death. And loss, of course." |
887 | Reaction Speed | You know... this is something the Cafeteria Manager might want to know. |
888 | Novelty Dicemaker |
889 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsKimHere() |
890 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsKimHere()) == false |
891 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Agreed," the lieutenant chips in, "pinball is the worst." |
892 | Novelty Dicemaker | "My advice..." She raises her finger. "Don't base your business on a fad -- hypnotism, floriography, triktrak, especially *pinball*..." |
893 | None |
894 | You | "This means the Whirling is part of the *Doomed Commercial Area*. Garte is gonna *love* this..." |
895 | You | Keep it to yourself. |
896 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I don't know this Garte -- but something tells me he won't." |
897 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Anything else I can help you with?" |
898 | None |
899 | Physical Instrument | As she speaks her bone-like fingers fiddle with a ring. Her bones light, but her hands strong. |
900 | Suggestion | This person means you -- or no one else -- absolutely no harm. She will answer freely and honestly. |
901 | Drama | No falsehoods are present. She's a novelty dicemaker and doesn't have anything to hide. Ask what you need. |
902 | Logic | Loving it. So nifty. |
903 | Drama | She's heard of the murder, but did not see it, sire. |
904 | Empathy | She's not sorry to disappoint you. Informing on someone in a murder investigation would intrude upon her focused existence. |
905 | Visual Calculus | It's light here -- but dark in the yard at night. |
906 | Perception (Sight) | This person values focus above all -- she keeps her sharp sight on the instruments before her. |
907 | You | "Do you often work Sunday nights?" |
908 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It's an odd profession -- making dice for people -- but I like it. And I *prefer* doing this to sitting at home." |
909 | Reaction Speed | When she arrived here, there was no room anywhere else... She must've known the other businesses. |
910 | Logic | Oh, quite a lot of them spring to mind. |
911 | Shivers | Rats scuttle in the dark rooms, under the abandoned blow driers and dusty mannequins, cobwebs cover rotors and radiocomputers alike... so much failure. |
912 | Electrochemistry | You should've known it! |
913 | Logic | It's not really full of that. No one would store their drugs like that. |
914 | None |
915 | None |
916 | None |
917 | None |
918 | Empathy | Poor guy... suddenly you get a feeling that insects are important to the case somehow. It's hard to say why. |
919 | Perception (Sight) | As she shifts around, you notice several dead flies on the windowsill in front of her. Legs up, they're not moving. |
920 | Interfacing | Maybe you could make a sword out of one... No, wait, forget it. It would take too long. |
921 | Logic | They were just props. Why return to them? |
922 | Empathy | She liked them. |
923 | Conceptualization | That's understandable. Fantasies are serious things. The mind is the drawing board of history. |
924 | Empathy | Something strains her face, before she looks up again: |
925 | Perception (Sight) | The result is 1. On a 20-sided die. |
926 | Inland Empire | The dice is black and filled with little silvery flakes, like snowfall. |
927 | Conceptualization | Sounds cool. |
928 | Half Light | Scary... but *cool*. |
929 | Shivers | The temperature has dropped in the cover of the night; you see frost on the windows. |
930 | Perception (Sight) | Little sparkling embers under the window... |
931 | Shivers | Outside it's light. Light scatters from the low hanging cloud cover. There's always the threat of snow. |
932 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Anything else? Another failed business perhaps? I've been here for a long time..." |
933 | None |
934 | Empathy | His disdain for pinball could not be clearer. |
935 | Inland Empire | If the Whirling is part of the same building then it's part of the Doomed Commercial Area. The darkness of this place is there too... |
936 | None |
937 | Drama | That's all she has to say on the subject. She *has* been thorough -- and truthful -- as far as we can see. |
938 | Inland Empire | Plaisance needs to hear about this. Perhaps if you combine your *psychic energies* you'll make sense of the situation. |
939 | Suggestion | Plaisance is not going to like what you have to tell her. |
940 | Drama | That's all she has to say on the subject. She's been thorough and truthful as far as we can see. |
941 | Novelty Dicemaker |
942 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["doomed.dicemaker_shivers_failed_once"] |
943 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["doomed.dicemaker_shivers_failed_once"]) == false |
944 | Shivers | Aside from getting naked, you're not sure what else to do. The building holds no more answers for you. |
945 | None |
946 | Interfacing | A tool to get the zipper open? |
947 | Shivers | No. The old coal plant that used to be here was subsumed into the new venture, its ruins swallowed up -- yet it has a different address in the heart of the city. |
948 | Novelty Dicemaker |
949 | Novelty Dicemaker | IsHourBetween(21,4) |
950 | Novelty Dicemaker | (IsHourBetween(21,4)) == false |
951 | Reaction Speed | The bookstore closes starting 21.00. You'll have to do that tomorrow. |
952 | You | "How did you become a dicemaker?" |
953 | Novelty Dicemaker | "How did I *become* one? It was a business decision. I was a regular jeweller at first, but that's an unfocused field -- with too much competition." |
954 | None |
955 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Some of my friends were role-players. They asked me to make some polyhedral dice out of cobalt. That was my first order. I grew it from there." |
956 | You | "Do you like role-playing games yourself?" |
957 | You | "Understood." |
958 | Novelty Dicemaker | "Not especially. I like working with rare materials and a steady pay. And role-players as customers -- they're nice people." |
959 | Empathy | She's thankful for the security they provide her. |
960 | Rhetoric | Some of those nice people have big bucks to spend on novelty items. |
961 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I've grown crafty over the years. You'll like your dice, if you get them from me. Be sure of it." |
962 | Novelty Dicemaker |
963 | Novelty Dicemaker | Variable["TASK.pick_up_your_die"] |
964 | Novelty Dicemaker | (Variable["TASK.pick_up_your_die"]) == false |
965 | Novelty Dicemaker | "I've grown crafty over the years. You'll like your dice, I'm sure of it." |
966 | Half Light | She doesn't let it show, but there's anger in there -- she doesn't like jewellers. Thinks they're a mob. |
967 | Novelty Dicemaker | It feels icy. Just holding this die in your hand sends a jolt of cold down your spine. Through the dark resin, you can make out a nugget of bone hewn from an alligator's jaw. |
968 | You | Look at it. |
969 | None |
970 | You | Look at them. |
971 | Novelty Dicemaker | Dazzling! It's like you have a pair of tiny disco balls in your hand. |
972 | You | Look at it. |
973 | Novelty Dicemaker | It's a handsome red die with a mix of plant symbols diligently engraved on its faces. |
974 | None |
975 | You | Look at it. |
976 | None |
977 | Novelty Dicemaker | There appears to be a small fly embedded within. It's like looking into a lost little world... |
978 | Novelty Dicemaker | "That's why people like role-playing games. You can be whoever you want to be. You can try again. Still, there's something inherently violent even about dice rolls." |
979 | Novelty Dicemaker | "It's like every time you cast a die, something disappears. Some alternative ending, or an entirely different world..." She picks up a pair of dice from the table and examines them under the light. |
980 | Electrochemistry | Why is *everyone* doing drugs in this place -- even the *taxidermist*?! |
981 | Novelty Dicemaker | She sighs. "I guess the least I can do is check up on Soona, see how she's doing." |
982 | You | Say nothing. |