Conversation 1247: WHIRLING F3 / BARRED DOOR

This is the door on the roof. Phys Inst white get in

How to use this page:

This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.

Column definitions:
  • ID: a numerical index for the entry within this conversation.
  • Character: the character speaking or acting.
  • Dialogue: prose containing spoken dialogue and other description.
  • Conditions: logical checks governing this entry appearing or occurring.
  • Links: entries that might follow this one, depending on conditions and player choice. Most links are internal to this conversation, external links to other conversations are marked with the format (conversation ID, entry ID).
ID Character Dialogue Conditions Links
0 None
  • 1
1 None
  • 109
2 Barred Door This is a small, heavy door. There is no lock in sight.
  • 3
3 None
  • 4
  • 14
  • 5
  • 6
4 You Push.
  • 7
5 You Kick the door in.
  • 36
6 You [Leave.]
7 Barred Door It's barred from the inside. You hear the bar rattle in the brackets.
  • 8
8 Perception (Hearing) Sounds like it's heavy too. Very sturdy.
  • 105
9 Barred Door
  • 10
  • 11
10 Barred Door Variable["whirling.steel_door_unlocked"]
  • 30
11 Barred Door (Variable["whirling.steel_door_unlocked"]) == false
  • 12
12 Kim Kitsuragi "I don't know." He makes a note in his notebook.
  • 16
13 Kim Kitsuragi "To the workshop behind the wall." He points somewhere within. "This must be the barred door we saw -- we *could* return and open it from the inside." He looks at the door with suspicion.
  • 34
14 You "Where does this lead to?" IsKimHere()
  • 9
15 Kim Kitsuragi "It is not the first closed door we've found in this building -- there is also your mysterious blue kitchen door."
  • 19
16 Barred Door
  • 17
  • 18
17 Barred Door Variable["TASK.investigate_mysterious_door"]
  • 15
18 Barred Door (Variable["TASK.investigate_mysterious_door"]) == false
  • 155
19 You "Do you think it's important?"
  • 156
20 Kim Kitsuragi "The further we get, the more this building seems to be tied to the case..."
  • 21
21 Shivers Below, the hostel-cafeteria creaks and groans under your added weight -- a skeleton of composite support beams and cantilevers.
  • 26
22 You Tap on the roof with your foot.
  • 24
23 You Shake it off.
  • 168
24 Shivers A dull thump. Somewhere inside a wind brace rattles from the imperceptible motion of the building.
  • 168
25 Kim Kitsuragi "The vigilantes, the cadaver, and..." He nods toward the young woman. "A number of people connected to the case are *in* or around this building. This door is part of it. It's not *unimportant*."
  • 148
26 Barred Door
  • 27
  • 28
27 Barred Door Variable["whirling.barreddoor_shivers_creeking"]
  • 22
  • 23
28 Barred Door (Variable["whirling.barreddoor_shivers_creeking"]) == false
  • 168
29 None
  • 3
30 Barred Door
  • 31
  • 32
31 Barred Door Variable["whirling.elevator_taken_up"]
  • 13
32 Barred Door (Variable["whirling.elevator_taken_up"]) == false
  • 33
33 Kim Kitsuragi "It must be connected to the room we found behind the kitchen door. Maybe we should go back and take that elevator up..." He looks at the door with suspicion.
  • 34
34 None
  • 3
35 None
  • 3
36 Barred Door
  • 37
  • 38
37 Barred Door Variable["whirling.barreddoor_physinst_kick_in_success"]
  • 160
38 Barred Door (Variable["whirling.barreddoor_physinst_kick_in_success"]) == false
  • 122
39 Physical Instrument Something cracks inside.
  • 177
40 Physical Instrument You kick it -- gung ho-style, *entering the premises*-style -- but the door fails to respect the force. All you hear is the bar rattling inside, laughing at you.
  • 41
41 Barred Door
  • 42
  • 43
42 Barred Door Variable["whirling.barreddoor_physinst_kicked_once"]
  • 45
43 Barred Door (Variable["whirling.barreddoor_physinst_kicked_once"]) == false
  • 44
44 Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer) "All right," the woman nods approvingly: "Let's trash the place."
  • 46
45 Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer) The woman takes a drag of her ziggie and nods: "Demolish the place."
  • 51
46 Barred Door
  • 47
  • 48
47 Barred Door IsKimHere()
  • 49
48 Barred Door (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 71
49 Kim Kitsuragi "Let's not."
  • 71
50 None
  • 3
51 Barred Door
  • 52
  • 53
52 Barred Door IsKimHere()
  • 54
53 Barred Door (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 131
54 Kim Kitsuragi "I don't see how this is going to give new results." He measures the door, stoically. "There must be another way in there."
  • 131
55 Inland Empire Below... in the Union box... was there something behind the window? In the hawthorn branches, brushing against the glass.
  • 56
56 Barred Door
  • 57
  • 58
57 Barred Door Variable["whirling.barreddoor_inland_go_downstairs"]
  • 59
  • 60
58 Barred Door (Variable["whirling.barreddoor_inland_go_downstairs"]) == false
  • 178
59 You What?
  • 62
60 You Ignore the feeling.
  • 61
61 Inland Empire You are a numb, imprecise instrument to ignore this feeling...
  • 64
62 Inland Empire No one knows. It is a fleeting feeling.
  • 63
63 Perception (Sight) It could be that your eyesight is still too poor to notice it... behind that window.
  • 64
64 None
  • 3
65 You "How?"
  • 66
66 Barred Door
  • 67
  • 68
67 Barred Door Variable["TASK.investigate_mysterious_door"]
  • 69
68 Barred Door (Variable["TASK.investigate_mysterious_door"]) == false
  • 70
69 Kim Kitsuragi "Through the kitchen door, perhaps? Let's explore, rather than destroy."
  • 72
70 Kim Kitsuragi "We should search downstairs. There are things about this building we don't know yet."
  • 72
71 Half Light Your foot is ready to explode and punish this *object*!
  • 73
72 Perception (Sight) It could be that your eyesight is still too poor to notice it... behind that window.
  • 64
73 Barred Door
  • 74
  • 75
74 Barred Door Variable["whirling.barreddoor_halflight_kick_it"]
  • 76
  • 77
75 Barred Door (Variable["whirling.barreddoor_halflight_kick_it"]) == false
  • 50
76 You "*Disrespecting* the force?!?!" (Kick the door.)
  • 79
77 You Swallow the rage.
  • 83
78 Barred Door The door receives a thorough disciplining.
  • 85
79 Barred Door
  • 80
  • 81
80 Barred Door IsTHCPresent("the_destroyer")
  • 78
81 Barred Door (IsTHCPresent("the_destroyer")) == false
  • 86
82 Barred Door The door receives a thorough disciplining -- at the cost of your foot. Your foot hurts. A lot.
  • 84
83 Barred Door The sturdy wood door has lost *all* respect for you.
  • 50
84 None
  • 3
85 Electrochemistry Its pain and grovelling is much to your liking.
  • 136
86 Pain Threshold This kind of stuff would hurt -- if not for you not caring about little things like that.
  • 87
87 Barred Door
  • 88
  • 89
88 Barred Door Variable["whirling.barreddoor_pain_resist_footkick"]
  • 90
89 Barred Door (Variable["whirling.barreddoor_pain_resist_footkick"]) == false
  • 82
90 Barred Door The door receives a thorough disciplining -- and it doesn't even hurt!
  • 136
91 Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer) "Suck on that, door."
  • 84
92 Electrochemistry Filling you with a *belief* in your own body.
  • 93
93 Barred Door
  • 94
  • 95
94 Barred Door IsKimHere()
  • 96
95 Barred Door (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 117
96 Kim Kitsuragi "Sounds like the property damage wasn't in vain, at least. Would it hurt to look in?"
  • 99
  • 100
  • 101
97 Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer) "I think the brackets broke inside. I've always wanted to know what's in there..."
  • 98
98 Empathy She sounds genuinely curious.
  • 101
99 You "I thought it was an Ace's High moment, Kim." IsTHCPresent("aces_high")
  • 102
100 You "I thought it was an Ace's Low moment, Kim." IsTHCPresent("aces_low")
  • 102
101 You "Let's see." [Leave.]
102 Kim Kitsuragi "I don't know about that..." The lieutenant smiles an uncomfortable smile.
  • 103
103 Empathy It totally was.
  • 101
104 Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer) "Nice." The young woman nods.
  • 92
105 Barred Door
  • 106
  • 107
106 Barred Door Variable["whirling.barreddoor_hearing_heavy"]
  • 108
107 Barred Door (Variable["whirling.barreddoor_hearing_heavy"]) == false
  • 35
108 Logic Must be something valuable inside to go through the trouble of protecting it -- the door is very sturdy indeed.
  • 35
109 Barred Door
  • 110
  • 111
110 Barred Door Variable["whirling.barreddoor_inside_main_hub_reached"] == true
  • 112
111 Barred Door (Variable["whirling.barreddoor_inside_main_hub_reached"] == true) == false
  • 2
112 Barred Door This is the door to the pinball workshop that you left barred on the inside.
  • 3
113 Barred Door
  • 114
  • 115
114 Barred Door Variable["TASK.arrest_klaasje_done"] or Variable["TASK.enter_cavern_done"] or IsHourBetween(7,22) == false
  • 116
115 Barred Door (Variable["TASK.arrest_klaasje_done"] or Variable["TASK.enter_cavern_done"] or IsHourBetween(7,22) == false) == false
  • 39
116 Physical Instrument Something cracks inside.
  • 176
117 Barred Door
  • 118
  • 119
118 Barred Door Variable["TASK.arrest_klaasje_done"] or Variable["TASK.enter_cavern_done"] or IsHourBetween(7,22) == false
  • 120
119 Barred Door (Variable["TASK.arrest_klaasje_done"] or Variable["TASK.enter_cavern_done"] or IsHourBetween(7,22) == false) == false
  • 97
120 Visual Calculus It seems like the brackets broke inside.
  • 121
121 You Let's get in there. [Leave.]
122 Barred Door
  • 123
  • 124
123 Barred Door Variable["TASK.arrest_klaasje_done"] or Variable["TASK.enter_cavern_done"] or IsHourBetween(7,22) == false
  • 125
124 Barred Door (Variable["TASK.arrest_klaasje_done"] or Variable["TASK.enter_cavern_done"] or IsHourBetween(7,22) == false) == false
  • 40
125 Physical Instrument You kick it -- gung ho style, *entering the premises* style -- but the door fails to respect the force. All you hear is the bar rattling inside, laughing at you.
  • 127
126 You "Fucking piece of shit!"
  • 135
127 Barred Door
  • 128
  • 129
128 Barred Door IsKimHere()
  • 172
129 Barred Door (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 126
  • 134
130 Kim Kitsuragi "The door has withstood your *demolishing* attempts." He measures the door, stoically. "There must be another way in."
  • 131
131 Barred Door
  • 132
  • 133
132 Barred Door CheckItem("key_workshop_spare")
  • 140
133 Barred Door (CheckItem("key_workshop_spare")) == false
  • 55
134 You "Ow."
  • 135
135 Physical Instrument The door is oblivious to your distress.
  • 71
136 Barred Door
  • 137
  • 138
137 Barred Door Variable["TASK.arrest_klaasje_done"] or Variable["TASK.enter_cavern_done"] or IsHourBetween(7,22) == false
  • 84
138 Barred Door (Variable["TASK.arrest_klaasje_done"] or Variable["TASK.enter_cavern_done"] or IsHourBetween(7,22) == false) == false
  • 91
139 Logic The key... to the kitchen door. From behind the window. Use it on the door.
  • 64
140 Barred Door
  • 141
  • 142
141 Barred Door Variable["auto.visited_pinball_workshop"]
  • 181
142 Barred Door (Variable["auto.visited_pinball_workshop"]) == false
  • 139
143 Kim Kitsuragi "It's the barred door we saw." He looks at the door with suspicion. "I don't know why we didn't open it from the inside -- we *should*."
  • 64
144 You "So maybe the door below *is* a *mega*-investigation." Variable["whirling.steel_door_mega_investigation"] == true
  • 147
145 You "See? The main investigation and the door below are merging into a *stereo*-investigation." Variable["whirling.steel_door_stereo_investigation"] == true
  • 146
146 Kim Kitsuragi "I hate it when that happens."
  • 154
147 Kim Kitsuragi "No -- still a mini-investigation." He pretends to make a note in his notebook.
  • 154
148 Barred Door
  • 149
  • 150
149 Barred Door Variable["whirling.steel_door_stereo_investigation"] or Variable["whirling.steel_door_mega_investigation"]
  • 144
  • 145
  • 151
150 Barred Door (Variable["whirling.steel_door_stereo_investigation"] or Variable["whirling.steel_door_mega_investigation"]) == false
  • 29
151 You "I could say something, but I'm not going to, because I don't gloat."
  • 152
152 Kim Kitsuragi He doesn't say anything.
  • 153
153 Rhetoric You should have gloated.
  • 154
154 None
  • 3
155 Kim Kitsuragi "We should search downstairs, in the kitchen -- just in case. Maybe there's a door that leads up, that we don't know of."
  • 19
156 Barred Door
  • 157
  • 158
157 Barred Door Variable["TASK.investigate_mysterious_door"] and Variable["TASK.investigate_mysterious_door_done"] == false
  • 159
158 Barred Door (Variable["TASK.investigate_mysterious_door"] and Variable["TASK.investigate_mysterious_door_done"] == false) == false
  • 20
159 Kim Kitsuragi "I don't know. The further we get, the more this building seems to be tied to the case..."
  • 21
160 Barred Door
  • 161
  • 162
161 Barred Door Variable["TASK.enter_the_mysterious_door_done"]
  • 165
162 Barred Door (Variable["TASK.enter_the_mysterious_door_done"]) == false
  • 113
163 Physical Instrument Something cracks inside. It is an unbelievably satisfying sound.
  • 104
164 Physical Instrument Something cracks inside. It is an unbelievably satisfying sound.
  • 92
165 Barred Door
  • 166
  • 167
166 Barred Door Variable["TASK.arrest_klaasje_done"] or Variable["TASK.enter_cavern_done"]
  • 164
167 Barred Door (Variable["TASK.arrest_klaasje_done"] or Variable["TASK.enter_cavern_done"]) == false
  • 163
168 Barred Door
  • 169
  • 170
169 Barred Door Variable["TASK.arrest_klaasje_done"] or Variable["TASK.enter_cavern_done"]
  • 171
170 Barred Door (Variable["TASK.arrest_klaasje_done"] or Variable["TASK.enter_cavern_done"]) == false
  • 25
171 Kim Kitsuragi "The vigilantes, the cadaver, and..." He nods to where they young woman once stood. "A number of people connected to the case are *in* or around this building. This door is part of it. It's not *unimportant*."
  • 148
172 Barred Door
  • 173
  • 174
173 Barred Door Variable["whirling.barreddoor_physinst_kicked_once"]
  • 175
174 Barred Door (Variable["whirling.barreddoor_physinst_kicked_once"]) == false
  • 130
175 Kim Kitsuragi "I don't see how this is going to give new results." He measures the door, stoically. "There must be another way in there."
  • 131
176 Physical Instrument It is an unbelievably satisfying sound.
  • 92
177 Physical Instrument It is an unbelievably satisfying sound.
  • 104
178 Barred Door
  • 179
  • 180
179 Barred Door IsKimHere()
  • 65
180 Barred Door (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 64
181 Barred Door
  • 182
  • 183
182 Barred Door IsKimHere()
  • 143
183 Barred Door (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 64