Conversation 703: YARD / HANGED MAN BULLET

This is the final phase of the hanged man: 1. White check to find bullet 2. Failure to find fridge 3. Bagging him and taking it away

How to use this page:

This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.

Column definitions:
  • ID: a numerical index for the entry within this conversation.
  • Character: the character speaking or acting.
  • Dialogue: prose containing spoken dialogue and other description.
  • Conditions: logical checks governing this entry appearing or occurring.
  • Links: entries that might follow this one, depending on conditions and player choice. Most links are internal to this conversation, external links to other conversations are marked with the format (conversation ID, entry ID).
ID Character Dialogue Conditions Links
0 None
  • 1
1 None
  • 12
  • 460
2 None
  • 46
3 The Hanged Man A black trickle of liquid runs into his throat from the wound...
  • 5
4 None
  • 95
5 You Put your finger in.
  • 50
6 Interfacing You push your hand further in. Whatever is in there keeps rolling between your fingers as you beckon it to come out.
  • 93
  • 94
  • 10
7 Cunoesse "The fuck is happening?!"
  • 8
8 Cuno "Oh shit, C..."
  • 136
9 You Push deeper.
  • 16
10 You "I can't get it..."
  • 96
11 You Feel around first.
  • 15
12 The Hanged Man
  • 13
  • 14
13 The Hanged Man Variable["yard.hanged_perception_white_oval_wound"]
  • 19
14 The Hanged Man (Variable["yard.hanged_perception_white_oval_wound"]) == false
  • 350
15 The Hanged Man The basal ganglia feels clumpy -- what entered here has torn apart his reptilian complex.
  • 164
16 The Hanged Man Your fingers slide into the remains of his limbic system. There is no resistance. It's gelatinous. The slug-like structures are damaged too, the tearing extends deep into both hemispheres.
  • 374
17 Perception You run your hands over the victim's cold body: his limbs, his torso with its swollen organs... maybe you should be more *thorough*?
  • 303
18 You "There's a cavity... cut right between the hemispheres."
  • 28
19 Perception Your arm reaches out and your eyes close, as if by their own volition. It's dark all around. You feel cold, slippery flesh -- first with your fingertips, then under the palm of your hand.
  • 157
20 You Push deeper.
  • 34
21 None
  • 95
22 The Hanged Man
  • 23
  • 24
23 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 20
24 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 25
25 Cuno "Fuckin' *CAVITY* C..." Cuno's voice is hushed.
  • 40
26 Cuno Cuno is silent.
  • 4
27 You What is this?
  • 29
28 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant answers with the sound of his pen on paper.
  • 22
29 The Hanged Man His face. His cheeks, his nose, his fat swollen lips. Like a spider, your hand crawls over his features. Everything is silent.
  • 264
30 You Say: "Abrasion collar." Variable["yard.hanged_viscal_abrasion_collar"]
  • 76
31 Interfacing You're not far, it'll come to you, keep crawling...
  • 32
32 None
  • 44
  • 41
  • 162
33 You No, this is too much. (Pull your hand out.)
  • 114
34 The Hanged Man Your fingers are all the way in now, reaching toward the inside of his skull. The cavity goes further, but the entry wound isn't wide enough for the rest of your hand to follow...
  • 38
35 The Hanged Man
  • 36
  • 37
36 The Hanged Man Variable["yard.hanged_interfacing_pulled_out_bullet"]
  • 69
37 The Hanged Man (Variable["yard.hanged_interfacing_pulled_out_bullet"]) == false
  • 6
38 Physical Instrument All the muscles in your body harden. Time to *enter* him.
  • 42
  • 39
39 You Wriggle in...
  • 43
40 Empathy Quivering with awe.
  • 20
41 You Put your fingers in his mouth.
  • 48
42 You Punch a hole through his mouth. Variable["yard.hanged_physinst_punch_hole"]
  • 51
43 The Hanged Man Your fingers reach toward his skull. His cerebral cortex feels like jelly -- cold jelly -- strange fluid streams down your wrist as you push deeper. Until you feel it, on the tip of your finger...
  • 45
44 You Crawl up his nostrils.
  • 54
45 Perception Sharp, serrated material. The edges cut right into your skin.
  • 49
46 None
  • 47
  • 55
  • 53
  • 33
47 You "I feel a solid object, right under the skull."
  • 58
48 The Hanged Man The oral cavity is cold and moist. A ball-like tongue attaches itself to the base of the mouth, lolling around like a scallop...
  • 373
49 Pain Threshold The pain is barely noticeable under the adrenaline rush.
  • 390
50 The Hanged Man Your index fits right in there. A tight tunnel of flesh opens up -- tissue damage -- wide enough for two fingers. As you push both in, you reach through his mouth, right into his brain stem.
  • 133
51 The Hanged Man The cartilage gives in with a crack, like some fruit. Just like that your hand is in his head. Strange fluid streams down your wrist -- and then you feel it, with the tip of your finger...
  • 45
52 Perception see a hole, barely visible to the human eye. It is swollen shut, almost vanished, no larger than 0.4 cm in radius. The edges appear darkened.
  • 56
53 You Fish it out.
  • 35
54 The Hanged Man They are swollen shut -- you need to really *push* to get in.
  • 63
  • 57
55 You Inspect the skull first.
  • 60
56 Visual Calculus An *abrasion collar*! THIS is what we're after.
  • 30
  • 86
  • 95
57 You Touch something else.
  • 74
58 Kim Kitsuragi "Can you... can you get to it?" He searches his pockets for something.
  • 2
59 Cuno Cuno nods too. He takes a step closer.
  • 4
60 The Hanged Man There's a tiny crack, a protrusion in the cranium, right in the back of his head. Your finger must be pointing straight at it. From the *inside*.
  • 165
61 Kim Kitsuragi "We have the makings of a... very small exit wound here." The lieutenant leans closer.
  • 137
62 Cunoesse "Forget about the *fucking exit wound*, bino! THE PIG IS WEARING HIM LIKE A FUCK PUPPET!"
  • 64
63 You Push your fingers in his nose.
  • 81
64 Suggestion Her voice is absolutely sizzling with excitement.
  • 2
65 Perception The thing you're looking for -- it's not there. Crawl out, spider...
  • 322
66 You No. Touch something else.
  • 67
67 None
  • 31
68 You Open your eyes and look.
  • 72
69 Interfacing You pick the object between your index and middle finger. It feels sharp, like metal. With your face twisting from pain and concentration, all you need to do is just...
  • 75
  • 73
70 You Drop it in.
  • 90
71 Kim Kitsuragi "Mhm," he agrees. "Keep going."
  • 87
72 The Hanged Man A vision of black and dark red death, pried open by your naked hands and studded with teeth. Looks like he's laughing, death fumes rising from the throat. And there, in the back of his mouth, above the bell of the uvula, right in the soft palate...
  • 52
73 You Slowly pull your fingers out...
  • 170
74 None
  • 31
75 You Whisper: "I got it."
  • 140
76 Kim Kitsuragi "I see it..." The lieutenant looks in. There's a pen in his hand. His notebook is open at the red pages.
  • 97
77 Cuno "My pig's fucking *got* it!"
  • 79
78 You Play with it -- this feels right.
  • 83
79 Authority He's watching his old man get the big prize at the claw game.
  • 80
80 Cunoesse "What?! WHAT is it?"
  • 73
81 The Hanged Man Only the little one fits. The flesh changes shape as you bore in, searching for something in the cartilage.
  • 101
82 None
  • 32
83 The Hanged Man The tongue moves freely in the cavity. The mucous of the mouth is slippery, delicate to touch. From the soft meat -- teeth are budding; hard pearls of bone in the gums. And in the back of the mouth...
  • 92
84 Kim Kitsuragi "A bullet..." The lieutenant puts a small bag marked *evidence* under it.
  • 70
85 The Hanged Man With a *plop*, your hand emerges from the mouth, covered in blood up to the wrist. Between your fingers -- a small flower, a blossom made of lead!
  • 144
86 You Say: "Fuck yeah."
  • 71
87 The Hanged Man
  • 88
  • 89
88 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 4
89 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 59
90 Kim Kitsuragi The bullet falls in the bag leaving a smattering of blood on the plastic. He raises the bag under his eyes and says:
  • 118
91 Kim Kitsuragi "Of course. You've *earned* it." The lieutenant drops the bag in your bloody hand. It feels light.
  • 122
92 Perception Can you feel it? You're so close! Rip his jaws open now, look in...
  • 68
93 You "Fucking shit."
  • 96
94 You "A little help, lieutenant?"
  • 96
95 You Touch it with your finger, gently. (Proceed.)
  • 3
96 Kim Kitsuragi Out comes his small folding knife -- the lieutenant moves its blade across the man's skull, searching for the exit wound...
  • 105
97 The Hanged Man
  • 98
  • 99
98 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 4
99 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 26
100 Cuno "The fuck is he doing?" You hear a voice squeak. It sounds very far away.
  • 65
101 The Hanged Man
  • 102
  • 103
102 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 65
103 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 100
104 Kim Kitsuragi "Mhm. Withdraw your hand 4 centimetres please."
  • 150
105 You "There." (Nod toward the protrusion.)
  • 104
106 Cuno "Oh yeah..."
  • 107
107 You Pull your fingers back and nod.
  • 108
108 Kim Kitsuragi With a *crack* he punches the knife in the skull. Then one more time -- and one more -- until the bone comes loose like eggshell. Inside you feel the jelly move from his poking. The object is still under your finger.
  • 109
109 Kim Kitsuragi "Can you push it out?"
  • 110
110 You Push.
  • 111
111 The Hanged Man A small flower of metal blossoms from the man's head, followed by your finger.
  • 154
112 Kim Kitsuragi "A bullet." The lieutenant picks it up between his fingers. "Unknown calibre. Rifled... you may remove your hand from the victim's head now, officer -- well done."
  • 113
113 Kim Kitsuragi "Here's your prize." He drops the bullet in an evidence bag and puts it in your hand -- your other hand, the one *not* covered in blood and cerebral cortex.
  • 122
114 Kim Kitsuragi "Wait, detective!" Just as you start to slide your fingers out...
  • 115
115 None
  • 96
116 You "Can I have it?"
  • 91
117 You "Keep it, lieutenant. As a gift." Variable["plaza.kineema_binoclard"] == false
  • 121
118 Kim Kitsuragi "Unknown calibre. Rifled. Some kind of brittle alloy, fractured on impact..."
  • 116
  • 117
  • 119
119 You "Keep it, lieutenant. Also, I'm sorry for calling you a binoclard." Variable["plaza.kineema_binoclard"] == true
  • 120
120 Kim Kitsuragi "Don't be silly." A smile comes across his face. "You've earned it. Consider the binoclard episode forgotten." The lieutenant drops the bag in your bloody hand. It feels light.
  • 122
121 Kim Kitsuragi "No-no, you deserve it. We can log it later." The lieutenant drops the bag in your bloody hand. It feels light.
  • 122
122 Kim Kitsuragi "We need to add an item to the injury list." He turns to his notebook. "Injury #4: Oval entry wound with an abrasion collar. Soft palate, back of mouth."
  • 123
123 Kim Kitsuragi "High velocity, temporary cavity in brain tissue. Small exit wound on the occiput." He underlines the injury, forcefully. "How does that sound?"
  • 275
124 You "Sounds like heaven."
  • 127
125 You "Sounds about right."
  • 127
126 You Say nothing, just nod.
  • 127
127 Kim Kitsuragi "Opinion -- fatal injury."
  • 282
128 You "God damn right."
  • 131
129 You "Agreed."
  • 131
130 You "Wasn't that what we thought the last time?" (Clean your hand in the snow.) Variable["yard.hanged_result_probable_cause"]
  • 132
131 Kim Kitsuragi "And one last thing." *Click-click* goes the pen. "We can now fill in injury #3: ligament mark. Opinion -- non-fatal, post-mortem: *treatment*."
  • 286
132 Kim Kitsuragi "That was then. This time we have extensive tissue destruction away from the wound track. This time we have a *bullet*."
  • 128
  • 129
133 The Hanged Man
  • 134
  • 135
134 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 136
135 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 7
136 None
  • 394
  • 11
  • 9
137 The Hanged Man
  • 138
  • 139
138 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 2
139 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 62
140 The Hanged Man
  • 141
  • 142
141 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 143
142 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 77
143 Kim Kitsuragi "Good-good..." The fridge in the background buzzes with excitement.
  • 73
144 The Hanged Man
  • 145
  • 146
145 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 84
146 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 147
147 Cunoesse "Fucking *beautiful...*"
  • 84
148 You "I'm *still* not sure." (Look at your hand, quizzically.) Variable["yard.hanged_result_probable_cause"] == false
  • 149
149 Kim Kitsuragi "We have *extensive* tissue destruction away from the wound track -- we have a *bullet*."
  • 128
  • 129
150 The Hanged Man
  • 151
  • 152
151 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 107
152 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 106
153 Cunoesse "Beautiful..."
  • 112
154 The Hanged Man
  • 155
  • 156
155 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 112
156 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 153
157 The Hanged Man
  • 158
  • 159
158 The Hanged Man IsKimHere()
  • 27
159 The Hanged Man (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 160
160 Esprit de Corps Suddenly, you recall: Two officers must be present for a field autopsy. You take your hand from the dead man's face and open your eyes. You will still need to come back with the lieutenant.
  • 384
161 None
  • (700, 4)
162 You Squeeze his nose.
  • 163
163 The Hanged Man You pick it between your fingers. The mass feels large, very porous somehow. Keep crawling, lest you break it...
  • 82
164 Conceptualization This man will never sleep again. Never wake.
  • 397
165 Visual Calculus The object that is in there stopped just short of the skull, in the encephalus, knocking this tiny fracture into the cranium...
  • 167
166 Interfacing This is the *irregularity* you felt before. The one that was too tiny to register consciously.
  • 61
167 The Hanged Man
  • 168
  • 169
168 The Hanged Man Variable["yard.hanged_interfacing_felt_bump"]
  • 166
169 The Hanged Man (Variable["yard.hanged_interfacing_felt_bump"]) == false
  • 61
170 The Hanged Man The inside of the head feels cold and smooth like a glove as you pull out, sweat dripping down your brow -- careful not to lose the prize between your fingers...
  • 85
171 You "Treatment?"
  • 476
172 You "The ligament mark, the fractured hyoid bone, it was all treatment..."
  • 180
173 Logic He's proposing the bullet was the real cause of death -- and the hanging an attempt to *conceal* this fact.
  • 399
174 Kim Kitsuragi "Treatment, officer, is an attempt to manipulate the body after death -- to hide the real cause with a *false* cause. In this case..."
  • 175
175 Kim Kitsuragi "...*this* injury here." He points to the mark encircling the corpse's neck.
  • 172
176 You "You think so?"
  • 190
177 You "Agreed."
  • 189
178 You "Aren't we jumping to conclusions?"
  • 179
179 Kim Kitsuragi "I have had this doubt since I inspected his hands, officer -- there were no signs of struggle. No claw marks on his neck. Why? Why didn't he fight for his life?"
  • 185
180 Kim Kitsuragi "Yes. And the belt around his neck; the hanging; even dragging him to the yard... *all* of it was done after this man was already dead."
  • 182
181 You "Dead, daba-doop-doop." Variable["yard.hanged_suggestions_humour_kim"]
  • 183
182 None
  • 181
  • 176
  • 177
  • 178
183 Kim Kitsuragi "Deadady-dead-dead."
  • 176
  • 177
  • 178
184 Kim Kitsuragi "There have been other signs too, small details. Everything is too neatly designed for us to assign probable cause here. As we did, foolhardily. Well -- no more."
  • 480
185 The Hanged Man
  • 186
  • 187
186 The Hanged Man Variable["yard.hanged_result_probable_cause"]
  • 184
187 The Hanged Man (Variable["yard.hanged_result_probable_cause"]) == false
  • 188
188 Kim Kitsuragi "There have been other signs too, small things. We were right not to assign hanging as cause of death. As the perpetrators *expected* we would -- no such luck for them."
  • 481
189 Kim Kitsuragi "I have had my doubts for a while now. Since I saw there were no signs of struggle on his hands. And no claw marks on his neck..."
  • 185
190 Kim Kitsuragi "I did not *just* come up with this. I've had my doubts since we found no signs of struggle on his wrists. No claw marks on his neck -- why? Why didn't he fight for his life?"
  • 185
191 None
  • 200
  • 192
  • 193
  • 194
  • 204
  • 195
192 You "Who would do this?"
  • 196
193 You "Why would anyone do this?"
  • 198
194 You "I think I need to wash myself."
  • 203
195 You "What happens next?" (Proceed.) Variable["yard.hanged_percwhite_can_ask_what_now"]
  • 406
196 Kim Kitsuragi "That's for us to find out. But *this* -- it will make finding them just a little easier."
  • 197
197 None
  • 191
198 Kim Kitsuragi "To hide something. The real killer? The real motivation? What really happened here."
  • 197
199 Logic There is of course the very real possibility he was both shot *and* hanged.
  • 292
200 You "Maybe they just shot him *while* they hanged him?" Variable["yard.hanged_logic_maybe_both"]
  • 201
201 Kim Kitsuragi "To put him out of his misery?" He thinks. "It's possible, but it does not explain all the other dubious things here -- lack of struggle primarily. I may be intellectually sloppy, but I prefer one theory at a time. And this just smacks of treatment to me."
  • 202
202 None
  • 191
203 Kim Kitsuragi "Oh." He nods. "You *really, really* do. I am glad to hear you say that. Your room in the Whirling-in-Rags should come with a bathroom. Be sure to make use of it in the evening."
  • 297
204 You "Maybe the bullet holds more answers?"
  • 321
205 You Look in his pants again.
  • 208
206 You Look under his fingernails, like Kim already did.
  • 223
207 You Give up.
  • 233
208 The Hanged Man You pull down his breeches. Marbling is present around the crotch. The penis has shrunk, crawling half way back inside him. There is nothing mysterious or noteworthy here.
  • 209
209 The Hanged Man
  • 210
  • 211
210 The Hanged Man Variable["yard.hanged_touched_genitals"]
  • 212
  • 214
211 The Hanged Man (Variable["yard.hanged_touched_genitals"]) == false
  • 224
212 You Maybe if I touch it again...
  • 216
213 Cuno "I can't believe the pig is stroking him *again*..."
  • 222
214 You Don't touch it again.
  • 219
215 Cunoesse "Fucking pig's probably thinking about touching it again..."
  • 222
216 The Hanged Man
  • 217
  • 218
217 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 213
218 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 222
219 The Hanged Man
  • 220
  • 221
220 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 215
221 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 222
222 Kim Kitsuragi "There is no need. We have been thorough with the genitals..." The lieutenant looks worried.
  • 225
223 The Hanged Man His fingernails have turned dark. They're chipped and quite long. There is dirt under them. That's all.
  • 225
224 Cuno "F****ts can't get enough of that dick..."
  • 226
225 Kim Kitsuragi "Do you think we missed something?"
  • 300
226 None
  • 225
227 You "Yes. There's something we're not seeing."
  • 229
228 You "No, let's just leave it to the Processing guys."
  • 230
229 Kim Kitsuragi "Okay, well... We're in livor mortis here. He's disintegrating. We need to *refrigerate* the body, if we want to conduct another examination -- and we need to do it fast."
  • 235
230 Kim Kitsuragi He shakes his head. "I worked as one of these *Processing guys* for a year. They are butchers and clowns. I once saw twenty CODs go misidentified in one week. Chances are slim to none that they'll find anything useful in processing."
  • 234
231 You "I've got a gut feeling that there's more to this corpse." Variable["yard.hanged_inland_doubt"]
  • 229
232 Inland Empire You can't shake the feeling that there are more secrets concealed in the flesh before you.
  • 227
  • 231
  • 228
233 The Hanged Man The corpse seems to yawn contentedly, as though its glad you've run out of steam.
  • 225
234 Kim Kitsuragi "In short, you and I are the *last* line of detection. If you're not sure we got everything, we need to look *again*. And for that -- we need to refrigerate the corpse."
  • 235
235 None
  • 238
  • 236
236 You "Okay -- where do we find a fridge for the body?"
  • 253
237 You "Let's hurry then." [Leave.]
  • 243
238 You "Can't he just... hang out here for a while longer?"
  • 239
239 Kim Kitsuragi "If you want for this task to slowly become impossible, then yes. Otherwise -- no. He's been *hanging out* far too long already. We need to ice him."
  • 240
240 Authority Not to mention the damage that would be dealt to the force's reputation by the corpse just rotting here like this...
  • 241
241 None
  • 235
242 Kim Kitsuragi "It would have to be *industrial* in size. Let's start by asking the proprietor of the Whirling-in-Rags, then the Frittte store down at the gates. And if neither has one..." His voice trails off -- and his gaze settles on *Cuno*.
  • 342
243 Kim Kitsuragi "Mhm." He gets up. "This is one task we *cannot* sideline. With every hour, whatever we're looking for will become harder to find."
244 Kim Kitsuragi "If you think so, officer." He nods. "I am not going to object."
  • 504
245 The Hanged Man
  • 246
  • 247
246 The Hanged Man Variable["yard.cuno_of_many_means"]
  • 251
247 The Hanged Man (Variable["yard.cuno_of_many_means"]) == false
  • 248
248 The Hanged Man
  • 249
  • 250
249 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.doorbell_know_revachol_ice_city"]
  • 252
250 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.doorbell_know_revachol_ice_city"]) == false
  • 378
251 Logic Hmm... Cuno looks like he gets around. *Knows* Martinaise. And its fridges too probably...
  • 248
252 Logic Or -- remember the buttons on that intercom over there, on the side of the building next to the Whirling? One was for "Revachol *Ice* City"? Perhaps it's a... clue?
  • 378
253 The Hanged Man
  • 254
  • 255
254 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_hub_reached"]
  • 256
255 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_hub_reached"]) == false
  • 242
256 Kim Kitsuragi "Hey..." A wide smile appears on his face. "Wasn't there a *giant ice bear sarcophagus* below that building?" He points toward the commercial area.
  • 340
257 Kim Kitsuragi "Okay." He unrolls the plastic. "I need a little help for carrying him to the holding pen of my Kineema. I can take care of the rest."
  • 471
258 Kim Kitsuragi "Continue working here. The locals, the case, or tend to your own business? I will meet you downstairs in the Whirling-in-Rags, tomorrow morning -- 7:30 sharp."
  • 520
259 The Hanged Man
  • 260
  • 261
260 The Hanged Man Variable["yard.hanged_perc_failed_once"]
  • 244
261 The Hanged Man (Variable["yard.hanged_perc_failed_once"]) == false
  • 508
262 You "What should I do in the meanwhile?"
  • 258
263 You "This concurs with the Hardie boys story."
  • 131
264 The Hanged Man
  • 265
  • 266
265 The Hanged Man Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"]
  • 41
266 The Hanged Man (Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"]) == false
  • 32
267 None
  • 78
  • 68
  • 66
268 The Hanged Man
  • 269
  • 270
269 The Hanged Man Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"]
  • 78
  • 68
270 The Hanged Man (Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"]) == false
  • 267
271 The Hanged Man
  • 272
  • 273
272 The Hanged Man Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"]
  • 274
273 The Hanged Man (Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"]) == false
  • 46
274 None
  • 53
  • 33
275 The Hanged Man
  • 276
  • 277
276 The Hanged Man Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"]
  • 279
277 The Hanged Man (Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"]) == false
  • 278
278 None
  • 124
  • 125
  • 126
279 None
  • 124
  • 280
  • 126
280 You "Correct."
  • 127
281 None
  • 128
  • 129
  • 130
  • 148
282 The Hanged Man
  • 283
  • 284
283 The Hanged Man Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"] or Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_klaasje"]
  • 285
284 The Hanged Man (Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"] or Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_klaasje"]) == false
  • 281
285 None
  • 263
  • 129
286 The Hanged Man
  • 287
  • 288
287 The Hanged Man Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"] or Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_klaasje"]
  • 375
288 The Hanged Man (Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"] or Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_klaasje"]) == false
  • 173
289 You "We should have known."
  • 290
290 Kim Kitsuragi He nods. "I had my doubts -- there were no signs of a struggle on his hands. No claw marks on his neck. But still..."
  • 291
291 Esprit de Corps His brow furrows while his eyes glaze over. The lieutenant looks regretful for not figuring this out before.
  • 292
292 The Hanged Man
  • 293
  • 294
293 The Hanged Man Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"] or Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_klaasje"]
  • 295
294 The Hanged Man (Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"] or Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_klaasje"]) == false
  • 191
295 None
  • 194
  • 204
  • 195
296 None
  • 295
297 The Hanged Man
  • 298
  • 299
298 The Hanged Man Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"]
  • 296
299 The Hanged Man (Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"]) == false
  • 197
300 The Hanged Man
  • 301
  • 302
301 The Hanged Man Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"] or Variable["TASK.get_hardie_boys_to_tell_you_the_whole_story_done"]
  • 309
302 The Hanged Man (Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"] or Variable["TASK.get_hardie_boys_to_tell_you_the_whole_story_done"]) == false
  • 232
303 The Hanged Man
  • 304
  • 305
304 The Hanged Man IsKimHere()
  • 306
305 The Hanged Man (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 325
306 None
  • 205
  • 206
  • 207
307 Esprit de Corps Meanwhile, the lieutenant is sitting behind his desk, hunched over a stack of paperwork. His help would be invaluable right now.
  • 308
308 None
  • (700, 4)
309 You "We still haven't found the *bullet*."
  • 310
310 Kim Kitsuragi "And, if we are to believe Hardie boys, it's somewhere in there..."
  • 314
311 Kim Kitsuragi He frowns, thinking. "Try putting your hand in his mouth and probing for the bullet in his *head*."
  • 313
312 None
  • 19
313 Authority It seems he is leaving you no choice in the matter.
  • 312
314 You "But where?"
  • 329
315 The Hanged Man You can almost see the body decomposing before your very eyes. You should drop everything else and look for a way to preserve it so you can conduct your examination better.
  • 307
316 The Hanged Man
  • 317
  • 318
317 The Hanged Man Variable["whirling.dreamtwo_open_case"]
  • 262
318 The Hanged Man (Variable["whirling.dreamtwo_open_case"]) == false
  • 320
319 Kim Kitsuragi "It's too late to take him into Processing today. I'll take him first thing tomorrow." He pulls the black plastic over the dead man's face.
  • 439
320 You "Then what?"
  • 319
321 Kim Kitsuragi "Yes. We should take a closer look at it. I am certain it has more to tell us."
  • 482
322 None
  • 32
323 Kim Kitsuragi He unrolls the plastic. "I need a little help for carrying him to the holding pen of my Kineema. I'll take it from there."
  • 471
324 Kim Kitsuragi "Now, detective... I've rarely been disappointed by the size of a *giant* ice bear fridge, but I think we should still take a look at it first. Make sure it's big *enough* before we carry him over."
  • 338
325 The Hanged Man
  • 326
  • 327
326 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.icebear_main_hub_reached"]
  • 328
327 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.icebear_main_hub_reached"]) == false
  • 315
328 The Hanged Man You can almost see the body decomposing before your very eyes. You should drop everything else and look for a way to preserve it so you can conduct your examination better.
  • 379
329 The Hanged Man
  • 330
  • 331
330 The Hanged Man Variable["whirling.klaasje_open_downstairs_branch"]
  • 332
331 The Hanged Man (Variable["whirling.klaasje_open_downstairs_branch"]) == false
  • 311
332 Kim Kitsuragi "Klaasje told us the bullet hit him in the *mouth* -- try putting your hand there..."
  • 313
333 None
  • 334
  • 336
  • 335
334 You "Why... yes there was."
  • 324
335 You "So that's what the *ice bear shaped* refrigerator is for!"
  • 339
336 You "An absolutely colossal fridge -- still plugged in -- *literally* in the shape of an ice bear!" Variable["doomed.breakerbox_red_wire_plugged_out"] == false
  • 337
337 Kim Kitsuragi "Yes -- now. I've rarely been disappointed by the size of a *giant* ice bear fridge, but I think we should still take a look at it first. Make sure it's big *enough* before we carry him over."
  • 338
338 Kim Kitsuragi He closes his notebook and cracks his neck. "Let's move. With every hour, whatever we're looking for in the deceased will become harder to find."
339 Kim Kitsuragi "Now that's an overstatement. It's not actually *for* storing cadavers, or at least I hope so. I think we should take a look at it first. Make sure it's big *enough* before we carry him over."
  • 338
340 Half Light Why yes there was. It was massive. Red eyes glowing in the dark.
  • 333
341 Kim Kitsuragi "Only if *all else* fails," he stresses.
  • 245
342 Cuno "Fuck are you looking at bino-man? You wanna piece of the Cuno? Wanna get *fucked*?"
  • 341
343 You "I need to take another look at the body first."
  • 344
344 Kim Kitsuragi "Hurry. This is one task we *cannot* sideline. With every hour, whatever we're looking for will become harder to find."
  • 345
345 Endurance Soon you'll be looking for clues in a pile of sludge and bones.
  • 346
346 None
  • (700, 4)
347 The Hanged Man
  • 348
  • 349
348 The Hanged Man Variable["TASK.fridge_victims_body"]
  • 354
349 The Hanged Man (Variable["TASK.fridge_victims_body"]) == false
  • 17
350 The Hanged Man
  • 351
  • 352
351 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 353
352 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 347
353 Perception You touch the dead man's body. His skin is cold, light blue and silvery in the light of the fridge. You *still* have no idea where to begin -- or what to even do with him...
  • 355
354 Perception You really ought to wait until the cadaver is *refrigerated*. Digging around in this mess now is proving hopelessly difficult.
  • 371
355 The Hanged Man
  • 356
  • 357
356 The Hanged Man Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"] or Variable["TASK.get_hardie_boys_to_tell_you_the_whole_story_done"]
  • 358
357 The Hanged Man (Variable["tc.hanged_man_was_shot_known_from_hardie"] or Variable["TASK.get_hardie_boys_to_tell_you_the_whole_story_done"]) == false
  • 367
358 The Hanged Man
  • 359
  • 360
359 The Hanged Man IsKimHere()
  • 363
360 The Hanged Man (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 372
361 Kim Kitsuragi "Klaasje told us the bullet hit him in the mouth -- try putting your hand there..."
  • 366
362 Kim Kitsuragi "If the Hardies are to be trusted, there should be a bullet in there..." The lieutenant looks at you. "Try putting your hand in his mouth and probing for the bullet in his head."
  • 366
363 The Hanged Man
  • 364
  • 365
364 The Hanged Man Variable["whirling.klaasje_open_downstairs_branch"]
  • 361
365 The Hanged Man (Variable["whirling.klaasje_open_downstairs_branch"]) == false
  • 362
366 None
  • 313
367 The Hanged Man
  • 368
  • 369
368 The Hanged Man IsKimHere()
  • 370
369 The Hanged Man (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 381
370 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant rubs his side for warmth. "It'll come to you sooner or later. At least he's safe here until then."
  • 382
371 None
  • (700, 4)
372 Esprit de Corps The lieutenant should *clearly* be here for this. You're lost.
  • 383
373 Inland Empire You're on the right track.
  • 268
374 Encyclopedia This is what he used to regulate his emotions with...
  • 398
375 The Hanged Man
  • 376
  • 377
376 The Hanged Man Variable["yard.hanged_autopsy_exited_cause_known_path"]
  • 292
377 The Hanged Man (Variable["yard.hanged_autopsy_exited_cause_known_path"]) == false
  • 289
378 None
  • 343
  • 237
379 You What about that giant ice bear fridge in the Doomed Commercial Area?
  • 380
380 The Hanged Man The corpse looks *enormous* with its bloated belly. Was the ice bear fridge really that giant? You should go and measure it, just to be sure.
  • 308
381 None
  • (1143, 18)
382 None
  • (1143, 18)
383 None
  • (1143, 18)
384 The Hanged Man
  • 385
  • 386
385 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 387
386 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 161
387 None
  • (1143, 18)
388 None
389 Tutorial Agent This means Lieutenant Kitsuragi will leave the party until tomorrow morning. You're free to do side-tasks and even the main case -- though it might be more difficult.
  • 470
390 The Hanged Man
  • 391
  • 392
391 The Hanged Man CheckEquipped("gloves_garden")
  • 393
392 The Hanged Man (CheckEquipped("gloves_garden")) == false
  • 271
393 The Hanged Man
  • 271
394 You Brain stem?
  • 395
395 The Hanged Man Yes. That's what this part is called.
  • 396
396 Physical Instrument You've seen the drawings. You've studied them.
  • 11
  • 9
397 Electrochemistry The *funk soul brother* at the back of his head has gone dark. Forever.
  • 9
398 Inland Empire The ululations of the limbic system have ended. All is quiet.
  • 18
  • 20
399 The Hanged Man
  • 400
  • 401
400 The Hanged Man Variable["yard.hanged_logic_explain_bulelt_and_ligament"]
  • 402
401 The Hanged Man (Variable["yard.hanged_logic_explain_bulelt_and_ligament"]) == false
  • 403
402 None
  • 171
  • 172
403 Reaction Speed He's proposing the bullet was the real cause of death -- and the hanging an attempt to *conceal* this fact.
  • 402
404 Kim Kitsuragi "We put him in a bag and carry him to the holding pen of my Kineema. The bodybag should contain the odour for the duration of the transport..."
  • 432
405 Kim Kitsuragi "We bag the corpse and carry him to the holding pen of my Kineema. I can transport him to Processing myself, but I *will* be gone for the rest of the day."
  • 409
406 The Hanged Man
  • 407
  • 408
407 The Hanged Man Variable["whirling.dreamtwo_open_case"]
  • 405
408 The Hanged Man (Variable["whirling.dreamtwo_open_case"]) == false
  • 404
409 You "You'll be gone? What should I do in the meanwhile?"
  • 410
410 Kim Kitsuragi "Work on the case, tend to personal matters? Try not to do anything too dangerous. An officer needs backup in a neighbourhood like this."
  • 412
411 Tutorial Agent After you bag the corpse, Lieutenant Kitsuragi will leave the party until tomorrow morning. You can do side-tasks and even the main case, but it might be more difficult. Plan his exit accordingly.
  • 427
412 Kim Kitsuragi "I'll leave that choice to you. And one more thing..." He looks you in the eye. "Great work, detective."
  • 417
413 The Hanged Man
  • 414
  • 415
414 The Hanged Man Variable["yard.hanged_authority_detective"]
  • 425
415 The Hanged Man (Variable["yard.hanged_authority_detective"]) == false
  • 523
416 Authority The word lingers in the air of the basement, far away ice cream makers are buzzing and the sea wind blows outside...
  • 422
417 The Hanged Man
  • 418
  • 419
418 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 416
419 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 421
420 Authority *Detective*.
  • 523
421 Authority The word lingers in the air of the yard, far away dogs are barking, further yet the sound of motor traffic...
  • 413
422 The Hanged Man
  • 423
  • 424
423 The Hanged Man Variable["yard.hanged_authority_detective"]
  • 420
424 The Hanged Man (Variable["yard.hanged_authority_detective"]) == false
  • 523
425 Authority *Detective*.
  • 523
426 None
  • (1143, 18)
427 The Hanged Man
  • 428
  • 429
428 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 426
429 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 430
430 None
  • (700, 4)
431 Kim Kitsuragi "One more thing -- this was *really* good work, detective."
  • 435
432 Kim Kitsuragi "I *would* drive him to Processing, but it's too late to do that today... I'll do it first thing tomorrow. No problem."
  • 431
433 Authority The word lingers in the air of the yard, as far away dogs are barking, further yet the sound of motor traffic...
  • 442
434 Authority The word lingers in the air of basement, far away ice cream makers are buzzing and the sea wind blows outside...
  • 445
435 The Hanged Man
  • 436
  • 437
436 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 434
437 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 433
438 Authority *Detective*.
  • 427
439 None
  • 456
440 Authority *Detective*.
  • 427
441 You Bag the corpse and drag it to the motor carriage. [Leave.]
442 The Hanged Man
  • 443
  • 444
443 The Hanged Man Variable["yard.hanged_authority_detective"]
  • 440
444 The Hanged Man (Variable["yard.hanged_authority_detective"]) == false
  • 427
445 The Hanged Man
  • 446
  • 447
446 The Hanged Man Variable["yard.hanged_authority_detective"]
  • 438
447 The Hanged Man (Variable["yard.hanged_authority_detective"]) == false
  • 427
448 You Bag the corpse and drag it to the motor carriage. [Leave.]
449 The Hanged Man
  • 450
  • 451
450 The Hanged Man IsTaskActive("TASK.fridge_victims_body")--[[ Variable[ ]]
  • 459
451 The Hanged Man (IsTaskActive("TASK.fridge_victims_body")--[[ Variable[ ]]) == false
  • 441
452 The Hanged Man
  • 448
453 The Hanged Man
  • 454
  • 455
454 The Hanged Man IsTaskActive("TASK.fridge_victims_body")--[[ Variable[ ]]
  • 452
455 The Hanged Man (IsTaskActive("TASK.fridge_victims_body")--[[ Variable[ ]]) == false
  • 448
456 The Hanged Man
  • 457
  • 458
457 The Hanged Man Variable["whirling.dreamtwo_open_case"]
  • 453
458 The Hanged Man (Variable["whirling.dreamtwo_open_case"]) == false
  • 449
459 The Hanged Man
  • 441
460 The Hanged Man
  • 461
  • 462
461 The Hanged Man Variable["XP.discover_the_bullet"]
  • 485
462 The Hanged Man (Variable["XP.discover_the_bullet"]) == false
  • 259
463 Kim Kitsuragi "All right." He takes out a shiny black body bag and starts pulling the plastic over the dead man's face.
  • 465
464 Kim Kitsuragi "I will need a little help carrying him -- you take the hands, I'll take the legs."
  • 439
465 The Hanged Man
  • 466
  • 467
466 The Hanged Man Variable["TASK.get_the_boots_off_the_hanged_mans_feet"] and Variable["TASK.get_the_boots_off_the_hanged_mans_feet_done"] == false
  • 495
467 The Hanged Man (Variable["TASK.get_the_boots_off_the_hanged_mans_feet"] and Variable["TASK.get_the_boots_off_the_hanged_mans_feet_done"] == false) == false
  • 489
468 The Hanged Man There go those beautiful enamel boots. May they rest in Processing...
  • 469
469 Interfacing Oh well -- in another lifetime.
  • 489
470 Tutorial Agent If you have nothing to do, read books or sit on the bench on the plaza.
  • 439
471 The Hanged Man
  • 472
  • 473
472 The Hanged Man Variable["TASK.get_the_boots_off_the_hanged_mans_feet"] and Variable["TASK.get_the_boots_off_the_hanged_mans_feet_done"] == false
  • 499
473 The Hanged Man (Variable["TASK.get_the_boots_off_the_hanged_mans_feet"] and Variable["TASK.get_the_boots_off_the_hanged_mans_feet_done"] == false) == false
  • 316
474 The Hanged Man There go those beautiful enamel boots. May they rest in Processing...
  • 475
475 Interfacing Oh well -- in another lifetime.
  • 316
476 The Hanged Man
  • 477
  • 478
477 The Hanged Man Variable["tc.treatment"] and Variable["yard.hanged_logic_explain_bulelt_and_ligament"] == false
  • 479
478 The Hanged Man (Variable["tc.treatment"] and Variable["yard.hanged_logic_explain_bulelt_and_ligament"] == false) == false
  • 174
479 Kim Kitsuragi "As I said, treatment is an attempt to manipulate the body after death -- to hide the real cause with a *false* cause. In this case..."
  • 175
480 Esprit de Corps We almost fell for it, he thinks. *Almost*.
  • 199
481 Esprit de Corps We didn't fall for it, he thinks. There's pride in there.
  • 199
482 Hand/Eye Coordination This little thing could reveal much about the weapon that shot it.
  • 297
483 Tutorial Agent If you have nothing to do, read books or sit on the bench on the plaza.
  • 464
484 Tutorial Agent This means Lieutenant Kitsuragi will leave until tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, you're free to do side-tasks and even the main case -- though it might be more difficult.
  • 483
485 The Hanged Man
  • 486
  • 487
486 The Hanged Man Variable["whirling.dreamtwo_open_case"]
  • 512
487 The Hanged Man (Variable["whirling.dreamtwo_open_case"]) == false
  • 517
488 Kim Kitsuragi "All right." He takes out a shiny black body bag and starts pulling the plastic over the dead man's face.
  • 465
489 The Hanged Man
  • 490
  • 491
490 The Hanged Man Variable["yard.hanged_kim_leaving_not_tutorialized"] and Variable["whirling.dreamtwo_open_case"]
  • 492
491 The Hanged Man (Variable["yard.hanged_kim_leaving_not_tutorialized"] and Variable["whirling.dreamtwo_open_case"]) == false
  • 464
492 Kim Kitsuragi "I can drive him to Processing today, no problem. Since we stalled with this... But this *does* mean I will be gone for the rest of the day."
  • 494
493 Kim Kitsuragi "Work on the case, tend to personal matters? Try not to do anything *too* dangerous. An officer needs backup in a neighbourhood like this."
  • 526
494 You "You'll be gone? What should I do in the meanwhile?"
  • 493
495 The Hanged Man
  • 496
  • 497
496 The Hanged Man Variable["TASK.find_all_armour"]
  • 498
497 The Hanged Man (Variable["TASK.find_all_armour"]) == false
  • 468
498 The Hanged Man There go those beautiful enamel boots. You will never own the full set now. May they rest in Processing...
  • 469
499 The Hanged Man
  • 500
  • 501
500 The Hanged Man Variable["TASK.find_all_armour"]
  • 502
501 The Hanged Man (Variable["TASK.find_all_armour"]) == false
  • 474
502 The Hanged Man There go those beautiful enamel boots. You will never own the full set now. May they rest in Processing...
  • 475
503 You Fish it out.
504 The Hanged Man
  • 505
  • 506
505 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 507
506 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 323
507 Kim Kitsuragi He unrolls the plastic. "I need a little help for carrying him to the holding pen of my Kineema. I'll take it from there."
  • 471
508 The Hanged Man
  • 509
  • 510
509 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 257
510 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 511
511 Kim Kitsuragi "Okay." He unrolls the plastic. "I need a little help for carrying him to the holding pen of my Kineema. I can take care of the rest."
  • 471
512 The Hanged Man
  • 513
  • 514
513 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 515
514 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 463
515 Kim Kitsuragi "All right." He takes out a shiny black body bag and starts pulling the plastic over the dead man's face.
  • 465
516 Kim Kitsuragi "All right." He takes out a shiny black body bag and starts pulling the plastic over the dead man's face.
  • 465
517 The Hanged Man
  • 518
  • 519
518 The Hanged Man Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]
  • 488
519 The Hanged Man (Variable["doomed.fridge_corpse_in_fridge"]) == false
  • 516
520 The Hanged Man
  • 521
  • 522
521 The Hanged Man Variable["tc.turn_off_tutorial_node"]
  • 439
522 The Hanged Man (Variable["tc.turn_off_tutorial_node"]) == false
  • 389
523 The Hanged Man
  • 524
  • 525
524 The Hanged Man Variable["tc.turn_off_tutorial_node"]
  • 427
525 The Hanged Man (Variable["tc.turn_off_tutorial_node"]) == false
  • 411
526 The Hanged Man
  • 527
  • 528
527 The Hanged Man Variable["tc.turn_off_tutorial_node"]
  • 464
528 The Hanged Man (Variable["tc.turn_off_tutorial_node"]) == false
  • 484