You failed the red check to get Kim to dance, and now you have to try to make amends or lose Kim's friendship forever.
This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.
ID | Character | Dialogue | Conditions | Links |
0 | None |
1 | None |
2 | Kim Kitsuragi | It's colder outside than you were expecting. You see the lieutenant, standing there, a small cloud of white escaping from his mouth... |
3 | Kim Kitsuragi | He turns to you, but says nothing. |
4 | Empathy | He's waiting to see what you do. For god's sake say you fucked up, please. |
5 | You | "I think I fucked up back there..." |
6 | You | "What's your problem?" |
7 | You | "Hey, Kim." |
8 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Detective," he says, his voice level as a tabletop. |
9 | Composure | There won't be any preamble chit-chat this time. Get to the point. |
10 | Kim Kitsuragi | "What's *my* problem?" he says, his voice rising with indignation... |
11 | Kim Kitsuragi | "You're a real piece of work, detective, you know that?" |
12 | Kim Kitsuragi | "You *think*?" |
13 | You | "Okay, scratch that. I *definitely* fucked up." |
14 | You | "Hey, I made a mistake, but it's not all my fault, you know." |
15 | None |
16 | None | Variable["tc.down_with_racism"] |
17 | None | (Variable["tc.down_with_racism"]) == false |
18 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Really? It's not your *fault* that you're *down with racism* or whatever you told that lorryman?" |
19 | None |
20 | None | IsTHCPresent("advanced_race_theory") |
21 | None | (IsTHCPresent("advanced_race_theory")) == false |
22 | Kim Kitsuragi | "It's not your *fault* that you subscribed to Measurehead's inane racial theories?" |
23 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Yes, and?" |
24 | You | "'And'?" |
25 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant stares impassively. |
26 | Rhetoric | What are you, a petulant child? He expects you to apologize. |
27 | You | "...and I'm sorry." |
28 | You | "I'm not apologizing, if that's what you're waiting for." |
29 | None |
30 | None | Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_fix_kim"] |
31 | None | (Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_fix_kim"]) == false |
33 | Esprit de Corps | He is your half-brother and you're driving him away. For what? |
34 | Kim Kitsuragi | "It's not your *fault* that you buy into whatever conspiracies bug-chasing cryptofascists feed you?" |
35 | None |
36 | None | Variable["TASK.ask_kim_about_seolite_database_done"] |
37 | None | (Variable["TASK.ask_kim_about_seolite_database_done"]) == false |
38 | You | "I don't see why you're getting all bent out of shape over a *word*." |
39 | You | "What do you want me to do?" |
40 | Kim Kitsuragi | "*Apologizing* would be a good start." |
41 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant sighs. "Maybe it really *isn't* your fault. You might just be an irretrievable human catastrophe..." |
42 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Let me ask you something..." He leans in to inspect you. |
43 | Kim Kitsuragi | "What do you see when you look at me?" |
44 | You | "My half-brother." | Variable["whirling.kimintro_esprit_halfbrother"] |
45 | You | "A Seolite." | Variable["TASK.ask_kim_about_seolite_database_done"] or IsTHCPresent("advanced_race_theory") or Variable["tc.down_with_racism"] |
46 | You | "Just a... guy." |
47 | You | "A binoclard." |
48 | You | "A pinball wizard." | Variable["tc.kim_pinball"] == true |
49 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Well, at least you're explicit about it. Most of the time people try to be *polite*." The lieutenant doesn't even flinch. "You know what you did *not* say I am, though?" |
50 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Yeah, that's what most people *say*. But do you know what they *don't* say?" |
51 | Kim Kitsuragi | "That's what you're *supposed* to say, of course... But do you know what you *didn't* say?" |
52 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Be serious a moment, please..." |
53 | Kim Kitsuragi | "You know, detective, one of your problems is that *nothing* ever seems to be your fault. Have you noticed that?" |
54 | Rhetoric | You definitely could have handled that better. |
55 | Logic | He's right. No one *forced* you to believe that nonsense. |
56 | Conceptualization | Those theories didn't really hold up in retrospect, did they? |
57 | You | "Okay, you're right. I fucked up back there." |
58 | None |
59 | None |
60 | None |
61 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Which I guess makes *me* the idiot for hoping you could be better... I mean, *look* at yourself..." |
62 | None |
63 | Volition | Yes, look at yourself. What do you see? |
64 | None |
65 | None | Variable["ice.kim_postdance_volition_look_yourself"] |
66 | None | (Variable["ice.kim_postdance_volition_look_yourself"]) == false |
67 | You | 'Irretrievable human catastrophe' sounds about right. |
68 | You | A good guy, underneath it all. |
69 | You | A goddamn superstar, that's what. | IsTHCPresent("superstar_cop") |
70 | You | The harbinger of doom. | IsTHCPresent("apocalypse_cop") |
71 | Volition | So that's it? You don't even *want* to change? |
72 | Volition | If that good guy never comes out, what difference does it make? |
73 | Volition | Kind of hard to sing a duet when you're all alone on-stage, isn't it, superstar? |
74 | None |
75 | None | Variable[""] >= 5 |
76 | None | (Variable[""] >= 5) == false |
77 | None |
78 | None | Variable[""] >= 1 |
79 | None | (Variable[""] >= 1) == false |
80 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I just don't understand. We had been making *real* progress toward solving the case..." |
81 | Kim Kitsuragi | "You've been spinning your wheels here for *how* long? And what do you have to show for it?" |
82 | Kim Kitsuragi | "You've not just been *unhelpful* when it comes to solving the case, you've been an active *hindrance* to the investigation..." |
83 | Kim Kitsuragi | "But now I'm afraid I just can't trust you." |
84 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Well, I'm done waiting for you to get your shit together." |
85 | You | "Kim, I can explain..." |
86 | You | "I can do better." |
87 | You | "So... what now?" (Proceed.) |
88 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Stop, STOP. You won't even call me by my *actual title*. It's always, 'Kim this, Kim that.' Has it even occurred to you how disrespectful that is?" |
89 | Kim Kitsuragi | "But, see, you *can't*, or you just refuse to, not that the difference really matters." |
90 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant goes silent for a moment. |
91 | Kim Kitsuragi | "For the sake of the investigation... I'll stay." |
92 | You | "So, you're giving me another shot?" |
93 | Kim Kitsuragi | "No, you fucking asshole. This isn't a *game* and you're not the *hero*. You don't *get* infinite chances to do the right thing. That's not how the world works..." |
94 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I'm staying because *I* have to protect the investigation *from you*..." |
95 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some other matters to attend to. We'll meet again as usual in the morning. And detective..." |
96 | You | "Okay, I know you're mad, but I actually just talked to the spirit of Revachol and she told me we need to work together..." | Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_fix_kim"] == true |
97 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant looks at you with a mix of pity, contempt, and alarm... |
98 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Get your shit together, detective." |
99 | You | "But Kim, the spirit..." |
100 | You | "I'm working on it, I just need your help..." |
101 | Kim Kitsuragi | "God, *no*. I'm a detective, not a charity service for shambolic degenerates who won't help themselves..." |
102 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Detective, enough. I don't want to hear about your degenerate ravings. I've heard *plenty* as it is. Just stop." |
103 | Inland Empire | You hear that? The lieutenant's staying! Brotherhood conquers all! |
104 | You | "That's great, I could still use your assistance." |
105 | You | "Why? I don't really need you anyway." |
106 | Kim Kitsuragi | "You fucking asshole. I'm not here to be your *loyal assistant*, and I never have been..." |
107 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Of course that's what you think, contrary to all evidence and experience. I'm not here for your sake..." |
108 | Composure | He has the upright bearing of a king's headsman, waiting to carry out the crown's sentence. |
109 | Empathy | He's been anticipating this moment for some time. Still, it doesn't make it any easier for him to say... |
110 | Authority | The sentence has been passed. |
111 | Shivers | The dark shadow of the church is drawn out on the sand... two men stand there, silent. Their talk is over. |
112 | Volition | The only doom you've brought about so far is your own. |
113 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Revacholian." |
114 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I don't suppose anyone ever questions whether you belong here. No matter how badly you fuck up, no matter what a mess you make, you never *stop* being Revacholian..." |
115 | Kim Kitsuragi | "People call me all sorts of things. But you know the one thing they *never* call me?" |
116 | Kim Kitsuragi | "... no offence." |
117 | You | "None taken." |
118 | You | "I mean, you're not wrong." |
119 | You | Say nothing. |
120 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I was born here. I grew up here. It's the only *home* I've ever known. And there's a good chance I'll die in the line of duty here, too." |
121 | Kim Kitsuragi | "But -- to most of my countrymen, I will always be some *monkey fucker*." |
122 | None |
123 | None |
124 | None |
125 | None |
126 | None | Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_fix_kim"] |
127 | None | (Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_fix_kim"]) == false |
128 | None |
129 | None | Variable[""] >= 5 |
130 | None | (Variable[""] >= 5) == false |
131 | None |
132 | None | Variable[""] >= 1 |
133 | None | (Variable[""] >= 1) == false |
134 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I don't suppose anyone ever questions whether you belong here. Whatever your faults, you're a decent-enough detective. No one will ever *doubt* that you're a real Revacholian..." |
135 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I don't suppose anyone ever questions whether you belong here. Whatever your faults, you're a solid detective. You're *obviously* Revacholian..." |
136 | You | "To me, you're my partner." |
137 | You | "That really sucks, man." |
138 | You | "Wait, before I blacked out, I *talked* to *La Revacholière*." | Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_fix_kim"] == true |
139 | Kim Kitsuragi | "You... what?" |
140 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I see..." the lieutenant says, tapping his foot... |
141 | You | "Never mind, I was just talking crazy talk." |
142 | You | "I spoke with the spirit of Revachol. Or, I guess, she spoke to *me*." |
143 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Suppose I *don't* recommend you be involuntarily committed for a moment... what did *La Revacholière* say to you?" |
144 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Yes, it *does*." The lieutenant begins tapping his foot... |
145 | Composure | The lieutenant's not comfortable talking about himself so openly. He's eager to change the subject. |
146 | Kim Kitsuragi | "In any case, I have some personal matters I'd like to get in order. If you don't object, I'm going to leave the rest of the day's investigation to you..." |
147 | You | "Go ahead." |
148 | You | "Wait, I wasn't done..." |
149 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Try not to break anything while I'm gone. I'll see you in the morning, detective." |
150 | Kim Kitsuragi | For a moment the lieutenant seems to be suppressing something uncomfortable. Then he clears his throat... |
151 | None |
152 | You | "But what about all the good times we had together?" |
153 | You | "It was just words, Kim. They don't mean anything." |
154 | Kim Kitsuragi | "*What* good times?" |
155 | Kim Kitsuragi | "If they don't mean anything, why do you say them?" |
156 | None |
157 | None |
158 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Don't fuck anything else up while I'm away." |
159 | You | "A true *Vacholiere*." | Variable["jam.truckman_kim_auth_vach"] |
160 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant appears caught off-guard by your response. He takes a moment to collect himself... |
161 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Nobody's ever said that to me before..." |
162 | Composure | The lieutenant's not comfortable with emotional openness. He's eager to change the subject. |
163 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Well, good, because we *are* partners. Now, I have some personal matters I'd like to get in order. If you don't object, I'm going to leave the rest of the day's investigation to you..." |
164 | Shivers | The dark shadow of the church is drawn out on the sand... two men part there. In silence. |
165 | None |
166 | None | Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_fix_kim"] |
167 | None | (Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_fix_kim"]) == false |
168 | None |
169 | Empathy | Hold on a moment. Maybe now's not the best time to tell the lieutenant that the world is ending... |
170 | You | "Uh... she said the RCM is gonna have an important role to play..." | Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_28"] == true and Variable["ice.kim_postdance_empathy_world_ending"] == true |
171 | You | "She said the world is going to end in 22 years." | Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_28"] == true |
172 | Kim Kitsuragi | "A role to play in *what*?" |
173 | You | "The... future?" |
174 | You | "The end of the world." |
175 | Kim Kitsuragi | "What kind of *future* are we talking about here?" |
176 | You | "You know... like stuff that hasn't happened yet." |
177 | You | "The end of the world." |
178 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Quit fooling around, detective." There's real urgency in the lieutenant's voice now. "What did La Revacholière tell you about the future?" |
179 | You | "She said the world is ending in 22 years." |
180 | Kim Kitsuragi | "The world... is going to end..." The lieutenant considers this for a long moment... |
181 | None |
182 | None | Variable["ice.kim_postdance_empathy_world_ending"] |
183 | None | (Variable["ice.kim_postdance_empathy_world_ending"]) == false |
184 | Empathy | The lieutenant is a rational observer of reality. His worldview can't accommodate this kind of thing. |
185 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Promise me something, detective: You won't tell anyone else what you just told me." |
186 | You | "But Kim, I'm the Augur of Desolation." | IsTHCPresent("apocalypse_cop") |
187 | You | "Are you sure? It seems kinda important." |
188 | You | "That's probably wise." |
189 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Now, I... think I need to take care of some personal matters for a while. If you don't object, I'm going to leave the rest of the day's investigation to you..." |
190 | You | "Wait, I wasn't done..." |
191 | You | "Go ahead." |
192 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Detective, I'm serious. Have you considered what will happen to the RCM's reputation if one of our own starts going around talking about the end of the world? In an official capacity?" |
193 | None |
194 | None |
195 | None | Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] |
196 | None | (Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"]) == false |
197 | Volition | First the investigation, now this... how many more things do you have to fuck up? |
198 | Pain Threshold | Sharp pain shoots through your hip, throbbing... |
199 | None |
200 | None | Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] |
201 | None | (Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"]) == false |
202 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Now -- if it were any other day, I would leave for the night. But we have more pressing matters. We need to wrap up this investigation and we need to do it *fast*." |
203 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Now -- if it were any other day, I would leave for the night. But we have more pressing matters. We need to get to the island -- and we need to do it as soon as possible." |
204 | None |
205 | None | IsTaskActive("TASK.investigate_sea_fortress")--[[ Variable[ ]] |
206 | None | (IsTaskActive("TASK.investigate_sea_fortress")--[[ Variable[ ]]) == false |
207 | Kim Kitsuragi | "This case," he turns to face the sea, "is much, *much* bigger than just you and me. We're close -- let's keep it professional until the very end." |
208 | Shivers | The dark shadow of the church is drawn out on the sand... two men stand there. In silence. |
209 | None |
210 | None | Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_fix_kim"] |
211 | None | (Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_fix_kim"]) == false |
212 | None |
213 | None |
214 | None |
215 | None | Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] |
216 | None | (Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"]) == false |
217 | None |
218 | None | Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] |
219 | None | (Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"]) == false |
220 | None |
221 | None | Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] |
222 | None | (Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"]) == false |
223 | None |
224 | None | IsTaskActive("TASK.investigate_sea_fortress")--[[ Variable[ ]] |
225 | None | (IsTaskActive("TASK.investigate_sea_fortress")--[[ Variable[ ]]) == false |
226 | Shivers | The dark shadow of the church is drawn out on the sand... two men stand there, silent. Their talk is over. |
227 | Kim Kitsuragi | "This case," he turns to face the sea, "is much, *much* bigger than just you or me. We're close to the end -- let's cross the finish line. Then we can part our ways." |
228 | None |
229 | None | Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_fix_kim"] |
230 | None | (Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_fix_kim"]) == false |
231 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Now -- if it were any other day, I would excuse myself for the night. But we have more pressing matters. We need to wrap up this investigation and we need to do it *fast*." |
232 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Now -- if it were any other day, I would excuse myself for the night. But we have more pressing matters. We need to get to the island -- and we need to do it as soon as possible." |
233 | You | Just a sorry stack of shit... | IsTHCPresent("sorry_cop") |
234 | Volition | Yeah, didn't even know they stack shit *that* sorry. |
235 | None |
236 | None |
237 | None |
238 | None | Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_28"] |
239 | None | (Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_28"]) == false |
240 | None |
241 | You | "She said it was important that we stick together, as partners." |
242 | None |