This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.
ID | Character | Dialogue | Conditions | Links |
0 | None |
1 | None |
2 | Perception (Hearing) | The silence in this part of the church -- it's almost palpable. All the shifting matter and shuffling of living things is gone. Nothing seems to exist beyond the church anymore. |
3 | You | Wait, I think I still hear something... |
4 | Perception (Hearing) | And then it's gone. Almost all of it -- but for the faintest of hums. |
5 | None |
6 | You | Yell as loud as you can. |
7 | You | (Turn to Kim.) "What's happening?" | IsKimHere() and Variable["church.orb_silence_clapped"] and Variable["church.orb_silence_shouted"] |
8 | You | Look up into the bell tower. | Variable["church.orb_silence_asked_kim_about_silence"] |
9 | Perception (Sight) | The orderly rows of ceiling panels become barely visible, then disappear completely in the darkness of the tower overhead. |
10 | Perception (Sight) | It's like there's something moving up there -- a shadow has emerged from the tower and is making its way *toward* you through all the other shadows. |
11 | You | Try to see beyond the shadows. |
12 | Perception (Sight) | Just darkness without end -- it makes your head spin. |
13 | None |
14 | None | Variable["church.orb_silence_redcheck_sight_up"] |
15 | None | (Variable["church.orb_silence_redcheck_sight_up"]) == false |
16 | You | (Blink.) |
17 | Tiago | You see something hanging from the rafters, looking straight at you with dark eyes. |
18 | Perception (Sight) | It's not a shadow anymore -- becoming more substantial as it gets closer. The shape of an *animal* descends. |
19 | Perception (Sight) | Oh no! You've lost sight of it. Where did it go? |
20 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant points to his ears and shakes his head. Then he leans closer. |
21 | Perception (Hearing) | Your voice is barely audible -- not a howl, but the softest of whimpers. |
22 | None |
23 | You | Stomp your feet and clap your hands. |
24 | Perception (Hearing) | You produce a few muffled thumps, after which the silence feels even more... *total* somehow. |
25 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Can you hear anything?" |
26 | You | "Almost nothing, and it's beginning to worry me." |
27 | Kim Kitsuragi | "The church just has... strange acoustics -- some engineering trick." |
28 | None |
29 | None |
30 | You | On the ceiling? |
31 | You | Follow the shadow's movements. |
32 | Perception (Sight) | Yes. The darkness makes the ceiling feel infinitely far away... |
33 | You | Try to make out something -- anything. |
34 | Perception (Sight) | There's nothing. You're dizzy and disoriented as you see dark and more dark -- rising... |
35 | None |
36 | You | What's the darkness like? |
37 | Perception (Sight) | Filled with vague shapes of woodwork. The sense of a great height. |
38 | Tiago | You see something hanging from the rafters, looking straight at you with dark eyes. |
39 | You | (Blink.) |
40 | You | What if I don't *want* to know what's up there? |
41 | Perception (Hearing) | The silence, the darkness -- they've enveloped you, as in a cocoon. You cannot move anymore. |
42 | None |
43 | None |
44 | None |
45 | None |
46 | You | "Not really, but it's extraordinary. I've never experienced anything like this." |
47 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I wonder why the... church was built with such strange acoustics..." |
48 | Empathy | His detached tone conceals how uncomfortable he is. |
49 | Conceptualization | Maybe the church was designed in this way to prevent boisterous activity -- singing and dancing -- on its premises? |
50 | You | "Maybe they wanted to discourage singing and dancing." | Variable["church.silence_clap_concept"] |
51 | None |
52 | You | "Hey, what if it's something *paranatural*?" | Variable["doomed.plais_whitecheck_drama_convince"] or IsTHCPresent("remote_viewer") or Variable["tc.rvd"] |
53 | You | "Whatever it is, it's definitely real. Something odd is happening around us." |
54 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Hmm, could be..." |
55 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Please, detective, not this again." |
56 | Suggestion | He's trying to act dismissive, but at this particular moment, he's more open than usual to the idea of paranatural phenomena. |
57 | Perception (Hearing) | Maybe if you were to stand in just the right spot, even your footsteps would be completely silent... |
58 | Logic | It seems that sound here is detached from its source somehow, if not blotted out outright. Truly unusual. |
59 | None |
60 | None | Variable["tc.pale"] and Variable["church.silence_greet_concept"] |
61 | None | (Variable["tc.pale"] and Variable["church.silence_greet_concept"]) == false |
62 | Encyclopedia | Sounds like the pale. |
63 | None |
64 | None | Variable["church.silence_greet_reaction"] |
65 | None | (Variable["church.silence_greet_reaction"]) == false |
66 | Half Light | It's unnerving. |
67 | None |
68 | You | How do I know what the pale sounds like? |
69 | You | No. Let me just listen. |
70 | Encyclopedia | From recordings. Of the far pale. You've heard them. We all have. |
71 | Perception (Hearing) | You can hardly hear your own breathing. |
72 | Encyclopedia | You know, in the middle of the last century, there was a group of Revacholian painters who famously disdained the use of black. |
73 | None |
74 | None | Variable["church.silence_red_check_fail_encyc"] |
75 | None | (Variable["church.silence_red_check_fail_encyc"]) == false |
76 | None |
77 | You | What did they have against black? |
78 | You | Why only Revacholian? |
79 | You | Can I use this to see through the darkness up there, somehow? (Proceed.) | Variable["church.silence_red_check_fail_encyc_rev"] and Variable["church.silence_red_check_fail_encyc_black"] |
80 | Encyclopedia | No, this is just an intellectual musing. In fact, it's probably dangerous to waste time like this. You should stop. |
81 | Encyclopedia | Revachol was an overwhelmingly colourful place back then. They made most of the world's dyes here. |
82 | Encyclopedia | They wanted to capture what it really felt like to look at the world -- to be *inside* colour, to be blinded by early afternoon light glittering on the crests of sea waves. |
83 | None |
84 | None |
85 | Encyclopedia | Such an effect is best achieved by using the juxtaposition of complementary colours -- rather than the addition of black -- to create contrast. |
86 | You | Hmm, maybe I should take up painting. |
87 | You | Seems unfair to black. I like black, look at it! |
88 | Encyclopedia | It's unclear if you have enough years left in you to make up for your lack of technique... |
89 | Encyclopedia | Sometimes an encounter with an opposing aesthetic is required for one to truly grow into one's tastes and preferences. |
90 | Encyclopedia | It would likely be easier to explain with a hands-on demonstration. Alas! |
91 | You | Sounds complicated. |
92 | None |
93 | Half Light | Prepare for an attack! |
94 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Officer, is there something up there?" The lieutenant follows your gaze, attempting to see whatever it is that you are seeing. |
95 | None |
96 | None | IsKimHere() |
97 | None | (IsKimHere()) == false |
98 | You | Look up into the bell tower. | IsKimHere() == false |
99 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Hmm, maybe. Darkness often has that effect on people." |
100 | Tiago | Maybe it's possible to... talk to it? |
101 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Officer, what are you looking at?" He follows your gaze, attempting to see whatever it is that you are seeing. |
102 | None |
103 | None | IsKimHere() |
104 | None | (IsKimHere()) == false |
105 | Inland Empire | It's like you see your own face reflected back at you in the vanishing geometry -- a strange, alien image that's supposed to be you. |
106 | Tiago | Maybe it's possible to... talk to it? |
107 | You | "It's probably nothing, just our imagination." |
108 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant doesn't reply, but you can sense him tense up next to you. |
109 | Rhetoric | He doesn't seem entirely convinced, though. |
110 | Encyclopedia | But to what? There is almost nothing. |
111 | You | "Can't hear shit." |
112 | Volition | Relax. It'll be okay. |
113 | Physical Instrument | It's *climbing*. Climbing down, holding on the beams. |