Savoir Faire White Check to climb up.
This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.
ID | Character | Dialogue | Conditions | Links |
0 | None |
1 | None |
2 | Feld Ladder | A rusty ladder leads to the rooftop. Some of the rungs are missing. |
3 | Feld Ladder |
4 | Feld Ladder | IsKimHere() |
5 | Feld Ladder | (IsKimHere()) == false |
6 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Yeah, that doesn't look good at all." |
7 | Esprit de Corps | You shouldn't attempt to get to the roof without the lieutenant here. What if you fall and need to be rushed to the hospital? |
8 | None |
9 | You | "It won't hurt to try." |
10 | You | You're not ready to do this yet. [Leave.] |
11 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Oh yes. It could hurt. A lot." |
12 | Authority | He is restraining himself from using a parental tone with you right now. |
13 | Feld Ladder |
14 | Feld Ladder | Variable["boardwalk.feld_ladder_savoir_wc"] |
15 | Feld Ladder | (Variable["boardwalk.feld_ladder_savoir_wc"]) == false |
16 | Savoir Faire | Yes. Teleportation is completely not a thing. Perhaps if you were to, instead, climb the ladder with your eyes closed? This way it's less scary. |
17 | You | Grab the first rung. |
18 | Feld Ladder | It doesn't crumble in your hand, as one might expect. In fact, it doesn't even bend. |
19 | Trant Heidelstam | "Officer, be careful! Officer!" |
20 | Feld Ladder | The ladder gleams arrogantly with what remains of its metallic lustre as you hit the barrel and tumble onto the ground. |
21 | None |
22 | You | Assess the situation. |
23 | Feld Ladder | The distances between the remaining rungs are rather *wide*. You'd have to use the mounting brackets. However, they seem corroded and the peeling rust is razor-sharp. |
24 | Feld Ladder | Your fingers slip from the rung... |
25 | You | Grab the second rung. |
26 | Pain Threshold | Brace yourself! |
27 | Feld Ladder |
28 | Feld Ladder | Variable["boardwalk.feld_ladder_painth_block"] |
29 | Feld Ladder | (Variable["boardwalk.feld_ladder_painth_block"]) == false |
30 | Feld Ladder | The ladder gleams arrogantly with what remains of its metallic lustre as you hit the barrel and tumble onto the ground. |
31 | Feld Ladder |
32 | You | "What if I don't climb? What if I just... *teleport*?" | IsKimHere() and Variable["boardwalk.ladder_situation_assessed"] |
33 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Teleportation is not a thing." The lieutenant stares at you, stone-faced. |
34 | You | "C'mon, Kim. Where's your adventurous spirit?" |
35 | You | "Teleportation *is* a thing. Just needs a bit of concentration..." | Variable["boardwalk.ladder_rhet_teleportation"] == false |
36 | Kim Kitsuragi | "This really has nothing to do with... adventure. We're dealing with basic physics here." |
37 | None |
38 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Okay, let's say teleportation is a thing. Wouldn't you need some kind of... scientific apparatus to create a teleportation field? You can't just do it without apparatus." |
39 | You | Teleport to the roof. | IsKimHere() and Variable["boardwalk.ladder_climbing_vs_teleport"] == true |
40 | Savoir Faire | All you need to do is close your eyes and concentrate. Darkness *enfolds* you. You can *feel* the distance between the bench and the first rung of the ladder. All you need to is... |
41 | You | Do it. |
42 | Savoir Faire | *ZOOT*! *ZAP*! *POW*! *CRINKLE*! It's like magic, you feel yourself disappear, your atoms fading out of existence... |
43 | Trant Heidelstam | "Oh my god! I can't believe it!" |
44 | Savoir Faire | *BAM*! You find yourself on the roof... having mastered the art of physical displacement. |
45 | You | "I did it, Kim! I teleported!" | IsKimHere() |
46 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I just *saw* you climb the ladder," the lieutenant shouts from below. "You just climbed it, like a regular person." |
47 | Perception (Hearing) | The wind at the top of the building starts howling loudly, blowing away the lieutenant's voice... faintly you hear... |
48 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Never mind... find a way to let me in when you get inside! Don't go adventuring without backup, especially if we think the suspect may be hiding here." |
49 | Feld Ladder | In addition, the first rung is going to be *tough* to reach. It's, what, three metres above ground, and you're -- 180...? |
50 | You | One-eighty seems about right. |
51 | You | One-ninety. I'm a giant. |
52 | Feld Ladder | Okay. But, still -- the roof is collapsing and the wind gets pretty brutal up there. Dismounting from the ladder is going to be *hard*. Perhaps if you were to... *not* climb the ladder? Instead... |
53 | Feld Ladder | Not to mention that the roof is collapsing and the wind gets pretty brutal up there. Dismounting from the ladder is going to be *hard*. Perhaps if you were to... *not* climb the ladder? Instead... |
54 | Savoir Faire | What if you were to do something more *subtle*? |
55 | Conceptualization | What if you were to *re-conceptualize* climbing the ladder? |
56 | Inland Empire | ASTRAL PROJECTION! Be *open-minded* about this. |
57 | Pain Threshold | Yeah... Because falling from that height seems, well -- SPLAT! So don't do that. Just, you know... |
58 | Savoir Faire | On second thought, maybe teleportation isn't a thing. |
59 | You | Why? |
60 | Perception (Hearing) | Because you're just standing there squeezing your buttocks and nothing is happening. |
61 | None |
62 | You | "Kim, do you know where I could *get* that teleportation apparatus?" | Variable["boardwalk.ladder_apparatus_mentioned"] |
63 | You | "Kim, it isn't happening! I'm not teleporting." |
64 | Kim Kitsuragi | He looks at you, eyes wide with feigned surprise. "You're not? Please don't try to *climb* the building, we'll get in another way." |
65 | You | Don't say the stupid thing. |
66 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant looks at you with that 'I-know-you're-thinking-the-stupid-thing' look -- as you grow tired of clenching your buttocks and give up. |
67 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Teleportation apparatus? I don't remember mentioning anything about teleportation apparatus. Please don't try to *climb* the building, we'll get in another way." |
68 | Feld Ladder |
69 | Feld Ladder | IsHourBetween(8,19) |
70 | Feld Ladder | (IsHourBetween(8,19)) == false |
71 | None |
72 | You | Don't gloat. Just stand there like a Samaran master. |
73 | None |
74 | Rhetoric | Even if it isn't -- no one told you. |
75 | None |
76 | You | "It is a thing for *me*. I can't *remember* it's not a thing." | Variable["boardwalk.ladder_rhet_teleportation"] |
77 | Kim Kitsuragi | "That's not how physics work, detective. And even if it were -- wouldn't you need some kind of apparatus? A teleportation field or..." |
78 | Feld Ladder |
79 | Feld Ladder | IsHourBetween(8,19) and Variable["TASK.locate_ruby_on_the_coast_done"] == false |
80 | Feld Ladder | (IsHourBetween(8,19) and Variable["TASK.locate_ruby_on_the_coast_done"] == false) == false |
81 | Mikael Heidelstam | "What are they talking about?" the kid behind you whispers, asking his father. |
82 | Trant Heidelstam | "Teleportation, Mikael. It's... generally thought impossible." |
83 | None |
84 | Rhetoric | Yes -- climbing it would be too *expensive*. The animations your body needs to make, interacting with the ladder, are beyond your capabilities at this moment in your career. |
85 | Rhetoric | He *did*, he totally said something about the apparatus, god damn it... |
86 | None |
87 | Feld Ladder |
88 | Feld Ladder | Variable["boardwalk.ladder_teleport_white_failed_once"] |
89 | Feld Ladder | (Variable["boardwalk.ladder_teleport_white_failed_once"]) == false |
90 | Feld Ladder |
91 | Feld Ladder | Variable["boardwalk.ladder_teleport_white_failed_twice"] |
92 | Feld Ladder | (Variable["boardwalk.ladder_teleport_white_failed_twice"]) == false |
93 | Feld Ladder |
94 | Feld Ladder | Variable["boardwalk.ladder_climbing_vs_teleport"] |
95 | Feld Ladder | (Variable["boardwalk.ladder_climbing_vs_teleport"]) == false |
96 | Esprit de Corps | You shouldn't attempt to climb this ladder without the lieutenant here. What if you fall and need to be rushed to the hospital? |
97 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Okay, well. That's impressive, but..." |
98 | Feld Ladder |
99 | Feld Ladder | IsHourBetween(8,19) |
100 | Feld Ladder | (IsHourBetween(8,19)) == false |
101 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Careful..." |
102 | Savoir Faire | It's not happening. You simply do not have the mind-over-matter athletic capacity to pull it off at this time. |
103 | None |
104 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Enough of that now, officer..." The lieutenant pats you on the back. "There has got to be a better, more *age-appropriate* way in." |
105 | Kim Kitsuragi | "You know, for the record, you didn't teleport there. You just climbed the ladder with your eyes closed..." |
106 | Physical Instrument | Hear that? You're old. That's why you can't do it. Old and feeble. A let-down. A failure. |
107 | Savoir Faire | No -- not like a regular person. Like a phase spider. |
108 | Feld Ladder |
109 | Feld Ladder | Variable["boardwalk.ladder_hub_reached"] |
110 | Feld Ladder | (Variable["boardwalk.ladder_hub_reached"]) == false |
111 | Feld Ladder | The rusty ladder leads to the rooftop. |