Interact with the Insulindian phasmid.

How to use this page:

This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.

Column definitions:
  • ID: a numerical index for the entry within this conversation.
  • Character: the character speaking or acting.
  • Dialogue: prose containing spoken dialogue and other description.
  • Conditions: logical checks governing this entry appearing or occurring.
  • Links: entries that might follow this one, depending on conditions and player choice. Most links are internal to this conversation, external links to other conversations are marked with the format (conversation ID, entry ID).
ID Character Dialogue Conditions Links
0 None
  • 1
1 None
  • 728
2 Insulindian Phasmid The creature stands on long stilt-like legs, antennae hanging from its head like a woman's hair -- white and curled at the tips. It is no more than five steps away from you.
  • 256
3 Suggestion The segmented antennae move with apprehension, searching for something... you.
  • 4
4 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 5
  • 6
5 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_sugg_prepare"]
  • 7
6 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_sugg_prepare"]) == false
  • 255
7 Savoir Faire Take long, deep breaths. Slow down your pulse. Don't move yet, and when you do -- be light as a feather.
  • 255
8 None
  • 18
  • 9
  • 74
  • 70
  • 10
  • 736
  • 71
9 You (Whisper.) "This is the Insulindian phasmid." Variable["tc.insulindian_phasmid"] == true
  • 15
10 You Approach carefully. Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == true or Variable["coast.morell_pheromone_spray_thick"] == true
  • 33
11 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 12
  • 13
12 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.deserter_rc_success_heard_it"]
  • 14
13 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.deserter_rc_success_heard_it"]) == false
  • 8
14 Perception (Hearing) The hiss is different from the strings you heard before. It says something *else*, in a lower pitch...
  • 8
15 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 16
  • 17
16 Insulindian Phasmid IsKimHere()
  • 27
17 Insulindian Phasmid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 98
18 You Listen carefully... Variable["seafort.phasmid_hearing_hiss"]
  • 21
19 Perception (Hearing) Sssss-hsssss-tik-ssssss-hssss-tik...
  • 20
20 Inland Empire You smell...
  • 26
21 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 22
  • 23
22 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == true and Variable["whirling.bath_washed_pheromones_off"] == false
  • 19
23 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == true and Variable["whirling.bath_washed_pheromones_off"] == false) == false
  • 24
24 Perception (Hearing) Tik-tik-tik... hisss... tik-tik-tik... hisss....
  • 25
25 Inland Empire Be afraid. You smell wrong.
  • 26
26 None
  • 8
27 Kim Kitsuragi "It is," the lieutenant whispers behind you. You hear the familiar ring of his jacket unzipping -- slowly. Painstakingly so...
  • 29
28 Kim Kitsuragi You glance over your shoulder. The lieutenant holds a piece of milled aluminium. He begins to pull it open, extremely carefully -- it's the camera!
  • 39
29 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 30
  • 31
30 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["yard.hanged_picture_taken"]
  • 28
31 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["yard.hanged_picture_taken"]) == false
  • 32
32 Kim Kitsuragi You glance over your shoulder. The lieutenant holds a piece of milled aluminium. He begins to pull it open, extremely carefully...
  • 41
33 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 34
  • 35
34 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_rc_composure_approach"]
  • 115
35 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_rc_composure_approach"]) == false
  • 116
36 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 37
  • 38
37 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_rc_comp_impossible_approach"]
  • 116
38 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_rc_comp_impossible_approach"]) == false
  • 116
39 Savoir Faire No! The flash will scare the creature off! Warn him NOW!
  • 45
40 Savoir Faire No! The flash will scare the creature. Warn him NOW!
  • 45
41 Perception (Sight) Looks like camera! Yes!
  • 42
42 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 43
  • 44
43 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_looks_like_camera"]
  • 40
44 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_looks_like_camera"]) == false
  • 45
45 None
  • 48
  • 46
  • 47
46 You "Kim..." (Whisper.) "The flash is loud. It won't like that." Variable["seafort.phasmid_savoir_do_not_camera"] == true
  • 52
47 You (Whisper) "Are you sure you won't scare it off?"
  • 53
48 You (Point to it.) "What is that?" Variable["yard.hanged_picture_taken"] == false and Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_looks_like_camera"] == false
  • 49
49 Kim Kitsuragi "My camera."
  • 50
50 Savoir Faire No! The sound of the flash will scare the creature off. Warn him NOW!
  • 51
51 None
  • 45
52 Kim Kitsuragi "We *need* a photo -- no one will believe us." He continues to pull the lens open...
  • 54
53 Kim Kitsuragi "We need a photo -- or no one will believe us." He continues to pull the lens open...
  • 54
54 Insulindian Phasmid From the corner of your eye, you see a sudden cascade of motion ripple through the insect's limbs. A series of ultrasonic clicks fills your ear...
  • 55
55 Half Light I am not palatable. Do not eat me. I am afraid.
  • 56
  • 57
56 You "Okay, take the picture."
  • 58
57 You "Stop. Let me approach it first."
  • 59
58 Kim Kitsuragi With the sound of metal sliding against metal, the lieutenant reveals the lens. The glass glints in his hand as he begins to slide in an ampoule...
  • 294
59 Kim Kitsuragi "I won't be one of those fools who didn't take a picture..." He has stopped fiddling with the camera, but does not put it down.
  • 60
60 Authority He's letting his pride get in the way.
  • 88
61 None
  • 62
  • 63
  • 65
62 You (Whisper) "Who cares what they *think* Kim."
  • 64
63 You (Whisper) "I have the pheromone, I can approach it." Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == true and Variable["whirling.bath_washed_pheromones_off"] == false
  • 66
64 Kim Kitsuragi He comes to, abruptly. "Understood. Of course," he says with a nod.
  • 68
65 You "Just listen to me!"
  • 67
66 Kim Kitsuragi "I don't think the pheromone will do anything." His whisper turns to a sceptical hiss -- but he has stopped now.
  • 68
67 Kim Kitsuragi "Shh... okay." The lieutenant puts his finger to his lips and nods.
  • 68
68 Insulindian Phasmid The spindly mechanism turns itself back to you, its antennae taking their measure of the air, slowly...
  • 69
69 None
  • 8
70 You (Say something to the insect, quietly, like...)
  • 932
71 You Retreat slowly. [Leave.]
  • 89
72 Insulindian Phasmid The creature tilts its tiny head to the side and appears to look at you. It is incredibly light, like the slightest gust of wind should blow it away, but it doesn't...
  • 81
73 Conceptualization Its insect mind is impenetrable to your reasoning.
  • 86
74 You (Whisper.) "What is that?" Variable["tc.insulindian_phasmid"] == false
  • 757
75 You "Hey."
  • 72
76 You "Don't be afraid..."
  • 79
77 You "You exist..." Variable["TASK.find_phasmid"] == true
  • 78
78 Insulindian Phasmid A sudden chirrup fills the air -- the walking stick moves its whole body, limbs working independently of each other, like the parts of a masterfully constructed machine.
  • 84
79 Insulindian Phasmid Nothing changes in the cyclical, praying motion of the creature's limbs. They are porcelain white on the inside, and reed-coloured on the out -- beige, light brown and striped. You are unsure if it is scared or not.
  • 73
80 Empathy There is a sadness in there -- or is it in you, from the dream... It's still with you, the pitiful *hey* you told her, even now...
  • 86
81 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 82
  • 83
82 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.dolores_said_hey"]
  • 80
83 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.dolores_said_hey"]) == false
  • 933
84 Empathy It moves just an inch closer to you. Or does it only *feel* like it does?
  • 85
85 Composure Something in its body language has changed, just slightly...
  • 86
86 None
  • 8
87 The Deserter No one hears you whisper. Behind you, the straggler sits despondently by the fire, oblivious to his surroundings.
  • 105
88 Insulindian Phasmid You see the insect turn to him, its mandible antennae reaching out. Its motions are quick, sudden.
  • 61
89 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 90
  • 91
90 Insulindian Phasmid IsKimHere()
  • 92
91 Insulindian Phasmid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 94
92 Kim Kitsuragi "We can't just leave it standing there. We have to do *something*, detective. It could be..." He thinks. "It could be connected somehow even..."
  • 97
93 Insulindian Phasmid The ghost insect watches you disengage, continuing its hypnotizing motion. It's unclear whether it even registers that you're going...
94 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 95
  • 96
95 Insulindian Phasmid IsCunoInParty()
  • 760
96 Insulindian Phasmid (IsCunoInParty()) == false
  • 93
97 Empathy You've never seen him get this excited. His voice is almost trembling.
  • 860
98 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 99
  • 100
99 Insulindian Phasmid IsCunoInParty()
  • 737
100 Insulindian Phasmid (IsCunoInParty()) == false
  • 87
101 Insulindian Phasmid He not as much as glances at the gigantic insect to his right -- nor does it look at him. Its antennae take their measure of the air, slowly... searching for something -- *you*.
  • 102
102 None
  • 8
103 Kim Kitsuragi "I have absolutely no idea..." The lieutenant whispers back. You hear the familiar ring of his jacket unzipping -- slowly. Painstakingly so...
  • 104
104 None
  • 29
105 Esprit de Corps Meanwhile, in the antechamber of the Station 57 lazareth, a neatly packed pair of cargo pants and an orange bomber jacket sit in a locker. Nested on the jacket -- a small block of milled aluminium, tucked away in a leather case.
  • 106
106 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 107
  • 108
107 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_esprit_stuff_in_station"]
  • 109
108 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_esprit_stuff_in_station"]) == false
  • 101
109 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 110
  • 111
110 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["yard.hanged_picture_taken"]
  • 112
111 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["yard.hanged_picture_taken"]) == false
  • 113
112 Esprit de Corps An instant camera -- the Trigat Sunshine Mini. A moan of discomfort sounds from the lazareth, as he turns onto his side...
  • 114
113 Esprit de Corps A camera -- an instant colour camera the lieutenant keeps tucked away in his coat pocket. A moan of discomfort sounds from the lazareth, as he turns onto his side...
  • 114
114 Insulindian Phasmid Back on an island 28 kilometres away, the gigantic insect moves its antennae, taking its measure of the air, slowly... it's searching for something -- *you*.
  • 102
115 Electrochemistry Slowly, with your breath held, you take two small steps toward the phasmid. The creature lets out a series of ultrasonic clicks that swarm around your head like swallows...
  • 118
116 Electrochemistry You barely get to take one step -- the invertebrate reacts with uncanny speed, skating away across the water. It's gone, like a skipping stone, leaving nothing but rings on the sea's calm mirror...
  • 204
117 Encyclopedia The tracheal system on the creature's abdomen expands in front of you, to take in and expel air -- it's *smelling* you.
  • 119
118 Empathy Like laughter. A sort of happiness.
  • 120
119 Insulindian Phasmid ...hissing and clicking, it extends its mandible-like antennae to greet you. You're right below it now, looking up at the colossal chitin of its white limbs. The head of the creature is crowned by reeds and its eyes are like small droplets of water.
  • 121
120 Endurance Sweat drips from your brow, soaking your chest... you reek of it, your chemicals.
  • 117
121 None
  • 165
  • 178
  • 122
  • 124
  • 123
  • 129
  • 125
122 You Raise your hand slowly.
  • 126
123 You (Whisper) "Okay Kim, take the picture." IsKimHere()
  • 391
124 You "Hello. I don't know who I am."
  • 127
125 You Disengage slowly. [Leave.]
  • 834
126 Insulindian Phasmid The insect stops its stridulation, seeming to observe you. Below its crown of reeds, little pin-prick eyes detect motion, glittering. The world stands still around you.
  • 164
127 Insulindian Phasmid No reply. A total, ancient silence comes from its mouth, along with what appears to be some kind of foam... The stridulations of its limbs continue all around you.
  • 130
  • 131
128 Conceptualization Praying to you.
  • 158
129 You Tell me -- what are you doing? Variable["seafort.phasmid_white_check_found"]
  • 416
130 You Stand on your tiptoes and look more closely...
  • 132
131 You Back off.
  • 153
132 Insulindian Phasmid You were right. Little bubbles form on the mouthparts of the creature -- on its segmented lower lip. It looks to be foaming, slowly. The foam is white, then yellowish...
  • 134
133 None
  • 135
  • 136
  • 137
134 Perception (Smell) The faintest smell, like you've never felt before. Like burnt roses.
  • 133
135 You (Whisper.) "Kim, it's foaming." IsKimHere() or IsCunoInParty()
  • 138
136 You "Why are you're foaming?" IsKimHere() == false and IsCunoInParty() == false
  • 151
137 You Let your heels drop back onto solid ground.
  • 154
138 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 139
  • 140
139 Insulindian Phasmid IsKimHere()
  • 141
140 Insulindian Phasmid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 770
141 Kim Kitsuragi "Careful. It may be poisonous." The lieutenant watches you apprehensively.
  • 142
142 Insulindian Phasmid The foam slowly turns a darker shade, like burnt caramel -- as the insect moves its mouthparts, masticating. The little bubbles begin to burst, one by one...
  • 144
143 Perception (Smell) Letting out that same smell, like summer burning.
  • 147
144 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 145
  • 146
145 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_smell_burnt_roses"]
  • 143
146 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_smell_burnt_roses"]) == false
  • 152
147 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 148
  • 149
148 Insulindian Phasmid IsTHCPresent("juicy_fruit")
  • 150
149 Insulindian Phasmid (IsTHCPresent("juicy_fruit")) == false
  • 152
150 Inland Empire Apricot blossoms. White blossoms erupting. A sensation, like cold hands on your face.
  • 152
151 Insulindian Phasmid Silence. Click. The foam slowly turns a darker tone, like burnt caramel -- as the insect moves its mouthparts, masticating on nothing in particular. Then the little bubbles begin to burst, one by one...
  • 144
152 None
  • 121
153 Insulindian Phasmid The invertebrate stops, raising its scythe-like arms and tilting its tiny head, formed from the fused plates around its mouth. For a second, the effigy is frozen, then it nudges back into motion with a click.
  • 155
154 None
  • 153
155 None
  • 121
156 You Raise the other hand too.
  • 157
157 Insulindian Phasmid As you do, the invertebrate comes to life, its limbs moving independent of each other. As if each has a mind of its own. They are white like stalks of porcelain, knitting above you.
  • 128
158 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 159
  • 160
159 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_concept_praying"]
  • 161
  • 162
  • 163
160 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_concept_praying"]) == false
  • 464
161 You (Whisper.) "That's right. Pray."
  • 174
162 You "Don't pray to me. I'm nothing."
  • 175
163 You Put your hands down instead.
  • 183
164 Perception (Hearing) Suddenly there is silence.
  • 173
165 You (Look behind you.) "It's smelling me..." Variable["seafort.phasmid_ency_smelling_you"] == true and (IsKimHere() or IsCunoInParty())
  • 166
166 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 167
  • 168
167 Insulindian Phasmid IsKimHere()
  • 169
168 Insulindian Phasmid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 761
169 Kim Kitsuragi "Maybe it *is* real, the pheromone..." The lieutenant's mouth is agape.
  • 176
170 You Put your hand down.
  • 171
171 Insulindian Phasmid The invertebrate comes back to life, stridulating. Sets of complex eyes follow you, moving in tandem, on either side of the insect's small head.
  • 172
172 None
  • 121
173 Half Light No. Stop. Be afraid.
  • 156
  • 170
174 Insulindian Phasmid Unwittingly the insect continues its stridulations. As it moves, tuft-like structures still pretending to be plants rustle along on its joints.
  • 181
175 Insulindian Phasmid The reed-creature does not stop its stridulations -- it towers above you, parting the reeds it emerged from. Tuft like structures still rustle on its joints.
  • 181
176 Authority About now he is ready to believe in anything.
  • 823
177 None
  • 121
178 You (Look up.) "You're smelling me..." Variable["seafort.phasmid_ency_smelling_you"] == true and IsKimHere() == false and IsCunoInParty() == false
  • 179
179 Insulindian Phasmid The insect's head is crowned with reed-like scales, the shape of seed heads. They rustle as the air moves. The ventricles at its abdomen continue to expanding, like lunglets...
  • 180
180 Electrochemistry Breathing you in -- your sour, greasy semiochemicals on the breeze...
  • 177
181 Half Light Perhaps it is preparing to *eat* its god?
  • 182
182 None
  • 121
183 Insulindian Phasmid Sets of complex eyes follow you --droplets of dew on either side of the head.
  • 184
184 None
  • 121
185 Kim Kitsuragi "Okay..." With a slow ring of metal, the lieutenant slides the lens open and raises it to eye level.
  • 186
186 Insulindian Phasmid There is no change in the insects motion while its being aimed by the camera. It remains fixated on you.
  • 187
187 Kim Kitsuragi "In three," the lieutenant whispers, his voice is tense. "If it moves, you jump back, I'll shoot. Here we go. Three, two, one..."
  • 188
188 Insulindian Phasmid The shrill flash of the camera cuts the air like the blade of a sword. The phasmid freezes in its bright light -- head turned toward the lieutenant. Hypnotized by the flash, it stands frozen before you.
  • 189
189 Shivers The sweat on your arms feels cold as ice. As if you're frozen as well, in the shadow of this giant statue of chitinous marble.
  • 347
190 You (Yell.) "No!"
  • 212
191 You "Where did it go?" (Look north.) Can *you* see it?" Variable["seafort.phasmid_reaction_it_is_off"] == false
  • 202
192 You "How did it *do* that? Glide?"
  • 201
193 You "Did you get it, did you get the picture?" Variable["seafort.phasmid_talking_of_photo"] == false
  • 215
194 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 195
  • 196
195 Insulindian Phasmid IsCunoInParty()
  • 762
196 Insulindian Phasmid (IsCunoInParty()) == false
  • 205
197 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 198
  • 199
198 Insulindian Phasmid IsKimHere()
  • 260
199 Insulindian Phasmid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 194
200 None
  • 190
  • 216
  • 206
  • 229
  • 239
  • 238
  • 191
  • 218
  • 192
  • 217
  • 193
  • 227
  • 262
201 Kim Kitsuragi "It appears the insect can walk on water. Like a water strider, you know. It's almost as fast..." He stops, short of breath. "Uncanny..."
  • 231
202 Kim Kitsuragi "No." He shakes his head. "It's gone for now, detective."
  • 231
203 Kim Kitsuragi "I don't think..." He tries to explain, patting slightly: "I don't think it had *anything* to do with the ox-spray. It was just scared."
  • 207
204 Reaction Speed It's blending into the tufts of reeds in the distance! Moving from islet to islet...
  • 197
205 Electrochemistry And you, a detective of the RCM, standing there with your mouth agape -- alone and dumbfounded.
  • 296
206 You "I shouldn't have taken a bath, the pheromone washed off!" Variable["whirling.bath_washed_pheromones_off"] == true
  • 203
207 Rhetoric There is uncertainty in his phrasing.
  • 208
208 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 209
  • 210
209 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_rhet_kim_uncertainty"]
  • 211
210 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_rhet_kim_uncertainty"]) == false
  • 285
211 Half Light It *definitely* had something to do with the ox-spray! It was repelled by you, as if it was scared.
  • 285
212 Kim Kitsuragi Your voice echoes on the water.
  • 334
213 You "It *did* have something to do with the ox-spray!"
  • 214
214 Kim Kitsuragi "Okay, but..." He shakes his head in disbelief. "I'm not an entomologist, okay? Neither was the para-scientist. Who knows? The only thing I'm sure of is..."
  • 228
215 Kim Kitsuragi He shakes his head. In silence -- an expression on his face that you've never seen there before.
  • 291
216 You "I don't understand... I *had* the pheromone...." Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == true and Variable["whirling.bath_washed_pheromones_off"] == false
  • 203
217 You "Tell me you got the picture..." Variable["seafort.phasmid_talking_of_photo"] == true
  • 215
218 You "I think it went into the reeds there, on that islet..." (Point North.) Variable["seafort.phasmid_reaction_it_is_off"] == true
  • 219
219 Kim Kitsuragi "Looks like it doesn't like to stay out in the open for long." The lieutenant squints where you're pointing.
  • 231
220 You "You didn't get the picture?"
  • 221
221 Kim Kitsuragi "No..." He shows you the white slip of photo paper. There's a rainbow of colour -- blue, white, yellow, and brown like a child's painting.
  • 222
222 Perception (Sight) Even a wildlife photographer couldn't make out a familiar form, let alone a gigantic stick insect.
  • 223
223 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 224
  • 225
224 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_wildlife"]
  • 261
225 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_wildlife"]) == false
  • 226
226 Perception (Sight) However hard you squint you can't make out anything recognizable, let alone a stick insect.
  • 261
227 You "What now?" (Continue.)
  • 235
228 Kim Kitsuragi There's a flicker of a smile on his lips, like he can't believe what he's saying: "We *saw* it -- it was real."
  • 230
229 You "I should have taken the pheromone from Morell!" Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == false and Variable["TASK.inspect_traps"] == true
  • 203
230 None
  • 200
231 None
  • 200
232 You Say nothing, swallow it.
  • 233
233 Kim Kitsuragi "It's just a blur," he says, looking at the slip of paper in his hand.
  • 234
234 None
  • 200
235 The Deserter "What now..." the old man behind you repeats suddenly. He's put his hand into the ash -- it's dirty and black.
  • 236
236 Empathy In some kind of strange, semi-catatonic state.
  • 237
237 Kim Kitsuragi "Our suspect's not looking so good. We should check him over -- also..." He points to the reeds.
  • 287
238 You "What in the name of *god* was that?" Variable["tc.insulindian_phasmid"] == false and Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == false
  • 252
239 You "Damn, we should have helped the cryptozoologists." Variable["tc.insulindian_phasmid"] == true and Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == false and Variable["TASK.inspect_traps"] == false
  • 240
240 Kim Kitsuragi "Helped them?" He falls silent for a moment. "I don't see what more we could have done?"
  • 241
  • 242
  • 243
241 You "We could have learned something about the phasmid's behaviour. Searched for it with them."
  • 245
242 You "We should have been more thorough Kim. We should have..."
  • 245
243 You "You're right."
  • 244
244 Kim Kitsuragi "I'm not. We should have... it's my fault too." He looks across the water. The slip of photo paper still drying in his hand, hanging despondently for a second.
  • 246
245 Kim Kitsuragi "I know. We *should* have... It's my fault too." He looks across the water. The slip of photo paper still drying in his hand, just hanging there for a second.
  • 246
246 Empathy It's too late now.
  • 247
247 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 248
  • 249
248 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_empathy_such_failure"]
  • 250
249 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_empathy_such_failure"]) == false
  • 861
250 Volition He subdues the feeling. Dusts himself off and moves on. So should you. There will be other chances.
  • 861
251 None
  • 200
252 Kim Kitsuragi "A stick insect of some sort. Pretending to be the reeds..." He shakes his head. "Has it been there the whole time?"
  • 930
253 None
  • 200
254 Suggestion You never had a chance. There was something off the moment you approached it. It was scared of you. Of humans.
  • 200
255 Insulindian Phasmid Reed-like tufts stick out of its joints. As the insect moves its forearms it produces a faint hiss -- like a reel-to-reel machine spinning after the tape breaks.
  • 11
256 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 257
  • 258
257 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == true and Variable["whirling.bath_washed_pheromones_off"] == false
  • 3
258 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == true and Variable["whirling.bath_washed_pheromones_off"] == false) == false
  • 259
259 Suggestion The segmented antennae move with apprehension, searching for something that's not there...
  • 4
260 Kim Kitsuragi "Where? Where did it go?" The lieutenant has the camera in one hand -- and a slip of white paper in the other, developing.
  • 263
261 Kim Kitsuragi "I tried," he explains. "But it was moving too fast. And I didn't get the ampoule in right. And..." He gathers himself. "Dammit. I believe my eyes. It *was* there."
  • 288
262 You "Damn it! Damn it! I didn't get it right..." [Leave in rage.] (Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == true or Variable["coast.morell_pheromone_spray_thick"] == true) and Variable["whirling.bath_washed_pheromones_off"] == false
263 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 264
  • 265
264 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"]
  • 200
265 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"]) == false
  • 254
266 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 267
  • 268
267 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["whirling.lena_intro_midgreet"]
  • 269
268 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["whirling.lena_intro_midgreet"]) == false
  • 253
269 Encyclopedia Neither have you. But you know who would -- a cryptozoologist!
  • 270
270 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 271
  • 272
271 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_ency_cryptozoologist"]
  • 273
272 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_ency_cryptozoologist"]) == false
  • 275
273 Reaction Speed A cryptozoologist? Oh god, there was one...
  • 275
274 You "The cryptozoologist! There was one in the bar. Maybe she knew something?"
  • 277
275 None
  • 274
276 Kim Kitsuragi "The paraplegic? She could have, yes..." He seems unsure.
  • 281
277 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 278
  • 279
278 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["coast.morell_greeting_done"]
  • 280
279 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["coast.morell_greeting_done"]) == false
  • 276
280 Kim Kitsuragi "The paraplegic? *Or* the other one on the coast? They could have, yes..." He seems unsure.
  • 281
281 Esprit de Corps We missed it, he thinks. We damn missed a spot. We should have... then the lieutenant collects himself.
  • 282
282 Kim Kitsuragi "I never thought the damn *cryptozoology* would factor into this... Well, we know it's here now. We *will* find it again."
  • 283
283 None
  • 200
284 You "Okay, yes, you're probably right."
  • 286
285 None
  • 213
  • 289
  • 284
286 Kim Kitsuragi "Am I?" He shakes his head. "I don't know. I'm not an entomologist! Neither was the para-scientist. The only thing I'm sure of is..."
  • 228
287 Kim Kitsuragi "It looks like it has some kind of nest there... Maybe there's proof in there."
  • 840
288 None
  • 200
289 You "It was *definitely* that. He didn't like me. I didn't get to take a single step." Variable["seafort.phasmid_halflight_ox_spray"]
  • 290
290 Kim Kitsuragi "*Like* you?" He shakes his head in disbelief. "I'm not an entomologist, okay -- neither was the para-scientist. Who knows, maybe you're right. The only thing I'm sure of is..."
  • 228
291 Composure Like a little boy... for a moment he's unable to keep it together when he looks at the slip.
  • 220
  • 232
292 Kim Kitsuragi "The ampoule will produce a loud hiss." He turns to you and whispers: "You're right. It could scare it away. I need a better moment, when it's not looking."
  • 822
293 Authority Something cracks in the lieutenant. He's letting his pride get in the way.
  • 292
294 Insulindian Phasmid You see the insect turn to him, its mandible antennae reaching out. Its motions are quick, sudden.
  • 293
295 You (Yell.) "No!"
  • 300
296 None
  • 295
  • 301
  • 298
  • 303
  • 305
  • 304
  • 322
  • 302
  • 791
297 The Deserter "What are you talking about, *pheromone*?" The strange state the old man is in ends, momentarily. Something in the word animates him...
  • 326
298 You "God, I shouldn't have taken a bath! The pheromone washed off!" Variable["whirling.bath_washed_pheromones_off"] == true
  • 297
299 Encyclopedia You know who would know -- a cryptozoologist!
  • 314
300 The Deserter Your voice echoes alone on the water. Not so much as a scoff from the old man.
  • 336
301 You "I don't understand... I *had* the pheromone...." Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == true and Variable["whirling.bath_washed_pheromones_off"] == false
  • 297
302 You "Dammit. What now?" (Continue.)
  • 865
303 You "I should have taken the pheromone!" Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == false and Variable["TASK.find_phasmid"] == false and Variable["TASK.find_phasmid_done"] == false and Variable["coast.morell_refused_ox_spray"] == true
  • 297
304 You "What in the name of god was that?" Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == false and Variable["tc.insulindian_phasmid"] == false
  • 309
305 You "I should have helped the cryptozoologists. It's too late now..." Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == false and Variable["tc.insulindian_phasmid"] == true and Variable["TASK.find_phasmid"] == false and Variable["TASK.find_phasmid_done"] == false
  • 341
306 None
  • 296
307 You It's not use telling him...
  • 321
308 You "The cryptozoologist... there was one in the bar. I bet she knew something..."
  • 328
309 The Deserter "What was what?" The straggler looks around. "It's just the reeds, playing tricks on you, droite..."
  • 311
310 None
  • 296
311 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 312
  • 313
312 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["whirling.lena_intro_midgreet"]
  • 299
313 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["whirling.lena_intro_midgreet"]) == false
  • 310
314 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 315
  • 316
315 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_ency_cryptozoologist"]
  • 317
316 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_ency_cryptozoologist"]) == false
  • 318
317 Reaction Speed A cryptozoologist? Oh god, there was one...
  • 318
318 None
  • 308
  • 307
319 None
  • 296
320 Volition Subdue the regret. Dust yourself off, proceed. You'll get it in the next life, where you don't make mistakes. Do what you can with this one, while you're alive.
  • 862
321 The Deserter Looks like you're right. He's extending his hand into the dust now, for some odd reason. Smearing his finger in it, confused like a child...
  • 306
322 You "No one will believe me... no one will believe this was real."
  • 323
323 The Deserter Wordless, he's staring at the ash. Not responding to your yelling.
  • 343
324 None
  • 296
325 The Deserter ...and then he is back to staring at the dust.
  • 327
326 Electrochemistry Like a junkie...
  • 325
327 None
  • 296
328 The Deserter "I don't..." He's extending his hand into the dust now, for some odd reason. Smearing his finger in it, like a confused child...
  • 306
329 Esprit de Corps "He must be *really* out of it, yelling like that. Well, at least he's *alive*...." Officer Minot in the blue uniform frowns: "Jean, maybe something *happened*? He's in distress..."
  • 333
330 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 331
  • 332
331 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_esprit_posse_incoming"]
  • 329
332 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_esprit_posse_incoming"]) == false
  • 333
333 None
  • 200
334 Esprit de Corps Three-hundred metres inland special consultant Trant Heidelstam cups his ear. Satellite-Officer Vicquemare nods to him on the jetty: "I heard it."
  • 330
335 Esprit de Corps "He must be *really* out of it, yelling like that. Well, at least he's *alive*...." Officer Minot in the blue uniform frowns: "Jean, maybe something *happened*? He's in distress..."
  • 340
336 Esprit de Corps Three-hundred metres inland, on the jetty, special consultant Trant Heidelstam cups his ear. Satellite-Officer Vicquemare nods to him: "I heard it."
  • 337
337 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 338
  • 339
338 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_esprit_posse_incoming"]
  • 335
339 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_esprit_posse_incoming"]) == false
  • 340
340 None
  • 296
341 The Deserter "Crypto-what?" Some odd connotation catches the old man's ear.
  • 342
342 Rhetoric Crypto-*fascist* probably.
  • 320
343 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 344
  • 345
344 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_esprit_stuff_in_station"]
  • 346
345 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_esprit_stuff_in_station"]) == false
  • 324
346 Logic The lieutenant had a *camera*. A camera, he could have taken a picture. Now they'll all think you're mad...
  • 324
347 Kim Kitsuragi "I got it..." You hear the lieutenant whisper, as the creature's shape develops onto photo paper in his hand: a polychrome ghost of white streaks against the reeds and the sky. And you, as a shadow before it.
  • 348
348 Conceptualization Immortalized.
  • 349
349 Inland Empire For all time.
  • 350
350 None
  • 351
  • 361
  • 352
  • 353
351 You *Slowly* reach out and touch the creature's whisker.
  • 354
352 You Carefully pet its scythe-like forearm.
  • 363
353 You "We got it..." (Back off.)
  • 399
354 Insulindian Phasmid The antennae hang from a great height. With your hand shaking you barely touch the tip of the left whisker. On contact the chitin curls into a spiral, like the tip of a poison ivy. Its touch on your fingertip feels cold, ticklish...
  • 357
355 Kim Kitsuragi "Be careful, detective... It's moving."
  • 410
356 Interfacing It is surprisingly delicate -- the curly end of the whisker, like a young bine. It's even a bit wet.
  • 827
357 Electrochemistry The sensation is electrifying, resounding through your body.
  • 356
358 You Look at your finger.
  • 362
359 Interfacing It tastes like... sugar. Very faint. The arthropod towers above you, tufts of reeds pointing from limb and head alike.
  • 360
360 Perception (Taste) Odourless, mostly comprised of water.
  • 365
361 You Lick your finger. Variable["seafort.phasmid_interf_bine"] == true
  • 359
362 Interfacing You were right, it glistens with some kind of moisture. The creature in front of you stays frozen...
  • 415
363 Insulindian Phasmid The limb before you is incredibly light, like eggshell. It's much lighter than a reed. You feel a soft push could tip the creature over, its hollow exoskeleton collapsing...
  • 366
364 Interfacing Here, within the smooth white inner part of its limb you sense... something very intimate. Thoughts.
  • 824
365 None
  • 350
366 Reaction Speed Warning!
  • 398
367 You Run your hand up the slender limb, higher...
  • 369
368 You Pull your hand away.
  • 381
369 Insulindian Phasmid A small shudder passes the creature's arm. High above you its black pearl-eyes still glisten, mesmerized by the light passing its nervous system.
  • 370
370 Visual Calculus There is some kind of countdown happening, as it slowly processes the overwhelming brightness of the signal. The invertebrate is regaining control...
  • 371
371 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 372
  • 373
372 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_viscal_stimulus"]
  • 374
373 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_viscal_stimulus"]) == false
  • 364
374 Empathy The stimulus overloaded it. It's passing, like an extended moment, or a gall stone.
  • 364
375 You "Lieutenant, it's thinking with its *limbs*."
  • 377
376 You It's your secret alone.
  • 379
377 Kim Kitsuragi "The nervous system could be spread out like that..." He whispers behind you. "Over the extremities, like a cuttlefish."
  • 378
378 Encyclopedia Or a *ryacintha*, an Occidental leaf insect with its brain stored in four leaf-like extensions. Or a mimicry octopus with its intelligent tentacles...
  • 380
379 Insulindian Phasmid Another shudder passes through the forearm under your palm -- feels like blood pumping through a brain. It's coming to, you withdraw your hand slowly.
  • 380
380 None
  • 350
381 Insulindian Phasmid A sudden shiver passes the limb. Looks like the creature is awakening, wave by wave from its stupor.
  • 382
382 Visual Calculus Some sort of countdown process is happening. That's all you have time to think...
  • 383
383 None
  • 350
384 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 385
  • 386
385 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_one_shudder"]
  • 387
386 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_one_shudder"]) == false
  • 388
387 Insulindian Phasmid Another shudder pulses through the creatures limbs. It jolts back to life, like a record continuing were it left off -- in a swaying, praying motion. Even the small black pearls of its eyes do not stray from you...
  • 390
388 Insulindian Phasmid A shudder pulses through the creatures limbs. It jolts back to life, like a record continuing were it left off -- in a swaying, praying motion. Even the small black pearls of its eyes do not stray from you...
  • 390
389 None
  • 121
390 Suggestion They are filled with adoration and curiosity. The adoration of some wheel, or dominion spinning around its parent deity. And the curiosity of a common wasp, tasting sugar in a fizzy drink.
  • 389
391 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 392
  • 393
392 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_touching_hub"]
  • 394
393 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_touching_hub"]) == false
  • 185
394 Kim Kitsuragi "It's good, it's good," the lieutenant whispers, holding it up. "Don't worry. We got it."
  • 395
395 Half Light For a moment there, he was afraid you didn't *get it*, but he's calmer now, looking at it.
  • 396
396 Insulindian Phasmid The arthropod towers above you -- just like in the picture -- oblivious to your chattering. The ventricles on its abdomen slowly expanding, vestigial wings like barely visible gossamer hanging from the inside of its slender joints.
  • 397
397 None
  • 121
398 Half Light It's about to move, you can sense it!
  • 367
  • 368
399 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 400
  • 401
400 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_whiskers"] and Variable["seafort.phasmid_limbs"]
  • 384
401 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_whiskers"] and Variable["seafort.phasmid_limbs"]) == false
  • 402
402 Inland Empire Don't say it! Are you sure? This may be the only chance you get to touch it...
  • 403
403 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 404
  • 405
404 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_inland_only_chance"]
  • 406
  • 407
405 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_inland_only_chance"]) == false
  • 384
406 You (I'm sure.) "We got it, Kim..." (Keep backing.)
  • 384
407 You No, wait...
  • 408
408 Insulindian Phasmid The arthropod towers above you, frozen in place. A twitch passes one of its hind legs, as you...
  • 409
409 None
  • 350
410 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 411
  • 412
411 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_interf_bine"]
  • 358
  • 413
412 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_interf_bine"]) == false
  • 365
413 You Wipe it off.
  • 414
414 Interfacing Feels like nothing. The arthropod in front of you stays frozen...
  • 415
415 None
  • 350
416 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 417
  • 418
417 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_wc_what_are_ya_doin"]
  • 430
418 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_wc_what_are_ya_doin"]) == false
  • 434
419 You I want there to be more.
  • 428
420 You I want to know your mind.
  • 436
421 Insulindian Phasmid There is no mind to speak of. And if there is, it's beyond your imagination -- too simple to be compatible with yours. Segmented mouthparts foam, it tilts its head.
  • 441
422 Insulindian Phasmid It is impossible to see inside. There is only chitin, pretending to be reeds -- or polished, like stalks of marble. The occasional series of clicks, undecipherable to the human ear.
  • 441
423 Pain Threshold What more is there in any of us? You think, as the sight of the insect fades and pain shoots up your right foot and into your abdomen, darkening your view... when it returns the insect twitches, feeling the blood on you...
  • 424
424 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 425
  • 426
425 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.sense_hearing_pain_flash"]
  • 427
426 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.sense_hearing_pain_flash"]) == false
  • 429
427 Pain Threshold The sight of the insect pulses with pain, as a streak of fire tries to shoot up your leg. You swallow it. Unmoved. Not now. There's blood dripping... warm. The creature must feel it too, it twitches.
  • 429
428 Insulindian Phasmid Mute, the insect foams from its mouthparts, tilting the plates of its fused together head. From left to right, without reason.
  • 441
429 None
  • 121
430 Insulindian Phasmid I exist.
  • 456
431 You I exist too.
  • 432
432 Insulindian Phasmid Tell me what it's like for you.
  • 457
  • 458
  • 459
  • 483
433 Insulindian Phasmid Now I will tell you what it's like for me. For me it is a series of half-lit images. A kind of darkness, being intruded upon. Transient. Dim. Moist.
  • 510
434 Inland Empire Nothing. Its simple eyes give off no flicker of light, no one is home. The twitches of its limbs are insect-like, unknowable, perhaps without substance even.
  • 435
  • 419
  • 420
435 You I want to see inside you.
  • 422
436 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 437
  • 438
437 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["XP.phasmid_thinks_with_its_limbs"]
  • 421
438 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["XP.phasmid_thinks_with_its_limbs"]) == false
  • 439
439 Insulindian Phasmid It's spread too thin among its limbs, performing incomprehensible operations on the world; and you -- looking at it, mouth slightly open... You cannot even imagine what it thinks.
  • 441
440 Encyclopedia In its marrow -- a combination of complex biomolecules. Hormones, amino acids, lipids.
  • 423
441 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 442
  • 443
442 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_wc_failure_counter"] >= 1
  • 445
443 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_wc_failure_counter"] >= 1) == false
  • 440
444 Pain Threshold Another flash of pain. Again you swallow it, but this time, some of it does not stay down. You think you taste it in your mouth. So does the insect, twitching suddenly...
  • 446
445 Pain Threshold Suddenly -- another flash of pain. Worse than the one before. The taste of blood in your mouth. The insect tastes it too, twitching suddenly...
  • 447
446 None
  • 121
447 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 448
  • 449
448 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.sense_hearing_pain_flash"]
  • 444
449 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.sense_hearing_pain_flash"]) == false
  • 446
450 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 451
  • 452
451 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_disengaged_once"]
  • 455
452 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_disengaged_once"]) == false
  • 453
453 Reaction Speed As you back off the phasmid also takes a step back into the reeds. Something tells you -- the next time you engage and disengage it will probably flee.
  • 680
454 Empathy Something stirs in the insect as you begin to back off. It seems to also takes a step back... Something tells you -- the next time you engage and disengage it will probably flee.
  • 683
455 Insulindian Phasmid As you're turning away, the phasmid mirrors your movements, stepping on the water -- the long limbs carry its feather weight without breaking its surface.
  • 689
456 None
  • 431
  • 507
  • 552
  • 462
  • 461
  • 573
  • 608
  • 634
  • 613
  • 543
  • 548
  • 771
  • 715
  • 575
457 You Fire, burning.
  • 489
458 You It's *wunderbar*.
  • 496
459 You I'm ill.
  • 479
460 Insulindian Phasmid Not even the birds know that. Not even the water lilies.
  • 571
  • 572
461 You Where does this come from? All this? Around us? The world? Variable["seafort.phasmid_branch_intruded_upon"] == true
  • 460
462 You Is this a dream? What is happening?
  • 463
463 Insulindian Phasmid No. You are awake. I am real. Light is forming me. This is real.
  • 609
464 Perception (Sight) Shifting around in the reeds around it, in the muddy water... you notice some of its hind legs apparently standing on the water from time to time. It's *that* light...
  • 465
465 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 466
  • 467
466 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_reflections_in_water"]
  • 468
467 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_reflections_in_water"]) == false
  • 184
468 Perception (Sight) And... is that a glimmer in the water, below it? Like plastic? Could it be hoarding something?
  • 469
469 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 470
  • 471
470 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_plastic"]
  • 472
471 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_plastic"]) == false
  • 184
472 None
  • 768
  • 473
  • 474
473 You "Kim... there's something there." IsKimHere()
  • 475
474 You Not now...
  • 476
475 Kim Kitsuragi "A nest?" The whisper is anxious. "Don't do anything now. Later, when it's gone maybe..."
  • 477
476 Perception (Sight) Of course, no time. The insect towers above you, parting the reeds it emerged from.
  • 477
477 None
  • 121
478 Insulindian Phasmid Shapes of plants and animals. And *internal* sensations. A swarm of sounds, tiny vibrations on the inside of my forearms -- all speak of complexities totally beyond my understanding.
  • 497
479 Insulindian Phasmid What is your illness?
  • 480
  • 481
  • 482
480 You My body aches. I'm bleeding.
  • 487
481 You I'm ill in my head. I'm insane. That's how it is for me.
  • 486
482 You In my heart. For me it's sadness -- input after input.
  • 485
483 You If I tell you, what will happen?
  • 484
484 Insulindian Phasmid Then I will tell you what it's like for me.
  • 457
  • 458
  • 459
485 Insulindian Phasmid For me it is not like that. I have states, not emotions. For example, I experience excitement at unexpected sugar rewards, but that is not important.
  • 488
486 Insulindian Phasmid I am not. There isn't even a central nervous system in my head. Only mouthparts for eating wetland plants.
  • 488
487 Insulindian Phasmid I smelled it, as soon as you stepped on the island -- strawberries. Fresh burst of red strawberries. Ripe turning riper. Soon you will be rotten.
  • 488
488 Insulindian Phasmid Now I will tell you how it is for me. For me it is a series of half-lit images. A kind of darkness, being intruded upon. Transient. Dim. Moist.
  • 511
489 Insulindian Phasmid Fire? Where?
  • 490
  • 491
  • 492
490 You Inside.
  • 495
491 You In the city, all around. It's going *down*.
  • 494
492 You On the horizon. Pale fire. This thing we're both sensing is coming to an end.
  • 493
493 Insulindian Phasmid That is your problem. Nothing ever ends for me. There is only room for two, maybe three pictures in my mind.
  • 508
494 Insulindian Phasmid I am oblivious to the city. It is only on my margins. A ball I sometimes spin. A toy, Or the cylinder of a discarded trash bin.
  • 433
495 Insulindian Phasmid I do not have fire inside me. In me there is not even blood, but lymph -- like sap from a wine palm.
  • 433
496 Insulindian Phasmid Yes, holy is the lord of hosts. And all the Earth is filled with his glory.
  • 433
497 Insulindian Phasmid I am at the end of a narrow funnel. Weightless. So light it only feels like *something* to be me. In truth -- perhaps I'm nothing? I certainly do not have a soul. And if I did, it would never ache.
  • 498
498 None
  • 499
  • 500
  • 501
499 You You're the type of animal I would like to be.
  • 503
500 You I'm glad to be me -- an incredibly sensitive instrument.
  • 558
501 You The fuck is happening to me right now?
  • 502
502 Insulindian Phasmid I don't know. You're just a shadow for me. Far away, faintly transmitting, but for a curious smell.
  • 499
  • 500
503 Insulindian Phasmid Are you sure?
  • 563
504 You A small leg. That's horrible.
  • 506
505 You That's cool.
  • 529
506 Insulindian Phasmid Yes. The leg tried to move around independently, making it hard to walk.
  • 512
  • 517
507 You Intruded upon -- by what? Variable["seafort.phasmid_branch_i_exist"] == true
  • 478
508 Insulindian Phasmid For me it is a series of half-lit images. A kind of darkness, being intruded upon. Transient. Dim. Moist.
  • 509
509 Conceptualization So what if the next picture doesn't come? This creature is not the photographer, just the camera.
  • 510
510 None
  • 456
511 None
  • 456
512 You You don't have a foot there now!
  • 513
513 Insulindian Phasmid Yes, thankfully someone ate it. The next time I moulted I grew an antenna again!
  • 514
514 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 515
  • 516
515 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_physinst_hurt_antenna"]
  • 518
516 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_physinst_hurt_antenna"]) == false
  • 528
517 You Okay. I don't want to hear more about that.
  • 530
518 Physical Instrument This would explain its antenna being smaller.
  • 519
519 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 520
  • 521
520 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_viscal_why_antenna_smaller"]
  • 522
  • 523
521 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_viscal_why_antenna_smaller"]) == false
  • 566
  • 535
  • 536
522 You *This* is the explanation I came up with?
  • 524
523 You Got it. Solved it.
  • 525
524 Physical Instrument No -- it's what the three metres tall stick insect came up with.
  • 566
  • 535
  • 536
525 Physical Instrument Officially, it was the three metres tall stick insect who solved it.
  • 566
  • 535
  • 536
526 Insulindian Phasmid So, you see, it's sometimes also difficult being a stick insect. The leg tried to move independently, making it hard to walk. But hearing about it makes you uncomfortable, I understand.
  • 527
527 Pain Threshold Change of topic!
  • 528
528 None
  • 456
529 Insulindian Phasmid No. The leg tried to move around independently, making it hard to walk.
  • 512
  • 517
530 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 531
  • 532
531 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_thats_cool"] or Variable["seafort.phasmid_thats_nothing"]
  • 533
532 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_thats_cool"] or Variable["seafort.phasmid_thats_nothing"]) == false
  • 526
533 Insulindian Phasmid So, you see, it's sometimes difficult to be an insect. All of nature is a kind of horror, or strife -- though none of it as horrible as you. With all of creation reflected in your forebrain.
  • 528
534 None
  • 456
535 You All's well that ends well.
  • 537
536 You Way worse has happened to me. Variable["seafort.phasmid_changed_mind"] == false
  • 541
537 Insulindian Phasmid Yes, I am lucky. It is nothing compared to the horror that is you -- with all of creation reflected in your forebrain. A nerve mirror of horrifying fidelity. Constant, never-ending damnation.
  • 542
538 You Yes I'm sure. Why do you ask?
  • 540
539 You No, I'm not. Why are you asking?
  • 540
540 Insulindian Phasmid Sometimes, when moulting, I regrow a lost limb. One time something went wrong and a small leg replaced a missing antenna.
  • 561
  • 504
  • 505
541 Insulindian Phasmid Of course, it is nothing compared to the horror that is you -- with all of creation reflected in your forebrain, in terrible fidelity, a fire mirror. Eternal, never-ending damnation.
  • 542
542 Pain Threshold It would take a million years of evolution -- or a total reversal in the condition of the world -- for your pain to end.
  • 534
543 You Are you the miracle? Variable["seafort.phasmid_branch_what_are_you"] == true and Variable["yard.hanged_way_out_west"] == true
  • 544
544 Insulindian Phasmid No. You are the miracle.
  • 640
545 You *How?*
  • 546
546 Insulindian Phasmid The moral of our encounter is: I am a relatively median lifeform, while you are extreme, all-engulfing madness. A volatile simian nervous system, ominously new to the planet.
  • 612
547 Insulindian Phasmid You are a violent and irrepressible miracle. The vacuum of cosmos and the stars burning in it are afraid of you. Given enough time you would wipe us all out and replace us with nothing -- just by accident.
  • 638
548 You "Kim. Am I having a violent epileptic seizure?" Variable["seafort.phasmid_branch_insane_miracle"] == true and IsKimHere()
  • 549
549 Kim Kitsuragi "It doesn't look like that, no."
  • 569
  • 641
550 You "Then, I think I'm having a vision. About the final fate of mankind."
  • 551
551 Kim Kitsuragi "Okay." After a second the lieutenant asks: "Is it somehow related to the case?"
  • 645
  • 646
  • 614
552 You I am a detective.
  • 553
553 Insulindian Phasmid So am I. I was born to detect sucrose rewards and semiochemicals. What were you born to detect?
  • 617
  • 616
  • 554
554 You I was born to detect you.
  • 555
555 Insulindian Phasmid Yes. No one detected me for such a long, long time. For thousands of years. I dithered, out of sight. Draped myself in greenery.
  • 556
  • 620
556 You This is my masterpiece.
  • 618
557 You It was very disorienting at first, but I'm keeping my shit together.
  • 579
558 Insulindian Phasmid Few of us can begin to imagine the horror of you -- with all of creation reflected in your forebrain. It must be like the highest of hells, a kaleidoscope of fire and writhing glass. Eternal damnation.
  • 560
559 You It's hell. I change my mind. I want to be you.
  • 562
560 Insulindian Phasmid Even when you're sleeping... And when you wake, you carry it around on your neck. With eyes open that cannot help but swallow more behind the mirror. I feel great, mute empathy for you.
  • 559
  • 557
561 You That's absolutely nothing.
  • 565
562 Insulindian Phasmid You want to be a phasmid? Are you sure?
  • 564
563 None
  • 538
  • 539
564 None
  • 563
565 Insulindian Phasmid The leg tried to move around independently, making it hard to walk.
  • 512
  • 517
566 You See! It's nothing. Variable["seafort.phasmid_changed_mind"] == true
  • 567
567 Insulindian Phasmid Yes, compared to the immeasurable, fiery empyrean of glass and terror in *your* head, it seems trivial. I just thought you should know.
  • 568
568 Encyclopedia Maybe you would find it interesting!
  • 534
569 You "What does it look like?"
  • 570
570 Kim Kitsuragi "You're just staring at it," he whispers.
  • 550
  • 643
571 You We need to know. Perhaps it's sent to us by a god?
  • 615
572 You Then all we can do is beat our fists against it? Day after day. With no answer.
  • 600
573 You What exactly *are* you?
  • 574
574 Insulindian Phasmid I am an unknown species of the order Phantasmodea -- endemic to the Insulindian isola. For the last three hundred and fifty years I have hidden in plain sight, masquerading as the reeds. Moulding, cloning myself, unfolding at night to play with trash bins and buoys.
  • 607
575 You I have to say good bye now. I have no more thoughts. That was all.
  • 672
576 Insulindian Phasmid No. There is *one* more.
  • 820
  • 818
  • 653
  • 830
577 Insulindian Phasmid Thank you. I also have one final thing to say to you: that woman -- turn from the ruin. Turn and go *forward*.
  • 580
  • 819
  • 655
  • 831
578 Insulindian Phasmid She was middle class. It doesn't take a three-metre stick insect to tell you that.
  • 654
579 Insulindian Phasmid That must be incredibly hard. The arthropods are in silent and meaningless awe of you. Know that we are watching -- when you're tired, when the vision spins out of control. The insects will be looking on. Rooting for you.
  • 581
580 You I can't.
  • 656
581 Insulindian Phasmid And when you fall we will come to raise you up, bud from you, banner-like, blossom from you and carry you apart in a sky funeral. In honour of your passing. (But not me, because I am just a leaf eater.)
  • 597
582 Volition In honour of your will, lieutenant-yefreitor. That you kept from falling apart, in the face of sheer terror. Day after day. Second by second.
  • 587
583 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 584
  • 585
584 Insulindian Phasmid IsTHCPresent("shit_together")
  • 586
585 Insulindian Phasmid (IsTHCPresent("shit_together")) == false
  • 582
586 Volition In honour of your shit, lieutenant-yefreitor. Which you kept *together* in the face of total, unrelenting terror. Day after day. Second by second.
  • 587
587 Inland Empire DETECTIVE
  • 588
588 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 589
  • 590
589 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_inland_detective"]
  • 591
590 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_inland_detective"]) == false
  • 596
591 Esprit de Corps ARRIVING
  • 593
592 Authority ON THE SCENE
  • 596
593 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 594
  • 595
594 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_esprit_arriving"]
  • 592
595 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_esprit_arriving"]) == false
  • 596
596 None
  • 456
597 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 598
  • 599
598 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["tc.rank_known"]
  • 583
599 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["tc.rank_known"]) == false
  • 596
600 Insulindian Phasmid You can also eat it. If it's a leaf you can put it in your mouth. Yum yum. Or a reed.
  • 625
601 You So you look like a reed, and you eat reeds?
  • 602
602 Insulindian Phasmid Yes. They don't mind.
  • 793
  • 629
603 Insulindian Phasmid I have stayed hidden through four forms of government and two scientific revolutions. Until I was accidentally discovered by a detective of the Citizens Militia in Revachol, district of Martinaise, March, '51.
  • 633
604 Insulindian Phasmid I went unnoticed by the first settlers and the land surveyors of the suzerain. Also by the soldiers of the Revolution and the officials of the occupation. Even the Semenese islanders who came here first, but did not stay, have not seen me.
  • 605
605 Encyclopedia And the 4,000-year-old Seraseolitic civilization buried so deep in the sediment that you do not even know it is there -- they too did not see me.
  • 603
606 Insulindian Phasmid No. No one believed I exist -- almost no one. Until you came, detective. Dripping of blood that smells like strawberries. Across the calm sea, the first in a thousand years.
  • 632
607 Half Light It may have unknown, dangerous biochemical characteristics that help it maintain its camouflage.
  • 604
608 You Are you poisonous? Variable["seafort.phasmid_halflight_afraid"] == true
  • 611
609 None
  • 456
610 Insulindian Phasmid No. *You* are. The moral of our encounter is: I am a relatively median lifeform -- while it is you who are total, extreme madness. A volatile simian nervous system, ominously new to the planet.
  • 612
611 Insulindian Phasmid Yes. I do not have a startle display, so I use a neurodegenerative allomone to aid in camouflage. Do not worry, it is only destructive over long periods of time.
  • 795
612 Insulindian Phasmid The pale, too, came with you. No one remembers it before you. The cnidarians do not, the radially symmetricals do not. There is an almost unanimous agreement between the birds and the plants that you are going to destroy us all.
  • 797
  • 639
  • 637
613 You That's insane. Variable["seafort.phasmid_branch_what_are_you"] == true and Variable["yard.hanged_way_out_west"] == false
  • 610
614 You "The case? The case is meaningless compared to this." (Laugh nervously.) "I have totally transcended the case."
  • 648
615 Insulindian Phasmid *I* think we should eat it. If it's a leaf you can put it in your mouth. Or a reed. Yum yum.
  • 625
616 You The killer.
  • 621
617 You Also that.
  • 622
618 Insulindian Phasmid No one believed I exist -- almost no one. Until you came, detective. Dripping of blood that smells like strawberries. Across the calm sea, the first in a thousand years.
  • 632
619 None
  • 456
620 You No. This is just an accident.
  • 606
621 Insulindian Phasmid He is in a bad state, deteriorating fast now. He thinks I am beneficial to him, but I am not. I only quicken his deterioration.
  • 623
622 Insulindian Phasmid I can also detect pheromones -- the ones on you tell me that you will not eat me. And that I will benefit from your closeness. In short, I love you.
  • 624
623 You You're destroying him?
  • 631
624 None
  • 456
625 Reaction Speed Wait, so...
  • 626
626 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 627
  • 628
627 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_reaction_so"]
  • 601
  • 629
628 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_reaction_so"]) == false
  • 619
629 You Too sensitive of a matter.
  • 630
630 Reaction Speed Yes, of course. The three metres tall stick insect would be offended.
  • 619
631 Insulindian Phasmid Very slowly -- and only because he won't go away. It is meant to keep them from noticing me, to interfere with the pictures in their heads. But he has looked at me too long. And I'm destroying him.
  • 624
632 None
  • 456
633 None
  • 456
634 You Was there an ancient Seraseolitic civilization? Variable["seafort.phasmid_ency_seraseolitic"] == true
  • 635
635 Insulindian Phasmid Yes -- with stone tools and silk. They too missed me, although I had not developed the mutation needed for parthenogenesis yet, and scoured the neolithic hinterland as distinct individuals, not clones.
  • 636
636 None
  • 456
637 You I don't have that kind of power.
  • 547
638 You
  • 798
639 You Wait, the pale is human made? Variable["tc.pale"]
  • 796
640 Conceptualization It was you. Coming from the west. From the Whirling. You were coming...
  • 545
641 You "Okay good. Forget it."
  • 642
642 Kim Kitsuragi "No. What's going on?"
  • 644
  • 643
643 You "Nothing. Just looking at the stick insect. Everything is normal."
  • 648
644 You "I think I'm having a vision. About the final fate of mankind."
  • 551
645 You "Sort of."
  • 648
646 You "No. I told you what it's about. Our fate."
  • 648
647 Kim Kitsuragi "I think you should back away from the unstudied species now..."
  • 652
648 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 649
  • 650
649 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_touching_hub"]
  • 647
650 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_touching_hub"]) == false
  • 651
651 Kim Kitsuragi "I think we should take the picture -- and then you should *back away* from the unstudied species."
  • 652
652 None
  • 456
653 You Of all the creatures I've met you are the scariest.
  • 577
654 None
  • 121
655 You I will.
  • 656
656 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 657
  • 658
657 Insulindian Phasmid IsHighestPolitical("communist")
  • 578
658 Insulindian Phasmid (IsHighestPolitical("communist")) == false
  • 659
659 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 660
  • 661
660 Insulindian Phasmid IsHighestPolitical("revacholian_nationhood")
  • 668
661 Insulindian Phasmid (IsHighestPolitical("revacholian_nationhood")) == false
  • 662
662 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 663
  • 664
663 Insulindian Phasmid IsHighestPolitical("ultraliberal")
  • 669
664 Insulindian Phasmid (IsHighestPolitical("ultraliberal")) == false
  • 665
665 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 666
  • 667
666 Insulindian Phasmid IsHighestPolitical("moralist")
  • 670
667 Insulindian Phasmid (IsHighestPolitical("moralist")) == false
  • 671
668 Insulindian Phasmid She was hell on Earth. It doesn't take a three-metre stick insect to tell you that.
  • 654
669 Insulindian Phasmid She was hell on Earth. It doesn't take a three-metre stick insect to tell you that.
  • 654
670 Insulindian Phasmid She was hell on Earth. It doesn't take a three-metre stick insect to tell you that.
  • 654
671 Insulindian Phasmid She was hell on Earth. It doesn't take a three-metre stick insect to tell you that.
  • 654
672 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 673
  • 674
673 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_chat_exit_done"]
  • 675
674 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_chat_exit_done"]) == false
  • 576
675 Insulindian Phasmid Good bye. A series of chirrups surrounds you, like swallows on a cliff side, as the phasmid moves its forearms -- tymbals visible on the inside of its white stalks...
  • 676
676 None
  • 121
677 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 678
  • 679
678 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_touching_hub"] == true and Variable["seafort.phasmid_talking_hub_reached"] == true
  • 455
679 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_touching_hub"] == true and Variable["seafort.phasmid_talking_hub_reached"] == true) == false
  • 450
680 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 681
  • 682
681 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_reaction_next_time_will_flee"]
  • 683
682 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_reaction_next_time_will_flee"]) == false
  • 454
683 Insulindian Phasmid The arthropod follows you with its antennae. As you back off, the cracks and hisses of the tape that's come to its end grow more distant...
684 Kim Kitsuragi "It's gone..." The lieutenant looks north, with his hand raised to his brow.
  • 693
685 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 686
  • 687
686 Insulindian Phasmid IsKimHere()
  • 684
687 Insulindian Phasmid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 690
688 Perception (Sight) ...and something under it! In the place it stood, bobbing there, among the reeds. A collection of items.
  • 685
689 Insulindian Phasmid And just like that it's gone -- skating away across the sea's calm mirror like a skipping stone, leaving nothing but circles on the water...
  • 688
690 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 691
  • 692
691 Insulindian Phasmid IsCunoInParty()
  • 781
692 Insulindian Phasmid (IsCunoInParty()) == false
  • 700
693 None
  • 694
  • 708
  • 695
  • 696
694 You "You didn't get the picture?" Variable["seafort.phasmid_touching_hub"] == false
  • 733
695 You "What's that -- in the reeds?" Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_plastic"] == true
  • 697
696 You "What now?" [Leave.]
  • 849
697 Kim Kitsuragi He squints. "Looks like a nest of some sort? We should have a look."
  • 699
698 None
  • 693
699 None
  • 693
700 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 701
  • 702
701 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_plastic"]
  • 710
  • 711
702 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_plastic"]) == false
  • 703
703 Electrochemistry Nothing but you, a detective of the RCM, standing there with your mouth agape.
  • 704
704 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 705
  • 706
705 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_elchem_stand_and_stare"]
706 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_elchem_stand_and_stare"]) == false
  • 707
707 Authority Nothing but you, a detective of the RCM, standing there with your mouth agape.
708 You "It can walk on water?"
  • 709
709 Kim Kitsuragi "Apparently, yes -- like a water strider, only..." He shakes his head with amazement. "I've never seen *anything* like that in my life."
  • 699
710 You What *is* that? Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_plastic"] == false
  • 712
711 You Forget about it. It walked on water!
  • 713
712 Perception (Sight) Looks like material for some kind of nest. You should search it.
713 Perception (Sight) Yes, it's light enough to do that. Keep your eyes on the prize, it looks like material for some kind of nest there. You should search it.
714 Insulindian Phasmid You're staring at me. For about three minutes now.
  • 719
  • 722
715 You Am I having a violent epileptic seizure? Variable["seafort.phasmid_branch_insane_miracle"] == true and IsCunoInParty() == false and IsKimHere() == false
  • 718
716 None
  • 456
717 You Okay good. Forget it.
  • 721
718 Insulindian Phasmid It doesn't look like that.
  • 720
  • 717
719 You Then, I think I'm having a vision. About the final fate of mankind.
  • 723
720 You What does it look like?
  • 714
721 Insulindian Phasmid I already did.
  • 716
722 You Okay. Just looking at the stick insect. Everything is normal.
  • 833
723 Insulindian Phasmid What if it's not you? What if the three metres tall stick insect is having the vision -- while you're alone and petrified.
  • 716
724 Insulindian Phasmid The creature appears to have forgiven your nerves -- for now. There it still stands, a thin ghost on stilt-like legs. Antennae hang from its head, like curled strands of human hair.
  • 8
725 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 726
  • 727
726 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_intro_hub_reached"]
  • 724
727 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_intro_hub_reached"]) == false
  • 2
728 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 729
  • 730
729 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_main_hub_reached"]
  • 732
730 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_main_hub_reached"]) == false
  • 725
731 None
  • 121
732 Insulindian Phasmid Hissing and clicking, the arthropod extends its mandible-like antennae to greet you again. You're right below it, looking up at the colossal chitin of its white limbs. Its small eyes look at nothing in particular.
  • 731
733 Kim Kitsuragi "No." You have rarely seen him with that face.
  • 735
734 Kim Kitsuragi "We are now just another pair of crackpots who did not take a picture of the giant cryptid.... Maybe we'll get another chance? We *know* it's here now..."
  • 841
735 Empathy He is *very* disappointed you didn't warn him -- or plan it with him...
  • 734
736 You Approach carefully. Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == false and Variable["coast.morell_pheromone_spray_thick"] == false
  • 36
737 Cuno "...the Insulindian phasmid," he finishes your sentence in awe.
  • 742
738 None
  • 739
  • 740
  • 746
739 You "Wait, how do you know about the phasmid?"
  • 741
740 You "God, Kim had a camera. Do you?" Variable["seafort.phasmid_logic_kim_has_camera"] == true
  • 747
741 Cuno "Everybody does. It's the fucking Insulindian phasmid."
  • 740
  • 746
742 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 743
  • 744
743 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["yard.hanged_picture_taken"]
  • 745
744 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["yard.hanged_picture_taken"]) == false
  • 738
745 Logic Oh my god, *Kim* had the camera!
  • 738
746 You "Cuno, do you have a camera or something?" Variable["seafort.phasmid_logic_kim_has_camera"] == false
  • 747
747 Cuno "Yeah..." He shakes his head. "I don't have a camera. That sucks about Cuno."
  • 749
748 Empathy Cuno can't believe how bad he is, without a camera -- in this situation the binoclard would be superior in every way.
  • 753
749 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 750
  • 751
750 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_logic_kim_has_camera"]
  • 748
751 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_logic_kim_has_camera"]) == false
  • 752
752 Empathy Cuno can't believe how lame he is -- without the camera right now. Should have stolen one, a real cop would have one...
  • 753
753 None
  • 105
754 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 755
  • 756
755 Insulindian Phasmid IsCunoInParty()
  • 737
756 Insulindian Phasmid (IsCunoInParty()) == false
  • 87
757 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 758
  • 759
758 Insulindian Phasmid IsKimHere()
  • 103
759 Insulindian Phasmid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 754
760 Cuno "Wait, we have to do something!"
  • 97
761 Cuno "This is so sick. It *likes* you..." The kid's mouth is agape.
  • 823
762 Cuno "Fuck. Where did it go?"
  • 763
763 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 764
  • 765
764 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"]
  • 767
765 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"]) == false
  • 766
766 Suggestion You never had a chance. There was something off the moment you approached it... The creature didn't *like* you.
  • 767
767 None
  • 866
  • 873
  • 868
  • 936
  • 876
  • 877
  • 894
  • 889
  • 875
  • 900
  • 914
  • 888
  • 870
768 You "Cuno... there's something there." IsCunoInParty()
  • 769
769 Cuno "A nest?" The whisper is anxious. "We can't get to it yet, don't scare it off. Maybe later..."
  • 477
770 Cuno "Whoah... maybe it's poison? Fucking hell..." The kid watches you apprehensively.
  • 142
771 You "Cuno. Am I having a violent epileptic seizure?" Variable["seafort.phasmid_branch_insane_miracle"] == true and IsCunoInParty()
  • 772
772 Cuno "Doesn't look like you're spazzin' out" he whispers behind you. "Cuno knows all about seizures."
  • 773
  • 774
773 You "What does it look like?"
  • 776
774 You "Okay good. Forget it."
  • 775
775 Cuno "No, quit frontin'. What's up with you? We're a team, cop."
  • 777
776 Cuno "You're just staring at the giant insect."
  • 778
  • 777
777 You "Nothing. Just looking at the stick insect. Everything is normal."
  • 817
778 You "I think I'm having a vision. About the final fate of mankind."
  • 779
779 Cuno "Cool. So's Cuno -- Cuno's also having a vision of a *giant insect*. And it's *real*. Back off before it eats you..."
  • 780
780 None
  • 456
781 Cuno "It's gone..." Cuno stares to the north. "Between those reeds there. Fucking hell it can..."
  • 783
782 You "What now?" [Leave.]
  • 851
783 None
  • 785
  • 784
  • 782
784 You "What's that, in the water?" Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_plastic"] == true
  • 786
785 You "It can walk on water." Variable["seafort.phasmid_perc_plastic"] == false
  • 787
786 Cuno "The fuck..." He squints. "Is that *ceramic*? And more stuff -- like a *nest* in the reeds. We should peep it... fucking hell..."
  • 788
787 Cuno "Like a water spider, or like -- one of those water walkers..." He's lost for words, just pants from excitement. "This cop shit is *insane*"
  • 788
788 None
  • 783
789 None
790 None
  • 789
791 You "Damn it! Damn it! I didn't get it right..." [Leave in rage.] (Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == true or Variable["coast.morell_pheromone_spray_thick"] == true) and Variable["whirling.bath_washed_pheromones_off"] == false
  • 792
792 None
  • 789
793 You Have you accidentally eaten another reed-phasmid?
  • 794
794 Insulindian Phasmid Yes. I once cloned myself and ate the little ones. It was winter and I woke up at the wrong time. It was an accident.
  • 619
795 Logic The Deserter, he's been here for a *long* time.
  • 636
796 Insulindian Phasmid It is a nervous shadow cast into the world by you, eating away at reality. A great, unnatural territory. Its advent coincides with the arrival of the human mind.
  • 637
797 You Wait, what is the pale? Variable["tc.pale"] == false
  • 796
798 Insulindian Phasmid We suspect it will be something like the oxygen holocaust that wiped out anaerobic life 2.6 billion years ago -- when organisms first started breathing. Only much worse.
  • 801
799 You Worse how?
  • 800
800 Insulindian Phasmid Everything your eyes touch goes back there -- behind the nerve mirror. What if you blink? Are we still here? (Please don't blink). What if you misplace us all one day -- or just forget?
  • 803
801 Conceptualization Instead of air, you exhale thoughts. There are no trees that eat thoughts.
  • 799
  • 808
802 Insulindian Phasmid So it is already happening. Soon, one of you will close your eyes -- and open them to see that none of this ever existed.
  • 816
803 None
  • 828
  • 812
  • 804
  • 805
  • 806
  • 807
804 You But I *want* to blink and undo 12 billion years of matter expansion.
  • 814
805 You This is the Gloaming I've been waiting for. Ever since I woke up in the hotel room. IsTHCPresent("apocalypse_cop")
  • 811
806 You I have already forgotten the whole world once -- when I drank too much.
  • 802
807 You I will be extra extra careful not to blink, stick insect. Don't worry.
  • 815
808 You I don't want to know.
  • 809
809 Insulindian Phasmid Also very, very dangerous.
  • 810
810 None
  • 456
811 Insulindian Phasmid So it is *already* happening. One day, one of you will close your eyes and sigh -- and open them to see that none of this ever existed.
  • 816
812 You Have I always thought this way? Variable["seafort.phasmid_concept_air_thought"]
  • 813
813 Insulindian Phasmid No -- you're only thinking it *now*. This is a revelation.
  • 804
  • 805
  • 806
  • 807
814 Insulindian Phasmid Simian butcherer... Soon, one of you will close your eyes -- and open them to see that none of this ever existed.
  • 816
815 Insulindian Phasmid Please be. Or one day one of you will close your eyes and sigh -- and open them to see that none of this ever existed.
  • 816
816 None
  • 456
817 Cuno "Yeah -- real normal. There's a giant stick insect there. Back off, before it eats you..."
  • 780
818 You Of all the creatures I've met you are the kindest.
  • 577
819 You I will try.
  • 656
820 You No. There are no more thoughts.
  • 821
821 Insulindian Phasmid A series of chirrups surrounds you, like swallows on a cliff side, as the phasmid moves its forearms -- tymbals visible on the inside of its white stalks...
  • 676
822 Esprit de Corps I'll wait. I'm on standby, he thinks, his hands sweaty around the machine.
  • 68
823 None
  • 179
824 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 825
  • 826
825 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_interfacing_thinks_with_its_limbs"]
  • 375
  • 376
826 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_interfacing_thinks_with_its_limbs"]) == false
  • 380
827 Physical Instrument Looks like someone's got hurt in a fight. This antennae is much smaller than the other one.
  • 355
828 You Blink. (Quick.)
  • 829
829 Insulindian Phasmid Please do not do that again.
  • 812
  • 804
  • 805
  • 806
  • 807
830 You Of all the creatures I've met you are the most beautiful.
  • 577
831 You What woman?
  • 832
832 Insulindian Phasmid You cannot lie to me. Behind you it smells of fires. So awfully far you were prepared to go in her presence. End it.
  • 580
  • 819
  • 655
833 Insulindian Phasmid Yes. For me everything is *always* normal. God is in his heaven -- everything is normal on Earth.
  • 716
834 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 835
  • 836
835 Insulindian Phasmid IsKimHere()
  • 677
836 Insulindian Phasmid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 837
837 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 838
  • 839
838 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_talking_hub_reached"] == true
  • 455
839 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_talking_hub_reached"] == true) == false
  • 450
840 Perception (Sight) In the reeds, where the phasmid was hiding, you see a little flash of white -- porcelain white.
841 Rhetoric He cannot believe what he's saying too much.
  • 698
842 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 843
  • 844
843 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_saw_helmet"]
  • 850
844 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_saw_helmet"]) == false
  • 848
845 Visual Calculus In the reeds, where the phasmid was hiding, you see a little flash of white -- *porcelain* white.
846 Empathy In some kind of strange, semi-catatonic state.
  • 842
847 Kim Kitsuragi "It looks like the insect had some kind of nest there, look... Maybe it has left *some* proof..."
  • 845
848 Kim Kitsuragi "Our suspect is not looking so good. We need to check on him -- also..." He points to the reeds.
  • 847
849 The Deserter "What now..." the old man behind you repeats suddenly. He's put his hand into the ash -- it's dirty and black.
  • 846
850 Kim Kitsuragi "Our suspect is not looking so good. We need to check on him."
851 The Deserter "What now..." the old man behind you says suddenly. He's put his hand into the ash -- it's dirty and black.
  • 855
852 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 853
  • 854
853 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_saw_helmet"]
  • 859
854 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_saw_helmet"]) == false
  • 857
855 Empathy In some kind of strange, semi-catatonic state.
  • 852
856 Visual Calculus In the reeds, where he's pointing, you see a flash of white -- *porcelain* white.
857 Cuno "Yo, our suspect's not looking so good. We need to check on him -- also," he points to the reeds.
  • 858
858 Cuno "It looks like the phasmid had some kind of *nest* there -- look. Like a hoard, man..."
  • 856
859 Cuno "Yeah, grandpa's not looking so good. We need to check on him..."
860 None
  • 8
861 Savoir Faire Relax. Now that you *know* it's here -- how long can it hide?
  • 251
862 Savoir Faire Now that you know it exists -- you can get it another day. It can't hide forever...
  • 319
863 Perception (Sight) Look! In the reeds, where the phasmid was hiding -- you see a little flash of white -- porcelain white. In a nest of some sort?
  • 792
864 Empathy In some kind of strange, semi-catatonic state. He's not looking so good.
  • 863
865 The Deserter "What now..." the old man behind you repeats suddenly. He withdraws his hand from the ash -- it's dirty and black.
  • 864
866 You (Yell.) "No!"
  • 872
867 Cuno "Yo, we just saw a giant fucking insect, okay? Focus on that, not some..." He looks around. "Where'd it go?"
  • 871
868 You "I shouldn't have taken a bath, the pheromone washed off!" Variable["whirling.bath_washed_pheromones_off"] == true
  • 867
869 None
  • 891
  • 913
870 You "Damn it! Damn it! I didn't get it right..." [Leave in rage.] (Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == true or Variable["coast.morell_pheromone_spray_thick"] == true) and Variable["whirling.bath_washed_pheromones_off"] == false
  • 915
871 Half Light It *definitely* had something to do with that! It was repelled by you, as if it was scared.
  • 869
872 Cuno Your voice echoes alone on the water. The kid looks at you...
  • 887
873 You "I don't understand... I *had* the pheromone...." Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == true and Variable["whirling.bath_washed_pheromones_off"] == false
  • 867
874 Cuno "Yeah, yeah right there -- it doesn't like bein' out in the open. Shifty fuck. It's gone now, but..." He pants. "Wow."
  • 929
875 You "I think it went into the reeds there, on that islet..." (Point North.) Variable["seafort.phasmid_reaction_it_is_off"] == true
  • 874
876 You "I should have taken the pheromone from Morell!" Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == false and Variable["TASK.find_phasmid"] == false and Variable["TASK.find_phasmid_done"] == false and Variable["coast.morell_refused_ox_spray"] == true
  • 867
877 You "Damn, we should have helped the cryptozoologists." Variable["tc.insulindian_phasmid"] == true and Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == false and Variable["TASK.find_phasmid"] == false and Variable["TASK.find_phasmid_done"] == false
  • 878
878 Cuno "Cuno doesn't know what that means -- Cuno just knows it was FUCKING GIANT. Holy hell..."
  • 879
  • 880
  • 895
879 You "I could have learned something about the phasmid's behaviour. Searched for it with them."
  • 881
880 You "Damn, I didn't know it would be *connected* to the case..."
  • 881
881 Cuno "Man, quit beatin' yourself down, we just discovered a GIANT INSECT. Ain't no one done that..." He looks across the water.
  • 898
882 Cuno "Yeah, cryptologist, exactly! Those are the fucks who study them. This is *unreal*, man..." He runs out of breath.
  • 899
883 Esprit de Corps "He must be *really* out of it, yelling like that. Well, at least he's *alive*...." Officer Minot in the blue uniform frowns: "Jean, maybe something *happened*? He's in distress..."
  • 924
884 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 885
  • 886
885 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_esprit_posse_incoming"]
  • 883
886 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_esprit_posse_incoming"]) == false
  • 924
887 Esprit de Corps Three-hundred metres inland special consultant Trant Heidelstam cups his ear. Satellite-Officer Vicquemare nods to him on the jetty: "I heard it."
  • 884
888 You "What now?" (Continue.)
  • 919
889 You "Where did it go?" (Look North.) Can *you* see it?" Variable["seafort.phasmid_reaction_it_is_off"] == false
  • 890
890 Cuno "Between the reeds there -- it doesn't like bein' out in the open. Shifty fuck... I saw it slip in there. It's gone now, but..." He pants. "Wow."
  • 929
891 You "There was a pheromone -- like an ox-spray. I had to have it on and I didn't."
  • 892
892 Cuno "The fuck -- *pherone*? Man, this ain't about no phermone! This is about the *phasmid*. Did you *see* the size of that?!"
  • 893
893 Cuno There's a big smile on his lips, like he can't believe what he's saying: "We fucking *saw* it, yo -- it was real."
  • 916
894 You "What in the name of *god* was that?" Variable["tc.insulindian_phasmid"] == false and Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == false
  • 901
895 You "You're right. It was GIANT."
  • 896
896 Cuno "Damn right, we just discovered a GIANT INSECT. Ain't no one done that..." He looks across the water.
  • 898
897 Savoir Faire Relax. Now that you *know* it's here -- how long can it hide?
  • 926
898 Volition He's right. Dust yourself off and move on. There will be other chances.
  • 897
899 Esprit de Corps We'll find it again, man. We'll get it, junior officer Cuno thinks. We'll fuckin' nail that phasmid one day.
  • 928
900 You "How did it *do* that? Glide?"
  • 910
901 Cuno "Damn... Cuno's read about that shit in a *book*. Cuno's booked that shit. That was, like, a secret animal. Like one of those they *think* is real but haven't seen. The Insulindian phasmid..."
  • 931
902 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 903
  • 904
903 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["whirling.lena_intro_midgreet"]
  • 905
904 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["whirling.lena_intro_midgreet"]) == false
  • 927
905 Encyclopedia You know who would know more -- a cryptozoologist!
  • 906
906 Insulindian Phasmid
  • 907
  • 908
907 Insulindian Phasmid Variable["seafort.phasmid_ency_cryptozoologist"]
  • 909
908 Insulindian Phasmid (Variable["seafort.phasmid_ency_cryptozoologist"]) == false
  • 912
909 Reaction Speed A cryptozoologist? Oh god, there was one...
  • 912
910 Cuno "Yeah, it walked on water, like a water spider, or like -- one of those water walkers..." He's lost for words, just pants from excitement. "This cop-shit is *insane*."
  • 929
911 You "The cryptozoologist! There was one in the bar. Maybe she knew something?"
  • 882
912 None
  • 911
913 You "Okay, yes, you're probably right. I won't panic."
  • 893
914 You "Who's gonna believe this?"
  • 917
915 None
  • 789
916 Savoir Faire And you'll see it again. Now that you *know* it's real, how long can it hide?
  • 925
917 Cuno "*Everyone*, yo! We gotta tell the *world* about this. Case solved -- insect found. We're fuckin'... master detectives or some shit. We're *good*."
  • 918
918 Authority He's truly satisfied with your performance in Death Island right now.
  • 934
919 The Deserter "What now..." the old man behind you says suddenly. He's put his hand into the ash -- it's dirty and black.
  • 920
920 Empathy In some kind of strange, semi-catatonic state.
  • 921
921 Cuno "Our suspect's not looking so good. We need to check on him -- also, man..." he points to the reeds.
  • 923
922 Perception (Sight) In the reeds, where he's pointing, you see a flash of white -- *porcelain* white.
  • 935
923 Cuno "It looks like the insect had some kind of *nest* there -- look. Like a hoard, or some shit..."
  • 922
924 None
  • 767
925 None
  • 767
926 None
  • 767
927 None
  • 767
928 None
  • 767
929 None
  • 767
930 Kim Kitsuragi "Someone must have known about it though. Maybe there's some secret to approaching it? I have no idea... I've never heard of a species like that."
  • 266
931 Cuno "Cuno doesn't know anything about it, though. Except you stink bad, which is why it left you."
  • 902
932 Insulindian Phasmid ...
  • 75
  • 76
  • 77
933 Savoir Faire The air moves through it. Its slender sticks.
  • 86
934 None
  • 767
935 None
  • 789
936 You "I should have taken the pheromone from Morell!" Variable["coast.morells_pheromone_spray"] == false and Variable["TASK.find_phasmid"] == true and Variable["TASK.find_phasmid_done"] == true and Variable["coast.morell_refused_ox_spray"] == true
  • 867