Conversation 1237: BOARDWALK / FELD MURAL

1. Observe the mural. 2. Shivers White Check to see stairs, which then allows you to use the ladder to get to the roof.

How to use this page:

This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.

Column definitions:
  • ID: a numerical index for the entry within this conversation.
  • Character: the character speaking or acting.
  • Dialogue: prose containing spoken dialogue and other description.
  • Conditions: logical checks governing this entry appearing or occurring.
  • Links: entries that might follow this one, depending on conditions and player choice. Most links are internal to this conversation, external links to other conversations are marked with the format (conversation ID, entry ID).
ID Character Dialogue Conditions Links
0 None
  • 1
1 None
  • 105
2 Feld Mural You see a once-bright mural towering above you. The signage has peeled off over the years, but you can still make out: 'FELD ELECTRICAL R&D'.
  • 8
3 Feld Mural Above the mural -- a collapsed roof, broken windows set in walls that are cracking and will soon also fall, and the coastal breeze rustling and sighing in the remains of the edifice.
  • 4
4 Conceptualization Feld *Electrical*. How ironic -- all these dark rooms...
  • 113
5 Encyclopedia Feld Electrical -- you only know them as a small company that makes ink cartridges. Looks like they used to be... big.
  • 194
6 None
  • 244
  • 104
  • 101
  • 99
  • 56
  • 188
  • 69
7 You [Turn away.]
8 Perception (Sight) A slogan used to intertwine with the loops a long time ago. Now only a shadow of peeled letters remains. It says: 'Tomorrow is just a whisper away'.
  • 9
9 None
  • 11
  • 10
  • 7
10 You Step closer. Variable["TASK.ruby_not_village_explore_peninsula"]
  • 3
11 You "Tomorrow is just a whisper away..." Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_perc_tomorrow"]
  • 12
12 Feld Mural
  • 13
  • 14
13 Feld Mural IsKimHere()
  • 15
14 Feld Mural (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 16
15 Kim Kitsuragi "Looks like tomorrow never came." The lieutenant raises the collar of his bomber jacket.
  • 112
16 Feld Mural
  • 17
  • 18
17 Feld Mural IsHourBetween(8,19)
  • 19
18 Feld Mural (IsHourBetween(8,19)) == false
  • 20
19 Trant Heidelstam "Ah, yes, their famous motto!" You hear the man exclaim behind you. "A fine example of technological optimism, from..." He says something, but the wind blows and you can't hear him.
  • 112
20 Feld Mural The wind whispers and whispers.
  • 112
21 Kim Kitsuragi "Anyway -- we do it the old fashioned way: sector by sector. Go over the whole peninsula, ask the locals, enter the places where we *can* enter first. Like we did in the village."
  • 135
22 None
  • 26
  • 24
  • 128
  • 151
  • 25
23 You "I am trying to ask the wind."
  • 40
24 You (Turn to the lieutenant.) "She could be *anywhere*, how do we find her?" IsKimHere()
  • 27
25 You "And if that fails? If we don't find her?" (Conclude.) IsKimHere() and Variable["boardwalk.mural_open_and_what_if_we_dont_find_her"] == true
  • 31
26 You What was I even attempting to do here?
  • 51
27 Kim Kitsuragi "How *do* we? I was really hoping she'd be in the village..." The lieutenant sighs, then gets a hold of himself: "Okay."
  • 28
28 Kim Kitsuragi "She's *probably* north of the village and this place is a peninsula. I think there's people west of here, we could ask them..." He looks to his right and cups his ear.
  • 129
29 Kim Kitsuragi "Because I *hope* you didn't mean to climb that ladder..." He points to the ladder next to the sign and says: "It's *not* safe."
  • 41
30 Conceptualization Or spiritual? She could be looking for refuge...
  • 21
31 Kim Kitsuragi "Then -- if we're desperate -- we can look where we *can't* enter. Bunkers, storm drainage, this place. I'm sure it won't come to that." He looks behind him, at the dark red box crumbling across the chasm.
  • 195
32 Shivers Listen to the wind -- but for *what*? Ruby whistling? The crackle of her bonfire? Some errant whisper, or a dog barking...
  • 33
  • 34
33 You What am I *doing* here?
  • 35
34 You Shake off the feeling.
  • 154
35 Shivers *WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?* A terrible cold comes over you as you think the words. They echo in your skull, alien suddenly.
  • 58
36 Shivers For what? A song carried on the breeze? Or children laughing, far away? You walk and walk these city streets and deserted coast, and all it ever tells you -- is cold.
  • 57
  • 63
37 Shivers *THERE IS NOTHING ELSE.* The thought makes your bones rattle, like the skeleton of some deserted building ready to collapse.
  • 64
  • 63
38 You [Leave.]
39 You "There's a ladder next to the sign." (Point to it.) "Perhaps we can climb it? Enter through the roof?"
  • 42
40 Kim Kitsuragi He stops to consider your words. "*Ask the wind* sounds like an expression. For when you have no idea. We should continue our search. Perhaps even get a little desperate..."
  • 75
41 Physical Instrument There has to be a way to use brute force. Climbing sounds unsafe. Brute force is safe. Look around and find something to break if the ladder fails.
  • 333
42 Kim Kitsuragi "Perhaps *you* can climb them. *We're* not climbing anything. I'm 43 years old -- and I plan to live to see 70."
  • 41
43 You "We've looked everywhere else."
  • 48
44 You Where does it go?
  • 88
45 Kim Kitsuragi He shrugs. "So how do we get in there? The doors were on the collapsed side of this building... they're gone, basically."
  • 90
46 You "The wind told me."
  • 45
47 None
  • 311
  • 46
  • 43
  • 80
48 Kim Kitsuragi "Right," he shrugs. "How do we get in there? The doors were on the collapsed side of this building... they're gone, basically."
  • 90
49 Kim Kitsuragi "And then there's the church." He looks at the bell tower. "If I were a murder suspect I would not hide in the most prominent building here, but who knows? Maybe she's reckless..."
  • 132
50 Shivers Suddenly, all is quiet. There is no cold hand brushing against your forehead, no rustle in the reeds. The wind has died down, or gone behind a corner? You only hear distant waves washing the coast.
  • 198
51 Shivers Trying to talk to the wind, or the city? Whatever you thought would happen did not, and now you're just standing there with your hands fallen to your side.
  • 125
52 Feld Mural
  • 53
  • 54
53 Feld Mural Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_shivers_white_failed_once"]
  • 217
54 Feld Mural (Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_shivers_white_failed_once"]) == false
  • 50
55 Perception (Hearing) Indeed. You hear what sounds like two men arguing where the lieutenant is pointing.
  • 49
56 You Listen to the wind. Variable["boardwalk.mural_look_in"] and Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_show_new_white"] == false and IsKimHere()
  • 84
57 You No. There is something else. In the wind.
  • 37
58 Inland Empire As if said by someone else. Someone outside you. Around you. Not you.
  • 59
59 Feld Mural
  • 60
  • 61
60 Feld Mural IsKimHere()
  • 62
61 Feld Mural (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 153
62 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant looks at you shiver, worried suddenly. "We should go. It gets cold if you stand in one place too long."
  • 153
63 You Just blow on your hands for warmth.
  • 155
64 You "Who said that?"
  • 157
65 Kim Kitsuragi "What? I didn't say anything." He looks at you. "What are we doing here? We keep returning and you act strange."
  • 165
66 You "I am performing *black magic*."
  • 68
67 You "I'm just thinking. This is me thinking. Nothing strange here."
  • 170
68 Kim Kitsuragi "Of course. Black magic. The most potent type of magic. If we're that desperate -- may I suggest getting shovels and digging?" A quiver of a smile.
  • 168
69 You [Leave.]
70 Feld Mural
  • 71
  • 72
71 Feld Mural Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_shivers_white_failed_twice"]
  • 36
72 Feld Mural (Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_shivers_white_failed_twice"]) == false
  • 52
73 You "Yeah, I don't know..."
  • 29
74 You "I am trying to ask Revachol."
  • 169
75 Kim Kitsuragi He looks around. "Like -- maybe we can get shovels and dig?" A quiver of a smile. "Don't mind that -- a bad attempt at humour."
  • 171
76 Feld Mural
  • 77
  • 78
77 Feld Mural Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_shivers_white_failed_thrice"]
  • 79
78 Feld Mural (Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_shivers_white_failed_thrice"]) == false
  • 70
79 Shivers For what? God? God is very, very silent. Too silent. Even the wind seems tired...
  • 182
80 You "Ever since I woke up -- maybe even before -- I've been getting these strange *cold spells*."
  • 81
81 Kim Kitsuragi "Good, good, yes. Cold spells..." He seems incredulous. "So basically your *hangover* is telling you she's down there?"
  • 82
  • 46
  • 92
  • 43
82 You "Yes. I can literally *talk* to my hangover. That's how bad it has gotten."
  • 110
83 None
  • 39
  • 73
84 Feld Mural
  • 85
  • 86
85 Feld Mural Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_shivers_white_succeeded"]
  • 183
86 Feld Mural (Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_shivers_white_succeeded"]) == false
  • 76
87 You Say: "I think she's down *there*. Below this building."
  • 89
88 Shivers In through the collapsed roof, flowing down a concrete staircase -- to the basement, sweeping away footprints in the dust on the stairs. And then the beach below the boardwalk, its winding tunnels... a whisper away.
  • 312
89 Kim Kitsuragi "Okay -- why?"
  • 47
90 Savoir Faire Finally, my time to shine!
  • 83
91 Shivers Suddenly there's a sigh, carried on the molecules around you, moving, flowing from high pressure to low pressure. Like that of a woman emptying her lungs. She wraps the collapsing stone box in front of you in her breath, flowing through it...
  • 44
92 You "Call it a gut feeling."
  • 45
93 Kim Kitsuragi "In there? She could. Or..." The lieutenant points behind you. "She could be in the *identical* ruin over there, or in that boat shack. In that church tower, maybe..."
  • 197
94 Logic Great idea!
  • 208
95 None
  • 6
96 Feld Mural
  • 97
  • 98
97 Feld Mural IsKimHere()
  • 93
98 Feld Mural (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 121
99 You "Could she be in there?"
  • 96
100 Feld Mural Indeed. Somehow you knew it was here. An urban ruin gutted by looters that once used to consume money and dispense warmth and light.
  • 196
101 You "What is this building?" Variable["tc.feld_electrical"] == false
  • 116
102 Kim Kitsuragi "Maybe we could, you know..." He points to the man who points at the building, telling his son something. "Ask the man who's pointing at the building?"
  • 94
103 None
  • 6
104 You Why do I feel like I know this place? Variable["plaza.rainshivers_west_feld"]
  • 100
105 Feld Mural
  • 106
  • 107
106 Feld Mural Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_main_hub_reached"]
  • 189
107 Feld Mural (Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_main_hub_reached"]) == false
  • 2
108 You What is happening...
  • 109
109 Shivers SHE'S DOWN THERE.
  • 87
110 Kim Kitsuragi "Right. How do we get in, though? The doors were on the collapsed side of this building... they're gone, basically."
  • 90
111 None
  • 6
112 None
  • 9
113 Feld Mural
  • 114
  • 115
114 Feld Mural Variable["tc.feld_electrical"]
  • 5
115 Feld Mural (Variable["tc.feld_electrical"]) == false
  • 194
116 Feld Mural
  • 117
  • 118
117 Feld Mural IsHourBetween(8,19)
  • 213
118 Feld Mural (IsHourBetween(8,19)) == false
  • 210
119 Kim Kitsuragi "Some sort of industrial ruin? I don't recognize the name of the company. R&D used to mean Research and Development... It looks long-abandoned."
  • 207
120 Trant Heidelstam "She?" The man hears you. "I don't know who you mean, but... the building seems long-abandoned to me."
  • 124
121 Feld Mural
  • 122
  • 123
122 Feld Mural IsHourBetween(8,19)
  • 120
123 Feld Mural (IsHourBetween(8,19)) == false
  • 124
124 Feld Mural You try to peer in but there are no windows on this side. Only the disinterested whistle of the wind.
  • 203
125 Logic Is *trying to talk to the city* something you've done before? Is it in your secret repertoire -- a trick for when you're out of ideas?
  • 126
126 Inland Empire A prayer of sorts? To Revachol.
  • 127
127 None
  • 22
128 You She could be *anywhere*, how do I find her? IsKimHere() == false
  • 143
129 Feld Mural
  • 130
  • 131
130 Feld Mural Variable["coast.morell_greeting_done"]
  • 49
131 Feld Mural (Variable["coast.morell_greeting_done"]) == false
  • 55
132 Feld Mural
  • 133
  • 134
133 Feld Mural Variable["church.soona_greeting_done"]
  • 21
134 Feld Mural (Variable["church.soona_greeting_done"]) == false
  • 30
135 None
  • 22
136 None
  • 6
137 Savoir Faire An adventure awaits! An adventure on the windswept urban coast.
  • 138
138 Endurance Buckle up and raise your collar -- this search is going to be wet and cold.
  • 136
139 Shivers Anyway -- you do it sector by sector. Go over the whole peninsula, ask the locals, enter the places which you *can* enter first.
  • 144
140 Conceptualization Or spiritual? She could be looking for refuge...
  • 139
141 Shivers And then there's the church. You look at the bell tower rising into the clouds -- a prominent place to hide, but maybe she's reckless?
  • 148
142 Perception (Hearing) Indeed. About 70 metres west from here.
  • 141
143 Shivers How hard can it be? You were told she's north of the village and this place is a peninsula. Look around. West of here there are people, talking. Who could it be, you cup your ear and think?
  • 145
144 None
  • 22
145 Feld Mural
  • 146
  • 147
146 Feld Mural Variable["coast.morell_greeting_done"]
  • 141
147 Feld Mural (Variable["coast.morell_greeting_done"]) == false
  • 142
148 Feld Mural
  • 149
  • 150
149 Feld Mural Variable["church.soona_greeting_done"]
  • 139
150 Feld Mural (Variable["church.soona_greeting_done"]) == false
  • 140
151 You And if that fails? If I don't find her? (Conclude.) IsKimHere() == false and Variable["boardwalk.mural_open_and_what_if_we_dont_find_her"] == true
  • 152
152 Shivers First you need to tune in to the coast, get to know its residents. Then you can search where you can't enter: bunkers, storm drainage, this building here. You can always come back and talk to the wind again -- look where it already got you.
  • 137
153 None
  • 6
154 Feld Mural The writing rises in front of you, its ancient carton wet from the coastal air.
  • 153
155 Feld Mural Probably a good idea. Blowing on your fingers doesn't make them much warmer though...
  • 156
156 None
  • 6
157 Feld Mural
  • 158
  • 159
158 Feld Mural IsKimHere()
  • 65
159 Feld Mural (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 160
160 Feld Mural
  • 161
  • 162
161 Feld Mural IsHourBetween(8,19)
  • 163
162 Feld Mural (IsHourBetween(8,19)) == false
  • 164
163 Trant Heidelstam "Well..." The man behind you hesitates for a moment. "I was *trying* to explain to Mikael what it is the officer keeps returning here for -- then I realized I don't know."
  • 167
164 Feld Mural No one. You're just talking to yourself again -- the letters slowly peeling off the mural seem to form a malevolent smile.
  • 166
165 None
  • 23
  • 74
  • 66
  • 67
166 None
  • 6
167 None
  • 177
  • 172
  • 176
  • 173
168 Kim Kitsuragi "In case she's underground? Don't mind that -- a bad attempt at humour."
  • 171
169 Kim Kitsuragi He stops to consider your words. "*Ask Revachol* sounds like an expression. For when you have no idea. We should continue our search. Perhaps even get a little desperate..."
  • 75
170 Kim Kitsuragi "Of course. We should continue our search."
  • 171
171 None
  • 6
172 You "I am trying to ask Revachol."
  • 179
173 You "I'm just thinking. This is me thinking. Nothing strange here."
  • 180
174 Trant Heidelstam "Ask the wind or 'Aska i Vinden' is the name of a Vaasan lullaby," he remarks. "Maybe that helps?"
  • 181
175 Trant Heidelstam "Blood spatter reading, rooster sacrifice -- still quite common in Revachol," he remarks. "Hope it helps."
  • 181
176 You "I am performing *black magic*."
  • 175
177 You "I am trying to ask the wind."
  • 174
178 None
  • 6
179 Trant Heidelstam "'Ask Revachol' is the name of a war time radio show the communists used to address civil issues," he remarks. "Maybe that helps?"
  • 181
180 Trant Heidelstam "Of course. Didn't mean to imply otherwise."
  • 178
181 Feld Mural It doesn't.
  • 178
182 None
  • 6
183 Feld Mural
  • 184
  • 185
184 Feld Mural Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_shivers_white_failed_once"]
  • 91
185 Feld Mural (Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_shivers_white_failed_once"]) == false
  • 187
186 None
  • 22
187 Shivers Even though you're *sure* you succeeded, all is quiet. There is no cold hand brushing against your forehead, no rustle in the reeds -- the wind has died down. The ruin in front of you is silent as a tomb.
  • 186
188 You Listen to the wind again. Variable["boardwalk.mural_look_in"] and Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_show_new_white"] and IsKimHere()
  • 190
189 Feld Mural The once-bright mural towers above you, saying "FELD ELECTRICAL R&D."
  • 199
190 Feld Mural
  • 191
  • 192
191 Feld Mural Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_shivers_white_succeeded_two"]
  • 193
192 Feld Mural (Variable["boardwalk.feld_mural_shivers_white_succeeded_two"]) == false
  • 76
193 None
  • 91
194 Inland Empire There's something in the wind. Sometimes the only way to go forward is to fail first.
  • 6
195 Shivers Walk the coast, the old boardwalk, the reeds... You can always come back here and talk to the wind again. Look where it already got you.
  • 137
196 Shivers You felt it, before, when it rained in Martinaise and you *felt* the cold of the rain. The feeling persists. It has been in you ever since.
  • 103
197 Logic Why single out this one building?
  • 95
198 Perception (Hearing) The ruin in front of you is silent as a tomb.
  • 22
199 Feld Mural
  • 200
  • 201
200 Feld Mural Variable["boardwalk.mural_look_in"] and IsKimHere() == false
  • 202
201 Feld Mural (Variable["boardwalk.mural_look_in"] and IsKimHere() == false) == false
  • 111
202 Esprit de Corps Somewhere in Martinaise, Lieutenant Kitsuragi is consulting his notebook... A sudden draught turns a page between his hands. You're going to need him if you want to listen to the wind.
  • 111
203 Feld Mural
  • 204
  • 205
204 Feld Mural Variable["boardwalk.mural_look_in"] == false and IsKimHere()
  • 206
205 Feld Mural (Variable["boardwalk.mural_look_in"] == false and IsKimHere()) == false
  • 209
206 Esprit de Corps Lieutenant Kitsuragi stands in front of a mirror, fixing his orange bomber jacket. You should be asking him that question.
  • 209
207 None
  • 6
208 None
  • 6
209 None
  • 6
210 Feld Mural
  • 211
  • 212
211 Feld Mural IsKimHere()
  • 119
212 Feld Mural (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 216
213 Feld Mural
  • 214
  • 215
214 Feld Mural IsKimHere()
  • 102
215 Feld Mural (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 216
216 Feld Mural The long abandoned industrial building towers above you in silence.
  • 207
217 Shivers A breeze, like a quiet sigh, moves over you. The cool air breaks across your body. It brings the salt of the sea into your lungs.
  • 218
  • 219
219 Feld Mural
  • 220
  • 221
220 Feld Mural IsHighestPolitical("communist")
  • 225
221 Feld Mural (IsHighestPolitical("communist")) == false
  • 222
  • 223
222 You What the hell was that?
  • 226
223 You Yes. I understand.
  • 226
224 You Yes, Comrade Zephyr. I shall find them. Girl Child Revolution and Girl Child Communism! Variable["boardwalk.mural_big_c_start"] == true
  • 227
225 Rhetoric The big sea... The Big C? That can only mean one thing: Communism.
  • 224
  • 222
  • 223
226 Shivers The wind rushes away, leaving you where you were -- on the rotting boards of the Feld Building.
  • 228
  • 226
228 Feld Mural
  • 229
  • 230
229 Feld Mural IsKimHere()
  • 231
230 Feld Mural (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 243
231 Kim Kitsuragi "Officer?" The lieutenant watches you attentively. "Are you okay? It looked like we lost you for a second."
  • 232
232 None
  • 233
  • 234
  • 235
  • 236
233 You "Did I have a seizure, Kim?"
  • 237
234 You "I think I need to talk to some kids in the village."
  • 238
235 You "The wind told me to talk to children. Let's roll."
  • 241
236 You "I need to go to the children, Kim. Girl Child Communism. Boy Child Freedom." Variable["boardwalk.mural_big_c_accepted"] == true
  • 239
237 Kim Kitsuragi "Doesn't look like it to me." He pauses to study you for a moment. "Probably not, anyway."
  • 234
  • 235
  • 236
238 Kim Kitsuragi "When you're ready." The lieutenant nods.
  • 243
239 Kim Kitsuragi "Right. Well, I'm sure that after..." The lieutenant's words come to a slow halt. He pinches the bridge of his nose.
  • 308
240 You "This is part of the investigation now."
  • 241
241 Kim Kitsuragi "Okay..." The lieutenant looks down the coast, toward the shacks. "When you're ready, officer."
  • 243
242 You "Communism is a murder investigation, Kim. It's about understanding whose bootheel killed the human spirit."
  • 303
243 None
  • 6
244 You Pull on your knowledge to understand what caused the twins to hear radio in their heads. Variable["TASK.return_to_mural_for_new_check"] == true and Variable["boardwalk.mural_encycloedia_pass_check"] == false and IsKimHere() and Variable["TASK.ask_the_wind_done"] == false
  • 245
245 Feld Mural
  • 246
  • 247
246 Feld Mural Variable["boardwalk.mural_encycloedia_pass_check"]
  • 248
247 Feld Mural (Variable["boardwalk.mural_encycloedia_pass_check"]) == false
  • 249
248 Encyclopedia You know a lot about radio. Enough to know: You have no idea how or why those boys heard Speedfreaks FM in their heads.
  • 279
249 Feld Mural
  • 250
  • 251
250 Feld Mural Variable["boardwalk.mural_encyclopedia_fail_once"]
  • 253
251 Feld Mural (Variable["boardwalk.mural_encyclopedia_fail_once"]) == false
  • 252
252 Encyclopedia Let's see, let's see... Just flicking through the index of your knowledge...
  • 254
  • 255
253 Encyclopedia Still nothing. Your head is full of obscure facts, none of which are helpful here. Move on before you make another scene.
  • 305
254 You Cool. No rush.
  • 257
255 You Come on, hurry up, we're on a schedule here!
  • 256
256 Encyclopedia Searching with all possible speed!
  • 257
257 Encyclopedia We have, uh... Radio brands, radio crimes, radio comedies, radio dramas, radio physics, radio psychics, radio scandals, radio shows, and way more in-between, but, uh....
  • 258
258 You But?
  • 259
259 Encyclopedia Nothing that would be useful here. Sorry.
  • 260
260 Feld Mural
  • 261
  • 262
261 Feld Mural Variable["tc.ulan_frequency"]
  • 263
262 Feld Mural (Variable["tc.ulan_frequency"]) == false
  • 265
263 You I know about ULAN frequencies. Does that help?
  • 264
264 Encyclopedia You know little about ULAN frequencies other than that they exist. Maybe? It's impossible to say.
  • 265
265 None
  • 266
  • 267
  • 268
266 You "Radio is killing the fucking cop star. Come on!"
  • 269
267 You "Is this all I am? A fount of useless radio trivia?"
  • 269
268 You "Then I've got nothing. I'm a shit detective. I should be in the sewer."
  • 269
269 Feld Mural
  • 270
  • 271
270 Feld Mural IsHourBetween(8,19)
  • 272
271 Feld Mural (IsHourBetween(8,19)) == false
  • 274
272 Mikael Heidelstam "What is he talking about?" The young boy looks to his father, frowning.
  • 273
273 Trant Heidelstam "I'm not sure, Mikael." He looks at you, as if making an appraisal.
  • 306
274 Feld Mural
  • 275
  • 276
275 Feld Mural IsKimHere()
  • 277
276 Feld Mural (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 278
277 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant clears his throat. "Let's move on. I don't think we need to stand around anymore."
  • 278
278 Encyclopedia Apologies! You just need time to remember. There has to be something there. Go do other things around the coast. That might help.
  • 307
279 Encyclopedia Knowledge like that isn't just obscure; it's unknowable. Dangerous theoretical facts like that are probably protected under the Coalition Government's Articles of Dominion, Title XIV, Article 7c. While an expert might be able to suss it out on their own, a layman like you has no hope.
  • 280
280 Encyclopedia You don't know how it happened. But the stores of your knowledge are vast and there *is* something crucial in them.
  • 281
281 You What's that?
  • 282
282 Encyclopedia You know where Ruby *isn't.*
  • 283
283 Encyclopedia She isn't in the fishing village. She's not with her bullet under the floorboards in the shack. So where could she be?
  • 284
284 Feld Mural
  • 285
  • 286
285 Feld Mural Variable["TASK.meet_lilienne_for_a_date_done"]
  • 287
286 Feld Mural (Variable["TASK.meet_lilienne_for_a_date_done"]) == false
  • 288
287 Encyclopedia Land's End? You took in the sights there with Lilienne. Ruby wasn't up the disused radio tower, among the reeds, or beneath the boardwalk.
  • 288
288 Feld Mural
  • 289
  • 290
289 Feld Mural Variable["coast.idiot_teq_story_end_reach"]
  • 291
290 Feld Mural (Variable["coast.idiot_teq_story_end_reach"]) == false
  • 292
291 Encyclopedia The alcoholics never mentioned seeing Ruby either. Idiot Doom Spiral gave an exhaustive account of recent events, but never mentioned seeing Ruby.
  • 292
292 Feld Mural
  • 293
  • 294
293 Feld Mural Variable["TASK.inspect_traps_done"]
  • 295
294 Feld Mural (Variable["TASK.inspect_traps_done"]) == false
  • 296
295 Encyclopedia You've searched the whole coast for Morell's traps. Just as you didn't find the Insulindian phasmid, you did not find her.
  • 296
296 Feld Mural
  • 297
  • 298
297 Feld Mural Variable["church.church_open_door_w_key"]
  • 299
298 Feld Mural (Variable["church.church_open_door_w_key"]) == false
  • 323
299 Encyclopedia Nor is Ruby in the Church. Some criminals still seek sanctuary from sacred buildings, even though sanctuary laws were abolished decades ago. But Ruby wasn't such a one.
  • 323
300 You Does that mean she's *here*?
  • 301
301 Encyclopedia If she's here on the coast, she'll be *here.* And besides, something weird happened to the twins around here. It'd be nice to know what caused that. Another fact for your collection!
  • 302
302 Shivers Suddenly there's a sigh, carried on the molecules around you, moving, flowing from high pressure to low pressure. Like that of a woman emptying her lungs. She wraps the collapsing stone box in front of you in her breath, flowing through it...
  • 304
303 Kim Kitsuragi "I see. Political theory as detective work. Right." The lieutenant looks down the coast, toward the shacks. "After you, officer."
  • 243
304 None
  • 44
305 None
  • 6
306 Half Light Judging eyes, like he's a fucking brain doctor. What the hell does he know?
  • 274
307 None
  • 6
308 Kim Kitsuragi "You mean we should do that *right now*, don't you?" the lieutenant asks, his usually even tone wavering slightly. "Can that be done *after* the murder investigation?"
  • 309
  • 240
  • 242
309 You "The wind didn't tell me to wait."
  • 241
310 Kim Kitsuragi "True... But how do we even get in there? The doors were on the collapsed side of this building... they're gone, basically."
  • 90
311 You "The twins did hear the radio from here, so *something* is happening..." Variable["boardwalk.NewVariable_05"]
  • 310
312 Feld Mural
  • 313
  • 314
313 Feld Mural Variable["TASK.find_children_of_the_big_sea_done"]
  • 318
314 Feld Mural (Variable["TASK.find_children_of_the_big_sea_done"]) == false
  • 315
315 Feld Mural
  • 316
  • 317
316 Feld Mural Variable["TASK.find_children_of_the_big_sea"]
  • 320
317 Feld Mural (Variable["TASK.find_children_of_the_big_sea"]) == false
  • 318
318 None
  • 108
319 Feld Mural
  • 318
320 Feld Mural
  • 321
  • 322
321 Feld Mural Variable["boardwalk.NewVariable_05"]
  • 318
322 Feld Mural (Variable["boardwalk.NewVariable_05"]) == false
  • 319
323 Feld Mural
  • 324
  • 325
324 Feld Mural Variable["tc.ulan_frequency"]
  • 327
325 Feld Mural (Variable["tc.ulan_frequency"]) == false
  • 300
326 Encyclopedia ... Well, in fairness, you haven't seen much more of the coast. But you do know one last thing: ULAN. Ruby dabbles in advanced radio theories. ULAN, the Speedfreaks mystery -- it might just be related.
  • 300
327 Feld Mural
  • 328
  • 329
328 Feld Mural Variable["boardwalk.mural_encyclopedia_ulan_said_in_fail"]
  • 330
329 Feld Mural (Variable["boardwalk.mural_encyclopedia_ulan_said_in_fail"]) == false
  • 326
330 Encyclopedia And, while you might not have seen much of the coast, you were probably right: The ULAN frequency is likely connected to all this. Ruby dabbles in advanced radio theories. The Speedfreaks FM case is a radio mystery. That may not be coincidence.
  • 332
331 Encyclopedia That isn't a fact *yet*. But it's a compelling suspicion.
  • 302
332 You So I was right! ULAN -- she *is* here!
  • 331
333 Feld Mural
  • 334
  • 335
334 Feld Mural Variable["boardwalk.NewVariable_05"] and Variable["TASK.find_children_of_the_big_sea_done"] == false
  • 337
335 Feld Mural (Variable["boardwalk.NewVariable_05"] and Variable["TASK.find_children_of_the_big_sea_done"] == false) == false
336 You "We should look into that before we move on."
  • 340
337 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant glances down the coast, toward the fishing village. "There's also still the question of how the twins tuned into Speedfreaks FM..."
  • 341
  • 338
  • 336
338 You "Can we look into that later?"
  • 339
339 Kim Kitsuragi A shuffle of nylon as the lieutenant shrugs. "I don't know... It's your call, detective. If you drop the radio lead now, just be prepared to live without having done it."
340 Kim Kitsuragi A shuffle of nylon as the lieutenant shrugs. "It's your call, detective. If you drop the radio lead now, just be prepared to live without having done it."
341 You "You just want to dial your favourite radio station, don't you?"
  • 342
342 Kim Kitsuragi A shuffle of nylon as the lieutenant shrugs. "I'm only observing that there's another lead you wanted to follow. And that if you drop the radio lead now, just be prepared to live without having done it."