Conversation 1379: GATES / MANANA

A jolly, easy-going man at the very bottom entrance to the gates. He gives information about the scabs, the strike, the union boss, Measurehead and being a boiadeiro.

How to use this page:

This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.

Column definitions:
  • ID: a numerical index for the entry within this conversation.
  • Character: the character speaking or acting.
  • Dialogue: prose containing spoken dialogue and other description.
  • Conditions: logical checks governing this entry appearing or occurring.
  • Links: entries that might follow this one, depending on conditions and player choice. Most links are internal to this conversation, external links to other conversations are marked with the format (conversation ID, entry ID).
ID Character Dialogue Conditions Links
0 None
  • 1
1 None
  • 458
2 Call Me Mañana "Scab?" asks a man with jolly eyes, tilting his head.
  • 386
3 You "What exactly *is* a scab?"
  • 4
4 Call Me Mañana "A kind of a worm, content with mere survival. They come, they want to do *our job* for shittier pay, screwing over both themselves and us. Everybody loses."
  • 95
  • 97
5 Call Me Mañana "Personally, I'd rather beg than scab. If the gentlemen shouting on the street came *begging*, maybe they'd have gotten something."
  • 6
  • 653
6 You (Nod.) "Have you tried talking to them?"
  • 7
7 Call Me Mañana "We've explained the matters, but they don't listen." He shakes his head. "This lot would be reasonable and go home if the big guy wasn't riling them up all the time."
  • 421
8 You "I'm not a scab. I'm a cop." (Proceed.)
  • 9
9 Call Me Mañana "Ah, I was just messing with you." His smile deepens his wrinkles even more. "No one's ever seen a cop scab."
  • 385
10 Call Me Mañana "Oh. Good, good! What matters do you want to discuss with Evrart?"
  • 15
  • 17
  • 146
11 You "I need to get past the gates and speak with your boss." Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and Variable["TASK.interview_union_boss"] == true and Variable["TASK.ask_for_help_from_the_harbour"] == false and Variable["TASK.interview_union_boss_done"] == false and Variable["XP.find_a_way_inside_harbour"] == false and Variable["gates.manana_granted_passage_up"] == false
  • 10
12 Call Me Mañana "Sure, I've had the necessary free time." He spreads his arms wide, using the reach to show how much time he has. "Fortunately, there's always time."
  • 13
13 Composure The look in his brown eyes conjures up an understanding: for him, having command of his time is the most important thing.
  • 122
14 Encyclopedia It all comes together now, the way he speaks about scabs, his general attitude. He's a follower of a 500-year-old Franconigerian boiadeiro code -- itself an appropriation of Vespertine cool...
  • 355
15 You "He might have information about a killing that took place behind the hostel."
  • 390
16 Call Me Mañana "Body still hangin' in the tree?" He rubs his chin as if pondering his core beliefs. "Aye, that's a rough pickle... can't help you with that, sorry."
  • 391
17 You "There's been talk of suspicious activity at the harbour."
  • 205
18 You "Why are you striking?" Variable["TASK.interview_union_boss_done"] == true and Variable["TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana_done"] == true
  • 19
19 Call Me Mañana "We're negotiating our share."
  • 20
20 You "Your... share?"
  • 25
21 You "Wait, so not wages or pensions or..."
  • 23
22 You "How large a *share* would you like?"
  • 26
23 Call Me Mañana "This stuff -- they already covered."
  • 27
  • 149
  • 680
24 None
  • 35
  • 29
  • 45
  • 295
  • 37
25 Call Me Mañana "Aye." He seems pleased with himself.
  • 21
  • 22
  • 213
26 Call Me Mañana "All of it. However, right now we want all the harbour workers to be on the company's board, so they could take part in *the decision-making process*."
  • 682
27 You "Shouldn't you be grateful then? It's a lot more than most people here have."
  • 28
28 Call Me Mañana "Never grateful. Were we ever grateful, we'd have nothing. You fight for every piece."
  • 22
  • 213
29 You "Are you a... communist?"
  • 30
30 Call Me Mañana "No," he pauses to think for a moment. "I don't think I'm a communist. Seeing something of value and saying *I want it all to myself* is a much older and simpler notion. No science to it at all..."
  • 31
31 Call Me Mañana "Even a weak child can think it. The only things holding someone back are *I can't* and *I shouldn't*."
  • 326
32 You "But don't you think the owners have a right to the harbour? Didn't they organize it into existence?"
  • 46
33 Call Me Mañana "You see, the owners already benefit greatly from the harbour. No one can doubt that. They get so much."
  • 316
  • 317
34 Encyclopedia *The board* is where the stockholders send their representatives. Often those representatives don't even represent the stockholders' interests. It's not actually like some council-based democracy.
  • 342
35 You "You seem to have the wrong idea here. The board of a major company is not *council democracy*." Variable["gates.manana_board"] == true
  • 36
36 Call Me Mañana "Quite a shitty board, I must say. Means someone's gotta reform it. I, for one, want to face the *fat ones'*, when decisions are made."
  • 147
  • 318
  • 148
37 You "Got the picture. Let me ask you something else."
  • 349
38 You "But the stuff you do aligns admirably well with the World Republic, why not call yourself a communist?" IsTHCPresent("communist")
  • 39
39 Call Me Mañana "I have nothing against communists, they are honourable boiadeiros." He takes a swig from his flask. "And they have good analysis."
  • 40
40 Call Me Mañana "But my own code serves me well. If my code starts failing -- a code can fail a man as well as a man can fail a code -- then I will have to submit to a new one. Which may well be communism."
  • 94
41 You "I guess I understand..."
  • 44
42 You "I am not sure I understand."
  • 44
43 You "It sounds like you're a communist who thinks he isn't doing enough to call himself one."
  • 44
44 Call Me Mañana "See, I am primarily a lazy person." He looks very amused, as if thinking about some private joke or mystery.
  • 93
45 You "The bossman, Evrart, what can you tell me about him?"
  • 47
46 Call Me Mañana "Hey, if the rich folk screw over poor folk, with little concern for their merits or futures, why shouldn't poor folk screw over rich folk from time to time?"
  • 137
47 Call Me Mañana "I think it's best you make up your own mind, now that you've met him." He shrugs. "In my eyes, he is a capable organizer and a decent businessman."
  • 50
  • 322
48 Call Me Mañana "By Heavens, why would he not be corrupt? We live in a harsh and disordered world, see. And in this world..."
  • 692
49 Call Me Mañana "He is *reasonably* lavish, sure. That's his prerogative. It's not like you want a saintly demeanour on a corrupt motherfucker. That would be a manipulative illusion."
  • 696
50 You "What does bossing the Union entail anyway?"
  • 51
51 Call Me Mañana "I guess you kinda get to be the village chief. He oversees the harbour, makes deals with the owners or other relevant parties. Watches out for his own."
  • 688
52 You "Wait... I don't even know your name. Who are you?" Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and Variable["gates.manana_inland_triggers_personal"] == true and Variable["TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana_done"] == true
  • 53
53 Call Me Mañana "Call me Mañana. I'm just a humble harbour-worker... for the past six, seven years."
  • 75
54 You "Call Me Mañana.. What kind of a name is that?"
  • 55
55 Call Me Mañana "It means *call me tomorrow*."
  • 60
  • 58
  • 56
56 You "So, not a given name, I take it?"
  • 57
57 Call Me Mañana "I'd say a real name is what most people call you." He realizes something.
  • 61
58 You "So it's a... nom de guerre?" Variable["gates.manana_nomdeguerre"] == true
  • 59
59 Call Me Mañana "A nom de guerre would be more like *Guerra Mañana*." He chuckles. Then realizes something.
  • 61
60 You "Hold on, have you had any other names?"
  • 207
61 Call Me Mañana "Now that we're getting so well acquainted -- what's your name?"
  • 705
62 You "It's... umm... Harry." Variable["tc.harry"] == true
  • 63
63 Call Me Mañana "I hear you and it's... uh, pleasure meeting you, *Harry*." He nods. "But do keep an eye out for an alternative, alright?"
  • 168
64 You "Honesty. I *lost* it while drinking." Variable["tc.tequila_sunset"] == false
  • 65
65 Call Me Mañana "Wow! This is major! You're like... a man born anew!" His eyes light up. "Okay, so if you can't find it, maybe make up a new one?"
  • 66
  • 708
  • 92
66 You "I may take that into consideration."
  • 136
67 You "It's been said I call myself *Tequila Sunset*." Variable["tc.tequila_sunset"] == true
  • 69
68 Empathy The man is deeply moved. You see his eyes turn teary with appreciation. He is extremely happy for you.
  • 70
  • 71
69 Call Me Mañana He reaches his hand out to you and shouts: "Boiadeiro!"
  • 68
70 You Shake his hand.
  • 73
71 You Leave him hanging.
  • 72
72 Call Me Mañana "Well, boiadeiro --" He pauses to think a moment on the situation. "I guess I don't really have a claim to your hand or anything."
  • 74
  • 86
73 Call Me Mañana You receive a good, strong handshake in return.
  • 74
  • 86
74 You "What's a... *boiadeiro*?"
  • 724
75 Encyclopedia Mañana sounds like a mesque word, but he doesn't actually look much like a mesque.
  • 99
76 You "Mañana? You don't look like a Mesque..." Variable["gates.manana_mesque"] == true
  • 77
77 Call Me Mañana "I'm not. I'm *Vacholiero*. Not all Mesques have the Mesque look, either, you know. Things in the real world are a bit more... fluid. Stuff ain't always what it appears to be."
  • 60
  • 58
  • 56
78 Inland Empire It feels like there's an entire history behind the word... but it doesn't really matter. You got it. You know what it *means*.
  • 84
  • 152
79 Call Me Mañana He takes a swig from his flask, then offers you some.
  • 142
80 You "Oh yeah!" (Take a swig.)
  • 83
81 You "Thanks, I'll pass. I'd just go wild."
  • 82
82 Call Me Mañana "And then we might go wild together, which sounds fun. But I guess I have a strike to watch."
  • 151
83 Call Me Mañana "Keeps you warm on a day like this. Or any day, for that matter."
  • 171
84 You "What kind of a cool guy exactly? It's not *just* a cool guy, is it?"
  • 85
85 Call Me Mañana "Like me and you. Exactly so." He takes a swig from his flask, then offers you some.
  • 142
86 You Have a moment of silence.
  • 79
87 None
  • 128
88 You "Does this mean you can let me through the gate?"
  • 169
89 You "The Measurehead thing didn't go well for me. Could you help me with that somehow?" Variable["XP.find_a_way_inside_harbour"] == false and Variable["gates.mhead_greeting_done"] and Variable["gates.manana_granted_passage_up"] == true and IsTHCPresent("advanced_race_theory") == false
  • 90
90 Call Me Mañana "Sorry. Busy surveying the situation." He takes a swig from his flask. "I'm sure you'll figure something out. You guys have all sorts of gadgets these days."
  • 379
91 Call Me Mañana "Olá, wandering man." He looks at you with soft and hazy eyes. "How can I help you?"
  • 212
92 You "It sounds scary, I don't want to."
  • 100
93 Rhetoric No doubt he's communist enough to call himself such. But he won't.
  • 216
94 Composure He knows who he is. Firmly grounded -- has no need to reinforce or elaborate his political identity to himself or others.
  • 41
  • 42
  • 43
95 You "Hold on, where did they all come from?"
  • 96
96 Call Me Mañana "Beats me. Somewhere in the ground, I think."
  • 97
97 You "You don't seem to like them much."
  • 98
98 Call Me Mañana "Gotta be bloody stupid or freakin' evil to scab. Or, I guess... scared, maybe. But scared of what, of who?" He looks at the mass, squinting his eyes as if trying to ascertain what they're scared of.
  • 5
99 Logic Not a given name, for certain. It's a taken name -- the kind for artists, or criminals, or revolutionaries and the sort. An alias. A *nom de guerre*.
  • 76
  • 54
  • 210
100 Call Me Mañana "Suit yourself. Yet one can't live nameless; names are important things. Vessels of the soul."
  • 135
101 None
  • 128
102 You "Okay, I have a name for myself, it's..." Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and Variable["gates.manana_thinkofaname"] == true
  • 139
103 Inland Empire Your mind can only conjure up Hunk Handy, Fucke Waldéz, Bosco... you might want to decide to keep quiet about these.
  • 104
  • 107
  • 62
  • 156
104 You "Uhhhh.... I actually don't have a name."
  • 105
105 Call Me Mañana "It can take time to come up with a good one, for sure."
  • 101
106 Inland Empire The encroaching doom is golden red. It is inside you, but also outside, on the horizon, by the water's edge. Innermost but yet to happen -- things make sense from that angle...
  • 720
107 You "I can't do it. I'm sorry."
  • 105
108 Inland Empire You're *Tequila Sunset*. You have been Tequila Sunset for a long time now.
  • 109
  • 110
109 You "The name's... Tequila Sunset."
  • 111
110 You No. I don't *want* to be Tequila Sunset.
  • 155
111 None
  • 69
112 You "Name-invention feels too dangerous."
  • 113
113 Call Me Mañana "Yeah," he nods. "A name's the kind of shit that can kill a man. Mañana's a good name in that regard."
  • 114
114 None
  • 128
115 You "What's your deal with names, anyhow? Is it a spiritual thing or a philosophical one or...?" Variable["gates.manana_namemagic"] == true
  • 116
116 Call Me Mañana "More a poetic thing. Any attempt to formulate a grand unified theory about it ends in the stupidest shit imaginable. Doesn't make it less true, though." He nods sagely.
  • 117
117 Call Me Mañana "That means I can't *tell* you about it. I can only *show* you. You may understand in time... or not. But it might be easy enough."
  • 353
  • 118
118 You "Sounds stupid, is what I think."
  • 119
119 Call Me Mañana "Yes, friend. The world is certainly stupid enough to have stupid features." He grins.
  • 120
120 None
  • 350
121 Call Me Mañana The man sits on the railing, his hands reaching far and wide, yet it feels as if he could effortlessly go even wider, if need be. An endless torrent of time.
  • 133
122 Call Me Mañana
  • 123
  • 124
123 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_time"]
  • 14
124 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_time"]) == false
  • 121
125 Call Me Mañana
  • 126
  • 127
126 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_greeting_done"]
  • 371
127 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_greeting_done"]) == false
  • 130
128 None
  • 757
  • 560
  • 596
  • 432
  • 370
  • 18
  • 629
  • 487
  • 488
  • 253
  • 11
  • 251
  • 89
  • 188
  • 227
  • 552
  • 52
  • 176
  • 102
  • 129
129 You "Nice talk. Gotta get moving." [Leave.]
  • 626
130 Call Me Mañana
  • 131
  • 132
131 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_shortgreet"]
  • 389
132 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_shortgreet"]) == false
  • 2
133 None
  • 128
134 None
  • 128
135 None
  • 350
136 Call Me Mañana "Can't live in this world without names, see. Important things, they are. Vessels of the soul."
  • 135
137 None
  • 24
138 None
  • 24
139 Call Me Mañana
  • 140
  • 141
140 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_initiate_tequila_sunset"]
  • 106
141 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_initiate_tequila_sunset"]) == false
  • 103
142 Call Me Mañana
  • 143
  • 144
143 Call Me Mañana Variable["TASK.get_a_drink"]
  • 153
144 Call Me Mañana (Variable["TASK.get_a_drink"]) == false
  • 175
145 None
  • 235
  • 3
  • 270
  • 8
  • 383
146 You "I can't disclose any details of an on-going case."
  • 206
147 You "The fat ones, always leeching on the honest man." Variable["jam.truckman_fat_ones"] == true
  • 33
148 You "And you're the ones to reform, thus reaping your own benefits?"
  • 33
149 You "At least you got the benefits, that's something."
  • 150
150 Call Me Mañana "It's not enough. Not enough to get ahead. More about keepin' us in our place."
  • 22
  • 213
151 Call Me Mañana "So, anything else you wanted to discuss, boiadeiro?"
  • 87
152 You Nod knowingly.
  • 79
153 Electrochemistry Yeah! Let's get this party started, it's your chance to shine, boy!
  • 154
154 None
  • 80
  • 81
  • 172
155 Inland Empire What's there not to want? It's got range, meaning, layers, colours, associations, the whole works!
  • 112
  • 166
156 You "The name's done! It's Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau." Variable["tc.raphael_ambrosius_costeau"] == true
  • 157
157 Call Me Mañana "Are you *quite* sure?"
  • 158
  • 159
158 You "Of course! It's such a *cool* name. Solemn, classy, historical... almost regal."
  • 160
159 You "Well, better than the other names I can come up with at least."
  • 160
160 Call Me Mañana "Hold on, man. Keep it slow and steady, don't succumb to fate. It can take time to come up with a really good one..."
  • 162
  • 161
161 You "You can't tell a Raphaël what to do."
  • 165
162 You "Fine, perhaps I'll try again... later."
  • 163
163 Call Me Mañana "There's no rush to find yourself."
  • 164
164 None
  • 128
165 Call Me Mañana "If you say so." He shrugs and looks about at the surroundings.
  • 164
166 You "Yeah... okay, I'm totally Tequila Sunset."
  • 167
167 None
  • 69
168 None
  • 128
169 Call Me Mañana "I don't operate in that capacity. I'm not a *granter of passage*." He takes a swig and points up the stairs with his flask. "The passage grants itself."
  • 255
170 Call Me Mañana "Aye -- walk right past Measurehead and go in."
  • 644
171 Electrochemistry Surely a step in the right direction -- feel that smooth texture, savour that flavour. How it flows down your gullet, like a warm caress. *That's* the sunset. By the time you arrived in this world it was already late.
  • 87
172 You "I have no interest in drinking while on duty."
  • 174
173 None
  • 81
  • 172
174 Call Me Mañana "A man walking on the edge of a razor, eh? Leaves more for me!" He laughs and takes another sip from the flask.
  • 151
175 Electrochemistry The idea of alcoholic swill sloshing around in your bloodstream feels fairly unappealing.
  • 173
176 You "Any idea who killed the hanged man?" Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and Variable["TASK.interview_union_boss_done"] == true
  • 177
177 Call Me Mañana "The mercenary, aye?" He shrugs. "Who could have killed him, that's indeed the question. Why even do such a thing?" He shakes his head solemnly.
  • 185
178 Physical Instrument What's the matter with this wimp? Is he obstructing *justice*?!
  • 181
  • 88
179 You "The merc was hanged with a very specific type of a cargo belt. One often used in heavy transport areas, for example, harbours." Variable["yard.hanged_encyclo_cargo_belt_airships"] == true and Variable["cargo.evrart_hardieboys_did_the_merco_in"] == false
  • 186
180 You "The harbour is a prime area of suspicion. In your opinion -- are the dockworkers involved in the killing?" Variable["whirling.kim_briefing_done"] == true and Variable["cargo.evrart_hardieboys_did_the_merco_in"] == false
  • 186
181 You "Stop being a wimp, you need to help me out right *now*!" Variable["gates.manana_physint_blackcheck"] == true
  • 184
182 You "Let's change the topic."
  • 183
183 None
  • 214
184 Call Me Mañana "No need to get aggressive." He takes a swig from his flask. "I'm really not the one to ask."
  • 657
185 None
  • 179
  • 180
  • 726
  • 182
186 Call Me Mañana "What a thought!" He scoffs, looking shocked. "Why would noble workers resort to such a thing. Unless they were *pushed*, of course."
  • 338
187 Call Me Mañana "Your dead guy -- was an enemy combatant."
  • 728
188 You "I'm actually a worker, like you guys!" (Show him the stolen card.) Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and CheckItem("dockworker_id_card") and Variable["gates.manana_made_id_card_joke"] == false and Variable["TASK.interview_union_boss_done"] == false
  • 189
189 Call Me Mañana The man looks at the colourful piece of plastic, then at you, then back at the card, then at you again.
  • 617
190 Call Me Mañana "Umm..." He looks at his flask for a moment. "But that's not you, officer?"
  • 603
191 You "It's an old picture."
  • 193
192 You (Take a close look at the card.) "Guess not."
  • 195
193 Call Me Mañana "From back when you were not a cop, but a heavy-set dark-skinned dockworker named *Santiago John*?"
  • 194
  • 197
194 You "Yes."
  • 199
195 Call Me Mañana "Good thing too. I've known Johannes for a few years now, be *sinister* if he turned into a completely different person overnight."
  • 196
196 Call Me Mañana He leans in to inspect the card. "How did you get his shift card anyway?"
  • 287
197 You "Does not seem plausible, now that I think of it."
  • 204
198 You "I found it on the ground. At the Whirling-in-Rags."
  • 292
199 Call Me Mañana "Highly unlikely. I've known John for several years now. Also, you *told* me you're a cop, remember? How did you get his shift card?"
  • 287
200 You "Sure, I have no real need for it."
  • 202
201 You "No, I'm afraid. The card's evidence in an on-going investigation."
  • 203
202 Call Me Mañana "Thank you plenty. I'll make sure John gets his card back."
  • 293
203 Call Me Mañana "Oh, is my friend in some sort of trouble? Who knew..."
  • 228
204 Call Me Mañana "Yes, and you also *told* me you're a cop. But now that this is settled..." He leans in to inspect the card. "How did you get his shift card?"
  • 287
205 Call Me Mañana "Suspicious activity? How very troublesome... yet, take a look around. Strikers, protests, scabs -- isn't it all so very suspicious?" He smiles widely.
  • 392
206 Call Me Mañana "So mysterious. So intriguing." The man gives out a jolly chortle. "Either way, the road in front of you is wide and open."
  • 392
207 Call Me Mañana "Plenty to go around. Don't get greedy and try to swipe mine, though." He smiles merrily. "You've got your own."
  • 58
  • 56
208 You "All right then." (Conclude.)
  • 209
209 None
  • 214
210 You "Well met, Mañana. That's a sweet-ass name."
  • 211
211 Call Me Mañana "A name worthy of the man who holds it, friend. Names are important."
  • 60
  • 56
212 None
  • 128
213 You "Oh, okay. Economy stuff. I get it. I want to talk about something else."
  • 215
214 Call Me Mañana The man whispers a jaunty tune. A coastal breeze ruffles his hair.
  • 128
215 None
  • 214
216 Call Me Mañana
  • 217
  • 218
217 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_rhet_commuchat"]
  • 223
218 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_rhet_commuchat"]) == false
  • 138
219 You Why is that?
  • 220
220 Rhetoric He likely believes that when someone has radical ideas, he should still rather present himself as a self-interested moderate, not as a missionary of a minority ideology.
  • 225
  • 329
221 Rhetoric It might come in handy to present ideas as a part of reality -- the only reality that exists -- instead of some abstract *true form*. On the other hand, he's not lying when performing this sleight of hand. He's a self-interested moderate.
  • 330
  • 590
  • 591
222 You I don't want to talk about these interesting things. It's not my business.
  • 224
223 None
  • 219
  • 222
224 Rhetoric But certainly you have to form an opinion on everything and then tell it to everyone.
  • 568
225 You Because?
  • 221
226 Half Light What did he just call you?! A f*g? Oh no, not this again, you just got away from that fucking kid...
  • 145
227 You "I'm a bit short on *money* right now. Can you give me some of it?" Variable["TASK.pay_for_the_damages"] == true and Variable["gates.manana_asked_for_money"] == false and Variable["TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana_done"] == false
  • 236
228 None
  • 128
229 You "I literally stole it off him while he slept."
  • 292
230 None
  • 229
  • 198
  • 231
231 You "It was like a sign, the wind deposited it before my feet. I feel a closeness to this person."
  • 290
232 Call Me Mañana
  • 233
  • 234
233 Call Me Mañana Variable["yard.cuno_greeting_done"]
  • 226
234 Call Me Mañana (Variable["yard.cuno_greeting_done"]) == false
  • 145
235 You "No... I don't want to deal with this again. Did you just call me a f*g?" Variable["gates.manana_blackcheck_hlight_trigger"] == true and Variable["jam.manana_did_homophobic_option"] == false
  • 269
236 Call Me Mañana "Sure thing, my friend, I can help you out." He flips a coin toward you.
  • 237
  • 240
237 You Try to catch it.
  • 283
238 Hand/Eye Coordination The coin lands into your hand as if it has always belonged there. The swallow returns.
  • 272
  • 273
239 Hand/Eye Coordination The coin narrowly slips by your out-stretched fingers and falls to the ground.
  • 241
240 You Let it fall on the ground.
  • 271
241 Call Me Mañana "Oh! I'm sorry... didn't mean to throw it like that. It's a thing we harbour folk do, passing around cargo and such."
  • 302
242 Kim Kitsuragi Lieutenant Kitsuragi picks up the coin and hands it to you.
  • 277
  • 655
  • 278
243 Call Me Mañana "Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do." He nods knowingly. "But these scabs ain't begging -- they ain't holding on to their integrity."
  • 339
244 Call Me Mañana "Good one, officer." He grins. "Don't worry, we here have solidarity with the RCM."
  • 385
245 Drama Psst. Show him your stolen card. Now hast arrived the perfect moment!
  • 431
246 Call Me Mañana
  • 247
  • 248
247 Call Me Mañana CheckItem("dockworker_id_card")
248 Call Me Mañana (CheckItem("dockworker_id_card")) == false
249 You "No, I need to continue my undercover infiltration of this compound. Otherwise it's as if I just stole the card for no reason."
  • 250
250 Call Me Mañana "Oh, okay. Good luck with that." He tips his beret. "So, what do you need?"
  • 228
251 You "I need to know what's behind these gates. I'm *exploring*." Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and Variable["TASK.ask_for_help_from_the_harbour"] == false and Variable["TASK.interview_union_boss"] == false and Variable["XP.find_a_way_inside_harbour"] == false and Variable["gates.manana_granted_passage_up"] == false
  • 252
252 Call Me Mañana "My friend, I respect the right to roam. The open range awaits..." He gazes over the roundabout with a glint of longing.
  • 392
253 You "I'm looking for assistance with a *dead body* situation." Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and Variable["TASK.ask_for_help_from_the_harbour"] == true and Variable["TASK.interview_union_boss"] == false and Variable["TASK.ask_for_help_from_the_harbour_done"] == false and Variable["XP.find_a_way_inside_harbour"] == false and Variable["gates.manana_granted_passage_up"] == false
  • 16
254 You "That simple? I just walk in?"
  • 170
255 Empathy Beneath the jolliness he suddenly seems doubtful.
  • 375
256 Logic If it's all so simple -- why don't the strikebreakers just go up the stairs?
  • 254
257 You "Past Measurehead?"
  • 258
258 Call Me Mañana "Yeah, the two-and-a-half-metre tall Semenese supremacist there." He points to the bridge above the gates. "Walk right past him..."
  • 301
259 You "Uh. Gotcha. I think I have some questions for you first."
  • 396
260 You "Hmm, for some reason it doesn't seem like it's going to be that easy..."
  • 261
261 Call Me Mañana "Don't worry, I'm sure it's not *completely* impossible. For example, you could best Measurehead in a physical confrontation."
  • 262
262 Call Me Mañana "Or you could convert to his Semenese supremacist world view. Or, hmm," he strokes his moustache, "maybe it actually *is* completely impossible."
  • 397
263 You "Has anyone here ever bested him in a physical confrontation?"
  • 267
264 You "Has any of the scabs tried converting to his world view?"
  • 266
265 You "Got it. Another thing..."
  • 654
266 Call Me Mañana "Jean-Luc himself would say the philosophy has proven... *overly heroic* for the scabs to convert to. Not enough intuition."
  • 660
267 Call Me Mañana "Not yet, no." He fixes his eyes on you, evaluating your prowess. "He's... incredibly strong."
  • 268
268 Physical Instrument Nothing a couple of solid hooks from Dexter and Sinister won't fix.
  • 398
269 Call Me Mañana "No-no, I said *scab*."
  • 625
270 You "Yeah, I'm a scab -- poor and downtrodden." (Wave your fist.) "Right to work!"
  • 244
271 Call Me Mañana "Oh, sorry, friend. Didn't mean to throw it like that... it's a thing we harbour folk do. Comes naturally."
  • 282
272 You "Appreciated."
  • 305
273 You Say nothing, pocket the coin.
  • 305
274 Call Me Mañana
  • 275
  • 276
275 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 242
276 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 589
277 You "Appreciated."
  • 307
278 You Say nothing, pocket the coin.
  • 307
279 You "Don't worry. Much appreciated." (Pick up coin.)
  • 303
280 You Say nothing, pick up and pocket coin.
  • 303
281 You Leave the coin where it landed.
  • 304
282 None
  • 279
  • 280
  • 281
283 Call Me Mañana
  • 284
  • 285
284 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_redcheck_handeye_coin"]
  • 238
285 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_redcheck_handeye_coin"]) == false
  • 239
286 Drama Now you're in a mess. The time hath not arrived. Sorry.
  • 230
287 Call Me Mañana
  • 288
  • 289
288 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_drama_id_card"]
  • 286
289 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_drama_id_card"]) == false
  • 230
290 Call Me Mañana "Yes," he nods solemnly. "The city has a way of pairing souls. John's been out drinking himself blind..."
  • 291
291 Call Me Mañana "He should be more careful, that Johannes. Can I have the card?"
  • 733
292 Call Me Mañana "Oh, John's been out drinking himself blind again? He should watch his step, that John. Can I have the card?"
  • 733
293 Call Me Mañana "You're quite the righteous man." He smiles appreciatively. "Honour allows us to keep a respectful distance from each other. So, what do you need?"
  • 294
294 Authority You feel like you earned a significant amount of honour points today.
  • 228
295 You "You seem to have spent a lot of time thinking about the political situation." Variable["gates.manana_talked_about_boss"] == true and Variable["gates.manana_talked_about_communism"] == true or Variable["gates.manana_mentions_fat_ones"] == true
  • 12
296 Call Me Mañana "... then press the button to unlock the door..."
  • 297
297 You "Aha."
  • 298
298 Call Me Mañana "... then go past him again..."
  • 300
299 Call Me Mañana "... and you enter the harbour through the office. Esta!"
  • 260
  • 259
300 You "Okay."
  • 299
301 You "Right."
  • 296
302 Call Me Mañana He rubs the back of his head. "Was not meant as... provocation or ridicule."
  • 274
303 Call Me Mañana "Right, always glad to help out! We're on the same branch, you and I. Not like these slithering scabs."
  • 308
304 Call Me Mañana "Man of honour." He raises his eyebrow. "I respect that. We were talking about scabs, yeah?"
  • 308
305 Call Me Mañana "Always glad to help out the RCM. Shame I can't do more -- things are meagre at the moment, due to..." He nods toward the protesters.
  • 306
306 Call Me Mañana "You know -- the winter's fat is slowly running out and all. Still better than scabbing, though."
  • 309
  • 312
  • 313
307 Call Me Mañana "Right, always glad to help out the RCM! We're on the same branch, you and I. Humans, I mean, not slithering scabs."
  • 394
308 None
  • 128
309 You "The Union has problems getting by?"
  • 311
310 Call Me Mañana "I'm always glad to help out when possible -- not like these slithering scabs." He looks at them in disbelief.
  • 395
311 Call Me Mañana "Nothing to worry about, really. The jam's a bit of a mess, cargo can't get in or out. The rationing is a bit stricter, is all. Supplies should last the strike, though."
  • 312
  • 313
312 You "Every little bit helps, you know."
  • 310
313 You "Gotta spend money to make money."
  • 314
314 Call Me Mañana "Aye, you lost me there, honcho. But it's okay as long as you're not a sorry-ass scab." He looks at them in disbelief.
  • 395
315 Call Me Mañana "Aye, now here's the thing... at any time, some other capitalist could take the place over with the blink of an eye, without even owning any of the buildings."
  • 319
316 You "Right."
  • 315
317 You "So you feel like you should also get something?"
  • 315
318 You "I don't think I understand."
  • 33
319 Call Me Mañana He takes a swig from his flask. "So why should they be the *only* ones with the power to take stuff over?"
  • 32
  • 320
  • 321
320 You "I guess that makes sense."
  • 46
321 You "It's still kinda confusing to me, but whatever."
  • 46
322 You "I guess you're right, I should." (Conclude.)
  • 323
323 Call Me Mañana "He's probably in his container at the harbour, so head right on in there." He re-adjusts the beret on his head.
  • 324
324 None
  • 24
325 You "Right on, brother."
  • 327
326 None
  • 38
  • 325
  • 328
  • 685
327 Call Me Mañana "Just the way the world works, boiadeiro."
  • 333
328 You "You shouldn't take what's not yours."
  • 332
329 You That's a strange way to go about it.
  • 221
330 You "Basically, you're a self-interested moderate?"
  • 331
331 Call Me Mañana "That's one way to call it, friend." He chuckles. "An unnecessarily complicated way."
  • 344
332 Call Me Mañana "Then how can anything ever be 'mine'? But that's okay -- we don't have to agree. The prairie is wide enough for all of us."
  • 333
333 None
  • 24
334 None
  • 24
335 Suggestion What is this, news of the world? Talk about *personal stuff*. Get to know him.
  • 700
336 You Maybe I am a boiadeiro?
  • 337
337 Encyclopedia No.
  • 361
338 You "Pushed how?"
  • 187
339 None
  • 145
340 You "Did you kill him?"
  • 341
341 Call Me Mañana "I ain't the murderin' type. But that's just me. Large organizations like our Union have all sorts of men -- with all sorts of skills."
  • 729
342 Rhetoric This seditious talk sounds like communism. (Just so we're on the same page: Communism is basically wanting to kill the rich people or deporting them to a labour camp in southeast Graad. But don't say that out loud if you're a communist.)
  • 24
343 Kim Kitsuragi "Laziness, self-interest, and negligence certainly fit the doctrine espoused here."
  • 348
344 Call Me Mañana
  • 345
  • 346
345 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 343
346 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 334
347 Kim Kitsuragi "At least some people are willing to make the necessary sacrifices in order to reach higher, and to better the world."
  • 334
348 Call Me Mañana "Is it the dulcet tone of ultraliberalism I hear?"
  • 347
349 Call Me Mañana "Sure thing." A gust of wind blows through his hair.
  • 335
350 None
  • 67
  • 64
  • 115
  • 471
  • 472
  • 208
351 You "Hold up, what does that mean?"
  • 352
352 Call Me Mañana "He was an agent of the opposition, attempting to undermine our honourable efforts."
  • 340
353 You "Fair enough. Seems interesting."
  • 354
354 Call Me Mañana "Words guide our life, we commune with each thing through its word. Every word is also a name, is it not?" He smiles.
  • 120
355 Call Me Mañana
  • 356
  • 357
356 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_blackcheck_ency_boiadeiro"]
  • 360
357 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_blackcheck_ency_boiadeiro"]) == false
  • 121
358 None
  • 336
  • 359
359 You It doesn't sound that cool. Sounds antiquated, obsolete, *passé*. It's not *disco*.
  • 592
360 Encyclopedia That of a noble peasant or a travelling herdsman. True to yourself, independent in your actions, loyal to your friends.
  • 358
361 Call Me Mañana
  • 362
  • 363
362 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_boiadeiro"]
  • 121
363 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_boiadeiro"]) == false
  • 366
364 You What if...
  • 365
365 Encyclopedia No.
  • 593
366 None
  • 369
  • 367
  • 364
  • 368
  • 658
367 You But...
  • 365
368 You Maybe...
  • 365
369 You I could...
  • 365
370 You "Actually do you know anything about the Hardie boys?" Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and Variable["TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana_done"] == true and (Variable["cargo.evrart_talked_to_him_about_hardies"] == true or Variable["whirling.hardie_hub_reached"] == true)
  • 447
371 Call Me Mañana
  • 372
  • 373
372 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_boiadeiro"] == true
  • 374
373 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_boiadeiro"] == true) == false
  • 91
374 Call Me Mañana "Olá, Tequila Sunset, boiadeiro grande!" He looks at you with soft and hazy eyes.
  • 212
375 Call Me Mañana
  • 376
  • 377
376 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.scableader_why_they_havent_breached_harbour"]
  • 378
377 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.scableader_why_they_havent_breached_harbour"]) == false
  • 256
378 Logic If it's so simple -- why did the scab leader warn you of the guards blocking the way?
  • 254
379 Call Me Mañana "Wire tapping. Telescopic batons. Futuristic circuit-bending to infiltrate harbour machinery. Maybe you could even knock that Kvalsund crane over using some remote controls..."
  • 380
380 Call Me Mañana He stops to think. "Or... calling in tactical air support! You guys have air support, right?"
  • 661
381 You (Turn to Kim.) "Wait, we have *air support*?! Why didn't you tell me?" IsKimHere()
  • 400
382 You "We sure do, and don't you forget it." IsKimHere() == false
  • 402
383 You Walk away. [Leave.]
  • 387
384 Call Me Mañana "Knocked him out good..." he greets you. "Like the flying desperado!"
  • 441
385 Call Me Mañana "Imagine -- you cops going on a strike, but then another cop comes in and says: 'Let us cop! For less money.'" He chuckles, then realizes:
  • 754
386 Rhetoric You're hazy on the notion of a *scab*. Smells like politics, though. Maybe it's got something to do with the flask he reaches for, from time to time?
  • 232
387 None
  • 388
388 None
389 Call Me Mañana "You a scab *now*?" The man with jolly eyes winks at you.
  • 145
390 Call Me Mañana "Evrart's got a lot of knowledge about a lot of things, aye. Doesn't often dole it out, though. But sure, why not..."
  • 392
391 Call Me Mañana "I'm not really an admirer of dead bodies. Might be someone else from the Union can render assistance..." He shrugs.
  • 178
392 None
  • 88
393 None
  • 200
  • 201
  • 249
394 None
  • 128
395 None
  • 128
396 None
  • 214
397 None
  • 263
  • 264
  • 265
398 None
  • 397
399 None
  • 128
400 Kim Kitsuragi "Because we don't. We don't have air support -- or any of those other things."
  • 403
401 You "I'm pretty sure we don't. At least not all of these things."
  • 403
402 Call Me Mañana "Aye-aye, sir." The easy-going man winks at you.
  • 622
403 Call Me Mañana "I get it, hush-hush about the secret technology." He pats the side of his nose with his index finger.
  • 622
404 None
  • 128
405 Call Me Mañana
  • 406
  • 407
406 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.mhead_fight_success"] and Variable["gates.manana_greeting_done"]
  • 408
407 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.mhead_fight_success"] and Variable["gates.manana_greeting_done"]) == false
  • 434
408 Call Me Mañana
  • 409
  • 410
409 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_altgreet_mhead_fight_success_done"]
  • 125
410 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_altgreet_mhead_fight_success_done"]) == false
  • 384
411 Call Me Mañana "It's that really cool flying desperado spin kick you did, boiadeiro. Often performed by the most hard-bodied boiadeiros on the steppes."
  • 412
  • 413
412 You "It was nothing."
  • 414
413 You "Yeah, I sure did that thing."
  • 414
414 Call Me Mañana He nods energetically. "So, what's on your mind this time?"
  • 415
415 None
  • 128
416 Call Me Mañana "So..." He stares at you with his hazy eyes. "How'd you like our harbour?"
  • 668
417 Call Me Mañana
  • 418
  • 419
418 Call Me Mañana Variable["TASK.interview_union_boss_done"] and Variable["gates.manana_greeting_done"]
  • 424
419 Call Me Mañana (Variable["TASK.interview_union_boss_done"] and Variable["gates.manana_greeting_done"]) == false
  • 405
420 Logic Big guy -- he means the leader of the scabs.
  • 339
421 Call Me Mañana
  • 422
  • 423
422 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.scableader_greeting_done"]
  • 420
423 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.scableader_greeting_done"]) == false
  • 339
424 Call Me Mañana
  • 425
  • 426
425 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_back_from_harbour_altgreet"]
  • 125
426 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_back_from_harbour_altgreet"]) == false
  • 416
427 You "Was nice enough."
  • 428
428 Call Me Mañana "It's but a rest area on the path leading across open plains," he notes solemnly, then turns to you, a wide smile adorning his face:
  • 555
429 You "Complete shit."
  • 428
430 None
  • 128
431 Call Me Mañana "Speakin' of! What brings the RCM here? To the Wild North? Come to see the strife?"
  • 128
432 You "Evrart said you have a key to a door?" Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and Variable["TASK.open_gary_door"] == true and Variable["TASK.open_gary_door_done"] == false and CheckItem("key_basement_apartment") == false
  • 442
433 Call Me Mañana "I guess getting past the man ain't that simple after all…" He pauses to think. "So, what now?"
  • 440
434 Call Me Mañana
  • 435
  • 436
435 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.mhead_fight_failure"] or Variable["gates.mhead_fight_failed_mid_success"]) and Variable["gates.manana_greeting_done"]
  • 437
436 Call Me Mañana ((Variable["gates.mhead_fight_failure"] or Variable["gates.mhead_fight_failed_mid_success"]) and Variable["gates.manana_greeting_done"]) == false
  • 125
437 Call Me Mañana
  • 438
  • 439
438 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_altgreet_mhead_fight_failed_done"]
  • 125
439 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_altgreet_mhead_fight_failed_done"]) == false
  • 433
440 None
  • 128
441 You "Who or what is a flying desperado?"
  • 411
442 Call Me Mañana "A key, huh?" He runs his fingers through his moustache. "What door is this key supposed to open?"
  • 443
  • 570
  • 444
443 You "He said it belonged to a weasel."
  • 445
444 You "I don't know, some whistleblower's I think?"
  • 445
445 Call Me Mañana "Oh, say no more. I got you." He taps the side of his nose with a little wink.
  • 571
446 Call Me Mañana "They're sort of like you. Preserve the rule of law and all that. Except it's Evrart's law." He takes a swig from his flask. "But, really, they're just like you."
  • 448
447 Call Me Mañana "Los Ardies?" He smiles. "They're an independent militant group. A bit too high-strung, but it comes with the responsibility."
  • 446
448 Authority Is he actually comparing you -- an officer of the law -- to some neighbourhood vigilantes?!
  • 449
449 Call Me Mañana
  • 450
  • 451
450 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_hardie_authority"]
  • 453
451 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_hardie_authority"]) == false
  • 452
452 None
  • 128
453 Rhetoric Come on. He's just trying to keep the peace.
  • 454
454 None
  • 455
  • 456
455 You "There is only one law, friend -- and that's me!"
  • 457
456 You Let it go.
  • 551
457 Call Me Mañana "Why not? Must be nice being something else for a change. The rest of us are just folks."
  • 594
458 Call Me Mañana
  • 459
  • 460
459 Call Me Mañana Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"]
  • 476
460 Call Me Mañana (Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"]) == false
  • 417
461 Call Me Mañana The boiadeiro stares at you with respect -- then gestures towards the trickles of blood adorning your clothes.
  • 464
  • 462
  • 463
462 You "Yeah, I got shot. No big deal."
  • 466
463 You "It really hurts, Mañana. Pain -- that's what your strike brought upon us."
  • 467
464 You "Danger comes with the boiadeiro lifestyle, right? Variable["tc.boiadeiro"]
  • 465
465 Call Me Mañana He shrugs. "There are types of danger. The one I'm usually concerned with is lung cancer, or getting mauled by wildlife. Not... bullets."
  • 480
466 Call Me Mañana "Yet you live?" He nods approvingly. "It calls back to an older era, where this was commonplace. You have a true boiadeiro heart."
  • 482
467 Call Me Mañana He shrugs. "Any political movement goes through a period of strife. Shame you got mixed up in it, though."
  • 481
468 None
  • 128
469 You "What's going to happen next?"
  • 470
470 Call Me Mañana "Time will tell..." He shrugs. "I'll tell the bossman you dropped by. I'm sure he'll be glad."
  • 468
471 You "Okay, I think might be Harry." (Conclude.) Variable["tc.harry"] == true
  • 473
472 You "My name is Harrier Du Bois. I think." (Conclude.) Variable["tc.name_full_harrier"] == true
  • 474
473 Call Me Mañana "Harry..." he repeats. with a quizzical expression. "It's cool. But I'm sure you could come up with something even cooler."
  • 475
474 Call Me Mañana "A strong, solid name telling of dedication and honour." He gives a small salute. "Well met, Harrier."
  • 475
475 None
  • 128
476 Call Me Mañana
  • 477
  • 478
477 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_altgreet_posttribunal"]
  • 125
478 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_altgreet_posttribunal"]) == false
  • 461
479 You "Right. So where is everyone?"
  • 483
480 Call Me Mañana "It calls back to an older era, where this was commonplace, though. You have a true boiadeiro heart."
  • 482
481 Call Me Mañana "Yet it calls back to an older era, where this was commonplace. You have a true boiadeiro heart."
  • 482
482 None
  • 479
483 Call Me Mañana "Hidin', gatherin' themselves. The harbour's in full lockdown, friend. No getting in or out... for the time being."
  • 484
  • 469
484 You "You can't help me get inside?"
  • 485
485 Call Me Mañana "No, man. Not today. Today is war."
  • 725
486 Call Me Mañana "Heh." He smiles. "The little *boia* did good on his promise."
  • 489
487 You "Hey, you're the man in boots at the gates -- Cuno said you know about the armour." Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and Variable["TASK.talk_to_manana_about_the_armour"] == true and Variable["TASK.talk_to_manana_about_the_armour_done"] == false and Variable["yard.cuno_armour_manana_unnamed"] == true
  • 486
488 You "Cuno told me you were supposed to know about the armour." Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and Variable["TASK.talk_to_manana_about_the_armour"] == true and Variable["TASK.talk_to_manana_about_the_armour_done"] == false and Variable["yard.cuno_armour_manana_named"] == true
  • 486
489 You "His promise?"
  • 490
490 Call Me Mañana "To get me into trouble. To *sic the pigs* on me -- pardon the choice of words. Not mine."
  • 492
491 You "What happened?"
  • 496
492 Call Me Mañana
  • 493
  • 494
493 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 495
494 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 491
495 Kim Kitsuragi "What happened?"
  • 496
496 Call Me Mañana "I was asked to look into that armour situation. Official Union probe, you know -- track it down, see who took it."
  • 500
497 Call Me Mañana "Serves me right for doing menial footwork. I dropped that probe right then and there -- and it *still* got me into trouble," he smiles. "One bad move is all it takes."
  • 506
498 You "So Cuno used us to, what? Scare you?"
  • 507
499 Kim Kitsuragi "Did you?"
  • 504
500 Call Me Mañana
  • 501
  • 502
501 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 499
502 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 503
503 You "Did you?"
  • 504
504 Call Me Mañana "At first I thought -- why not, maybe the pieces can feed the strike? Buy us a few more days under the sun, you know."
  • 505
505 Call Me Mañana "So I went to this boy. He said he'll make me his *prison bitch*. He's got *eyes everywhere*, the cops in his pocket and he's the king of Jamrock."
  • 497
506 None
  • 498
  • 509
  • 518
  • 522
507 Call Me Mañana "It's a minor nuisance. It's all good." He contemplates taking a swig from his flask.
  • 508
508 Electrochemistry He thinks -- not yet. Better to get this business out of the way. Sweeter then.
  • 519
509 You "The probe into the armour -- what did you learn?"
  • 510
510 Call Me Mañana "I learned that people don't want to talk to a drunk Union man about some armour."
  • 512
511 Call Me Mañana "Not much. Technical stuff mostly. That was the interesting part."
  • 588
512 Call Me Mañana
  • 513
  • 514
513 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 515
514 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 516
515 Kim Kitsuragi "What else?"
  • 511
516 You "Okay. Anything else?"
  • 511
517 Call Me Mañana "I did some research into this *armadura*. Let's say I have friends at the library," he explains with a wry smile. "I didn't get into the material science, just how it comes off."
  • 524
518 You "What sort of technical stuff?" Variable["gates.manana_armour_technical_stuff"]
  • 517
519 None
  • 506
520 Call Me Mañana "In parts. Four in total. The helmet was the first to go, the kid says he tore it off and kicked it into the sea. I believe him. The boots were still on the guy last I saw. Too hard to remove."
  • 521
521 Call Me Mañana "So -- as I count -- there are two parts missing: the gauntlets and the cuirass. This is where I left off. Too much hassle. More like a job for some *milicia*."
  • 736
522 You "Thank you for the cooperation, sir." Variable["gates.manana_armour_details_discussed"]
  • 529
523 You "How then?"
  • 520
524 Call Me Mañana
  • 525
  • 526
525 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 527
526 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 523
527 Kim Kitsuragi "How *does* it come off?"
  • 520
528 Rhetoric It's implied he finds it unlikely that you will succeed in this.
  • 549
529 Call Me Mañana "No problem." He finally takes a swig from the flask. "If you see that kid, thank him from Call Me Mañana. Thank him for showing me the *way*."
  • 531
530 None
  • 128
531 Empathy He is sincerely grateful he is not tracking down pieces of armour right now.
  • 530
532 You "I'm ambitious. I'm going to find *all of it*. All the pieces." Variable["TASK.find_one_armour_piece"] == false and Variable["gates.manana_armour_oh_well"] == false
  • 536
533 You "I'm going to find *one* piece of it. One is enough." Variable["TASK.find_all_armour"] == false and CheckItem("shoes_t500") == false and CheckItem("shirt_t500") == false and CheckItem("gloves_t500") == false and Variable["gates.manana_armour_with_armour"] == false
  • 539
534 You "Actually, I may have better things to do too."
  • 542
535 Call Me Mañana "Nice." The moustached man nods in approval. "From what I learned it was a very heavy, boring set of armour."
  • 550
536 Call Me Mañana
  • 537
  • 538
537 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 742
538 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 549
539 Call Me Mañana
  • 540
  • 541
540 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 546
541 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 548
542 Call Me Mañana
  • 543
  • 544
543 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 545
544 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 535
545 Kim Kitsuragi "I agree, officer. Let's focus on the hanging and later some junior officers can take care of the rest."
  • 535
546 Kim Kitsuragi "Nice and balanced," the lieutenant nods. "Some junior officers can take care of the rest."
  • 548
547 Kim Kitsuragi "All of it?" The lieutenant raises his brow. "There are junior officers out there, eager to prove themselves. I would leave *some* for them, but okay. Let's find *all of it*."
  • 528
548 Call Me Mañana "Smart choice," the moustached man agrees. "It's only that *one* spot you need armoured too -- the one the bullet hits."
  • 751
549 Call Me Mañana "A Mesquese epic then, all across Martinaise." He glances south, where the canal runs: "I hope it will be a real *bonanza* for you."
  • 747
550 None
  • 506
551 None
  • 214
552 You "What's the strike about anyway?" Variable["TASK.interview_union_boss_done"] == false
  • 556
553 Call Me Mañana "You know... serious business." He smiles. "I'm sure the big boss would be glad to tell you. You'll have to ask him first."
  • 595
554 None
  • 128
555 Call Me Mañana "Right! You talked to the boss, eye-to-eye -- like men of the plain. If you have any more questions, I'm set to talk."
  • 430
556 Call Me Mañana
  • 557
  • 558
557 Call Me Mañana Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"]
  • 559
558 Call Me Mañana (Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"]) == false
  • 553
559 Call Me Mañana "Serious business, as I'm sure you now realize. The boss would have been glad to tell you. Alas, you cannot get to him anymore."
  • 554
560 You "What will *you* be doing now?" Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == true
  • 561
561 Call Me Mañana "I'll be okay here, doing lookout." He surveys the red flags, draped from the harbour gates. "Quite the sight, aren't they? Getting to like that red, I am..."
  • 562
562 Call Me Mañana "Don't worry about me. I live to alleviate the worries of our brothers. See if any other insane killers turn up. Then I'll run. And live."
  • 564
  • 565
563 None
  • 128
564 You "I'm sure you'll do good."
  • 566
565 You "Try not to get shot, eh?"
  • 567
566 Call Me Mañana "You know it, friend." He smooths his moustache with his hand.
  • 563
567 Call Me Mañana "I'm sure I'll be luckier than you, friend." His grin is as wide as a desert.
  • 563
568 None
  • 24
569 None
  • 388
570 You "I was hoping you could tell me."
  • 677
571 Call Me Mañana "I got *that* key right here. And let me tell you, it's mighty good of you to help us out during the strike -- working class solidarity, as they say."
  • 573
  • 572
  • 575
  • 574
572 You "I heard something about a weasel and it didn't sound like a local *polar* weasel, if you know what I mean." (Wink.)
  • 576
573 You "I saw an opportunity and I took it. I'm a hustlegrinder."
  • 583
574 You "I'm not really doing this for political reasons."
  • 584
575 You "I'm not opening this door for myself. I'm opening it for all working men."
  • 585
576 Call Me Mañana "Polar weasel? Oh... I know what you mean. I'm pretty sure he's actually Occidental though. So you're gonna be commitin' fratricide, my racist friend."
  • 577
577 Call Me Mañana "What you're looking for is a basement door behind the greenhouse -- that's behind the Whirling-in-Rags -- that's all I know. Our organisation is what you call *compartmentalized*. Means we keep out of each other's business."
  • 578
578 Call Me Mañana
  • 579
  • 580
579 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 581
580 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 582
581 Kim Kitsuragi "Okay, but where did you get the key from?"
  • 586
582 You "Where did you get the key from?"
  • 586
583 Call Me Mañana "Hehe, I'm not so sure about the hustle-grind, but..." He waves at you. "You know, it doesn't matter. It's a good thing you're doing. Thanks."
  • 577
584 Call Me Mañana "Oh so the none-of-the-above type, are you? I get it, I get it. I like to keep my distance too." He nods. "But it doesn't matter. It's a good thing you're doing. Thanks."
  • 577
585 Call Me Mañana "I knew this man was a commie." He smiles, tilting his head. "And it's a good thing you're doing too. Thanks."
  • 577
586 Call Me Mañana "The janitor gave it to me. Nice fella. We talked about life and things that really, *truly* matter." His gaze wanders off into the distance.
  • 606
587 Call Me Mañana He shakes his head. "I'm more of a philosophical dockworker. I like to talk about the big picture stuff. Who I am. Who you are. What we are fighting for..." The man takes a big sip from his flask.
  • 607
588 None
  • 506
589 None
  • 282
590 None
  • 325
591 None
  • 328
592 None
  • 121
593 None
  • 121
594 None
  • 128
595 Suggestion He's a chatty guy. *Wants* to talk about the strike. Return once you've met the Union boss, and are on a better footing with the organization.
  • 649
596 You "That weasel I visited. Turns out he has one hell of a colonial mug collection." Variable["backyard.gary_mugs"] == true and Variable["cargo.manana_mugs_reported"] == false
  • 597
597 Call Me Mañana "Yeah..." He nods, rubbing his chin. "The janitor who gave me the key to his apartment said the guy's a bit of an asshole."
  • 598
  • 717
  • 599
  • 600
598 You "Yes, his mug-collection certainly represented... *antiquated* social values."
  • 601
599 You "A man with such a funny mug collection can't be that bad."
  • 719
600 You "All I'm saying is he had lots of mugs."
  • 601
601 Call Me Mañana "Like I said before, I don't know much about this weasel, but the bossman said he's a real piece of work." He touches his beret. "Thanks for helping out, friend."
  • 602
602 None
  • 128
603 Call Me Mañana
  • 604
  • 605
604 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_drama_id_card"]
  • 191
  • 192
605 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_drama_id_card"]) == false
  • 616
606 Call Me Mañana "None of this mess we're in. This jivin' and jugglin'... What's it for?" He doesn't wait for your answer. "To feed our children I guess."
  • 659
  • 678
607 Rhetoric He means he's not gonna tell you, 'cause he doesn't know. But he will shoot his mouth off with you now that you're working for Evrart.
  • 608
608 Inland Empire Who *he* is and what they're fighting for? This is interesting.
  • 609
609 Call Me Mañana
  • 610
  • 611
610 Call Me Mañana Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and Variable["TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana_done"] == true and (Variable["cargo.evrart_talked_to_him_about_hardies"] == true or Variable["whirling.hardie_hub_reached"] == true)
  • 612
611 Call Me Mañana (Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and Variable["TASK.get_the_weasel_key_from_manana_done"] == true and (Variable["cargo.evrart_talked_to_him_about_hardies"] == true or Variable["whirling.hardie_hub_reached"] == true)) == false
  • 613
612 Physical Instrument Ask him about the Hardie boys.
  • 613
613 None
  • 128
614 You "Yes, I'm already on it." Variable["TASK.find_one_armour_piece"] == true or Variable["TASK.find_all_armour"] == true
  • 615
615 Call Me Mañana "Yes." He nods. "You said as much."
  • 550
616 Drama He can't know that. Maybe you're just younger on the photo.
  • 191
  • 192
617 Call Me Mañana
  • 618
  • 619
618 Call Me Mañana Variable["TASK.unlock_the_weasle_door"]
  • 620
619 Call Me Mañana (Variable["TASK.unlock_the_weasle_door"]) == false
  • 190
620 Call Me Mañana "That's a good one. But I know you're not a dockworker. I even gave you that key to the weasel den, remember?" He raises his flask. "Now how can I help you?"
  • 621
621 None
  • 128
622 Suggestion Something changes in his disposition. A merciful smile in the corner of his eye.
  • 662
623 Drama He's not lying -- about not doing it himself.
  • 674
624 None
  • 128
625 None
  • 145
626 Call Me Mañana
  • 627
  • 628
627 Call Me Mañana Variable["jam.manana_leave_done"]
  • 569
628 Call Me Mañana (Variable["jam.manana_leave_done"]) == false
  • 569
629 You "I've come to Martinaise investigating a murder." Variable["TASK.interview_union_boss"] == false
  • 630
630 Call Me Mañana "Murder, huh? That sounds like a lot of hard work. You'd never see me investigating a murder."
  • 631
631 None
  • 632
  • 633
  • 634
  • 635
632 You "It's actually very fun and easy."
  • 639
633 You "You're right. It's almost impossible. I'm 91% sure I'll never get it solved."
  • 641
634 You (Whisper) "I have no idea what I'm *doing*."
  • 642
635 You "Maybe you want to help me solve it by telling me who did it?"
  • 636
636 Call Me Mañana "Of course, *policía*." He gives you a sly smile. "It wasn't me. You can rule me out. Easier that way."
  • 638
637 Drama He didn't do it. It's the truth.
  • 643
638 Volition Should we? He's *nice*. I don't like *nice*.
  • 637
639 Call Me Mañana "I don't believe you. Poste L'Aventurier said the same thing. They tried to get me to be their postman. So fun, so easy, they said. It's just walking." He shakes his head at the memory.
  • 640
640 Call Me Mañana "It wasn't. I'm doing much better here at the harbour. Being an honest Union man with *a lot* of free time on his hands."
  • 734
641 Call Me Mañana "Probably not." He nods. "I wouldn't even know where to start with that. Much better here at the harbour -- for an honest Union man like me."
  • 643
642 Call Me Mañana He whispers back: "That's okay. I have no idea what I'm doing either. I don't even know what day it is..." He thinks and then decides: "Don't tell me. It's a *better* day that way."
  • 643
643 None
  • 128
644 Call Me Mañana
  • 645
  • 646
645 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.mhead_introhub_reached"]
  • 647
646 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.mhead_introhub_reached"]) == false
  • 257
647 You "Measurehead? I think I met him."
  • 648
648 Call Me Mañana "Yeah, the two-and-a-half-metre tall Semenese supremacist up there." He points to the bridge above the gates. "Walk right past him..."
  • 301
649 Call Me Mañana
  • 650
  • 651
650 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_suggestion_talk_later"]
  • 554
651 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_suggestion_talk_later"]) == false
  • 652
652 Rhetoric He's a chatty guy. *Wants* to talk about the strike too. Just can't break the command structure and tell you now.
  • 735
653 You (Shake your head.) "It's better than begging, c'mon."
  • 243
654 Call Me Mañana "Sure." The man whistles a jaunty tune, the wind rustling his whiskers.
  • 399
655 You "I almost had a heart attack..."
  • 656
656 Call Me Mañana "I'm really sorry, friend. Frittte's nearby, get some *nosaphed*." He points to the boutique just right of him. "Good stuff. Helps against heart attacks too."
  • 394
657 You "Why not? I need to get through the gate to the harbour. You need to let me in!"
  • 169
658 You Unless...
  • 365
659 You "*Anything* else I should know about this task? This weasel person? When he'll be home?"
  • 587
660 None
  • 397
661 None
  • 381
  • 382
  • 401
662 Call Me Mañana "All right, I may have *some* advice for you on how to deal with Jean-Luc there -- out of solidarity to the RCM. It's low on technology, however."
  • 664
663 Conceptualization Hmm... maybe that *would* work? We'll have to see.
  • 404
664 You "Yes?"
  • 665
665 Call Me Mañana "First -- don't fight him. Obviously. Second, get him to share his theory by being *subordinate*. Admit your lack of expertise. Basically grovel. That's how I'd do it," he tips his beret and concludes: "You're welcome."
  • 663
666 You "Hold up. Four pieces? Helmet, cuirass, gauntlets, boots... what about the leggings?"
  • 667
667 Call Me Mañana "Oh, they're just gone. They don't exist anymore, if they ever did at all." He gives you a jolly shrug. "Forget about them. I did."
  • 533
  • 532
  • 614
  • 534
668 Rhetoric You've been in there, he means -- talked to the boss man too probably...
  • 427
  • 669
  • 429
669 You "Labour utopia." (Nod approvingly.)
  • 428
670 Call Me Mañana
  • 671
  • 672
671 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 673
672 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 676
673 Kim Kitsuragi "Understood." The lieutenant takes a note. "This has been of limited use -- still, thank you."
  • 675
674 Half Light He means -- a more violent faction could easily take care of such a thing.
  • 670
675 Call Me Mañana "No problem. I wish the best to you in your search. Sure am glad it's not *my* search..." He takes a sip from his flask.
  • 624
676 You "Thank you -- this has been of *limited* use."
  • 675
677 Call Me Mañana "Of course. I got you -- you don't know anything." He taps the side of his nose with a little wink.
  • 571
678 You "Got it."
  • 679
679 Call Me Mañana "I'm more of a philosophical dockworker, see -- I like to talk about the big picture stuff. Who I am. Who you are. What we are fighting for..." The man takes a big sip from his flask.
  • 607
680 You "However much you feed the wolf..."
  • 681
681 Call Me Mañana "... the wolf always wants more. I like wolves."
  • 22
  • 213
682 Call Me Mañana
  • 683
  • 684
683 Call Me Mañana IsTHCPresent("communist")
  • 342
684 Call Me Mañana (IsTHCPresent("communist")) == false
  • 34
685 You "Cool. I don't have anything to add to that."
  • 686
686 Call Me Mañana "A *none-of-the-above* kind of man? No harm in being that."
  • 333
687 You "You mean corruption?"
  • 48
688 Call Me Mañana
  • 689
  • 690
689 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 691
690 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 687
691 Kim Kitsuragi "By that you mean corruption?"
  • 48
692 Call Me Mañana "... the old man is corrupt for our *benefit* and we know it. Appreciate it, even. He is, personally, not too lavish."
  • 693
  • 694
693 You "That desk seemed lavish to me."
  • 49
694 You "You're right. He's very ascetic."
  • 695
695 Call Me Mañana "Okay, he's *reasonably* lavish, sure. That's his prerogative. It's not like you want a saintly demeanour on a corrupt motherfucker. That would be a manipulative illusion."
  • 696
696 Call Me Mañana "Besides, there are no non-corrupt systems in the world anyway. And *moralism* is the most corrupt of them all."
  • 699
697 None
  • 24
698 Rhetoric This man has political theory -- and it has not failed him today.
  • 697
699 Authority Not you, you would like to say... But then there's that weasel door.
  • 698
700 Call Me Mañana
  • 701
  • 702
701 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_inland_triggers_personal"]
  • 134
702 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_inland_triggers_personal"]) == false
  • 703
703 Rhetoric This was great. You feel mentally reinvigorated.
  • 134
704 Inland Empire Be honest with him.
  • 350
705 Call Me Mañana
  • 706
  • 707
706 Call Me Mañana Variable["tc.tequila_sunset"]
  • 350
707 Call Me Mañana (Variable["tc.tequila_sunset"]) == false
  • 704
708 You "I've tried that. They don't like what I came up with." Variable["whirling.raphael_said"]
  • 709
709 Call Me Mañana "Too bad. Can't live in this world without a good name, friend. Important things, they are. Vessels of the soul."
  • 135
710 You "I've already got some armour. I'm pretty happy without struggling to find more." (CheckItem("shoes_t500") or CheckItem("gloves_t500") or CheckItem("shirt_t500")) and Variable["TASK.find_all_armour"] == false and Variable["gates.manana_armour_with_armour"] == false
  • 711
711 Call Me Mañana "So you have." He smooths a stray moustache hair with his thumb and smiles. "No wonder you're a detective!"
  • 712
712 Call Me Mañana
  • 713
  • 714
713 Call Me Mañana CheckItem("shoes_t500") and IsKimHere()
  • 715
714 Call Me Mañana (CheckItem("shoes_t500") and IsKimHere()) == false
  • 550
715 Kim Kitsuragi "He can be very *enterprising*..." The lieutenant looks at his feet, hiding his face.
  • 716
716 Esprit de Corps You have no business with those boots. But here we are.
  • 550
717 You "See how we're all busy concentrating on the racist mugs? That's what the ruling class wants."
  • 718
718 Call Me Mañana "Yeah, it would be really bad if we got into an argument about it. Waste of a good noon. Or afternoon? Or night?" He looks around, oblivious suddenly. "Anyway, thanks for helping out, friend."
  • 602
719 Call Me Mañana "I don't know about that. Anyway, like I said before, bossman said that weasel's not a friendly *boia*." He touches his beret. "So thanks for helping out."
  • 602
720 Call Me Mañana
  • 721
  • 722
721 Call Me Mañana Variable["tc.tequila_sunset"]
  • 723
722 Call Me Mañana (Variable["tc.tequila_sunset"]) == false
  • 108
723 Inland Empire You're *Tequila Sunset*. You have always been Tequila Sunset. It has always been too late.
  • 109
  • 110
724 Call Me Mañana "A really cool guy."
  • 78
725 Rhetoric He says it matter-of-factly. Like it's no big deal.
  • 469
726 You "Evrart says Titus Hardie and his boys killed him." Variable["cargo.evrart_hardieboys_did_the_merco_in"] == true
  • 727
727 Call Me Mañana "That so?" The man twirls his moustache around his finger. "I haven't heard anything about that. But if that's true... well, he was an enemy combatant."
  • 728
728 None
  • 351
  • 340
729 Call Me Mañana
  • 730
  • 731
730 Call Me Mañana Variable["cargo.evrart_hardieboys_did_the_merco_in"] == true
  • 732
731 Call Me Mañana (Variable["cargo.evrart_hardieboys_did_the_merco_in"] == true) == false
  • 623
732 Drama He believes the Hardie boys could've done it.
  • 670
733 Interfacing No. It will prove useful still, believe your thieving fingers.
  • 393
734 Endurance He doesn't have the stamina to deliver mail on these tough streets. But *you* do. Maybe if this cop thing doesn't work out...
  • 643
735 Rhetoric Feels like he's hinting at something, but you're too hungover (or dumb) to understand right now.
  • 554
736 Call Me Mañana
  • 737
  • 738
737 Call Me Mañana Variable["TASK.send_corpse_to_processing_done"] == true and CheckItem("shoes_t500") == false and CheckItem("hanged_boots_raw") == false and Variable["gates.manana_armour_oh_well"] == false
  • 740
738 Call Me Mañana (Variable["TASK.send_corpse_to_processing_done"] == true and CheckItem("shoes_t500") == false and CheckItem("hanged_boots_raw") == false and Variable["gates.manana_armour_oh_well"] == false) == false
  • 739
739 None
  • 666
  • 710
  • 533
  • 532
  • 614
  • 534
740 You "Four pieces of armour up for grabs, then. But I already sent the boots away..."
  • 741
741 Call Me Mañana The jolly man shrugs. "I guess you won't be collecting them all then. That's less work for you, at least!"
  • 739
742 Call Me Mañana
  • 743
  • 744
743 Call Me Mañana Variable["TASK.claim_high_tech_boots"] == true and Variable["TASK.send_corpse_to_processing_done"] == false
  • 547
744 Call Me Mañana (Variable["TASK.claim_high_tech_boots"] == true and Variable["TASK.send_corpse_to_processing_done"] == false) == false
  • 745
745 Kim Kitsuragi "All of it?" The lieutenant raises his brow. "There are junior officers out there, eager to prove themselves. I would leave *some* for them -- and I would leave the *boots* to Processing -- but okay. Let's find *all of it*."
  • 528
746 Call Me Mañana "Especially getting those boots off him. You'd have an easier time wrestling the spurs off a boiadeiro than that."
  • 550
747 Call Me Mañana
  • 748
  • 749
748 Call Me Mañana Variable["TASK.claim_high_tech_boots"] == true and Variable["TASK.send_corpse_to_processing_done"] == false
  • 550
749 Call Me Mañana (Variable["TASK.claim_high_tech_boots"] == true and Variable["TASK.send_corpse_to_processing_done"] == false) == false
  • 746
750 Call Me Mañana "Good luck if you go for those boots, though. You'd have an easier time wrestling the spurs off a boiadeiro than getting them off him."
  • 550
751 Call Me Mañana
  • 752
  • 753
752 Call Me Mañana Variable["TASK.claim_high_tech_boots"] == true and Variable["TASK.send_corpse_to_processing_done"] == false
  • 550
753 Call Me Mañana (Variable["TASK.claim_high_tech_boots"] == true and Variable["TASK.send_corpse_to_processing_done"] == false) == false
  • 750
754 Call Me Mañana
  • 755
  • 756
755 Call Me Mañana Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and CheckItem("dockworker_id_card") and Variable["TASK.interview_union_boss_done"] == false
  • 245
756 Call Me Mañana (Variable["TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done"] == false and CheckItem("dockworker_id_card") and Variable["TASK.interview_union_boss_done"] == false) == false
  • 431
757 You (Attempt to establish contact.) "Listen, brother, there's something *important* I need to talk to you about..." (Variable["gates.orb_rhetoric_communist_finished"] == true or Variable["cargo.evrart_asked_communists"] == true) and IsTaskActive("TASK.sniff_out_comrades")
  • 758
758 Call Me Mañana "What's that, boia?" He tilts his head slightly.
  • 759
759 Rhetoric Now's your chance! Remember, communists are notoriously skittish, so it's best to *insinuate* your way in...
  • 760
760 Composure Hold on: This isn't a man who goes in for subterfuge. He prefers someone who'll look him in the eye and say exactly what's on his mind.
  • 761
761 Call Me Mañana
  • 762
  • 763
762 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_rhetoric_subtle_counter"] >1
  • 764
763 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_rhetoric_subtle_counter"] >1) == false
  • 770
764 Rhetoric Okay, maybe it's time to abandon the subtle approach.
  • 765
765 Call Me Mañana
  • 766
  • 767
766 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_composure_subterfuge"]
  • 768
767 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_composure_subterfuge"]) == false
  • 769
768 Composure It was a foolish approach to begin with.
  • 769
769 None
  • 770
770 None
  • 771
  • 772
  • 773
  • 774
  • 775
  • 776
771 You "I'm looking for some people who know how to really grind a sausage, if you know what I mean."
  • 777
772 You "It involves our mutual friend, Kras." (Put your hands next to your head and curl your fingers like deer antlers.) Variable["apt.orb_commie_antlers_done"] == true
  • 778
773 You "I'm investigating a peculiar smell, one with revolutionary implications."
  • 779
774 You "I'm looking for a secret cabal of *mole people*." Variable["whirling.orb_communist_dream_mole_people"] == true
  • 780
775 You "I believe there's a cell of radical communists operating in Martinaise. Can you help me find them?" Variable["gates.manana_composure_subterfuge"] == true and Variable["gates.manana_rhetoric_speak_directly"] == false
  • 781
776 You "What I'm trying to say is: I'm looking for communists. You know any?" Variable["gates.manana_rhetoric_speak_directly"] == true
  • 783
777 Call Me Mañana "Hrmmm. Have you tried a butcher shop?" He looks at you with perfect equanimity.
  • 797
778 Call Me Mañana "Don't think I've ever met a Kras, personally. Then again, I've never been to Graad." He narrows one eye at you.
  • 797
779 Call Me Mañana "Could be coming from one of the jammed lorries? Cargo's been sitting out for a while." He sniffs the air and looks toward the roundabout.
  • 797
780 Call Me Mañana "Hrmm... you might have to look elsewhere for help with that." He scratches his chin.
  • 797
781 Call Me Mañana "Now that *is* an important subject, but also a sensitive one. Still, good of you to just come straight out with it. No beating about the bush..." He smooths the twin bars of his moustache.
  • 794
782 Call Me Mañana "Ah, now I see. Can't say I'm surprised. You seem to take your communism seriously. Not a bad thing, mind you. It's good for a man to take time to think about the whole socio-political world picture."
  • 791
783 Call Me Mañana
  • 784
  • 785
784 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_talked_about_communism"]
  • 782
785 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_talked_about_communism"]) == false
  • 786
786 Call Me Mañana "Communistas, huh? Can't say that's where I thought you were heading with this. Not that I'm criticizing. It's good for a man to take his time and think about the whole socio-political world picture."
  • 787
787 Call Me Mañana
  • 788
  • 789
788 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 790
789 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 800
790 Kim Kitsuragi "It's certainly been an interesting development to witness first-hand."
  • 800
791 Call Me Mañana
  • 792
  • 793
792 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 799
793 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 800
794 Call Me Mañana
  • 795
  • 796
795 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 798
796 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 800
797 None
  • 761
798 Kim Kitsuragi "Yes, he certainly has a way of just coming out and saying things that normal people wouldn't."
  • 800
799 Kim Kitsuragi "Oh, he certainly likes to take his time with things, especially when politics are at issue."
  • 800
800 Call Me Mañana "So you've given up copping and now you're hunting communistas. Care to say why?"
  • 801
  • 802
  • 803
801 You "I'm not 'hunting' communists, I'm trying to get organised by them."
  • 804
802 You "I'm on a sort of quest to develop my political potential and I need their help."
  • 805
803 You "Honestly, I had a weird dream and now I need to get to the bottom of it."
  • 806
804 Call Me Mañana "Oh, I see..." He gives you an exaggerated wink.
  • 807
805 Call Me Mañana "A fellow plains-roamer, in search of greater understanding. A classic story..." He nods approvingly.
  • 807
806 Call Me Mañana "Chasing a dream, huh? I have to respect that, boia..." He gives you a small salute.
  • 807
807 Call Me Mañana "I wish I could help. Unfortunately, I don't know many communistas."
  • 811
  • 812
  • 813
808 Call Me Mañana He shrugs. "Maybe, maybe not. Either way, I'm not institutional. A man's got to blaze his own trail, in my book..."
  • 814
809 Call Me Mañana He shrugs. "Some are, some aren't. It's a big institution, room for all kinds: communistas, Semenese supremacists, even an anti-institutional boiadeiro..."
  • 815
810 Call Me Mañana He frowns. "Didn't realize you could smell communism. But then, I've never studied the subject..."
  • 816
811 You "I know you said you're not really a communist, but aren't you actually a communist?" Variable["gates.manana_talked_about_communism"] == true
  • 808
812 You "I thought you Union guys were all communists?"
  • 809
813 You "Are you sure? You smell just like a communist."
  • 810
814 Savoir Faire Blazing his own trail, being his own man... not exactly your typical communist spiel.
  • 817
815 Empathy There is warmth in his voice when he talks about the Union. Whatever his personal politics, this is his home.
  • 818
816 Half Light You can smell all sorts of things... fear, disgust, desire. Not communism, though.
  • 819
817 Rhetoric Okay, so maybe he's not exactly a communist, but there's definitely some communistic residue about him.
  • 820
818 Rhetoric Alright, so if he isn't personally a communist, he's definitely hanging out with them.
  • 820
819 Rhetoric Maybe it's not taught in any of your so-called universities, but there's definitely something going on here...
  • 820
820 Call Me Mañana He snaps his fingers. "Ah, but you know, I did meet a genuine *ideólogo* a few months ago. Perhaps he is your guy?"
  • 821
821 None
  • 822
  • 823
  • 824
  • 825
822 You "What's an *ideólogo*?"
  • 877
823 You "Did he say his name was 'Steban,' by chance?" Variable["pier.cindy_talked_communism_quest"] == true
  • 879
824 You "How did you meet him?"
  • 897
825 You "Okay, how do I find this guy?" (Proceed.) Variable["gates.manana_asked_met_student"] == true
  • 826
826 Call Me Mañana "I couldn't tell you. Once I declined his offer, we finished our cigarettes and he disappeared back into the night. Just before he melted into the shadows he turned to me and said..."
  • 827
827 Call Me Mañana "*Remember Dobreva and Abadanaiz*..."
  • 828
828 Encyclopedia Wow, this one's a deep cut. Julia Dobreva and Jean Abadanaiz, popularly known as the 'Revolutionary Lovers', served as Dual Commissars of Revolution on the Insulindian front during the Antecentennial Revolution. Their forbidden love, as well as their disappearance during the final collapse of the Revacholian commune only contributed to their mystique...
  • 829
829 Call Me Mañana
  • 830
  • 831
830 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_communist_revolutionary_lovers"]
  • 832
831 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_communist_revolutionary_lovers"]) == false
  • 833
832 Encyclopedia Their remains were discovered on a beach in Ozonne in '35. Subsequent forensic analysis suggested suicide by poison.
  • 833
833 Call Me Mañana "... and then he was gone."
  • 834
834 None
  • 835
  • 836
  • 837
835 You "Who are Dobreva and Abadanaiz?" Variable["gates.manana_communist_revolutionary_lovers"] == false
  • 838
836 You "'The Revolutionary Lovers.'" Variable["gates.manana_communist_revolutionary_lovers"] == true
  • 840
837 You "What do you think it means?" (Conclude.)
  • 847
838 Call Me Mañana A tight, half-smile crosses his face. "I don't know. Guess not everyone remembers."
  • 839
839 None
  • 834
840 Call Me Mañana "So they were lovers, eh? Makes sense, he seemed like a romantic, in his way."
  • 841
841 Call Me Mañana
  • 842
  • 843
842 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 844
843 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 846
844 Kim Kitsuragi "He's not the only one, it seems." The lieutenant doesn't even look up from his notebook.
  • 846
845 Kim Kitsuragi "*Ahem*..." The lieutenant clears his throat.
  • 854
846 None
  • 834
847 Call Me Mañana "Been wondering about that myself." He scratches his chin. "Some communista inside-talk, could be. Not meant for the wider public. They love that kind of thing. You'd have to ask someone who knows this ideólogo personally..."
  • 848
848 Call Me Mañana
  • 849
  • 850
849 Call Me Mañana Variable["pier.cindy_talked_communism_quest"]
  • 851
850 Call Me Mañana (Variable["pier.cindy_talked_communism_quest"]) == false
  • 859
851 Call Me Mañana
  • 852
  • 853
852 Call Me Mañana IsKimHere()
  • 845
853 Call Me Mañana (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 855
854 Kim Kitsuragi "Not to interfere in your personal errand, but it might have something to do with that *passphrase* Cindy mentioned earlier."
  • 862
  • 863
  • 864
  • 861
855 Logic Of course, such "inside-talk" might also serve as a handy passphrase...
  • 856
856 Call Me Mañana
  • 857
  • 858
857 Call Me Mañana Variable["gates.manana_logic_inside_talk"]
  • 876
858 Call Me Mañana (Variable["gates.manana_logic_inside_talk"]) == false
  • 873
859 Call Me Mañana "I have to say, though: It sounds like you've found yourself a proper hunt."
  • 860
860 None
  • 214
861 You "That's really dumb. You should feel embarrassed even suggesting that."
  • 868
862 You "Wait, what was that about again?"
  • 865
863 You "Oh, right. Good thinking, Kim."
  • 866
864 You "I was totally about to say that."
  • 867
865 Kim Kitsuragi "She said that you would need some kind of *passphrase* to gain access to this so-called *mega secret* meeting." He snaps the elastic band around his notebook.
  • 863
  • 864
  • 861
866 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant nods.
  • 869
867 Kim Kitsuragi "Of course you were, detective. Apologies for interrupting." The lieutenant smiles to himself.
  • 870
868 Kim Kitsuragi "You're right. How foolish of me. Won't happen again, detective."
  • 871
869 Call Me Mañana "Just in time, the faithful partner arrives with the key that turns the lock. You two make a good pair..."
  • 872
870 Conceptualization No, you weren't. Otherwise you *would have* said it. In truth, it was quite beyond your associative powers.
  • 869
871 Call Me Mañana "Sound like you two may have been riding together too long. The strain of the open range, and so on..."
  • 873
872 Call Me Mañana "I salute you, boias, and wish you good fortune on this grand ideological quest." He tips his hat ever so slightly.
  • 875
873 Call Me Mañana "I have to say, though: It sounds like you've found yourself a proper hunt."
  • 875
874 Call Me Mañana "Is that so?" He raises an eyebrow. "Well, in that case, I salute you, boia, and wish you good fortune on this grand ideological quest."
  • 875
875 None
  • 214
876 You "That's alright. I think you may have just given me the last piece of the puzzle."
  • 874
877 Call Me Mañana "You know, a guy with a theory. Someone who likes to pit his theory against other theories in deadly theory-combat."
  • 878
878 None
  • 821
879 Call Me Mañana "Didn't say anything about his name. Wasn't the sort of encounter where names matter."
  • 880
880 None
  • 821
881 Call Me Mañana "It was late one night as I was leaving the harbour. He was waiting on the corner in a bright white jacket, classic Saramirizian style..."
  • 882
882 Call Me Mañana "He asked me for a light. We shared cigarettes. Then he asked if I ever thought about 'getting into some of the extra-physical branches of communism'."
  • 883
883 Call Me Mañana
  • 884
  • 885
884 Call Me Mañana IsTaskActive("TASK.find_smokes") or Variable["character.habit_smokes"]
  • 886
885 Call Me Mañana (IsTaskActive("TASK.find_smokes") or Variable["character.habit_smokes"]) == false
  • 887
886 Electrochemistry See? All this political chit-chat is just an excuse to rip tar with strangers. Let's say we just skip right to the good part, then?
  • 887
887 None
  • 888
  • 889
  • 890
888 You "Hang on. What does that mean, *the extra-physical branches of communism*?"
  • 892
889 You "What did you tell him?"
  • 891
890 You (Nod.) "An extremely cool way to establish contact. Wish I'd thought of that."
  • 894
891 Call Me Mañana "The same thing I always tell people who try to press some claim on me: I said, 'Every boiadeiro rides alone'."
  • 895
892 Call Me Mañana "No idea. I took it to mean he was asking me to join some sort of underground cell..."
  • 893
893 Call Me Mañana "A very old-school organising technique, the sort of thing communistas used to do before the Revolution."
  • 889
  • 890
894 Call Me Mañana He shrugs. "It was alright. A little like something out of a Vespertine spy novel, but I must respect the effort."
  • 895
895 None
  • 821
896 Call Me Mañana "It was late one night as I was leaving the harbour. He was waiting on the corner in a classic Saramirizian jacket, a lot like the one you've got there..."
  • 882
897 Call Me Mañana
  • 898
  • 899
898 Call Me Mañana CheckEquipped("jacket_interisolar_white")
  • 896
899 Call Me Mañana (CheckEquipped("jacket_interisolar_white")) == false
  • 881