Suggestion tells you all about being a Sorry Cop. ... I am SORRY!!! Sorry for everything! Sorry for being *me*!
This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.
ID | Character | Dialogue | Conditions | Links |
0 | None |
1 | None |
2 | Suggestion | Hey, so we've been monitoring you internally, and now we know your *copotype*. |
3 | None |
4 | You | Wait, there are *copotypes*? |
5 | You | Okay. What am I? |
6 | You | [Discard thought.] |
7 | Suggestion | Yes. Guess what's yours? |
8 | Suggestion | Guess. |
9 | None |
10 | You | Sorry cop? I'm sorry, I'm not sure... |
11 | You | Cool cop? |
12 | You | Some kind of... weapon-cop? |
13 | You | I'm sorry you had to monitor me. | IsTHCPresent("apocalypse_cop") == false and IsTHCPresent("superstar_cop") == false and IsTHCPresent("boring_cop") == false |
14 | Suggestion | Okay, just for the length of this short demonstration, please say something that isn't *I'm sorry*. Guess. What is it? |
15 | None |
16 | Suggestion | Yes. Sorry Cop. The cop who's sorriest. Let's make it official, then, shall we? |
17 | Suggestion | No, you're the *Sorry Cop*. The cop who's sorriest. Let's make it official, then, shall we? |
18 | None |
19 | You | Okay, okay, but what are the *other* copotypes? | IsTHCPresent("apocalypse_cop") == false and IsTHCPresent("superstar_cop") == false and IsTHCPresent("boring_cop") == false |
20 | You | Uhm, won't the other copotypes be jealous? |
21 | You | I'm sorry. (Opt in.) |
22 | Suggestion | Oh, you know. Apocalypse, Superstellar, The Advanced Interesting Cop. Liquid Shadow Cop. But you're too sorry to say those things, so -- here we go? |
23 | Suggestion | What? Jealous of the *Sorry Cop*? I think they'll be fine. Don't worry. |
24 | Suggestion | Of course you are. It's okay. See if you can get something out of this. Like... info, or... maybe every time you say you're sorry you get a million bucks? |
25 | Empathy | Huge lack of enthusiasm going on in here. |
26 | You | You know, actually I'm *not* sorry. I change my mind. |
27 | You | Fuckin'... *they* should be sorry! | Variable["whirling.sense_sorry_cop_tried_to_say_no"] == false |
28 | Suggestion | Yes-yes, impotent rage and lamentation. Let's wrap it up? |
29 | None |
30 | Conceptualization | They'll be super, super fine. It'll be totally *okay*. You can dual-copotype from sorry to anything. |
31 | None |
32 | Suggestion | No, you don't. C'mon. You'll be back to saying sorry in two minutes. Stop wasting time and begin The Repentance. |
33 | None |
34 | You | No. I'm *really* not sorry. Fuck off! (Opt out.) | Variable["whirling.sense_sorry_cop_tried_to_say_no"] |
35 | Suggestion | Wow. Okay. *Fuck off*? Maybe we were wrong about you then... |
36 | Half Light | Check out the big balls on Fire Cop... |
37 | Logic | That won't happen. |
38 | You | I was kinda hoping I'm the Apocalypse Cop. | IsTHCPresent("apocalypse_cop") |
39 | You | I was kinda hoping I'm the Superstar Cop. | IsTHCPresent("superstar_cop") |
40 | You | I was kinda thinking I'm the Regular Cop. | IsTHCPresent("boring_cop") |
41 | Suggestion | That is only a ludicrous daydream. Guess again. You're the... |