Here you can learn about Ruby's involvement with La Puta Madre.
This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.
ID | Character | Dialogue | Conditions | Links |
0 | None |
1 | None |
2 | Ruby's Journal | A thick journal. The cover is worn, like someone used to carry it around in their back pocket. |
3 | None |
4 | You | Unwind the strap. (Move on.) |
5 | You | Put the journal away. [Leave.] |
6 | None |
7 | None | Variable["boardwalk.journal_main_hub_reached"] |
8 | None | (Variable["boardwalk.journal_main_hub_reached"]) == false |
9 | Ruby's Journal | The thick journal bound in brown leather is full of candour and diagrams. |
10 | You | Flip through the pages. | Variable["inventory.ruby_reading_hub_reached"] == false |
11 | None |
12 | Ruby's Journal | The journal falls open. About two thirds of its ruled pages have been filled. |
13 | You | Study the handwriting. |
14 | You | Examine the cover. |
15 | Ruby's Journal | It's made of full-grain leather. The lower left corner of the back cover sports an embossed brand name: "SCHNELLER." |
16 | Encyclopedia | Schneller is a stationary brand from Gottwald beloved among architects and engineers. |
17 | None |
18 | None | Variable["boardwalk.journal_encyc_schneller"] |
19 | None | (Variable["boardwalk.journal_encyc_schneller"]) == false |
20 | Conceptualization | She's got good taste and must have taken whatever she recorded here seriously. |
21 | Conceptualization | She had good taste and must have taken what she recorded here seriously. |
22 | None |
23 | None |
24 | Ruby's Journal | It's a mix of logistical notes, diagrams, and personal reflections, all dated. |
25 | You | How far back do the entries go? |
26 | You | What kinds of logistics? |
27 | You | Anything personal? |
28 | Ruby's Journal | The large cursive of someone who writes quickly and confidently. |
29 | Ruby's Journal | The first entry is from August 2nd of last year. It reads simply: "I know my position is precarious. All I can do is make myself as useful as I can while looking for a way out. (Remember: no one is indispensable.)" |
30 | Ruby's Journal | Hard to tell exactly -- it's mostly noted down in code. Looks like contact information, quantities, directions. |
31 | Ruby's Journal | Short, wry observations of people and places -- probably a way to pass the time on the road. Also, what appear to be attempts to sort through some difficult decisions. There are a few passages with many questions in them. |
32 | None |
33 | None | IsKimHere() |
34 | None | (IsKimHere()) == false |
35 | Kim Kitsuragi | "There could be useful information about local operations in those notes. We have a junior sergeant at my station who's good with codes -- I can give this to her after we finish this." |
36 | None |
37 | None |
38 | Interfacing | The way some of those question marks trail off into ellipses -- she was going through a tough time. |
39 | You | (Look at the cover again.) |
40 | You | What did she write the day Lely died? |
41 | Ruby's Journal | Nothing on March 4th... March 5th, though: "Well, *that's* bound to come back and bite me in the ass. I'm bad at this -- loyal to a fault. Except... But that's another matter entirely." |
42 | You | Anything about... La Puta Madre? | Variable["boardwalk.ruby_la_puta_madre_agent_case"] or Variable["boardwalk.ruby_la_puta_madre_agent_main"] |
43 | Ruby's Journal | That name isn't mentioned as far as you can tell. |
44 | You | What's the most recent entry? (Conclude with journal.) |
45 | You | What are the diagrams of? |
46 | Ruby's Journal | Esoteric radio technology. The most recent ones probably pertain to the Latitude Compressor: sketches, calculations of distance and density. You make out a familiar spiral shape. |
47 | Ruby's Journal | The most recent entry is from today. It reads: |
48 | You | Read the entry from March 9th first. |
49 | You | Read the entry from March 12th. |
50 | Ruby's Journal | "Great. M's peone is coming to town, no doubt to investigate the lynching, but also -- I feel it in my gut -- to finally put a bullet in my head. While I'm napping in my lorry or on a smoke break... Well, I won't stick around just to twist my own neck by constantly looking over my shoulder." |
51 | Ruby's Journal | "Been holed up here for three days now. I'm used to being alone and all, but -- I don't know when I'll be able to leave, or if I'll be ratted out. They *will* rat me out, of course. I've made it a point to believe in the best in people (the boys, for example), but -- experience tells me..." |
52 | Ruby's Journal | "Then again, isn't that what I've been doing ever since I got the call." |
53 | None |
54 | None | Variable["boardwalk.ruby_red_check_rhet_failed"] |
55 | None | (Variable["boardwalk.ruby_red_check_rhet_failed"]) == false |
56 | Inland Empire | Things played out just as she had feared. Except *you* didn't shoot her. |
57 | Inland Empire | Were you *supposed* to find her, even apart from the investigation, then? On M's request? No, you wouldn't do something like this. This must be a mistake. |
58 | None |
59 | None | Variable["inventory.ruby_kill_concept"] |
60 | None | (Variable["inventory.ruby_kill_concept"]) == false |
61 | None |
62 | None | Variable["inventory.ruby_kill_inland"] |
63 | None | (Variable["inventory.ruby_kill_inland"]) == false |
64 | Half Light | It's in you to do something like this -- kill her. Physically at least. You could pull the trigger if you had to. |
65 | Half Light | You didn't follow through. You should have shot her in the head. |
66 | None |
67 | You | Goddamn right, I should have. | Variable["inventory.ruby_kill_half"] |
68 | You | No, I couldn't. | Variable["inventory.ruby_kill_half"] |
69 | You | What a coincidence... |
70 | Half Light | Yes, you could. You'd pull it one, two, three times -- and watch her fall. |
71 | You | I'm okay with the idea. |
72 | Inland Empire | Is it? Can you be sure? What if you are secretly being manipulated by La Puta Madre as you pursue this investigation. What if he wiped your memory on purpose? |
73 | Inland Empire | That's a good, pragmatic approach. |
74 | Ruby's Journal | "Did M feel truly betrayed by me? I was feeling threatened -- he'd have to know if he threatened people, they'd take measures to protect themselves. Even I know that. Economic measures first of all. Gotta make a living, right. I can still hear his voice in the receiver, taste the plastic..." |
75 | Ruby's Journal | The entry ends abruptly. |
76 | None |
77 | None | Variable["boardwalk.ruby_killed_herself"] |
78 | None | (Variable["boardwalk.ruby_killed_herself"]) == false |
79 | Ruby's Journal | "Even when I leave here (if I leave here alive) -- what's my next move?... Staging a lynching is a crime, even if I'm not accused of murder on top of that. Forever on the run? Not really my idea of the open road. Man, I was really looking forward to winning." |
80 | None |
81 | Half Light | Too late to do that now, *assassino grande*! Better start looking over your shoulder now. |
82 | Kim Kitsuragi | "The head of a major Jamrock gang specializing in drug production and trafficking -- a very bad person." |
83 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Could have been Titus. Then again..." He pauses to think. | Variable["XP.ruby_motive"] == false |
84 | You | "Kim, am I really a La Puta Madre agent?" | Variable["boardwalk.ruby_la_puta_madre_agent_case"] or Variable["boardwalk.ruby_la_puta_madre_agent_main"] |
85 | Kim Kitsuragi | "It looks like she might have been... framed?" The lieutenant taps on the page. |
86 | Kim Kitsuragi | "No, I don't think you are." He looks you straight in the eye for a moment, then sighs. "Ask someone in your precinct if you want to be sure." |
87 | None |
88 | None | Variable["tc.la_puta_madre"] |
89 | None | (Variable["tc.la_puta_madre"]) == false |
90 | None |
91 | Kim Kitsuragi | "She was in plenty of trouble even without the murder charge." He looks down. "Still, it's a nasty business." |
92 | You | "Who *is* La Puta Madre?" |
93 | You | "So she died for nothing?" |
94 | None |
95 | None | Variable["boardwalk.ruby_killed_herself"] |
96 | None | (Variable["boardwalk.ruby_killed_herself"]) == false |
97 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Either way, we need to keep an eye on him. Somewhere along the way, we might have been fed a lie or two..." |
98 | You | "Seems plausible." |
99 | You | "I don't know..." |
100 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Maybe she had an accomplice. Either way, we need to keep an eye on her." |
101 | Kim Kitsuragi | "No, it's dirty." |
102 | You | "She killed the merc, then turned the gun on herself -- case closed. It's so tidy!" |
103 | Drama | He's not 100% sure you're not indebted to this very, very bad person. |
104 | Composure | Kim's posture is unusually rigid -- he's used to this sort of thing, but he's not particularly happy about being used to it. |
105 | You | "Then who do you think killed Lely?" (Conclude.) |
106 | You | "But no one heard the shot..." | Variable["boardwalk.ruby_ruled_out_roof_shot_for_viscal"] |
107 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Klaasje was the one who pointed the finger at Ruby. Perhaps she was trying to steer us away from herself? Or..." He stops to think. | Variable["XP.ruby_motive"] |
108 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I wouldn't go so far as to say that -- we have other reasons to arrest her." He frowns. |
109 | None |
110 | Kim Kitsuragi | "One thing is for certain: We have business back in the Whirling-in-Rags. Questions to ask. We should get to it." |
111 | You | "Seems plausible." |
112 | You | "I don't know..." |
113 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Besides, I'm not sure her life as a fugitive is going to be much better than with us." |
114 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Either way, we need to keep an eye on her." |
115 | You | "But no one heard the shot..." | Variable["boardwalk.ruby_ruled_out_roof_shot_for_viscal"] |
116 | You | "If she didn't do it, then maybe it's good that we didn't catch her?" | Variable["boardwalk.ruby_ran_away"] |
117 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Maybe there's a Hardie boy we've yet to meet who acted as his accomplice? Either way, we need to keep an eye on him." |
118 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I don't think she killed the mercenary." The lieutenant taps on the page. "It looks like she might have been... framed?" |
119 | Interfacing | Perhaps too confidently -- many phrases and even paragraphs have been crossed out, with tiny corrections scrawled above and in the margins. |
120 | None |
121 | None | IsKimHere() |
122 | None | (IsKimHere()) == false |
123 | None |
124 | None | Variable["boardwalk.ruby_killed_herself"] |
125 | None | (Variable["boardwalk.ruby_killed_herself"]) == false |
126 | Kim Kitsuragi | "We could learn a lot from this." |
127 | Kim Kitsuragi | "It's good she left in a hurry. We could learn a lot from this..." |
128 | None |
129 | None | Variable["TASK.return_to_whirling"] |
130 | None | (Variable["TASK.return_to_whirling"]) == false |
131 | None |
132 | None | IsKimHere() |
133 | None | (IsKimHere()) == false |
134 | None |
135 | None | Variable["boardwalk.ruby_killed_herself"] |
136 | None | (Variable["boardwalk.ruby_killed_herself"]) == false |
137 | Volition | Professionalism is his coping mechanism. |
138 | Authority | Staff issues, always tough on the leadership. You smell traces of betrayal. |
139 | Logic | She is referring to betraying her previous employer. Does this suggest she did it in self-defence? |
140 | Logic | Small wonder -- would you talk about La Puta Madre in your journal? You do see an 'M' though -- La Puta Madre? 'M' is mentioned on March 9th and March 15th. |
141 | Kim Kitsuragi | "What about this 'M'?" He points at the page you're staring at. "Could this be La Puta Madre? Here: March 9th and March 15th." |
142 | None |
143 | None | IsKimHere() |
144 | None | (IsKimHere()) == false |
145 | None |
146 | You | Not now. |
147 | Reaction Speed | "The call"? Did M call her personally? Why? |
148 | You | This is not me. I wouldn't do something like that. | Variable["inventory.ruby_kill_half"] == false |
149 | Inland Empire | Maybe it's the old you? Or maybe she was just paranoid... |
150 | Logic | On purpose? That's pretty far-fetched. |
151 | You | Am I sure this is a mistake? Look at me. | Variable["inventory.ruby_kill_half"] == false |
152 | You | This is a coincidence. I would never kill people for a mob boss. |
153 | Inland Empire | Whatever you may *look* like, you don't *feel* like a hired assassin. |
154 | Inland Empire | The thought steadies your nerves. The journal stops shaking in your hand. |
155 | None |
156 | Empathy | That must have been one hell of a conversation. |
157 | Authority | The call was a courtesy. He must have held her in high regard to personally tell her he knew about her plan to run drugs for the competition. |
158 | None |
159 | None | Variable["inventory.ruby_logic_m"] |
160 | None | (Variable["inventory.ruby_logic_m"]) == false |
161 | You | "No mention of La Puta Madre..." |
162 | Esprit de Corps | This whole thing was a detour -- and a fatal one, he thinks. |
163 | Esprit de Corps | That would be a first -- or a fourth -- but who's counting, he thinks. Very rarely does anyone actually get framed. |
164 | None |
165 | You | "Okay. What do you mean, framed?" |
166 | Volition | Don't get emotional. |
167 | Kim Kitsuragi | "By the Hardie boys, by Klaasje, by us." |
168 | You | "T-man wouldn't fuck me over!" |
169 | Esprit de Corps | You should show all this to the lieutenant, see what he makes of it. |
170 | You | Flip through the pages again. | Variable["inventory.ruby_reading_hub_reached"] |
171 | None |
172 | None |
173 | None | Variable["TASK.confront_hardie_about_drug_trade_done"] |
174 | None | (Variable["TASK.confront_hardie_about_drug_trade_done"]) == false |
175 | None |
176 | None |
177 | None |
178 | None | Variable["TASK.locate_ruby_on_the_coast_done"] |
179 | None | (Variable["TASK.locate_ruby_on_the_coast_done"]) == false |
180 | Ruby's Journal | "Even when I leave here (if I leave here alive) -- what's my next move?... Staging a lynching is a crime, even if I'm not accused of murder on top of that. Forever on the run? Not really my idea of the open road. Man, I was really looking forward to winning." |
181 | Empathy | This was important to her -- when it was still hers. |
182 | Logic | You have no idea what she means. These are personal notes, don't expect to understand all of it. |
183 | Empathy | No, stop... He wouldn't do that. |
184 | Empathy | No, not even the old you. No you would do that. |
185 | Drama | He truly does not believe you are. Perhaps he shouldn't be so trusting... |
186 | Volition | His trust is well placed. You aren't. You can *feel* it. |
187 | Half Light | Something tells you you should be extra careful from now on. |