Conversation 462: KINEEMA / SERIAL NUMBER

1. Ask Alice to run the serial number you got from the boot. 2. Come back the next day to get results and ask for Alice to try to get more personal info on the mercenary (finish task to run serial number, gain task to get personal info from serial number). 3. Come back the next day to get personal info (finish task to get personal info from serial number).

How to use this page:

This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.

Column definitions:
  • ID: a numerical index for the entry within this conversation.
  • Character: the character speaking or acting.
  • Dialogue: prose containing spoken dialogue and other description.
  • Conditions: logical checks governing this entry appearing or occurring.
  • Links: entries that might follow this one, depending on conditions and player choice. Most links are internal to this conversation, external links to other conversations are marked with the format (conversation ID, entry ID).
ID Character Dialogue Conditions Links
0 None
  • 1
1 None
  • 123
2 Alice
  • 3
  • 4
3 Alice TotalHourCount() >= Variable["plaza.alice_serial_next_meeting_time"]
  • 117
4 Alice (TotalHourCount() >= Variable["plaza.alice_serial_next_meeting_time"]) == false
  • 10
5 Alice
  • 6
  • 7
6 Alice TotalHourCount() >= Variable["plaza.kineema_serial_personal_aliiz_deadline"]
  • 181
7 Alice (TotalHourCount() >= Variable["plaza.kineema_serial_personal_aliiz_deadline"]) == false
  • 8
8 Alice "Not yet -- but I was able to convince the database people to share private sector information. They promised to get back to me by tomorrow morning. Did you have any other questions?"
  • 9
9 None
  • (460, 76)
10 Alice "No, and I doubt they'll get back to me before tomorrow morning. Anything else?"
  • 194
11 None
  • (460, 76)
12 Alice "Sure, officer. What's the number? And the make of the armour, if you know it?"
  • 13
  • 14
  • 27
13 You "E50.100.1000. The make and model of the armour is Fairweather T-500 / VE."
  • 18
14 You "X54156745678222. The make and model of the armour is Fairweather T-500 / VE." Variable["yard.hanged_lied_about_serial_number"] and Variable["yard.hanged_serial_right"] == false
  • 15
15 Alice "Are you sure that's the right number? Doesn't sound like a serial."
  • 19
16 You "That's definitely the right number."
  • 25
17 You "You're right. I meant to say E50.100.1000. Sorry for the confusion."
  • 26
18 Alice "Got it. I'll contact the ICP database immediately. Call back tomorrow. Hopefully they'll have dug up something useful by then."
  • 28
19 Alice
  • 20
  • 21
20 Alice Variable["plaza.kineema_69_joke"]
  • 22
21 Alice (Variable["plaza.kineema_69_joke"]) == false
  • 23
22 Authority There's a slightly weary, condescending note in her voice. She doesn't trust your professionalism following your rather tasteless come-ons.
  • 24
23 Empathy There's just a hint of weariness in her voice. It's not that she doesn't trust you -- she just wants to be thorough so as not to create extra work for both of you.
  • 24
24 None
  • 16
  • 17
25 Alice "Well, I'll contact the ICP database immediately. Call back tomorrow. Hopefully they'll have dug up something useful to your investigation by then."
  • 193
26 Alice "No problem, officer. Just glad we got it straightened out. I'll contact the ICP database immediately. Call back tomorrow. Hopefully they'll have dug up something useful to your investigation by then."
  • 193
27 You "AO5577789RHG9999. The make and model of the armour is Fairweather T-500 / VE." Variable["yard.hanged_serial_wrong"] and Variable["yard.hanged_serial_right"] == false
  • 15
28 Alice
  • 29
  • 30
29 Alice Variable["tc.icp"]
  • 11
30 Alice (Variable["tc.icp"]) == false
  • 38
31 You "Wait, what's ICP?"
  • 32
32 Alice "The International Collaboration Police? Uhm..." She seems confused for a second. "They keep detailed records of all military technology produced by licensed manufacturers. That's one of the reasons the Moralintern spearheaded the creation of the ICP in the first place."
  • 33
33 Alice
  • 34
  • 35
34 Alice Variable["tc.moralintern"]
  • 196
35 Alice (Variable["tc.moralintern"]) == false
  • 36
  • 128
36 You "Cool... and what's the Moralintern?"
  • 37
37 Alice "Officer, as much as I appreciate your efforts to lighten the mood, we both have important work to get back to. Did you have any other *serious* questions?"
  • 195
38 Encyclopedia The International Collaboration Police (ICP) is an interisolary law enforcement service, the crown jewel in the Moralintern diadem alongside EPIS and the Coalition Government.
  • 39
39 Alice
  • 40
  • 41
40 Alice Variable["tc.icp"]
  • 11
41 Alice (Variable["tc.icp"]) == false
  • 31
  • 126
42 Alice
  • 43
  • 44
43 Alice Variable["plaza.kineema_serial_told_wrong_a"]
  • 45
44 Alice (Variable["plaza.kineema_serial_told_wrong_a"]) == false
  • 46
45 Alice "They couldn't find anything on the full code you gave me. However, the first ten characters tracked to a custom-made baby stroller made in Vaasa City ten years ago."
  • 49
46 Alice "They couldn't find anything on the full code you gave me. However, the first eight characters were match for a series of paintings by Tobias Pren -- you know, that artist who recently hanged himself?"
  • 60
47 Alice "Yes. The armour was produced by..." She looks at her notes. "Fairweather in their facilities in Betancourt, Sur-la-Clef, in '42."
  • 190
48 Alice She browses pages. "So... it seems the armour went to Semenine. That's where the paper trail ends, though. Even the firm has proven difficult to track. Corps de Pharmacie has been renamed several times over in the years since the armour was issued."
  • 68
49 Alice "Does that seem relevant to your investigation?"
  • 50
  • 51
50 You "No, but thank you for looking into it."
  • 52
51 You "Yes, absolutely! This is exactly what I wanted."
  • 53
52 Alice "Just doing my job, officer. Was there anything else?"
  • 135
53 Alice "Great. Anything else I could do for you?"
  • 135
54 None
  • (460, 76)
55 You "This doesn't seem relevant to my investigation." (Conclude the conversation.)
  • 64
56 You "Art is extremely relevant to my investigation. Thank you." (Conclude the conversation.)
  • 66
57 You "No, what were his paintings like?"
  • 61
58 You "No, why did he hang himself?"
  • 62
59 You "I'm not sure how this relates to my investigation yet, but I'm sure it does." (Conclude the conversation.)
  • 65
60 None
  • 57
  • 58
  • 55
  • 59
  • 56
61 Alice "Very pretty pictures of assorted wildlife meant to inspire viewers and look good over couches in office building lobbies." She hesitates. "I've always sort of thought they were trash."
  • 55
  • 59
  • 56
62 Alice "Celebrity problems."
  • 63
63 Electrochemistry She means pills and alcohol. See, pills and alcohol make you *a celebrity*. Hasn't it been a while since you've had any?
  • 55
  • 59
  • 56
64 Alice "It's all I could learn, I'm afraid. That's the serial number you gave me. Anything else I can do for you?"
  • 130
65 Alice "I hope so. Anything else I can do for you?"
  • 130
66 Alice "Great. Anything else I can do for you?"
  • 130
67 None
  • (460, 76)
68 Alice
  • 69
  • 70
69 Alice Variable["tc.crenel"]
  • 71
70 Alice (Variable["tc.crenel"]) == false
  • 73
71 You "I'm guessing one of its names is Krenel."
  • 72
72 Alice "Yes!" She seems glad you guessed it. "That is the most recent name the ICP has been able to connect to the CdP. And the one before it was Downwell. I also have one called Sediment -- but I think that might be a different contractor..."
  • 136
73 You "Do you know what it's called now?"
  • 74
74 Alice "The most recently registered firm that the ICP has been able to connect to the CdP is a military contractor called *Krenel*. And the one before it was Downwell. I think they might be the same contractor."
  • 75
75 Visual Calculus A suit of armour like this would have been manufactured with a particular person's physique in mind. You should ask for whom this suit was fitted.
  • 79
76 None
  • 77
  • 86
77 You "First, has the firm continued to work for pharmaceutical companies through all these name changes?" Variable["tc.crenel_was_whitewater"] == false
  • 88
78 You "Yes, please do try. It's imperative that we learn whose armour this was."
  • 89
79 Alice
  • 80
  • 81
80 Alice Variable["plaza.kineema_serial_concept_particular"]
  • 76
81 Alice (Variable["plaza.kineema_serial_concept_particular"]) == false
  • 82
82 Alice
  • 83
  • 84
83 Alice IsKimHere()
  • 85
84 Alice (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 76
85 Kim Kitsuragi "Armour like this isn't mass-produced -- it would have probably been fitted. Perhaps there's a record of who signed for this particular suit of armour."
  • 76
86 You "Is there any way to find out who got this particular suit of armour?"
  • 87
87 Alice "Yes, but the ICP tends to be reluctant to share private sector records. I could try to talk them into it, though."
  • 90
88 Alice "Hard to say. Their client list is rather diverse. And... incomplete. The only constant seems to be that the mercenaries are always deployed in third- and fourth-world countries."
  • 197
89 Alice "Sure. Call back tomorrow. Hopefully I will have more information for you then."
  • 95
90 Esprit de Corps This is a fun challenge for her, an opportunity to contribute beyond doing her job by rote. She'll gladly put in the extra effort for team RCM!
  • 92
  • 91
  • 78
91 You "Yes, thank you, officer. I really appreciate your efforts in this case." Variable["plaza.kineema_serial_esprit_challenge"]
  • 93
92 You "You are my beautiful conquering heroine." Variable["plaza.kineema_aliiz_imgine_her_completely_naked"] and Variable["plaza.kineema_serial_esprit_challenge"]
  • 94
93 Alice "Glad to help. Call back tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have more for you then."
  • 95
94 Alice "I'm going to ignore that, officer. Call back tomorrow. Hopefully I will have more information for you then."
  • 95
95 None
  • (460, 76)
96 Alice "Yes. It took some convincing, but I got the mercenary's name and a few biographical details. Are you ready?"
  • 143
97 You "Shoot."
  • 99
98 You "I was born ready, baby!"
  • 99
99 Alice "That suit of armour was issued to an Oranjese citizen named Ellis Kortenaer -- that's E-L-L-I-S K-O-R-T-E-N-A-E-R. Exact date of birth unknown. He was signed into the Lelystad County Neonatal Care Unit on 28th of February, ’09."
  • 139
100 Alice "This is what the ICP knows about him: He was raised by foster parents, entered the Ijsbrand Military Academy -- in Vredefort -- at 17, then served in the Oranjese forces till he was honourably discharged in '41, just a year before the Semenese conflict."
  • 141
101 You "Lelystad is probably where he got the name *Lely*." Variable["tc.scab_leader_kortenaer"] == false and Variable["tc.scab_leader_is_a_merc"] == false and Variable["tc.name_kortenaer"] == false and Variable["TASK.talk_merc_tattoo_done"] == false and Variable["whirling.klaasje_katarzine_lelystad"] == false and Variable["plaza.kineema_serial_logic_lely"]
  • 166
102 Alice "I'm glad the inquiry was helpful to your investigation, officer. Did you have any other questions?"
  • 103
103 None
  • (460, 76)
104 Alice
  • 105
  • 106
105 Alice IsKimHere()
  • 107
106 Alice (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 179
107 Kim Kitsuragi "A name -- this is very good. Ellis Kortenaer..." he says to himself.
  • 180
108 Alice
  • 109
  • 110
109 Alice Variable["tc.name_lely"] and Variable["whirling.klaasje_katarzine_lelystad"] == false
  • 111
110 Alice (Variable["tc.name_lely"] and Variable["whirling.klaasje_katarzine_lelystad"] == false) == false
  • 100
111 Logic Joyce said the dead man went by Lely. He must have gotten that from *Lelystad* -- the name of the county.
  • 100
112 Alice
  • 113
  • 114
113 Alice Variable["whirling.klaasje_katarzine_lelystad"] and Variable["tc.name_kortenaer"]
  • 115
114 Alice (Variable["whirling.klaasje_katarzine_lelystad"] and Variable["tc.name_kortenaer"]) == false
  • 108
115 Inland Empire According to Klaasje, Lely said his real name wasn't really *his* -- perhaps that's because he was fostered?
  • 108
116 None
  • 156
  • 162
  • 171
  • 101
  • 147
  • 178
117 Alice
  • 118
  • 119
118 Alice Variable["plaza.kineema_serial_told_right"]
  • 47
119 Alice (Variable["plaza.kineema_serial_told_right"]) == false
  • 42
120 Alice
  • 121
  • 122
121 Alice Variable["plaza.serial_number_1"]
  • 2
122 Alice (Variable["plaza.serial_number_1"]) == false
  • 12
123 Alice
  • 124
  • 125
124 Alice Variable["plaza.serial_number_2"]
  • 5
125 Alice (Variable["plaza.serial_number_2"]) == false
  • 120
126 You "Okay."
  • 127
127 Alice "Was there anything else?"
  • 129
128 None
  • 126
129 None
  • (460, 76)
130 Encyclopedia I don't know about you, but I really, really enjoyed it. Worked out really well in the end.
  • 131
131 Alice
  • 132
  • 133
132 Alice Variable["XP.encyc_serial_number"]
  • 134
133 Alice (Variable["XP.encyc_serial_number"]) == false
  • 67
134 Drama I knew this would lead to something good!
  • 67
135 Drama We're still glad you did it, my liege. This was good training. For when you need to lie to save your life maybe?
  • 54
136 Alice You hear her fingers on a keyboard. "No, they were called *Sediment*. And *Somatosensor*, it seems. All that during the last nine years."
  • 75
137 You "The world will end soon." IsTHCPresent("apocalypse_cop")
  • 138
138 Alice "Okay." She's not worried. "Does that mean you're ready?"
  • 97
  • 98
139 You "Neonatal Care Unit?"
  • 140
140 Alice "He was found as a newborn, in a leaf compactor, near an abandoned farm. He spent four months in the neonatal unit -- survived, apparently -- and was assigned to a foster family at two."
  • 112
141 Alice "Then the armour followed him to Semenine -- or at least I assume it did. And that's it. There are no records of his employment in Krenel. Or any of its other incarnations. Or him even entering Revachol.
  • 116
142 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant leans in to listen, notebook in hand.
  • 146
143 Alice
  • 144
  • 145
144 Alice IsKimHere()
  • 142
145 Alice (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 146
146 None
  • 97
  • 98
  • 137
147 You "So all we have to connect him to Krenel is the armour."
  • 149
148 Kim Kitsuragi "Even that is a small miracle -- these *organizations* usually double check their inventory." He leans closer and shouts: "Thank you, Alice. Great work!"
  • 152
149 Alice
  • 150
  • 151
150 Alice IsKimHere()
  • 148
151 Alice (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 153
152 Alice "No problem, lieutenant." She sounds pleased.
  • 155
153 Alice "Even that took quite a bit of convincing to retrieve the information from the database, officer."
  • 154
154 None
  • 116
155 Authority A compliment from Lieutenant Kitsuragi! Not bad.
  • 154
156 You "Wait, he was found in a... leaf compactor?"
  • 157
157 Alice "It's a garden tool used to press leaves into these... cubes. It's a detail the hospital had -- the only detail in these files. So I thought it would be good for you to know."
  • 158
158 Alice
  • 159
  • 160
159 Alice IsKimHere()
  • 161
160 Alice (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 191
161 Kim Kitsuragi "It is! Thank you, Alice!"
  • 191
162 You "Any information on his foster parents?"
  • 163
163 Alice "None, officer. Sorry."
  • 164
164 None
  • 116
165 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant nods -- then jots it down in his notes: "Lelystad -- Lely. I like that."
  • 170
166 Alice
  • 167
  • 168
167 Alice IsKimHere()
  • 165
168 Alice (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 169
169 Alice "If you say so, officer -- of course."
  • 170
170 None
  • 116
171 You "So his name wasn't *his* because he was fostered?" Variable["whirling.klaasje_lelys_name_not_his"]
  • 174
172 None
  • 116
173 Kim Kitsuragi "Hah! Yes -- what Klaasje said. Very good. That makes sense to me." He takes a quick note.
  • 172
174 Alice
  • 175
  • 176
175 Alice IsKimHere()
  • 173
176 Alice (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 177
177 Alice "I... don't know what that means. But -- sure."
  • 172
178 You "Well, we have his name and service record now." (Move on.)
  • 104
179 Alice "I'm glad the inquiry was helpful to your investigation, officer. Did you have any other questions?"
  • 103
180 Inland Empire This means something to him. To know that name. Like naming a case. It's important.
  • 192
181 Alice
  • 182
  • 183
182 Alice Variable["whirling.klaasje_talked_about_lely"]
  • 96
183 Alice (Variable["whirling.klaasje_talked_about_lely"]) == false
  • 186
184 Alice "Sorry, sir. I still haven't heard back from the database people. Try calling again later. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
  • 185
185 None
  • (460, 76)
186 Alice
  • 187
  • 188
187 Alice Variable["plaza.alice_serial_number_stalled_once"]
  • 189
188 Alice (Variable["plaza.alice_serial_number_stalled_once"]) == false
  • 184
189 Alice "Still no word I'm afraid, sir. I know it must be frustrating. Was there anything else you wanted to ask?"
  • 185
190 Alice "It was part of a special order for Corps de Pharmacie, a security firm contracted to protect the interests of Oranjese pharmaceutical companies. In the Semenine conflict."
  • 48
191 None
  • 116
192 Esprit de Corps Sometimes police work is about human dignity -- about giving back names to anonymous victims.
  • 102
193 None
  • 28
194 None
  • (460, 76)
195 None
  • (460, 76)
196 None
  • (460, 76)
197 None
  • 76