A post-lorry-search dialogue with Kim, going over the necessary information and coming to some conclusions.

How to use this page:

This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.

Column definitions:
  • ID: a numerical index for the entry within this conversation.
  • Character: the character speaking or acting.
  • Dialogue: prose containing spoken dialogue and other description.
  • Conditions: logical checks governing this entry appearing or occurring.
  • Links: entries that might follow this one, depending on conditions and player choice. Most links are internal to this conversation, external links to other conversations are marked with the format (conversation ID, entry ID).
ID Character Dialogue Conditions Links
0 None
  • 1
1 None
  • 35
2 You "Seems like something police would do. What do you think of all this, Kim?"
  • 12
3 You "I don't think there's anything to discuss." [Leave.]
  • 4
4 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant nods -- but he's not happy.
5 Kim Kitsuragi "I'm not sure what the ULAN frequencies are all about, but they may hold some significance. Perhaps it's a better way to connect between fleets while avoiding frequency bleed, or maybe it's used to tap into RCM networks..."
  • 58
6 Kim Kitsuragi "Oh, and the maps we found. They reveal the *geographical* extent of the operation -- looks like they've used abandoned tunnels and access roads to stay hidden. This is useful info."
  • 31
7 You "How do you think this is connected to the Union?" Variable["TASK.confront_hardie_about_drug_trade"] == false
  • 25
8 Kim Kitsuragi "My suggestion is -- we use it against the Union in any way we can. To our own ends. It's a slippery eel, but we just might be able to pin them down *indirectly*. Down the road."
  • 47
9 You "What about the movie posters? How do they factor into all this?" Variable["jam.abandoned_seen_posters"] == true and Variable["XP.ruby_motive"] == false
  • 10
10 Kim Kitsuragi "As... *elegant* as they are, I don't think they are relevant to the drug trade."
  • 28
11 Kim Kitsuragi "I'm especially intrigued by that radio transmitter -- particularly the sheer number of stations it can connect. Looks like this alleged drug trade casts a wide net."
  • 57
12 Kim Kitsuragi "Honestly, I'm quite worried by what we've seen so far. The evidence seems to point to a rather extensive and well-organized operation."
  • 19
13 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 14
  • 15
14 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["jam.abandoned_seen_maps"] == true
  • 6
15 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["jam.abandoned_seen_maps"] == true) == false
  • 31
16 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 17
  • 18
17 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["jam.abandoned_seen_article"] == true
  • 5
18 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["jam.abandoned_seen_article"] == true) == false
  • 13
19 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 20
  • 21
20 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["jam.abandoned_seen_radio"] == true
  • 11
21 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["jam.abandoned_seen_radio"] == true) == false
  • 16
22 You "So it turns out this *is* is connected to the Union." Variable["TASK.confront_hardie_about_drug_trade"] == true and Variable["whirling.hardie_went_through_ruby_info"] == false
  • 26
23 None
  • 29
  • 9
  • 7
  • 22
  • 65
  • 49
  • 24
24 You "Okay -- debrief over?" [Leave.] Variable["jam.abandoned_kim_debrief_counter"] >=2
  • 36
25 Kim Kitsuragi "We didn't find anything *conclusive* linking them to the smuggling operation, but somehow I doubt that Evrart Claire would be oblivious to something like this happening right under his nose."
  • 8
26 Kim Kitsuragi "Like Joyce told us, yes -- logistically. But don't expect to bust this open during our stay here. At best, this is an angle we can use against them. To other ends. As extra ammunition."
  • 48
27 None
  • 23
28 Electrochemistry Don't be fooled, desire always plays a role.
  • 40
29 You "Klaasje might have been right about Ruby -- she looks awfully lot like one of the poster girls in the cabin." Variable["jam.abandoned_seen_posters"] == true and Variable["XP.ruby_motive"] == true
  • 34
30 Kim Kitsuragi "And last but not least, it looks like the Hardie boys knew this driver, as we know that she was present at the lynching. This may be the Union connection we've been searching for."
  • 59
31 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 32
  • 33
32 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["TASK.confront_hardie_about_drug_trade"]
  • 61
33 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["TASK.confront_hardie_about_drug_trade"]) == false
  • 23
34 Kim Kitsuragi "Perhaps you're right..." He stops to think. "This is one connection I find a little dubious, to be honest. I prefer not to profile people's emotions. Perhaps it's because I'm not very good at it, but still."
  • 39
35 None
  • 2
  • 3
36 Kim Kitsuragi "Debrief over," he nods. "After you."
37 None
  • 23
38 None
  • 23
39 Empathy Actually, he's not bad at it at all.
  • 60
40 None
  • 42
  • 43
  • 44
41 Kim Kitsuragi "Yes, well..." He doesn't say more.
  • 46
42 You "A lot of women there. Especially for a lady driver's cabin."
  • 41
43 You "Maybe the trader is some sort of cinephile."
  • 41
44 You "Could the film industry be involved?"
  • 45
45 Kim Kitsuragi "I'm going to say -- no."
  • 38
46 Esprit de Corps Unimportant?
  • 38
47 Reaction Speed In short: this is a future angle. Possibly a good one.
  • 27
48 Reaction Speed Meaning: someone as slippery as Evrart won't be caught by a couple of cops and some stuff they found in some cabin.
  • 27
49 You "Will the RCM open an investigation into this?"
  • 50
50 Kim Kitsuragi "We should return to the murder case. See what Joyce tells us about the lynching. When we're done for the day, I'll call my station and suggest our narcotics department look into it."
  • 51
51 Kim Kitsuragi "There are more than enough grounds to start an official investigation -- some time later, when we're done here. We do *not* want to get caught in that..." He stops to think.
  • 52
52 You "What are you thinking?"
  • 53
53 Kim Kitsuragi "The fact that one hasn't started already gives me pause. An investigation, I mean. Especially if the Madre grouping is involved... and I can't imagine they aren't. It's certainly worrisome."
  • 54
54 You "Corruption?"
  • 55
55 Kim Kitsuragi He nods. "All the same, I don't like the idea of Internal Affairs descending on the matter. That won't help anyone either."
  • 56
56 None
  • 23
57 Logic This means it's well funded. Technology like that... a major player must be financing it.
  • 16
58 Half Light Listening in on your calls? Between you and your station? A worrying prospect...
  • 13
59 Esprit de Corps The probe and the case *converged*, he thinks. This was quite the find.
  • 23
60 Rhetoric He just doesn't like flimsy connections. Especially of *this* kind.
  • 37
61 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 62
  • 63
62 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["whirling.hardie_went_through_ruby_info"]
  • 64
63 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["whirling.hardie_went_through_ruby_info"]) == false
  • 30
64 Kim Kitsuragi "And last but not least, it's *Ruby's cabin* we found. This is an undeniable connection to the Union."
  • 23
65 You "The Union really is in neck-deep with everything around here, isn't it?" Variable["TASK.confront_hardie_about_drug_trade"] == true and Variable["whirling.hardie_went_through_ruby_info"] == true
  • 66
66 Kim Kitsuragi "One way or another, they seem to be -- logistically, if nothing else. But don't expect to bust this open during our stay here. At best, this is an angle we can use against them. To other ends. As extra ammunition."
  • 48