CUTSCENE where you attempt to contact Coalition Warship Archer with NOID. PART OF THE MORALIST DREAM QUEST

How to use this page:

This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.

Column definitions:
  • ID: a numerical index for the entry within this conversation.
  • Character: the character speaking or acting.
  • Dialogue: prose containing spoken dialogue and other description.
  • Conditions: logical checks governing this entry appearing or occurring.
  • Links: entries that might follow this one, depending on conditions and player choice. Most links are internal to this conversation, external links to other conversations are marked with the format (conversation ID, entry ID).
ID Character Dialogue Conditions Links
0 None
  • 1
1 None
  • 2
2 Noid "Just plug that in there, would you?"
  • 3
3 Noid
  • 4
  • 5
4 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 7
5 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 6
6 You "Got it. Are we ready?"
  • 8
7 Kim Kitsuragi "It's done. I believe we're ready." The lieutenant wipes his brow.
  • 8
8 Noid "Yeah, as ready as we're going to be." He cracks his neck before putting on a pair of headphones. "Grab one of these can sets. I've got it rigged so that we can both listen, but only your cop-talk will broadcast..."
  • 9
9 Noid "No idea what we're gonna hear when I turn this thing on, so be prepared for *anything*. Trick is to keep transmitting your request until the Big Bad acknowledges you. You got that?"
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
10 You "Wait, what if they *never* acknowledge me?"
  • 13
11 You "Yes."
  • 14
12 You "Hold on, I need a minute."
  • 15
13 Noid "Honestly, that might be for the best. Like I said, the sines coming off this whole project are seriously uncharted..."
  • 16
14 Noid "Good. We're live in two... one..."
  • 17
15 Noid "No time. We're live in two... one..."
  • 17
16 Noid "Don't know how much juice we've got, so we better get to it. You ready?"
  • 11
  • 12
17 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 18
18 Noid
  • 19
  • 20
19 Noid Variable["auto.is_snowing"]
  • 21
20 Noid (Variable["auto.is_snowing"]) == false
  • 22
21 Shivers A soft rustling. The snow seems to have gotten between your ears somehow...
  • 23
22 Shivers A soft rustling. Between your ears, a winterscape with fast falling snow...
  • 23
23 Noid
  • 24
  • 25
24 Noid Variable["jam.warship_shivers_snow"]
  • 26
  • 27
25 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_shivers_snow"]) == false
  • 28
26 You Where's the sound coming from?
  • 29
27 You Ignore it.
  • 28
28 Noid "That's your cue, lawman."
  • 31
29 Shivers Every lightswitch, every motor carriage, every doorbell, tea kettle, and radio in Martinaise, all mingled with electrical interference caused by scattered thunderstorms over Ozonne.
  • 30
30 Noid "Hey, lawman. We're waiting on you."
  • 31
31 None
  • 36
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
32 You "Coalition Warship Archer, this is RCM Officer Firewalker. Please acknowledge." Variable["plaza.kineema_i_am_firewalker"] == true or Variable["XP.confirm_name_harry"] == false
  • 37
33 You "Coalition Warship Archer, this is RCM Officer Tequila Sunset. Please acknowledge." Variable["tc.tequila_sunset"] == true
  • 37
34 You "Coalition Warship Archer, this is Detective Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau of the RCM. Please acknowledge." Variable["tc.raphael_ambrosius_costeau"] or IsTHCPresent("detective_costeau")
  • 37
35 You "Coalition Warship Archer, this is Lieutenant Harrier du Bois of the RCM. Please acknowledge." Variable["tc.name_full_harrier"] == true
  • 37
36 You "What should I say?"
  • 38
37 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 40
38 Noid "That's up to you. I don't know your *callsign*."
  • 39
39 None
  • 31
40 Inland Empire You're all alone out there, wandering a blasted heath, calling out to the night, but there is no reply, except for the buzzing of invisible machines...
  • 41
41 Noid
  • 42
  • 43
42 Noid Variable["jam.warship_inland_blasted_heath"]
  • 44
43 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_inland_blasted_heath"]) == false
  • 47
44 Noid
  • 45
  • 46
45 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 48
46 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 49
47 Inland Empire I-i-is there anybody th-th-there?
  • 44
48 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant looks up at you with a nervous glance.
  • 51
49 Noid "Give it another go."
  • 50
50 You "Coalition Warship Archer, this is Firewalker. Please acknowledge."
  • 66
51 Esprit de Corps He is nervous for your sake, of course, but also his own.
  • 52
52 Noid
  • 53
  • 54
53 Noid Variable["jam.warship_esprit_kim_nervous"]
  • 55
54 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_esprit_kim_nervous"]) == false
  • 56
55 Esprit de Corps Looking at him now, with both hands on his headphones, you see very briefly what the lieutenant must have been like when he first joined the RCM...
  • 57
56 Esprit de Corps Nervous for who, though, you cannot say.
  • 49
57 Noid
  • 58
  • 59
58 Noid Variable[""] > 1
  • 60
59 Noid (Variable[""] > 1) == false
  • 65
60 Noid
  • 61
  • 62
61 Noid Variable[""] > 5
  • 63
62 Noid (Variable[""] > 5) == false
  • 64
63 Esprit de Corps Then he turns to you. He gives you a half smile along with an almost imperceptible nod of encouragement.
  • 49
64 Esprit de Corps Then he turns to you. His expression seems to say, 'You'd better not leave this mess for me alone'.
  • 49
65 Esprit de Corps Then he turns to you. He shakes his head slightly and looks back at the amplifier.
  • 49
66 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 67
67 Perception (Hearing) Perhaps you're simply imagining it, but it seems as though you're learning to pull apart the fibres of this auditory felt. You focus on one strand in particular, one that sounds very nearly human...
  • 68
68 Noid
  • 69
  • 70
69 Noid Variable["jam.warship_perc_sound_human"]
  • 71
70 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_perc_sound_human"]) == false
  • 72
71 Horseback Antenna "Nein, Liebling! Das lasse ich nicht zu … Wie kannst du unseren Jungen bloß auf einem dieser *Dinger* nach Vredefort schicken?"
  • 73
72 Horseback Antenna "Nein, Liebling! ... unseren Jungen... nach Vredefort ... einem dieser *Dinger*..."
  • 73
73 You "Hello... Archer? Do you acknowledge?"
  • 74
74 Horseback Antenna "Marianne ... mir erzählt, dass Oskar nicht mehr ... seit er auf einem Luftschiff aus Graad zurückgekommen ... halten ihn die Psychologen für vollkommen normal ... aber sie hat das Gefühl ... seit seiner Rückkehr ... einem Fremden zusammenzuleben..."
  • 75
75 Rhetoric Something about her son going to Vredefort on an aerostatic... to see some psychologists? Or maybe the psychologists are saying it's normal... to have feelings for strangers? Foreign languages were never your strong suit.
  • 76
76 Noid
  • 77
  • 78
77 Noid Variable["jam.warship_rhetoric_walder"]
  • 79
78 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_rhetoric_walder"]) == false
  • 80
79 None
  • 1488
  • 1504
  • 1498
  • 1493
  • 1486
  • 1482
80 Rhetoric You can't make out a word of this gibberish.
  • 79
81 Noid
  • 82
  • 83
82 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 84
83 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 85
84 Shivers A slight frisson at the point where your neck meets your spine. Something about the lieutenant's words, directed at you, but not *you*...
  • 86
  • 87
  • 88
85 Shivers A slight frisson at the point where your neck meets your spine. You can *feel* the lieutenant's presence, even though he's nowhere to be found...
  • 110
86 You "Kim, don't clog my connection."
  • 89
87 You "What are you talking about, Kim? It's perfectly nice out." Variable["auto.is_snowing"] == false and Variable["auto.is_raining"] == false
  • 89
88 You "It's really coming down, now that you mention it." Variable["auto.is_raining"] == true or Variable["auto.is_snowing"] == true
  • 90
89 Kim Kitsuragi "I didn't say anything, detective."
  • 92
90 Kim Kitsuragi "Mention what?"
  • 91
91 You "It's cold, like you just said."
  • 89
92 Kim Kitsuragi "...someone has been maintaining it. The wiring has been repaired..."
  • 93
93 Horseback Antenna An uncomfortable silence falls over the connection.
  • 94
94 Kim Kitsuragi "... It's been a long winter... Long and cold..."
  • 95
  • 96
95 You "Are you going to tell me you didn't say *that*, either?"
  • 97
96 You "Maybe it's your twin brother?"
  • 98
97 Kim Kitsuragi "I promise you, I didn't, even though it certainly *sounds* like me..." The lieutenant seems to wince at the sound of his own voice.
  • 99
98 Kim Kitsuragi "I can assure you, it's not my 'twin brother'. Though it certainly does *sound* like me..." The lieutenant seems to wince at the sound of his own voice.
  • 99
99 Noid
  • 100
  • 101
100 Noid Variable["church.soona_told_her_about_radio_ghost_intercom"]
  • 102
101 Noid (Variable["church.soona_told_her_about_radio_ghost_intercom"]) == false
  • 103
102 You "It must be entroponetic crosstalk. It's the only explanation."
  • 104
103 You "What is happening?"
  • 105
104 Noid "So your partner's haunting himself. Trying to warn him off his current path, most like."
  • 106
105 Noid "Sounds like your partner's being haunted by his past self. Or maybe he's trying to warn himself, from the future, most like. I don't know much about radios."
  • 107
106 Kim Kitsuragi "It's eerie, for certain, but also harmless. I just wish I could remember what I was talking about..."
  • 1514
107 Kim Kitsuragi "It's just a little bit of pale interference, detective. A little *eerie*, perhaps, but perfectly explicable..."
  • 108
108 Composure Outwardly, the lieutenant exudes reassurance, but you can sense a lingering doubt in his voice.
  • 1520
109 None
  • 124
110 You "Kim? How did you get on my connection?"
  • 111
111 Noid "Whoa, the cop's *own partner* is a radio-spooker. That's some *other core* business right there..."
  • 112
112 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 113
113 Kim Kitsuragi "...someone has been maintaining it. The wiring has been repaired..."
  • 1143
  • 114
114 You "What is he talking about?"
  • 115
115 Noid "There's no sense to it. It's just spooker-talk."
  • 116
116 Noid
  • 117
  • 118
117 Noid Variable["church.soona_told_her_about_radio_ghost_intercom"]
  • 119
118 Noid (Variable["church.soona_told_her_about_radio_ghost_intercom"]) == false
  • 1145
119 You "I've encountered this before. It's entroponetic crosstalk. This is a piece of the past mixing in with our signal."
  • 121
120 You "Does that mean Kim's... *a ghost*?"
  • 125
121 Noid "What..."
  • 122
122 Kim Kitsuragi "It's been a long winter... Long and cold."
  • 123
123 Noid "What have you gotten us into, lawman?"
  • 1149
124 Horseback Antenna "Natürlich halten ihn die Psychologen für vollkommen normal..."
  • 133
125 Kim Kitsuragi "It's been a long winter... Long and cold."
  • 126
126 Noid "No telling, lawman. You ever confirmed that he's, you know, *flesh and blood*?"
  • 127
  • 128
  • 129
127 You "Yeah, we've gone for an Ace's High before." IsTHCPresent("aces_high") or IsTHCPresent("aces_low")
  • 130
128 You "I guess Kim's always had an *ethereal* quality to him."
  • 131
129 You "I'm going to continue believing that Kim's just hanging out on our connection."
  • 132
130 Noid "Sounds like some dark cop rituals. Don't think I want to hear any more..."
  • 124
131 Noid "Could be he's your guardian spirit, your cop daemon..."
  • 124
132 Noid "Yeah, shut your ears to the truth. That's the safest way forward..."
  • 124
133 None
  • 134
  • 135
  • 136
134 You "Roy said this transceiver came with some kind of *signal purifier*. Maybe we should turn that on?" Variable["ice.noid_used_expensive_transceiver"] == true
  • 137
135 You "Maybe we should try again later?"
  • 138
136 You "So what can we do about it?"
  • 139
137 Noid "Is that what this switch does? I'll flip it now."
  • 140
138 Noid "No can do. This is it. The only way forward is the hard core way, straight through. Now give it another go."
  • 142
139 Noid "You just have to embrace the spookiness. Now give it another go."
  • 142
140 Kim Kitsuragi "... someone has been maintaining it..." The lieutenant's voice suddenly grows faint and distant, as though he were speaking from a passing motor carriage...
  • 141
141 Noid "Sounds like the de-spooker worked. Lucky break. Now give it another go."
  • 144
142 You (Sigh.) "Coalition Warship Archer. Do you acknowledge? This is Firewalker."
  • 143
143 Kim Kitsuragi "But someone has been maintaining it. The wiring has been repaired..."
  • 145
144 You "Coalition Warship Archer. Do you acknowledge? This is Firewalker."
  • 146
145 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 148
146 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 147
147 Horseback Antenna "... Warship Archer. Are you there, Firewalker? Please acknowledge."
  • 150
148 Horseback Antenna "... Walker? Please acknowledge."
  • 149
149 You "Archer! This is Firewalker. Can you hear me?"
  • 151
150 You "Archer! This is Firewalker. Can you hear me?"
  • 152
151 Horseback Antenna "Liebling, bitte… Er ist unser einziges Kind..."
  • 153
152 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 156
153 Horseback Antenna "... Warship Archer. Please identify."
  • 154
154 Interfacing The signals are getting increasingly mixed. Plucking Archer's signal from this will be like isolating a single strand from a tangle of hair...
  • 155
155 Noid "This isn't looking good." The speedfreak removes his sweat-drenched headphones. "The radio-spookers are winning."
  • 157
156 Noid "Bad news." The speedfreak removes his sweat-drenched headphones. "Even with the de-spooker flipped, the signal is still too weak to get down with..."
  • 157
157 None
  • 158
  • 1638
  • 1651
  • 1652
  • 1646
  • 159
158 You "What can we do?"
  • 160
159 You "Okay, let's do this." (Climb the monument.) Variable["jam.warship_need_to_climb"] == true
  • 1524
160 Noid "Don't know. If we can't get around the interference, we're in deep trouble. Hold on, I think Egg gave me some kind of checklist..."
  • 161
161 Noid "Hmmm. Says here, 'MAIN STEP: VOLUME TO THE MAX'... That's not too helpful. Okay, it also says: 'INSPECT CONNECTIONS FOR HARD CORE CLARITY,' so let's try that..."
  • 162
162 None
  • 157
163 Noid
  • 164
  • 165
164 Noid CheckEquippedGroup("gloves")
  • 170
165 Noid (CheckEquippedGroup("gloves")) == false
  • 166
166 Noid
  • 167
  • 168
167 Noid Variable["auto.is_raining"] == true or Variable["auto.is_snowing"] == true
  • 171
168 Noid (Variable["auto.is_raining"] == true or Variable["auto.is_snowing"] == true) == false
  • 172
169 Horseback Antenna You don't exactly cut a lithesome figure, but after several moments of scrambling you manage to hoist yourself atop the monument.
  • 1047
170 Horseback Antenna Your gloves give you a solid grip on the metal bar. This feels pleasingly familiar...
  • 1745
171 Horseback Antenna The metal bar is cold and slick with precipitation. For a moment it feels as though you're about to slip, but you concentrate all your attention on your pectoral muscles and squeeze...
  • 1527
172 Horseback Antenna The cold metal chills your bare hands. Some part of your brain tells you something is missing...
  • 174
173 Physical Instrument Keep it together, champ! You've got this...
  • 178
174 Hand/Eye Coordination Chalk powder. Absorbs moisture and keeps your grip firm.
  • 175
175 Noid
  • 176
  • 177
176 Noid Variable["jam.warship_physint_chalk"]
  • 178
177 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_physint_chalk"]) == false
  • 179
178 Horseback Antenna ... and before you know it, you're safely perched atop the monument.
  • 180
179 Horseback Antenna ... but before you can decide what, you find yourself safely perched atop the monument.
  • 180
180 None
  • 181
  • 182
  • 183
181 You "Did you *see* that bar work?" Variable["jam.warship_phys_inst_bar"] == true
  • 184
182 You "That was pretty bad. I hope nobody saw it." Variable["jam.warship_phys_inst_bar"] == false
  • 184
183 You Examine the connections.
  • 188
184 Noid
  • 185
  • 186
185 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 1528
186 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 187
187 Noid "This cop's got serious crab-like properties. Must be some kind of *law-crab*."
  • 1046
188 Horseback Antenna The connection itself is nothing more than a little braid of exposed wire wrapped about the hoof of the horse, a copper fetter it cannot slip...
  • 189
189 Perception (Sight) The whole monument is covered in a thin but durable layer of oil and grime. It's obvious no one has cleaned it in years.
  • 1529
190 None
  • 192
  • 191
191 You "What good is that supposed to do?"
  • 193
192 You "What are we supposed to use to bend the antenna?"
  • 194
193 Noid "Hmmm. Good question. Maybe he's saying we're casting too wide a net, got to *narrow our receiving band*, so we pick up the Big Bad without the spookers."
  • 195
194 Noid "It says here 'MUSCLE-STYLE'."
  • 195
195 Noid
  • 196
  • 197
196 Noid Variable["jam.warship_why_bend"] == true and Variable["jam.warship_what_bend"] == true
  • 198
197 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_why_bend"] == true and Variable["jam.warship_what_bend"] == true) == false
  • 199
198 Noid "Since you're already up there, I say you should do it."
  • 200
199 None
  • 190
200 Empathy The speedfreak is right. The responsibility is yours and yours alone. There's no turning back now.
  • 201
201 None
  • 1592
  • 202
  • 1581
  • 1564
  • 203
202 You Look at the horse.
  • 1042
203 You Attempt to narrow the receiving mode manually.
  • 207
204 Horseback Antenna This faithful steed is in nearly as poor a condition as its rider.
  • 205
205 None
  • 201
206 None
  • 201
207 Noid
  • 208
  • 209
208 Noid Variable["jam.warship_interfacing_rc_success"]
  • 210
209 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_interfacing_rc_success"]) == false
  • 1756
210 Interfacing Your grip is firm, yet controlled. The swelling in your headset guides your hands as much as your hands guide the bronze horse head. It's almost like you're hearing *through* the horse itself...
  • 212
211 Interfacing You allow the broken hunk of metal to clatter to the ground. It wasn't clear to you it did anything anyway...
  • 236
212 Noid "Looks like it's working. Keep going, just a bit more..."
  • 213
213 Horseback Antenna "... Nein, Liebling!"
  • 214
214 Interfacing The signal is clear, the storm has passed. This is another voice, a live voice, on the other end of this invisible bridge you've established...
  • 216
215 Horseback Antenna ...
216 Noid "Try it now."
  • 217
217 You "Coalition Warship Archer. This is RCM Officer Firewalker. Please acknowledge."
  • 218
218 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 219
219 Coalition Warship Archer "Firewalker, this is Coalition Warship Archer. We are acknowledging and accepting you."
  • 220
220 Noid "There it is, the Big Bad. Now be quick. I'll keep us aligned as long as I can."
  • 222
221 Coalition Warship Archer "Please be advised that you are speaking on the public frequency. What is your request?"
  • 232
222 Authority This is it... you're finally getting to speak with those who hold *real* power.
  • 223
223 Noid
  • 224
  • 225
224 Noid Variable["jam.warship_authority_power"]
  • 229
225 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_authority_power"]) == false
  • 226
226 Noid
  • 227
  • 228
227 Noid Variable["jam.warship_interfacing_rc_success"]
  • 230
228 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_interfacing_rc_success"]) == false
  • 231
229 Rhetoric And by that, we mean the ones with the guns and the warships.
  • 226
230 Empathy There is so much you wish you could ask. Your efforts have bought you some time, but you can't forget what you're *really* here for...
  • 221
231 Empathy There is so much you wish you could ask, but you probably only have time for one or two questions before the signal is lost...
  • 221
232 Noid
  • 233
  • 234
233 Noid Variable["jam.warship_question_counter"] >= 2
  • 1670
234 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_question_counter"] >= 2) == false
  • 1673
235 None
  • 257
  • 258
  • 259
  • 260
  • 473
  • 261
  • 262
236 Horseback Antenna "Nein, Liebling!"
  • 237
237 Noid "Huh. Sounds like that was a false move. Signal's even worse now."
  • 242
  • 243
  • 244
238 Noid "Probably because you broke it."
  • 1624
239 Noid "The thing is, trying's not enough. Now it's the results that count."
  • 1624
240 Noid "Look, I'm not a blame-layer. I'm just saying, things were bad, and now they're worse."
  • 1624
241 Noid "I'm going to turn all the dials to maximum. Probably gonna burn out our power supply, but that might be the only way..."
  • 245
242 You "That piece of junk didn't even work!"
  • 238
243 You "I'm sorry! I was trying to do good."
  • 239
244 You "It's not *my* fault the statue broke."
  • 240
245 Horseback Antenna A maelstrom of sound, swirling and swirling around an invisible point. It's mounting, mounting...
  • 250
246 Pain Threshold It's too much! Your ear drums are throbbing, about to burst!
  • 254
247 Horseback Antenna ... and then, nothing.
  • 248
248 Noid "Try it now."
  • 1041
249 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 255
250 Horseback Antenna "... nicht mehr derselbe ist, seit er auf einem Luftschiff aus Graad zurückgekommen ist..."
  • 252
251 Horseback Antenna ...
252 Horseback Antenna "... Firewalker? Please respond..."
  • 246
253 You "Archer! Is that you?"
254 Kim Kitsuragi "... a long winter... Long and cold..."
  • 247
255 Coalition Warship Archer "This is... Warship Archer. We are acknowledging and accepting you... though we're still getting quite a bit of interference..."
  • 256
256 Noid "This is as good as it's going to get. I'll keep us aligned as long as I can, but this isn't a *social mission*, you got it?"
  • 222
257 You "Who am I speaking with?" Variable["jam.warship_signal_fail"] == false
  • 267
258 You "What does Revachol look like from up there?" Variable["jam.warship_signal_fail"] == false
  • 350
259 You "What does the Moralintern *really* want?" Variable["jam.warship_signal_fail"] == false
  • 443
260 You "When is real democracy coming to Revachol?" Variable["jam.warship_signal_fail"] == false
  • 1152
261 You "Hang on, Archer, I meant to ask you about the Committee of Responsibility." Variable["jam.warship_signal_fail"] == true
  • 263
262 You "Sorry, I messed up and we ran out of time." Variable["jam.warship_signal_fail"] == true
  • 263
263 Coalition Warship Archer "Firewalker... please repeat... your signal is *very* weak..."
  • 264
264 You "I said there's no time. And now you're going to leave too..."
  • 265
265 Horseback Antenna "Er kann doch auch nächstes Jahr zur Akademie gehen..."
  • 266
266 Coalition Warship Archer "... nothing important, bad connection... Going to update the receiving frequency..."
  • 1038
267 Coalition Warship Archer "You are currently speaking with Coalition Warship Archer, flagship of INSURCOM forces in Revachol."
  • 268
  • 1150
  • 269
268 You "Are you the captain?"
  • 270
269 You "Sure, but who are *you*? I need to know your name."
  • 271
270 Coalition Warship Archer "No, the captain of the Archer is deeply classified intelligence. We are the second signaller."
  • 269
271 Coalition Warship Archer "Our name is not important. All you need to know is that we hold the position of second signaller aboard the Archer."
  • 272
272 Inland Empire Wait-wait, she's an *El-something*, you just know it.
  • 273
273 Noid
  • 274
  • 275
274 Noid Variable["jam.warship_inland_el"]
  • 277
275 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_inland_el"]) == false
  • 276
276 Inland Empire You really don't have the faintest guess what her name could be. You were never very good at this sort of thing...
  • 277
277 Rhetoric There's something in the way she refers to herself, always with the first-person plural. A deliberate blurring of the boundary between herself and the institution she represents...
  • 278
278 Noid
  • 279
  • 280
279 Noid Variable["jam.warship_rhetoric_plural"]
  • 281
280 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_rhetoric_plural"]) == false
  • 282
281 Authority Not to mention the airborne artillery platform she works on. Her every word is backed up by the most powerful ordnance available...
  • 282
282 None
  • 283
  • 284
  • 285
283 You "Just one thing, why do you keep referring to yourself with the plural?" Variable["jam.warship_rhetoric_plural"] == true
  • 286
284 You "I bet I can guess your name." Variable["jam.warship_inland_el"] == true
  • 307
285 You "What's it like, being a second signaller?"
  • 323
286 Coalition Warship Archer "Because it's standard practice for signallers to use the *pluralis officialis* during the course of our duties. It's meant to serve as a reminder that we don't speak only for ourselves."
  • 287
287 Coalition Warship Archer "For instance, as second signaller we represent Coalition Warship Archer, which in turn represents INSURCOM and the Coalition more generally, which in turn represents the Moralist International, which itself represents the interests of 1.2 billion people across the world."
  • 288
288 Inland Empire Meaning she's the voice of all those living souls!
  • 289
  • 291
  • 290
289 You "So when I'm talking to you, it's like I'm talking to *all of humanity*?" Variable["jam.warship_inland_embodiment_souls"] == true
  • 292
290 You "That sounds like an awesome responsibility."
  • 304
291 You "Sounds like kind of a hard job."
  • 305
292 Coalition Warship Archer "No, of course not. There are many nations outside the Moralintern's umbrella, in Seol, Samara, and elsewhere. At most you might say the Moralintern represents between a quarter and a third of humanity."
  • 1458
293 Coalition Warship Archer "Perhaps you could say that we represent the interests and hopes of a great many people, but you could say just as easily that we are the assistant to the secretary of a factotum, no more remarkable than the lowest cashier of a common Frittte..."
  • 294
294 Coalition Warship Archer "It all depends on your perspective."
  • 295
  • 296
  • 297
295 You "Who is the secretary?"
  • 298
296 You "Who is the factotum?"
  • 299
297 You "The Moralintern is *nothing* like a Frittte -- you don't even sell the fun stuff!" Variable["character.habit_smokes"] == true or Variable["character.habit_alcohol"] == true
  • 300
298 Coalition Warship Archer "The chief signaller, our superior. They are ultimately responsible for all communications aboard the Archer..."
  • 301
299 Coalition Warship Archer "Why, the Archer itself..."
  • 301
300 Coalition Warship Archer "If by 'fun stuff,' you mean alcohol and cigarettes, that's true. Actually, we don't even have Fritttes where we're from. In Messina they're called Averros..."
  • 302
301 Coalition Warship Archer "But now we've wandered quite far afield. What was your request?"
  • 1282
302 Encyclopedia Averro, SRL, is a chain of high-end pharmacies found only in Vesper and Messina. They are *much* nicer than your average Frittte.
  • 301
303 None
  • 232
304 Coalition Warship Archer "It's an important responsibility, but we don't consider it any greater than those borne by countless people all across the world..."
  • 306
305 Coalition Warship Archer "It may be a *demanding* job, but the Coalition is committed to ensuring those in its service maintain a healthy work-life balance..."
  • 306
306 Coalition Warship Archer "Now... your request?"
  • 1286
307 Coalition Warship Archer "Really, it's not important. We would strongly prefer that you state your request."
  • 308
308 None
  • 309
  • 310
  • 311
  • 312
309 You "You sound like an Eloïse to me."
  • 313
310 You "You're an Elena, aren't you?"
  • 314
311 You "You're an Eleanora, I'm sure of it."
  • 315
312 You "You're 100% an Eliška."
  • 316
313 Coalition Warship Archer She laughs. "Do we sound like we're from Sur-la-Clef to you?"
  • 1714
314 Coalition Warship Archer A moment of stunned silence. "How did you know that?"
  • 317
  • 318
315 Coalition Warship Archer "We don't believe there is anyone younger than 70 named Eleanora..."
  • 319
316 Coalition Warship Archer "You are 100% wrong..."
  • 319
317 You "Just a lucky guess."
  • 320
318 You "It was obvious. No other name would fit you."
  • 320
319 Coalition Warship Archer "Now, please dispense with the games, Firewalker. This is a public frequency..."
  • 1287
320 Coalition Warship Archer "I... We don't appreciate whatever game you're playing, Firewalker. Now, what is your request?"
  • 321
321 Reaction Speed Did you catch that? A crack in her otherwise solid edifice.
  • 322
322 Suggestion Is it possible to *hear* someone blush? Because you're sure that's what she's doing...
  • 1287
323 Coalition Warship Archer "It's a great honour and responsibility. In addition to monitoring public frequencies, we are tasked with maintaining some of the most sensitive communications equipment aboard the Archer."
  • 324
324 None
  • 326
  • 325
  • 327
325 You "How's the work-life balance?"
  • 329
326 You "How are the benefits?"
  • 328
327 You "Do you believe in the mission?"
  • 330
328 Coalition Warship Archer "Quite good. We enjoy all the standard benefits for Moralintern forces on active duty assignments: Excellent healthcare, foreign service pay, a fully funded pension system..."
  • 1460
329 Coalition Warship Archer "Oh, it's fine..."
  • 332
330 Coalition Warship Archer "Yes, of course. There is no higher calling than serving humanity."
  • 1288
331 Coalition Warship Archer "... six-weeks paid leave, bilingual childcare, vocational certification credits. Really, it's quite a good career."
  • 333
332 Reaction Speed Hold on, you can tell she has more to say...
  • 334
  • 335
  • 336
333 None
  • 324
334 You "Me, I'm a workaholic. It's just what I do..."
  • 337
335 You "That's good, I wish the RCM gave me more time off..."
  • 343
336 You (Wait for her to continue.) Variable["jam.warship_reaction_say_nothing"] == true
  • 344
337 Noid
  • 338
  • 339
338 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 340
339 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 341
340 Kim Kitsuragi A scoff from the lieutenant's channel.
  • 341
341 Coalition Warship Archer "Then you would like being on an aerostatic, there's always *something* that must be done..."
  • 342
342 None
  • 324
343 Coalition Warship Archer "Oh, yes, we could always use more time off." She laughs politely, but doesn't elaborate.
  • 342
344 Coalition Warship Archer "... of course, serving on a Coalition warship does require some *personal* sacrifices, but we have to be willing to make them, if we believe in the mission..."
  • 345
  • 346
345 You "What kind of sacrifices?"
  • 347
346 You "As long as you believe in the mission, it's all worth it."
  • 348
347 Coalition Warship Archer "Nothing remarkable. Really, we have been very fortunate. But we do sometimes wonder what we might be missing out on, back in Messina..."
  • 349
348 Coalition Warship Archer "Yes, of course. There is no higher calling than serving humanity."
  • 1289
349 Coalition Warship Archer "But now we have gotten quite far afield. What was your request?"
  • 1289
350 Coalition Warship Archer "Hmmm, that's difficult to say. We have a very particular view from our observation platform up here."
  • 351
  • 352
351 You "Particular how?"
  • 353
352 You "What can you see?"
  • 1666
353 Coalition Warship Archer "Perhaps the best way to describe it is to say we have a *very wide perspective*, but not an especially detailed one."
  • 352
354 Coalition Warship Archer "Oh, it looks quite lovely from here. From our porthole, we see rolling hillsides, a public park filled with grand oak trees, men and women going about on horses..."
  • 1713
355 Shivers Le Jardin, Stella Maris, Saint-Batiste. She is looking down on the suburbs of Revachol East.
  • 356
  • 357
  • 358
356 You "You're above Revachol East then." Variable["jam.warship_shivers_suburbs"] == true
  • 359
357 You "Where are you, exactly?"
  • 360
358 You (Look around.) "Huh, I don't see *any* of that stuff."
  • 361
359 Coalition Warship Archer "Ah, that must be. We have only recently been detailed to the Archer, so we are still learning the names of all the many districts..."
  • 362
360 Coalition Warship Archer "We cannot say for certain. East, it must be? We have only recently been detailed to the Archer, so we are still learning the names of all the many districts..."
  • 362
361 Coalition Warship Archer "Perhaps you are in a different part of the city? We have only recently been detailed to the Archer, so we are still learning the names of all the many districts..."
  • 362
362 Savoir Faire She needs to see *you*, down here. That's the only way she'll really *get* what you're about.
  • 363
363 You "Can you see Martinaise from where you are?"
  • 364
364 Coalition Warship Archer "Martinaise, Martinaise... That is to the west, yes?"
  • 365
  • 366
  • 367
  • 368
365 You "Yes. Look across the River Esperance." Variable["tc.that_in_revachol"] or Variable["tc.jamrock"]
  • 369
366 You "Uh, sure. Let's go with west." Variable["tc.that_in_revachol"] == false and Variable["tc.jamrock"] == false
  • 370
367 You "I thought it was to the south?"
  • 371
368 You "Nope, it's to the north. Definitely north."
  • 372
369 Coalition Warship Archer "Stand by a moment... we are adjusting our viewfinder..."
  • 373
370 Coalition Warship Archer "Hold on. We're adjusting our viewfinder..."
  • 374
371 Coalition Warship Archer "To the south. Let us see..."
  • 375
372 Coalition Warship Archer "But to the north is all water..."
  • 376
  • 377
  • 378
373 Coalition Warship Archer "Yes, we are looking at the river now. There are small islands in the middle of it. It's very nice, actually..."
  • 379
374 Coalition Warship Archer "Ah, we are looking at a great river now. This must be the Esperance. It's very nice, actually..."
  • 379
375 Coalition Warship Archer "No, that cannot be right. That way is only sprawl. We were under the impression that Martinaise was nearer to the Bay..."
  • 381
376 You "That's right. Martinaise is a highly experimental *sub-aquatic* district."
  • 380
377 You "You're right. I just got turned around. It's probably to the south."
  • 382
378 You "Hmmm. Maybe it *is* to the west, then?"
  • 383
379 Coalition Warship Archer "Interesting. The west of the city looks *very* different from the east. There's a large motorway dividing it nearly in half. This must be the 8/81, no?"
  • 388
  • 387
  • 386
380 Coalition Warship Archer "Ah, we see. You are playing a practical joke. Very funny..."
  • 384
381 None
  • 392
382 None
  • 371
383 None
  • 370
384 Logic If it's so funny, why isn't she laughing?
  • 385
385 Coalition Warship Archer "Enough jokes, then. What was your request?"
  • 1290
386 You "A *motorway*? I have no idea what you're talking about."
  • 391
387 You "Maybe follow the motorway as far as it goes?"
  • 390
388 You "Exactly. Follow that west for a few kilometres, until you see the lake." Variable["tc.motorway_881"]
  • 389
389 Coalition Warship Archer "Very well. Now we are looking at an area that seems to be in urgent need of *revitalisation*..."
  • 393
390 Coalition Warship Archer "It appears to go on for quite a while. There's a heavily industrialised district that seems to abut Monte-Martin..."
  • 392
391 Coalition Warship Archer "Really? It seems quite important. It may be the largest road in the city..."
  • 392
392 Coalition Warship Archer "But now we seem to be quite turned about. We'll have to consult a map in the future. Now, was there something else?"
  • 1291
393 Encyclopedia She must be describing the Eminent Domain, the district under the shadow of the 8/81. It's heavily *working class*, with no municipal infrastructure to speak of. To your knowledge, no such revitalisation is forthcoming.
  • 394
394 Coalition Warship Archer "Now we see the lake, and around that a rather vibrant-looking city quarter. There are some large buildings, from the turn-of-the-century, we would guess. Yes, this must be the heart of the district."
  • 395
395 You "That's Jamrock. Now look to the north, toward the harbour."
  • 396
396 Coalition Warship Archer "Mhmmm... ah. So *that* is Martinaise..."
  • 397
397 Composure A distended pause. A slight chill of embarrassment. She isn't sure what to say.
  • 398
  • 1463
  • 399
398 You "That bad, huh?" Variable["jam.warship_empathy_embarrassment"] == true
  • 400
399 You "What do you see?"
  • 401
400 Coalition Warship Archer "It is quite striking, compared to where we're from. There are a great many destroyed buildings, *still*. And we don't see any horses... It's really *nothing* like the eastern side of the city..."
  • 402
401 Coalition Warship Archer "Ah, well, we see the many, hmmm, *historic* buildings, of course, and the snow gathering along the rim of the bay..."
  • 403
402 Savoir Faire You're reminded of something people used to say, that Revachol West is poor, but *sexy poor*.
  • 404
403 Shivers ... the old and irregular streets, like a grid drawn by a palsied hand. The open fires burning in oil drums, visible through blasted roofs...
  • 405
404 Coalition Warship Archer "But what's most striking are the people. They just... we don't even know how to say it..."
  • 406
  • 407
  • 408
  • 409
405 Coalition Warship Archer "There are also a number of seabirds looping and twisting in the wind below us. No horses, though... And of course we can see some people, but they, oh, how to say it..."
  • 406
  • 407
  • 408
  • 409
406 You "Look like a bunch of tiny apes dukin' it out on a great big ball?" Variable["whirling.dreamone_apes"] == true
  • 412
407 You "Look like a bunch of lost souls, wandering about in *indescribable* pain?"
  • 410
408 You "Look happy and well adjusted?"
  • 410
409 You "Look like ants, isn't that what they say?"
  • 411
410 Coalition Warship Archer "We really couldn't say. That's one of the limits of this vantage. But the whole district does have a very *desperate* character."
  • 413
411 Coalition Warship Archer "There are people who say that, but we've never felt that way. To us they look like miniature figures, the kind you see in model train sets. But this... this is a *very sad* train set."
  • 413
412 Coalition Warship Archer "Perhaps? We do not generally reach for such *evocative imagery*, but there is something rather desperate about them."
  • 413
413 Coalition Warship Archer "And then there's all the *tare* lying about. It's very unpleasant to look at. We're going to widen our viewfinder a bit."
  • 414
  • 415
  • 416
414 You "There's a tare machine in the Frittte. It's one way to scrape by around here." Variable["gates.fritte_tare_counter"] >=3
  • 417
415 You "I guess they should install some recycling bins or something." Variable["gates.fritte_tare_counter"] <3
  • 418
416 You "Do you see a roundabout, with an equestrian statue?" (Proceed.)
  • 419
417 Coalition Warship Archer "Ah! What a difference a few well-designed market incentives can make. And, of course, it is important for the RCM to set an example."
  • 416
418 Coalition Warship Archer "Yes, recycling is very important. The Coalition always supports initiatives that promote civic responsibility and mindfulness."
  • 416
419 Coalition Warship Archer "A roundabout, a roundabout..."
  • 420
420 Coalition Warship Archer "Strange... we see the roundabout, and the monument, but... the horse seems to be *missing* its head... and there's a man *on top of it*?"
  • 422
  • 421
  • 423
421 You "Oh right, people climb on monuments all the time here. It's kind of a local tradition."
  • 431
422 You "That's me!" (Wave your hand.)
  • 433
423 You "Would you say he seems like a *handsome* man?"
  • 424
424 Coalition Warship Archer "To be completely honest, Firewalker, we are not in a position to say. We can't really make out *faces* from this distance..."
  • 425
425 Noid
  • 426
  • 427
426 Noid Variable["village.washbasin_shaved_after_pheromones"]
  • 428
427 Noid (Variable["village.washbasin_shaved_after_pheromones"]) == false
  • 429
428 Coalition Warship Archer "From here all we can really see are his enormous muttonchops. Perhaps he is some sort of motorcyclist?"
  • 430
429 Coalition Warship Archer "From here all we can really see are his pale cheeks. He looks like he hasn't slept in days."
  • 430
430 Coalition Warship Archer "In any event, thank you for this *tour* of Revachol West. It has certainly been... educational."
  • 1294
431 Coalition Warship Archer "How curious. You learn the most interesting things on these sorts of assignments."
  • 432
432 Coalition Warship Archer "In any event, thank you for this *tour* of Revachol West. It has certainly been... educational."
  • 1293
433 Coalition Warship Archer "That's *you*? We have to say, that's extremely irregular, Firewalker. What are you doing on top of that public monument?"
  • 434
  • 435
  • 436
  • 437
434 You "Listen, Archer -- Martinaise is a *disco* town." IsTHCPresent("superstar_cop")
  • 438
435 You "I guess you could say it's sort of a *performance piece*." IsTHCPresent("art_cop")
  • 439
436 You "I'm singing the song of annihilation." IsTHCPresent("apocalypse_cop")
  • 440
437 You "It's... kind of an involved story."
  • 441
438 Coalition Warship Archer "How interesting. In Messina, disco has been extinct for more than a decade. Funny how the past always seems more present in some parts of the world."
  • 442
439 Coalition Warship Archer "Interesting. We don't know much about Revacholian art, so you'll have to forgive our ignorance."
  • 442
440 Coalition Warship Archer "That must be a Martinaise custom. You'll have to forgive our ignorance. We are still relatively new here."
  • 442
441 Coalition Warship Archer "It must be. Unfortunately we do not have time to hear it just now."
  • 442
442 Coalition Warship Archer "In any event, it is certainly interesting to see you, even from afar. Most of the time, we signallers just have to *imagine* what our interlocutors look like."
  • 1292
443 Coalition Warship Archer "A very important question with a very simple answer: We want humanity to endure."
  • 1472
444 Pain Threshold Dolores Dei... so, *so* beautiful.
  • 445
  • 446
  • 447
445 You "Dolores Dei... she was really beautiful, right?" Variable["jam.warship_painthresh_dolores"] == true
  • 450
446 You "Wait, people keep mentioning this Dolores Dei, but I have *no* clue who she is..." Variable["tc.dolores_dei"] == false and Variable["tc.dolores_dei_full_church"] == false and Variable["church.stained_ency_this_is_dolores_dei"] == false
  • 449
447 You "Right, and that legacy is...?"
  • 448
448 Coalition Warship Archer "Immeasurable. It includes interisolary travel, three scientific revolutions, humanism, internationalism, the welfare state, and *balance of terror theory*. Nothing less than the intellectual foundation of our modern order."
  • 453
449 Coalition Warship Archer "She was the greatest innocence, the single most consequential being to have ever lived. Her legacy touches every aspect of modern life."
  • 452
450 Coalition Warship Archer "Oh, *incomparably* so, but that isn't what made her so remarkable."
  • 451
451 Pain Threshold Not true. Her beauty was like the glowing coil on a hot stove, and yet you felt *blessed* to touch it...
  • 455
452 Empathy Very odd that you've never heard of this person, perhaps even stranger that she seems unfazed by your ignorance.
  • 447
453 Coalition Warship Archer "The role of the Moralist International is two-fold, to buy humanity sufficient time to perfect itself, and to patiently guide it along the road while protecting it from ideological highwaymen and eschatologians."
  • 1352
454 You "What awaits us at the end of the road?" (Proceed.)
  • 1408
455 Coalition Warship Archer "She was the greatest innocence, the single most consequential being to have ever lived. Her legacy touches every aspect of modern life."
  • 447
456 Hand/Eye Coordination There's a word on the tip of your tongue, a name: 'Egret.' Don't ask us what it means, we're not sure.
  • 457
457 Noid
  • 458
  • 459
458 Noid Variable["jam.warship_handeye_egret"]
  • 460
459 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_handeye_egret"]) == false
  • 461
460 Encyclopedia It's the name of a common bird, a heron with white plumage. At various times its feathers have been prised for ladies' hats.
  • 461
461 None
  • 462
  • 1381
  • 463
462 You "This might sound strange, but does the word 'egret' mean anything to you?" Variable["jam.warship_handeye_egret"] == true
  • 464
463 You (Say nothing, just look around.)
  • 1447
464 Coalition Warship Archer "Yes, it does..." She sounds taken aback. "It's the name of a bird, of course, but it's also the designation for the Archer's coordinated impact artillery system. Why do you ask?"
  • 465
  • 466
  • 467
465 You "I was just thinking about birds."
  • 468
466 You "I was just thinking about artillery systems."
  • 469
467 You "No reason, the name just came to mind."
  • 470
468 Coalition Warship Archer "Ah, yes. The birdwatching here is very lovely. We saw a pair of great skuas on the wing earlier today."
  • 1295
469 Coalition Warship Archer "It is one of the most advanced currently in service. Capable of firing fifty rounds per minute along twenty co-aligned arcs..."
  • 471
470 Coalition Warship Archer "Yes, names tend to do that, don't they?"
  • 1295
471 Coalition Warship Archer "However you feel about weaponry as such, it is one of the great technical achievements of the modern era."
  • 1295
472 Horseback Antenna A moment of hissing static as the conversation lulls.
  • 1446
473 You "Listen, I really need to reach the Committee of Responsibility." (Proceed.) Variable["jam.warship_signal_fail"] == false
  • 474
474 Coalition Warship Archer "Acknowledged. To reach the Committee, all you need to do is fill out the appropriate request form and submit it to the liaison for public affairs."
  • 475
475 Coalition Warship Archer "If the liaison accepts your request, you will be invited to address the Committee at their next quarterly public hearing. We believe the next hearing is scheduled for July." She seems very satisfied by this answer.
  • 476
476 Half Light She's gotta be jerking your chain, right? You can't wait that long!
  • 477
477 None
  • 478
  • 479
  • 480
478 You "What if I need to reach the Committee *a bit sooner*?"
  • 481
479 You "Actually, I was hoping you could patch me through to the Committee *directly*."
  • 484
480 You Convince her you need to address the Committee.
  • 499
481 Coalition Warship Archer "Not a problem. If this is a *time-sensitive* matter, you may file an emergency address request with the liaison for public affairs."
  • 482
482 Coalition Warship Archer "They typically respond within a few weeks."
  • 483
483 None
  • 477
484 Coalition Warship Archer "We're afraid that is quite impossible, Firewalker."
  • 485
485 You "What do you mean?"
  • 486
486 Coalition Warship Archer "We cannot transfer you to the Committee because we are not entrusted with that responsibility. We are simply the second signaller."
  • 487
487 Authority Then why are you wasting time with *her*? You should demand to speak with who's *really* in charge.
  • 488
488 None
  • 489
  • 490
  • 491
489 You "I *demand* you transfer me to your superior -- immediately!" Variable["jam.warship_authority_demand"] == true
  • 492
490 You "Listen, I'm begging you, *please* just let me through..."
  • 494
491 You "I get it. So the real power is even *higher* up."
  • 493
492 Coalition Warship Archer You think you hear a faint sigh coming from the other end of the connection...
  • 495
493 Coalition Warship Archer "That is the nature of the command pyramid, yes. Most modern organisations work in a similar way, even the RCM."
  • 1628
494 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 496
495 Coalition Warship Archer "You know that is simply not how the command pyramid works. We can no more overrule our chief signaller than you could overrule your own precinct captain."
  • 1628
496 You "Archer, are you there?"
  • 497
497 Coalition Warship Archer "We're here, Firewalker. Though we have to say, this is all quite *out-of-sequence*..."
  • 1628
498 None
  • 477
499 Noid
  • 500
  • 501
500 Noid Variable["jam.warship_empathy_rc_success"]
  • 502
501 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_empathy_rc_success"]) == false
  • 503
502 Empathy This isn't about you, not really. It may have been at a certain point, but you've let go of that perspective. This is about your responsibility to *all* of Revachol.
  • 504
503 Empathy What part of 'need to reach the Committee' doesn't she understand? Time to lay it all out.
  • 820
504 Empathy Now, take a deep breath... look upward... you don't have to bear the burden alone.
  • 505
505 You "Listen to me, the situation in Martinaise is a powderkeg. If the Coalition doesn't intervene, many people will die."
  • 506
506 Coalition Warship Archer "What? How do you know this?"
  • 507
507 Composure There's a hesitation in her voice now, a little catch that wasn't there before...
  • 1739
  • 508
  • 509
  • 510
508 You "I've uncovered things in the course of my investigation that lead me to believe we're headed to a violent confrontation between the Union and the Wild Pines..." (Variable["pier.joyce_said_there_will_be_a_tribunal"] == true or Variable["XP.evrart_insider_information_is_better_than_money_or_pussy"] == true) and Variable["TASK.return_to_whirling_done"] == false
  • 511
509 You "Things are really bad down here. Like, *really* bad."
  • 512
510 You "Damn it, there's no time to explain! You better write this down..."
  • 513
511 Coalition Warship Archer "Firewalker, this is a very serious claim. Please describe the situation as succinctly as possible. We will forward your summary to the Committee."
  • 514
512 Coalition Warship Archer "We need to know more than that. Now, please describe the situation in as much detail as you can. We will forward our summary to the Committee."
  • 514
513 Coalition Warship Archer "Watch your tone. Now, please describe the situation in as much detail as you can. We will forward our summary to the Committee."
  • 514
514 Perception (Hearing) There's papers rustling in the background. She's clearing her desk, preparing to take notes.
  • 515
515 Empathy There, you've wedged your foot in the door. Now, if you can show the Coalition how much they're *needed*, they'll have no choice but to intervene.
  • 516
516 Noid
  • 517
  • 518
517 Noid Variable["pier.joyce_said_there_will_be_a_tribunal"] or Variable["TASK.return_to_whirling_done"]
  • 522
518 Noid (Variable["pier.joyce_said_there_will_be_a_tribunal"] or Variable["TASK.return_to_whirling_done"]) == false
  • 519
519 Noid
  • 520
  • 521
520 Noid Variable["pier.joyce_strike_hub_reached"]
  • 523
521 Noid (Variable["pier.joyce_strike_hub_reached"]) == false
  • 524
522 Logic You have the facts. Just lay them out beneath the cold light of reason.
  • 1716
523 Logic You may not have the *whole* story just yet, but you might still convey the seriousness of the situation.
  • 1716
524 Logic There are still some *holes* in your theory of the case, so best just to be clear about what you know and what you don't.
  • 1716
525 You "The Wild Pines has recently lost control of a paramilitary death squad called Krenel..." Variable["pier.joyce_said_there_will_be_a_tribunal"] == true and Variable["TASK.return_to_whirling_done"] == false
  • 528
526 You "For one, the Wild Pines has been completely shut-out of the strike negotiations..." Variable["pier.joyce_strike_hub_reached"] == true
  • 529
527 You "I haven't worked out the details yet, but there's something *weird* going on with the Wild Pines..."
  • 530
528 Coalition Warship Archer "Please continue. We're listening." You can hear her furiously scribbling notes...
  • 1717
529 Coalition Warship Archer "Yes? Please continue." You can hear the sound of her scribbling some notes...
  • 1717
530 Coalition Warship Archer "Yes? What else?" You can hear her impatiently tapping her pen against a metal desk...
  • 1717
531 You "What's more, I believe the Union has been trying to escalate the situation so that they can *seize control of the entire harbour*." Variable["XP.evrart_insider_information_is_better_than_money_or_pussy"] == true and Variable["TASK.return_to_whirling_done"] == false
  • 534
532 You "I've also uncovered evidence the Union may also be orchestrating a *takeover* of a local fishing village." Variable["cargo.evrartdocument_logic_wc_to_see_whats_up_with_the_signatures"] == true
  • 535
533 You "And, well, the Union's demands for worker control of corporate boards seem completely unworkable!"
  • 536
534 Coalition Warship Archer "Good god. Is there anything else the Committee should know?" You hear the sound of a page turning, followed by fierce scribbling.
  • 537
535 Coalition Warship Archer "We have it. Is there anything else the Committee should know?" You hear the sound of her pen scratching against paper.
  • 537
536 Coalition Warship Archer "Hmmm. Was there anything else the Committee should know?" If she's writing, you can't hear anything.
  • 537
537 Noid
  • 538
  • 539
538 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 540
539 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 541
540 Kim Kitsuragi "Detective, before you answer that, I urge you to weigh your words *extremely* carefully."
  • 542
541 Esprit de Corps If the lieutenant were here, he would remind you that you don't speak only for yourself but the entire RCM. What you say now will reflect on all of your half-brothers and sisters.
  • 544
542 Esprit de Corps You're not only speaking for yourself, he means to tell you, you're speaking for all of the RCM. What you say now will reflect on all of your half-brothers and sisters.
  • 543
543 Rhetoric The lieutenant is afraid you're going to say something too *outré*.
  • 544
544 None
  • 545
  • 1057
  • 546
  • 547
545 You "Now that you mention it, I learned something *very* strange about the victim in my murder investigation..." Variable["yard.hanged_love_killed_him"] or Variable["yard.hanged_communism_killed_him"] or Variable["yard.hanged_love_did_in_communism_killed"] or Variable["yard.hanged_way_out_west"]
  • 548
546 You "This is going to sound crazy, but the City of Revachol told me the world is going to end in 22 years." Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_28"] == true
  • 579
547 You "No, those are the facts as I have them."
  • 614
548 Coalition Warship Archer "We're listening. What did you learn about the victim?"
  • 549
  • 550
  • 551
549 You "He said it was *communism* that killed him." Variable["yard.hanged_communism_killed_him"] == true or Variable["yard.hanged_love_did_in_communism_killed"] == true
  • 554
550 You "He said it was *love* that did him in." Variable["yard.hanged_love_killed_him"] == true or Variable["yard.hanged_love_did_in_communism_killed"] == true
  • 552
551 You "I heard that something 'miraculous' was coming, from way out west." Variable["yard.hanged_way_out_west"]
  • 553
552 Empathy Oh dear, you seem to be losing the thread...
  • 563
553 Empathy Oh dear, you seem to be losing the thread...
  • 568
554 Empathy Oh dear, you seem to be losing the thread...
  • 555
555 Rhetoric Don't listen to them, *everyone* loves a good political angle.
  • 556
556 Coalition Warship Archer "Come again, Firewalker? You're saying the victim was killed by communists? Was this a politically motivated homicide?"
  • 557
  • 558
  • 559
557 You "Yeah, that's my working hypothesis."
  • 560
558 You "It wasn't communists, it was *communism* itself that killed him."
  • 562
559 You "I want to be very precise: communism may have killed him, but it was *love* did him in." Variable["yard.hanged_love_did_in_communism_killed"] == true
  • 562
560 Coalition Warship Archer "Acknowledged. But there's still something we don't understand: Did you speak with the victim *before* his death?"
  • 561
561 None
  • 576
  • 577
  • 578
562 Coalition Warship Archer "We're afraid we're not following. Did you speak with the victim *before* his death?"
  • 561
563 Electrochemistry No way. Sex and death is what it's *all* about.
  • 564
564 Coalition Warship Archer "Come again, Firewalker? You're saying that the victim was killed in some sort of... romantic imbroglio?"
  • 565
  • 566
  • 567
565 You "That's right. It was love, for sure. He told me himself."
  • 562
566 You "I don't know that love *killed* him, but it definitely did him in."
  • 562
567 You "I want to be very precise: it was love that did him in, but it was *communism* that killed him." Variable["yard.hanged_love_did_in_communism_killed"] == true
  • 562
568 Inland Empire No, this is right. Who doesn't long to believe in *miracles*?
  • 569
569 Coalition Warship Archer "Come again? Something 'miraculous,' you say?"
  • 570
  • 571
570 You "From the northwest, specifically."
  • 572
571 You "I don't understand it, either, but that's what I heard."
  • 572
572 Coalition Warship Archer "We're afraid we aren't quite following. *Who* told you all this, exactly?"
  • 573
  • 574
573 You "I'm not really sure. Maybe the hairs along my arm? I'm still trying to figure that part out."
  • 775
574 You "Listen, it's the miracle that matters. Did you write that part down at least?"
  • 575
575 Coalition Warship Archer "No, Firewalker, we did not."
  • 774
576 You "Uh, right, we spoke beforehand."
  • 775
577 You "Nope, after."
  • 775
578 You "Let's say I have my ways of knowing these things."
  • 775
579 Coalition Warship Archer "Firewalker... can you... what do you mean?"
  • 580
580 Noid
  • 581
  • 582
581 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 583
582 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 587
  • 588
  • 589
583 Kim Kitsuragi "Detective, what in god's name are you doing?"
  • 585
  • 584
584 You (Whisper.) "They need to know the truth, Kim. We can't keep it a secret!"
  • 586
585 You (Whisper.) "Relax, Kim. I've *got* this."
  • 586
586 Coalition Warship Archer "Please acknowledge. What do you mean 'the world is going to end'?"
  • 587
  • 588
  • 589
587 You "I mean exactly what I said. The world is coming to an end. We have 22 years to prepare."
  • 592
588 You "Look, I was dancing in an abandoned church and the City of Revachol spoke to me."
  • 590
589 You "I'd really prefer to speak with the Committee directly."
  • 591
590 Coalition Warship Archer "And *what* did it say, exactly?"
  • 594
591 Coalition Warship Archer "We're afraid that won't be possible, Firewalker."
  • 597
592 Coalition Warship Archer "And *how* do you know this?"
  • 593
593 You "Like I said, the genius loci of Revachol told me while I happened to be dancing in an abandoned church."
  • 595
594 You "It's actually a 'she,' and she said the world is going to end in 22 years."
  • 595
595 Coalition Warship Archer "We see..."
  • 596
596 You "So... when do I get to talk to the Committee?"
  • 604
597 You "Why not?"
  • 598
598 Noid
  • 599
  • 600
599 Noid Variable["character.habit_pyrholidon"] or Variable["character.habit_speed"]
  • 606
600 Noid (Variable["character.habit_pyrholidon"] or Variable["character.habit_speed"]) == false
  • 601
601 Noid
  • 602
  • 603
602 Noid Variable["character.habit_alcohol"]
  • 607
603 Noid (Variable["character.habit_alcohol"]) == false
  • 608
604 Coalition Warship Archer "Firewalker, we must be perfectly honest with you: We cannot recommend that you address the Committee, not under the present circumstances, at least..."
  • 605
605 None
  • 597
606 Coalition Warship Archer "Because you're speaking like someone in the throes of a serious drug addiction. Your words have no connection to reality. You don't need to speak with the Committee, you need to speak with your station lazareth, *immediately*..."
  • 609
607 Coalition Warship Archer "Because what you are saying makes no sense. From the sound of your voice, it appears that you have been under the influence of alcohol. It is our recommendation that you speak with your station lazareth *immediately* about treatment options..."
  • 610
608 Coalition Warship Archer "Because what you're saying suggests that you are experiencing an acute psychic break with reality. You don't need to speak with the Committee, you need to speak with your station lazareth, *immediately*..."
  • 611
609 Electrochemistry Get a load of Buzzkill FM over here. Are you really gonna give up the fun stuff just because some chick on the radio told you to?
  • 612
610 Electrochemistry Get a load of Buzzkill FM over here. Are you really gonna lay off the party sauce just because some chick on the radio told you to?
  • 612
611 Inland Empire No, no, no -- she's got it all backwards. It's reality that's *obscuring* what's real. You have never been closer to the dark truths of existence...
  • 612
612 Coalition Warship Archer "We will pass along a summary of your report, minus any *speculative or paranatural* elements. What the Committee does from there is beyond our control..."
  • 613
613 None
  • 667
614 Coalition Warship Archer "Acknowledged. Please stand by while we transmit our summary to the Committee..."
  • 615
615 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 616
616 Kim Kitsuragi "... a long winter..."
  • 1303
617 Noid "Signals are starting to misalign. Not sure how much longer I can hold them together..."
  • 618
618 You "You have to, Noid. Just a little longer..."
  • 619
619 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 620
620 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 621
621 Coalition Warship Archer "Firewalker, this is Coalition Warship Archer, please acknowledge."
  • 622
622 Noid
  • 623
  • 624
623 Noid Variable["jam.warship_told_archer_pale"]
  • 1738
624 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_told_archer_pale"]) == false
  • 1135
625 Coalition Warship Archer "We have transmitted our summary to the Committee of Responsibility. Please continue standing by..."
  • 626
626 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 627
627 Horseback Antenna "Wie kannst du... unseren Jungen... auf einem dieser *Dinger*..."
  • 1300
628 Noid "Damn spookers. Can't keep 'em off our back..."
  • 629
629 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 630
630 Coalition Warship Archer "Firewalker, this is Archer. Are you there?"
631 You "Yes, I'm here!"
  • 633
632 You "Archer, I can't hold on much longer..."
  • 633
633 Coalition Warship Archer "Thank you for standing by. We are authorised to report the Committee of Responsibility for Revachol has acknowledged *and accepted* your request."
  • 634
634 Coalition Warship Archer "They would like you to address your matter to the Committee *directly*, at their earliest convenience."
  • 635
  • 636
  • 637
635 You "When is that?"
  • 638
636 You "Just tell me where to meet them."
  • 639
637 You "When is that? I'm kind of in the middle of a murder investigation..."
  • 640
638 Coalition Warship Archer "*Subito*. Coalition Shuttle Laurel is setting a course for your position. They will arrive momentarily. Stand by..."
  • 641
639 Coalition Warship Archer "Remain where you are. Coalition Shuttle Laurel is setting a course for your position. They will arrive momentarily. Stand by..."
  • 641
640 Coalition Warship Archer "Local matters can wait. Coalition Shuttle Laurel is setting a course for your position. They will arrive momentarily. Stand by..."
  • 641
641 Noid
  • 642
  • 643
642 Noid Variable["auto.is_raining"] == false and Variable["auto.is_snowing"] == false
  • 644
643 Noid (Variable["auto.is_raining"] == false and Variable["auto.is_snowing"] == false) == false
  • 647
644 Noid
  • 645
  • 646
645 Noid IsDaytime()
  • 649
646 Noid (IsDaytime()) == false
  • 648
647 Horseback Antenna The sky is grey and overcast.
  • 1309
648 Horseback Antenna To the southwest, several stars begin to move in unison. The minor constellation of Coalition Shuttle Laurel begins executing a graceful turn, drawn by an invisible wire...
  • 1309
649 Horseback Antenna To the southwest, one of the smaller aerostatics that hovers above the city breaks from its holding pattern. Coalition Shuttle Laurel begins executing a slow turn, drawn by an invisible wire...
  • 1309
650 Noid "No way. Big Bad's coming here..."
  • 651
651 Noid
  • 652
  • 653
652 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 654
653 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1318
654 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant adjusts his microphone and slowly looks up toward you.
  • 656
655 Noid "Listen, no matter what happens when they get hold of you, don't you *dare* rat out the hard core underground..."
  • 657
656 Kim Kitsuragi "Well, what now?"
  • 705
  • 706
657 Kim Kitsuragi "...someone has been maintaining it. The wiring has been repaired..."
  • 658
658 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 682
  • 683
  • 684
659 Coalition Warship Archer "We're sorry, Firewalker. The Committee has declined your request for an emergency address..."
  • 660
660 Coalition Warship Archer "Specifically, they said that 'disputes of purely local concern' do not fall under their purview..."
  • 661
661 Noid
  • 662
  • 663
662 Noid Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_takeover"] == true and Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_krenel"] == true
  • 664
663 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_takeover"] == true and Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_krenel"] == true) == false
  • 665
664 Coalition Warship Archer "I... cannot say we agree, speaking for a moment in strictly personal terms. You have convinced us that the situation in Martinaise is untenable, but we are only the second signaller, and there is no appealing the Committee's decision..."
  • 666
665 Coalition Warship Archer "They added that they expect the RCM to fulfil its responsibilities 'to a high degree of satisfaction'..."
  • 667
  • 668
666 Empathy Something has cracked in her foundation. Her faith in the Moralintern is no longer as firm as it had been...
  • 665
667 You "So... that's it?"
  • 672
668 You "Well, thank you for trying at least."
  • 669
669 Noid
  • 670
  • 671
670 Noid Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_takeover"] == true and Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_krenel"] == true
  • 1134
671 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_takeover"] == true and Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_krenel"] == true) == false
  • 677
672 Noid
  • 673
  • 674
673 Noid Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_takeover"] == true and Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_krenel"] == true
  • 675
674 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_takeover"] == true and Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_krenel"] == true) == false
  • 676
675 Coalition Warship Archer "We're afraid so. But we must say that it has been... *a privilege* to speak with you. You've shown yourself to be a credit to the RCM, and we wish you good fortune and safety during the course of your work."
  • 1133
676 Coalition Warship Archer "That's correct. But we must say that it has been... *interesting* to speak with you. If nothing else, the RCM is frequently a source of curiosity to those of us aboard the Archer."
  • 678
677 Coalition Warship Archer "You're welcome. We must say that it has been... *interesting* to speak with you. If nothing else, the RCM is frequently a source of curiosity to those of us aboard the Archer."
  • 678
678 Coalition Warship Archer "Now, the first signaller has informed us that we must update the receiving frequency. This connection will be cleared in four... three..."
  • 679
  • 680
679 You "Wait, is there no other way?"
  • 681
680 You Say nothing.
  • 681
681 None
  • 948
682 You I wonder what Kim's up to now.
  • 690
683 You Pretend you're riding the horse.
  • 687
684 You Keep waiting.
  • 685
685 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 686
686 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 1321
687 Horseback Antenna You kick your feet but the horse, strangely, does not move...
  • 693
688 Horseback Antenna The Whirling-in-Rags looms up to your right. The horseback monument is reflected vaguely in the grimy windows...
  • 694
689 Horseback Antenna The Whirling-in-Rags looms up to your right, a luminous cube against the nighttime...
  • 695
690 Noid
  • 691
  • 692
691 Noid IsDaytime()
  • 688
692 Noid (IsDaytime()) == false
  • 689
693 Horseback Antenna And yet, if you look up and squint just so, you can pretend that it's you who is approaching Coalition Shuttle Laurel, rather than the other way around...
  • 1321
694 Esprit de Corps The lieutenant is not in his room. He's found a little 24-hour cafe southeast of the roundabout. He's taking a break and reading the newspaper, after his usual fashion.
  • 696
695 Conceptualization As though the whole plaza were a giant radiocomputer, and the hostel its glowing filament memory.
  • 694
696 Noid
  • 697
  • 698
697 Noid Variable["jam.warship_esprit_wheres_kim"]
  • 699
698 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_esprit_wheres_kim"]) == false
  • 700
699 Esprit de Corps First he removes the games and puzzles page and sets that aside for later. He never does the crossword during work hours.
  • 701
700 Esprit de Corps You think he's in his room, but do you really know? No, you don't. You only know that he isn't here...
  • 1325
701 Esprit de Corps He reads everything on the front page according to the size of the headline. Today, though, he only skims -- none of it seems very interesting.
  • 702
702 Esprit de Corps When he's finished with the front page, he scans the local box scores. The Stormers lost again, 17-32. He shakes his head and checks his watch. It's time to get back to it...
  • 1325
703 Noid "Here they are."
  • 704
704 Horseback Antenna The speedfreak's words are nearly swallowed by the roar of the Laurel's main rotors...
  • 773
705 You "What do you mean?"
  • 707
706 You "I guess we wait."
  • 708
707 Kim Kitsuragi "You've accomplished your side task, you've contacted Coalition Warship Archer. I suppose what I'm asking..."
  • 709
708 Kim Kitsuragi "Yes, and then?"
  • 705
709 Noid
  • 710
  • 711
710 Noid Variable[""] >1
  • 712
711 Noid (Variable[""] >1) == false
  • 717
712 Noid
  • 713
  • 714
713 Noid Variable[""] >5
  • 715
714 Noid (Variable[""] >5) == false
  • 716
715 Kim Kitsuragi "... is whether we're about to lose you to the Moralintern."
  • 718
716 Kim Kitsuragi "... is how much further you plan to take... *whatever this is*."
  • 719
717 Kim Kitsuragi "... is when you're going to *drop this farce* and come back to work."
  • 720
718 Esprit de Corps Beneath that surface query, a touch of self-doubt. The lieutenant isn't sure he can solve the murder *without* you.
  • 721
719 Esprit de Corps The lieutenant is genuinely concerned. This is not a situation he ever thought he'd find himself in.
  • 721
720 Esprit de Corps Though you haven't exactly been a credit to the investigation so far, the lieutenant doesn't want to be left in the cold, either.
  • 721
721 None
  • 750
  • 726
  • 727
722 You "Kim, this is bigger than the case. This is about finding *real* responsibility."
  • 724
723 You "It's too late to turn back now. Archer is on its way."
  • 724
724 Kim Kitsuragi "Listen, detective. I want you to consider, at least for a moment, the possibility that *your actual responsibility lies down here*..."
725 You "But if I join the Moralintern, I can take on *more* responsibility."
  • 749
726 You "Kim, I'm tired of feeling like I don't have any *normal, reasonable* options."
  • 759
727 You "But I'm afraid, Kim."
  • 728
728 Kim Kitsuragi "Afraid of what, detective?"
  • 729
729 Inland Empire A little rhyme jingling in your mind's attic... "Of the future, of the past/ Of all that is not made to last"...
  • 730
  • 731
  • 732
730 You "I feel that something *very* bad is going to happen."
  • 734
731 You "It's my past... it's going to catch up with me."
  • 733
732 You "Kim, what if *this* is all there is?"
  • 735
733 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant takes a moment to compose his thoughts...
  • 737
734 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant takes a moment to compose his thoughts...
  • 1120
735 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant takes a moment to compose his thoughts...
  • 738
736 Kim Kitsuragi "Because that's what it means to be an officer of the RCM!"
  • 739
737 Kim Kitsuragi "I don't know your history, detective, but I can say with great certainty that whatever you're running from won't disappear simply because you've abandoned your former life..."
  • 1121
738 Kim Kitsuragi "Detective, each of us has our part to play in the world. My part is to solve crimes. I am under no illusion that my role isn't a minor one, in the scheme of things..."
  • 1122
739 Horseback Antenna The lieutenant's final words are nearly swallowed by the roar of the aerostatic's main rotors...
  • 740
740 Coalition Warship Archer "Firewalker, this is Coalition Warship Archer. We have been instructed to inform you that the Laurel arrived at your position. Please acknowledge."
  • 741
741 Perception (Hearing) No shit! How are they supposed to hear your acknowledgement over the thundering of their own rotors?
  • 742
742 You "Acknowledged, Archer. This is Firewalker."
  • 743
743 Coalition Warship Archer "Thank you. The Committee of Responsibility for Revachol has authorised us to offer you an immediate extraction. Do you accept?"
  • 744
744 None
  • 747
  • 745
  • 746
  • 748
745 You Look around, one last time.
  • 780
746 You "I accept, Archer. Get me out of here." (Board the aerostatic.)
  • 800
747 You "Hold on, I have a few questions first."
  • 778
748 You "I... can't do it." (Back out.)
  • 776
749 Kim Kitsuragi "Don't you think we should *finish our case* before you go taking on more responsibility?"
750 You "Kim, have you ever considered that maybe our case isn't that important?"
  • 751
751 Kim Kitsuragi "I don't... what are you saying, detective?"
  • 752
752 Esprit de Corps What he means is, he can't believe you're about to renounce your half-brothers and sisters.
  • 753
  • 754
  • 755
753 You "That if we want to make *a real difference* in the world we have to look at *the real problems*."
  • 756
754 You "That maybe *no one really cares* about the hanged man."
  • 757
755 You "That maybe solving murders isn't worth the toll it takes on us, as people."
  • 758
756 None
  • 735
757 None
  • 734
758 None
  • 733
759 Kim Kitsuragi "What 'options'? What in god's name are you talking about, detective?"
  • 760
760 Volition Just let it all out. This might be your last chance.
  • 761
  • 762
  • 763
761 You "Everything is so *messy* down there. It's much nicer up here."
  • 765
762 You "Haven't you noticed that things have only gotten *weirder* the longer we've been on this case?"
  • 764
763 You "Some days I feel like I'm *trapped*, trapped in some sick game that I can't possibly win, and I don't want to play it anymore, Kim!" Variable["jam.warship_volition_let_out"] == true
  • 766
764 None
  • 734
765 Kim Kitsuragi "But you see, detective, that feeling is simply an illusion caused by distance. Whether you choose to see it or not, the reality does not change."
  • 767
  • 768
766 Kim Kitsuragi "Let me get this straight, detective: You're saying the only 'normal, reasonable' option available to you is to abandon your job and your life so you can fly away on a Moralintern warship?"
  • 769
  • 770
767 You "You've got it backwards, Kim. Maybe it's only at a distance that you see things *as they really are*."
  • 772
768 You "Then I choose the illusion."
  • 772
769 You "*Yes*, exactly."
  • 771
770 You "Yes, *exactly*."
  • 771
771 None
  • 733
772 None
  • 735
773 None
  • 740
774 None
  • 597
775 None
  • 595
776 Coalition Warship Archer "Repeat that, Firewalker? What do you mean 'you can't'? Are you being impeded in some way?"
  • 801
  • 802
  • 803
777 Horseback Antenna "Marianne hat mir erzählt, dass Oskar nicht mehr derselbe ist, seit er auf einem Luftschiff... zurückgekommen ist..."
  • 1039
778 Coalition Warship Archer "We are far past that point, Firewalker. There is only one question now: Are you ready, or are you not?"
  • 779
779 None
  • 744
780 Horseback Antenna The roundabout, Martinaise North, daytime. Across the plaza, a pair of seagulls fight over the remains of a chicken wing.
  • 781
781 Perception (Sight) It's the same plaza you've been looking at for days. What do you hope to see now that you haven't before?
  • 1313
782 Noid The speedfreak eyes you with a curious blend of awe and contempt.
  • 783
783 Empathy He's torn. There's nothing more *soft core* than the Coalition, according to his worldview, and yet, having summoned an aerostatic with your voice is one of the most *hard core* feats imaginable...
  • 784
784 Noid
  • 785
  • 786
785 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 787
786 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1635
787 Noid
  • 788
  • 789
788 Noid Variable[""] >5
  • 790
789 Noid (Variable[""] >5) == false
  • 791
790 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant looks up toward you. He starts to open his mouth, then appears to think better of it.
  • 792
791 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant isn't looking at you or at the massive aerostatic hovering less than 20 metres above him. He appears to be concentrating on the braid of cables running from the amplifier.
  • 793
792 Esprit de Corps He's spoken his peace, he thinks. It's up to you now.
  • 794
793 Esprit de Corps He does not expect you to remain. And why should he?
  • 794
  • 795
795 Noid
  • 796
  • 797
796 Noid Variable["jam.warship_shivers_dont_leave"]
  • 798
797 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_shivers_dont_leave"]) == false
  • 799
798 None
  • 744
799 Shivers There is something, a whisper, circulating among the city's footnoted alleyways and along its electrical wires, but what it's saying, you can't tell. It seems to be a message meant for someone else...
  • 798
800 Coalition Warship Archer "Acknowledged. Laurel has initiated the extraction procedure. Stand by..."
  • 777
801 You "It's my case, I've got to see it through."
  • 813
802 You "It's Kim, my partner, I can't abandon him."
  • 813
803 You "There's still some... personal business I have to sort out."
  • 813
804 Coalition Warship Archer "Your case? We aren't sure you understand. The Committee is waiting for you. You have to tell them what you've uncovered. The stakes here are *much* greater than any individual 'case'..."
805 Coalition Warship Archer "We can assure you your partner will carry on just fine, that is his responsibility, just as this is yours. Now, there's no time to waste. The Committee is waiting to hear what you've uncovered..."
806 Coalition Warship Archer "'Personal business'? We aren't sure you understand. The Committee is waiting for you. You have to tell them what you've uncovered about. The stakes here are *much* greater than any 'personal business' you may be working through..."
807 Coalition Warship Archer "We ask you one more time. Are you prepared to accept your responsibility?"
  • 808
808 Volition This is it, there's no turning back, no more pussyfooting about. You have to choose, once and for all.
  • 809
  • 810
809 You "Yes, I accept. Now, let's get me out of here."
  • 811
810 You "No. I can't do it, Archer. You'll have to leave without me."
  • 812
811 None
  • 800
812 Horseback Antenna ...
813 Coalition Warship Archer "We have to say, this is *extremely* disappointing to hear, Firewalker..."
  • 1760
814 Coalition Warship Archer "What the consequences will be for your refusal to accept responsibility, we cannot say. For your sake, we pray they are not more than we all can bear."
  • 815
815 Coalition Warship Archer "And now, we are updating our frequencies. We will not speak again. This connection will be cleared in four... three..."
  • 816
  • 817
  • 818
816 You "I'm sorry, Archer."
  • 819
817 You "Wait! I've changed my--"
  • 819
818 You Say nothing.
  • 819
819 None
  • 948
820 You "You aren't listening. I've got an *urgent personal matter* to discuss with the Committee."
  • 821
821 Coalition Warship Archer A loud sigh fills the channel. "We will hear your request, Firewalker, although we must inform you that the Committee does not typically intervene in *personal* matters..."
  • 822
822 Empathy That's only because they haven't heard about *your* problems yet.
  • 824
  • 823
  • 825
  • 826
823 You "It's this partner of mine. He's *really* been riding my ass." IsKimHere()
  • 842
824 You (Whisper.) "I'm investigating a murder *and I think I did it*." (Variable["whirling.kim_mysterious_confessed"] == true or Variable["whirling.kim_mysterious_kept"] == true) and IsKimHere()
  • 827
825 You "I am the Foreteller of Ruin, and I’ve come to tell you that the end is very, very nigh." IsTHCCookingOrFixed("apocalypse_cop")
  • 857
826 You "The thing is, I can't remember *anything*."
  • 871
827 Coalition Warship Archer "We're not sure we heard that clearly. Are you suggesting that you may be responsible for the very murder you're investigating?"
  • 828
  • 829
828 You "Yeah, I did it. And I need you to stop me before I do it again."
  • 830
829 You "I'm not *sure* it was me, it's more like a working hypothesis."
  • 830
830 Noid
  • 831
  • 832
831 Noid Variable["whirling.kim_mysterious_confessed"]
  • 833
832 Noid (Variable["whirling.kim_mysterious_confessed"]) == false
  • 834
833 Kim Kitsuragi "For the last time, detective. You. Did. Not. Commit. The. Murder. Archer, please disregard his nonsense."
  • 1326
834 Kim Kitsuragi "Detective, what in god's name are you saying? Archer, please disregard that..."
  • 1326
835 Noid "No use. The Big Bad can't hear us, just the main cop."
  • 836
836 Noid
  • 837
  • 838
837 Noid Variable[""] >1
  • 839
838 Noid (Variable[""] >1) == false
  • 840
839 Kim Kitsuragi "I don't understand. I thought he was making progress..."
  • 841
840 Kim Kitsuragi "This absolute lunatic! But why am I surprised?"
  • 841
841 Coalition Warship Archer "Firewalker, surely you are aware that it is a civil offence to maliciously or frivolously obstruct a Coalition radio frequency..."
  • 856
842 Coalition Warship Archer "Please confirm. Are you saying your partner is somehow *impeding* your investigation?"
  • 843
  • 844
  • 845
843 You "Nah, he's a solid investigator. In fact, we get along great apart from the ass-riding." Variable[""] >5
  • 846
844 You "Totally. I would've solved this thing *days* ago if it weren't for the ass-riding." Variable[""] >1
  • 846
845 You "Just... all day, every day... I turn my head and there he is, on my ass, riding like there's no tomorrow."
  • 846
846 Noid
  • 847
  • 848
847 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 849
848 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1141
849 Kim Kitsuragi "Are you completely out of your mind, detective? Archer, please give us a moment!"
  • 1330
850 Noid "No use. The Big Bad can't hear us, just the main cop."
  • 851
851 Noid
  • 852
  • 853
852 Noid Variable[""] >1
  • 854
853 Noid (Variable[""] >1) == false
  • 855
854 Kim Kitsuragi "I don't understand. I thought he was making progress..."
  • 1141
855 Kim Kitsuragi "This absolute lunatic! But why am I surprised?"
  • 1141
856 Coalition Warship Archer "Now, please excuse us while we update the receiving frequency. This connection will be cleared in four... three..."
  • 890
857 Coalition Warship Archer "We're not sure we understand. To what 'end' are you referring?"
  • 858
  • 859
  • 860
858 You "The final seal has been broken, and the blood-dimmed tide is rising."
  • 861
859 You "I'm saying you and me and everyone we know is going to die, probably very soon."
  • 861
860 You "Technically, according to some cultures, it's less of an 'end' and more like a change in states of matter."
  • 861
861 Noid
  • 862
  • 863
862 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 864
863 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1142
864 Kim Kitsuragi "Enough with the apocalyptic drivel! Archer, please disregard, he's not in his right mind."
  • 1334
865 Noid "No use. The Big Bad can't hear us, just the main cop."
  • 866
866 Noid
  • 867
  • 868
867 Noid Variable[""] >1
  • 870
868 Noid (Variable[""] >1) == false
  • 869
869 Kim Kitsuragi "This absolute lunatic! But why am I surprised?"
  • 1142
870 Kim Kitsuragi "I don't understand. I thought he was making progress..."
  • 1142
871 Coalition Warship Archer "So you're experiencing acute memory loss. We don't see how this is the Committee's business."
  • 872
872 Noid
  • 873
  • 874
873 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 875
874 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 876
875 Kim Kitsuragi "Good god, here we go..."
  • 876
876 None
  • 877
  • 878
877 You "I’m pretty sure it has to do with the prodigious quantities of drugs and alcohol I consumed."
  • 879
878 You "I’m pretty sure it all goes back to an *ex-something*."
  • 885
879 Coalition Warship Archer "We're afraid we don't understand. Are you requesting medical attention?"
  • 880
  • 881
  • 882
880 You "Yes, I think I might be."
  • 884
881 You "No, we're *way* past that."
  • 883
882 You "I already talked to my station lazareth and he wasn't helpful *at all*." Variable["TASK.call_station_lazareth_done"] == true
  • 883
883 Coalition Warship Archer "Then we are not sure what assistance can be rendered. This is quite beyond the purview of the Committee of Responsibility..."
  • 856
884 Coalition Warship Archer "Then we recommend you speak with your station lazareth. This has nothing to do with the Committee of Responsibility..."
  • 856
885 Coalition Warship Archer "We're afraid we don't understand at all. What does this 'something' have to do with your lost memory?"
  • 886
  • 887
886 You "If I knew that, I wouldn't *be* in this situation!"
  • 888
887 You "I'd really prefer to speak with the Committee directly."
  • 889
888 Coalition Warship Archer "We are sorry to hear of your loss, but personal tragedy is quite beyond the purview of the Committee of Responsibility..."
  • 856
889 Coalition Warship Archer "Unfortunately we cannot accept your request. We really have no idea what you are talking about, but we're quite sure it is beyond the purview of the Committee of Responsibility..."
  • 856
890 Half Light She can't treat you that way! Let her know what you *really think* of her!
  • 891
891 Reaction Speed Quick, hang up on her first!
  • 892
  • 946
  • 947
  • 953
892 You "Go ahead and leave, you stupid whore!" Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_whore_yelled"] == true or Variable["whirling.garte_sylvie_whore"] == true or IsTHCPresent("revacholian_nationhood") or Variable["jam.warship_halflight_hangup"] == true or Variable["ice.acele_whore_lover"] == true
  • 893
893 Horseback Antenna ... and the line goes quiet.
  • 894
894 Interfacing She must have cleared the connection a few seconds early...
  • 895
895 Volition You didn't have to do that, you know. There were *other* options...
  • 896
896 Noid
  • 897
  • 898
897 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 900
898 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 899
899 None
  • 965
900 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant slowly removes his headset and turns to you.
  • 903
  • 901
  • 902
901 You "Women, am I right?"
  • 918
902 You Say nothing.
  • 945
903 You "Kim, why did I call that woman a whore, just now?" Variable["jam.warship_volition_options"] == true
  • 904
904 Kim Kitsuragi "You really don't know?"
  • 905
  • 906
  • 907
905 You "Maybe I *do* know, it's just... hard to talk about." IsTHCPresent("caustic_echo") or IsTHCPresent("white_mourning")
  • 913
906 You "Probably I just misspoke. I meant to say something else."
  • 908
907 You "Nope, not a clue."
  • 917
908 Noid
  • 909
  • 910
909 Noid Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_whore_yelled"]
  • 911
910 Noid (Variable["whirling.klaasjedoor_whore_yelled"]) == false
  • 912
911 Kim Kitsuragi "Really? I don't think this is the *first* time you've *misspoken* in that way."
  • 915
912 Kim Kitsuragi "I suppose that's possible..."
  • 916
913 Kim Kitsuragi "Yes, I imagine it must be."
  • 914
914 Composure ... but that's no excuse to unload on a bystander, he allows to remain unsaid...
  • 1035
915 Rhetoric He means that it's becoming an unfortunate *fixture* in your vocabulary...
  • 1034
916 Logic ... but not likely, he does not feel compelled to add.
  • 1034
917 Kim Kitsuragi "Hmmm. Well, in that case..."
  • 1033
918 Kim Kitsuragi "No, you ridiculous fool. You're *not* right. You're not even remotely right."
  • 919
919 Kim Kitsuragi "It's as though *right* is over here..." He holds up one hand. "... while *you're* over here..." He holds up his other hand, as far apart from the first as possible.
  • 920
920 Noid
  • 921
  • 922
921 Noid Variable["ice.kim_racism_not_your_fault"]
  • 923
922 Noid (Variable["ice.kim_racism_not_your_fault"]) == false
  • 924
923 Volition The last time you saw the lieutenant this upset was after that *thing you said in the church*...
  • 925
924 Volition Uh oh, you've never seen the lieutenant this wound up before...
  • 925
925 Kim Kitsuragi "In fact, if right were a country, you would be deported immediately. You would be *persona non grata* in the Country of Right."
  • 926
  • 927
926 You "Okay, Kim, I got it."
  • 928
927 You Let him keep going.
  • 929
928 Kim Kitsuragi "Really? Because I'm not entirely sure that you *do*, detective."
  • 929
929 Kim Kitsuragi "What I'm trying to say, is that in your own twisted way, you're *almost a genius*, a genius who's dedicated his entire malignant existence to devising new and spectacular ways to be *wrong*."
  • 930
930 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant takes a deep breath, appearing to gather even more energy and rage, but when he opens his mouth to continue his fulmination, he just sighs...
  • 935
931 Kim Kitsuragi "Do you know what the worst part is, detective? The more time I spend with you, the more I feel myself *becoming* like you..."
  • 942
932 Kim Kitsuragi "Sorry, detective. That wasn't entirely justified. You're not *all* bad. It's just that sometimes, you, well..."
  • 941
933 Kim Kitsuragi "I apologise, detective. I let my emotions get the better of me just now. You can be a fine police officer, but sometimes you, well..."
  • 941
934 Kim Kitsuragi "Now, get down from there. We've got work to do."
  • 944
935 Noid
  • 936
  • 937
936 Noid Variable[""] >1
  • 938
937 Noid (Variable[""] >1) == false
  • 931
938 Noid
  • 939
  • 940
939 Noid Variable[""] >5
  • 933
940 Noid (Variable[""] >5) == false
  • 932
941 Esprit de Corps There's nothing to add, he thinks. The situation speaks for itself.
  • 943
942 Esprit de Corps Are there more terrible words to hear from your half-brother?
  • 934
943 None
  • 964
944 None
  • 967
945 None
  • 964
946 You "No, no, no -- please don't go..."
  • 948
947 You Say nothing.
  • 948
948 Coalition Warship Archer "Two... one... 'Après le monde, le gris'..."
  • 949
949 Noid
  • 950
  • 951
950 Noid Variable["village.joyce_heard_joy_tal_about_the_discovery_of_insulinde"] or Variable["pier.joyce_blackc_concept_navigateur"]
  • 952
951 Noid (Variable["village.joyce_heard_joy_tal_about_the_discovery_of_insulinde"] or Variable["pier.joyce_blackc_concept_navigateur"]) == false
  • 954
952 You "'Après le gris, le monde encore'..."
  • 954
953 You Disconnect before she clears the line. Variable["jam.warship_reaction_hangup"] == true
  • 954
954 Horseback Antenna ... and the line goes quiet.
  • 955
955 Noid
  • 956
  • 957
956 Noid Variable["jam.warship_cleared_line_first"]
  • 958
957 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_cleared_line_first"]) == false
  • 959
958 Reaction Speed There, you really showed her.
  • 962
959 Noid
  • 960
  • 961
960 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 1719
961 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1342
962 Logic Showed her *what*, though?
  • 959
963 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant gives a long sigh as he removes his headphones. He looks up at you.
  • 964
964 Kim Kitsuragi "I think it's best for you to climb off the statue now, detective. Your real work is down here."
  • 967
965 Noid "Took a dark turn there. Told you we shouldn't have gone and aligned ourselves with the Big Bad. Gonna need some seriously hard core ablutions to wash this shit off..."
  • 966
966 Noid "Now, come down here and give me a hand with this gear, would you?"
  • 967
967 None
  • 968
  • 969
968 You "Just give me a minute."
  • 970
969 You "I'm coming." (Climb down.)
  • 1347
970 Noid
  • 971
  • 972
971 Noid IsHourBetween(7,22)
  • 973
972 Noid (IsHourBetween(7,22)) == false
  • 976
973 Noid
  • 974
  • 975
974 Noid Variable["auto.is_raining"] or Variable["auto.is_snowing"]
  • 979
975 Noid (Variable["auto.is_raining"] or Variable["auto.is_snowing"]) == false
  • 980
976 Noid
  • 977
  • 978
977 Noid Variable["auto.is_raining"] or Variable["auto.is_snowing"]
  • 981
978 Noid (Variable["auto.is_raining"] or Variable["auto.is_snowing"]) == false
  • 982
979 Horseback Antenna There's a damp cold running up the insides of your thighs. Your legs have grown stiff. You've been up here quite a while.
  • 1702
980 Horseback Antenna The sun-warmed bronze tingles beneath your fingertips and between your thighs. Your legs have grown stiff. You've been up here quite a while.
  • 1702
981 Horseback Antenna There's a damp cold running up the insides of your thighs. Your legs have grown stiff. You've been up here quite a while.
  • 1698
982 Horseback Antenna The cold bronze tickles your inner thighs. Your legs have grown stiff. You've been up here quite a while.
  • 1698
983 Horseback Antenna You look around. The strike breakers are still shouting their slogans and waving their hand-painted signs. Beneath you, the speedfreak has begun disconnecting a few cables...
  • 985
984 Horseback Antenna You look around. Most everyone has already gone home for the night. It's really just you and the speedfreak left...
  • 985
985 Volition You could stay a while longer, if you wanted.
  • 986
986 Noid
  • 987
  • 988
987 Noid Variable["jam.warship_volition_little_longer"]
  • 989
  • 990
988 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_volition_little_longer"]) == false
  • 991
989 You Wait a little longer.
  • 993
990 You Climb down.
  • 1351
991 Volition There's really no point. You're beginning to feel like the little child who refuses to come down off the carousel.
  • 992
992 You Climb down.
  • 1351
993 Horseback Antenna Out on the bay, a pair of dinghies bob and roll in the waves. The breeze drags the voices of the fisherman toward the plaza, faint and indecipherable.
  • 994
994 Horseback Antenna Further out, a few dirty icebergs drift to and fro. Further still, at the outer edge of your recognizance, the ancient ruins of the seafort lay piled on the horison...
  • 995
995 Noid
  • 996
  • 997
996 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 998
997 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1338
998 Noid
  • 999
  • 1000
999 Noid Variable[""] >1
  • 1001
1000 Noid (Variable[""] >1) == false
  • 1004
1001 Kim Kitsuragi "Everything alright, detective?"
  • 1002
  • 1003
1002 You "I'm fine."
  • 1009
1003 You "I don't know. Maybe."
  • 1009
1004 Kim Kitsuragi "I'm not kidding, detective. It's time to come down."
  • 1006
1005 Noid "Come on. My leg's starting to twitch. Means we've been here too long..."
  • 1007
1006 Horseback Antenna The lieutenant is right. There's really nothing more for you up here.
  • 1008
1007 Horseback Antenna He's right. There's really nothing more for you up here.
  • 1008
1008 You Climb down.
  • 1481
1009 Kim Kitsuragi "Listen, I understand that you're disappointed that things did not turn out how you might have hoped..."
  • 1010
1010 Noid
  • 1011
  • 1012
1011 Noid Variable["jam.warship_signal_fail"]
  • 1018
1012 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_signal_fail"]) == false
  • 1013
1013 Noid
  • 1014
  • 1015
1014 Noid Variable["jam.warship_turned_down_archer"]
  • 1016
1015 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_turned_down_archer"]) == false
  • 1017
1016 Kim Kitsuragi "But you made the *right* decision, the more difficult decision, in my mind, at least."
  • 1021
  • 1020
  • 1019
1017 Kim Kitsuragi "But you *did* accomplish your task. You reached the Coalition. I must admit, I didn't seriously think you could do it, but you've proved me wrong."
  • 1029
1018 Kim Kitsuragi "But that's just how things go. We all must accept our own shortcomings and limitations."
  • 1029
1019 You "I'm still not sure."
  • 1024
1020 You "Yeah, you're right."
  • 1023
1021 You "How do you know?"
  • 1022
1022 Kim Kitsuragi "Because I can see you're still agonising over it. In my experience, when you make the wrong decision, you can tell right away. It's the right decisions that won't leave you alone..."
  • 1025
1023 Kim Kitsuragi "Yes, I know..." The lieutenant allows himself a sheepish half-smile. "In my experience, when you make the wrong decision, you can tell right away. It's the right decisions that won't leave you alone..."
  • 1025
1024 Kim Kitsuragi "You may feel that way for some time yet. In my experience, when you make the wrong decision, you can tell right away. It's the right decisions that won't leave you alone..."
  • 1025
1025 Esprit de Corps Perhaps someday the lieutenant will tell you about some of the decisions that won't leave him alone, but it won't be this day.
  • 1026
1026 Noid
  • 1027
  • 1028
1027 Noid IsDaytime()
  • 1031
1028 Noid (IsDaytime()) == false
  • 1030
1029 None
  • 1026
1030 Kim Kitsuragi "Now, come on. It's getting late."
  • 1032
1031 Kim Kitsuragi "Now, come on. We still have a long day ahead of us."
  • 1032
1032 You Climb down.
  • 1637
1033 None
  • 964
1034 None
  • 964
1035 None
  • 964
1036 Noid "About time. You grab that amp. Forget the cables. Need to leave some evidence of our antenna to inspire future generations..."
  • 1037
1037 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant sighs. "What's *one more trip* across the waterlock?"
  • 1749
1038 None
  • 954
1039 None
  • (1427, 35)
1040 None
  • (566, 937)
1041 You "Coalition Warship Archer. This is RCM Officer Firewalker. Please acknowledge."
  • 249
1042 Noid
  • 1043
  • 1044
1043 Noid Variable["jam.warship_attached_sabre_horse"]
  • 1045
1044 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_attached_sabre_horse"]) == false
  • 204
1045 Horseback Antenna This faithful steed cuts a dashing figure with the replica sabre between its teeth.
  • 205
1046 None
  • 180
1047 Noid
  • 1048
  • 1049
1048 Noid Variable["jam.warship_phys_int_dimly_familiar"]
  • 1050
1049 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_phys_int_dimly_familiar"]) == false
  • 180
1050 Physical Instrument That performance was, frankly, an embarrassment.
  • 180
1051 You "What is this 'balance of terror theory'?"
  • 1052
1052 Coalition Warship Archer "It's an elegant idea, one of the cornerstones of the modern era. In short, it holds that durable, lasting peace is possible when the major powers are capable of inflicting unacceptable and irreversible destruction upon one another..."
  • 1053
1053 Coalition Warship Archer "Because no rational state is willing to accept the risk of such a calamity befalling its own people, all powers are incentivised to *de-escalate* conflicts before they reach the point of no return."
  • 1055
  • 1054
1054 You "But what if states *aren't* rational?"
  • 1056
1055 You "And has it worked?"
  • 1465
1056 Coalition Warship Archer "A state is like any other living thing -- it wants to survive and grow. A state that doesn't value its own existence is not a state at all."
  • 1373
1057 You "Yes, I've also discovered an entroponetic phenomenon here in Martinaise." Variable["church.soona_talked_about_pale"] == true
  • 1117
1058 You "I said, 'I've discovered an entroponetic phenomenon here in Martinaise'."
  • 1116
1059 You "Yes."
  • 1060
1060 Coalition Warship Archer "Good. First question: Are you currently in the vicinity of Sereglee, the North Arcade Islands, or Near Pale Offshore Platform 'Insulindico'?"
  • 1061
  • 1062
  • 1063
1061 You "I've never heard of any of those places."
  • 1064
1062 You "You already know exactly where I am." Variable["jam.warship_archer_saw_you"] == true
  • 1064
1063 You "No, I'm in Martinaise."
  • 1065
1064 Coalition Warship Archer "Please answer the question."
  • 1063
1065 Coalition Warship Archer "Very good. Next question: Would you describe the phenomenon as *internal* to the isola, or *external* to the isola?"
  • 1131
1066 You "Internal."
  • 1070
1067 You "External."
  • 1070
1068 You "I have no idea what you're asking."
  • 1069
1069 Coalition Warship Archer "Answer the question, please."
  • 1066
  • 1067
1070 Coalition Warship Archer "Next question: At the time, did you experience *sense objects*?"
  • 1071
1071 You "Uh... can you elaborate?"
  • 1072
1072 Coalition Warship Archer "Yes. Examples may include sound, memory, light."
  • 1132
  • 1073
  • 1074
  • 1075
1073 You "I can only describe it in terms of curdling milk." Variable["church.soona_pale_curdling_milk"] == true
  • 1077
1074 You "When the raver put the compressor through the other thing, it made the beat really hard core. Like, *too* hard core." Variable["church.soona_heard_rumble_hum"] == true
  • 1077
1075 You "I experienced nothing. A complete lack of phenomena."
  • 1077
1076 Coalition Warship Archer "Final question: Were you alone?"
  • 1086
1077 Coalition Warship Archer "Mhmm. Let's go on..."
  • 1076
1078 Coalition Warship Archer ...
  • 1079
1079 Perception (Hearing) You hear the sound of a page ripping.
  • 1119
1080 None
  • 615
1081 Empathy Her tone has shifted. She's no longer herself.
  • 1082
1082 Composure She's reading from a script. Your words have activated some sort of *procedure*.
  • 1058
  • 1083
1083 You "Wait, what's going on?"
  • 1084
1084 Coalition Warship Archer "Never mind that. All you need to do is repeat what you just said..."
  • 1085
1085 Volition Do as she says. There's no other option.
  • 1058
1086 Inland Empire Yes. Unquestionably, *irrevocably* alone...
  • 1111
1087 Esprit de Corps That reminds you, where has your half-brother gone?
  • 1090
1088 You "Yes."
  • 1078
1089 You "No."
  • 1078
1090 Empathy There's no need to overthink this.
  • 1718
1091 Savoir Faire How could you be alone? You're a *star*, man. You've got an *entourage* and adoring fans wherever you go...
  • 1107
1092 Shivers You are the Doom-Speaker. It is your lot to ply these somnolent roads, declaring your lonely truth...
  • 1107
1093 Noid
  • 1094
  • 1095
1094 Noid IsHighestCopotype("superstar_cop")
  • 1091
1095 Noid (IsHighestCopotype("superstar_cop")) == false
  • 1096
1096 Noid
  • 1097
  • 1098
1097 Noid IsHighestCopotype("apocalypse_cop")
  • 1092
1098 Noid (IsHighestCopotype("apocalypse_cop")) == false
  • 1099
1099 Noid
  • 1100
  • 1101
1100 Noid IsHighestCopotype("lawbringer")
  • 1102
1101 Noid (IsHighestCopotype("lawbringer")) == false
  • 1103
1102 Authority You don't need anybody else. You're the *lawbringer*...
  • 1107
1103 Noid
  • 1104
  • 1105
1104 Noid IsHighestCopotype("art_cop")
  • 1106
1105 Noid (IsHighestCopotype("art_cop")) == false
  • 1112
1106 Conceptualization Your head is so full of colourful thoughts, you never *feel* alone...
  • 1107
1107 Noid
  • 1108
  • 1109
1108 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 1110
1109 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1087
1110 Esprit de Corps You are part of a large family. You are never alone...
  • 1090
1111 Logic Of course not. The radio-programmer was there...
  • 1093
1112 Noid
  • 1113
  • 1114
1113 Noid IsHighestCopotype("boring_cop")
  • 1115
1114 Noid (IsHighestCopotype("boring_cop")) == false
  • 1107
1115 Drama How could you expect anyone to stay around with all your *standard-issue* thoughts and opinions?
  • 1107
1116 Coalition Warship Archer "Acknowledged. Listen very carefully, Firewalker. We are going to ask you a series of questions. It is imperative that you answer as directly and truthfully as you can. Do you understand?"
  • 1059
1117 Coalition Warship Archer "... We're afraid we must ask you to repeat that, Firewalker."
  • 1118
1118 Inland Empire A-a-afraid? What is she afraid of?
  • 1081
1119 Coalition Warship Archer "Thank you, Firewalker. Please stand by while we transmit our summary..."
  • 1080
1120 Kim Kitsuragi "I don't know where this case will lead us, detective, but in a sense that doesn't matter. Our job is to follow the evidence where it leads, consequences be damned..."
  • 736
1121 Kim Kitsuragi "Because the thing you're running from is *inside you*, detective!"
  • 739
1122 Kim Kitsuragi "But I embrace it *because* it's my role, and it's yours too, detective, whether you accept it or not!"
  • 739
1123 Noid
  • 1124
  • 1125
1124 Noid Variable["auto.is_snowing"]
  • 1130
1125 Noid (Variable["auto.is_snowing"]) == false
  • 1126
1126 Noid
  • 1127
  • 1128
1127 Noid Variable["auto.is_raining"]
  • 1129
1128 Noid (Variable["auto.is_raining"]) == false
  • 354
1129 Coalition Warship Archer "Oh, it looks quite lovely from here, even with the rain. From our porthole, we see rolling hillsides, a public park filled with grand oak trees, men and women going about on horses..."
  • 1712
1130 Coalition Warship Archer "Oh, it looks quite lovely from here. From our porthole, we see rolling hillsides covered with snow, a public park filled with grand oak trees, men and women going about on horses..."
  • 1711
1131 Conceptualization What she means is... actually... you have no idea what those words could mean in this context...
  • 1066
  • 1067
  • 1068
1132 You "It was a kind of gradient." Variable["church.soona_pale_gradient"] == true
  • 1077
1133 Empathy Her wishes are sincere. You can take heart from that, at least.
  • 678
1134 Coalition Warship Archer "We're sorry we did not come bearing better news. But we must say that it has been... *a privilege* to speak with you. We believe you are a credit to the RCM, and we wish you good fortune and safety during the course of your work."
  • 1133
1135 Inland Empire No, you *know* this tone of voice. You've heard it before. She's about to deliver some bad news...
  • 1136
1136 Noid
  • 1137
  • 1138
1137 Noid Variable["jam.warship_inland_news"]
  • 1140
1138 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_inland_news"]) == false
  • 1139
1139 You "I'm here, Archer! What's the news?"
  • 659
1140 You "Why do I feel like you're about to tell me something I don't want to hear?"
  • 659
1141 Coalition Warship Archer "Firewalker, surely you are aware that it is a civil offence to maliciously or frivolously obstruct a Coalition radio frequency..."
  • 856
1142 Coalition Warship Archer "Firewalker, surely you are aware that it is a civil offence to maliciously or frivolously obstruct a Coalition radio frequency..."
  • 856
1143 You "Kim! Answer me."
  • 1144
1144 Noid "No use, man. Don't think he can hear you."
  • 116
1145 Noid
  • 1146
  • 1147
1146 Noid Variable["tc.pale"]
  • 1148
1147 Noid (Variable["tc.pale"]) == false
  • 120
1148 You "I've got a feeling this is related to the pale, some piece of the past that's mixing in with our signal."
  • 125
1149 Half Light Just *run*. Unplug that headset and get as far away as you can.
  • 124
1150 You "Whoa, the Coalition has *talking* warships?"
  • 1151
1151 Coalition Warship Archer "Of course not. It's simply a rhetorical convention, a common synecdoche. We are the second signaller."
  • 269
1152 Coalition Warship Archer "We can assure you, it is coming as soon as possible."
  • 1153
  • 1234
  • 1236
1153 You "In a few months, then?"
  • 1235
1154 Coalition Warship Archer "That's certainly possible. Though of course it depends on the contingencies."
  • 1155
1155 You "What do you mean 'contingencies'?"
  • 1156
1156 Coalition Warship Archer "You must understand, the Moralintern is responsible for ensuring the continuance and flourishing of mankind for the next 3,000 years. The planning division must account for a great many possible outcomes and chance events."
  • 1157
1157 Coalition Warship Archer "Fortunately, we have contingency spreads to help guide our decision making."
  • 1158
1158 Encyclopedia Originally developed by mechanical engineers at the Isherwood Branch of CZU Industries around the turn of the last century, contingency spreads are used to model complex events in a number of fields, including business, public health, radiocomputer science, insurance, and international diplomacy.
  • 1159
1159 Coalition Warship Archer "Of course, there is no one spread that can reasonably account for all these possible events. But at least we're able to prepare for the most likely eventualities."
  • 1160
1160 None
  • 1161
  • 1171
  • 1174
  • 1182
1161 You "Wait, how do these contingency spreads actually *work*?"
  • 1163
1162 Coalition Warship Archer A sigh. "You are thinking about this metaphor too literally..."
  • 1169
1163 Coalition Warship Archer "It's not really our area of expertise, but we can try to explain. Picture a smooth hill made from fresh dirt. Now, if you stand atop this hill and pour a glass of water over it, what will happen?"
  • 1165
  • 1166
  • 1167
1164 None
  • 1160
1165 You "The dirt will get wet?"
  • 1162
1166 You "I won't have any water?"
  • 1162
1167 You "The water will run down the hill?"
  • 1168
1168 Coalition Warship Archer "Precisamente. We know only that it will run down, but not what course it will take. If we place a rock in the water's path, will it divert to the left or the right? We cannot say, but we may predict which way it might run in either event..."
  • 1170
1169 Coalition Warship Archer "The point is that we know only that the water will run down, but not what course it will take. If we place a rock in the water's path, will it divert to the left or the right? We cannot say, but we may predict which way it might run in either event..."
  • 1170
1170 Coalition Warship Archer "That is the essence of the idea. You might also imagine these spreads as a kind of tree, with every juncture representing a different event, and every branch representing a different timeline."
  • 1164
1171 You "You're saying the Moralintern uses contingency spreads to see the future?" Variable["jam.warship_contingencies_explained"] == true
  • 1172
1172 Coalition Warship Archer "Not exactly. No one can know the future. But with contingency spreads it is possible to predict what the future realities *might reasonably* look like."
  • 1175
1173 Coalition Warship Archer "But we shouldn't overstate their importance. They are simply one of many tools used by the Moralintern to set policy."
  • 1180
1174 You "Hold on, does that mean some realities are *less reasonable* than others?" Variable["jam.warship_logic_probable"] == true
  • 1176
1175 Logic Meaning there are more and less reasonable futures. You should follow up on that.
  • 1173
1176 Coalition Warship Archer "Well, yes -- just as some events are less probable than others. While we expect the vast majority of realities will fall within a normal confidence interval, there must necessarily be some that fall *outside that range* as well."
  • 1177
  • 1178
  • 1271
1177 You "This is... a lot to take in."
  • 1272
1178 You "Would you say the reality we're living in is more or less reasonable than others?"
  • 1179
1179 Coalition Warship Archer "Who are we to say? We're only a second signaller, not a metaphysician. This is the only reality we have ever known, so how can we judge how reasonable it might be compared to any other?"
  • 1274
1180 None
  • 1160
1181 None
  • 1160
1182 You "So where does Revachol fit into these contingencies?" (Proceed.)
  • 1183
1183 Coalition Warship Archer "That's impossible to say. It may be that Revachol has a great role to play, or no role at all. That is the nature of contingencies."
  • 1194
1184 Coalition Warship Archer "You must understand, when we speak of contingency spreads, we are talking about *the most fantastically complex* data visualisations human beings are capable of producing, with thousands of events -- from elections and wars to natural disasters or scientific miracles -- and millions of possible outcomes."
  • 1186
1185 You "Why does thinking about these contingencies make me feel so *bad*?" Variable["jam.warship_painthresh_brain_swell"] == true
  • 1187
1186 Pain Threshold *Hyyyngh!* It makes your brain swell just to think about...
  • 1190
1187 Coalition Warship Archer "It's completely natural. Studies have shown that the untrained mind is only capable of considering so many possibilities in place at once, usually no more than three or four..."
  • 1206
1188 Inland Empire But... didn't the Wild Pines representative say that Revachol would *resolve* history?
  • 1184
1189 Coalition Warship Archer "Almost certainly. Not many realise this, but, the Moralintern is constantly reviewing and revising its contingency spreads in order to improve our own decision-making..."
  • 1206
1190 Coalition Warship Archer "It may be the case that, under certain scenarios, Revachol is vitally important, as it was during the Coalition landings in '08. It may also be the case in many other equally plausible scenarios that Revachol is simply another once-great city, like countless others throughout history."
  • 1192
1191 Coalition Warship Archer "Only in the sense that the entire world has to 'wing' its way through history. The Moralintern simply aims to 'wing it' as little as possible..."
  • 1206
1192 Reaction Speed Did she... just admit that the Coalition invading Revachol was one of those 'contingencies'?
  • 1199
  • 1202
  • 1197
  • 1185
1193 Coalition Warship Archer "Yes, we would say that is a fair and reasonable way to describe it..."
  • 1206
1194 Noid
  • 1195
  • 1196
1195 Noid Variable["pier.joyce_reality_wheredone"]
  • 1188
1196 Noid (Variable["pier.joyce_reality_wheredone"]) == false
  • 1184
1197 You (Look around.) "Yeah, this is definitely a place whose time has passed."
  • 1205
1198 Coalition Warship Archer "Perhaps, perhaps not. Could the Perikarnassians have foreseen the role Revachol would play in events to come? In truth, history only appears to rhyme because we cannot perceive events in their full complexity..."
  • 1238
1199 You "Are you saying the Coalition invasion was one of these 'contingencies'?" Variable["jam.warship_reaction_coalition_invasion"] == true
  • 1715
1200 Coalition Warship Archer "But one must consider that the world was in the midst of a global catastrophe brought on by an unstoppable pandemic. No amount of contingency planning could account for *all of that*."
  • 1275
  • 1204
  • 1201
  • 1203
1201 You "So you're saying the Moralintern just had to wing it?" Variable["jam.warship_unreasonable_reality"] == false
  • 1191
1202 You "History loves to rhyme. I'll bet Revachol has its day again."
  • 1198
1203 You "I still feel like there had to have been a better way."
  • 1189
1204 You "So you're saying the Moralintern had to make difficult decisions during an unprecedented situation."
  • 1193
1205 Coalition Warship Archer "Impossible to say for certain. Human beings are notoriously bad at predicting all the different ways events might unravel..."
  • 1206
1206 Coalition Warship Archer "For this reason, responsibility for developing contingency spreads is only assigned to highly trained analysts working with advanced radiocomputers and a steady supply of drouamine."
  • 1244
1207 You "Okay, but I *still* want to know when real democracy is coming."
  • 1208
1208 Coalition Warship Archer "Of course. While the content of individual contingency spreads is deeply classified, many degrees beyond our access, everything we have heard from the Provisional Commission indicates that the transition is proceeding according to the appropriate timetable."
  • 1211
  • 1212
1209 You "What's this 'transitional advisory council'?"
  • 1230
1210 You "Who picks the slates of candidates?"
  • 1229
1211 You "Does that mean democracy is *here*?" (Look around.)
  • 1215
1212 You "But what if some people want democracy to come *faster*?"
  • 1213
1213 Coalition Warship Archer "That is extremely admirable. Of course, the Coalition supports the Revacholian people's desire for full democracy. We encourage you to contact the offices of the Provisional Commission if you are serious about getting involved."
  • 1224
  • 1225
1214 Coalition Warship Archer "The first phase of democratisation."
  • 1231
1215 Coalition Warship Archer "Well, not yet. Right now it's more like a simple seed, buried out of sight..."
  • 1217
  • 1218
1216 None
  • 1231
1217 You "What are you talking about?"
  • 1214
1218 You "I met a gardener earlier, but then she turned out to be a lawyer. Is she involved somehow?" Variable["whirling.fixer_i_am_a_lawyer"] == true
  • 1227
1219 Coalition Warship Archer "Oh, there are many things you can do. If you're interested in learning how to canvass for signatures, manage a polling place, or register voters, the Commission would be more than happy to direct you to a workshop..."
  • 1233
1220 Coalition Warship Archer "Real democracy doesn't just happen. It requires the support of a great number of stable, interlocking institutions. *That* is the only way to channel popular sentiment into a legitimate mandate to govern. Otherwise, what are we left with?"
  • 1228
  • 1223
1221 Coalition Warship Archer "Esattamente. But the Commission's hard and diligent work may soon be bearing fruit: Revachol is nearly ready to begin the first phase of democratisation."
  • 1216
1222 Coalition Warship Archer "Well, that isn't very realistic, is it?"
  • 1220
1223 You "An institutional crisis?"
  • 1221
1224 You "How can I get involved?"
  • 1219
1225 You "But what if I want real democracy, like, *right* now?"
  • 1222
1226 You "How many of these 'phases' are there until we have real democracy?" (Conclude.)
  • 1232
1227 Coalition Warship Archer "Gardeners and lawyers are both essential to a beautiful and well-functioning society, but we're referring to something else..."
  • 1214
1228 You "Mob rule?"
  • 1221
1229 Coalition Warship Archer "In most cases, the Provisional Council selects them from a cross-section of the local population to ensure the slates actually reflect the people they represent."
  • 1250
1230 Coalition Warship Archer "The council is modelled after similar bodies developed in a number of transitional democracies. Its role is to devise and shape the future institutions of Revacholian democracy, according to local conditions..."
  • 1277
1231 Coalition Warship Archer "Soon, the people of Revachol will vote for slates of candidates who will make up the transitional advisory council that will oversee the second phase of democratisation."
  • 1246
1232 Coalition Warship Archer "Our best theoreticians believe that three to five phases are appropriate for states that lack strong democratic traditions, which would certainly apply to Revachol."
  • 1466
1233 Coalition Warship Archer "In fact, you may have picked the perfect time to get involved: Revachol is nearly ready to begin the first phase of democratisation."
  • 1216
1234 You "Within a couple of years, surely."
  • 1154
1235 Coalition Warship Archer "That's... rather optimistic. Though of course it depends on the contingencies."
  • 1155
1236 You "Within my lifetime?"
  • 1237
1237 Coalition Warship Archer "Oh, most likely. Though of course it depends on the contingencies."
  • 1155
1238 Noid
  • 1239
  • 1240
1239 Noid Variable["pier.joyce_reality_wheredone"]
  • 1241
1240 Noid (Variable["pier.joyce_reality_wheredone"]) == false
  • 1206
1241 Encyclopedia All major cities in EPIS-aligned nations, you can't help but notice.
  • 1242
1242 Coalition Warship Archer "It's even possible the cities that will resolve the questions of the future have not been founded yet."
  • 1206
1243 You "Enough of this. I have another question."
  • 1245
1244 None
  • 1207
  • 1253
  • 1243
1245 Coalition Warship Archer "Acknowledged. We are at your disposal."
  • 1299
1246 None
  • 1209
  • 1249
  • 1210
  • 1226
1247 Coalition Warship Archer "Once elected, council members will even have the opportunity to join one of several officially sanctioned political wings, depending on their ideological beliefs and policy preferences."
  • 1278
1248 Coalition Warship Archer "A very important question. The wings are carefully selected to represent a wide spectrum of political thought."
  • 1279
1249 You "What do these 'wings' represent?" Variable["jam.warship_council_wings"] == true
  • 1248
1250 Coalition Warship Archer "Of course, such a situation is not ideal. We would all prefer for Revacholians to nominate their representatives directly. But that is why it's a transitional council."
  • 1252
1251 None
  • 1246
1252 None
  • 1246
1253 You "How do I access my *personal contingency spread*?"
  • 1254
1254 Coalition Warship Archer "Even though we are only a second signaller, we can tell you with great certainty that there is no contingency spread for you, Firewalker."
  • 1270
1255 You "You must be mistaken. I'm kind of a star around here." IsTHCPresent("superstar_cop")
  • 1263
1256 You "Is it because I'm a miserable failure?" IsTHCPresent("sorry_cop")
  • 1265
1257 You "That's impossible. I am the doomsinger, the herald of desolation." IsTHCPresent("apocalypse_cop")
  • 1259
1258 Coalition Warship Archer "What you are describing is the attitude of a child. The Moralintern is not 'humanity's stepmother', despite what some critics may allege. Responsibility and freedom are deeply entwined, and both are essential in a flourishing society."
  • 1298
1259 Coalition Warship Archer "We're sorry, we're not familiar with all the local offices in Martinaise..."
  • 1264
1260 Coalition Warship Archer "It is a work-in-progress, but it is also the best way that humanity has found thus far."
  • 1298
1261 Coalition Warship Archer "Our concerns exist on the scale of decades, centuries, and millennia. Sometimes we say the Moralintern worries about the future so that normal people may worry about today."
  • 1262
1262 None
  • 1266
  • 1267
1263 Coalition Warship Archer "Perhaps you are confused as to the scale on which the contingency spreads function..."
  • 1261
1264 Coalition Warship Archer "Please understand, we are not some totalitarian enterprise. We are committed to and bound by the highest values of individual freedom and opportunity."
  • 1262
1265 Coalition Warship Archer "Of course not. The Moralintern is committed to giving every person the opportunity to flourish..."
  • 1264
1266 You "That sounds like a moderate and reasonable way to organise a society."
  • 1260
1267 You "But what if I *want* someone else to make all my decisions for me?"
  • 1258
1268 You "Are you sure? I bet it's locked away in a vault somewhere..." Variable["jam.warship_inland_labyrinth"] == true
  • 1269
1269 Coalition Warship Archer "The Moralintern is not Seol. There is no secret vault of files beneath Isherwood or La Cherte or anywhere else, because that is not the Moralintern's purpose..."
  • 1261
1270 Inland Empire S-s-s-she knows perfectly well where they are! They've got one for everybody, all coded and filed away in a vast labyrinth beneath Isherwood...
  • 1268
  • 1255
  • 1256
  • 1257
  • 1280
1271 You "Someone told me we live in a precarious world, that every event is just a violent roll of the die." IsTHCPresent("precarious_world")
  • 1273
1272 Coalition Warship Archer "Of course. We're only a second signaller, not a metaphysician. We sometimes find it overwhelming also..."
  • 1274
1273 Coalition Warship Archer "It may be. We're only a second signaller, not a metaphysician. It's a rather cold way to think about the world, isn't it?"
  • 1274
1274 Coalition Warship Archer "The key, we believe, is to be open to meaning even amidst great uncertainty. But now we are only speaking for ourselves."
  • 1181
1275 You "So you're saying we *are* living in an unreasonable reality!" Variable["jam.warship_unreasonable_reality"] == true
  • 1276
1276 Coalition Warship Archer "We are living in the only reality we know. Our task is to make the best of it that we can..."
  • 1206
1277 Rhetoric 'Local conditions' in this case referring to incompetence, graft, and violence.
  • 1247
1278 None
  • 1246
1279 Coalition Warship Archer "Typically, there's a liberal technocratic wing, a social democratic wing, and even a conservative populist wing. You wouldn't believe some of the ideas they express! But a vibrant and free political culture requires that all perspectives be given voice, even those many may find objectionable."
  • 1251
1280 You "What do you mean?'
  • 1281
1281 Coalition Warship Archer "Simply that there is no such thing as an individual contingency spread..."
  • 1264
1282 Noid
  • 1283
  • 1284
1283 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1285
1284 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 303
1285 None
  • (426, 308)
1286 None
  • 1282
1287 None
  • 1282
1288 None
  • 1282
1289 None
  • 1282
1290 None
  • 1282
1291 None
  • 1282
1292 None
  • 1282
1293 None
  • 1282
1294 None
  • 1282
1295 None
  • 1282
1296 None
  • 1282
1297 None
  • 1282
1298 None
  • 1282
1299 None
  • 1282
1300 Noid
  • 1301
  • 1302
1301 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1308
1302 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 628
1303 Noid
  • 1304
  • 1305
1304 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1306
1305 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 617
1306 Soona, the Programmer "I'm not sure how much longer I can keep the signal clear, officer."
  • 1307
1307 You "You have to, Soona. Just a little longer..."
  • 619
1308 Soona, the Programmer "Officer, I'm afraid the connection is beginning to collapse..."
  • 629
1309 Noid
  • 1310
  • 1311
1310 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1312
1311 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 650
1312 Soona, the Programmer "So... they're really coming..."
  • 651
1313 Noid
  • 1314
  • 1315
1314 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1316
1315 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 782
1316 Soona, the Programmer The programmer eyes you curiously. She does not understand why you're hesitating.
  • 1634
1317 Soona, the Programmer "I'm still not certain whether this was a *good* idea or not, but there is something extraordinary about summoning an aerostatic with your voice..."
  • 657
1318 Noid
  • 1319
  • 1320
1319 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1317
1320 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 655
1321 Noid
  • 1322
  • 1323
1322 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1324
1323 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 703
1324 Soona, the Programmer "It's here."
  • 1633
1325 None
  • 1321
1326 Noid
  • 1327
  • 1328
1327 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1329
1328 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 835
1329 Soona, the Programmer "Archer can't hear us, I'm afraid. Only his microphone is connected to the transceiver."
  • 836
1330 Noid
  • 1331
  • 1332
1331 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1333
1332 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 850
1333 Soona, the Programmer "They can't hear us, I'm afraid. Only his microphone is connected to the transceiver."
  • 851
1334 Noid
  • 1335
  • 1336
1335 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1337
1336 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 865
1337 Soona, the Programmer "They can't hear us, I'm afraid. Only his microphone is connected to the transceiver."
  • 866
1338 Noid
  • 1339
  • 1340
1339 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1341
1340 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 1005
1341 Soona, the Programmer "Officer, we have a long walk back to the church. It's time to come down."
  • 1478
1342 Noid
  • 1343
  • 1344
1343 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1345
1344 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 965
1345 Soona, the Programmer "Hmm, what a disappointment. I was almost sure something *truly* interesting was about to happen. Oh well."
  • 1346
1346 Soona, the Programmer "You can come down now, officer. I'm going to begin packing my things up."
  • 967
1347 Noid
  • 1348
  • 1349
1348 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1732
1349 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 1735
1350 Soona, the Programmer "Good. Now, give me a hand with these amplifiers. Leave the cables. I don't feel like making two trips..."
  • 1753
1351 None
  • 1347
1352 None
  • 1051
  • 1353
  • 1372
  • 1416
  • 454
1353 You "In what sense is the Moralintern the steward of Dolores Dei's legacy?"
  • 1354
1354 Coalition Warship Archer "It was established by many of the same Founding Party members who elected Dolores Dei, and who, after her assassination, dedicated their lives to the continuation of her political and intellectual project."
  • 1355
1355 Encyclopedia The *other* members of the Founding Party moved to Sur-la-Clef and invented modern corporate finance. Their names may still be found on the pediments of some of the largest investment banks in the world.
  • 1374
1356 Coalition Warship Archer "There are many. The communists say they are the next dialectical step in an inexorable spiral of progress. They claim to have resolved the 'inherent contradictions' of moralism and believe they're just one revolution away from establishing a humanist paradise..."
  • 1357
1357 Coalition Warship Archer "The fascists say they are *both* the ancestors of and the successors to Dolorianism. In other words, they believe that Dolores Dei's reign simply represents a glorious phase of expansion within a greater Franconigerian heritage. They criticise the Dolorian project for accepting and integrating new peoples rather than forcefully subjugating them..."
  • 1358
1358 Coalition Warship Archer "And then there are our prodigal cousins, the Vaasan social democrats, who hold our same values and have even adopted many of our same rites and iconography, though they persist in rejecting the umbrella of moralism."
  • 1359
1359 Rhetoric For some reason it's the social democrats she sounds most exasperated with.
  • 1362
  • 1363
  • 1364
  • 1365
1360 Coalition Warship Archer "If you believe so strongly in your own destiny that the rest of reality exists only as a warped reflection of it, how can it be contradicted?"
  • 1376
1361 Coalition Warship Archer "Many political theorists have argued that communism accepts the logic of Dolorian humanism while abandoning its spirit. They offer a cautionary tale, in other words, about attempting to found a paradise atop bones and ashes..."
  • 1366
1362 You "Sometimes I wonder if the communists may have a point, at least intellectually speaking." IsTHCPresent("communist")
  • 1361
1363 You "What the fascists say makes a certain *gut-level* sense." IsTHCPresent("revacholian_nationhood")
  • 1371
1364 You "Why do you resent social democrats more than communists and fascists?" Variable["jam.warship_rhetoric_socdems"] == true
  • 1370
1365 You "Are there *non-ideological* threats to humanity's future?"
  • 1367
1366 Rhetoric Whose bones and whose ashes, exactly? You don't think the Coalition pacified Revachol with *bonbons*, do you?
  • 1377
1367 Coalition Warship Archer "Yes. Atomic war, environmental degradation, resource exhaustion, viral pandemic, super-volcanism, runaway entroponetic collapse..."
  • 1473
1368 Endurance You know your people's history. You don't need some *foreign wöman* in a fancy airship to tell you what's what.
  • 1360
1369 Empathy She speaks of them like a family member she's abandoned hope of ever maturing.
  • 1379
1370 Coalition Warship Archer "We don't resent them. It's more that we are... *disappointed* that they have chosen to emphasise certain points of dispute over broad areas of accord..."
  • 1369
1371 Coalition Warship Archer "And therein lies their danger. They 'feel' true without *being* true..."
  • 1368
1372 You "Who are the highwaymen and eschatologians you mentioned?"
  • 1356
1373 None
  • 1352
1374 None
  • 1352
1375 None
  • 1352
1376 None
  • 1352
1377 Coalition Warship Archer "But it's a delicate and very complicated subject. And of course every belief system has something to recommend it."
  • 1378
1378 None
  • 1352
1379 Coalition Warship Archer "But of course, they also remain dependable partners in a number of centrist governing coalitions."
  • 1380
1380 None
  • 1352
1381 You "How much time does humanity need to achieve its potential?"
  • 1382
1382 Coalition Warship Archer "About 3,000 years."
  • 1383
1383 Reaction Speed She... really had that on the tip of her tongue. It's like she has the timeline laid out *right* in front of her.
  • 1387
  • 1388
  • 1389
  • 1390
  • 1386
1384 Coalition Warship Archer "Of course, the number 3,000 represents the average of a great number of projections. The actual number might be closer to 2,800 or even 2,750, depending on the contingencies..."
  • 1385
1385 Coalition Warship Archer "It is in all senses the most moderate and reasonable projection possible based on current science."
  • 1395
1386 You "That sounds about right, actually."
  • 1385
1387 You "That sounds like a very long time."
  • 1391
1388 You "That sounds like an *impossibly* long time."
  • 1393
1389 You "Something tells me we have less time than that. Like, a *lot* less time." Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_28"] == true
  • 1384
1390 You "Three-thousand years is just the blink of an eye. We need much more than that." Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_28"] == false
  • 1394
1391 Coalition Warship Archer "It does, doesn't it? And yet there remains a great deal to be done in that span."
  • 1395
1392 Coalition Warship Archer "Viewed from that perspective, we are nearly three-quarters of the way there."
  • 1395
1393 Coalition Warship Archer "That depends on how you look at it. Since the Perikarnassian Incident, there have been nearly 8,000 years of recorded history..."
  • 1392
1394 Coalition Warship Archer "Of course, the number 3,000 represents the average of a great number of projections. The actual number might be closer to 3,250 or even 3,300, depending on the contingencies..."
  • 1385
1395 None
  • 1282
1396 You "Beautiful."
  • 1457
1397 Coalition Warship Archer "It is possible. We grew up there. We have seen the lattice with our own eyes."
  • 1398
1398 Noid
  • 1399
  • 1400
1399 Noid Variable["church.stained_encyclo_crowning"]
  • 1401
1400 Noid (Variable["church.stained_encyclo_crowning"]) == false
  • 1402
1401 You "Advesperascit... Dolores Dei was crowned there, wasn't she?"
  • 1404
1402 You "Where is Advesperascit exactly?"
  • 1403
1403 Coalition Warship Archer "In Messina, of course. Not only was it the site of Dolores Dei's crowning, it was also one of the great cities of the Dolorian era, a glorious expression of humanity's highest potential..."
  • 1407
1404 Coalition Warship Archer "She was. There are even those who say that Advesperascit *summoned* Dolores Dei, or that it was built in preparation for her, centuries before her arrival..."
  • 1406
1405 You "Impossible."
  • 1397
1406 Coalition Warship Archer "That's why the old town is sometimes called 'The Ceremonial Heart of Humanity'..."
  • 1407
1407 Coalition Warship Archer "Of course, such a city does not spring from nowhere, nor does it endure without effort. Its construction was the work of many generations, and its preservation is an equally monumental responsibility."
  • 456
1408 Coalition Warship Archer "Let us answer your question with a question: Have you ever seen evening fall over the old town of Advesperascit?"
  • 1410
  • 1409
1409 You "No, I haven't."
  • 1412
1410 You "Maybe? I've been forgetting things lately."
  • 1411
1411 Coalition Warship Archer "If you had, then you would remember. It is one of the great wonders of the world, impossible to mistake or forget."
  • 1412
1412 Coalition Warship Archer "The heart of the city, the old town, is a district composed of weathered marble, comprising thousands of columns and arcades arranged around a series of grand plazas. During the day it's a beautiful sight, equal to any of the great cities of Perikarnassis."
  • 1413
1413 Coalition Warship Archer "But as the sun sets, the shadows cast by those columns and arcades weave together to form an intricate umbral lattice. When you see it, you suddenly understand: It was all built for you, for *this very moment*."
  • 1415
1414 Coalition Warship Archer "Not only that, but you, you are also part of that centuries-long plan. When you cross one of the open plazas, your own shadow is effortlessly woven into the great latticework, a deliberate synthesis of humanity, art, and the natural world."
  • 1396
  • 1405
1415 Encyclopedia The name Advesperascit means 'Evening Comes.'
  • 1726
  • 1723
  • 1725
1416 You "Where does the RCM fit into all of this?"
  • 1417
1417 Coalition Warship Archer "The RCM exists under the umbrella of the Coalition, just as the Coalition exists under the umbrella of the Moralintern..."
  • 1419
1418 Coalition Warship Archer "Firewalker, was there anything else?"
  • 1445
1419 Coalition Warship Archer "At the same time, the RCM is not exactly *of* the Coalition."
  • 1424
  • 1425
  • 1426
1420 Rhetoric She's got you there...
  • 1422
1421 Coalition Warship Archer "We're not that familiar with RCM lore and practice, but we believe that may be the case. As we recall, the décomptage originated with the Revacholian Commune itself."
  • 1427
1422 Coalition Warship Archer "It's our understanding that the RCM's organisational structure predates the Coalition. We believe it may even be modelled after the communard brigades themselves."
  • 1427
1423 Coalition Warship Archer "Of course. This is history we're talking about."
  • 1420
1424 You "What do you mean it's not *of* the Coalition?"
  • 1422
1425 You "You mean because of the décomptage?" Variable["tc.decomptage"] == true
  • 1421
1426 You "That's confusing."
  • 1423
1427 Noid
  • 1428
  • 1429
1428 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 1430
1429 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1431
1430 Kim Kitsuragi "There is some truth to that," the lieutenant whispers into his headset.
  • 1431
1431 Coalition Warship Archer "But in a practical sense, it's the responsibility of the Ethics Division to ensure that both organisations are working toward the same ends."
  • 1444
1432 Coalition Warship Archer "History is a river coursing ever downward. Occasionally its course is redirected in mysterious and unexpected ways."
  • 1445
1433 None
  • 1436
  • 1439
  • 1434
1434 You "Why bother with the RCM at all? Can't the Coalition just run everything itself?"
  • 1443
1435 Kim Kitsuragi "I suppose I enjoy casework too much. But surely you have more interesting things to discuss with the Coalition than my career path."
  • 1418
1436 You (Whisper.) "Hey, Kim. Why haven't you joined the Ethics Division?" Variable["jam.warship_encyclo_ethics"] == true and IsKimHere()
  • 1435
1437 Empathy In other words, it's a fundamental part of the RCM, so you probably shouldn't ask her any questions about it.
  • 1433
1438 Coalition Warship Archer "One now committed to upholding moralist values. Strange, isn't it?"
  • 1432
1439 You "So you're saying the RCM is a vestige of Revachol's communist past?"
  • 1438
1440 Noid
  • 1441
  • 1442
1441 Noid Variable["jam.warship_encyclo_ethics"]
  • 1437
1442 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_encyclo_ethics"]) == false
  • 1433
1443 Coalition Warship Archer "Because the Coalition has no interest in *running* Revachol. We'll succeed in our mission the moment Revachol rejoins the international community as a sovereign democracy. The RCM is an integral piece of that project."
  • 1445
1444 Encyclopedia The Ethics Division is the branch of the RCM that coordinates activities with the Coalition. It's composed of high-ranking RCM officials and their medium-ranking Moralintern counterparts. It's considered a career-making assignment for elite RCM officers.
  • 1440
1445 None
  • 1352
1446 Coalition Warship Archer "Firewalker, are you still there?"
  • 1296
1447 Horseback Antenna The wind is pulling at the giant tarps that cover the blasted facade of the Capeside Apartments.
  • 1448
1448 Shivers Air moving through what was once a row of apartments protected by walls and a roof. It sighs through the remains of bedrooms and parlours...
  • 1449
1449 Noid
  • 1450
  • 1451
1450 Noid Variable["jam.warship_shivers_responsibility"]
  • 1452
1451 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_shivers_responsibility"]) == false
  • 472
1452 Noid
  • 1453
  • 1454
1453 Noid Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_28"]
  • 1456
1454 Noid (Variable["ice.andre_hyper_rc_succ_28"]) == false
  • 1455
  • 472
  • 472
1457 Coalition Warship Archer "Yes, it is. We grew up there. We have seen the lattice with our own eyes."
  • 1398
1458 Composure A truth conveyed matter-of-factly, without pride or self-consciousness.
  • 293
1459 Savoir Faire That sounds *much* better than the 5,500 reál the RCM calls a 'salary.'
  • 331
1460 Noid
  • 1461
  • 1462
1461 Noid Variable["yard.hanged_encylco_yearly_wage"]
  • 1459
1462 Noid (Variable["yard.hanged_encylco_yearly_wage"]) == false
  • 331
1463 You "Pretty different from Adversperascit, isn't it?" Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_advesperascit"] == true
  • 1464
1464 Coalition Warship Archer "*Extremely different*. We knew there were still parts of Revachol that have not fully recovered from the Revolution, but here the destruction is quite evident, even compared to the eastern side of the city..."
  • 402
1465 Coalition Warship Archer "For the most part, it has. The world is certainly not free of violent conflict, but in the modern era we have made great strides to reduce its frequency, duration, and severity."
  • 1373
1466 Coalition Warship Archer "But we must stress that real democracy is an ongoing process and not simply an outcome. It must be cultivated and preserved if it is to endure."
  • 1467
1467 Noid
  • 1468
  • 1469
1468 Noid Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_advesperascit"]
  • 1470
1469 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_mentioned_advesperascit"]) == false
  • 1297
1470 You "Like the city of Advesperascit, you mean."
  • 1471
1471 Coalition Warship Archer "Esattamente."
  • 1297
1472 Coalition Warship Archer "Beyond that, it may be said that we are the inheritors and stewards of Dolores Dei's legacy."
  • 444
1473 Noid
  • 1474
  • 1475
1474 Noid Variable["church.soona_two_mm_hole_known"]
  • 1476
1475 Noid (Variable["church.soona_two_mm_hole_known"]) == false
  • 1477
1476 Logic If the opportunity presents itself, perhaps you should mention the two-millimetre hole you recently discovered.
  • 1477
1477 Coalition Warship Archer "This is why it is critical for the international community to work toward peace and cooperation between nations. There's simply too much at stake."
  • 1375
1478 Horseback Antenna She's right. There's really nothing more for you up here.
  • 1008
1479 None
  • (182, 1294)
1480 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant sighs. "What's *one more trip* across the waterlock?"
  • 1753
1481 None
  • 1347
1482 You Keep listening.
  • 1485
1483 Horseback Antenna "Liebling, bitte… Er ist unser einziges Kind. Er kann doch auch nächstes Jahr zur Akademie gehen."
  • 1484
1484 Noid "Just radio-spookers. We get them all the time around here. Keep trying."
  • 1509
1485 Horseback Antenna "Liebling, bitte… Er ist unser einziges Kind. Er kann doch auch nächstes Jahr zur Akademie gehen."
  • 1487
1486 You "What's going on?" Variable["jam.warship_inland_electronic_doorbell"] == false and Variable["church.soona_told_her_about_radio_ghost_intercom"] == false
  • 1483
1487 Noid "Keep trying. We'll get through these radio-spookers eventually."
  • 1509
1488 You What does this remind me of? Variable["church.soona_told_her_about_radio_ghost_intercom"] == false
  • 1512
1489 Noid
  • 1490
  • 1491
1490 Noid Variable["doomed.doorbell_whitecheck_success"]
  • 1510
1491 Noid (Variable["doomed.doorbell_whitecheck_success"]) == false
  • 1513
1492 Noid "Again."
  • 1511
1493 You "I can't understand a word of this gibberish." Variable["jam.warship_rhetoric_walder_gibberish"] == true
  • 1494
1494 Horseback Antenna "Liebling, bitte… Er ist unser einziges Kind. Er kann doch auch nächstes Jahr zur Akademie gehen."
  • 1495
1495 Noid "Me neither. Just keep trying. We'll get through these radio-spookers eventually."
  • 1509
1496 Horseback Antenna "Liebling, bitte… Er ist unser einziges Kind. Er kann doch auch nächstes Jahr zur Akademie gehen."
  • 1506
1497 Inland Empire It's strangely comforting to think of these voices travelling through the air, until you capture them, firefly-like, with your little metal antenna...
  • 1513
1498 You "Noid, I think there are ghosts in this radio." Variable["jam.warship_inland_electronic_doorbell"] and Variable["church.soona_told_her_about_radio_ghost_intercom"] == false
  • 1499
1499 Horseback Antenna "Liebling, bitte… Er ist unser einziges Kind. Er kann doch auch nächstes Jahr zur Akademie gehen."
  • 1500
1500 Noid "Yeah, sounds like some radio-spookers, alright. That's what happens when you get down in the mega-low range. You better keep trying anyway..."
  • 1509
1501 Noid
  • 1502
  • 1503
1502 Noid Variable["jam.warship_inland_electronic_doorbell"]
  • 1497
1503 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_inland_electronic_doorbell"]) == false
  • 1513
1504 You "Noid, I think we're getting some entroponetic crosstalk." Variable["church.soona_told_her_about_radio_ghost_intercom"] == true
  • 1496
1505 Horseback Antenna ...
  • 1492
1506 Noid "Is that what you call those radio-spookers? Didn't know they had a *technical* name..."
  • 1508
1507 Kim Kitsuragi "It's cold now..."
  • 81
1508 Noid "Either way, you gotta keep it up till we get through."
  • 1509
1509 You "Coalition Warship Archer, this is Firewalker. If you're there, Archer, please acknowledge."
  • 1505
1510 Inland Empire It's just like that woman in the electronic doorbell... the circuit ghost...
  • 1501
1511 You "Coalition Warship Archer, this is Firewalker. Do you acknowledge?"
  • 1507
1512 Horseback Antenna The rustling of dry autumn leaves. Waves breaking at a distance. A thousand wings beating at once.
  • 1489
1513 None
  • 79
1514 Esprit de Corps Something here is eating at the lieutenant, as much as he would like to move past it.
  • 1520
1515 Noid
  • 1516
  • 1517
1516 Noid IsTaskActive("TASK.what_is_pale")--[[ Variable[ ]]
  • 1518
1517 Noid (IsTaskActive("TASK.what_is_pale")--[[ Variable[ ]]) == false
  • 1519
1518 Encyclopedia Here it is again, this pale... If only you knew more about it.
  • 109
1519 Encyclopedia Pale? Pale-pale-pale... Seems to be missing from your records.
  • 109
1520 Noid
  • 1521
  • 1522
1521 Noid Variable["tc.pale"]
  • 1663
1522 Noid (Variable["tc.pale"]) == false
  • 1515
1523 Logic Hold on, isn't the pale supposed to be thousands of kilometres from here?
  • 109
1524 Noid
  • 1525
  • 1526
1525 Noid Variable["jam.warship_phys_inst_bar"]
  • 163
1526 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_phys_inst_bar"]) == false
  • 1742
1527 Physical Instrument Don't forget the lats, champ! You've got this...
  • 178
1528 Kim Kitsuragi "Yes, you're a natural gymnast, detective. Now would you like to do what you got up there to do?"
  • 1046
1529 Noid
  • 1530
  • 1531
1530 Noid Variable["jam.monument_perc_oils"]
  • 1533
1531 Noid (Variable["jam.monument_perc_oils"]) == false
  • 1534
1532 You Pour some alcohol over the connections. CheckItemGroup("alcohol")
  • 1554
1533 Logic If you had something *alcoholic*, you could dissolve the oils, creating a cleaner (and clearer) connection.
  • 1625
1534 Perception (Sight) Truth be told, you have no idea what you're looking for. It just looks like a cord attached to a piece of metal. You pick at the colourful rubber jacketing, not sure what else to do...
  • 1539
1535 Kim Kitsuragi "Is this really the time, detective?"
  • 1542
1536 Noid "Wow, law-science comes through."
  • 1544
1537 Kim Kitsuragi "Glad that stuff came in handy after all..."
  • 1536
1538 Noid "Are you partying up there?"
  • 1553
1539 Noid "Well? What's it look like?"
  • 1550
  • 1551
  • 1552
1540 None
  • 1532
  • 1546
  • 1552
1541 Noid "That's not good. We should've cleaned the centaur-man first. Pretty rude that we didn't..."
  • 1563
1542 Noid "It is, it's the time of desperate measures. He's using his party fuel to clean the connections..."
  • 1553
1543 You "Did that help?"
  • 1557
1544 Horseback Antenna Once the alcohol has had time to dissolve the oils, you wipe off the bar with your sleeve and reattach the cable.
  • 1543
1545 Noid "Huh. I don't know what to do then..."
  • 1563
1546 You Clean the connections with the ammonia. CheckItem("ammonia_ampoule")
  • 1547
1547 Noid
  • 1548
  • 1549
1548 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 1537
1549 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1536
1550 You "The whole statue's covered in weird oils. I don't think it's good for the connections." Variable["jam.monument_perc_oils"] == true and Variable["jam.monument_logic_cleaner"] == false
  • 1541
1551 You "The connections are pretty dirty, but I don't have anything to clean them with." Variable["jam.monument_perc_oils"] == true and Variable["jam.monument_logic_cleaner"] == true
  • 1541
1552 You "The connections look fine to me."
  • 1545
1553 Electrochemistry More than that, you're sacrificing something precious on the altar...
  • 1544
1554 Noid
  • 1555
  • 1556
1555 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 1535
1556 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1538
1557 Noid
  • 1558
  • 1559
1558 Noid Variable["jam.warship_signal_purified"]
  • 1560
1559 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_signal_purified"]) == false
  • 1561
1560 Noid "Yeah... maybe some. Not enough though. Would've hoped between that and the de-spooker engaged that we'd be able to align with any frequency, but we're still just medium core, at best."
  • 1562
1561 Noid "Yeah, maybe it helped *a little*, but the overall picture is still pretty soft core, at best."
  • 1562
1562 Horseback Antenna "... unser einziges Kind. Er kann doch auch nächstes Jahr zur Akademie gehen..."
  • 1563
1563 Noid "Hang on, I'm looking at Egg's checklist. He says: 'IF ALL FAILS, BEND ANTENNA. NARROW IS THE HARD CORE WAY'... That make any sense to you?"
  • 190
1564 You Look down.
  • 1565
1565 Horseback Antenna A few of the idle lorry drivers and strike breakers gesture at you with their cigarettes, more out of curiosity than anything else. From the window of one of the adjacent apartment buildings, an older woman leans out, her heavy breasts sagging...
  • 1566
1566 Horseback Antenna She yells a single word you can't make out, and then shuts the window with a violent *thunk*.
  • 1567
1567 Esprit de Corps Down below a little doll-sized lieutenant is looking up, shielding his eyes. He's worried for you.
  • 206
1568 Horseback Antenna Across the river, you can see the lights of Coalition Warship Archer floating above Revachol East.
  • 1586
1569 Horseback Antenna A clear sky. The kind of day where anything might happen...
  • 1580
1570 Horseback Antenna The sky is gray and overcast. Somehow, the raindrops seem to fall more slowly from this angle...
  • 1576
1571 Noid
  • 1572
  • 1573
1572 Noid Variable["auto.is_raining"] == false and Variable["auto.is_snowing"] == false
  • 1574
1573 Noid (Variable["auto.is_raining"] == false and Variable["auto.is_snowing"] == false) == false
  • 1575
1574 Horseback Antenna A clear night sky. The stars make for a brilliant display...
  • 1568
1575 Horseback Antenna The sky is opaque with dark clouds. Somehow, the raindrops seem to fall more slowly from this angle...
  • 1582
1576 Horseback Antenna Through the scrim, you can just make out the shadow of Coalition Warship Archer a few kilometres to the east.
  • 1586
1577 Noid
  • 1578
  • 1579
1578 Noid Variable["auto.is_raining"] == false and Variable["auto.is_snowing"] == false
  • 1569
1579 Noid (Variable["auto.is_raining"] == false and Variable["auto.is_snowing"] == false) == false
  • 1570
1580 Horseback Antenna Across the river, you can see Coalition Warship Archer tracing its gradual circuit above Revachol East.
  • 1586
1581 You Look up.
  • 1583
1582 Horseback Antenna You turn to the east, but the visibility is quite poor. You see no sign of Coalition Warship Archer, though you know it can't be too far away.
  • 1586
1583 Noid
  • 1584
  • 1585
1584 Noid IsDaytime()
  • 1577
1585 Noid (IsDaytime()) == false
  • 1571
1586 None
  • 201
1587 Noid
  • 1588
  • 1589
1588 Noid CheckItem("sabre")
  • 1590
1589 Noid (CheckItem("sabre")) == false
  • 1622
1590 Horseback Antenna His imperious gaze leads you naturally to his outstretched hand, which for some reason strikes you as sadly empty...
  • 1595
1591 None
  • 1614
1592 You Look at the rider.
  • 1593
1593 Horseback Antenna You are face to face with Filippe III. The bronze king looks toward the west. Something about his features seems bizarrely distorted.
  • 1594
1594 Logic Not intentionally. It’s a matter of perspective. The king was never meant to be seen from such an angle as you’ve attained.
  • 1587
1595 Endurance He seems ill-equipped for wherever he’s going. A king should not go about unarmed.
  • 1596
1596 Savoir Faire You can't help but feel that *sabre* you picked up might just give this old king a little more panache *and* better reception!
  • 1600
1597 Horseback Antenna To your surprise, the sabre's hilt fits quite snugly in the statue's hand. The king cuts quite the triumphal figure now.
  • 1614
1598 You Keep it to yourself.
  • 1601
1599 Kim Kitsuragi "Everything in order, detective? You're really giving Filippe III a stare."
  • 1623
1600 Conceptualization Come on! Kings and sabres are so *played out*. There's a *better* way...
  • 1608
  • 1611
  • 1613
1601 None
  • 1607
1602 You That's brilliant! [Put the sabre between the horse's teeth.]
  • 1610
1603 You That's a little *too* out there. [Put the sabre in the king's hand.]
  • 1621
1604 Noid
  • 1605
  • 1606
1605 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 1599
1606 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1617
1607 Horseback Antenna The king won't know what he's missing. He looks straight ahead, his expression defiant and verdigris.
  • 1604
1608 You Wait, what's this 'better way'? Variable["jam.warship_concept_horse_better"] == true
  • 1609
1609 Conceptualization Why not arm the good king's valiant steed instead? There seems to be *just* enough room between its teeth there...
  • 1602
  • 1603
  • 1598
1610 Horseback Antenna To your surprise, the sabre slides snugly between the horse's bared teeth.
  • 1591
1611 You Attach the sabre.
  • 1597
1612 None
  • 201
1613 You Keep it to yourself.
  • 1607
1614 Noid
  • 1615
  • 1616
1615 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 1620
1616 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1618
1617 Noid "You alright up there?"
  • 1623
1618 Noid "Wow, this is a huge leap forward for hard core style. Good work."
  • 1612
1619 Noid "Nah, every bit helps. We need this antenna to be as hard core as humanly possible."
  • 1612
1620 Kim Kitsuragi "There is no way *that* is going to make any difference..."
  • 1619
1621 None
  • 1597
1622 None
  • 201
1623 None
  • 201
1624 Empathy He's right. This was your responsibility...
  • 241
1625 Noid
  • 1626
  • 1627
1626 Noid (CheckItemGroup("alcohol") or CheckItem("ammonia_ampoule")) and (Variable["jam.monument_logic_cleaner"])
  • 1540
1627 Noid ((CheckItemGroup("alcohol") or CheckItem("ammonia_ampoule")) and (Variable["jam.monument_logic_cleaner"])) == false
  • 1539
1628 Noid
  • 1629
  • 1630
1629 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1632
1630 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 1631
1631 Noid "You're getting out-tangled by the Big Bad. Time to try something else."
  • 498
1632 Soona, the Programmer "This line of argument is quite pointless. You should abandon it."
  • 498
1633 Horseback Antenna The programmer's words are nearly swallowed by the roar of the Laurel's main rotors...
  • 773
1634 Empathy Whatever her misgivings about the Coalition, the fact is that you've summoned an aerostatic with your voice. An achievement she never thought she'd witness...
  • 784
1635 Esprit de Corps But where is your half-brother, the lieutenant? He should be here...
  • 794
1636 None
  • 1347
1637 None
  • 1347
1638 You "How am I supposed to inspect the connections?" Variable["jam.warship_antenna_physics"]
  • 1639
1639 Noid "My guess, you climb up the centaur-man, see if there's anything obviously *interfering* with them. Maybe you've got some technical law-science?"
  • 1640
1640 Logic This isn't exactly your area of expertise, though...
  • 1641
1641 Kim Kitsuragi "... someone has been maintaining it..."
  • 1643
1642 Savoir Faire No problem at all. You've already teleported up *way* greater heights.
  • 1654
1643 Noid
  • 1644
  • 1645
1644 Noid Variable["boardwalk.feld_ladder_climb_succeeded"]
  • 1642
1645 Noid (Variable["boardwalk.feld_ladder_climb_succeeded"]) == false
  • 1654
1646 You "But what if I slip and fall..." Variable["jam.warship_need_to_climb"] == true
  • 1662
1647 Noid
  • 1648
  • 1649
1648 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 1653
1649 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1659
1650 Noid "It's got to be you. I'm manning the decks down here."
  • 1707
1651 You "But I don't know what I'm doing..." Variable["jam.warship_logic_expertise"] == true
  • 1650
1652 You "No problem. I've already mastered the art of teleportation." Variable["jam.warship_savoir_teleported"] == true and Variable["jam.warship_need_to_climb"] == true
  • 1647
1653 Kim Kitsuragi "You actually haven't. But you have proven that you're a relatively capable climber."
  • 1708
1654 Physical Instrument Come on, son. This isn't anything but a common high bar! Just get a solid overhand grip and hoist yourself up!
  • 1656
1655 Inland Empire Images of your body smashed against the pavement flood your mind -- this is *dangerous*.
  • 1706
1656 Noid
  • 1657
  • 1658
1657 Noid Variable["jam.warship_phys_inst_bar"]
  • 1655
1658 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_phys_inst_bar"]) == false
  • 1661
1659 Noid "Then there's no problem, is there?"
  • 1708
1660 Noid "But that's what the invalids' fund is for, so don't worry about it for now."
  • 1709
1661 Physical Instrument Something about this set-up seems dimly familiar, but you'll be damned if you know what you're supposed to do about it.
  • 1655
1662 Noid "Maybe you break an arm, maybe you break your neck. Could go either way, honestly."
  • 1660
1663 Noid
  • 1664
  • 1665
1664 Noid Variable["church.soona_logic_pale_whitecheck"]
  • 109
1665 Noid (Variable["church.soona_logic_pale_whitecheck"]) == false
  • 1523
1666 Noid
  • 1667
  • 1668
1667 Noid IsNighttime()
  • 1669
1668 Noid (IsNighttime()) == false
  • 1123
1669 Coalition Warship Archer "Well, it's rather dark now, but from our porthole, we can just make out the rolling hillsides. We can see the lanterns lining the walkways through a public park..."
  • 1710
1670 Noid
  • 1671
  • 1672
1671 Noid Variable["jam.warship_interfacing_rc_success"]
  • 1679
1672 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_interfacing_rc_success"]) == false
  • 1688
1673 Noid
  • 1674
  • 1675
1674 Noid Variable["jam.warship_interfacing_rc_success"]
  • 235
1675 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_interfacing_rc_success"]) == false
  • 1676
1676 Noid
  • 1677
  • 1678
1677 Noid Variable["jam.warship_question_counter"] == 1
  • 1697
1678 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_question_counter"] == 1) == false
  • 235
1679 Noid
  • 1680
  • 1681
1680 Noid Variable["jam.warship_question_counter"] >= 3
  • 1682
1681 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_question_counter"] >= 3) == false
  • 1687
1682 Noid
  • 1683
  • 1684
1683 Noid Variable["jam.warship_question_counter"] == 4
  • 1689
1684 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_question_counter"] == 4) == false
  • 1694
1685 Coalition Warship Archer "Is everything alright? We lost the connection for a moment..."
  • 235
1686 Coalition Warship Archer "... Firewalker? Are you there?"
  • 235
1687 Horseback Antenna "Liebling, bitte... Er ist unser einziges Kind..."
  • 1695
1688 Kim Kitsuragi "It's been a long winter... Long and cold."
  • 1696
1689 Kim Kitsuragi "It's been a long winter... Long and cold."
  • 1693
1690 Coalition Warship Archer "... Firewalker? Are you there?"
  • 235
1691 Coalition Warship Archer "Come again? We are picking up more interference..."
  • 235
1692 Coalition Warship Archer "Is everything alright?"
1693 Noid "Bad news, lawman. Signal's going down. These waves are receding. Time to let go..."
  • 1690
1694 Noid "This is it: Final question time. I can already feel our alignment getting shaky..."
  • 1685
1695 Noid "Signal's weakening. I'd guess you've got about two questions left..."
  • 1691
1696 Noid "Bad news, lawman. Signal's going down. These waves are receding. Time to let go..."
  • 1686
1697 Noid "This is it: Final question time. I can already feel our alignment getting shaky..."
  • 1685
1698 Noid
  • 1699
  • 1700
1699 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1701
1700 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 984
1701 Horseback Antenna You look around. Most everyone has already gone home for the night. It's really just you and the programmer left...
  • 985
1702 Noid
  • 1703
  • 1704
1703 Noid Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]
  • 1705
1704 Noid (Variable["church.soona_archer_working_soona"]) == false
  • 983
1705 Horseback Antenna You look around. The strike breakers are still shouting their slogans and waving their hand-painted signs. Beneath you, the programmer has begun disconnecting a few cables...
  • 985
1706 None
  • 157
1707 None
  • 157
1708 None
  • 157
1709 None
  • 157
1710 Coalition Warship Archer "There are a few people on horses by a small pond. The homes and gardens are quite beautiful, very near like those in certain areas of Messina."
  • 355
1711 Coalition Warship Archer "Ah, there are children building a snowman by a small pond. The homes and gardens are quite beautiful, very near like those in certain areas of Messina."
  • 355
1712 Coalition Warship Archer "Ah, there are children running home to get out of the rain. The homes and gardens are quite beautiful, very near like those in certain areas of Messina."
  • 355
1713 Coalition Warship Archer "Ah, there are children playing by a small pond. The homes and gardens are quite beautiful, very near like those in certain areas of Messina."
  • 355
1714 Rhetoric That's sarcasm, she's clearly Messinian.
  • 319
1715 Coalition Warship Archer "No -- well, not quite. The Moralintern never *intends* to violate another nation's sovereignty. That would be a serious violation of international law..."
  • 1200
1716 None
  • 1740
  • 525
  • 526
  • 527
1717 None
  • 1741
  • 531
  • 532
  • 533
1718 Coalition Warship Archer "We repeat: Were you alone?"
  • 1088
  • 1089
1719 Noid
  • 1720
  • 1721
1720 Noid Variable["jam.warship_turned_down_archer"]
  • 1722
1721 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_turned_down_archer"]) == false
  • 963
1722 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant gives a long sigh as he removes his headphones. There's relief on his face as he turns toward you.
  • 964
1723 You "Built by whom?"
  • 1724
1724 Coalition Warship Archer "By thousands of people over many centuries, in keeping with a precise plan each believed in but never expected to see the final completion of..."
  • 1414
1725 You (Say nothing.)
  • 1414
1726 You "Built for *me*?"
  • 1727
1727 Coalition Warship Archer "For you, for all of humanity..."
  • 1414
1728 Horseback Antenna The cold metal chills your bare hands. Some part of your brain tells you something is missing...
  • 1729
1729 Hand/Eye Coordination Chalk powder. Absorbs moisture and keeps your grip firm.
  • 169
1730 Soona, the Programmer "Good. Now, give me a hand with these amplifiers. Leave the cables. I don't feel like making two trips..."
  • 1480
1731 Noid "About time. You grab that amp. Forget the cables. Need to leave some evidence of our antenna to inspire future generations..."
  • 1749
1732 Noid
  • 1733
  • 1734
1733 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 1730
1734 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1350
1735 Noid
  • 1736
  • 1737
1736 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 1036
1737 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1731
1738 None
  • 631
  • 632
1739 You "I was recently caught in a violent confrontation between the Union and a group of mercenaries hired by the Wild Pines..." Variable["TASK.return_to_whirling_done"] == true
  • 511
1740 You "The Wild Pines completely failed to control the paramilitary death squad they hired..." Variable["TASK.return_to_whirling_done"] == true
  • 528
1741 You "And now there are multiple casualties on both sides of the conflict. The harbour is locked down, the Wild Pines rep is gone. It's... very bad." Variable["TASK.return_to_whirling_done"] == true
  • 534
1742 Noid
  • 1743
  • 1744
1743 Noid CheckEquippedGroup("gloves")
  • 170
1744 Noid (CheckEquippedGroup("gloves")) == false
  • 1728
1745 Noid
  • 1746
  • 1747
1746 Noid Variable["jam.warship_phys_inst_bar"]
  • 173
1747 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_phys_inst_bar"]) == false
  • 169
1748 Noid
  • 1040
1749 Noid
  • 1750
  • 1751
1750 Noid Variable["jam.warship_turned_down_archer"]
  • 1748
1751 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_turned_down_archer"]) == false
  • 1040
1752 Noid
  • 1479
1753 Noid
  • 1754
  • 1755
1754 Noid Variable["jam.warship_turned_down_archer"]
  • 1752
1755 Noid (Variable["jam.warship_turned_down_archer"]) == false
  • 1479
1756 Noid
  • 1757
  • 1758
1757 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 211
1758 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1759
1759 Interfacing You allow the broken hunk of metal to clatter to the ground. It wasn't clear to you it did anything anyway...
  • 236
1760 Noid
  • 1761
  • 1762
1761 Noid IsKimHere()
  • 814
1762 Noid (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 1763
1763 Coalition Warship Archer "What the consequences will be for your refusal to accept responsibility, we cannot say. For your sake, we pray they are not more than we all can bear."
  • 815