You look at and ask Roy about a street light.
This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.
ID | Character | Dialogue | Conditions | Links |
0 | None |
1 | None |
2 | Sawed-off Street Light | A typical Martinaise street light sits among assorted floor and table lamps. |
3 | You | Let your gaze run over the street light. |
4 | You | "Is that a street light?" |
5 | You | "Where did you get this?" |
6 | Sawed-off Street Light | The light pole has been carefully cut, and the wiring has been redone and attached to a standard indoor plug. The light buzzes faintly but persistently. |
7 | None |
8 | None |
9 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Yes, officer. As you can see, it's in perfect working order." |
10 | Kim Kitsuragi |
11 | Kim Kitsuragi | IsKimHere() |
12 | Kim Kitsuragi | (IsKimHere()) == false |
13 | Kim Kitsuragi | "We're not here to investigate the theft of city property." He leans in so the pawnbroker doesn't hear him. |
14 | Sawed-off Street Light | The light's buzzing resembles the purring of a cat. It seems very much at home here. |
15 | None |
16 | Bird's Nest Roy | "It was brought to me to be altered." |
17 | Composure | His manner is casual, but his speech is careful, measured. He wants you to know that he has nothing to hide. |
18 | You | "How much for the street light?" |
19 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Seven hundred reál. A bargain, I dare say." |
20 | You | "Are you out of your mind? There's one just like that on every corner!" |
21 | You | "Even taking into account the risk of obtaining the light, that seems a bit steep...." |
22 | You | There's nothing else you need to know about the light. [Leave.] |
23 | Bird's Nest Roy | He rests his elbows on the counter and brings his face closer to the glass. "The light has undergone three transformations, and every transformation, large or small, has a price tag." |
24 | Bird's Nest Roy | "There's also the matter of rewiring. But the most important transformation is the light's placement among ordinary *indoor* fixtures, which has adjusted its morphological field. The light became suitable for use inside the home just a few days ago." |
25 | Logic | The light has been removed and rewired -- that's two *transformations*. But what about the third? |
26 | You | "I get how sawing it off and redoing the wiring could add to the cost, but what else?" |
27 | You | "What do you mean, *transformations*?" |
28 | Bird's Nest Roy | He throws you a look of weary patience. "Well, there are the costs of removal and rewiring." |
29 | Bird's Nest Roy | He throws you a look of weary patience. "The most important transformation is the light's placement among ordinary *indoor* fixtures, which has adjusted its morphological field. The light became suitable for use inside the home just a few days ago." |
30 | Bird's Nest Roy | "But the most important transformation is the light's placement among ordinary *indoor* fixtures, which has adjusted its morphological field. The light became suitable for use inside the home just a few days ago." |
31 | None |
32 | You | "I want that street light. Here's 700." | Variable["canal.light_price"] == true |
33 | None |
34 | Conceptualization | This would make quite a statement in your living room. |
35 | You | "Seven hundred sounds about right. I imagine it wasn't easy sawing off that street lamp." |
36 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Hey, I don't know where it came from, but it's not every day you get to buy and sell something so extraordinary..." |
37 | You | "But how am I going to take it with me?" |
38 | Bird's Nest Roy | "It is quite heavy. You're going to need a truck." |
39 | You | "But... I don't have a truck." |
40 | Bird's Nest Roy | "That's alright, I can keep it here for you until you find one." |
41 | You | "Thanks, I appreciate it." |
42 | You | "I want my money back." |
43 | Bird's Nest Roy | "But... why? It's a perfectly wonderful light." |
44 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Besides," he points to the sign on his booth, "there are no returns or exchanges for items purchased in this shop." |
45 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Excellent choice. I'm almost sad to part with it." |
46 | Kim Kitsuragi |
47 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.light_concept_transform"] |
48 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.light_concept_transform"]) == false |
49 | Kim Kitsuragi |
50 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.light_money"] |
51 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.light_money"]) == false |
52 | Sawed-off Street Light | It's the 700 reál modified street light you bought for some unknown reason. |
53 | Bird's Nest Roy | "It's no problem. Come back any time to look at it. It's *your* sawed off street light now." |
54 | None |
55 | You | Great. I guess I'm stuck with it. [Leave.] |
56 | You | "Is there still no way you'd give me my money back? I can't do anything with this light." |
57 | Bird's Nest Roy | "I'm sorry, there are no returns or exchanges for items purchased in this shop. Just enjoy it." |
58 | You | Look at the light in your life. |
59 | None |
60 | Sawed-off Street Light | Still the same. The pole has been carefully cut, the wiring redone and attached to a standard indoor plug. The light buzzes faintly but persistently. |
61 | Conceptualization | Makes you feel *rebellious*. |
62 | None |
63 | Encyclopedia | Street lights like this one were part of a renovation effort a few decades back. Sadly, the effort was abandoned before it was completed -- and so these lights still illuminate crumbling streets. |
64 | Kim Kitsuragi | "You have to admit, it's rather clever, what he's done with it." He pauses, studying the light. |
65 | Conceptualization | Okay. That checks out. |
66 | Kim Kitsuragi |
67 | Kim Kitsuragi | IsKimHere() |
68 | Kim Kitsuragi | (IsKimHere()) == false |
69 | Kim Kitsuragi | "A wise investment. I agree. The best part is that you *can't* carry it around -- I would really dislike it if you could." |
70 | You | Leave your street light be for now. [Leave.] |
71 | Half Light | A bargain?! No, it's not! He's trying to sweet-talk you into buying trash! |
72 | You | "Let's talk about this trade then, if you're happy with shares?" (Start hustling.) | Variable["canal.roy_street_light_net_worth"] and Variable["canal.light_share_trade_exited"] == false and Variable["canal.light_paid_shares"] == false and Variable["canal.light_money"] == false |
73 | Kim Kitsuragi |
74 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.light_price"] |
75 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.light_price"]) == false |
76 | Bird's Nest Roy | "More than happy. Like I said, I value the street light at 700 reál. You decide how many of your shares that gets me." |
77 | Bird's Nest Roy | "More than happy. I value the street light at 700 reál. You decide how many of your shares that gets me." |
78 | Logic | A twentieth of your shares is a sensible offer. Very divisible as far as numbers go. |
79 | You | "How does a twentieth sound to you?" |
80 | You | "I need time to mull this over." (Go back.) |
81 | Savoir Faire | As *little* as possible. We only sell shares if we're getting something of *more value* for them. Shares are *premium* goods. THINK BIG BUSINESS! |
82 | You | "I'll give you a third of my shares for it." |
83 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Of course, officer." There's a tiny hint of distress in his voice. "It's your decision." |
84 | None |
85 | Bird's Nest Roy | "A *third*? Are you sure?" |
86 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Hm, that's a reasonable offer." He raises a curled finger to his chin, looking as thoughtful as he can. |
87 | Bird's Nest Roy | He gulps. "That's... not enough." |
88 | You | "I can't go higher than a few shares." |
89 | Savoir Faire | Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing? That street light isn't worth anywhere near that much. Reel it in, moneybags. Or do you like being bankrupt? |
90 | You | "Yes, I'm sure." |
91 | You | "Actually, no." |
92 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Alright, you have a deal. The street light is all yours." His shoulders relax as if a load has been lifted off them. "Pleasure doing business with you." |
93 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Take your time." |
94 | None |
95 | None |
96 | You | "Take it or leave it. Makes no odds to me." |
97 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Forget it, then. I'll get more for the light in cash. Unless you want to reconsider?" |
98 | You | "Look, I was told that these shares will *double* in value in five years' time." | Variable["cargo.mrlb_shares_increase_value"] |
99 | Bird's Nest Roy | "But I want to sell them *now*." He tilts his head slightly to consider this new information. |
100 | Kim Kitsuragi |
101 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.light_paid_shares"] |
102 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.light_paid_shares"]) == false |
103 | Sawed-off Street Light | It's the 700 reál modified street light you traded for shares. |
104 | Sawed-off Street Light | The pole has been carefully cut, the wiring redone and attached to a standard indoor plug. The light buzzes faintly but persistently. |
105 | You | Look at the light in your life. |
106 | Inland Empire | She's going to *love* it. |
107 | You | Read the sign. |
108 | None |
109 | You | See you later, sunshine. [Leave.] |
110 | None |
111 | Sawed-off Street Light | It reads: 'SOLD TO THE DISCO COP FOR SHARES IN M-K MERCURY GROUP.' The words are written with an even kerning in bold, precise letters. |
112 | Savoir Faire | Looks surprisingly official for a small-time trader. Some of your big-biz flair must be rubbing off on him. |
113 | None |
114 | You | "So how do I get this light out of here?" (Proceed.) |
115 | Empathy | Some extra shares would go a long way to helping him out of debt. He deserves a break. |
116 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Hm?" He surfaces from a daydream. "Oh, right. That's... good," he replies, unsure of what you said. |
117 | You | "I've got big plans for this light. Your shop's gonna be a landmark one day." |
118 | Kim Kitsuragi |
119 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.roy_debt_known"] |
120 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.roy_debt_known"]) == false |
121 | Endurance | He has an idea of what he wants but he's not giving it away. Sign of a veteran dealer -- able to withstand negotiations over minuscule amounts for *days* or even *weeks*. |
122 | Empathy | Something lifted in him when he saw those shares. He *needs* as many as possible -- even if he won't admit it. |
123 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Alright, you have a deal. The street light is all yours." His shoulders relax as if a load has been lifted off them. "Pleasure doing business with you." |
124 | Reaction Speed | This is all for show. He's already made his mind up. |
125 | Drama | The pose! The power! Yessssss, drag this part out and reel in your audience, darling. See if they will crack under the suspense. |
126 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Alright, alright. That'll have to do." His shoulders relax slightly. "The street light is all yours." |
127 | Perception (Sight) | Or has another light shining on the ceiling caught his eye? It's hard to tell. |
128 | Kim Kitsuragi |
129 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.light_inland_she"] |
130 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.light_inland_she"]) == false |
131 | You | Who is? |
132 | You | (Don't ask.) |
133 | Inland Empire | Silence... |
134 | You | "Nothing like a good business deal to loosen the joints, is there?" (Rotate your shoulders.) |
135 | You | (Ready your hands on your pistol.) | Variable["canal.light_halflight_grabbing_gun"] and CheckItem("gun_villiers") |
136 | You | "How can I trust that you won't sell it to someone else?" |
137 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Tell you what..." He bends down and disappears behind the counter. |
138 | Bird's Nest Roy | "But... why? It's a perfectly wonderful light. Besides," he points to the sign on his booth, "there are no returns or exchanges for items purchased in this shop." |
139 | You | "I want my shares back then." |
140 | Bird's Nest Roy | "That's alright, I can keep it here for you until you find one." |
141 | Bird's Nest Roy | "It is quite heavy. You're going to need a truck." |
142 | You | "But... I don't have a truck." |
143 | None |
144 | You | "Hey! Where'd you go?" |
145 | Rhetoric | Did he just do a runner? He can't get away that easily. Try calling out to him. |
146 | Volition | Don't panic. I'm sure he's just doing his shoelaces up. Something like that. |
147 | Half Light | What if he's grabbing a GUN?! |
148 | Bird's Nest Roy | He doesn't quite catch your meaning. "Oh... sure." He tries to mimic your rotational action but just ends up shrugging. |
149 | Kim Kitsuragi |
150 | Kim Kitsuragi | IsKimHere() |
151 | Kim Kitsuragi | (IsKimHere()) == false |
152 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant catches your movements and meets your eyes with a look of confusion. |
153 | You | (Pretend to browse the shop from where you're stood.) |
154 | Bird's Nest Roy | The pawnshop owner uprights himself back into view with the stiffness of an old ironing board. "Here we go," he says, holding a piece of cardboard out at you. |
155 | None |
156 | You | "How does it feel to be a *shareholder*?" |
157 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Yeah, good. But I won't be holding onto these shares for long." He gives you a false grin. "I've got to pay those debts off." |
158 | Kim Kitsuragi |
159 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.roy_debt_known"] |
160 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.roy_debt_known"]) == false |
161 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Yeah, good. But I won't be holding onto these shares for long." He gives you a false grin. |
162 | You | "Got some big purchases planned, have you?" |
163 | None |
164 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Let's just say there's some long overdue business I've got to deal with." |
165 | None |
166 | None |
167 | Inland Empire | Silence... |
168 | You | "It'll have to do for now." |
169 | You | "I like your thinking." |
170 | Bird's Nest Roy | He watches you attach the sign to the street light using the sticky tack he put on the back of it. "There you go. Beautiful job." |
171 | Savoir Faire | Great idea! One of your physical assets *on display* for the public. Maybe this was a good idea after all. We could sell tickets for people to come see it, turn this into a little money churner... |
172 | Savoir Faire | But let's come back to that idea later. There's easier money to be made elsewhere. Just get that sign stuck on there for now. |
173 | You | "What's that?" |
174 | You | (Take it.) |
175 | Bird's Nest Roy | He hands you the cardboard and you notice there's something written on it. "Stick this to the light and people will know that it's *yours*." |
176 | Bird's Nest Roy | "It's a sign that declares you the owner of the street light. Stick it on and people will know that it's *yours*." |
177 | Kim Kitsuragi |
178 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.light_roy_handed_sign"] |
179 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.light_roy_handed_sign"]) == false |
180 | Bird's Nest Roy | He hands you the sign then watches you attach it to the street light using the sticky tack he put on the back. "There you go. Beautiful job." |
181 | You | (Search for something you can defend yourself with.) | Variable["canal.light_halflight_grabbing_gun"] and CheckItem("gun_villiers") == false |
182 | Bird's Nest Roy | You tense up as the pawnshop owner uprights himself back into view. There isn't a gun in his hands -- or anywhere else on him. Instead, he holds out a piece of cardboard. "Here we go." |
183 | You | "Phew." (Relax.) "I thought you were grabbing a gun." |
184 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Oh, nothing like that." He is completely unfazed by your statement. "Just this sign that declares you the owner of the street light. Stick it on and people will know that it's *yours*." |
185 | Half Light | He's trying to cut you with its sharp edge! |
186 | Volition | He's *really* not. Just take it off him. |
187 | You | "Careful where you point that thing. It's sharp!" |
188 | Bird's Nest Roy | "I assure you it's not." He runs a finger along its edge. "See? Not a scratch. Now, please, take it and stick it on the street light. That way people will know it's *yours*." |
189 | You | "Let's talk about trading those shares again." | Variable["canal.light_share_trade_exited"] and Variable["canal.light_paid_shares"] == false and Variable["canal.light_money"] == false |
190 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Yes please," he says eagerly. |
191 | None |
192 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Uh," comes a voice from behind the glass. "One quick question. How do I get hold of my shares?" |
193 | Kim Kitsuragi |
194 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.light_roy_asked_how_get_shares"] |
195 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.light_roy_asked_how_get_shares"]) == false |
196 | You | "I'll get my Personal Brand Strategist to sort the legal work out with you." (Mumble.) "Once I have one..." |
197 | Bird's Nest Roy | "Oh, right. Perfect. Thank you." |
198 | Kim Kitsuragi |
199 | Kim Kitsuragi | Variable["canal.roy_empathy_hiding_debt"] |
200 | Kim Kitsuragi | (Variable["canal.roy_empathy_hiding_debt"]) == false |
201 | None |
202 | Sawed-off Street Light | Your eyes slide back to the 700 reál modified street light you traded for shares. The golden light seems to flicker ever so slightly, like a butterfly... It casts shadows on the sign. |
203 | None |
204 | None |