Conversation 862: YARD / CUNO BODY

* Ask Cuno about the hanged man.

How to use this page:

This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.

Column definitions:
  • ID: a numerical index for the entry within this conversation.
  • Character: the character speaking or acting.
  • Dialogue: prose containing spoken dialogue and other description.
  • Conditions: logical checks governing this entry appearing or occurring.
  • Links: entries that might follow this one, depending on conditions and player choice. Most links are internal to this conversation, external links to other conversations are marked with the format (conversation ID, entry ID).
ID Character Dialogue Conditions Links
0 None
  • 1
1 None
  • 2
  • 206
2 Cuno "Shitload, pig, what's your question?"
  • 7
3 Cuno "You're testing Cuno's patience here."
  • 4
4 Cunoesse "Get lost, f****t!"
  • 5
5 None
  • (860, 2)
6 You "More on this later. Right now let's talk about something else."
  • 3
7 Cunoesse "Don't tell the pig shit, Cuno!"
  • 8
8 Reaction Speed This is where you *quickly* ask him questions. Real cop-questions. Like a cop.
  • 10
9 None
  • 21
10 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 11
  • 12
11 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["yard.cuno_cop_questions"]
  • 21
12 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["yard.cuno_cop_questions"]) == false
  • 18
  • 15
  • 14
13 Cunoesse "Fucking idiot *mulkkupää* doesn't know any questions."
  • 35
14 You "I don't have questions."
  • 13
15 You (Whisper.) "Kim, help me out here. What do we want to know?" IsKimHere()
  • 16
16 Kim Kitsuragi "If I were to want to waste my time -- which I do not -- I would ask them who he is, how he got there, and the *usual*."
  • 41
17 Cunoesse "Pig's choking, he's totally choking!"
  • 42
18 You "Uh..."
  • 17
19 None
  • (860, 2)
20 Cuno "Just a lone pig trying to sugar-talk some kids. That seems pretty fucking suspicious to Cuno."
  • 31
21 None
  • 28
  • 39
  • 22
  • 29
  • 65
  • 6
22 You "Do you know how it got up there?"
  • 23
23 Cuno "Probably climbed? Cuno was busy *down the road* when that shit went down."
  • 27
24 Cuno "Told you, pig bacon. Cuno doesn't do regional. Cuno's been to places you wouldn't dream of."
  • 223
25 You "You didn't really leave the city. Where were you?" Variable["yard.cuno_body_drama_revachol"]
  • 24
26 Cuno "You heard Cuno -- Cuno wasn't even in Martinaise. Cuno wasn't in Revachol." He puffs himself up. "Cuno wasn't *regional*."
  • 50
27 You "So you didn't see it happening?"
  • 26
28 You "Where's the rest of his armour?" IsTaskActive("TASK.ask_cuno_about_the_armour")--[[ Variable[ ]]
  • 156
29 You "Have you seen anyone suspicious around?"
  • 32
30 Cuno "Just a couple of pigs sniffing around in the dirt. That seems pretty fucking suspicious to Cuno."
  • 31
31 Cunoesse "Yeah, you tell the *fägäri*, Cuno!"
  • 62
32 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 33
  • 34
33 Kim Kitsuragi IsKimHere()
  • 30
34 Kim Kitsuragi (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 20
35 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 36
  • 37
36 Kim Kitsuragi IsKimHere() == false and Variable["yard.cuno_cop_questions"] == false
  • 38
37 Kim Kitsuragi (IsKimHere() == false and Variable["yard.cuno_cop_questions"] == false) == false
  • 19
38 Esprit de Corps The lieutenant is sitting on the edge of his bed, twenty kilometres from here, and cleaning his boots. An archetypal policeman like him would *definitely* come up with some questions to ask right now. Unlike you, standing here alone, unable to gather your thoughts.
  • 19
39 You "Do you know who he was?"
  • 111
40 You "Oh, okay. Where did you go then?"
  • 44
41 Rhetoric The usual being "have you seen anything out of the ordinary" or "have you seen anything suspicious"?
  • 216
42 Drama Stop choking or everyone will see you're a fake! All this *thespianism* isn't doing you any good!
  • 43
43 Authority The kids are overwhelming you. Regain control of yourself and the situation.
  • 15
  • 14
44 Cuno "I don't know, some fucking..." He looks around, trying to come up with something.
  • 226
45 Cuno "Mesque, or... or I don't know. Some other place... Night City! Cuno was in fucking Night City."
  • 46
46 Encyclopedia There is no Night City anywhere. That sounds like the name of a city in some pulp science fiction novel.
  • 47
  • 48
  • 131
47 You "That's a fictional city name. Night City doesn't exist." Variable["yard.cuno_night_city"] == true
  • 49
48 You "Where is Night City?"
  • 138
49 Cuno "Why you gotta be riding Cuno's ass? You haven't been where Cuno's been. You haven't been in Cuno's head."
  • 51
50 Drama The city's too large for him to have left. But he wasn't *here* either... So where was he?
  • 25
  • 40
51 Cuno "You wanna know where Cuno was? You wanna know what Cuno's been fucking *up* to?"
  • 52
52 Cunoesse "Don't tell him that Cuno, it's lame!"
  • 53
53 Cuno "It's not fucking lame! Cuno's building Cuno's city -- Night City, Rage City, the City of Rage. That's it. And it's not lame!"
  • 139
54 Interfacing What the hell *is* it about then? A city of toys? No, with this kid, it's probably made of cigarette butts. Or maybe sand and melting snow?
  • 55
55 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 56
  • 57
56 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["yard.cuno_interfacing_whats_rage_city_about"]
  • 58
57 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["yard.cuno_interfacing_whats_rage_city_about"]) == false
  • 140
58 Logic This is a minor discovery. Don't let this Night City business clog up your mind. Proceed with your investigation. If it's really important, it will come up later.
  • 59
59 None
  • 21
60 Cuno "That's the name of Cuno's city, bitch! Get the fuck off Cuno's back. This shit ain't about that."
  • 54
61 Rhetoric Looks like you're a *fägäri* now, whatever that means. The *suspicious* question doesn't really work in antagonistic situations.
  • 9
62 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 63
  • 64
63 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["yard.cuno_rhet_explain_the_usual_thing"]
  • 61
64 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["yard.cuno_rhet_explain_the_usual_thing"]) == false
  • 9
65 You "There are contusions all over his body. Did you do that?" Variable["backyard.body_register_throwing_stones"] == true
  • 66
66 Cuno "Fuck are you talking about? What is this *con-tush-on* shit?" He grabs his head like it's suddenly hurting.
  • 67
67 Cunoesse "He says you're *stupid*, Cuno! They want to make you stupid again!"
  • 144
68 You "A contusion is a bruise. I'm talking about the marks your stones left on the corpse."
  • 70
69 You "I hate words too."
  • 94
70 Cuno "Oh, did Cuno make your shit-sniffing harder? Obstruction of shit-sniffing?" He lets go of his head, suddenly feeling better. "This is Cuno's Kingdom. Cuno fucking rules here."
  • 73
71 None
  • 21
72 Esprit de Corps He's thinking the kid has amassed quite the vocabulary of law-enforcement terms. But he's not going to stick his nose into this.
  • 80
73 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 74
  • 75
74 Kim Kitsuragi IsKimHere()
  • 79
75 Kim Kitsuragi (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 71
76 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 77
  • 78
77 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["yard.cuno_perception_you_hear_the_lieutenant_hum"]
  • 72
78 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["yard.cuno_perception_you_hear_the_lieutenant_hum"]) == false
  • 71
79 Perception (Hearing) "Hmmm..." you hear the lieutenant hum.
  • 76
80 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 81
  • 82
81 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["yard.cuno_esprit_lawenforcement_vocabluary"]
  • 83
  • 84
82 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["yard.cuno_esprit_lawenforcement_vocabluary"]) == false
  • 71
83 You "Me and my partner are wondering, where did you pick up so many police terms?"
  • 85
84 You Proceed with the questioning.
  • 93
85 Cunoesse "Me and *my* partner are wondering..." The demonic hiss behind the fence gets louder. "Do you guys puff Peter?"
  • 86
86 Cuno Cuno erupts into laughter, pointing his finger at you, then Kim, then back at you...
  • 88
87 Esprit de Corps An unfortunate choice of words, the lieutenant from Precinct 57 thinks. He looks downwind at the rotting corpse. He could use a cigarette right about now.
  • 92
88 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 89
  • 90
89 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["whirling.kim_took_away_body_day_2"]
  • 87
90 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["whirling.kim_took_away_body_day_2"]) == false
  • 91
91 Esprit de Corps An unfortunate choice of words, the lieutenant from Precinct 57 thinks. He looks at the harbour walls looming overhead. He could use a cigarette right about now.
  • 92
92 None
  • 21
93 Esprit de Corps Good. That's what the lieutenant from Precinct 57 would have done as well.
  • 71
94 Cuno "Words are fucking shit, make you stupid!" He spits on the ground. "Cuno's got his own words now -- Cuno-words."
  • 95
95 Logic Has Cuno been to some kind of school? Probably a school for children with behavioural difficulties.
  • 99
96 You "Cuno, shouldn't you be at school or something?"
  • 104
97 You "I have behavioural difficulties too."
  • 103
98 You Better not to mention it.
  • 109
99 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 100
  • 101
100 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["yard.cuno_logic_been_to_handicapped_school_maybe"]
  • 96
  • 97
  • 98
101 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["yard.cuno_logic_been_to_handicapped_school_maybe"]) == false
  • 102
102 None
  • 21
103 Cunoesse "Watch out, Cuno, he's trying to relate to you!"
  • 107
104 Cuno "That's the past, pig. Cuno's not *there* anymore. Cuno did his time." He nods solemnly. "Now ask about that pig corpse shit and don't go sniffing into Cuno's past!"
  • 106
105 None
  • 21
106 Cunoesse "Pigs come to take you back, Cuno!" the hat-wearing fiend shrieks. "Tryin'a dig up dirt on you!"
  • 105
107 Cuno "Cuno doesn't give a shit about your handicap. Get a wheelchair or something. Cuno doesn't care."
  • 108
108 Suggestion It's tough to tell, but he actually does... a little. He tilts his head to the right, reassessing you in the light of your bad ass learning disability.
  • 105
109 Logic How is that better? At least get back to the corpse then.
  • 110
110 None
  • 21
111 Cuno "Cuno's fuck-gimp." He picks up a rock. "Cuno uses the fuck-gimp for target practice."
  • 112
112 Drama He's trying to hide the fact that he doesn't know.
  • 113
113 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 114
  • 115
114 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["yard.cuno_drama_trying_to_hide_he_doesnt_know"]
  • 116
  • 117
115 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["yard.cuno_drama_trying_to_hide_he_doesnt_know"]) == false
  • 120
116 You "So you don't know anything."
  • 118
117 You "I meant who he *was*. Before he died?"
  • 119
118 Cuno "Cuno knows all kinds of shit. Cuno's not a snitch, that's all." He shakes his head, clearly offended. "Tryin'a make the Cuno sing into the popophone..."
  • 129
119 Cuno "Cuno knows what you meant. Cuno's not a snitch, that's all." He shakes his head, clearly offended. "Tryin'a make Cuno sing into the popophone..."
  • 129
120 Reaction Speed He could've just said he doesn't know.
  • 123
121 Cuno "Cuno *knows* shit. Cuno's not a snitch, that's all." He shakes his head, clearly offended. "Tryin'a make Cuno sing into the popophone..."
  • 129
122 You "You could've just said you don't know."
  • 121
123 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 124
  • 125
124 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["yard.cuno_reaction_speed_coulve_said_dont_know"]
  • 122
  • 126
125 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["yard.cuno_reaction_speed_coulve_said_dont_know"]) == false
  • 220
126 You "Okay."
  • 127
127 Cuno "Yeah it's fucking okay!" He throws the rock. It misses. "Gotta have a gimp for rock practice..."
  • 128
128 Cunoesse "Don't ask the pigs for permission, Cuno. Don't ask the pigs for shit!"
  • 129
129 None
  • 21
130 None
  • 21
131 You "Okay. About the dead body..."
  • 132
132 Cuno "Yeah? Cuno didn't smoke him, if that's what you mean." He draws snot up his nose.
  • 133
133 Logic Thanks, Cuno. That's one name you can now cross off the list.
  • 134
134 None
  • 21
135 You "Let's back up. This isn't going anywhere."
  • 136
136 Cuno The buck-toothed gremlin lets go of his head. Looks like the attack has passed.
  • 137
137 Pain Threshold The pain of the word recedes, he's feeling better now. Further away from *education*.
  • 102
138 Cuno "Cuno gives this info out on a need-to-know basis. And *you* don't need to know." He draws snot up his nose. "Cuno didn't smoke the gimp, if that's what you meant."
  • 133
139 Cunoesse "Lame!"
  • 60
140 Logic It's impossible to deduce what it *is* about, at least for the moment. If it's important, it'll come up later. Focus on the case.
  • 59
141 You "Yes, that's what I'm saying. You're stupid."
  • 142
142 Cuno Cuno lets go of his head. "Get the fuck out of here, calling Cuno stupid? Pigs come to Cuno for guidance, then say he's stupid? The fuck is up with that?"
  • 143
143 Cunoesse "They're lost without you, Cuno! They need you. You're in control of this!"
  • 145
144 None
  • 68
  • 141
  • 69
  • 135
145 Cuno "Why don't you figure your shit out yourself -- before you come to *Detective Cuno* for help?"
  • 146
146 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 147
  • 148
147 Kim Kitsuragi IsKimHere()
  • 149
148 Kim Kitsuragi (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 151
149 Kim Kitsuragi "Hmmm... maybe we should." The lieutenant raises an eyebrow.
  • 151
150 None
  • 21
151 Rhetoric Got told by a twelve-year old. Here's a tip for the future: If you wanna win an argument, wait for my sign. Don't just go barging in.
  • 150
152 Cuno "Cuno's fuck-gimp's got one big thing wrong with him. He's a fucking mutant."
  • 157
153 Cuno "Shoot that shit at Cuno."
  • 205
154 You "How come?"
  • 152
155 You "Okay, another question then."
  • 153
156 Cuno "Cuno doesn't give a shit about the armour."
  • 154
  • 155
157 You "A mutant?"
  • 208
158 Cuno "Look at him!" He points to the body. "Fucking growth hormone shit. He's a giant. The armour's too big for *any man*."
  • 212
159 Physical Instrument Oh, come on. He's just pretending that he doesn't care because he's too small for the armour.
  • 161
160 Cuno He drills his temples with his fingers in some strange, aggressive gesture. "Cuno doesn't give a shit about that freak armour. Cuno threw that shit away."
  • 159
161 None
  • 162
  • 163
  • 164
  • 165
162 You "You're just too small for the armour." Variable["yard.cuno_physints_armour_too_big_for_cuno"] == true
  • 166
163 You "What do you mean you *threw it away*?"
  • 170
164 You "You threw it in the sea?" Variable["yard.cuno_armour_sea_branch_finished"] == true
  • 172
165 You "Who do you mean, troubadour?" Variable["yard.cuno_armour_sea_branch_finished2"] == true
  • 174
166 Cuno "Get the fuck out of here, tryin'a fuck on me with that midget shit? Cuno's twelve! He's huge!" He squints at you.
  • 167
167 Cuno "What are you... fucking eighty? When Cuno's eighty, Cuno can fit four of you in Cuno! Fuck outta here!"
  • 168
168 Cunoesse "Trying to fuck on Cuno? Fuck outta here!"
  • 169
169 None
  • 161
170 Cuno "Cuno tried to get the helmet on. It was too big." He performs a kick-off on the imaginary helmet.
  • 171
171 Cuno "Cuno kicked that shit in the sea. Rugby style. That shit means *nothing* to Cuno."
  • 198
172 Cuno "Yeah, that shit means *nothing* to Cuno," he repeats. "Cuno doesn't give a shit about material shit. Cuno's a fucking monk!"
  • 173
173 Cuno "You wanna fuck on someone 'bout that armour? Go fuck the moustached Union fuck -- the jolly troubadour shit at the gates."
  • 198
174 Cuno "Yeah, Cock-in-Boots. You know that jolly Union cow fucker? Came around talking about cows or some shit. Came around pretendin' like he cares about cows."
  • 176
175 Visual Calculus Yes, you met him at the gates. The one with the boots and the jolly smile.
  • 179
176 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 177
  • 178
177 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["gates.manana_greeting_done"]
  • 175
178 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["gates.manana_greeting_done"]) == false
  • 184
179 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 180
  • 181
180 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["yard.cuno_vical_recognized_manana_descript"]
  • 188
181 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["yard.cuno_vical_recognized_manana_descript"]) == false
  • 182
182 Reaction Speed He means Mañana, the laid-back striker at the gates.
  • 185
183 None
  • 21
184 Cuno "So yeah, he's the one you wanna talk to. He's fucking crazy about that armour shit. Coming here, pretending like he likes cows, tryin'a catch a peep at Cuno's armour... Go to the gates -- ask him yourself."
  • 190
185 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 186
  • 187
186 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["yard.cuno_reaction_speed_manana_reconized"]
  • 188
187 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["yard.cuno_reaction_speed_manana_reconized"]) == false
  • 184
188 You "You mean Mañana?"
  • 189
189 Cuno "Yeah, he's the one you wanna talk to. He's fucking crazy about that armour shit. Coming here, pretending like he likes cows, tryin'a catch a peep at Cuno's armour."
  • 190
190 Drama Curious, my liege. Why did Cuno feed you this information?
  • 192
191 You "And you're just telling me this out of the kindness of your heart, Cuno?"
  • 200
192 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 193
  • 194
193 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["yard.cuno_drama_why_feed_this_info_to_cuno"]
  • 191
  • 195
194 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["yard.cuno_drama_why_feed_this_info_to_cuno"]) == false
  • 221
195 You Let it be.
  • 197
196 Cuno "Yeah, Cuno's doing charity today. Cuno Day. Cuno feels *sorry* for you two loser-pigs. Cuno's doing pity now."
  • 199
197 Drama Yes, pray pardon, sire! Better to let it be. I did not mean to make you paranoid.
  • 183
198 None
  • 161
199 Drama Still, seems suspicious... He may have it in for that guy. Or you may be paranoid. That is also a possibility, sire.
  • 204
200 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 201
  • 202
201 Kim Kitsuragi IsKimHere()
  • 196
202 Kim Kitsuragi (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 203
203 Cuno "Yeah, Cuno's doing charity today. Cuno Day. Cuno feels *sorry* for you, loser-pig. Cuno's doing pity now."
  • 199
204 None
  • 21
205 None
  • 21
206 Cuno "The fuck about it?"
  • 21
207 Cuno "Fucking Mesque, or I don't know. Some other place... Night City! Cuno was in fucking Night City."
  • 46
208 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 209
  • 210
209 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["TASK.fridge_victims_body_done"] or Variable["TASK.send_corpse_to_processing_done"]
  • 211
210 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["TASK.fridge_victims_body_done"] or Variable["TASK.send_corpse_to_processing_done"]) == false
  • 158
211 Cuno "Do you remember how he looked?! Fucking growth hormone shit. He's a giant. The armour's too big for *any man*."
  • 212
212 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 213
  • 214
213 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["TASK.ask_cuno_about_the_armour"]
  • 160
214 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["TASK.ask_cuno_about_the_armour"]) == false
  • 215
215 Cuno He drills his temples with his fingers in some strange, aggressive gesture. "Cuno doesn't give a shit about that freak armour. Cuno threw that shit away."
  • 159
216 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 217
  • 218
217 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["yard.cuno_rhet_explain_the_usual_thing"]
  • 21
218 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["yard.cuno_rhet_explain_the_usual_thing"]) == false
  • 219
219 Suggestion You have no idea what the *usual* is. Just ask whatever comes to mind.
  • 21
220 Physical Instrument End of conversation. Very strong. You should be this stoic.
  • 130
221 Inland Empire Yes. This troubadour has it. You can *feel* it.
  • 183
222 Cuno "Remember Night City, pig fuck? Cuno was in fucking Night City getting shit *done*."
  • 229
223 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 224
  • 225
224 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["yard.cuno_locusts_no_more"]
  • 222
225 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["yard.cuno_locusts_no_more"]) == false
  • 207
226 Kim Kitsuragi
  • 227
  • 228
227 Kim Kitsuragi Variable["yard.cuno_locusts_no_more"]
  • 222
228 Kim Kitsuragi (Variable["yard.cuno_locusts_no_more"]) == false
  • 45
229 Cunoesse "What the fuck, Cuno! Stop being so fucking lame!"
  • 131