(afterthought on silence and sounds)
This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.
ID | Character | Dialogue | Conditions | Links |
0 | None |
1 | None |
2 | Perception (Hearing) | The dry grass crackles under your feet as you stop. Far away birds' wings touch the still surface of the sea... |
3 | You | What is that flutter? |
4 | You | [Stop listening.] |
5 | Perception (Hearing) | The flock of quail departs; now more than a hundred metres away... a hundred and two... a hundred and five... |
6 | Perception (Hearing) | On the islet? There is almost no wind, just the light movement of air through the reeds. Bulrushes swaying on the waterline, long dried leaves chafing against each other. |
7 | None |
8 | None | Variable["auto.is_raining"] |
9 | None | (Variable["auto.is_raining"]) == false |
10 | None |
11 | None | Variable["auto.is_snowing"] |
12 | None | (Variable["auto.is_snowing"]) == false |
13 | You | Underneath the flutter... |
14 | Shivers | The great ghost of the air is holding its breath. |
15 | Conceptualization | Like a silent orchestra tuning -- at the beginning of some major work. |
16 | Shivers | Of great importance to the few who attend. |
17 | None |
18 | None | Variable["seafort.orb_silence_concept_trig"] |
19 | None | (Variable["seafort.orb_silence_concept_trig"]) == false |
20 | None |
21 | You | Ahead... |
22 | You | To the east... |
23 | You | To the west... |
24 | You | "Kim..." | IsKimHere() |
25 | Perception (Hearing) | A low hum. The air slowly moves through a concrete box -- through its ancient slits and cracks. Resonating. Hollow. A big building. |
26 | Perception (Hearing) | Air flows out of a pillbox window. There is very little there. The air cossets flowers on a meadow? Absolute silence. Reeds motionless. Bulrushes motionless. |
27 | Perception (Hearing) | The far away roar of the city, distant like today's dream. Before it, the sound of sand. The low tide filtered through its grains... a bird tending to its feathers. |
28 | Perception (Hearing) | A silent hiss, sea air moving through the needles of a pine tree. |
29 | You | Beyond that... further north... |
30 | None |
31 | Perception (Hearing) | Raindrops fall on water, strangely quiet, forming circles in the distance... |
32 | Perception (Hearing) | Snow falls on the water, melting away without even a whisper. |
33 | You | Below the silence? | Variable["seafort.sense_perc_hearing_mega_open_below_silence"] |
34 | Perception (Hearing) | Col Do Ma Ma Daqua. |
35 | Perception (Hearing) | A drop of rain falls on a black log. Of an extinguished camp-fire. |
36 | None |
37 | None | Variable["auto.is_raining"] |
38 | None | (Variable["auto.is_raining"]) == false |
39 | None |
40 | None |
41 | None | Variable["auto.is_snowing"] |
42 | None | (Variable["auto.is_snowing"]) == false |
43 | Perception (Hearing) | A flake of snow falls on an extinguished camp-fire. Hiss... |
44 | None |
45 | None | IsTHCPresent("col_do_ma_ma_daqua") |
46 | None | (IsTHCPresent("col_do_ma_ma_daqua")) == false |
47 | None |
48 | None |
49 | Perception (Hearing) | A jitter. A sound impatient to happen, but not yet in this world. |
50 | None |
51 | None | Variable["yard.hanged_way_out_west"] |
52 | None | (Variable["yard.hanged_way_out_west"]) == false |
53 | Inland Empire | You hear some kind of limb fidget, producing an imperceptible tick... |
54 | Inland Empire | We are way out now... Way out in the West. |
55 | Logic | No, it's just your imagination. You can't hear such things. |
56 | None |
57 | None | Variable["seafort.sense_hearing_inland_limbs_fidget"] |
58 | None | (Variable["seafort.sense_hearing_inland_limbs_fidget"]) == false |
59 | None |
60 | You | [Open your eyes, stop listening.] |
61 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Yes?" |
62 | You | "It's really fucking silent on this island." |
63 | You | "It's pretty silent on this island." |
64 | You | "Have you noticed how quiet it is?" |
65 | Kim Kitsuragi | "It is -- is that why we're stopping?" |
66 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I have -- is that why we're stopping?" |
67 | None |
68 | You | "Sorry. Let's move." [Leave.] |
69 | You | "Mhm. Wait. I have to listen to one more thing." |
70 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant nods, in silence. |
71 | None |
72 | You | "It... hurts a bit. Maybe the bandage is off?" | Variable["seafort.sense_hearing_pain_flash"] |
73 | Kim Kitsuragi | "It can happen -- is that why we're stopping?" |
74 | Pain Threshold | Momentarily the sounds are swept away. Pain shoots up your right foot and into your groin... |
75 | None |
76 | None | Variable["seafort.sense_hearing_pain_flash"] |
77 | None | (Variable["seafort.sense_hearing_pain_flash"]) == false |
78 | Pain Threshold | This is where a lesser man would stop to think about the pain shooting up his right leg and into his groin -- not you, you're concentrated on how... |
79 | You | "No, I was listening to something." |
80 | None |
81 | None |
82 | You | "Cuno..." | IsCunoInParty() |
83 | Cuno | "What?" |
84 | Pain Threshold | Momentarily the sounds are swept away. Pain shoots up your right foot and into your groin... |
85 | None |
86 | None | Variable["seafort.sense_hearing_pain_flash"] |
87 | None | (Variable["seafort.sense_hearing_pain_flash"]) == false |
88 | Pain Threshold | This is where a lesser man would stop to think about the pain shooting up his right leg and into his groin -- not you, you're concentrated on how... |
89 | None |
90 | You | "It's pretty silent on this island." |
91 | You | "It's really fucking silent on this island." |
92 | You | "Have you noticed how quiet it is?" |
93 | You | "It... hurts a bit. Maybe the bandage is off?" | Variable["seafort.sense_hearing_pain_flash"] |
94 | Cuno | He shrugs. "Spooky-ass island. That's how it is on spooky-ass islands. Silent and shit." |
95 | Cuno | "Yeah. Spooky-ass island. That's how it is on spooky-ass islands. Silent and shit." |
96 | Cuno | "Fuckin' spooky, yeah. Is what it is." |
97 | Cuno | He squints at you. "Is that why we're stopping? So you can *bitch about the bandage*?" |
98 | None |
99 | You | "Mhm. Wait. I have to listen to one more thing." |
100 | You | "Sorry. Let's move." [Leave.] |
101 | Cuno | The kid shrugs. He sniffs, audibly -- then, silence. |
102 | You | "No, I was listening to something." |
103 | None |
104 | None |
105 | None | Variable["auto.is_raining"] |
106 | None | (Variable["auto.is_raining"]) == false |
107 | None |
108 | None | Variable["auto.is_snowing"] |
109 | None | (Variable["auto.is_snowing"]) == false |
110 | Perception (Hearing) | On the islet? There is almost no wind under the rain quietly falling on the reeds. Bulrushes swaying on the waterline, long dried leaves chafing against each other. The soft raindrops... |
111 | Perception (Hearing) | On the islet? There is almost no wind, just snow quietly falling on the reeds. Bulrushes swaying on the waterline, long dried leaves chafing against each other. |