THE PIGS Current Red Check
This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.
ID | Character | Dialogue | Conditions | Links |
0 | None |
1 | None |
2 | You | Time to get my gun! |
3 | The Pigs |
4 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.thepigs_redc_handeye_recognize_gun"] |
5 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.thepigs_redc_handeye_recognize_gun"]) == false |
6 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Alright, here's the plan: You hurl the ledger in her face -- already darting right -- and *immediately* close the distance. Left hand grabs the barrel, right one breaks the wrist... |
7 | Hand/Eye Coordination | She's frantic, confused, teetering under all that gear... There's an opening, if you just move fast enough. |
8 | The Pigs |
9 | The Pigs | CheckEquipped("ledger_damaged") or CheckEquipped("ledger_oblivion") or CheckEquipped("ledger_of_failure_and_hatred") |
10 | The Pigs | (CheckEquipped("ledger_damaged") or CheckEquipped("ledger_oblivion") or CheckEquipped("ledger_of_failure_and_hatred")) == false |
11 | The Pigs |
12 | The Pigs | CheckEquipped("chaincutters") |
13 | The Pigs | (CheckEquipped("chaincutters")) == false |
14 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Alright, here's the plan: You fling the chaincutters in her face -- already darting right -- and *immediately* close the distance. Left hand grabs the barrel, right one breaks the wrist... |
15 | The Pigs |
16 | The Pigs | CheckEquipped("yellow_plastic_bag") |
17 | The Pigs | (CheckEquipped("yellow_plastic_bag")) == false |
18 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Alright, this is how we do it: You hurl the tare bag in her face -- already darting right -- and *immediately* close the distance. Left hand grabs the barrel, right one breaks the wrist... |
19 | The Pigs |
20 | The Pigs | CheckEquipped("prybar") |
21 | The Pigs | (CheckEquipped("prybar")) == false |
22 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Alright, this is how we do it: You fling the prybar at her-- already darting right -- and *immediately* close the distance. Left hand grabs the barrel, right one breaks the wrist... |
23 | The Pigs |
24 | The Pigs | CheckEquipped("kvalsund_multitool") |
25 | The Pigs | (CheckEquipped("kvalsund_multitool")) == false |
26 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Here's the plan: Drop the multitool and immediately dart right -- the noise will startle her, allowing you to close the distance. Left hand grabs the barrel, right one breaks the wrist... |
27 | The Pigs |
28 | The Pigs | CheckEquipped("sabre") |
29 | The Pigs | (CheckEquipped("sabre")) == false |
30 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Here's the plan: You jerk left, dash right, close the distance and cut her hand off. Ready? |
31 | The Pigs |
32 | The Pigs | CheckEquipped("flashlight") |
33 | The Pigs | (CheckEquipped("flashlight")) == false |
34 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Here's the plan: Shine the light straight in her eye and immediately dart right-- the light will blind her, allowing you to close the distance. Left hand grabs the barrel, right one breaks the wrist... |
35 | The Pigs |
36 | The Pigs | CheckEquipped("boombox") |
37 | The Pigs | (CheckEquipped("boombox")) == false |
38 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Porta-reel is the key. Up the volume to the *MAX* and hit 'Play'. The sound will startle her, allowing you to close the distance. Left hand grabs the barrel, right one breaks the wrist... |
39 | The Pigs |
40 | The Pigs | CheckEquipped("gun_ruby") |
41 | The Pigs | (CheckEquipped("gun_ruby")) == false |
42 | Hand/Eye Coordination | The gun, throw it in her face -- she won't see it coming. As she tries to catch or evade, you close the distance. Left hand grabs the barrel, right one breaks the wrist... |
43 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Alright, here's how we do it: As soon as that gun isn't pointed at you again, you dash right, then immediately close the distance. Left hand grabs the barrel, right one breaks the wrist... |
44 | Physical Instrument | ...fingers lock behind her head, knee to the face, knee to the face, crush the ribcage, side-step and drop her with the hammer kick. |
45 | Half Light | OH MY GOD, YES!!!! |
46 | Visual Calculus | No. That won't be necessary. Look closer. The gun, all three barrels, red and blue light shining through -- it's not loaded. |
47 | The Pigs |
48 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_viscal_gun_is_empty"] |
49 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_viscal_gun_is_empty"]) == false |
50 | Shivers | A drop of sweat runs down your nose and in it you see the Martinaise inlet, wrapped in the night. In the abandoned fish market three figures stand in a spectacular light-show. A large, loud woman is pointing an empty firearm at the other two. She doesn't want to listen... or even to be heard. |
51 | Interfacing | No! Look how she's holding it. Like it's light in the nose. It must be... That means the gun is empty! |
52 | Inland Empire | No. An ominous feeling fills your gut and suddenly you *know* the gun is empty. Thinking about it makes you nauseous. |
53 | The Pigs |
54 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_shiver_gun_is_empty"] |
55 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_shiver_gun_is_empty"]) == false |
56 | Inland Empire | No. A strange feeling fills your gut and suddenly you *know* the gun is empty. Thinking about it makes you nauseous. |
57 | None |
58 | The Pigs |
59 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_shiver_gun_is_empty"] |
60 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_shiver_gun_is_empty"]) == false |
61 | The Pigs |
62 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_inland_gun_is_empty"] |
63 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_inland_gun_is_empty"]) == false |
64 | The Pigs |
65 | The Pigs | IsKimHere() |
66 | The Pigs | (IsKimHere()) == false |
67 | Shivers | A drop of sweat runs down your nose and in it you see the Martinaise inlet, wrapped in the night. In the abandoned fish market two figures face each other in a spectacular light-show. One of them is forced to stare into the three empty barrels of a gun. Not an uncommon sight in the neighbourhood. |
68 | Composure | No. Wait... Earlier the lieutenant noticed something. Something about the gun... Could it be empty without her knowing it? |
69 | The Pigs |
70 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.thepigs_composure_kim_trigger"] |
71 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.thepigs_composure_kim_trigger"]) == false |
72 | Logic | NO! Remember, 'Get the gun, it's okay. It's safe'? It must have meant the gun is not loaded. She's holding an empty gun. |
73 | The Pigs |
74 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_kim_esprit_its_okay_go_for_the_gun"] |
75 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_kim_esprit_its_okay_go_for_the_gun"]) == false |
76 | The Pigs |
77 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_composure_gun_is_empty"] |
78 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_composure_gun_is_empty"]) == false |
79 | The Pigs |
80 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_logic_gun_is_empty"] |
81 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_logic_gun_is_empty"]) == false |
82 | The Pigs |
83 | The Pigs | CheckItem("bullet") |
84 | The Pigs | (CheckItem("bullet")) == false |
85 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Fire off a shot over her head and use the moment of confusion to close the distance. Left hand grabs the barrel, right one breaks the wrist... |
86 | Half Light | A madwoman is pointing a gun at two police officers and you're thinking about warning shots?! Fuck the protocol! Take her out! |
87 | The Pigs |
88 | The Pigs | IsKimHere() |
89 | The Pigs | (IsKimHere()) == false |
90 | Half Light | A madwoman is pointing a gun at a cop and you're thinking about warning shots?! Fuck the protocol! Shoot to kill. |
91 | You | (Whisper.) "Kim, I'm almost certain there are no bullets in that gun." | IsKimHere() and Variable["boardwalk.pigs_kim_you_said_gun_empty"] == false |
92 | You | "Go ahead, pull the trigger. I dare you." |
93 | You | "Ma'am, the weapon you're holding is mine and I *know* it has no bullets." |
94 | You | "My god, it's not loaded... The gun isn't loaded!" |
95 | The Pigs |
96 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_kim_esprit_its_okay_go_for_the_gun"] |
97 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_kim_esprit_its_okay_go_for_the_gun"]) == false |
98 | Kim Kitsuragi | "You're right," the lieutenant agrees. "Let's call her out on this." |
99 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I've been thinking that too. But it's impossible to tell for certain in these lighting conditions." |
100 | The Pigs |
101 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_kim_noticed_gun_not_loaded"] |
102 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_kim_noticed_gun_not_loaded"]) == false |
103 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Huh?" The lieutenant studies the swaying firearm. "My god, I think you're right." |
104 | Physical Instrument | Yeah, with shit-eyes it must be, binoclard. |
105 | None |
106 | You | Hold on, why does that make me nauseous? | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_inland_gun_is_empty"] == true |
107 | Inland Empire | That knowledge comes from a very dark place. |
108 | You | How dark? |
109 | Inland Empire | 'Paint the wall with your brains' dark. |
110 | You | "Gun-gun, I'm coming!" (Go for it.) |
111 | You | No, I know myself. I know I'm gonna fail. |
112 | You | "No gun is worth this risk..." (Slowly back away.) |
113 | Hand/Eye Coordination | She's frantic, confused, teetering under all that gear... There's an opening, if you just move fast enough... If not, the lieutenant's got her on his sights. |
114 | The Pigs |
115 | The Pigs | IsKimHere() |
116 | The Pigs | (IsKimHere()) == false |
117 | None |
118 | The Pigs |
119 | The Pigs | Variable["yard.hanged_shoot_the_betl_yourself_idea"] |
120 | The Pigs | (Variable["yard.hanged_shoot_the_betl_yourself_idea"]) == false |
121 | Half Light | Like when he had the hanged man in his sights? You're a dead man. |
122 | The Pigs |
123 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_half_light_kim_cant_shoot"] |
124 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_half_light_kim_cant_shoot"]) == false |
125 | Physical Instrument | Host Almighty, don't count on *that*! You saw the binoclard can't shoot for shit! |
126 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Sure, you're you. But how do we end this? She's not just gonna let you leave. |
129 | None |
130 | The Pigs | "Wh... what is this?" The old woman looks at the treacherous weapon. "This isn't police issue. Police weapons have bullets. This isn't real!" |
131 | Half Light | OH MY GOD!!!! |
132 | Reaction Speed | In your peripheral vision the lieutenant releases the half-squeezed trigger. |
133 | The Pigs |
134 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_kim_esprit_its_okay_go_for_the_gun"] |
135 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_kim_esprit_its_okay_go_for_the_gun"]) == false |
136 | The Pigs |
137 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.thepigs_blackc_conc_how_it_feels"] |
138 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.thepigs_blackc_conc_how_it_feels"]) == false |
139 | Esprit de Corps | I was 80% sure the gun is empty and *still* the instinct almost took over. |
140 | The Pigs |
141 | The Pigs | IsKimHere() |
142 | The Pigs | (IsKimHere()) == false |
143 | Kim Kitsuragi | "God..." the lieutenant exhales loudly and uses his off-hand to wipe his forehead. "I almost blew her head off..." |
144 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Phew..." The lieutenant exhales sharply. "For a moment there..." |
145 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Situation is under control!" The lieutenant's voice rings over the police siren. "You're not shot, she's not a threat, everybody stay calm!" |
146 | Esprit de Corps | I was 95% sure the gun is empty and *still* that instinctual muscle twitch could have ended in an unnecessary death. |
147 | None |
149 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Oh... I see. Okay, the gun was empty. All is good. You're fine. |
150 | The Pigs |
151 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_rc_fil_paintresh_conditionblack"] |
152 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_rc_fil_paintresh_conditionblack"]) == false |
153 | Hand/Eye Coordination | No... no-no-no-no. THEY'RE REALLY NOT. The gun wasn't even loaded. No shots fired. You're fine. |
154 | The Pigs | The gun lands on the wooden planks and tears run down her scratched cheeks. "Police guns always have bullets... What is this? Why did you sell me this?" |
155 | None |
156 | You | "You tried to kill me!!!" | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_said_im_sorry_genlty"] == false and Variable["boardwalk.pigs_you_tried_to_kill_me"] == false and Variable["boardwalk.pigs_youre_not_alone"] == false and Variable["boardwalk.pigs_pulled_the_trigger"] == true |
157 | You | "I'm very sorry this is how life turned out for you." (Gently touch her shoulder.) | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_said_im_sorry_genlty"] == false and Variable["boardwalk.pigs_you_tried_to_kill_me"] == false and Variable["boardwalk.pigs_inland_loneliness"] == false |
158 | You | "What do you think is happening to her?" | IsKimHere() |
159 | You | "Should we just arrest her?" (Proceed.) |
160 | Interfacing | Grab the gun! Right now! This might be your *ONLY* chance. |
161 | Empathy | She looks devastated. |
162 | You | (Pick up your gun.) |
163 | None |
164 | You | "I'm done with this gun." (Leave it behind forever.) |
165 | The Pigs | "Why would they cheat me like this?! I don't have *ANYONE*!" She slams her heavy boot in the ground. The impact travelling through the planks, sends your gun through the crack, into the black nothingness below. |
166 | Interfacing | That gun was the single greatest thing you had. This is an enormous loss. |
167 | Kim Kitsuragi | Weapon still trained on The Pigs, the lieutenant swiftly reaches down to snatch up the gun. |
168 | The Pigs |
169 | The Pigs | IsKimHere() |
170 | The Pigs | (IsKimHere()) == false |
171 | The Pigs |
172 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_interfacing_gun_was_greatest_thing_you_had"] |
173 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_interfacing_gun_was_greatest_thing_you_had"]) == false |
174 | Inland Empire | That gun is a joke compared to the actual greatest thing he lost. |
175 | The Pigs | "No one ever cares anymore," her voice is growing fainter as she rocks back and forth, slowly. "Why would they cheat me like this..." |
176 | The Pigs |
177 | The Pigs | IsKimHere() |
178 | The Pigs | (IsKimHere()) == false |
179 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Poor woman..." The lieutenant holsters his pistol. "We need to figure out what to do with her now." |
180 | The Pigs |
181 | The Pigs | Variable["whirling.wakeup_hurting_longing_dancing_to_disco_music"] |
182 | The Pigs | (Variable["whirling.wakeup_hurting_longing_dancing_to_disco_music"]) == false |
183 | Conceptualization | *This* limbed and headed machine of pain and undignified suffering is grinding to a halt. Tired of walking the desert, it doesn't want to feel or think anymore. |
184 | Conceptualization | Great gears are grinding to a halt. The machine is powering down. She's all out of jolt. |
185 | The Pigs | Her scratched skin is warm to the touch, but the person inside doesn't even know you're there. |
186 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Okay, you need to figure out what to do with her now. |
187 | The Pigs |
188 | The Pigs | IsKimHere() |
189 | The Pigs | (IsKimHere()) == false |
190 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I don't think she actually..." The lieutenant shakes his head. "You're right of course. This could've been very bad." |
191 | The Pigs | The person who did that is no longer there. No one is right now. The empty shell of an old woman is slowly rocking back and forth. |
192 | You | "You're not alone. We're all here." | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_you_tried_to_kill_me"] == false and Variable["boardwalk.pigs_inland_loneliness"] == true |
193 | Kim Kitsuragi | "She's in a stupor," the lieutenant replies, inspecting the catatonic woman standing in the dark. "I've seen this before. God knows for how long... Could be days when they get like this." |
194 | You | "But why was she like this in the first place?" |
195 | None |
196 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Honestly, I don't know. Dementia, probably," he lowers his voice. "Dementia and Channel 8. And loneliness." |
197 | You | Nod. "Neurodegenerative disease." | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_interfacing_neurodegenerative_disease"] == true |
198 | You | "Yes. This is what happens when you listen to too many cop shows on the radio." |
199 | You | "You're probably right." (Nod.) "Loneliness." |
200 | You | "I guess we'll never know." |
201 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Probably not," the lieutenant agrees. "But more pressing is the question of what to do with her right now?" |
202 | None |
203 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Looks like a bad case." He gives the woman a compassionate look. "But the question is what to do with her right now." |
204 | Kim Kitsuragi | "There's a bit more to this than that," the lieutenant disagrees. "But right now we need to decide what to do with her." |
205 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Could be," agrees the lieutenant. "Her hands were trembling and she did seem uncoordinated... But what are we gonna do with her?" |
206 | Logic | She's in a stupor. There's no telling when she'll snap out of it. If ever. |
207 | None |
208 | Empathy | He's trying not to think about how bad it could have been had the gun been loaded. |
209 | The Pigs | But it feels like *you* are, because the old woman standing there is motionless, emotionless and unresponsive. Almost like an inanimate object. |
210 | The Pigs | "Nobody's ever around," the old woman mumbles, staring blank at the boardwalk, "nobody ever comes to visit me." |
211 | The Pigs |
212 | The Pigs | IsKimHere() |
213 | The Pigs | (IsKimHere()) == false |
214 | The Pigs | The woman stands in front of you, motionless, unresponsive. Almost like an inanimate object now. A mountain of police paraphernalia. |
215 | None |
216 | Esprit de Corps | Kim Kitsuragi is a nice guy. Wish he was here right now. |
217 | The Pigs | "What...?" The woman looks at the weapon in disbelief, her eyes suddenly reddish with tears. She looks straight down the barrel... and squeezes the trigger. |
218 | The Pigs |
219 | The Pigs | IsKimHere() |
220 | The Pigs | (IsKimHere()) == false |
221 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I don't think there's any need for that. In her current state -- and without the gun -- she isn't really a threat to anyone." |
222 | The Pigs | The catatonic woman -- especially now that she's unarmed -- doesn't seem to be a threat to anyone, but herself. |
223 | The Pigs |
224 | The Pigs | Variable["TASK.pass_the_hardie_authority_check"] |
225 | The Pigs | (Variable["TASK.pass_the_hardie_authority_check"]) == false |
226 | Kim Kitsuragi | "We could let Titus know. This is a perfect problem for the local 'peacekeepers' to handle. They might even know her family." |
227 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I guess I'll just notify my station. They'll contact the Sanitarium and handle the logistics." |
228 | You | "Wait, I was really hoping I can give her one of those station call slips..." | (CheckItem("ledger_damaged") or CheckItem("ledger_of_failure_and_hatred") or CheckItem("ledger_oblivion")) and Variable["tc.station_call"] == true |
229 | You | "Yeah, Titus sounds like the man for the job." |
230 | You | "I don't want to endorse the Hardie boys' inflated sense of self-worth. They're not cops -- we are." |
231 | Kim Kitsuragi | "That would just be a waste of paper. I mean look at her." His eyes travel back to the old woman. "She's not going to respond to a station slip." |
232 | You | "I think we can just leave her like this. She'll be fine." |
233 | Kim Kitsuragi | "No," the lieutenant sharply interjects. "That is not an option. We'll either unload this to Titus and his guys or I'll ask for help from my station." |
234 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Okay," he nods. "That settles it. I'll contact my station after we wrap it up for the day. They can contact the Sanitarium and handle the logistics." |
235 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Then we can ask him once we get back to the Whirling. But we have to hurry, cause it's late and they might have already gone home." |
236 | The Pigs |
237 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.thepigs_kim_did_not_get_weapon"] |
238 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.thepigs_kim_did_not_get_weapon"]) == false |
239 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Oh, before we go..." The lieutenant pulls out your service pistol. "I believe this belongs to you." |
240 | You | "Thank you, Kim. I *do* actually want my gun back." |
241 | You | "No, I'm *really* done with it. You keep it." |
242 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Okay but..." He bites his lip and mumbles under his breath: "... probably couldn't change your mind anyway... Let's go then." |
243 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Of course. Understandably things got a bit hectic before. Don't worry about it." He smiles as he hands you the weapon. "Reunited at last. Let's go now." |
244 | Kim Kitsuragi | "But I think we're done here for now. Let's head out, this is done." |
245 | You | "Titus wants to be the sheriff, I'll tell him where to find you. Maybe he knows your family." | Variable["TASK.pass_the_hardie_authority_check"] |
246 | None |
247 | You | "At ease, patrol officer Pigs, your heart is in the right place." (Bow.) | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_heart_in_right_place"] == false and Variable["boardwalk.pigs_i_will_bury_you"] == false |
248 | You | Quietly leave the old woman alone. |
249 | The Pigs | As you turn to leave, the faintest of voices comes from the woman. "Please, leave the radio on..." she mutters. It seems like a reflex, a half-remembered sentence. |
250 | Conceptualization | She must have built a new -- sadly better -- reality from the only material available: radio waves and cop shows. |
251 | Logic | Reflex to what? Being left alone? |
252 | Empathy | Exactly. With only the voice of Gareth Morrand to accompany her on Channel 8. |
253 | The Pigs |
254 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_empathy_exlains_crimeshowandloneliness"] |
255 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_empathy_exlains_crimeshowandloneliness"]) == false |
256 | The Pigs |
257 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_logic_reflex_to_being_left_alone"] |
258 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_logic_reflex_to_being_left_alone"]) == false |
259 | None |
260 | Esprit de Corps | Lieutenant Kitsuragi would probably know what to do, but right now you're just gonna have to leave her like this. |
261 | The Pigs |
262 | The Pigs | Variable["TASK.pass_the_hardie_authority_check"] |
263 | The Pigs | (Variable["TASK.pass_the_hardie_authority_check"]) == false |
264 | Logic | The locals will take care of her. Someone's bound to know her family. Nothing you can do for her anymore. |
265 | You | "Cross me again and I will bury you, Pigs." | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_heart_in_right_place"] == false and Variable["boardwalk.pigs_i_will_bury_you"] == true |
266 | The Pigs | The catatonic woman doesn't understand -- probably even hear -- your kind words. She just *is*. |
267 | Authority | It's a shame. Recognition from an actual police officer would probably mean a lot to her. Too bad she'll never know... |
268 | The Pigs |
269 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_authority_recognize_her_courage"] and CheckItem("neck_setting_sun_medal") |
270 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_authority_recognize_her_courage"] and CheckItem("neck_setting_sun_medal")) == false |
271 | You | She will *know*. (Hang the Setting Sun medal on her chest.) |
272 | You | Nah, that's not worth it. |
273 | The Pigs | "Mr. Morrand... Gareth, thank you. Thank you!" As the sharp end of the pin grazes the flesh, a blessed smile emerges. Then it expires, and like a shadow moving on the ground, all sentience fades again. |
274 | Encyclopedia | Mr. Morrand? Mr. Gareth Morrand, the former cop, turned Channel 8 crime show host? That Gareth Morrand from the radio? |
275 | Authority | That... was the most honourable thing anyone has ever done. |
276 | The Pigs |
277 | The Pigs | IsTHCFixed("honour") |
278 | The Pigs | (IsTHCFixed("honour")) == false |
279 | The Pigs |
280 | The Pigs | CheckEquipped("neck_tie") and Variable["whirling.necktie_personified"] == true |
281 | The Pigs | (CheckEquipped("neck_tie") and Variable["whirling.necktie_personified"] == true) == false |
282 | Authority | That... was the most honourable thing *anyone* has ever done. You are virtue embodied. |
283 | Horrific Necktie | You weirdo. Get outta here before anyone sees you. |
284 | None |
285 | The Pigs | Doesn't look like she would know the difference anyway. |
286 | None |
287 | The Pigs | Soon someone might have to. Doesn't look like there's much life left in her. |
288 | Half Light | Take her to the farm. Put her down. |
289 | Esprit de Corps | Morrand's from Traffic. |
290 | The Pigs |
291 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_espirt_morrands_from_trafic"] |
292 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_espirt_morrands_from_trafic"]) == false |
293 | None |
294 | The Pigs |
295 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_whats_wrong_branch_passed"] |
296 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_whats_wrong_branch_passed"]) == false |
297 | The Pigs |
298 | The Pigs | Variable["boardwalk.pigs_esprit_morrand_traffic"] |
299 | The Pigs | (Variable["boardwalk.pigs_esprit_morrand_traffic"]) == false |
300 | Physical Instrument | It's all nancies up there in Traffic. I count zero balls. |
301 | The Pigs |
302 | The Pigs | Variable["tc.harry"] |
303 | The Pigs | (Variable["tc.harry"]) == false |
304 | Authority | That... was the most honourable thing anyone has ever done, Harry. |
305 | The Pigs | As you turn to leave, the faintest of voices comes from the old lady. It's but a reflex -- nothing else. "Please leave the radio on... Mr. Morrand is on Channel 8..." |
306 | Rhetoric | As in 'Traffic' police? |
307 | The Pigs | A click. Nothing happens. She looks at the useless weapon. "This isn't police issue. Police weapons have bullets. This isn't real! What is this?" |
308 | You | "Wait..." |
309 | Inland Empire | In there she is alone, trapped in a world of blue and red lights. |
310 | Logic | Her children and their children, if there were any, stopped coming when it got really bad. |
311 | You | "Understood." |
312 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I've had... disturbances similar to this before. Many calls, but... never this bad." |
313 | None |
314 | Interfacing | She stands motionless. Just a heap of clothes and flashers now -- maybe if you search her once more? |
315 | Interfacing | The woman stands motionless. Just a heap of clothes and flashers now -- maybe if you search her? |