Stop everything and direct all attention to that wall -- it's sublime!
This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.
ID | Character | Dialogue | Conditions | Links |
0 | None |
1 | None |
2 | Empathy | He sounds tired of it all. |
3 | Conceptualization | Your loss. Farewell, rain-washed wall at the end of the world. | Variable["auto.is_raining"] |
4 | Conceptualization | Your loss. Farewell, light-drenched wall at the end of the world. | Variable["auto.is_raining"] == false and Variable["auto.is_snowing"] == false and IsDaytime() |
5 | Conceptualization | Your loss. Farewell, snow-flecked wall at the end of the world. | Variable["auto.is_snowing"] |
6 | Conceptualization | Your loss. Farewell, wall at the end of the world, draped in shadow. | Variable["auto.is_raining"] == false and Variable["auto.is_snowing"] == false and IsNighttime() |
7 | None |
8 | Logic | Cindy the SKULL has all the necessary materials. Talk to her? |
9 | Backyard Wall |
10 | Backyard Wall | Variable["pier.cindy_first_greeting_pier_done"] or Variable["pier.cindy_first_greeting_balcony_done"] |
11 | Backyard Wall | (Variable["pier.cindy_first_greeting_pier_done"] or Variable["pier.cindy_first_greeting_balcony_done"]) == false |
12 | Rhetoric | Blank, conveying nothing. |
13 | None |
14 | You | Why am I looking at this wall? |
15 | You | [Leave.] |
16 | None |
17 | None |
18 | Backyard Wall |
19 | Backyard Wall | Variable["backyard.wall_concept_wc"] |
20 | Backyard Wall | (Variable["backyard.wall_concept_wc"]) == false |
21 | Backyard Wall |
22 | Backyard Wall | Variable["backyard.wall_greet_done"] |
23 | Backyard Wall | (Variable["backyard.wall_greet_done"]) == false |
24 | Backyard Wall |
25 | Backyard Wall | Variable["backyard.wall_concept_wc"] |
26 | Backyard Wall | (Variable["backyard.wall_concept_wc"]) == false |
27 | Backyard Wall |
28 | Backyard Wall | Variable["backyard.wall_concept_wc_failed"] |
29 | Backyard Wall | (Variable["backyard.wall_concept_wc_failed"]) == false |
30 | Conceptualization | You have no clue. It's just a wall. |
31 | Conceptualization | Yeah, why? It's a wall, an ordinary wall. |
32 | None |
33 | Conceptualization | Because -- you see it, finally -- this wall is *sublime*! LOOK AT IT! The shadows, the colours... |
34 | Hand/Eye Coordination | Maybe this would be a good wall for dodge ball? |
35 | Shivers | So many walls all over Martinaise -- weatherworn, cracked, their paint peeling... |
36 | Backyard Wall |
37 | Backyard Wall | IsKimHere() |
38 | Backyard Wall | (IsKimHere()) == false |
39 | Kim Kitsuragi | The lieutenant sighs. "Why must we stop to look at this wall every time we pass by? We have business to attend to." |
40 | You | (Let the conceptual joy flow into your pupils and blossom into thoughts in your brain.) |
41 | You | More! |
42 | Conceptualization | O WALLFATHER! |
43 | None |
44 | You | "Kim! I *must* paint this wall, add even MORE beauty to it." | IsKimHere() |
45 | You | Yes, I must paint this wall, ADD to it! (Get task.) | IsKimHere() == false |
46 | You | No. There is nothing to add to perfection. (Back off.) |
47 | Backyard Wall |
48 | Backyard Wall | Variable["TASK.add_even_more_beauty_to_the_wall"] == false |
49 | Backyard Wall | (Variable["TASK.add_even_more_beauty_to_the_wall"] == false) == false |
50 | None |
51 | You | Look the wall over again, carefully. Think about what you could paint there... |
52 | Backyard Wall |
53 | Backyard Wall | IsKimHere() |
54 | Backyard Wall | (IsKimHere()) == false |
55 | You | [Leave.] |
56 | None |
57 | Backyard Wall | This is a wall on the side of an apartment building. |
58 | Backyard Wall | Just an ordinary wall. Nothing to see here. |
59 | Backyard Wall | The wall waits mutely. |
60 | None |
61 | You | [Leave.] |
62 | Conceptualization | Absolutely. Now you just need the materials. |
63 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Huh?" |
64 | You | Cindy the SKULL has what I need. | Variable["backyard.wall_orb_logic_cindy"] |
65 | You | I'm sure I'll find them. And then I'll return to this wall. | Variable["backyard.wall_orb_logic_cindy"] == false |
66 | None |
67 | Backyard Wall |
68 | Backyard Wall | Variable["pier.cindy_first_greeting_pier_done"] or Variable["pier.cindy_first_greeting_balcony_done"] |
69 | Backyard Wall | (Variable["pier.cindy_first_greeting_pier_done"] or Variable["pier.cindy_first_greeting_balcony_done"]) == false |
70 | None |
71 | You | "I must talk to Cindy. Get the necessary *materials* from her." | Variable["backyard.wall_orb_logic_cindy"] |
72 | You | "I'm sure I'll find the materials. Then we can come back to this magnificent wall." | Variable["backyard.wall_orb_logic_cindy"] == false |
73 | Kim Kitsuragi | He sighs, then adds in a resigned tone: "If you must." |
74 | Kim Kitsuragi | "I suppose we'll have to pass by it again at some point anyway," he says in a tone of resignation. |
75 | Conceptualization | Yes, great thinking, go talk to her. The wall will be waiting. |
76 | Conceptualization | Yes, do that. The wall will be waiting. |
77 | None |
78 | You | [Leave.] |
79 | You | "First, I know you're tired, Kim, but take another look at this wall. Draw *nourishment* from its beauty." | Variable["pier.conceptualization_greatest_wall_empathy"] |
80 | Kim Kitsuragi | "Mhm, sure." The lieutenant looks up at the wall reluctantly, then back at you. |
81 | Electrochemistry | Your hands shake as they reach for the wall... |
82 | Backyard Wall | There it is -- the most beautiful of walls. Stop and admire it for a moment. |
83 | Backyard Wall |
84 | Backyard Wall | Variable["backyard.wall_concept_wc_failed"] |
85 | Backyard Wall | (Variable["backyard.wall_concept_wc_failed"]) == false |
86 | Conceptualization | Because this is no ordinary wall. It is *sublime*! LOOK AT IT! The shadows, the colours... |
87 | Backyard Wall |
88 | Backyard Wall | CheckItem("fuel_canister_rcm") and Variable["pier.cindy_know_heavy_fuel_oil"] |
89 | Backyard Wall | (CheckItem("fuel_canister_rcm") and Variable["pier.cindy_know_heavy_fuel_oil"]) == false |
90 | Backyard Wall |
91 | Backyard Wall | CheckItem("fuel_canister_rcm") and Variable["pier.cindy_know_heavy_fuel_oil"] |
92 | Backyard Wall | (CheckItem("fuel_canister_rcm") and Variable["pier.cindy_know_heavy_fuel_oil"]) == false |
93 | Logic | Cindy the SKULL has a paintbrush and paint. Talk to her. |
94 | Logic | You already have the heavy fuel oil to use as paint, and Cindy the SKULL has a paintbrush. This is completely doable. |
95 | None |
96 | Conceptualization | All the other walls on all the other houses must make a pilgrimage in adoration of this, the uncontested pinnacle of wall-craft. Colour peeled from the very face of god. |
97 | Conceptualization | You already have the heavy fuel oil to use as paint -- it's red! -- and Cindy the SKULL has a paintbrush. This is on. |