[Aimée.] A dialogue with a woman who has a job. And a husband. And kids.

How to use this page:

This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.

Column definitions:
  • ID: a numerical index for the entry within this conversation.
  • Character: the character speaking or acting.
  • Dialogue: prose containing spoken dialogue and other description.
  • Conditions: logical checks governing this entry appearing or occurring.
  • Links: entries that might follow this one, depending on conditions and player choice. Most links are internal to this conversation, external links to other conversations are marked with the format (conversation ID, entry ID).
ID Character Dialogue Conditions Links
0 None
  • 1
1 None
  • 336
2 You "And can you describe me their appearance? Any features that stand out, something to make identifying a little easier?"
  • 3
3 Working Class Woman "Why do you need to know this? Haven't I repeatedly told you that they are not missing? That they're in Jamrock, safe and well, at some stupid party."
  • 248
4 You "I could do with a party.. A *killer* party, not a lame-o one!" Variable["plaza.working_electrochem_did_someone_say_party"] == true
  • 6
5 You "It's for the investigation. I'm trying to be professional."
  • 9
6 Working Class Woman "A 'killer' party? What is it with you and *pulp* staples? My god. Please, no more talk about my daughters. They are fine!" She picks up a book and tries to concentrate. A flock of seabirds passes by.
  • 479
7 Working Class Woman "Report what? He's just out, drinking with his friends... I'm sure the police has better things to do than to chase down local goofballs."
  • 408
8 Kim Kitsuragi "Ma'am, just to be completely clear -- do you want to report it to the police?"
  • 7
9 Working Class Woman "There is no *investigation* here, I can tell you that!" She picks up a book and tries to concentrate. A flock of seabirds passes by.
  • 479
10 None
  • 4
  • 5
  • 63
11 Kim Kitsuragi "I wouldn't be so sure," he replies, before turning to face the working class woman.
  • 8
12 You No, please. I don't really want to remember.
  • 270
13 Working Class Woman She eyes you from head to toe: "Honestly, not that different from you."
  • 85
  • 95
  • 89
  • 403
14 You "What does your husband look like?"
  • 13
15 Working Class Woman "Are you a police man or a nanny?" She's definitely disturbed by now.
  • 241
  • 160
16 None
  • 14
  • 140
  • 18
17 Working Class Woman "So you *are* going to look for him?"
  • 279
18 You "I think I got it, thanks." (Proceed.)
  • 443
19 You "No, I'm the funeral cockatoo." Variable["plaza.working_chose_apocalypse_cockatoo"] == true
  • 76
20 Working Class Woman "I don't mean to disrespect, sir, but *you* are being a bit of a cockatoo here."
  • 480
21 You "Right around the corner. He has pissed himself."
  • 64
22 You "Protect and serve, madam! I found your husband." Variable["plaza.working_authority_found_husband_false"] == true and Variable["plaza.working_reached_real_husband_hub"] == false
  • 78
23 You "There." (Point to the working class drunk down near the sea.)
  • 64
24 Working Class Woman "Mhm. You're welcome." She reverts her attention back to the book stand.
  • 26
25 Working Class Woman "Very well, then. Where is he?" She's getting impatient, her hands now picking on a random book cover.
  • 459
26 None
  • 29
27 Working Class Woman "And I specifically added that I didn't *need* to know where he was."
  • 273
  • 274
28 You "No, I'm the bang-bang cockatoo." Variable["plaza.working_chose_serious_cockatoo"] == true
  • 76
29 None
  • 22
  • 272
  • 188
  • 30
  • 31
  • 39
  • 32
  • 349
  • 184
  • 154
  • 33
30 You "Maybe your husband is missing?" Variable["plaza.working_reached_real_husband_hub"] == false
  • 69
31 You "Maybe your children are missing?" Variable["plaza.working_asked_about_husband"] == true
  • 41
32 You Watch her browse books.
  • 128
33 You "That's all for the moment. I'll let you read." [Leave.]
  • 497
34 Working Class Woman "Yes, but..." She looks around and takes a deep breath, a little annoyed. "I don't really need to know where my husband is. Not all the time."
  • 134
35 You "But you said you didn't know where he was."
  • 27
36 You "Hush, baby."
  • 38
37 You "Right, thanks."
  • 240
38 Working Class Woman "What?"
  • 138
  • 346
39 You "Maybe your *cockatoo* is missing?" Variable["plaza.working_asked_about_husband"] == true
  • 20
40 You "Okay. So where are they?"
  • 15
41 Working Class Woman "No. Absolutely not." Her words come out quick as gunshots.
  • 40
  • 37
42 You "Hello." (No ceremonies. Just hello.)
  • 43
43 Working Class Woman "Hello." She nods, her attention fully focused on reading.
  • 44
44 You "Who are you?"
  • 47
45 You "Shouldn't a working class woman be working?" Variable["plaza.working_logic_she_should_be_working"] == true
  • 50
46 You [Leave her be.]
47 Working Class Woman "Me?" She looks up briefly. "No one, I'm just a working class woman."
  • 396
48 You "No, I'm the Major Majestic cockatoo." Variable["plaza.working_chose_superstar_cockatoo"] == true
  • 76
49 Working Class Woman "That's one way to put it, yes. No offence. I'd also add that he's a little bit chubby."
  • 275
50 Working Class Woman "Not all the time. Right now I'm browsing books." She pauses. "Even a working class woman needs something to read."
  • 161
51 You [Leave.]
52 You "No, I'm the fuckupatoo." Variable["plaza.working_chose_sorry_cockatoo"] == true
  • 76
53 You "I'm a policeman."
  • 54
54 Working Class Woman "I know you are."
  • 55
55 Working Class Woman
  • 56
  • 57
56 Working Class Woman Variable["reputation.the_law"] >=2
  • 369
57 Working Class Woman (Variable["reputation.the_law"] >=2) == false
  • 183
58 Working Class Woman "What with?" She tries hard to focus on the book stand.
  • 473
59 Kim Kitsuragi "Everyone can see that. The rectangles." He points to his sleeve.
  • 183
60 You "Do you need the help of a policeman?"
  • 58
61 You "Good then."
  • 62
62 Working Class Woman "Mhm." She reverts her attention to the soggy books on the book stand.
  • 60
63 You "You're right, let's not talk about your daughters. I don't know what got into me."
  • 249
64 Working Class Woman "Excuse me?!" She blinks. "I don't follow."
  • 326
65 You Intimacy? It's a catastrophe waiting in the wings.
  • 74
66 You "Hey, I hug whomever I please! I'm a hug monster."
  • 158
67 You "I am fighting for the working class."
  • 157
68 You "So where could he be?"
  • 70
69 Working Class Woman "My husband? No, he's not."
  • 220
70 Working Class Woman "I don't know, at home now? Out drinking with his friends? Working?"
  • 224
71 Working Class Woman "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
  • 293
72 You "So what I'm hearing is: you don't really *know* where your husband is."
  • 34
73 You "Okay, thanks."
  • 24
74 Inland Empire I wonder how long has it been since you last hugged someone?
  • 296
  • 101
  • 12
75 Working Class Woman "It's okay. We all feel out of sorts at times." She starts patting your back. "There you go, officer."
  • 310
76 Working Class Woman "The what now?!"
  • 111
  • 110
  • 108
  • 82
77 You "I had the strangest... I'm not even sure." Variable["plaza.working_tried_to_remember_female_vicinity"] == true
  • 100
78 Working Class Woman She crosses her arms: "God damn it, I already told you -- my husband isn't missing!"
  • 35
  • 273
  • 274
79 Inland Empire So tell me, how does it feel -- to be close to someone, skin to skin?
  • 102
80 You "Do we have a problem with *police*?" Variable["plaza.working_rhetoric_disco_pants"] == true
  • 81
81 Working Class Woman "Police? I don't follow." She narrows her eyes, trying to understand.
  • 324
82 You "The fuckupatoo. It's the one who always fucks everything up." Variable["plaza.working_chose_sorry_cockatoo"] == true
  • 507
83 You "No. But I am an officer of the law and you have just insulted my work uniform."
  • 98
84 Working Class Woman "Oh, thank god, no!" She nearly begins to laugh. "It hasn't come down to *this* yet."
  • 426
85 You "So let me guess... he's *disco*?"
  • 84
86 Half Light Hold on! Did she just laugh at your disco pants? You're not going to leave it there, are you?
  • 431
87 You "I see. What else?"
  • 197
88 Working Class Woman "No, no!" Her eyes widen at your misunderstanding. "He is definitely not a cop. I meant that he's a little chubby, that's all."
  • 275
89 You "Right -- we're dealing with a cop."
  • 88
90 Working Class Woman "What problem?"
  • 80
  • 96
91 Rhetoric Technically speaking, your trousers could be considered part of your work gear. This means she has insulted *the police*.
  • 430
92 Working Class Woman "I don't know, the most talkative one?" She's ready to put that question aside.
  • 28
  • 19
  • 48
  • 52
  • 500
93 You "Wow, ma'am! Do we have a *problem* here?" Variable["plaza.working_half_light_disco_pants"] == true
  • 90
94 You "I'm not *chubby* and neither is your husband. What you meant to say is that we both share a *Franconigerian hard-body*." Variable["plaza.working_composure_franconigerian_hardbody"] == true
  • 146
95 You "Like a late-stage alcoholic then."
  • 49
96 You "Do we have a problem with *disco*?"
  • 97
97 Working Class Woman "No, no..." she backs off, "my relationship with disco remains irrefutably healthy."
  • 434
98 Working Class Woman "Oh, no! That's not what I meant!" She takes a step back.
  • 434
99 You Keep your eyes closed for a brief longer. Variable["plaza.working_inland_told_feel_it"] == true and Variable["plaza.working_feeling_conversation"] == false
  • 265
100 Working Class Woman "You had the strangest what?" She hasn't let go of your embrace.
  • 300
  • 301
  • 512
101 You Do I remember?
  • 363
102 None
  • 104
  • 295
  • 65
103 Inland Empire Less talk, more feeling. Keep your eyes closed, soak in the closeness. See what the feeling entails.
  • 259
104 You It all comes together now. I was built to be close with other beings.
  • 74
105 Working Class Woman She seems to be confused. Your hands are wrapped around her polyester coat. The fabric feels cold, moist from the sea nearby.
  • 260
  • 261
106 Working Class Woman The woman looks baffled by your personal revelation. "You truly are one *strange* cop, aren't you?" she says, slowly shaking her head.
  • 504
107 Working Class Woman "Mhm, I see. Thanks." She tries to read again.
  • 242
108 You "The Major Majestic cockatoo. It's the most impressive one." Variable["plaza.working_chose_superstar_cockatoo"] == true
  • 106
109 You "Okay, great. Just making sure."
  • 107
110 You "The funeral cockatoo. It's the most depressing one." Variable["plaza.working_chose_apocalypse_cockatoo"] == true
  • 106
111 You "The bang-bang cockatoo. It's the most common one." Variable["plaza.working_chose_serious_cockatoo"] == true
  • 106
112 You "What if something awful has happened... what if they're in the sewers." Variable["plaza.working_inland_daughters_be_ded"]
  • 246
113 Working Class Woman "They're not missing, sir."
  • 243
114 Electrochemistry An array of neurons fires up with joy. Bum her a cigarette -- lest it turn to pain.
  • 253
115 You "It's the kind of place where everyone does."
  • 118
116 Working Class Woman "From the kiosk? There's one near the harbour, it's a Frittte. You can look it up."
  • 292
117 You "Do you know where I could get a new pack?"
  • 116
118 Working Class Woman "You're right, we do smoke worse than chimneys here."
  • 289
119 Working Class Woman She looks up, slightly startled. "Why do you think that I smoke?"
  • 361
  • 115
  • 125
  • 124
120 Working Class Woman "Sorry, officer?" She stares at you in disbelief.
  • 305
121 You "Just gimme your cigarettes, okay? Don't lie." Variable["plaza.working_half_light_cigarette"] == true
  • 120
122 Working Class Woman "I already told you -- I don't have any. Go bother someone else."
  • 254
123 Working Class Woman "It's not like yours look much better," she says while eyeing yours.
  • 287
  • 289
124 You "Your hands look like they belong to a heavy smoker."
  • 123
125 You "I suspect I may possess supra-natural abilities."
  • 126
126 Working Class Woman "No, you don't." She puts her hands into her coat pockets.
  • 289
127 You "I know for a fact that you smoke."
  • 119
128 Working Class Woman Her hands move over the book covers. The tips of her fingers look rough, stained with yellow. It seems like she has spent a lot of time at work, smoking.
  • 151
129 You "Okay, thanks, no problem." (Move on.)
  • 130
130 Working Class Woman She sighs.
  • 145
131 Working Class Woman
  • 132
  • 133
132 Working Class Woman Variable["TASK.find_smokes"]
  • 114
133 Working Class Woman (Variable["TASK.find_smokes"]) == false
  • 253
134 You "Wouldn't you like to?"
  • 135
135 Working Class Woman "No." She looks you straight into the eye. Her right foot is tapping nervously.
  • 136
  • 231
  • 233
136 You "I can totally help you find your missing husband."
  • 137
137 Working Class Woman "Why are we still talking about this? I haven't lost my husband."
  • 232
138 You "It's all right to not know where your husband is. Nothing shameful in that."
  • 139
139 Working Class Woman "Who said anything about shame? Stop talking down to me." She puts her foot down. "My husband is not missing."
  • 476
140 You "When did you last see him?"
  • 141
141 Working Class Woman "Yesterday morning. He went to the library." Her eyes become cold with recollection. "He went to retrieve my book and he promised, he *promised* he'd walk straight back home."
  • 323
142 You "Why not?"
  • 143
143 Kim Kitsuragi "Because people either show up on their own or you'll never find them," he says with a flash of teeth.
  • 206
144 Kim Kitsuragi "I'd say there's nothing mysterious about incompleteness. It's in fact rather unpleasant."
  • 492
145 None
  • 29
146 Working Class Woman "You both share *what*?" She doesn't understand.
  • 147
147 You "*Franconigerian hard-body*. Softly round, yet still in shape. Ladies dig it."
  • 148
148 Working Class Woman "I'm not sure about the rest, but softly round sounds about right. He's not in great shape." She stops to think.
  • 197
149 Working Class Woman "Hmm-hmm-hmm..." She's still searching for a book, her eyes wandering over the colourful grid of softcovers.
  • 29
150 Rhetoric Another comrade! Years of labour are pressing down on her shoulders. She deserves a hug -- for all the work she's done for mankind.
  • 131
151 Working Class Woman
  • 152
  • 153
152 Working Class Woman IsTHCPresent("communist")
  • 150
153 Working Class Woman (IsTHCPresent("communist")) == false
  • 131
154 You Give her a hug. Variable["plaza.working_rhetoric_told_to_hug"] == true
  • 308
155 You "Thanks. I feel better already."
  • 513
156 Working Class Woman "I'm sorry, I don't really understand what you're talking about." She lets go of your hug.
  • 451
157 Working Class Woman "Fighting for it how?" She hasn't let go of your embrace yet.
  • 200
  • 201
  • 202
158 Working Class Woman "A hug monster? How do these two go hand-in-hand?" She hasn't let go of your embrace yet.
  • 186
  • 187
159 Working Class Woman She's still browsing books.
  • 398
160 You "I police whatever I want. Where are they?"
  • 113
161 None
  • 347
  • 397
  • 53
162 You "This little girl over there told me you have a bad husband." Variable["plaza.annette_mentions_working_class_husband"] == true
  • 163
163 Working Class Woman "Excuse me, a *bad husband?*" Her back straightens. "What do you mean?"
  • 164
164 You "Not a nice and helpful sort."
  • 165
165 Working Class Woman "Do *police men* just go around repeating what some kid off the street said?"
  • 199
166 You "Those were her words, not mine. I'm merely asking."
  • 171
167 You "So you don't have a bad husband?"
  • 168
168 Working Class Woman "No, I don't. I have a good husband, the kind and helpful sort. And he's *not* missing."
  • 223
169 You "She isn't just some 'kid off the street'. She seems very mature for her age."
  • 170
170 Working Class Woman "Is she now?" She dries her hands in the apron underneath her coat. Her eyes narrow.
  • 221
171 Working Class Woman "Can I give you some friendly advice, mister policeman? Don't listen to kids."
  • 167
172 Working Class Woman "Hmm-hmm-hmm..." She's still browsing books.
  • 464
173 You [Leave.]
174 Working Class Woman
  • 175
  • 176
175 Working Class Woman Variable["plaza.working_greeting_done"]
  • 177
176 Working Class Woman (Variable["plaza.working_greeting_done"]) == false
  • 340
177 Working Class Woman
  • 178
  • 179
178 Working Class Woman Variable["plaza.working_reached_police"]
  • 180
179 Working Class Woman (Variable["plaza.working_reached_police"]) == false
  • 159
180 Working Class Woman
  • 181
  • 182
181 Working Class Woman Variable["plaza.working_reached_main_hub"]
  • 149
182 Working Class Woman (Variable["plaza.working_reached_main_hub"]) == false
  • 172
183 None
  • 61
  • 60
  • 173
184 You "Do you smoke?" Variable["plaza.working_electrochem_said_ask_cigarettes"] == true and Variable["plaza.working_got_cigarettes"] == false
  • 185
185 Working Class Woman "No, I don't."
  • 127
  • 470
186 You "They don't. I just forced them this way. That's why I am a monster."
  • 469
187 You "Well, you're not actually entitled to another person's body. Hugging can be considered a rather monstrous thing to do."
  • 469
188 You "You were right that I'm a cockatoo." Variable["plaza.working_chose_cockatoo"] == true
  • 189
189 Working Class Woman "Excuse me?"
  • 210
190 None
  • 29
191 Working Class Woman "You were right. I do have an alcoholic husband. Although not that one."
  • 489
192 You "But didn't you say your husband was kind and helpful?" Variable["plaza.working_told_good_husband"] == true
  • 194
193 You "So is he missing as well?"
  • 195
194 Working Class Woman "I did and he is." She takes a step back. "He's also an alcoholic."
  • 193
195 Working Class Woman "No, he's not. Or maybe he is, I don't know. He's probably in the park, or in Jamrock somewhere. Drinking with his *friends*." She looks away.
  • 327
196 Working Class Woman "Right. What about him?" Her face becomes anxious again.
  • 328
197 Working Class Woman "What else... He was wearing a dark brown leather jacket with a bright blue inner lining. The lining is hand-sewn, I made it myself."
  • 436
198 Working Class Woman She tries to concentrate on books, but her eyes are full of bewilderment.
  • 477
199 Empathy She doesn't mean to be antagonistic, but she can't help coming off defensive.
  • 166
  • 169
200 You "Hug-by-hug."
  • 468
201 You "One hug at a time."
  • 468
202 You "A hug a day keeps the bourgeoisie away."
  • 468
203 Working Class Woman "I guess it's better than nothing. Keep fighting on, my fellow comrade." Then she breaks up the hug, her cheeks flushed.
  • 71
204 You "But isn't *that* mysterious?"
  • 144
205 You "Well, I still want one. I want a missing person's case!"
  • 209
206 None
  • 204
  • 205
  • 207
207 You "Okay, I don't want it. Let's move on." (Don't take the case.)
  • 208
208 Kim Kitsuragi "Great, let's do it."
  • 424
209 Kim Kitsuragi "All right then..." He sighs. "He has *questions* now."
  • 422
210 You "I went and read up on them, just like you said. And I even decided on what kind of a cockatoo I am. Want to know?"
  • 92
211 Working Class Woman "Hmm-hmm-hmm." You see a sturdy woman humming to herself. She seems to be browsing books.
  • 212
212 Perception (Hearing) "The ship takes off like a silvery mosquito... unfolding its rotor blade arms..." She mumbles reading. Then puts down the softcover.
  • 213
213 None
  • 401
  • 399
  • 42
  • 46
214 Logic If she's such a *working class* woman, why isn't she working?
  • 215
215 None
  • 45
  • 218
  • 216
216 You "Have a good day." [Leave.]
  • 393
217 Kim Kitsuragi "This was a tremendously useful interlude."
218 You "What are you doing?"
  • 219
219 Working Class Woman "Looking for something to read." She reverts her attention to a worn out paperback.
  • 161
220 None
  • 162
  • 68
  • 73
221 Working Class Woman "Annette's a sweet sprout, but she doesn't know anything about marriage. Why am I even talking about this..."
  • 167
222 None
  • 220
223 Empathy He's totally missing.
  • 222
224 Working Class Woman
  • 225
  • 226
225 Working Class Woman IsKimHere()
  • 227
226 Working Class Woman (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 282
227 Kim Kitsuragi "Where is this going, officer?"
  • 282
228 You "Right, got it, thanks."
  • 230
229 Working Class Woman She gives you a short nod and shifts her attention back to books.
  • 29
230 None
  • 229
231 You "Suit yourself then. I don't really care if your husband is missing."
  • 137
232 Empathy She has though. The husband is totally lost. You should tell her that it's okay.
  • 236
233 You "Maybe you´re right. Maybe he isn't missing indeed."
  • 234
234 Working Class Woman "Of course he's not. It's not like he's a pocket watch. I wouldn't just lose him."
  • 232
235 None
  • 29
236 Working Class Woman
  • 237
  • 238
237 Working Class Woman Variable["plaza.working_empathy_husband_lost"]
  • 283
238 Working Class Woman (Variable["plaza.working_empathy_husband_lost"]) == false
  • 487
239 You Let go.
  • 284
240 None
  • 229
241 You "Nanny. Where are they?"
  • 113
242 None
  • 29
243 Electrochemistry You know where they are. They're at home. *Smoking*. Giving the ladder of vices a chance.
  • 440
244 Savoir Faire No, they're at a disco. Getting down. Stupid disco dancing teenagers.
  • 245
245 None
  • 285
  • 286
  • 112
  • 109
246 Working Class Woman "What? That's just -- my daughters are perfectly *fine*. They're with their friends down in Jamrock! There's *nothing* to worry about."
  • 312
247 Working Class Woman "They're almost grown up now anyway. They're past the age they need me protecting them from everything now."
  • 478
248 Electrochemistry Did someone say... party? You could use a party. Hunt it down!
  • 10
249 None
  • 229
250 None
  • 29
251 You "Maybe you're right. Maybe they aren't missing after all. Tell me something else..."
  • 457
252 Working Class Woman "My youngest girl, Jolie, is just shy of sixteen. Jennie, she is turning eighteen next month. But we shouldn't even be talking about them!"
  • 2
253 None
  • 29
254 Half Light She's lying. She's god damn lying, she has smokes!
  • 255
255 None
  • 256
  • 257
  • 121
  • 117
  • 129
256 You "Just one, I beg you. Just one. GIVE ME THE DAMN CIGARETTE, MA'AM!" Variable["plaza.working_half_light_cigarette_3"] == true
  • 290
257 You "I *know* you're lying, please just give me a cigarette." Variable["plaza.working_half_light_cigarette_2"] == true
  • 291
258 Working Class Woman The situation is oddly intimate -- your cheek is pressed against her shoulder, her hand is trapped between your chest. Five seconds pass and their passing seems so unimaginably long. Then she coughs and says again:
  • 264
259 None
  • 99
  • 77
  • 67
  • 66
260 You Keep hugging her.
  • 258
261 You Let go.
  • 262
262 Working Class Woman She steps back and returns her attention to books, pretending this hug didn't happen.
  • 263
263 None
  • 29
264 Working Class Woman "Uh... what are you doing, officer?"
  • 103
265 Inland Empire The feeling continues. Warm and comfy on the cold shoreline. You hear a question rising to the surface, trying to break the sensation.
  • 266
  • 267
266 You Let it form.
  • 79
267 You Silence your thoughts. I don't want to answer anything.
  • 294
268 Inland Empire DON'T COME BACK HERE!
  • 314
  • 313
  • 365
  • 298
  • 299
270 Working Class Woman "Khm, officer." A coarse female voice pulls you out of your reverie. "What are you doing?" A swash of water hits the coast behind her figure.
  • 329
271 None
  • 259
272 You "Let's talk about your husband again." Variable["plaza.working_reached_real_husband_hub"] == true and Variable["plaza.working_authority_found_husband_false"] == true and Variable["TASK.find_working_class_husband_done"] == false
  • 196
273 You "Well, I found him nevertheless. I'm Dick Mullen." Variable["tc.mullen"] == true
  • 25
274 You "Well, I found him nevertheless. I'm that good." Variable["tc.mullen"] == false
  • 25
275 Physical Instrument Wait! Did she just imply that you're *fat*? You're not fat! The body type she's referring to is called a *Franconigerian hard-body*.
  • 435
276 Working Class Woman "I even tried throwing it away once, but he just dug it out of the bin. Can you believe it?" She looks back at you, shaking her head.
  • 437
  • 438
277 None
  • 16
278 None
  • 16
279 Suggestion She genuinely wants you to, now. Don't make her ask.
  • 280
  • 281
280 You "Yes, I will bring him back home to you." (Take the case.)
  • 334
281 You "Sorry, we've got our hands full at the moment. Maybe some time later." (Don't take the case.)
  • 332
282 None
  • 72
  • 228
283 None
  • 36
  • 344
  • 239
284 None
  • 229
285 You "They are at home, right? Smoking cigarettes." Variable["plaza.working_electrochem_kids_exploring_sexuality"] == true
  • 246
286 You "I know where they are. At the disco, dancing nasty." Variable["plaza.working_composure_kids_disco_dancing"] == true
  • 246
287 You Take a look at your hands.
  • 288
288 Perception (Sight) She is right -- your hands look even worse than hers, with tiny cuts and gushes covering your skin like a spiderweb. Your fingertips have become an ugly shade of brown.
  • 315
289 You "Just give me a cigarette please."
  • 122
290 Working Class Woman "I can't give you what I don't have." She turns away from you, focusing on the books again.
  • 448
291 Working Class Woman "No, I'm not lying. Why should I lie?" A pause. "Please go to the Frittte kiosk."
  • 306
292 None
  • 255
293 None
  • 29
294 Inland Empire You focus on the hug and for a moment everything feels serene. You hear her heart beating -- or perhaps it's your own.
  • 74
295 You It's good, but I'd prefer a man. A solid muscularity would support me better.
  • 74
296 You Muscles, I said muscles! I want manly-manly muscles. Variable["plaza.working_hug_prefer_a_man"] == true
  • 270
297 Perception (Hearing) You were eavesdropping on your subconsciousness.
  • 271
  • 270
299 You Keep them closed.
  • 302
300 You "A strangest conversation. Something went wrong in my head."
  • 75
301 You "A glitch of a sort, I think. Inside my mind."
  • 75
  • 270
303 You "Something begged me to open my eyes. It was scary." Variable["plaza.working_something_begged_to_open_eyes"] == true
  • 156
304 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant looks worried. "We can take a break if you're feeling unwell," he says to you under his breath.
  • 71
  • 292
306 Half Light You'd lie too, wouldn't you? You'd lie and steal and cheat! Ask her again, squeeze the truth out of her. Keep pressing. Ask, ask, *ask*!
  • 292
307 You "I'm afraid the danger is now greater than ever. Tell me, how old are they?"
  • 252
308 Working Class Woman You step in and close your arms around this foreign body, wandering astray in touch. There's a small movement beneath your hands, as you shut your eyes. Then a tiny voice breaks out and asks:
  • 309
309 Working Class Woman "What is happening?"
  • 105
310 Conceptualization Today the makeshift consolations: the shared cigarette, the masculine jokes. Today the embrace before hurting.
  • 311
  • 303
  • 155
311 You "It's still happening. I'm in delirium." Variable["plaza.working_concept_delirium_talk"] == true
  • 156
312 Empathy She's getting upset. Her voice has risen, as she tries to convince herself that her daughters are safe.
  • 247
313 You What the fuck was that?
  • 269
314 You Open your eyes!
  • 270
315 Visual Calculus These are the hands on someone who's smoked for at least twenty years, as evidenced by the discolouration of fingers. Marks on your skin may point to past quarrels.
  • 289
316 Kim Kitsuragi The lieutenant sighs.
  • 145
317 You "I found a working class drunk and I thought he might be yours."
  • 318
318 Working Class Woman "Right, 'cause working class women come with alcoholic husbands." She glances over your shoulder towards the drunk. "You know what?"
  • 319
319 Rhetoric Remember, about that *what* -- never-ever say *what*.
  • 320
  • 322
  • 321
320 You "What?"
  • 191
321 You "Something bad I guess? I'm sorry, I say stupid things sometimes, I didn't mean to annoy."
  • 191
322 You "I'm not saying 'what'."
  • 191
323 Working Class Woman "Because we talked about this. We talked about not wandering off again!" She scoffs. "I don't know what to do! I honestly don't know what to do with his addiction... It just makes me feel weak."
  • 495
324 Working Class Woman "What does anything I said have to do with police? Or is *Police* some kind of disco phenomenon as well?"
  • 325
  • 83
325 You "Yes, I make disco become a police thing -- and you have just insulted my style."
  • 98
326 Empathy There's something else hiding in her voice though -- a trace of worry.
  • 317
327 Working Class Woman "I haven't seen him for... Well, to hell with him!" She has completely forgotten about her books, staring blank into the distance instead.
  • 491
328 None
  • 16
329 Working Class Woman
  • 330
  • 331
330 Working Class Woman Variable["plaza.working_something_begged_to_open_eyes"]
  • 297
331 Working Class Woman (Variable["plaza.working_something_begged_to_open_eyes"]) == false
  • 271
332 Working Class Woman "Yes. Right." A wave of despair sweeps over her face. "He wasn't missing anyway," she tries to say while struggling to maintain a courageous front, "I'm sure he'll be home."
  • 462
333 Kim Kitsuragi "I'm sure he will too. When he does, would you let Precinct 57 -- Kim Kitsuragi -- know." He gives her a slip of paper.
  • 496
334 Working Class Woman "Thank you!" You sense gratitude in her voice. "Please, do... Even though I'm sure he will return home by himself. I'm still sure of that."
  • 461
335 Working Class Woman The woman before you nods and returns to her reading.
336 Working Class Woman
  • 337
  • 338
337 Working Class Woman Variable["plaza.working_meeting_done"]
  • 341
338 Working Class Woman (Variable["plaza.working_meeting_done"]) == false
  • 211
339 Working Class Woman "Hmm-hmm-hmm..." She's still mumbling to herself, now reading another paperback.
  • 213
340 Working Class Woman "Hmm-hmm-hmm..." She's still browsing books.
  • 215
341 Working Class Woman
  • 342
  • 343
342 Working Class Woman Variable["plaza.working_pre_greeting_done"]
  • 174
343 Working Class Woman (Variable["plaza.working_pre_greeting_done"]) == false
  • 339
344 You "It's okay."
  • 38
345 Working Class Woman She turns away from you in an attempt to recover.
  • 278
346 You "No, I was talking to myself. I should stop. It's okay."
  • 198
347 You "Phenomenal."
  • 348
348 Working Class Woman "It is."
  • 53
  • 51
349 You "Do you have any money?" Variable["TASK.pay_for_the_damages"] == true and Variable["TASK.pay_for_the_damages_done"] == false
  • 350
350 Working Class Woman "Money?" She looks up to you, a confused smile crossing her lips. "Does the working class ever have any money?"
  • 360
351 You "I wasn't thinking much, maybe like a few cents or so?"
  • 353
352 You "You're right, I should find myself a *capitalist*!"
  • 359
353 Working Class Woman "No, sorry," she puts her hands into her coat pockets, as if cold from wind. "I don't have anything to spare."
  • 354
  • 355
354 You "So your *money* is *missing*?"
  • 356
355 You "Sad. I'll bum somebody else then."
  • 358
356 Working Class Woman "No! No-no-no. I'm not missing my money. End of story." She returns her attention back to the book stand.
  • 357
357 None
  • 29
358 None
  • 229
359 Working Class Woman "Mhmh. Exactly. Go ask for an investment." Her words are clipped, but not unamused. Her eyes turn back to the book stand.
  • 357
360 Visual Calculus She starts coughing. It's definitely a smoker's cough.
  • 352
  • 351
  • 355
361 You "That cough you had. It's a smoker's cough." Variable["plaza.working_perc_noticed_cough"] == true
  • 362
362 Working Class Woman Her eyes shimmer over yours. "You're a keen observer," she remarks.
  • 289
363 Inland Empire No, you don't. And it's better that way.
  • 364
  • 367
364 You What *do* I remember?
  • 366
365 You But I *need* to remember.
  • 269
366 Inland Empire Nothing.
  • 268
367 You Well, if you say it's better...
  • 368
368 Inland Empire No thoughts to come back to, no scenes to replay.. It feels calm the way deep sleep is supposed to be.
  • 270
369 Working Class Woman
  • 370
  • 371
370 Working Class Woman IsKimHere()
  • 59
371 Working Class Woman (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 183
372 You "What do you mean I'm being a cockatoo?"
  • 381
373 You "Ma'am, I was asking about your cockatoo. Is it missing?"
  • 374
374 Working Class Woman "I don't even have a cockatoo. And guess what?"
  • 375
375 Rhetoric It's a trap. Never ever say *what*.
  • 377
  • 378
376 Working Class Woman "Even if I had, it wouldn't be missing."
  • 378
377 You "What?"
  • 376
378 You "Alright, cockatoo not missing. I just wanted to make sure."
  • 379
379 Working Class Woman "Great." She turns her attention back to the bookstand.
  • 380
  • 485
380 You "Just one more question: what did you mean by me being a cockatoo?"
  • 381
381 Working Class Woman "Nothing. Go read up on them if you're so interested. There's a great book in the bookstore."
  • 384
382 Inland Empire Maybe you should... What if the cockatoo is your *astral captain*? Or your *heraldic bird*?
  • 390
383 None
  • 29
384 Working Class Woman
  • 385
  • 386
385 Working Class Woman CheckItem("book_cockatoo")
  • 387
386 Working Class Woman (CheckItem("book_cockatoo")) == false
  • 382
387 Inland Empire Maybe you should check that cockatoo book again... What if the cockatoo is your *heraldic bird*?
  • 390
388 You "Actually, that's exactly what I'm going to do, thanks for the tip." (Get task.)
  • 391
389 You "You're being sarcastic. Let's talk about something else." (Move on.)
  • 392
390 None
  • 388
  • 389
391 Working Class Woman "Wonderful. The store is open."
  • 383
392 Working Class Woman "Please, let's do."
  • 383
393 Working Class Woman
  • 394
  • 395
394 Working Class Woman IsKimHere()
  • 217
395 Working Class Woman (IsKimHere()) == false
396 Empathy She doesn't really want to be disturbed that much...
  • 214
397 You "Good, good." (Nod.)
  • 348
398 None
  • 466
  • 465
399 You "A good one?" (Point at the book.)
  • 400
400 Working Class Woman "Yes, hello." She nods, her attention fully focused on reading.
  • 44
401 You "Is that "Loos, Radio City" you're reading?" Variable["plaza.sense_radio_city_memorized"] == true
  • 402
402 Working Class Woman "Yes, a sci-fi," she says without reverting her attention from the book.
  • 44
403 You "What do you mean by that?"
  • 425
404 You "Kim, is it just me or do we have a missing person's case here?" IsKimHere()
  • 11
405 None
  • 404
  • 406
  • 407
406 You "Don't worry, I'm going to find him and bring him back home, promise."
  • 416
407 You "Well, if he's with his *friends*, then he's not really missing. No need for the police to get involved." (Don't take the case.)
  • 417
408 None
  • 410
  • 411
  • 409
409 You "You're right, unfortunately our forces are limited. I'm sure he'll return on his own." (Don't take the case.)
  • 419
410 You "Not at all! The RCM is ready to chase down every goofball in town. We care about you!"
  • 421
411 You "Honestly, I just think missing persons cases are mysterious."
  • 412
412 Kim Kitsuragi "They're not all they're cracked up to be, officer."
  • 413
413 Logic He's right. Missing person cases most often involve runaway teenagers or demented old people. The victims usually turn up by themselves after a day or two spent missing. There's not much searching to do.
  • 414
  • 142
414 You "Okay, I get it. They're kinda boring, right? Because eventually everyone returns home on their own." Variable["plaza.working_encyclo_missing_person_case"] == true
  • 415
415 Kim Kitsuragi "Or they don't -- and you'll never find them," he adds with a flash of teeth.
  • 206
416 Working Class Woman She sighs, but you can detect a slight hint of gratitude and relief from her face.
  • 420
417 Working Class Woman She just nods, still staring into the distance. Some seagulls fly over her head.
  • 418
418 None
  • 29
419 None
  • 417
420 Working Class Woman "Alright, go ahead. Do you have any questions?"
  • 16
421 None
  • 416
422 Working Class Woman "What kind of questions?"
  • 16
423 None
  • 29
424 Working Class Woman The working class woman doesn't say anything, her eyes still fixed on something invisible in the distance. Some seagulls fly over her head.
  • 423
425 Working Class Woman "Well, he's... slightly chubby."
  • 275
426 Working Class Woman
  • 427
  • 428
427 Working Class Woman CheckEquipped("pants_bellbottom")
  • 86
428 Working Class Woman (CheckEquipped("pants_bellbottom")) == false
  • 429
429 Half Light Hold on! Did she just laugh at disco? You're not going to leave it there, are you?
  • 430
430 None
  • 93
  • 441
431 Working Class Woman
  • 432
  • 433
432 Working Class Woman Variable["plaza.working_half_light_disco_pants"]
  • 91
433 Working Class Woman (Variable["plaza.working_half_light_disco_pants"]) == false
  • 430
434 Working Class Woman "What I was trying to say before is that he's a little bit chubby, that's all. I didn't mean anything offensive!"
  • 275
435 None
  • 94
  • 87
436 Working Class Woman She sighs, her voice slightly quivering when she adds: "It's his *cool jacket*. God knows it's too cold to run around in this, but he refuses to change."
  • 493
437 You "Well, if that jacket is really *that cool*, then I can totally understand..."
  • 439
438 You "He *took it out of the bin*? Wow. That's filthy."
  • 439
439 Working Class Woman "Well, what can you do... I hope that at least that extra lining helps him keep warm at night. I wouldn't like him to catch cold."
  • 494
440 Inland Empire What if something horrible has happened? What if they're dead. That's the bad vibe you got before.
  • 244
441 You "Why did you say that your husband resembles me then?"
  • 442
442 None
  • 425
443 Working Class Woman
  • 444
  • 445
444 Working Class Woman Variable["TASK.find_working_class_husband"]
  • 446
445 Working Class Woman (Variable["TASK.find_working_class_husband"]) == false
  • 17
446 Working Class Woman She gives you a short nod, before returning to her books.
  • 447
447 None
  • 29
448 Working Class Woman
  • 449
  • 450
449 Working Class Woman IsKimHere()
  • 316
450 Working Class Woman (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 145
451 Working Class Woman
  • 452
  • 453
452 Working Class Woman IsKimHere()
  • 304
453 Working Class Woman (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 71
454 Working Class Woman
  • 455
  • 456
455 Working Class Woman IsKimHere()
  • 333
456 Working Class Woman (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 447
457 Working Class Woman "Hmh?" She adjusts her scarf, cheeks rough and ruddy from the wind.
  • 458
458 None
  • 29
459 None
  • 23
  • 21
  • 460
460 You "Our hammer toting comrade was at the bottom of those stairs."
  • 64
461 Volition She tries to maintain a brave front, even though her eyes reveal the opposite.
  • 454
462 Empathy It is clear from her voice that she is shattered.
  • 454
463 None
  • 58
464 You [Leave.]
465 You [Leave.]
466 You "I'm a policeman."
  • 467
467 None
  • 54
468 Working Class Woman "Oh..." There's a strange sensation as the woman strengthens her grip -- she's hugging you back.
  • 203
469 Working Class Woman "Right, uh..." She pats you on your back, before gently letting go.
  • 71
470 You "Alright, got it, thanks."
  • 471
471 Working Class Woman "Mhmh." She returns to her book.
  • 472
472 None
  • 29
473 Reaction Speed What *with*? A lot of things! For example, people tend to go *missing*.
  • 474
474 Authority This citizen thinks she can do without your assistance? Don't buy it. They all need help.
  • 475
475 Physical Instrument Help her by... carrying things? Uhm... maybe she needs a weightlifter? Maybe she needs you to *fight* her husband? No, that's not it...
  • 29
476 Inland Empire But he *is*... you can feel it. Or maybe it's something else then!
  • 235
477 Inland Empire Okay! Maybe it's something else then.
  • 235
478 Half Light What is this *doubt* you have then? Something *has* happened here.
  • 307
  • 251
479 Logic Okay. It must be asked then -- what *are* you doing here? Why are you pursuing this? Is it a *hunch*?
  • 250
480 Working Class Woman
  • 481
  • 482
481 Working Class Woman IsKimHere()
  • 483
482 Working Class Woman (IsKimHere()) == false
  • 484
483 Kim Kitsuragi "For what it's worth -- I agree. But cockatoos can't be stopped when they get like this. It's better to indulge him at this point."
  • 484
484 None
  • 373
  • 372
485 You "Great. Got it."
  • 486
486 Working Class Woman "Wonderful."
  • 383
487 Logic It's gotta be something else then. Why else would you be asking her if it wasn't?
  • 488
488 Physical Instrument Kids are always going missing. Weak, pathetic kids. Always getting themselves killed.
  • 235
489 Reaction Speed Hah! Blam! Knew it.
  • 490
  • 192
  • 193
490 You "But you told me your husband's all right." Variable["plaza.working_told_good_husband"] == false
  • 194
491 Empathy There. She's worried now.
  • 405
492 Inland Empire You're wrong there. Incompleteness is the essence of mystery.
  • 205
  • 207
493 Composure Who cares about the cold when you have your *cool jacket* to wear? You can completely sympathize.
  • 276
494 Empathy She's thinking about him out in the cold -- in some park or on the coast -- and it's making her more and more worried.
  • 277
495 Logic Gone for around 36 hours then? Damn, this *is* a missing persons case.
  • 345
496 Working Class Woman The woman takes it. It's a phone number. "I will. Of course, officer. As I said, it's probably nothing."
  • 447
497 Working Class Woman
  • 498
  • 499
498 Working Class Woman Variable["TASK.find_working_class_husband"]
499 Working Class Woman (Variable["TASK.find_working_class_husband"]) == false
  • 335
500 You "Forget it. It's too personal."
  • 501
501 Working Class Woman "Some things *are* officer." She nods. Her cheeks are red from the cold.
  • 190
502 Working Class Woman "No, you're not. Don't think that..." she says, slowly shaking her head. The wind brings a strand of hair to her rough face. "You're the cockatoo who offered to find my stupid husband. Let's leave it at that."
  • 503
503 Empathy She doesn't want you to be the fuckupatoo.
  • 190
504 Working Class Woman
  • 505
  • 506
505 Working Class Woman Variable["TASK.find_working_class_husband"]
  • 511
506 Working Class Woman (Variable["TASK.find_working_class_husband"]) == false
  • 190
507 Working Class Woman
  • 508
  • 509
508 Working Class Woman Variable["TASK.find_working_class_husband"]
  • 502
509 Working Class Woman (Variable["TASK.find_working_class_husband"]) == false
  • 510
510 Working Class Woman "No, you're not. Don't think that way..." she says, slowly shaking her head. The wind brings a strand of hair to her rough face. "You're just a regular talkative cockatoo and let's leave it at that, okay?"
  • 503
511 Working Class Woman The wind brings a strand of hair to her rough face. "I have a strange cop offering to find my stupid husband. What a day..."
  • 190
512 You "I don't want to talk about it."
  • 75
513 Working Class Woman "Good." She lets go of your hug.
  • 71