Conversation 145: THOUGHT / GOSSAMER STATE

Savoir Faire convinces you on the merits of being an Ultraliberal -- Gossamer State.

How to use this page:

This is a listing of every "entry" in a given game conversation as scraped from the game files. Entries often contain written dialogue, as well as conditional logic governing their appearance to the player. They also link to other entries, sometimes automatically and sometimes through player action. This page is best used to search for a specific word or phrase, as following the links in this format can be difficult. For an experience that better accommodates the branching structure of these conversations, see the corresponding interactive page.

Column definitions:
  • ID: a numerical index for the entry within this conversation.
  • Character: the character speaking or acting.
  • Dialogue: prose containing spoken dialogue and other description.
  • Conditions: logical checks governing this entry appearing or occurring.
  • Links: entries that might follow this one, depending on conditions and player choice. Most links are internal to this conversation, external links to other conversations are marked with the format (conversation ID, entry ID).
ID Character Dialogue Conditions Links
0 None
  • 1
1 None
  • 2
2 Savoir Faire Wow, you work *hard*.
  • 3
  • 4
3 You I do?
  • 6
4 You (Discard thought.)
  • 5
5 Savoir Faire I know you're in a hurry, sir -- off to work really hard, as always -- I just need *one* moment of your time to discuss how hard you hustle.
  • 6
6 Savoir Faire Oh, yes. You hustle. You're a provider. It's tough out there, but you keep it real and provide...
  • 7
  • 8
7 You I guess I do, yeah.
  • 9
8 You What hard work do I do exactly?
  • 10
9 Savoir Faire Oh yeah! Like a horse. A work horse. For hard work.
  • 8
10 Savoir Faire Look at yourself, you're a human pedometer! You must have walked 200,000 steps down cracked asphalt, mosaic, sand, and linoleum after you re-emerged.
  • 11
11 Savoir Faire That is the sign of a hustler who never gives up. The world is harsh and people are evil -- you didn't make it that way. And you won't let it break you. You *ride*.
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
12 You Yeah, I ride. A little.
  • 16
13 You I fuckin' ride till I die, bitch.
  • 31
14 You I'm not sure I *ride*...
  • 15
15 Savoir Faire Oh, you do. You *make* money. You got gills, baby, meaning those black papers with the faces of the innocences on them. You bring in the Franconegros and the Solas.
  • 17
16 Savoir Faire A little? You *make* money. You got gills, baby, got those black papers with the faces of the innocences on them. You bring in the Franconegros and the Solas.
  • 17
17 Savoir Faire It ain't easy, but you *do* it. Day in and day out. You didn't make the rules but you won't lose! You're a cop and a sprinter and a money printer.
  • 18
18 None
  • 19
  • 21
  • 22
  • 72
  • 26
  • 32
  • 20
19 You I mean yeah, I *did* take that bribe from that Joyce woman. Variable["character.liberal_thought_money_from_joyce"]
  • 23
20 You I guess I've made *some* gills, sure.
  • 29
21 You Can't say I didn't make that Siileng guy give some of his money either. Variable["character.liberal_thought_money_from_siileng"]
  • 24
22 You Sure, and I got that giant novelty cheque from Evrart... Variable["character.liberal_thought_money_from_evrart"]
  • 25
23 Savoir Faire Oh yeah, you took that bribe *hard*. You're a killa'.
  • 28
24 Savoir Faire Can't say that -- you *shook* him. You're a killer. A shark.
  • 28
25 Savoir Faire Wasn't *easy* getting that giant novelty cheque from Evrart. Took some ingenuity to get into the harbour, but you got in -- and you *took* that bribe as hard as any cop's taken it.
  • 28
26 You You could say I took some money from that MaƱana guy too. Variable["character.liberal_thought_money_from_manana"]
  • 27
27 Savoir Faire You didn't log that in as a donation either -- you don't log any of that shit in, you're a straight rider.
  • 28
28 None
  • 18
29 Savoir Faire Sure, sure. And has it been easy? Is life easy? Have you *not* gone into cardiac arrest? Are you *not* about to have an anxiety attack or shoot yourself in the mouth? But you still hustle 24/7, ride or die. Now, ask yourself...
  • 30
30 Savoir Faire ...are you *rich*?
  • 34
  • 35
31 Savoir Faire That's just what it's like -- life and death. But you got *gills* on your side, baby, got those black papers with the faces of the innocences on them -- you bring in the Franconegros and the Solas.
  • 17
32 You Oh, and then there's pawning stuff off to that suspicious Roy guy. Variable["character.liberal_thought_roy_pawned"]
  • 33
33 Savoir Faire Yeah, you're in the sales business. Shake 'em for shit and then pawn it off, *law officer*-style.
  • 28
34 You Yes. Quite.
  • 36
35 You No, I'm actually *not*.
  • 37
36 Savoir Faire Get outta here! You're a pauper! You work harder than *anyone*, almost rode yourself to the grave and you're still practically a *hobo* -- why is that?
  • 38
37 Savoir Faire That's right. You work harder than *anyone*, you almost rode yourself to the grave and you're still practically a *hobo* -- why is that?
  • 38
38 None
  • 39
  • 40
  • 41
  • 48
  • 42
39 You It's because of that Garte guy riding my ass!
  • 45
40 You The system is broken!
  • 43
41 You There's a market for corrupt cops out there, but the immigrant cops have price dumped it.
  • 44
42 You I don't know. Why *am* I so poor?
  • 46
43 Savoir Faire Boohoo, *the system is broken*. *The establishment is keeping me down...* That's not the fuck-yeah attitude you're used to, what is this? Why are you so poor?
  • 51
44 Savoir Faire Look, the immigrants are cool. The immigrants play *cool* music. Everyone likes them. Especially the women. Don't hate on the immigrants. They've got nothing to do with you living under a boat.
  • 51
45 Savoir Faire The Garte-man has set himself up one of those self replicating money-structures. You should *learn* from it. Don't play the victim. Think, hustler. Think with your head.
  • 51
46 Savoir Faire Because of the TAXES. G-man's got his jam-covered sticky-fingers in your pocket, stealing from you every time you buy, sell, walk, talk, fart, so much as sneeze!
  • 50
47 Savoir Faire That's right! One-hundred percent. Fucking G-man's got his jam-covered sticky-fingers in your pocket, stealing from you every time you buy, sell, walk, talk, fart, so much as sneeze!
  • 50
48 You Fucking taxes, man.
  • 47
49 Savoir Faire What are you not sure about?! They're *milking* your nipples till they bleed. Can't you see? Aren't you *sick and tired* of having bloody nipples?
  • 57
  • 61
  • 59
50 Rhetoric Aren't taxes almost non-existent in the Gossamer State that is Revachol?
  • 52
  • 53
51 None
  • 38
52 You I thought there *were* no taxes. Variable["character.liberal_thought_rhet"]
  • 54
53 You Really? Every time I sneeze?
  • 56
54 Savoir Faire You and I both, but they got those *indirect modes of taxation*. Sales tax, excise duty, extraction tax, this tax that doesn't even have a name -- plus there's the stuff *people in other countries* pay for, that makes them ask for more money from *you* here! The Gossamer State's a myth. In total the Coalition Government is taking...
  • 55
  • 57
  • 58
  • 59
56 Savoir Faire Every time you wipe your ass! They got their direct and their *indirect modes of taxation*: sales tax, excise duty, extraction tax, alimony, one tax that doesn't even have a name! Plus there's the stuff *people in other countries* pay for, that makes them ask for more money from *you* here. Total tax duties add up to...
  • 55
57 You NO FUCKING WAY. I guess I'm a free market fundamentalist now. (Opt in.)
  • 60
58 You Are you sure? That seems like a pretty big number...
  • 49
59 You This isn't helping me solve my money problem, it's only making me into a free-market type. (Opt out.)
  • 63
60 Savoir Faire Here you go, hustler, fight the righteous fight! Free the people. Keep it real. Keep it street. Keep foaming at the mouth *furiously* on the tax issue!
61 You Bleeding nipples are kind of a pain, but how will deregulation help with that? (Opt in, but only a little.)
  • 62
62 Savoir Faire It's *all* about the tax issue, hustler. No other problem in the world is as pressing as top-marginal tax rates, and don't you fucking forget it.
63 Savoir Faire What are you, a racist? Don't be a racist! Be a cool immigrant ultraliberal free market advocate! Ride or die, keep it street!
  • 67
64 You Well... if *not* being an ultraliberal makes me a racist then I guess I should be an ultraliberal? (Opt in.)
  • 66
65 You Go away! [Discard thought.]
66 Savoir Faire Here you go, hustler, fight the righteous fight! Free the people. Keep it real. Keep it street. Keep foaming at the mouth *furiously* on the tax issue!
67 Conceptualization This guy's appropriating the emerging Boogie Street lingo as part of his sales pitch for the free market economy.
  • 64
  • 68
  • 65
68 You You're trying to sound like a Boogie Street youth to peddle me this stuff, aren't you? Variable["character.liberal_thought_concept"]
  • 69
69 Savoir Faire Yeah, ain't it cool, rider?! Ain't it street?
  • 64
  • 70
70 You It's not. (Opt out.)
71 Savoir Faire He did, yes he did. And you took it. Took it and put in in your pocket. Ka-ching, baby doll. Officer Hustle riding shotgun.
  • 28
72 You Yeah, and Evrart gave me that fiver." Variable["cargo.took_evrart_5_real"] == true
  • 71